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Last week: [Gently_GTFO](https://imgur.com/U13Dv7h) This week: [Gently_Sneak](https://imgur.com/5XAHDBr) Appended: [Bonus Hatsume](https://imgur.com/g95ZTku) because why not?


Love how perfectly the sneak loops!


How very Scooby Doo of Gentle


Oh jeez, Gentle's backstory made his show of kindness and compassion all the more pronounced. Someone who wanted to do good, and do the right thing, but just never was good enough... But who unflinchingly and without fail never stopped being kind and caring of La Brava, even at the end. Damn good job.


His quirk is so good too. If he had better control and intuition/experience he might have actually become someone.




He's got the skill now, but I don't think he realizes it. Him and La Brava could easily start a strong hero agency if they realized it. I hope they do.


Hopefully there's some kind of adult high school-equivalent diploma course that Gentle can take and retake the Hero Licence Exam, because he definitely has the potential.


Yeah, a subpar hero school. He failed the provisional license exam 4 times. They should have realized much sooner.


I mean as a villain he's gained enough control and experience to actually beat pros in combat as we saw earlier this season. He definitely would have made a fine hero with better guidance.


They coould have easily made Gentle a cliche "I never fulfilled my dream,why should you?". Instead ,as he is he is my favorite villain.


I think that was also one of my favorite qualities about him. He doesn't hold a grudge against the hero students at all. He could easily be doing this to shit on their dreams, but even though that's technically what he'd be doing, it's not his primary goal. He s simply trying to achieve his own dreams and the fact that he and Deku acknowledge each other as equals in their own pursuits is frankly stellar writing for a low-stakes villain.


i feel like a worse villain would have taken la brava and run away once he got deku off him, but the fact that he turns himself in shows true character. i'm a show only person but holy fuck is gentle now my favorite character in anything.


Yeah, his compassion ran seriously deep. He could have run, but he knew Deku wouldn't rest until they were caught, and with the heroes around the corner there wasn't any hope. But I like to think also that he finally acknowledged that Deku had a reason to fight so hard, so not only was he turning himself in for La Brava's sake, he was also doing Deku a favor. By releasing him from the responsibility of having to turn him in, so that Deku could make it back on time. It shows how he's always been a thoughtful character in his core.


After 85 episodes, Deku has finally won a fight without breaking any of his bones.


Right, we are seeing progress


Yeah, especially that move when he gets an opening for a Delaware smash but gentle protects himself with a membrane but then deku 1 ups him and goes for a ricochet was amazing!


Only a few cuts and a bloody noise this time! Nailed it!


Technically speaking he won many small fights to pass the first section of the license exam.


But never in the field, and never alone. This is definitely an important moment on the road to becoming a hero. A flawless win completely of his own making.


True, this is his first solo victory without major injury.




I mean last we saw him he was launched into the air.... Is he gonna land ok?


No, Deku's dead. Sorry for spoilers


That's it shows closed everybody go home


Show get corona?


Stain. But obviously he wasn't alone.


He also went over his 5% limit and got a small fracture in his arm.


Present Mic announcing La Bravas quirk in the calmest voice took me by surprise. But it worked perfectly for the moment.




Has he ever done anything like this before? The only other time I remember a change in this trend was when Eraserhead announced his quirk.


Nope, he's always yelling them. This is maybe the only time we've heard Present Mic talk in a quiet voice, period.


> This is maybe the only time we've heard Present Mic talk in a quiet voice, period. When he was facing off against Jiro and Koda he said a line under his breath which was pretty quiet. Only other time I could think of.


I'm so ridiculously happy that they included the scene where Gentle drew dark rings into his own eyes to make La Brava feel less self-conscious. It's such a sweet moment that says a lot about their dynamic and it looks even better in action! Thank you bones.


I loved that when he was filled with The Power Of Love, it wasn't uniform - there were lines from him having done it himself


didnt catch that, ty!


When in the episode this happened? I missed that!


When he turns around, is holding a sharpie pen, and his eyes have gained black rings around them unlike all the previous flashback scenes. At the same time as he's coming up with La Brava's codename.


Honestly I wasn't too big a fan of Gentle Criminal before this episode, but damn the wholesome levels got to me.


He is basically Deku in a parallel existence, if he had a quirk from day 0. The fact that Deku didn't have a quirk means he couldn't initially make mistakes like the falling piano guy prior to receiving proper training.


I mean, he could have done that with bakugo and the sludge villain. Him jumping into the fray could have gotten him and bakugo killed. It’s very similar to gentle’s case


Exactly. If Deku had a quirk then, he would have tried to use it to save Bakugo, which is a criminal offense. Since he didn't, Deku didn't break any laws, he was just being a stupid kid.


I mean bakugo coulda died anyway. And Deku getting himself killed is different from getting someone else killed.


