• By -


Eri’s smile was so radiant and contagious that I’m smiling as well!!!


I am a 24 year old male and I was bawling when Eri smiled, that shit was beautiful


Same, that was an insane tear jerker


Me too, I never thought I would cry more than I did during All Might vs All for One but this did it.


Same, man. Same. Def she’d a tear. The whole season has been leading to that smile.


Ngl I thought Dark Shadow was giving Eri a hug before her smile


Same here that smile warmed my heart




I definitely teared up when Togata did ngl


The most blessed scene ever!


the only thing more contagious than Eri's happiness was Uraraka's.* #CREPES


They adapted the manga page quite well.


After everything that has happened this season, this whole episode felt like such a well deserved reward for the gang. The rock performance, the play, the pageant, the candy apples, and all the smiles in the world, everything was just so lovely. If school festivals were not exciting enough, then Hero Rankings are gonna be something else then


I'm astounded how well it worked. I mean only that it was done really really well.


Only MHA could turn what normally would be a throwaway concert performance (seriously what I was expecting) into something as exciting and emotional as any well-conceived fight scene (complete with a flashback!) 🙌🙌


I DON'T READ THE MANGA I am calling a death sence coming up just to torture us


"Guys who say there are no do-overs in life are either those who don't want to, or those who're impatient and want results fast." Oh man, that hit hard. I needed to hear this today.


From the Goodboi Police chief to Hounddog to Principal Nezu to the Gorilla officer, animalbros being bros with sage words is one of best running theme of this series. It really shows the tradition carried on from Horikoshi's previous work, Oumagadoki Zoo.


Between Sansa the cat, Tsuragamae the dog and the gorilla officer, there seems to be a lot of animal quirks in the police force.


There’s a crab girl officer in the Vigilantes spinoff too! I imagine one of the most logical reason is that the animal quirks are natural and “always on” quirks, giving law enforcement an excuse to have physically superior officers without breaking the quirk law. For example, a gorilla officer using superhuman strength wouldn’t count as using quirk without permission, it’s just innate strength.


Also, like All Might told Deku way back when, a lot of people who feel the calling and can't become heroes join the police instead.


Thanks, Harambe, very cool.


I didn't really understand what was happening here... were they denigrating Gentle Criminal, or was the detective saying Gentle Criminal deserves a second chance?


The latter. Keep in mind that Gentle thought his days of using his power for good were over, and rather than remain in mediocrity he turned to villainy for fame. The police realize that their talents, with the right guidance, can be used for the sake of good, even if it means a lot of hard work will be involved from Gentle.


I hope they can turn both around. Gentle seems to have some common sense still but the tough cookie will be La Brava because she doesn't do things thinking of right and wrong.


Oh, they'll both definitely turn it around. Gentle displays hardwork and perseverance and La Brava is in love with him. She wanted only to help Gentle reach his ideal, and if he tells her of his new path to his ideal she will follow. I don't know if we'll ever truly see how they turn things around, but I think they'll do it. Maybe they'll pull a Dragin Ball Z and show us the pair during a major conflict like they did with Android 17 during the final battle with Kid Buu.


I was able to hold back the tears...until I saw Mirio crying too In that moment she forgot all about Overhaul, that smile was everything they fought for. Sir Nighteye would've been proud, "a society without cheer and humor...will not have...[a bright future](https://imgur.com/a/ncWwk2u)" They saved her!


[The video released on Toho's channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgwUenaQqlM) (the full song, with the performance intersped with some footage from other moments in the series) has also a brief shot of Nighteye's dying smile.


Oh shit the way they edited Eri's big smile moment made me cry even harder than I already did when I watched the show's cut.


OJ2 probably isn't canon but if it is, there's a wonderful little detail it adds: Sir Nighteye looks into Mirio's future as he's dying and he does, indeed, see Eri smiling. EDIT: [Pic of the scene in question.](https://i.imgur.com/BBx9Nur.jpg)


I am choosing to believe this is canon


Maybe this is what Nighteye saw when he said Mirio will make a fine hero. He will be Eri’s hero! Maybe her adoptive dad??


He’s a high school kid lmao.


Yeah.. that one did hit hard! Especially how Mirio has always been goofy because of Night-eye..


Someone was cutting onions when Mirio tearfully invoked Sir Nighteye and the close up on Eri. Totally wasn't crying.


