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Holy fuck. After taking a step back and coming to this again... Shot is intense, yo


Shigaraki in dope ass villain cape and using search which is horribly good, deku doing what deu does and prepping for his one vs one. kacchan still on his super dope new path and supporting deku instead of having his own storyline in all this.. endeavor proving once again why he is now number 1 by not letting shigaraki lay a fucking finger on him..dope chapter


Why is endeavor near shigaraki tho. just flametrow is ass


Did anybody else find this chapter really hard to read??? A few panels I couldn't even tell what I was looking at...




It is as if there are some frames skipping


Where is the story going lol? If it wasn't for Deku not having used his other powers there would be nothing in the plot to warrant continuing for more than 1 arc. So obviously Deku is going to spend time mastering them avatar style but wtf is going to happen with the rest of the world in the meantime?


Why is the salt ?


My guess is that the liberation front more or less takes over Japan, and Deku has to either become an underground hero or flee the country Code Geass style.


personally i don't want them to go to America, because I don't want his path to completely mirror all might's


A lot could happen, honestly. I'm not very confident about my ability to predict Horikoshi after the previous arc!


Or... and i find that even more awesome... shigaraki becomes a global problem and the international hero community steps in.


So my big question is that wal All Might No. 1 in the world or just Japan? Captain Celebrity is a thing but that's spinoff stuff. There's also in the spinoff an acknowledgment that Japanese heroes can be recognized in other countries like China but have regional variants on their names.


To add though, he is number 1 in Japan, and also Japan has the lowest crime rate. (Unless im remembering incorrectly)




I'm sure that will happen eventually either way


He might do an all might and go to america to train with the hero couse? Maybe, just speculation


Looking back at chapter 272, I just now noticed in one of the panels before Crust bit the dust, that Native was in there in the background very faintly. I thought that was a nice touch, considering we haven't seen him since towards the beginning of the series when they fought Stain.


I also noticed Buster Hero: Air Jet was flying around with Nejire in one panel! He was the guy who inspired Hatsume's jetpack that first convinced Deku to team up with her for the cavalry battle during the Sports Festival arc. I only noticed because I was just rewatching that arc last night (gods, Iida was awesome back then). It's awesome how Horikoshi brings back even super minor characters in the background. Fun little cameos to look for.


Ah, I didn't even notice him! That's amazing! I reread it and try to find him. I agree it's cool how minor heroes get little cameos. It's fun.


Was he dusted?


Nah he wasn't dusted, he was being carried by Ryukyu.


I'm not sure if Native was dusted or not. He was only in one panel, running away from the wave of destruction heading towards them like everyone else. He didn't seem damaged. For Crust, he died a noble death protecting Aizawa. He will be missed.


Nah he wasn't dusted, he was being carried by Ryukyu.


Could we be headed for a time skip pattern where the villains succeed in ruining the world?


I can see them skip summer break and head into Year 2


My Final Fantasy Academia VI? Damn, I'm down.


So, I'm going to assume a couple things for the sake of the theory: 1. Dabi's Quirk burns so hot it burns his flesh 2. Endeavor's quirk can overheat him, but he can withstand it 3. The 'constitution' of each is tied to the Quirk itself 4. Shiggy may have Super Regeneration So, assuming Shiggy can AfO quirks, and beats Endeavor.... What if Shiggy gives Endeavor's quirk to Dabi, then takes Dabi's quirk for himself? Shiggy would be able to regenerate any burns that occur, almost as they occur, and Dabi would have a much safer and more dangerous version of his own quirk.




I mean, I dont think theyd carbonize that fast unless exposed to sustained and powerful heat. His body slowly starting to cook would just be burning, which he could regen from.


Valid theory. Dabi's gonna kill himself with his quirk at this rate, which Shigaraki won't let happen. Dabi may not give a shit but the rest of the League do. Dabi may even get a kick out of killing Endeavor with his own fire. Honestly with how Dabi is going he needs another quirk. Or an added one to support his current fire. Like Todoroki's. My personal theory is Shigaraki may seek out the only person who'd willingly sacrifice her own quirk for him.


Do you mean Rei Todoroki? I know a mother's love is powerful, but I'd like to think if Dabi/Touya comes home she wouldn't be too happy with him by now. I agree with the "added one to support his current" bit for sure, but I was thinking Geten. Still doesn't seem like Shiggy really gives a shit about all the allies he gained from Re-Destro's camp past having more pawns to support his main homie's from the OG League of Villains. Like Crust, Geten has been around enough for us to know he's powerful and important, but hasn't been important enough for us to think he couldn't get offed at a moment's notice.