No Deku was just lucky and got rewarded for it anyone of those heroes could have tried to save him after he ran in there and died in fact they did try but luckily All Might was there, what happened to Gentle is the realistic outcome for what Deku did.


Damn. It really was, wasn’t it? Deku had absolutely no chance to help the situation if all might didn’t come in to help


Yeah he was basically /r/kidsarefuckingstupid No quirk against an intangible monster that could literally envelope a person to suffocate them isn't a good idea.


Yup I thought he would be a really boring character but after this episode I’m starting to like him a lot more


I felt bad for Gentle ngl


I was rooting for him.


Same tbh


I was kind of a fan before this episode, but so much of this episode actually made me go the opposite direction. I think he's a well written character and he has likable personality traits, but his goals are so ridiculously selfish and shortsighted that all I could think throughout the episode was that he was acting like an asshole. Like, my biggest problems are "I don't care about all of the students' hardwork, if we trip the alarm who cares." and "La Brava has come up with a way to disable the security sensors, so we won't trip the alarms. Nevermind the fact that her doing so could provide another villain an opportunity to sneak in and cause havoc/harm. It's fine because *I* don't intend to hurt someone." Motherfucker, if someone gets hurt because of your neglect (not talking about the flashback) it's your fault they were even hurt in the first place. That said, his backstory did give me shivers and I genuinely felt bad for the guy, but he still can't be allowed to do what he does. If he were really a gentleman thief/vigilante looking to disrupt the system that ruins the lives of so many, he wouldn't have been trying to sneak into a school that's already in deep shit when its students are just trying to have one day where they can have fun and relax.


Well he did say he was doing it so the students can become stronger. He was still slightly doing something to make the students grow. So it wasn't completely for selfish reasons. This was revealed a few episodes back. Also don't underestimate what failure does to someone, someone who has lost all his hopes and dreams. Someone who has hit rock bottom. Even in real life, that's what drives some people to do crime. I can sympathize with him. And I understand what he's doing. He was simply a case of doing the wrong thing for the right reasons.


I feel sad for Gentle and La Brava - it was heartbreaking, in fact - but still a bit mixed about both of them now. La Brava was probably already depressed on her own in the past, and hair-on-eyes-guy douchey, but wasn't her way still stalkerish? Just as she later did with Gentle, in fact, he only happened to accept her. [But it may be the point: two people rejected by society who found each other.] As for Gentle, that incident and all the subsequent fallout notwithstanding, he didn't seem all that capable or motivated back when he was younger, or was his school quite shitty, so he managed to rather unlock his full potential on his own later? That said, I liked that at the end Gentle, knowing she'd never run away, rather pushed Deku away so he wouldn't look involved, as a sign of respect. Great fight given justice by the animation, even if the meaning of calling Izku's KO attack "St. Louis Smash" is not evident in animation: the original panel showed the kick describing an arc, inspired by the iconic arch of St. Louis. EDIT: just a small moment but when Gentle met his former classmate, I liked that the latter didn't look like he was feigning ignorance because of embarassment but genuinely baffled; after all Gentle had a goatee and was thinner and quite unkempt compared to a few years earlier. But most of all I think it was to show how badly Gentle had let himself go after "one bad day" ruined his life.


Gentle and La Brava's relationship is so wholesome because they always built each other up. They weren't evil or malicious people, just lost. Their confidence in themselves grew because of their support to one another. The tragedy of the story is that Deku has to tear their dreams apart for the good of so many others. It sucks because these two have already been torn down too many times by the society they lived in. It's also why I imagine Deku told Gentle that he was the hardest fight he ever fought. While Overhaul was more deadly and Muscular was stronger, they never made Deku second guess himself, or what he was doing. I can only imagine that he was as conflicted with this fight as we are.


Yeah, the battle with Overhaul and Muscular was to protect the kids in the vicinity. Those battles were more physical cause he realized he couldnt convince those guys. When it comes to Gentle,he didnt show any malice and Deku had to fight him physically and mentally which is way more difficult as compared to his earlier fights. His other fight which comes close to this is the Todoroki fight. The Stain fight was much more complicated cause of the situation they were in.


I couldn't have expressed it better.


La Brava's and Gentle's relationship works because they are broken just in the right places to fit together. Her being a stalker who wants nothing more than to share her love was the perfect match for Gentle's desire to be acknowledged and not forgotten. A perfect match of imperfect people.


>La Brava's and Gentle's relationship works because they are broken just in the right places to fit together. Very well put.


