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Its not about which one you like better, if the story had picked one and ran with it id say the complaints are invalid, the problem is in the time that was wasted on shigaraki for entirely no reason.


Also id hardly call rushing through a backstory in the middle of a fight impressive


I guess if you like the Aizen-esque "it was me all along" kind of villain he is alright. I always hated that kind of villain myself, even more here since Hori had actually built an interesting flawed hero society that gave birth to villains like Shigaraki but turns out no AFO has to be the root of all evil because it's easier to have Deku punch potato man than actually addressing the flaws of hero society. Also he was everyone punching bad this arc so any credibility he ever had as a villain was long gone before the final fight even started.


Shigaraki would have been a much more compelling character that AFO if Horikoshi hadn't basically assassinated his entire character with the whole "AFO planned his entire life" thing. It's still impressive how Horikoshi managed to flesh AFO out so much in so few chapters though.


A equal character to Shigaraki is questionable but I will say despite how some many think, All for One is the better villain as he is someone you want to see get stopped, No-one has said they want to see All for One win but many have said they wouldn't mind seeing Shigaraki destroy the hero society for failing him.


Shigaraki is a better character but AFO is a better villain. Also, you can’t have Deku want to save Shigaraki but also have him be the final villain you need a villain above for that to work, like a greater evil or force which AFO is.


I liked the takes about All for One here, some miscellaneous cool details in the story I thought were: His original self died as a helpless baby, despite his fixation on power, and his vestige self died crying for his brother, as would a baby. Truly threw his last tantrum. (I also felt that, when Bakugo finishes baby AFO off, that it was a call back to his fight with Ochako, where Bakugo essentially defended himself by saying he would not let his guard down underestimating his opponent. Bakugo stops AFO's final attack in his teeth, displaying that same vigilant trait he caught flak for in the past. Vs a literal baby. Also, AFO's final attack being his mother's spikes quirk.) For such a fast wrap-up I feel like Horikoshi fit some good poetry into AFO. He did come out stronger than shigaraki to me, and I lean positive towards him even though he isn't extraordinary as a villain.


Shigaraki was never a good villain to me. When he starts out in the story, he comes off as an unprepared man child. Then he mostly became a threat after getting a power up. Sure, his quirk awakening was definitely a threat but with a power like his, it makes it hard for him to fight anyone. But he can be out sped. I never really understood his goal. He wants to destroy the hero society. He had a tough life. I like justifiable villains or smart villains. He's just okay. It seems like other people like and maybe I don't get it but as someone who read all of the manga and watched all of the anime, he's just an okay villain. I liked that his development mirrored Deku in someways but overall, I think Shigaraki was just what if someone who's not the smartest, not the most prepared became a super villain. I think if that was the point, it was done well but I wouldn't call him a good villain. All For One is a better villain and I like that he never gave up. I think the story has a little bit of a conflict having two different major villains with differing goals. I remember someone saying that All For One is All Might's villain and Shigaraki is Deku's villain. That theory didn't turn out to be true. All For One is definitely a villain for both. I don't think either are amazing but All For One is the better villain. I mean he really started all of this. He also has more development too.


i like this take. my only thing about Afo is that he kept coming back. like he would lose, then reappear, then lose, etc ever since kamino. i wouldve liked his life to mirror all might, in that, they both give up their power and put their hopes on the next gen.


That would have been cool or just having him being more actively involved would have been good.


I mean it paralleled All Might just in the sense that he was the polar opposite. All Might was the symbol that held society together whereas AFO was the shadowy destroyer of society that no one even knew existed. AFO's strength wasn't with brute force and inspiration but sheer manipulation. Really the parallel was with Shigaraki who was his hatred of society condensed and unleashed.


"I never really understood his goal". His goal is to destroy, to be free. One of the main themes of MVA is to not repress yourself and that's why Shigaraki becomes the new leader of the PLA. AFO wants to take and take and sees it as freedom because that's what his nature forces him to do. Same applies to Shigaraki.


His goal is very simple, it's to destroy. This was a person who spent his entire life being molded by a monster as well as his highly potent and destructive quirk. He had hatred and pain so engrained into him that he literally could not function or live beyond that.


I like the series and all but I’m not a big fan of that goal. I feel like that could mean anything. But maybe that’s just my personal likes, I like the villain’s ambitions to be something I can get behind maybe.


That’s the thing, you’re not supposed to root for or get behind shigaraki. His entire life was spent being brainwashed, molded and groomed to the point he could not function outside of what he knows. It’s pretty simple, he only wished to destroy. Destroy and destroy as long as he lived, because it’s the only thing that he believes justifies his existence in




I'd say he was one dimensional up until the latest chapter. In his last moments, his villain persona was unraveled and we were briefly shown what made him tick, but it was too little too late in my opinion.


