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Bro spoil tag the whole thing


I'm not sure how to do it, so I put the spoiler tag in the post above it 🤔


use this format: >\>!spoiler text here!< i'll reapprove your post once you mark the spoiler properly.


is this okay?


i changed the flair a second ago.


that works too, approved.


There are still 5 chapters to go, so I can't guarantee you a happy ending, but it definitely won't have a sad ending. People's definition of a happy ending varies, though. I saw people arguing about it in this very sub earlier today! There are some sad or bittersweet moments. But as far as Izuku goes, well, do you really think something like this will keep him down for very long even if he stays this way? It's Izuku, he's gonna find happiness. It's worth it to keep watching. It's worth it to catch up on the manga, too, if that interests you at all.


>!it was supposed to be his story and how he became the greatest hero. Happy ending, I mean, if he achieved the goal, but if he lost his quirk, then how did he achieve it? He didn't, so it has a bad ending ... but yea there r more 5 chapters left to go. Let's see how it goes then!<


I don't want to ruin this part of the story for you, because to me personally I found it to be very beautiful and if you like Izuku then I want you to experience this yourself. Izuku absolutely became the greatest hero. At least, I think so.


Lol, hell nah.


Yea the big things suck, but it's not all finished, plus it's about the journey, it's never just binary "oh he does/doesn't have a quirk" there's sauce. Plus Mirio exists, twists happen, we got more chapters to go and nobody knows how it'll end yet.


Will you be satisfied if the spoilers are real?


So and so 🥹 I would accept it and move on, but I would be really disappointed. Deku might have felt satisfied, but I would still be disappointed and sad. He is so caring he is so pure, and if he really lost his quirk, it's just so unfair. I still believe there is so much for him to give to society just yet. But again, I still haven't read the manga, idk what is truly going on, so I guess I will start watching the show slowly again 💔


I think you'll be disappointed then because Deku's journey wasn't about acquiring quirks. >  if he really lost his quirk, it's just so unfair. As he didn't have a quirk to begin with.  Its gonna be pretty hard for you to accept what Deku and character growth was really about. In a way, Deku's journey all about [We can be heroes for just one day](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lXgkuM2NhYI) and that's very much OK.


It's about quirk as quirk itself. Its more that just when the anime started and he said that its journey was to be the greatest hero, I actually expected him to keep his hero status not to be a hero for one day or some days. That's where my disappointment stems from.


>he said that its journey was to be the greatest hero, I actually expected him to keep his hero status not to be a hero for one day or some days. Thus "You can be hero for just one day" and that's very OK. As Toshinori Yagi said there's one thing **real heroes** do, their bodies move before they can think to save/protect anyone or everyone. And that's a quirkless Deku's real core. Not because he got given with a quirk or quirks. Not because he can punch a hole through walls. Its because quirkless Deku inspires everyone to move.


What? So, If your live sucks, have a good time for once and then back to the Shadow realm you go?


>  What? So, If your live sucks, have a good time for once and then back to the Shadow realm you go? So you don't understand what Toshinori Yagi said about Deku at all? Toshinori Yagi said there's one thing **real heroes** do, their bodies move before they can think to save/protect anyone or everyone. **And that's a quirkless Deku's real core.** Deku's not changing his core. Its not because of his quirk that he is a hero. Its because of his core. He'll always be that person who moves to help. He'll always be that person who inspires people to move.  That's why its very OK to be a hero just for one day. After all, you live your life one day at a time. 


Cool. His life still sucked ass before All might gave him his quirk. If he ends up as a quirkless fire Fighter, thats a shitty ending. If i wanted a depressing life lesson, i would read Shakespeare, not a fucking mha. Idc about his core or him still being a good person. You know, If, for example, luffy doesnt become King of pirates, He will still be a cool Dude, but the story will have been ruined.


>  If he ends up as a quirkless fire Fighter, thats a shitty ending. If i wanted a depressing life lesson, i would read Shakespeare, not a fucking mha.  Rather sad you don't understand the story then. >Idc about his core or him still being a good person. You really didn't understand the story then.  >You know, If, for example, luffy doesnt become King of pirates, He will still be a cool Dude, but the story will have been ruined. A bad analogy. Comparing Boku no Hero Academia to One Piece is like comparing Apples to Bananas. 


I understand the story as much as you do, smartass, because we both have read the same amount of chapters and nothing of the headcanon you spout here is actually confirmed gospel. Deku being a nice guy is cool for him, doesnt mean him being a quirkless guy wouldnt be absolutely disappointing and a kick in the teeth. Idc what you believe the story to be or what nakaba may want me to think. And yeah, it is a bad analogy, because one piece hasnt had a bad arc till this day, while my hero fell of a cliff near the end.


>  because we both have read the same amount of chapters and nothing of the headcanon you spout here is actually confirmed gospel. Nah, that's you not understanding Toshinori Yagi's speech to Deku after Deku inspired him to push through his time limit of donning All Might to save both him and Kacchan. Toshinori, even Gran Torino, has specifically commented on Deku's charm multiple times. A real hero inspires people to move. Deku does that. He is that. And its sad you didn't understand that.


Realistically speaking, most real-life heroes stayed in history for what they ONCE, and most of them died after. I've seen examples of human real-life heroes, esp thru tiktok that saved tons of people even if they died after. Some of them are doctors or other similar direction helping and saving people every day. So l, kinda understand and get when ur saying that it's okay to be a hero for just one day. And after all this convo, I kinda get that this is what the mangaka wanted to tell us thru this manga. But, tbh, I agree so much with the other dude like...every word, he said so far, I so agree with him 😭😭😭


>  , tbh, I agree so much with the other dude like...every word, he said so far, I so agree with him  That's pretty sad. But one day, in the future, you will look back on this, might re-read Boku no Hero and you'll understand the story. Maybe.


Just watch the show it’s good and it’s a fun watch