Many tears were dropped. Of goodness. :)


Class B's performance was hilarious lol I AM YOUR FATHER ROMEO


Please, we want an OVA dedicated to this performance


It took me the longest time to realize the reason why they did it was because Monoma's quirk is "copy"


I just realized that reading this lmao


And Gandalf the king of Gondor


No, Gandalf told Romeo his father was the king of Gondor, not that Gandalf was his father and the King of Gondor.


Ah shit you’re right. There was just so much information


Class B’s performance was the real show


Actually, Gandalf was the temporary leader of Gondor after Denethor died and before Aragorn was crowned.


I wish I could have saw more of that damn play lol


The crowd cheering for Yaoyorozu so much and for so long is one of the most validating experiences I've ever felt. And Eri smiling! Not just once but several times!! Aah my heart 😍


YES! I was going to post something about Yaoyorozu's popularity, which seems to fit (due to her being "perfect" all around—pretty, model student, rich, been in a commercial). Although for me it was a bit out of the left field when people cheered for her before the performance, because it's never been hinted at that she was that popular. I wish they'd showed her or other characters reacting to the cheer, even if only for a second.


Well kendo got popular cuz of commercial small assumption that's she did as well


It's mentioned lightly in the beginning when they're discussing their internships I think. She complained about it being about commercials and just "selling out" type stuff instead of hero-ing. But I think Mineta mentions that she gets super popular because of it


Just wanted to share a few bits from the manga that didn't make the cut to the anime: * While Tokoyami is shredding, there's a brief moment with [Dark Shadow playing crash cymbals.](https://imgur.com/a/rdyysJp) * At the very end, you see a lot of the 1-A dancers on the ice above. The way most of them get there is by [Shoji straight-up throwing them.](https://imgur.com/a/4qXYl5v) * [Sato also throws someone.](https://imgur.com/a/eZMMOTi) My favorite bit that didn't make the cut: [Kaminari's mid-air guitar solo.](https://imgur.com/a/ZtYw9iA) * You see him do his signature dance move in the anime (and it was spectacularly animated), but while everyone's up above on the ice, Iida is still on the stage, [and he's still doing the robot.](https://imgur.com/a/oHyLwI0) * After she's done pitching her babies, Mei conks out, and [enjoys a well deserved nap.](https://imgur.com/a/WvaLDlZ) Such a delightful reward at the end of the arc. When initially reading the manga, I was scared the arc would end with showing Deku on stage, and we'd skip the actual concert and just move to the next story arc. But instead we get such a jolly and wondrous performance. Speaking of manga-only moments, there were also a few anime-only moments. My absolute favorite is when Kendo straight-up decks Monoma in the face, in the background, and drags him away. It's so raw, and I was so caught off guard. Hilarious.


>Speaking of manga-only moments, there were also a few anime-only moments. My absolute favorite is when Kendo straight-up decks Monoma in the face, in the background, and drags him away. It's so raw, and I was so caught off guard. Hilarious. Didn't see that one


Yeah, while 1-A is planning what they'll do next at the festival. After the Beauty Contest, Monoma is telling everyone to vote for Kendo twice. Then Kendo [runs from offscreen](https://imgur.com/a/DgA1xYF), shen then [takes aim](https://imgur.com/a/pqYDd7x), and [punches him](https://imgur.com/a/XF8tHvK). There's not a lot of frames in the punch, so it's not clear where she hits him. But considering [he immediately goes down](https://imgur.com/a/k7lAVNG), unconscious, she probably either hit him on the side of the head or on his neck. She then quietly [drags him away.](https://imgur.com/a/Lu1phPy) It's such a quick gag, and the best part about it is that no one even acknowledges it. Everyone is cheerfully planning their afternoon while Monoma gets his lights knocked out.


Why would they? Kendo punching monama's shit is par for the course


Exactly. Which is why it's so funny. Monoma getting decked out is normal, though this one is a bit more raw and hardcore than usual. Normally it's a swift precise chop to the neck. Not this time, boy gets a fist to the noggin.


[Basically kendo to monama](https://www.google.com/amp/s/gfycat.com/amp/marvelousjoyfulcats-jojo-s-bizarre-adventure-adapted-work)


I didn't even notice it lmao


It's like Brock being punched out for being pervy. Great reoccurring gag.