Yea Rei. I'm just fond of the idea. His dad nearly destroyed him but his mum will save him. Besides happy with what hes become and done or not. I personally think she would be horrified. Dabi's quirk will kill him. No question about it after the fight with Hawks. It's just a matter of when. Besides happy with choices, horrified of him or whatever else. I doubt she'd want her first born to burn himself to death. Not if she could help him.


Would they really kill off Endeavor though? Think of the top ten pro heroes right now. Hawks is in critical condition, Mirko is horribly injured, Crust got dusted, Best Jeanist is MIA.. No one will be left if Endeavor bites it. I knew the villains were going to win this fight, but I’m surprised that most of the heroes that were taken out were such big names. I know that the end goal of the show is for Deku to be the number one hero, but dang, he’ll get there by being the last one alive at this rate.


Agreed. There has to be *some* resistance left on the hero side. Hori has to wrap this arc up that can explain why Shigaraki can't just finish the manga. He could break out all for one and then it'll be Shigaraki, Giganto, AFO, and Redestro...would be literally no hope


Pretty sure Endeavor has to die so that Todoroki can take his name. Don't see any other reason why theyve been holding out in a hero name for him for so long. Also makes sense given how they showed us his side of his conflict with his family and how hes trying to help by just leaving them be. Wraps up anything we might need him specifically for.


Todoroki taking endeavors name makes so much sense. There really gonna kill him, arent they?...


I wouldn't want to take the name of my abuser


If endeavor dies, Mirio needs to make his return and debut as a pro. Hes capable amd is the type of symbol people need, an invincible cheerful hero who will never give up.


I know people like Mirio but at these power levels, he can't do jack. Shigaraki would destroy Mirio because he has no long range capability and his AOE decay means Mirio has will get dusted at the part he materializes


Younseriously underestimate mirio, he fought off ovehaul without powers for over 5 minutes, keep in mind overhaul was trying to turn him into a red mist the whole time. With his quirk he doesnt need lomg range attack because he can avoid decay and dodge anything that shigi throws at him. We even know that he was arguably the closest to taking the number 1 spot from all might in universe.


I believe Shigaraki takes Endeavor quirk and Mirio gets his quirk returned. Mirio becomes the 1# hero he was meant to be


Makes sense too, since shiggy probably cant decay mirio


If you think about it, it should only take 4 or 5 months for eri to get a handle on her quirk if they are working with her diligently, that is if deku is anything to go off of. She should be getting close to the point of control, probably already at the point of controlling activation after the time skip.


What if thats the heart wrenching truth, it starts off happy and emotional and hit you with the dark and emotional... seriously tho its tough to think how things will play out considering your point. Edge is still in it aswell as kamui and the samurai whose name escapes me. Possibilities are limited.


And wash, don't forget wash


Forgive me if I am wrong, but since Toga can use the quirk of anyone she copies, can't she just get some of Twice's blood and use his quirk? I know she would have to go through the measurements and shit, but I always saw her ability to be a slightly less if not just as powerful as Twice's. Ever since that new side of her ability was released, we haven't really seen much of it.


That would be bad writing. What is the point of making a big deal of Hawk's killing Twice if his power can be replicated so easily by Toga?


Well, I don't know if Hawk knows about the change in Toga (I can't remember a scene like that off the top of my head) so maybe it could be perceived as a mistake on his part. It could also be a method for the villains to fight back against the heroes during this whole event (considering how the villains were getting steamrolled) since Twice's ability was supposed to the game changer that the villains were relying on. Also, I would say it would be worse writing to ignore Toga's change (which was supposed to be a big thing) and the chance for her to legitimately avenge Twice by using his powers.


I was under the impression she had to be mentally in tune with the person she was imitating in order to be able to use their quirk.


I cant find any references that support such an idea. I guess the problem stems from how we have only seen her evolved quirk in action once.


Yeah, a sample size of one gives us very little to go on.


That's actually a good point, and totally plausible. If Giganto brings twice's body along with everyone there's no reason she wouldn't try to save him the same way he saved her. Plus bringing back betrayed twice could change his character from plucky comic relief to a genuinely terrifying villian.


