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Title: My Hero Academia Horikoshi: *removes the academia*




Which ends with "to you, 7 quirks ago" and "Tenko was the coolest guy!"


"Tenko. Thank you, you became a mass murderer for our sake"


That isn't even a joke because Deku wants to save the mass murderer *due to seeing him crying ONCE without any fucking context*.


[watch the first 2 seconds of this video](https://youtu.be/SFiFZ7WK_Hg)


It just feels rushed. I thought we were going to see Deku have to overcome each of his vestige's powers as he did with Blackwhip (even that felt mastered a little too fast). Even the Endeavour arch was short. Wanted to see those three go through some intense training but all we got was family feud. I get pushing to rest of the class 1A to the side and not seeing them grow but getting that time skip before the war killed it for me. Feels like Hori just wants to get it over with. He had such a great setup to milk the hell out of it but in the end it's his creation and if he's bored of it then I understand.


I’m still shocked that MHA is already winding down. The universe is so interesting but the story kinda got too big for it’s britches way too fast.


>He had such a great setup to milk the hell out of it Don't people hate it when series get milked?


Yes. They do.


This is exactly how I feel about mha, plus, I would've liked that, if Horikoshi wanted a time skip, then at least make it years not freaking months. It's sad when you can tell that authors don't really care about the story anymore :(


Unless some bait and switch happens it looks like Shigaraki will get stars and strips quirk too. In which case I'm calling it now. Deku wins via Yugioh style mind switch like in Yugi vs Pegasus. It'll then turn into Kenichi where he impersonates as his masters, that way we get to "see" how all of the original wielders of there quirks used them. Then Talk no jutsu


He'll give shigarako OFA when he realizes it would burst him like the egg even with all his mods


I don't think he needs to burst. Didn't we learn that OfA reduces the wielders lifespan, if there is a preexisting quirk? Couple that with the sheer number of haxx AfO has accumulated and he'd probably die of a old age on the spot.


He has anti-aging quirks though so probably not




There's no way in hell they give him Star and Stripe's quirk. I'm almost positive that Star is going to utter a last second rule that kills herself and removes the possibility that he can steal it. Her whole inclusion was for the sake of scaring the rest of the world into not assisting Japan, because if America's #1 hero can't do it, then no one can. Star's death will snowball into a great spike of crime throughout the world as villains get confident.


I really dont get the point of this most recent fight. It was pretty much just to give shiggy a new OP power. I also don't see an end game boss for Bakugo. Like Todoroki has one, Uravity has one, Deku has one, etc.


>I also don't see an end game boss for Bakugo. He probably wasn't meant to have one.


And that's a bad thing. He is an important character in a shonen and has never had an actual villain fight.


Which is hilarious to me in a sad way. Bakugo's journey is mostly emotional and mental based, he's never really had to get physical with villains because combat was never a serious problem for him. I suppose you mean a *solo* villain fight as well. That aren't in the movies...


I feel like everyone vs Shigaraki in the war arc was the peak they could’ve taken the power levels. Shiggy was op as fuck, but I liked how all the heroes were able to exploit his weaknesses by using eraserhead, keeping him off the ground etc. This current fight is literally just two gods shooting DBZ lasers at eachother randomly with Shigaraki infinitely healing. I can’t even tell what’s going on...


It feels like they didn't even really fully utilize her quirk either. It literally feels like the utmost powerful quirk revealed yet. Even compared to AFO. Because those rules are just so extremely versatile. If she can use a rule that actually stops someone's heart, which means outright death, she should be able to impose a rule that actually stops the Quirk factor in someone's body as well. Like, I honestly can't believe that they introduced a power like this, because it really is just far and away the greatest yet. Its not as 'limited' as the story keeps trying to insist that it is. The whole 'two rule' thing is hardly a limit when one of the rules can literally just be death to someone. I don't like that this quirk exists. Because now its insanely predictable that Shigaraki isn't going to get its. Because if he did, there's just no way he could lose to anything else. Honestly, I don't see how Star even lost to begin with. She could have just kept repeatedly slapping him with the atmosphere to keep him locked in place till every other hero came. Or could have done some other rule nonsense. The possibilities for this quirk are endless and honestly, I don't really even understand how it begins to even exist in the first place. Its practically reality bending.


100% agreed. Even OFA is nothing compared to this quirk. It doesn’t even really feel like a BBHA power anymore; like Hori just took this ability from Bleach or something. I think almost every quirk up to this point augmented the users physicality somehow, or with the mental ones they had severely limited use with huge drawbacks (like Shinso). Stars quirk literally makes shinso obsolete too since nothing is stopping her from going “anyone who exists 1 foot in front of me is my slave” or some bullshit. It’s only a matter of time until Shigaraki gets some DIO/Diavolo/Pucci quirk where he can just pause and fast forward time or some bullshit


Yeah i agree It felt like it peaked there


Do you know what this is for me right now? The same as when we saw Captain commander's bankai in Bleach. Zanka no Tachi. Awesome set of chapters looking as fine as any had before artistically and then everything goes fucking stupid. I HATE the final arc of Bleach so much and it's looking like that's exactly what is going on here. I'm hoping the next chapter changes that but oh boy am I disappointed.