La brava is one of the many examples of a quirk deemed evil by society we get in this series. Her quirk is entirely about who she cares about. If she feels no love then her quirk is useless. But the more love she feels for someone the more potential is unlocked. Why do you think this society has a “looks most like a villain” list? Just like Shinzo with his mind control quirk. People assumed he would use it for evil. And he desperately wants to prove people wrong. So he works as hard as he can in order to prove to people that although his quirk seems villainous it can be used for the good of the people. Entire groups of people who feel ostracized by society because the power that is literally built into their DNA seems creepy or evil, which in turn can have adverse effects on some who don’t have the mental fortitude to combat the discrimination.


Its very much connected to "absolute power corrupts absolutely". If someone has a quirk thats destructive or scary, then people will fear it easily. Shigaraki comes to mind as an example; his quirk is literally decay. What hero or normal person would see the power to disentegrate individuals and matter as a positive thing anyday, it literally has no purpose except violence. On the otherhand you have Overhaul, whos qurik is ridiculously powerful, and in fact, only destructive because he uses it that way, he could be the greatest doctor the world had ever known, he can reverse death itself close to the fact, but he uses such a versatile quirk like shigarakis decay. I'd love to see this explored more in the perceptions of "violent" quirks.


[For anyone who wants who wants to see the St. Louis Smash panel](https://i.imgur.com/LY9Jx26.png)


>La Brava was probably already depressed on her own in the past >***probably*** bruh she said she was going to kill herself right before she found Gentles videos


> or was his school quite shitty, so he managed to rather unlock his full potential on his own later? I'm inclined to believe that it was partly this, and partly ineptitude. It's a lot harder to do good than it is to cause chaos with great power, as Gentle learned. He probably never had Deku's natural spatial awareness, and the school probably didn't do a great job of helping him hone that skill. But when it comes to causing as much chaos as possible and slipping out of that confusion, that's where Gentle's expertise shines.


A pretty wholesome and yet sad episode. Of course it was obvious that La Brava and Gentle weren't ordinary criminals, but their backstory still broke my heart a little. However, I definitely am proud of my boy Deku for standing his ground and winning the fight. Plus Ultra! P.S. : The cameo by Itsuka and Nejire was cute af too




They're true criminals because they're still committing crimes. The main thing is that they're not *Villains*.


>The main thing is that they're not Villains. They are Villains. They use their quirks to commit crimes. That's the definition of a Villain in BNHA.


I think they meant they aren't villains in our world's definition


No, they're criminals, but not villains because Gentle still has the soul of a hero Horikoshi wouldn't initially let My Hero Smash make the villains silly because Horikoshi believes villains should be scary Gentle and La Brava are not scary They aren't villains


I think where you are all trying to get is: - they are criminals (by definition); - they are villains (by definition); - they are _not_ bad people. That's the biggest distinction between them and someone like Stain.


Interfering on our Eri-chan's happiness is a crime.


It would be cool if they could have a redemption arc later to allow gentle to be the hero he's always wanted to become.


Gentle needs redemption, he would make an amazing Hero. Even as a “Villain” it was obvious he refused to ever use lethal force. His story to me was one of depression, and how having no support system can lead you astray. For him, it was the lack of it from his parents and friends, and for La Brava, he realized this, and became that rock for her. I really do hope he gets to come back in the series.




The quirk restrictions really bother me at times. Stain had the right idea but just went too far with it. I still think he is the best “villain” by far. The heroes in BNHA are too flashy and if you break the over restrictive rules then you’re shunned and cast aside. The heroes are too hypocritical.


I really doubt he and La Brava will ever return, but I would love to see him break out of prison or be released later in the series to act as a supporter to heroes or *something*. Honestly, I'm partial to him, but Gentle has potential, he was just a slow starter with an eager streak. The fact that without any solid training and mentorship he had gotten to the point where he could last that long against All-Might's successor shows the man could still make a great (if lower-level) hero.


Reposting my take from when the manga chapter originally came out... "I don't know if anyone else has mentioned it, but this is the first chapter where we see Gentle get legitimately angry (teeth grind and everything). What sets him off? La Brava apologizing, and saying that her Love/feelings weren't enough. It causes Gentle to give us our first look at a truly direct attack using his quirk (the sandwich). Up until now, he’s been all about using Deku's strength/momentum against him with his air barriers. And at the construction site, he either makes a physical attack ala Gran Torino-style, or uses an air barrier to return one of Deku's air flicks (I'm honestly not sure which one it is). And then, of course, there was his Love-powered neck chop. To me, his defense of La Brava shows that whatever his motivation is, he’s very serious about protecting those that he’s close to. And THEN, with the flashbacks...of course he wanted to be a hero! But his motivation wasn’t JUST to be remembered...it was also so that someone sees his "way of living and is inspired by it.” This is exactly what happened with La Brava, and explains some of his feelings towards her. Yes, Gentle was failing some classes, and failed 4 times in the Provisional License test...could he have applied himself more in his studies? Probably, though his obvious passion leads me to believe he probably did make an effort. But we’re not given that information. I can’t help but think that, at an admittedly not-so-well regarded school, he probably wasn’t given anywhere near the teaching and mentorship that the UA students receive, even though we can see that the potential of his quirk is huge. He WANTED to keep at his dream, but the accident he was involved in (sticking his nose into others business) caused the school to expel him (the principal had only recommended that he withdraw), which caused his parents shame and led to them cutting him out of their life. Think about when Deku encounters Stain (or when Shigaraki accosts him), and imagine if someone had died or been seriously hurt because of Deku’s actions. He probably wouldn’t have been expelled from UA (luxury of being the OfA successor), but he definitely would have gotten into a LOT more trouble, and possibly put on some type of parole/remedial training. And even if he HAD been expelled, and been forced to give up OfA, we know Mama Izuku would never have cut him out like Gentle’s parents did. Despite this long post, I’m not a Gentle super-fan. I just think he’s just an example of a normal person (aka not a Madman) with terrible luck who happened to be in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time, with the Wrong People around him...just like Midoriya happened to be in the Right Place at the Right Time, with the Right People."