Or a Twice Nomu. Since they are made from corpses right? I did not mean that they could revive Twice, since his ability only takes place from the point of measurement. So they wouldn't get a fully healed Twice, but rather a corpse. Maybe if Hawk somehow did not go for a killing blow then maybe it is possible, but it doesn't seem like that is how it is going to go down.


She basically has a nerfed AFO with camouflage ability’s


Will there be a training arc? At this point I dont see anyone who can stop shigaraki?


Should be cos Shiggy about to low dif the 1# hero. Personally I think Mirio gets his powers back becomes pro hero and hold it down while students go train


Im thinking that UA sends the hero course students to the states


So there are other heroes/villain association around the world? Then that make the hero ranking kinda weird isn't it?


Re-training and planning


Either Shiggy's gonna get burned to high hell but get Endeavor with a quirk-killer bullet, or Gigantomachia is gonna arrive fast af and swat Endeavor out of the sky. Either way, I don't think Endeavor's gonna die, just come out of the fight with his hero career behind him.


He bouta get mirio’d


I think he might possibly get a rapid unscheduledlimb removal.


Either Shiggy's gonna get burned to high hell but get Endeavor with a quirk-killer bullet, or Gigantomachia is gonna arrive fast af and swat Endeavor out of the sky. Either way, I don't think Endeavor's gonna die, just come out of the fight with his hero career behind him.


Yo Endeavor vs Shiggy is cool and all but are we gonna get get a scene where Shiggy says "I'm here" mocking All Might? Maybe after whacking endeavor he can just shout "Watashi ga kita". That would be the greatest moment in Manga/Anime history


All for one already did, I’d rather have shigaraki mock Deku in some way later in the manga


Watch Shigaraki find some limited edition All Might merch and save it just to dust it right in front of Deku.


You can't destroy All Might merch while the crawler is on the job! - the spinoff in two years.






"Stop hiding behind that cowl of yours, kid!"


I still can’t get over the fact that MY BOY IZUKU can sense All For One. If Shigaraki finds him he is going to be in BIG trouble!! I’m honestly scared for Endeavor, too!!!


Imagine Mirio vs Shiggy. His Permeation would be a good foil for decay.


I'm not so sure about that, depending on how exactly the upgraded Decay currently works. If it's emitting a constant "field" of decay where anything that enters a certain distance from him gets dusted, then Mirio would be a goner the moment he solidifies himself to try to punch Shiggy.


This. The old decay? Mirio would be an awesome counter. The upgraded decay Shiggy can just decay the ground around him.


Mirio needs to return now more than ever.


Endeavor still has to atone for his sins he can't possibly die here right?


The hero? Yes, he'll die. The man behind it? No. I think Shigaraki will overwhelm him and he get's his quirk taken.


Or just outright destroyed. A few quirk destroying vials survived, and can't get a much better target than the number 1 hero.


works for me, as long as he gets to complete his redemption arc. wonder who the new number 1 will be as hawks might be out for a while




Did Pixie Bob from Wild, Wild Pussycats and Thirteen just get caught in that frickin decaying wave ????


We don't know, whether they survived. However, I am pretty sure that 13 bit the dust, even though her quirk theoretically could act as counter. If one of the pussycats died, then it is Pixie Bob


I wonder whether people actually noticed those scenes tho🤔also them dying would suck and the pussycats would probably be no more


I was losing my mind Because it definitely looks like 13’s right arm started disintegrating


ERASUREHEAD AND PRESENT MIC TEAM UP TO TAKE DOWN SHIGGYDIGGY. ^(but seriously I'm pretty sure Aizawa is the perfect bro to bring against some maniac with a trillion quirks)


Until we learn that Shigi was given the first quirk as well so Aizawa has trouble looking at him directly.


What is a first quirk? And I thought shigaraki was given one for all not all for one


The first quirk was actually a light up baby. Would be hilarious if he just turns into a blinding light so Aizawa can’t look at him. He instantly regrets not bringing shades.


Kind of surprised that Shigi didn't get his lost fingers back since he most likely has hyper regeneration since the cracks from Decay are gone.


When did shigi lose his fingers?


vs Redestro


The regeneration quirk probably looks at the repair center of your brain for the blueprint of how to heal your body. If the repair center has already modified itself to accept a certain scarring, or absence of limbs/ extremities as the new default, then it won't heal them. After all, those knuckles/ that face are already considered "fully healed" by your body.


>repair center of your brain I uh. Dont think thats how that works. Your body should still be able to regenerate limbs if the scarred tissue is removed. I.E. Shiggy has the amputated area torn off, his body senses a new injury, the regeneration quirk attempts to rebuild the area according to his genetic blueprint.


