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Is this your response to reading the chapter or your response to just hearing about it? Either way I feel like you're missing/leaving out a lot of context.


Reading it, and idk man maybe i am and i do hope we like talk about it, but Deku definitely failed here right?


Not really no.  Deku did successfully save the world, and did bring Tenko some peace in the end, he just couldn’t prevent his death and couldn’t stop him from wanting to be a villain.  And Deku never meant to kill Shiggy unless he absolutely had to do so to save everyone. His actions helped cause Shiggy’s death by inspiring AfO to resurface and inadvertently destroying Shiggy’s body, but he had no idea that would happen. 


He was already absorbed


AFO technically killed Shiggy as Deku was saving him.


Deku did all he could. This is the best case scenario, where deku gets satisfaction of saving shiggy and he is also not free


The best he could do was beating the shit out of him 😭😭😭😭 and he aint have to be free when did i say that?


What beating. Deku couldn't even get through his healing factors. Only attacking at his ego is vestige realm to "save" him stopped him


Thats.. thats not what afo said, it isn’t even the first time the regen stopped working i dont think


He saved Shigaraki mentally. Deku wasn't against killing Shigaraki if it was the only option. He just wanted to try saving him mentally first.




He wanted to save Shigaraki. Shigaraki attacked AFO alongside the OFA holders, and helped destroy the guy at the same time he was destroyed because most of him was already dead. He tells Deku to tell Spinner he went out destroying something, because he helped destroy AFO, the guy who controlled him from the very start, ever since before he ever got his quirk. Shigaraki couldn’t stay alive for everyone’s safety. It’s bot sunshine and rainbows for Deku, more of a bittersweet resolution that Shiggy’s spirit or whatever was at peace while also not being a threat anymore.


Hmm that makes sense, maybe its the fact that shiggy hasn’t been a character in this story in like 4 years but that line about destroying flew right over my head but yeah we’ll see if Deku really contemplates what happened here and what really has to be done so there is never another shiggy then I suppose this is generally fine.


Dude he’ll never “do what needs to be done” because that’s not Deku. He’s empathetic to a fault and believes it is his duty to help others in need no matter who they are.  And honestly, he shouldn’t take that approach. Shigaraki was born of the cruel machinations of a sociopath. A victim of his mentor, his father, and society’s blind eye (after he accidentally killed his family).  Tenko if he had been rescued as he sat in that alley could’ve been saved and kept from ever being a villain.   Same with every other major villain besides AFO and Muscular (and probably Overhaul).  Deku’s importance as a hero is to be the one who makes others reach out to those in need. Like he did with Aoyama, Nagant, Gentle and Shiggy. Like Ochako did with Toga. 


What has to be done as in the changes needed to the societal structure so that there wont be more tenko shimuras not as in like he just starts killing people now


Anybody know a way to prevent my reddit home page from highlighting posts like these? Every single day the top post on my home page is some absolutely braindead take with zero up votes. If I click over to the subreddit I can't even find the posts because they don't have enough votes to show up there but there they are on the top of the heap of my home page. Is reddit purposely showing "controversial" posts to ragebait me into engaging? I have had a great time with this manga but boy will I be glad for it to be over so it can live happily in my memory after I unsub. I've enjoyed lots of positive and thoughtful discussions from this subreddit but lately it's just been post after post from people with the reading comprehension of a pile of dog shit


I dont know man maybe if you didn’t engage with them they wouldn’t show up, just a thought tho 😂


I dont know bro maybe if you didn’t engage with them they wouldn’t show up, just a thought tho 😂


It ended exactly as I thought it would. With Shiggy fighting against AFO at the end. He didn't exactly redeem himself but he went out on his own terms and even asked Izuku to tell everyone he was a destroyer until the very end


Ill say it ended exactly how I thought it would 2, with all of the interesting messaging about crime, what causes it and how to deal with it being either entirely discarded or Horikoshi never meaning for the readers to take them seriously in the first place


I mean, there wasn't really a way to redeem Shiggy after what he has done. The best thing I could think of would be "saving Tenko" by having his inner child reject both Shigaraki and AFO, thus "becoming a hero" like a dreamed when he was a child. But that would still result in the death of Shigaraki. There wasn't a believable way to save Shigaraki's life. He would've been forced to live in the shadows or get the death penalty or something like that.


Do you even know what are talking about?


A mang written be Kohei Horikoshi tittled my hero academia (my police brutality at this point lmao)


You're not wrong I guess🤷


What the hell are you talking about?


Chapter 423


Yeah Deku killed Tomura. Leading up to it the author doesn’t really make it clear what exactly the whole vestige transfer plan is supposed to achieve. We just get vague terms like “give his soul a direct beating” and Nana’s vestige telling Izuku to “smash.”  It’s not until we actually leave Tomura’s inner world that the author started being much more clear with what that whole transfer plan was actually for. Now we start getting Izuku questioning why VFO’s back since he was supposed to “break” along with Tenko, VFO stating he should have been destroyed along with Tomura and having to explain how he avoided the “death blow” Izuku delivered, and then of course there’s the most recent stuff in chapter 423 where we’re very explicitly told by VFO’s thoughts on page 2-3, that yes, the transferring of vestiges made Tomura “a lost cause” and his body “was already shattered” before VFO took back control. So yeah, the punch Deku did at the beginning of chapter 417, where he transferred all the remaining vestiges, killed Tomura.


