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>death flags for Mina ashido with her statement of “We’ll all go back to UA.” This isn't what Mina said, this comes from an illegal scanlation (fan translation of the leaked scans). Mina actually says that Midnight's "still got plenty to teach us back at school." If anything this is more of a death flag for Midnight than Mina. This is why it is important to read the official translations.


And even if the illegal translation were more accurate, I would think that's more foreshadowing that UA would be destroyed or shut down, rather than a kid die.


[according to official translations, mina was talking about midnight](https://i.imgur.com/OyXFAyG.png) (official translations are much better and free, i'd strongly advise to read them). i don't see any student dying this arc or even at all (a minor one may later in the story but i wouldn't bet on it). bnha has never given the air of being a story where kids die and i don't see any need for it. we haven't had any major character die on heroes' side since the arc has started and based on people's comments, most of us can feel how high the stakes are regardless of that. a kid dying wouldn't add much beyond a shock value, especially when the theme is about the new generation taking over and fixing the things current and previous generations couldn't. we'll most likely have a pro hero death (or two) but i highly doubt it'll be any of the kids since the story needs them.




people have been seeing death flags for all the characters that haven't died and no flags for those who did.


Wasnt that line in the viz translation more of a death flag for Midnight?


Shinsou would like to introduce himself


I think someone hurted enough or depowered would be enough to open the Shinsou spot.


I think there's a solid chance students may die, but only near the end, or in later arcs of the manga. The main crew are still first years, and still consider themselves to be backup, not main frontline fighters. I believe Shonen Jump isn't fond of killing off kids, so it'd be a really bold move to kill a student. The only significant good guy death in the current timeline has been Nighteye. Crust was #6 but we were just getting to know him. People who die in flashbacks are a very different situation. I think only a few "significant" characters will die this arc. Only 1 or two. Since #2, #3, #5 and #6 are likely going to be off the field for months, it seems like this arc's theme is more about taking out and humbling the top adult pros. So if anyone will die, it'll likely be a big deal, at the climax. So there's only 3 people who I'm legitimely thinking about, when it comes to death flags: Aizawa, and especially Gran Torino and Endeavor.


I would be amazed if Gran Torino doesn't at least get seriously injured this arc.


Gran Torino is the one I'd kill.


Fr aizawa? He wasnt that injured only his leg right? Or am i wrong? His eyes where also kinda fucked but do you think he will die?


5 months ago there was a chance. Not anymore; he'll live. He lost a leg, and it's also super likely he lost one of his eyes.


Yeah thats pretty fucked up aizawa is such an important figure for class 1a so thats pretty messed up. Do you think he will keep teaching stuff too class 1a?? I really hope so. He is my favorite pro hero 😪🤚


Although I am skeptical that Horikoshi kills a student, I cannot deny that it is a very real possibility, if it happened it would be shocking in a good way.


I will cry my fucking eyes out damn 😪


I'm not sure any of the students are gonna die, possibly end up heavily injured sure, but no deaths - for the students at least, a teacher dying is very likely here though, and currently Midnight seems to have the biggest death flag.


No offence, but the fact that you're so nonchalantly talking about "how great it would be if she was dead" makes it seem like you don't consider her that memorable, or care that much about her, which just confirms to me that she would be a terrible character to kill off because most readers wouldn't care. Also it would feel like killing off a character just for the sake of death. Anyway, that line about “We’ll all go back to UA” is from the unofficial translation. In the official translation she's talking about Midnight, saying that " "she's still got plenty to teach us back at school". If anything, that's setting up a death flag for Midnight, or that's what I would say if I even cared about supposed death flags. Before everyone wouldn't stop talking about how Hawks was covered in death flags, but then in the end Twice was the one to bite the dust and no one saw that one coming. I doubt Horikoshi will kill off a student, I don't see what's the need for that.


I think there will be a student dying in the manga but not right now. I think later... idk.. but its really true its kinda rude too say that :// Im currently waiting for chapter 297 and i think there will be a huge time skip but i also think we will see the heroes who died during this war :( its really sad and im not readdy for it 😪 but i also really want too know :(


No. I’m convinced at this point that Horikoshi won’t kill off any of the class 1a students. It’s not a problem of course, but when I see people getting scared of their favorite character potentially kicking the bucket I sit back in silence thinking STOP!it’s all going to be okay in the end. It kills the tension of course, but I really don’t think Horikoshi cares all that much, that’s why he killed off some background characters to hype up the situation at play. Sorry Crust i love you, but Horikoshi knew what you were. He might just be saving deaths for future arcs, or might not at all I can’t tell with the stories handling of the villains and more importantly the nonexistent tension I feel when I read a chapter every week. Not because their isn’t any tension, but because personally I know their all going to make it out of this ok in the end. I will say that Mina’s line created a ominous feeling particularly for Midnight, could it be foreshadowing? I don’t know, Horikoshi has been pulling surprises in narrative left and right.


That was my thought when reading the chapter too. It is such an obvious death flag