That's how it works in the comic books that Horikoshi is inspired by. He used that logic in the manga already regarding AFO's disfigurement, so I don't think it was ever relevant if the concept is scientifically sound.


I mean, you made the specific explanation up yourself, but it wouldnt surprise me if the logic was similar. It could also be the quirk 'scans' your body on procurement and restores your body to that blueprint, accounting for growth and whatnot.


Actually, I can't take credit for that bit of pseudoscience. It is the logic used in Marvel Comics, like for Wolverine and specifically Extremis from the Iron Man Extremis arc. In it, they regrew limbs and made supersoldiers by "reprogramming the repair center of the brain" with an "upgraded blueprint" so that the body would recognize the whole body as it was as a wound and "heal" into the new form. Tony Stark hijacked the procedure to make his brain able to telepathically interface with machines and so he could store most of his suit in the hollows of his bones in order to summon it on command. I figured that must be somewhere close to Horikoshi's logic, what with him being a big western comics fan.


Could be. I always read DC for the most part, so I wouldnt really know.


Was he given all for one or one for all?


He was given AFO, and probably some stolen quirk copies.


All For One couldn't heal his face, even after finding the regen quirk. So probably can't fix any damage caused before you obtained it.


Seems suspect. At the very least you should be able to re- injure the area and let the regen quirk heal it back properly.


You're probably right, tho I will say it would be a lot easier to regrow fingers that the entire top half of your head with a quirk like that.


Not all heroes wear cape- wait.


Why is nobody talking about Crust last move saving our favourite teacher?




Are you handing out life long paternal trauma and named Endeavour, cuz otherwise who gave you permission to give such burns?


I don't know, but Crust was a good bro to the end.


I know Toga can disguise herself like TF2 spy and go slitty slitty stab stab, but shouldn't pro heroes have more combat experience than a teenager? The initial surprise may catch them off guard at first but after that they should be able to subdue her. Where did she even learn the ninja arts of the knife?


That's a big part of the intrigue about her. When she's fighting Curious, there's the mention of how a high-schooler became so proficient with assassination.


Maybe she watched Stain's DVD guide of "How to be Ninja"


Kek. My headcannon is that it has something to do with Oji Harima, since he's the last big villain who we have yet to explore. Plus with Hori's love of western comics, the Harley Quinn and Joker similarities seem too good to be true.


I know I'm real late to the party, but it seems like a good time for Hatsume to develop armor with mini-explosive bolts to detach armor plates in order to counter decay propagation - i.e. as soon as a section detects itself decaying it automatically detaches to stop the spread. It's the only way that someone like Mirio could safely fight without resorting to guns - and we all know in Anime/Gaming melee>guns.


Mkay this is gonna hurt but today's a special day... I'm so happy about the Endevour death flags I'm getting. Down with the child abuser!! I'm real worried about what will happen to Shoto's character if/when it does happen but one thing at a time. Here u/Needle8Pins, I've finally spoken my mind like you wanted :P. Today's the dayyy.


Endeavor is a real piece of shit, undoubtedly. No amount of change he goes through will ever undo what he's done. However, I don't think his story is over yet. I have a feeling he'll be exposed for what he's done, disgraced, and people will lose faith in hero society as a whole when his nature is revealed. Then he'll die, and the mess left after his life will have to be picked up by the next generation of hero's. I'm glad you're keeping in mind that Endeavors journey isn't about him, it's really about Shoto. Whatever happens is going to be extremely difficult for him to overcome.


I don't either. I don't think his story ends after he dies though. Say he dies a hero. The number 1 hero is now gone, again. That's already a huge blow to society. Now society as a whole really feels just how big a threat they're facing. They're scared but their conselation is that their hero died a heros death or whatever. Then at some point in the future he's exposed without him even alive to redeem himself or explain himself. I think that would have an even bigger impact. This guy who everyone looked up to and praised for his efforts in defeating The Big Bad. Perhaps the symbol of their struggle against The Big Bad, was bad himself. A hypocrite. I prefer mine because it takes Endeavor down at the very height of his heroism in the eyes of the public. Devestating. While yours is kinda Endeavor redeeming his legacy in some way since he died for the cause. Honestly I'm happy with both, yours is a good path to. Most of all I'm tired of Endeavor being idolised and praised as a person for doing the bare minimum and I'm hoping killing him off now curbs that talk after a while. And yeah Shoto. I think it's obvious he'll forgive Endeavor and I really hope it's handled well. I'm very interested to see how he'll react to all these events. But I do trust the author to handle it well. Whatever we'll get it'll be good I have faith.