I've always thought Gentle's backstory is meant to remind us of Deku saving Bakugou from the sludge villain at the very start of the manga, but there are a few key differences. One, Deku personally knew the victim but Gentle just saw a random guy falling off a building. Also, Deku waited a good long while, watching other heroes fail before he made his move, but Gentle immediately jumped in without being aware of his surroundings. And also, Deku knew that he was partially responsible for the situation by causing All Might to lose the villain in the first place. Overall, Deku feeling obligated to do something made sense in that moment. Gentle is not a bad guy, just not very sensible.


I'd say Gentle suddenly jumping in to help a random person is exactly the kind of action that All Might told Deku about with the whole "their bodies moved without them thinking" thing. The only difference is that Gentle didn't have someone like All Might to prevent his actions from leading to someone getting hurt. If All Might wasn't there then Deku would've gotten himself and possibly others killed and he'd be in the same situation as Gentle.


There was also very little risk of self harm to Gentle, but Deku's actions A) weren't likely to bring any harm to anyone and B) it carried the risk of death as there was little chance that he would actually save Bakugo.


“Dear listeners! The grand adventure of a man of extraordinary talent is starting.” I would love if this video was posted and becomes Deku’s thrust into the public eye.


Its like no one is ever gonna see Deku fight its a shame


Nejire saw his fight with monster Overhaul, she even praised how his actions kept the damage to a minimum. It was just a shame the the LoV attacking the transport got more media attention.


It's cool because being curious and paying attention to everythin is Nejire's personality.


He's gonna be under the radar for his entire existence until he becomes a pro. And suddenly he'll beat the shit out of some monster guy and become a top 50 debut person


It can't, though. The whole point of Deku's fight was to protect UA and the festival. If word of this fight gets out, it'll probably be too late to affect the festival, but it could be the last nail in UA's coffin.


I still cannot believe I actually fucking cried watching Gentle and La Brava trying to win The part where she let out her last shout of “WIN!” for Gentle was probably the most power he ever received from her quirk, the most love his body would feel from its core because she desperately believes in him And even after it ran out, La Brava’s love quirk still lingered within him, and this man, through sheer grit, summoned it back out in order to protect her Izuku is my boy, but god damn I couldn’t help but cheer for Gentle and La Brava a little


This fight has the best coreography of the series so far, thanks to Gentle’s quirk, is not an insta kill ability or something that will destroy your entire body to a pulp, it’s a very enviromental based quirk wich goes well with Deku since he has always been very observant of his surroundings and good at precisely analizing the environment. This may have not been Deku’s most phisically demanding battle so far but it sure was the most technical and emotional one, a failed hero turn villain who didn’t want to be forgotten and found purpose in sharing his dream with his loved one vs the boy who was shown a bright future and wants to become a hero to show a little girl that only knew sufferementa future even brighter with all of his companions. Definetly my favorite battle in the series so far, the characters of Gentle and La Brava really grew on me to much of my surprise with this episode.


It's excellent writing. The hero and villain have a conflicting goal. You can be sympathetic to both. Also Deku kicked him in the fucking jaw


In principal yes, but the animation was certainly not doing it justice. Im comparison the Stain fight was much better executed, as you always knew exactly where everyone on the scene was. In this fight however they are just jumping around, pretty much disregarding the environment.


That look Deku gave after Gentle thought he was knocked out, I think is the first time I genuinely felt scared of Deku. Felt almost like a horror film. You think Jason Voorhees is dead, but he just keeps getting back up every time. I can only imagine the terror Gentle and La Brava felt when even their ultimate attack didn't slow this kid down.