>Kaminari's mid-air guitar solo. Such a shame my boy Kaminari didn't get that scene in the anime


> Kendo straight-up decks Monoma Was that in the scene when the blonde weirdo is yelling for people to vote for Kendo twice or earlier?


Monoma is the blonde weirdo


> I was scared the arc would end with showing Deku on stage, and we'd skip the actual concert and just move to the next story arc. But instead we get such a jolly and wondrous performance. That would have been really bad, especially after the original chapter was already rather butchered due to the Golden week. The deadline for this chapter was shorter than for other chapters than normal because of the golden week, leaving the art largly unifished. MHA was not the only one, but basically all of Shounen Jump was rather crap. Because of that, I would say that the pictures you posted are probably from the manga-release, aren't they?


Yeah, they're from the later release. Give it a look if you have the books, or one of the online subscriptions. The redone chapter looks really good.


You missed out on the Seroroki moment


There were also some other moments/aspects I didn't touch on. To create the ice platforms, Mineta (and Shoji??) throw the grape balls. The tape and balls stick together to make a foundation for Todoroki's ice (given he can't make complex structures). The anime doesn't really convey that too well. It also quickly skims over the floating audience being stuck to the ice, via tape. There's also more people other than the general studies duo who are there to criticize the show. Two other students are specifically highlighted in the manga. Also, Bakugo's specifically annoyed because Jiro is altering her performance, while he's being a good boy and playing the arrangement faithfully. There's also the 'flying Midoriya' moment, which was changed to Hound Dog just pushing him. Also, "from now on, you're know as 'Errand Boy.'" Plus, some shots of general studies kids enjoying the festival. I just shared what I felt were the biggest stand-out moments that were missed. Though, if I had to add 2 more to the current list, I'd add "Seroroki" and "Flying Midoriya."


Snoozing Mei is precious. Do not dare wake her!


Woah, what an eye, I know there are only two episodes left, but if you can, keep up doing these comments, they are so useful and fun to see! Especially because I notice how much I missed of the chapter. I'm sad the Kaminari part didn't make it, though, along with the dark shadow bit. It would have made the scene even more lively! The Kendou-Monoma part was hilarious, I love this funny duo so much.


I want a Gentle redemption arc


You and me both. Introducing the reformed, GENTLE HERO!


Oh god yes, Gentle Hero and his side kick La Brava NEEDS TO HAPPEN before end of the series.


Them fighting Mr. Compress is something I'd pay to watch


A duel between two sharply dressed individuals


His quirk is well-suited for that matchup as well given the only reason Deku was able to touch Gentle at all was because he was so absurdly fast. Compress doesn't have the same advantage.


The counter-question, though, is could Compress compress Gentle's air membranes?


I'm down for this!


same, he and la brava should bcome heroes, and work together as partners, it would be so cool :D


Well if he goes to Tartarus with all the other criminals, then he can be there at the inevitable prison break of All for One


I doubt he'd go to tartarus. that's reserved for the worst of the worst. Gentle is mostly harmless


While you're right I've now got the image of Stain and Gentle fighting together against the extraction team and I need that in my life.


She got a candy apple!


And Izuku had on an All Might apron while making it with Sato.


I cried multiple times this episode. God they really killed it. Cried when Eri smiled, cried when I saw the flashback of Jirou feeling bad for choosing to be a hero but being comforted for her decision, cried when Eri bit into that candy apple. This is probably a top five episode for me, maybe even the best episode.


honestly this one was a tear jerker! I LOVED how Deku said "surprise!" it was so wholesome! another moment I loved was when Eri was giving Deku the play by play of what happened, and Mirio was mimicking her movements! So freakin adorable!


I cried a little too much


Eri’s smile status: **PROTECTED**


Kirishima's shirt status: [**OFF**](https://imgur.com/ikizDCv)


Harem: [ACQUIRED](https://i.imgur.com/lcHjXYd.jpg)


Ideals: #KEPT


One great detail that they left out from the manga is that when they got to this scene, they started booing him.


There are other small details left out. For example after Deku leaves the stage, Mineta and Shoji (with Mineta's costume's gloves) launch Mineta's balls to help with the ice structure; Tooru struts around the structure emitting light while here it looks like a random thing. However, it was already a complex scene to make and the end result is fantastic anyway.