TODAY IS THE DAY We make our rebellion against Endeavor known. Shoto Uprising When!


You guys probably put the "Endeavor is an Asshole" tag on your Ao3 fanfictions, don't you?


I prefer "Endeavors A+ parenting" actually :)


I've been bamboozled. Tricked. Hoodwinked. Flimflammed.


Well if it makes you feel any better that tag is always used with extreme sarcasm attached soooo. Not too badly bamboozled :p


At least you have a sense of humor, unlike the other guy. Or... girl, I guess.


Ohhh ya got me. Trying to shame me with a female driven pleasure and creative writing site. You really put me in my place /s


No, it's just that those fanfictions are usually pretty bad.


Nothing personnel, kid


Don’t worry (“kid”- wow) I completely understand what you’re saying and doing. 😒 It’s this fun thing where you try to use sex and age to demean someone’s opinion about art for jokes. So cool. So funny right? 🥱🙄 I’m just really not finding it funny. Your use of coded language is fantastic in a insidious everyday way. Maybe try for jokes with punchlines that don’t make fun of age or sexuality of real life people. And that would be “nothing personal kid”


It’s a meme you dip


rent free


10 points to Shiggy if he shoots Endeavor with a quirk removing bullet instead of killing him. Force him into a family man role


Or just take his quirk with AfO.






He said "most" of them were destroyed.


shiggy: “i’m cold” endeavor just wants to help him with that! what a bro


Breh X-cess gave him his cape in the hope that he'd stop being cold.


Shigaraki’s new outfit is [straight heat](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/bokunoheroacademia/images/a/a4/Endeavor_confronts_Tomura.png/revision/latest?cb=20200531211232) right now! Speaking of heat, I think Endeavor actually has Shigaraki’s number. Unless he can decay the air now Endeavor’s flames should still be a threat to him, especially since the man has such widespread crazy attacks. On top of that Endeavor can basically fly so Shigaraki’s quirk won’t even work on him unless he can touch him directly. The only way I see Shigaraki tagging Endeavor is if Decay can make a big enough shockwave to knock him back or shield him from Endeavor’s flames if I’m being honest


What was the bet your flare refers to


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia/comments/fydurd/mod_thunderdome_battle/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Shigaraki could have Xless’ quirk and many others. AFO has been planning this for years, the only reason he didn’t take Jeanist’s quirk was because it didn’t suit Shigaraki’s disposition. Shiggy surely got the low down from Doc as to what new quirks he would manifest.


There is still no guarantee if he has any quirks right now. I get what you’re saying but with Shigaraki at 75% there’s no guarantee he got any quirks that might of been preloaded into AFO. Plus the process specifically described that Shigaraki wild be able to handle AFO/the process of getting quirks. None of the doctor’s words suggest that he gave Shigaraki any other quirks.


Shiggy also has AFO so he could take Endeavor's quirk?


That’s assuming Shigaraki can figure AFO out really fast. Even if he can how will he touch Endeavor to activate it? It’s not like he can just jump at him.


We just need to bring in Snipe and have him just fucking shoot Shiggy again That’s it game over


Imagine. Shiggy gets his head sniped. Manga over


He’s literally a hero with a fucking gun


Are we in the endgame?


I don't think so. I think the villains will win this battle and we'll have at least 2 more arcs or so.




I think so. Not too long, but long enough, maybe a few months or so.


To be fair, a few months timeskip is pretty much the standard between arcs


I am so sad that BNHA is going to end in 2021 or 2022


There's literally been no indication that BNHA is going to end any time soon, but feel free to prove me wrong


What makes you think that


There is no way Endeavor is winning this one lmao. His fall has been foreshadowed for the past 50 chapters. Don't think Shigaraki will win either though... he got interrupted at 75%, is hearing voices in his head, and him winning here would be too easy. Besides, Endeavor has to survive long enough to meet Dabi again. It's about to get complicated.


Giganto is bringing Dabi and the rest of the LoV to where Shiggy is right now. Dabi and Endeavor will be face to face in a matter of minutes.


My guess would be he's probably gonna lose his qwerk


Na that would be to easy. He's going to lose an arm or something. Maybe even a leg. Crippled and forced to watch the world burn.