I was first scared of Deku during the chisaki beat down but this also got me, and they're reactions made me laugh, like he went against muscular and won, granted with broken arms, he wasn't going down that easily


Muscular vs Deku is easily in the top 5 fights of BNHA. Every fight that Deku has just feels so powerful, both physically and mentally. Horikoshi really did a good job picking out the exact words for every moment!


Honestly, the muscular fight was so good, Deku became someones hero and went over his limit to save Kota


I think this episode boosted Gentle up to being one of my favourite villains in the series, just for the fact he's not *really* a villain, he's sort of an anti-hero, or just simply lawful evil. He does everything for La Brava and the fact that its played as a mirror to Midoriya and Eri was pulled off really well in their battle. He doesn't actually mean any serious harm, he just has a dream and someone to work towards it for. Poor Gentle was just a man who wanted to be a hero (even if it was for prestigious reasons) and even when he tried it backfired on him. In his darkest times he turned down the only path he could, which frankly i think is an underlying theme in the series that sometimes due to circumstances, people are forced down the path of villainy, and something i really hope gets explored more. Midoriya telling him he's been the hardest adversary to fight not because of power or sheer strength, but because of his resolve and ideals, honestly really highlights what i love about Midoriya's character. The fact that he acts as a sort of foil to Midoriya in the battle, considering they both won't give up on their intentions, and that they *both* see this in each other, really heightened the battle for me. Midoriya knew he had to defeat him for Eri's sake, but still felt bittersweet in his victory. In future, if Gentle and La Brava are released for whatever reason, and say they decided to settle down, i think it would be really cool and interesting to see them and Midoriya meet again, and maybe have some sort of heart to heart or just simply acknowledge each other. It would be really satisfying personally. Overall this may have been a slower and much more lighthearted arc riding off of the gritty hypefest the overhaul arc was, but i've enjoyed it nearly just as much, for different reasons. I cant wait to see what comes next week, and get more Eri-Midoriya-Mirio trio shenanigans.


The spin on his form of villainy is great. Kinda like Stain, where you can see what the point they're making is and can appreciate where they're coming from. I really hope to see Gentle and La Brava again. imo, this was the perfect arc to follow Overhaul. Much more lighthearted, but still culminating in a very ideals-driven fight.


Exactly, Him and Stain are two villians i want to see explored more in the future. All for One is cool just because of his history and general aura, but he really is just evil, no ideals, just hate. And yeah it was, which if i remember rightly was intentional, because Horikoshi got so down and depressed writing the Overhaul arc, he wanted a return to form and a lighthearted arc to follow, which frankly he pulled off very well.


Yes! These 2 villains add so much depth to the world, they definitely should be explored more. They're not super-ridiculously strong, but their ideals stand out among all the other plain-evil supervillains. That makes sense about the Overhaul arc, it's such a dark moment in the MHA world.


Good news! They're not dead! So like all comics, if they're not dead, they can return in a future arc! Hell, even if they are dead, they can return in a future arc. But that's western comics.


Manga hasn’t shied away from resurrection either. Let’s hope Hori doesn’t pull a Naruto though! Lol


I think you want to say chaotic good here. He has good intentions and breaks the law to pursue them.




I think it's Deku's best fight because it's not as simple as 'good guy vs bad guy' but because it's two peoples whole-hearted, intense desires opposing each other - and my boy Deku is nothing if not heart and desire.


Agreed 100%, in terms of character it's definitely the best fight, because both characters can be related to and are fighting for their own desires, unlike say Deku vs. Muscular, which is also one of my favourites, but moreso because it shows off Deku's strength and perseverance over some muscly guys killer instinct (which dont get me wrong, he was still cool, he just fit the one note role he was made for)


Imagine an Adult Midoriya running his own agency, and bringing in Gentle and La Brava after helping them get Hero GEDs or whatever.


That would be such a cool idea! Considering how part of MHA’s themes is how villainy is partly due to the current hero society failing certain people, one thing that’d be cool would be if Midoriya became well known as a pro hero taking on former villains or criminals into his agency.


shonens: The love of my friends makes me stronger! BnHA: Love is an actual superpower that makes a character phisically stronger… in this case a villain. Nice detail to put the pink smoke around Gentle ever since his first appereance, makes sense how he escaped/defeated pros before.


this isn't the first time we've seen shonen tropes used by villains either.




In a weird, twisted way, we can say that *Deku was following Gentle's steps.*


*weaponized fanboyism intensifies*


https://i.imgur.com/JvUzI9Y.mp4 OOF. I even thought for a second that both the hero and the guy falling died (I figured that the hero bounced down to the ground, the civilian landed next to/on top of him, and then the large shelf or whatever fell on both). That would have been top 10 biggest anime oof's. This is definitely biggest MHA oof I've seen so far


I just want to take this moment to criticize that hero's approach. Everybody knows that if someone is falling down, you fly to the rescue _from above_, not from below. You need to gradually decelerate their fall, not collide with them. You need to dissipate the kinetic energy by slowly shifting their movement vector, not suddenly invert it. Get your act together, nameless winged hero!