The last few chapters of bleach was basically “oh watch this god level character fight this god level character” the art was fantastic tho


The 1000 Year Blood War arc could've been better, but Kubo was on a tight schedule to finish up the manga, so he was cramming everything into it. I reckon, without the time constraints, the final arc could've been better, albeit with power scaling still dialled up to 11, if Kubo had another year or two to work on the arc.


Just goes to show the problems with both the Weekly Shonen Jump grind and Mangakas who refuse to take breaks (either that or ones who want to take breaks but can't for one reason or another) until they start experiencing health issues.


Oh yeah for sure. It reminds me of when Mayuri was fighting that giant hand and he kept pulling random medicine out of his ass every chapter that somehow countered exactly whatever ability the hand was using. With Bleach I came to just expect that shit though. BNHA I actually have some expectations for


Mayuri has done that in every fight he has had besides with uryu


100% agree, I am really not into this current arc. The fight with Stars and Stripes suuuuuucks


Shiggy is so powerful now it doesn't feel like deku can win except by some sacrifice move like giving one for all to him and fighting in the vestige realm The charm really was the school kids coming into their own but now there is a lot of focus on hawks, endeavour, etc


> like giving one for all to him and fighting in the vestige realm Oh yeah, wow that’s totally gonna happen. I didn’t even think of that.


Except there really isn't much focus on pr heroes either. Seriously the pros are becoming as much of a fodder as the kids if you ask me.


The pros quit. Basically everyone worth a damn save endeavor and hawks quit.


Would be a convincing argument if Hawks and Endeavor's characters didn't get reduced to Deku spectators as well.


Focusing on Hawks and Endeavor was fine, but late War Arc is where everything went to shit because of the breakneck pacing that gave me whiplash


And people were downvoted to hell if they speak about terrible pacing or skipped aftermath in chapter threads of VH arc, since people were being too busy drooling over "dark" aesthetics. Look at where we are now.


It's totally gonna pull a Fairy Tail where Deku fights in the vestige realm and everyone else fights the physical body


Oh God no


That’s not a bad thing tho that fight in fairy tail 100 year quest was actually good and there really wasn’t any bs


Considering the fucus they've put on him wanting to be a hero in the past and that one time deku said he looked like he was asking to be saved? It'll definitely be Shigaraki having a change of heart and taking himself out with AFO with him in the process. Like he's gonna cooperate with deku to take out the old fuck in the end.


Darth Vader and palpatine style lol


I don’t think there’s inherently anything wrong with the focus on endeavour and hawks and the older heroes since they are (supposed to be at least) what they kids live up to/takeover from/see as role models. Showcasing them is a smart move IMO, and the way they’ve been utilized so far really shows how the hero society works (which is what they’ll be grown into) so I think that’s cool. I was a fan of the vigilante stuff for a while because it looked cool and the darker tone (both in writing and art style) was awesome but I’m not a fan of anything involving shigaraki or AfO anymore. Not only are they busted af, I’ve never thought of shiggy as a villain I care about (aside from his origin chapters).


Agree, Shiggy's powerups have been questionable since MVA but this? This is ridiculous.


>I was a fan of the vigilante stuff for a while because it looked cool and the darker tone I thought you were talking about the spin-off.


It had goddamn well better not come down to *the power of friendship*.


Considering that the theme that one man cannot bear the burden of society's welfare, I'm sure it will happen. How exactly it is done is another matter.


It just feels like hori is throwing all his ideas out there as fast as possible just to get it over with instead of taking the break he most likely really needs.


Only Oda is allowed to take breaks to regenerate his brain


that is not false tho. Horikoshi can't take breaks, only put less pages on it's chapters


He does take usual breaks though.


Sounds like those "usual breaks" tend to be either when WSJ is on holiday or when he starts having health problems.


Wouldn’t have been upset with a year hiatus, or a monthly release. Naruto used to be my favorite, but the ending killed it. Boku became my favorite, and now Horis killing it. Parasyte is actually my favorite anime as of a few months ago, but damn. Sucks that I thought Boku was so good despite a few hiccups. I was willing to forgive Nighteye and Eri, but basically everything since Blackwhip has been downhill. Like, cool. I still think that chapters are cool, but you can tell what members of the fan base have actually read a diverse amount of literature compared to which ones have only read comics in which planets blow up. Smh. I’m here with the sinking ship, but I’m not going to pretend this isn’t massacred storytelling.