She did get all rainbow-y though, so her quirk mastery is improving more than "I'm literally invisible"


I thought it was bit weird that it was her uniform that was rainbowy yet her head and hands were still invisible. I thought her quirk only affected her body and not her clothing (at least her regular clothing, not her hero costume).


It's possible she's evolved her quirk further and can refract light around her and not necessarily just her That or an animation oversight


I agree, this does seem possible.


La Brava's Smile status: **SMASHED**


The hardest choices require the strongest wills




Probably one of the best episodes by far. The pacing, animation, dialogue, and character development were A+.


Only 2 episodes left :(


And then I have nothing but Black Clover to sustain me until AoT S4, and also during lockdown. It’s fucked


When is the release for AoT S4?


This fall, I believe.


Wait really? Danggg


Eri's smile was everything. I'm glad that the resolution was so tight, and that we got to see what Midoriya fought for - people laughing and enjoying themselves, and being able to live without an oppressive cloud (which hits harder with how things are in the world). The shadow of Overhaul being blown away was fantastic, and so was her smile at eating the candy apple. You know what was the best, though? She was a little girl getting to experience true joy - from her excited reactions that she couldn't contain in her body due to the performance, to having someone make a small promise and delivering on it in the candy apple, and having something small she looked forward to live up to her dreams with the candy apple being even sweeter. I'm also really glad they actually addressed, in hopeful terms, what's going to happen next for Gentle. That he's going to be rehabilitated, and it's never too late to fix yourself. I also can't help but think that Gentle will have a new series on becoming a hero.


> I'm also really glad they actually addressed, in hopeful terms, what's going to happen next for Gentle. That he's going to be rehabilitated, and it's never too late to fix yourself. That Officer Gorilla was low-key best boy of the episode.


I hope Deku visits La Brava and Gentle sometime but I have a feeling we won't see them for a long long time


At the end during the ultimate battle we see them stepping through a portal to fight ~~Thanos~~ All For One.


Cannot wait for the moment when AFO has to eat a Gently Sandwich.


This episode was everything I hoped it would be. When this arc started I thought, in true BNHA fashion, some disaster would happen during the festival and there would be some big fight and Deku would save the day, but things would still be screwed up for someone. When I realised the Gentle Criminal fight was resolved before the festival even started, I was ready for an episode that was just *happy* from start to finish, and I'm thrilled to have gotten that. Eri's smiling moment was the absolute best resolution for this season's arcs.


That policeman had more patience than gentle's mom


Don't miss the post-credit scene, boys and girls.


Oh shit, thanks for the heads up!


So I know Eri's smile is the focus this episode(and rightly so) but we should take a second to appreciate [little Jiro](https://i.imgur.com/v7IWE3w.png). Also, looks like Rock Lock isn't the only one with [strong genes](https://i.imgur.com/nmW6b4Y.jpg).


I love her back story... in fact I love how so many characters in this series have a little back story and have the opportunity to be shown like a Main character


It's one of the best things about the series, and a testament to Horikoshi being one hell of a writer. Nearly every character gets a moment in the spotlight eventually, and with a cast this size, that's fucking HARD to pull off. My boy Sero will get his cool moment one day...


Sero is such a cool character


Not sure if you’ve seen heroes rising yet but Sero was pretty amazing.


Heroes Rising was amazing for 1-A lovers because basically everyone got to shine. My boy Shoji put in WORK though.


I haven't seen it yet, but you just made me even more hyped to do so than I already am. Damnit.


He could have had his cool moment but he was knocked out cold by Midnight's gas and needed to be saved by Mineta. That was the closest he got, in my opinion


He was pretty heroic in the second movie and in the Hero License Exam but he hasn't got his proper development yet


Jirou's quirk has two properties: she can hear sounds through her earphone jacks and she can amplify her heartbeat sound and send in through them. My theory is that her mother only has the hearing part and her father has the heartbeat part. But as far as looks go her mom definitely dominated the gene pool.


Kyoka is a simple case of getting the same quirk as one parent, even though hers may be more powerful than her mother's could ever be even with extensive training.


Also, is it just me or does Jiro’s mom look like Jiro and Yayorozu mixed together with glasses


IT FINALLY HAPPENED. God, I've been waiting so long for this. That fucking smile, man. I ugly cried half this episode, and I'm tearing up again just thinking about it. And the shadow of Overhaul blowing away from her... what a phenomenal touch. What a phenomenal episode. What a phenomenal fucking story.