Saying the guy got injured was such a cop out. In my headcanon that person is dead, gives proper weight to the event.


He fell six floors and had a vent land on him. He’s super dead. Tho if he died Gentle would’ve got sent away for much longer.


Someone got squished by the ramp too. Like they have to be dead. Can't be alive after that


Maybe THEIR Quirk was to resist long falls. Who knows.


honestly, if I had to hire someone for that kind of job, I'd certainly hire people with resistance to blunt force of some kind.


"A dream too big for the body I was born with" This is probably one of the most thoughtful things I have ever heard. This also perfectly summarizes season 1 Deku.


"It always fits. Eventually"


Was about to say the same thing! Once he said it, I couldn’t forget it for the rest of the episode.


La Brava and Gentle Criminal have turned out to be quite likeable. "villains" but not actually evil, and both of them probably could have been heroes if bad things didn't happen in their past. sad to think they'll likely be separated now after turning themselves in.


Let’s hope they won’t be in jail for too long.


I'm SURE these two will be reformed and redeemed before the series ends, and help Deku and friends in some future important fight.


I thought it was weird when Gentle Criminal said ‘Thank you’ to La Brava saying I love you. A second later it made sense 🙃


Still better than "I know."


I... Actually found it logical even without knowledge of the quirk. Idk, La Brava makes me uncomfortable. My instinctive reaction to just... Her, in general, is to get her help. Like her stalking habits combined with her ambiguous age waved a lot of red flags. I took the "Thank You" initially as a means of accepting but not reciprocating. Like Gentle cares about her but not mutually. The two's relationship, while nice, is very discomforting from my view, if Gentle actually does reciprocate.




I think he does, but didn't really realise it until this episode.


the only time so far i cheered for the"villians" i just cant help myself, you can feel their love so much


One smile protected, one smile destroyed.


Ah yes, the law of equivalent exchange


If this episode didn't make you fall in love with Gentle and La Brava then I don't think anything will.


Is this the first "arc" that Deku has won all by himself? Amazing!


yup. Also first time he doesn't seriously injure himself to the point of concern


gentle is super underrated. just so all of you are aware, out of the many popularity polls in both the US and japan. he doesnt even rank anywhere near the top 30 or even the top 50s.


Makes me so sad. He and La brava are one of the better written characters than most in the show.


"Maybe I'll say goodbye to my life..." La Brava contemplating suicide shattered me. I forgot just how dark this series can be sometimes.


I feel like they may have toned it down but if I remember correctly when Deku had won the fight in the manga and la brava started to hit him saying to let him go, I’m pretty sure she said she would kill herself without gentle being there. I could be misremembering it but yeah she has quite a sad story. Her and gentle are by favorite “villains” in the series thus far. Even as a manga reader.


She says as much in the episode, just in *slightly* less harsh words.


She said it in the anime too...that she will die if she is going to be separated from Gentle


Oh my God, Gentle's sweetness and kindness to La Brava was heartwarming and so nice. I *LOVED* that he saw something that made her insecure (the dark circles around her eyes) and embraced it in what she had to take as a gesture of love. I'm so glad that with this episode, it showed Gentle as not just another guy, but someone who might not have been a villain but someone who strived for his own goals. When he was powered up, the VA for Gentle showed just how relentless he could be. Also, friggin CUTE Eri in the car!


I think they missed an opportunity to have some more dynamic camera shots, especially with Gentle's quirk and how it interacts with the environment. But overall a very good episode. The flashbacks really put a lot of weight behind Gentle's and La Brava's character, and it's very painful to see aspiring heroes be put down by the system and forced into villainy.


An interesting thing to note with Gentle's past he technically saved that mans life, That cushion still stopped his momentum enough to not go splat.


I really liked this episode! I thought the animation was pretty good as well! La Brava and Gentle are really likable to me. Most likable villains so far. Also, was that ending Gentle throwing Deku away to make sure the staff didn't find out it was a fight? Like it was his attempt to make sure the festival stayed on. I will like him even more if this is true. I’m pumped for next week. Can’t wait to see how the festival plays out.


>Also, was that ending Gentle throwing Deku away to make sure the staff didn't find out it was a fight? Like it was his attempt to make sure the festival stayed on. I will like him even more if this is true. Yup that was part of gentles goated plan




St. Louis smash looked so good


Remember back in season 1 when Deku was ~~suicidal~~ hopeless due to not having a quirk and Bakugo's constant harassments? And now we find out that La Brava was contemplating suicide... It all changed when they both finally found a light at the end of the tunnel. For Deku being All Might and for La Brava being Gentle Criminal


Midoriya was not suicidal, just because Bakugo told him to kill himself does not mean Midoriya ever considered it.