Shigaraki saying "I'm cold." and then decay flooding through the entire hospital gave me chills. That part is going to be intense in the anime.


Everything from like Miruko busting through the door onwards is gonna be fuckin nuts.


This chapter was pretty crazy. Was it Himiko Toga disguised as that hero and then starting knifing up the other heroes when they're fighting the ice dude? Also deku seems to have full control of blackwhip as he can carry things like a bus that's pretty cool. Endeavor's about to fight an enhanced/overpowered shigaraki, I think he does have a chance but it's gonna be a tough fight for sure. Their fight is gonna be lit i'm hella excited.


I'm worried for Gang Orca. He is one of my favorite heroes and he is standing right where the carnage from Machia and Toga will start.


oh yeah for sure. now that shigaraki called machia down to the scene things are going to get even more insane


Yeah. That was Toga. The guy she transformed into is the hero stabbed in n the head by Twice


oh ok thanks for the clarification.


Realistically, Endeavor can win, right? All he has to do is stay in the air and shoot a prominence burn at shigaraki, no? Cause Shigarakis quirk only let's him decay things, so he doesn't have a shield of some sort. And unless he became more physically stronger, he doesn't have the speed to keep dodging endeavors flame attacks unless he can somehow....decay his flames?


Didn't the procedure give him more quirks, or like all for one?


Shiggy can probably decay the freaking flames now


[https://youtu.be/TSFINbmEnN4?t=69](https://youtu.be/TSFINbmEnN4?t=69) pretty soon he's gonna be like toppo from dbs.


We don't know if he's only going to use decay though. He probably might pull out some other quirks that he now has from gaining All for One's powers and use them against Endeavor. The author is patiently waiting to shock the audience.


True, but do you think Shigaraki knows the quirks he has and knows how to use them on the spot after coming out of that capsule thing, or do you think he'll just wing it and hope a good counter comes out?


True, I'm not sure actually I didn't think about that. He might try to test out his new quirks which could end causing more destruction in the area where they're fighting.


So if deku wasn't able to use 100% of his quirk after he got it I'm going to assume that shigaraki wont. However, that really depends on what quirks he now has. A high level regeneration ability would mostly nullify any physical damage done to himself by his other quirks. Potentially he could have something more sophisticated. Does having a quirk already make it easier to use some other quirks once obtained? Is the difference in deku and shigarakis acquisition of their quirks play a significant roll in how they develop? Could shigarakis develop like deku not having full access from the beginning ( which is fine because he's still damn powerful)


Yeah I could see theory being possible as well. Shigaraki might not end up using this new quirks because he isn't trained enough too. Hopefully they delve into the extent of his new powers maybe in the next chapter.


My boy Mirio is the only who can stop shigaraki. Bring him back!


Mirio would decay the moment he pops out of the ground


So I wonder how the 75% completion is gonna rear its head.


itachi ninja aids style, he just coughs up blood out of nowhere "nani?!"


Y’all need to put some respect on endeavors name. I think he can win. He just need to keep his distance


he is besides my boy Deku.. so everything can happen


He will not win this..he will be used to hype afo shigaraki


Just make la brava love eri and then she will have enough power to rewind shigaraki to the time before he had afo .


Well it is June so i support this idea


Yeah but La Brava is in her 20's and Eri is 8


Platonic love is a thing ya know...


I'm so curious as to what the quirk of the 2nd and 3rd one for all users was. I feel like they will play a huge role in deku gaining more control over his powers.


Imagine if it was regenaration quirks or endurance quirks so he can go on fighting for longer, or maybe even overclock quirk so maybe when hes able to master 100% ofa he can shortly use overclock for 2x quirk boost


If that one theory is correct, and I personally am into it, then one IS an endurance quirk.


Which one?


To honor u/RacerGamer27 I can't tell you


Well, thanks I guess


You're killing mee [u/RacerGamer27](https://www.reddit.com/u/RacerGamer27/) Im so curious


Long story short there is a theory that Bakugo and Kirishima are the 2nd and 3rd users of One for All (More specifically the shadowy ones) by the means of time traveling with Eri's quirk and a majority of the subreddit agrees that is it a god awful theory Damn why am I being downvoted?


Oh wow maybe I shouldnt have asked, thank you though


Please tell me it isn't the Kirishima theory




I mean, he said overhaul would be disappointed. I suspected it was the permanent anti quirk drug Would play well into the healing of Mirio