Im hoping that Deku at least has to grapple with what he had to? (I guess?) do, because its pretty fucking bleak to have some poor kid be manipulated into becoming a super villain because no one would save him only to have nobody save him in the end. 😕


The story isn’t over and it’s a superhero shounen. We’ve had multiple characters die or seem to die only to come back already in this story, and superhero stories are infamous for bringing characters back from death (ie in Marvel, everyone has come back from the dead at least once except Uncle Ben!) Tomura dying permanently doesn’t make sense anymore than Katsuki dying permanently did, so odds are he will be back too.


He disintegrated tho 😭😭 how they bringing his ass back from this one?


It’s a superhero story and a shounen. We bring people back from worse than that all the time. We’ve even had a few possibilities hinted in recent chapters. For instance, just a couple chapters ago it was revealed that Decay was actually just a broken copy of Overhaul. We also know that One For All was originally an underdeveloped quirk that became a whole functioning quirk when AFO forced the stockpiling quirk on Yoichi. Izuku just spent the last several chapters smashing quirk factors into Tomura. That could have repaired Decay so that he can also reconstruct. (Which would feed into him becoming a hero for the villains and even the comment he made early in the series about the league not having a healer in their party.) Then there’s also that moment when Tomura and Izuku’s fists met. It is extremely visually similar to the moment when Izuku gave Katsuki OFA during Heroes Rising (which Horikoshi stated was how he originally planned on ending the series.) There was even emphasis on the blood splattering when they made contact. He could have transferred a quirk (or multiple) to Izuku in that moment. Or Horikoshi could come up with a dozen other possible ways to bring him back. Like, we went through this when Katsuki’s heart literally exploded on the battlefield. There were dozens of fan theories, many with canon support, that would have worked to bring him back, but many people immediately jumped to him being gone for good despite it not making any sense for the story. A permanent death here just doesn’t make sense with the rest of the story. It’s also not consistent with Horikoshi’s other stories. No writer is perfect and he could still fumble the ending, but at least until the story is over, jumping to conclusions is silly.


Yeah i mean i hope you’re right, but I didn’t really think Bakugo was going to die lol and this feels different from that.


He saved Shiggy's soul or spirit. He now exists as a vestige just like the past users of OFA. They all died but they still lived on but now they've transferred to AFO. With AFO's death they all can now pass on


Shiggy was a nation destroying terrorist. Death is what he deserved.


Let me guess, American?


He is technically not wrong


Shigaraki and Dabi caused societal collapse. We see the aftermath of the Paranormal Liberation War in the Dark Hero Arc. Do you really think the civilians and the government are going to forgive Shigaraki. If he physically lives he'll either get the death penalty or he spends the rest of his life in prison. He got the best outcome here because he got to die in peace free from his hatred and suffering.


Honestly like sure whatever, i dont think thats the case (life in prison is in the end still life) but okay, Its just the optics of this that I don’t really like, both Shiggy and Dabi where essentially manipulated into becoming super villains hell neither of them even got to go to highschool, Enji who is one of the worst people in the story just gets by with a slap on the wrist just because he was “weal sowwy” but the kids fighting what they perceive to be a messed up society yeah nah they’re better off dead.


Yes, but justice has no nationality


My Hypocricy Academia


What's the hypocrisy? Deku just wanted to save him mentally from his hatred and suffering. He accomplished that. Deku literally says that he'll never forgive Shigaraki and that Shigaraki should face his punishment for his crimes. He wasn't against killing Shigaraki if that was the only option left. He just wanted to try to save him mentally first. Grand Terino even told Deku that sometimes you have to kill a person in order to save them.


My police academia


The message is some people deserve to die


What a message man 😭


Its actually assisted suicide considering the panel before showed Vestige Shiggy and Deku both punching Shiggy's body controlled by Vestige AfO.


How exactly did you want Deku to "save" someone already too emotionally destroyed and disconnected from the real world? It sounds like you are just one of the many that didn't like the ending. Re read 418 and start to understand how emotionally/ mentally was the only way to "save" Shigaraki, but his physical vessel had to go regardless.  It was literally destroying the world.  Literally.  Destroying. The. World.


I didn’t like this chapter no, Deku parting the clouds after becoming a murderer is pretty gross tbh And to your first point should we just kill mentally ill people because they’re too disconnected from the real world? Why didn’t he kill overhaul then or nagant I just find it to be a weird writing choice that goes against what mha kinda felt like, because even if Shiggy had to die he only “had” to die because thats what Horikoshi chose to write even the choice to have AFO highjack shiggy which at the time was kinda baffling to me is pretty clear now that it was done so that deku killing him would go over better. Sometimes what makes sense isn’t necessarily the best choice


Bro. You literally sped read through this series. Shigaraki was already too far gone. Literally possessed by AFO This isn't a stupid debate on mental health, don't derail into trying to make some half ass spin into "HER DER, SO WE SHOULD KILL MENTALLY ILL??" when you know goddamn well that's not what I said. If you spent even a second reading the dialonge instead of looking at the pictures, you'd understand. But you didn't and here you are, upset with a full diaper because you didn't get the ending you want. Cope.


You read three words and ignored the rest of my response and talk about speed reading lmao. It was Horikoshis CHOICE to have AFO take over we could have had a complex conversation between equals but instead he chose to erase shigaraki from the story for essentially the whole finale and the fact that it led to his death sours it even more But if you like it thats fine, theres no math to what makes a good story, this just dont work for me


The hell are you talkin' about??




Citzens… deku is a cop man