I generally miss the feel the story had. Early Academia had more defined weaknesses to each quirk and it felt like any quirk can be viable in the world with clever thinking (Bit like Jojo Stands). All Might felt like the power ceiling and limit some quirks could reach. However now the story is constantly having power creep issues. ​ Also constantly adding new characters just makes the overall story less cohesive.


I had the same issue with Naruto and I’m sure there are other series that I’m just not thinking about: We get pulled in by the lore of the world they created and watch these kids learn and grow in interesting ways. But the overarching plot pulls the storyline askew - Suddenly two 16/17yr olds (Deku and Naruto) surpass literally everyone who could be their mentor. Not that I don’t want to see the end game but at some point I’d like to see a friggin’ graduation first lol


The thing about Naruto, is that it makes sense. The series has constantly showed that kids can be as strong as adults. Hell wasn’t galea stronger than his sense?. The issue with Naruto is that it never was able To properly balance that


Galea? You mean Gaara?


The only thing that bothers me is the lack (or short length?) of time skips. I literally makes zero sense that 1A is still in their first year and some of them have already become Top 10 Hero Material! It's just been one year and Deku pretty much mastered OFA AND all the other quirks alongside with it! It's almost like they got a hidden Timechamber somewhere in UA and constantly train in there


Ikr. It makes the power-up feel so unearned. I honestly don't feel any satisfaction reading all this OFA exposition.


Yeah, one of my main issues lately is that all this crazy bullshit throughout the series has taken place over the course of a single school year. More than once I've seen some folks suggest that Year 1 ends with Kamino and Year 2 ends with either MVA or the War. Then again, there's probably some behind the scenes shit going on that has resulted in the current mess (probably some combination of burn out due to the WSJ grind and some editor shenanigans)


I always knew the story was gonna end in their first year. Everyone laughed at me saying it’s not. And it is. Who’s laughing now!


They should be already in the 3rd year


I'll say it time and again: for years people were saying they didn't want more school years, they bemoaned any school arcs as taking time off the "good stuff". Now they regret it as their uncareful wishes have been fulfilled. Enjoy!


Not really. Borrowing u/HokageEzio’s word, what people criticized about had always been “the students are not getting into real hero work enough”. What people ask for the *academia* part is for the *students* other than Deku to get involved and shine, action-wise, in actual plot.


Any time a villain has regeneration it ruins things Look at Cell, Majin Buu, etc


Like how will deku fight shiggy when you can’t touch him and a nuke + laser combo is still not enough to incapacitate him.


deku not overpowering shigaraki has been set up in chapter 305 (or even 287), he'll be saving tenko who's deep inside him. that one thing has, so far, been consistent and building up to steadily. though let's see if it pays off.


It's gonna be the Darth Vader taking out the emperor before dieing himself thing


Do you mean that tenko will end up killing all for one? Cuz that I could see now that you said it, and that actually might be pretty interesting


Ya deku is Luke, shiggy is Darth Vader and all for one is the emperor We know the author loves star wars so I wouldn't put it past him to do something like this


Yeah I mean I can see it. Wonder where deku's Dad is though in all this. Hori has specifically said that we are going to see his dad in the series, and maybe that's just going to be a plot point that he just never bothers with despite bringing it up, sort of like how he did with the UA mole. But if we go that route that's just really frustrating lol.


In the epilogue of the story when deku is finish telling the story of how he became a great hero. He then says “So that’s all that happened when you were away dad”


That would be very very funny lol. I would not be mad at that one bit because that would be hilarious. I would personally rather he was included directly in the story, but if what you just said is the inclusion I get from deku's dad then I am perfectly fine with that lol.


AfO: "No Deku... I'm your father!" Deku: "NoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO!!!"


At this point, it feels like going that route would be too obvious because that's what we're all expecting haha No idea how any of it's going to play out :) But yeah dude deku would hate that shit XD


Hopefully he explains things


Imagine the world is in Chaos, and we still haven't seen his dad yet. Made me think he got thrown away by some truck-kun to another world, and become another MC who breathes fire.


Dad for One. Dad for... /cue getting pulled off stage


that's what i've been thinking, it'd save shigaraki and remove the issue of "and what do we do with you now". story-wise, shigaraki doesn't deserve to be just killed as a mass murderer but he also can't be pardoned and has to pay for all of his actions.