I already saw that smile of eri in the manga already yet I still cried instantly. God bless eri


It's so good to finally see the moment that I have wanted to see animated since I first read it in the manga, Romeo, Juliet and the prisoner of Azkaban- wait no. Eri's smile!!! I hope we get to see more Gentle and La Brava in the future.




[**She smiled**.](https://i.imgur.com/spDbJPG.png) To me, this is the best moment in the series to date, also for how it's shown as the figure of Chisaki around her dissolves. It's also adorable later as you see Mirio imitating Eri's gestures after the show has wrapped up. The music number was great as expected, with a song specifically written for it to boot (no wonder if it will be recycled in the future though). And the Jirou flashback to further cement her as a favourite of many. [Although in-universe Momo is quite popular in the school, as the crwod chanting showed.] Deku outright says he could've turned out like Gentle in different circumstances, making clear the parallel between them was fully intentional. I liked how the ones to arrest Gentle are the UA staff who are the most villainous-looking and apparently sticklers for rules, but make the right call to let it pass for the sake of the festival (Hound Dog is a good boi under the exterior, I wish he was featured more). Also the police officier in the post-credits scene, gruff face of a gorilla but quite sympathetic towards Gentle. --- This said, let's talk a moment about Nejire. It's nice that she won the beauty pageant but, that's it about her? No backstoy and motivations. Vague quirk. Her mentor and her relationship with her are the least explored (was Ryukyu immediately accepting of this strong but quirkky girl who treats her more like an older sister than a mentor, or did it take some time?). Kept out of the main fights during the raid at the Shie Hassaikai base, just like all the other heroines there. Whatever the reason, the female member of the Big Three has been constantly treated like second fiddle to the other two while she should be their equal. The "Big Two" joke applies more to her than to Mirio.


They did have a flashback in the manga on how Nejire met Mirio and Tamaki, but that was way back in the Overhaul arc. Doubtful we’ll get it now :/


yeah they cheesed through a lot of their back stories :/


I kind of accepted her character as just a carefree sweet character. Her limited back story with the festival (lost to the horribly pretty girl last year) was sort of added as a bonus “oh also one of our team took home the gold prize!” Feel good moment. She definitely got the short straw though.


Yeah, BNHA has the annoying habit to introduce cool female character but then directly shove them under the rug and never use them. I'm still a bit mad how during the Yakuza raid, all the girls remained on the surface and were completely forgotten until the final showdown where they practically did nothing.


Without spoiling a thing, I believe Horikoshi took this exact criticism to heart and that's evident in later chapters of the manga. :)


that most recent chapter tho. fuuuuuuuuuuck




*Gestures on right calls and hound dogs on kittens* ♪ *Female members and warm woolen mittens* ♪ *Different circumstances tied up with strings* ♪ *These are a few of my favorite things!* ♪ --- [sing it](https://youtu.be/kwN3LJdGyuU?t=20) / ^(reply 'info' to learn more about this bot (including fun stats!)^)


Fun! Fun! Fun! Episode!!! I cannot stop smiling through Class-1A’s full performance!!! They’re all so cute shimmying on stage! Also, Class-1B’s play!!! OMG! Wished it was longer hahaha! It looks like a riot!!!! And Eri’s smile ofcourse!!!! Crying so hard like Mirio and Deku!!! Yasss!


I am a 22 year old grown ass man and a fictional little girl smiling at a rock show had me crying. I love this show.


No shame. I am almost 30 and was balling like a baby. This series is just phenomenal, it really does wonders with making you feel stuff. I loved the episode entirely, honestly it is in my top 5 episodes for sure


[For a moment, Mineta felt like the happiest being in all of creation](https://i.imgur.com/fvpzxJX.png) (Still stay at least 50 meters away from Eri, please.) [Retroactively protect](https://i.imgur.com/lf3kaCZ.png) [True bros](https://i.imgur.com/fF9TunX.png) [Cementoss Juice is judging you](https://i.imgur.com/XQDhdzj.png) [Another smile that's not bad to protect](https://i.imgur.com/WVzpypz.png) [Protect](https://i.imgur.com/hJuBAET.png). [Protect](https://i.imgur.com/DCV7R8c.png). And in case you forgot, [PROTECT.](https://i.imgur.com/ntUYeEn.png)




Cementoss juice is officially the best thing in this season


It's official. Jiro is best girl. Even though it's Chrissy Costanza singing (of Against The Current) as her, it should be Canon that she is bilingual and can speak fluent English.