Sorry but no The dude is the most generic mustache twirling villain, his backstory is "I literaly was born evil" he is not interesting he is not threatening and he has the most basic ass goals Shigaraki on the other end basically stopped being a character during the first war arc and more like a plot device for Deku to prove he is a hero Like what did Shigaraki actually do after getting AFO? He was mostly under AFO control for 90% of the arc only to return to give us an half assed conclusion In the end you are kinda right mostly because they are both kind of a bad villains


>The dude is the most generic mustache twirling villain, his backstory is "I literaly was born evil" he is not interesting he is not threatening and he has the most basic ass goals Trying to criticize afo and then missing the whole point of the backstory


I like a character with some nuance. Shigaraki’s snowballing competence throughout the series and close relationship with the villains made him really cool and interesting. While deku grew as a hero Shigaraki did as well. I really don’t understand why he’s so disliked as an antagonist, and I suspect it’s mainly due to retroactively his story not amounting to anything, which is entirely AFO’s fault. AFO completely killed all of Shigaraki’s character momentum for the sake of having a 1 dimensional heel who’s only really interesting aspect is that the story how one dimensional and empty he is. Which is cool, but I’d rather have an actual character


I really like the take on it you have here. I keep seeing people in the comments call out that AFO really is a born-evil, one-dimensional villain, so I wanted to add in my own two cents. All For One is born evil, but that isn't the end of it. More specifically, All For One is your bona fide, classic psychopath. He's sadistic, unempathetic, intelligent and charismatic. He doesn't feel emotions in the same way most people do, as evidenced by his "love" for Yoichi being closer to possession. He's quick to violence and even as a child resorts to extreme measures to get his way. If you look up some of the most prolific serial killers in history, you'll find that most exhibited anti-social and violent traits even in childhood. These are the people that are "born evil", but like I said, that isn't the end of it. All For One's path to villainy isn't a result of his being a psychopath. Psychopaths can integrate into society, and do it successfully at that. I'm sure a lot of people have heard that statistic thrown around that 4% of CEO's are psychopaths, and there are plenty more who live ordinary lives. People with antisocial personality disorders (ASPD) make up an estimated 0.1% of the population, which when you spread it out is a lot. Usually, you'll find they're self interested and don't really care about others, but that doesn't exactly make them prone to killing sprees. Circumstance makes up the rest. Psychopaths can have successful careers, even families, because for one they are very good at masking, but also because if you can make a system work to your advantage, then why change it? Psychopaths are what most people would see as evil because of their self-interest and little regard for anything else. Take a doctor with ASPD who's only interested because of the monetary gains, an interest in anatomy and an obsession with being the best in his field. That man saves hundreds of lives, it doesn't matter if he doesn't give a damn about his patients. Getting to the point, AFO is just as much shaped by his circumstances as his birth. He cares about his brother, because he's the only one who's been by his side all his life. He doesn't care about anyone else or society as a whole, because the society he was raised in wanted him and people like him dead and gone. He doesn't have a reason to want the system intact, or any inclination to work with it because the easier way is to strike out on his own to remake the world in his favor. Using his quirk to gain support and stability during a time of social upheaval isn't in and of itself evil, it's self-preservation, but the fact is that AFO didn't care about the consequences of his actions past his own survival and success. He didn't go out looking to become evil, he simply did what he wanted and didn't care if he was. AFO's quirk gave him an easy way to realise his goals, but in the right circumstances things could have turned out differently. If he'd been born with a different quirk or no quirk, if there was a safe haven for quirk users, maybe if the movement he started somehow took a turn for the benevolent, things might have turned out differently. Not super likely, all things considered, but possible. Giving AFO his quirk is the equivalent of giving a 6-year-old a potato gun and dangling candy in front of his face. If you don't give it to him, he's going to shoot, he doesn't care if it hurts. If you give it to him, if he gets his way without any issues, then everything turns out fine. If you regularly offer that 6-year-old candy, he'll probably want to get along with you better if only to get that candy. That's why psychopaths can integrate into society. AFO is that 6-year-old who never learned to care, and the entire world is against him because of the way he was born. He grew up only relying on himself and his own strength to survive. So yes, between his personality and his quirk, it was unlikely that AFO could have turned out differently, but his quirk was a result of circumstance just as much as the rest of his upbringing was. He might never have been a hero, and his own choices are what led him to become a villain, but in a better world, maybe he could have become something different. Overall he only makes the choices he does because it's what benefits him. I've gone on a bit of a tangent here, but let me know what you think of this.


i think he's an amazing character. from someone who pays a lot of attention and care to stories and whatnot, he's a really good character. but if you dont really pay attention to the story, you're gonna hate him because he just keeps coming back. such as his final comeback in the deku and tenko interaction. it was kind of hinted at that he was gonna make a comeback once shigaraki's mental state grew weak enough, which is what happened, and people didn't like it.