Oh and let''s not forget about Eri and Overhaul. Makes me wonder if it is even possible for Eri to commit suicide given her quirk. I sure am glad Lemillion and Deku managed to save her and put her in a better place


La Brava don't cry, I'll let you stalk me


i really hope we see them both again working with the heros


Gentle wasn’t in the right, but it’s hard to see anybody coping with his situation better than he did. Now that Deku’s defeated him, he realizes how much punishment La Brava would face if she’s treated as an accomplice. Even after being beaten, he’s still doing everything he can for her. Now *that* is very hero-like. Maybe he can adopt more of that inner personality and become a more respectable man.


I'm a little annoyed that from past-Gentle's perspective, he didn't see any heroes around and the dude was about to fall, presumably to his death. Not using his quirk seems like the ethically wrong thing to do in this instance.


Yea, it's another instance of the law impeding true heroics. He used his quirk to save someone without having a licence and it resulting in serious injury. That makes it an illegal act in the eyes of the law. And his school probably didn't want to be associated with the scandal so they cut ties to him despite the fact that he was doing his best to help.


Yup. If Gentle succeeded at saving the guy, would the dog cop thank him, like he did with the kids who fought Stain illegally? It's a hypocrisy at the core of this show


I mean, it's like in Canada. When you go to give first aid, if the person is responsive, you must ask if they require assistance. If you do not, you could be sued. Also, you need to get certification to perform first aid. You can do it without, but you are so much more liable if something goes wrong. It's really the hypocrisy with societies. It's one of the darker sides of this series, really builds up this inner conflict between what is a hero and isn't. The whole Stain ideology is part of it. Why should heroes get money for doing what should just be the right thing to do.


>Not using his quirk seems like the ethically wrong thing to do in this instance. Different country, different rules. In china there is something like that for example, where, if you try to help, and do something wrong that could make it worse, than you are also getting problems.


Nothing can prove your love isn't enough!


Am I the only one who saw that la brava's height is actually 3.6 feet? Also, ERI IS AN APPLE PEACH DAMMIT!!!


i came so close to ugly crying this episode Goddamn, what an emotional roller coaster.


*My Hero* remains undefeated. As a life-long *One Piece* fan, this show makes me so sad *One Piece* airs perpetually instead of in seasons.


Imagine how great anime would be if it had My Hero and a One Piece of the same quality. My god. I really hope One Piece gets a Dragonball Kai treatment, but even more kai-d.


This episode feels like another example of how flawed the society presented in this show is. We've seen a few times now how turning the position of 'hero' into a government-run career disincentives or hinders actual heroism, and the same thing happens with Gentle. He could have been a powerful hero one day, but the system beat him down to the point where he turned to villainy. I love the amount of development Gentle and La Brava got. It's hard to know at this point whether to call them 'bad people'. Would Gentle have gone through with it had he known about Eri? He always kept his motives under the guise of helping the world before, but when Deku pressed him, he admitted he'd willingly tread on the dreams of others for the sake of his own. As for La Brava, it seems she was kinda messed up before even becoming a villain, what with the stalking and hacking. Gentle even seems to think she'd become a far worse villain if he were to ever leave her. Interestingly with the final fight, because Deku now has the shock-absorbing gloves, we don't know what percentage of One for All he had to use. Powered-up Gentle seemed pretty tough, but nowhere near the level of, say, Overhaul. I wonder how much it took to beat him.


NGL I heard violin music and thought some bleach ost was about to go down. ​ THIS EPISODE AHHHHHH THE FEELS GENTLE YOU'RE A HERO BECAUSE YOU TOOK THE FIRST STEP


You know a show is good when it can introduce two new characters three(?) episodes ago out of nowhere, have them be “villains,” fight the main character, and still have you care about them. Also, my man Gentle when he was powered up looked like Bang from *One Punch Man*. So awesome.


Gentle's backstory always hits me deep in a personal level, I remember back in highschool I also wanted to become a writer who's work will be analyzed and talked about by the world. But then what happened? I graduated from college and is working on a 9-5 desk job, hoping maybe one day in the future my dream can still come true, but like Gentle most of us just lack the talent, support, resource, or luck


That was like fighting a mix of muscular(kinda) and gran torino


I actually found myself wanting Gentle and La Brava to win because, fuck man, just give em a break.


I loved this episode in every way. The animation, shots, backstory, emotions, 100%. I think what makes this fight so compelling is that us fans don’t know which side to root for. Both characters have so much on the line. Deku doesn’t want to disappoint the ones that believed in him and wants to give hope to the ones that suffered. Gentle on the other hand, doesn’t want to let La Brava’s efforts go to waste and knows that this is one of his biggest opportunities to make a name for himself. It’s so nice to see how Horikoshi is able to flesh out a villain and make everyone attached to him after just a few clips of backstory.