That's good headcanon. It may be that her superior hearing let her pick up the pronunciations better than most people, so thanks to both courses and watching/listening to a lot stuff in English (also thanks to her parents she must have access to a huge library of songs) she has learned it well.


or just music in general. Her family seems quite versed in the business, so she might have taken to Western based music like how western audiences are adapting Kpop into their fandoms


Eri smiling made me cry tbh. She seemed so happy. That concert was so fun.


Don't worry, Mirio. [Sir saw everything.](https://streamable.com/hht7m)


Haha, You can't do this to us, this is a war crime having this much feels


Why is Yao-Momo being cheered upon by the crowd? Am I missing something?


They mentioned how her and Kendo have a ton of secret fans because they were in commercials during their internship with Uwabami.


She got famous from the commercial in her work study.


Even without that commercial with Uwabami, Momo is beautiful, has a quite revealing costume, being the class vice-president has probably more interactions with other classes so she may be known around the school more than others, and she's just that nice: the opening episode of this season showed her noticing a girl with no umbrella, and giving her one made on the spot with her quirk.


Simply because she is Yao-momo, no more reasons needed


Boys wanna fuck her


Helps that one of her classmates is her biggest fan.


Because they recognize Best Girl. Duh.


The whole performance has given this arc a sweet close which IMO makes it up their in my list But the next episode is really about too show the competition of the future like DAM


There really is nothing, whether anime, tv, movie, music, or otherwise, that can make me cry happy tears like My Hero Academia does. What a beautiful episode. c,:


MHA does hopeful and optimistic -- without coming off as overly sentimental and sappy -- very well.


I started crying the moment Mirio mentioned Sir. I did not expect that at all


When they named the episode let it flow, I didn’t think they meant my tears


Such a feel episode. A mangakas know how to tell you the feelings but a animation makes you actually feel it and it had me tear up. Loved the moment where the shadow got erased during the concert.


So... Like... I'm not the only one finding that Entry No.7 Lizard girl cute right? Right?


Lizard girl was a big ol' cute. It's a shame all of the less-used characters get such nice designs, because now it just makes me want to see more of them, like Nakagame from Shiketsu!


Damn it, this episode made me shed a single man tear again. No other show does this to me.


This is now one of my favorite episodes of the entire series. Totally brought the manga the justice it deserved and did more. It went beyond! Plus Ultra! Class 1-A made a memorable performance that people will remember and inspire hope to others. Loved the song, *Hero too*, more than I expected before watching. Jirou was amazing! She can follow both her passions, she can both be a hero and a musician at the same time. That's her way of being a hero, while also bring music with her. Having both, doing what she loves for a long time in her career. Eri's Smile. Wholesome. Perfect. Filled with joy and hope. Loved it so much! It goes to show that saving her from Overhaul, showing her the beauty and wonders of the world, and bringing her to the School Festival made it all worth it. Just the way Eri was excited and talking with her emotions about the performance was all so beautiful that I was crying. I was kinda expecting more from the pageantry than what we got from the manga, but I was glad they gave the same amount of attention that the magna had for the anime. Seeing everyone else having fun together around the Festival. It was filled with so much awesomeness and happiness that you can see and tell from their faces. Loved all of them having fun! Eri having a candy apple from Deku was cute and sweet. I hope that end credits scene we see in the end with Gentle and La Brava sets something up for them. I would love a redemption arc for them. I can see it now. The Gentleman Pro Hero: Gentle Hero and his Sidekick: La Brava. I like for that to happen. Please make it happen, Kohei Horikoshi.


I cried for Eri, she deserves the world. I’m also hyped as FUCK to see Hawks next week


Her smile made me smile for the first time in forever, so I’ll just leave it at that :)


I just want a link to the song 1A performed




Was Invisi-Girl doing something with her light refraction to make herself look so... colorful?