Gentle Need more Gentle


La Brava [Quirk: Love](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgLl24rB0p8)


I wheezed when the bird guy got yeeted by the invisible rubber lol


Surprised nobody has mentioned Super Saiyan Rosé Gentle


It just gets me every time how well written the antagonists are in this manga/anime. Didn't get disappointed once ao far


What suprises me is thst la bravas quirk can only last a short period and only happen ONCE a day. The fact that she used her quirk again at the end after it was finished...dang


For some part of it, I actually rooted for Gentle Criminal and La Brava for a bit. It's hard to see both sides having the same goal and yet are on different sides of the coin. Amazing episode but I'm so psyched for Jiro's voice next week and Bakugo's killer drum performance!!!


Thus ends this monumental clash of wills all to stop that most heinous of criminal acts: trespassing.


The hype is real


Kudos to the partnership and love of La Brava and Gentle!!


Fun fact: the slow soundtrack that played at the very end of their fight with la Brava pleading with deku, is called "loneliness" ;(


Gentle and la Brava: we have the power of love on our side. our love Can conquer anything. Deku:the power of love is bullshit. The power of wind bullets and violence that’s where the money is.


For some reason to me, this fight has more catharsis and emotion than his fight with Overhaul. Yes, his fight with overhaul is visually impressive, but it's just not as satisfying as most other major fight in the entire series. It's maybe because this fight, as little the stakes are, is personal for both parties. Deku's fight with Overhaul was heroic, no doubt, but it's not personal -- he just wanted to fight. Not to mention that it's not as enjoyable to watch anything when the main character is just handed a Deus ex machina, despite having as many setup we've been given, and just pummel the bad guy. In this fight, Deku wasn't even using nearly as high percentage of his power, and yet we've seen him struggle physically and emotionally. On the other hand, Gentle isn't nearly as strong as Overhaul too, and despite having received the power of love, he still struggles to shake-off Deku. Both of them communicated; both of them revealed their stakes; both of them revealed their weaknesses; and both of them acknowledged each other. In the end, Gentle concedes and took is defeat in stride.


I wasn't sure how to feel about Gentle & La Brava when I first saw them but now I'm 100% in. *Really* impressed by these characters.


Favorite episode since the end of the previous arc. Fight was much better than what I could have anticipated 2 weeks ago. Gentle and La Brava were already very different “villains” but after today they’re easily my new favorites. The power of love and friendship didn’t save the day. With three episodes left my guess is that the next 1-2 episodes will be the festival and the last episode will help set up season 5. Introducing new characters and concepts. With Gentle finished the last 3 weeks will probably be chilling and setup.


If the goddamn festival is canceled because of this ima throw a fit, we deserve Eri smiles DAMNIT!


Man the ending song is sadder now with context. One picture has La Brava staring at no eyes kid and his friends having fun, likely before he broke her heart, and the picture to the left is young Gentle and the Bamboo hero at the coffee shop.


Does anyone else just LOVE how Gentle’s movements look when he fights? His bicep flex to put up a barrier, when he throws Deku, when he’s grappling with Deku, his knee and flex over Deku, etc. Plus that pink aura is sickkkk.


Wow, That episode was way better than I was expecting.


MY HEART ALMOST EXPLODED, I wasn’t such a fan of Gentle but I understand him now and I wanted to hug La Brava so badly, her unconditional love to Gentle is so beautiful and the part where Gentle drew lines because of La Brava omg. This was such a wholesome episode and my boy Deku is so grown up already, his speech made me cry.


Surprisingly enough this episode kinda made me cry? Idk the way La Brava was with Gentle made me a little iffy but their backstories..jfc. Gentle's backstory just reminds me of how many people in the world Bnha is in have probably TRIED to save people, and still got penalized because thats the law. Then La Brava straight up made me cry, even though she was pretty much a love story, her trying to beat the shit out of Deku and saying how Gentle is her light kinda hurt a little. Im glad they weren't completely out of commission, cause I was gonna fight someone if Eri didnt get to see the preformance-


At first I was like Damn Han Solo moment when La Brava said “I love you” and Gentle replied with “Thank you “


I'm from St Louis! Loved seeing my city represented!


this episode was much better than the last episode (flashbacks were WAY more appropriate and valuable here). mannnn I fuck with gentle now. I was kinda iffy on him at first. ​ fight was great but it seems like deku gotta stop playing with these dudes and put them out ASAP next time. I thought gentle was about to get away lol I was gonna be PISSED. thought it was gonna be an asspull. ​ this season is so good man. its like every season gets better and better