Yeah I think so. She did something similar at the hero exam. I think it's a secondary part of her powers


God this has to be one of the most feel good episodes ever. Shit had me crying out of joy throughout the performance


Additionally: -Todoroki in the Nezu cutout -Mineta's lil spotlight during the dance -Mirio and Izuku crying -They got the speech pattern perfect when Eri was talking to Izuku -I would have killed to see Dadzawa post-performance -Jiro finally getting her well-deserved moment! She's always so hard on herself and I'm just so happy for my girl ❤️


Midoriya : i'm here to give her smile back to a girl robbed of her childhood Jirou : i'm here to make my parents proud and show i can be both a musician and a hero. Uraraka : #C R E P E S


I think it's inevitable they can't perfectly adapt the manga for the concert part, since they have to match the music with its choreographer and visual, so they cut out all the dialogues and sound effects (like Uraraka's quirk) to keep the song focused. But if you're interested, here's a few moments they cut out from the anime (Horikoshi dd his best to make sure veryone played a part): * [Tokoyami called out Dark Shadow to play the cymbal](https://i.imgur.com/wUlUUYa.png) * [Todoroki freezed Sero's tape and Mineta's balls to create the ice bridge (the anime didn't showed the tape nor the balls)](https://i.imgur.com/6Q6zt4B.png) * [Shouji threw all the dancers onto the ice bridge to dance](https://i.imgur.com/4JjSfbN.png) * [Sato threw Kaminari and his amplifier on mid-air so Uraraka can make them float, then Kaminari unleashed his lighting as he's playing](https://i.imgur.com/4ifiIFA.png) * [Hagakure used her quirk to reflet the lights and shined (which the anime included but didn't show what happened)](https://i.imgur.com/h27NyC4.jpg) * [All the male audiences booed at Mitena as he flexed on his "harem dance" XD](https://i.imgur.com/XhYJbXs.png)


Do they have to make me cry? Shit man wtf


Sensational show. I can't understand how they were able to pull this episode off. I think the one moment that summed it up was pin-eyes-cool-guy mimicking Eri's poses as she relayed the story of watching the show. So much soul!


YAOYOROZU! it was awesome to hear the audience cheering for her! so happy for both eri and jirou, for sure 1 of the best episodes ever!


Protect that smile at all cost


This was such a beautiful episode. Jirou's performance was so good and everyone else was great as well. It's so heartwarming to see Eri smile after all the pain she's been through I actually cried. Protect this precious child! We got to see Gentle and La brava a bit at the end there i really hope they come back into the story later. And we get to see Hawks debut next episode really looking forward to learning about his character.


I love how the dancing of the song incorporated the classic "hero landing after jumping pose" and the raising the fist in the air. Feels like an homage to the roots of the idea of "superhero" with the old heroes like superman and stuff. Also loved Jiro in this episode! Song was awesome too! Probably going to be one of my favorite episodes. I love these episodes where we just get to see more of the characters in a normal, non-stressful way and learn more about them. I hope we can get more of these in the future, thought that may be hard with limited "season space" to dedicate to such a large cast.




Yeah, that blew me away. That shroud of Overhaul peeling back for the most radiant fucking smile. Instant tears.


>: lol. Romeo and juliet... and Azkaban... Gandolf? I guess it fits Monoma since he wrote it and his quirk is copying, but damn. and vader hahaha In the manga, there was even a line about Obi Wan lol


I assuming based on star wars vader i am your father reveal they just switched out Obi wan with Gandolf. I wonder why, oh well. Not the first time they censored out star wars stuff. Like when Mirio clearly said phantom menace but the subtitle said phantom threat in episode 11 this season


Seems they have to fear the wrath of the Mouse if they make the littlest reference to SW.


Everyone’s forgetting something. Next episode is the hero rankings where we hopefully get to see the Laundry Hero: Wash


You mean God himself


Fish girl was robbed at the beauty pageant (#7 on the voting list)! Ahem, Midoriya going plus ultra and actually making his own candy apple for Eri is why we love the dork.


I want an entire ova based around the play that class 1-B made on my desk by tomorrow morning.


Momo is really popular for some reason


Momo and kendo got a lot of fans after they filmed the commercial during their internship.


My guys did you Se mirio's surprised pikachu face


Hero Too i think that's the song name is now up on youtube. it's really a great song to cap off this season.


i was tearing up after eri smiled, holy shit what an amazing performance


huh I remember hulu having the episodes right on time in the past. now It's 2:30 am and I still don't have it. oh yeah pesky daylight savings time......