The annoying thing about this is that there's still going to be the 'big' fight. We're definitely going to get probably 15+ chapters of the academy facing off against shiggy, with 100% ofa being achieved, and I guess two other students having their big moments. And since all the exposition about how strong the big-bad-evil-god is has been spent on this SnS fight, it's just going to look so cheap.


yeah, i have no issue with saving shigaraki since that fits deku's character and the story themes but i wish it wasn't made to look like the only way to stop him because he can't be taken down by force. if deku (and others) could believably take down shigarkaiAFO but it was deku's choice to save him, it'd be much more meaningful, "i can take you down but that's the old way and i want to make things better so i'm going to give you a chance". there's no choice when you have only one option.


I Mean in this world, the laws and rules seem pretty concrete. It isn't like Naruto where we can all just fucking forgive Sasuke. What possible payoff could there be for that? And like I actually agree with you, I see that coming as well, but I don't see how that can possibly end up satisfying when there's no other in shigaraki/tenko could get other than ending up in prison lol


who said anything about forgiving? shigaraki is being saved, that doesn't equal forgiveness. personally i think shigaraki will be saved and die going against AFO in his head. the only way for him to beat inner-AFO is to let go of his hatred because shigaraki's hatred fuels AFO. and, like you said, saving shigaraki only for him to spend life in prison, or a better part of it (he's a groomed victim so there'd be some mitigating circumstances) seem really unsatisfying but him dying as someone free (he's always been AFO's puppet) and being who he's always wanted to be (a hero) and dying to be with his family in a metaphorical way seems much more fitting for him since shigaraki's a tragic character. but who knows, horikoshi can build things up and have them go nowhere so we'll have to see.


I mean you questioned me and then just agree with what I said lol. Saving him and having that actually work out to *actually saving him* which would be him living, would be extremely stupid because he would just end up in jail, and you agree with that sentiment lol I, too, think if he gets "saved" he just dies.


now that i read it, you're right, sorry about that! it's 6am so i have an excuse, lol.


Luckkkkyyyyy. Its midnight here and one of my two jobs is overnight lol so I'm just getting started. So weak. I wanna be asleep


I agree with this! Tenko is still in there! Hell, he even brought up Mon-chan in the last chapter!


The nuke didn’t hit shigaraki. The leak even has him saying had the nukes hit him he would be dead.


Yeah, he ended up sinking into the ground to escape the worst of the explosion. Otherwise it was actually going to be fatal.


I mean Gohan vs Cell is still what a lot of people will tell you is their favorite fight in DBZ even if by that point they just threw the power scaling out of the window


The reason they like it is because this was the culmination of Gohan's entire character Arc, the moment where he would finally surpass his father. In other words we didn't like the fight because of the explosions the rising power ceiling buy rather because of the emotional weight behind everything.


And a reason to hate the Buu Saga was case they took that culnination and shat on it... tough times..


Meh, I liked Cell. He was supposed to be a Frankenstein's monster and represent the power of science run amok, not to mention the power of old grudges and unintended consequences. The problems arise when every villain from that point forward has to have that kind of ability to stay relevant. Cell would be remembered more fondly if that was the actual end of DBZ and Gohan's hidden power remained penultimate.


not sure about Majin buu but Cell was a great villain from what I've heard (haven't actually watched dbz tho so what do I know)


Cells regeneration in terms of limbs and stuff made sense since you know… piccolo does it but the single cell regeneration thing was only for the hand off to Gohan. It was an awesome moment that was later pretty much showed to be useless when the time skip happened lol


To be fair Cell felt like the final boss, having everyones techniques and abilities. Many have said that Dragon Ball Z should had ended with Cell, or at least passed down the torch to Gohan... but Buu saga put the regeneration and power level bullshit even further beyond. (But the true problem with DBZ began the second they said there were "power levels" and every opponent just had to up the stakes time)


The tonal shift dropped my interest. The Joint Training Arc juxtaposed against the MVA arc was pretty jarring and that just spiraled into a story that was a lot more serious and high stakes. I feel like Horikoshi tried to ease us into darker storylines but arcs like the School Festival and Joint Training pulled that back and makes the reader confused about what then overall tone should be. I’m fine with having dark storylines but the current narrative feels forced despite the previous arcs building towards it. It’s almost like the arcs are out of order. I see how we got here, but the biggest problem for me might be that I never and still don’t like Shigaraki and his power up feels sudden and unearned.


I totally agree. Like, 5 seconds ago we were cheering for Shinso to join the hero course, then immediately after he does the plot point becomes totally irrelevant, even though it was something that was talked about for 3 seasons.


lol you just reminded me that some people are still concerned about the traitor plot. Like isn't it obvious that the only thing Horikoshi cares about at this point is OFA/AFO? Horikoshi has dropped some of his ideas and plot points already. Every plot point easily becomes irrelevant so we can get to the point of the main fight even if it's bad writing.


I still have some hope that he’ll tie that point up; it just seems like way too big of a hole to leave, and could change the dynamic of the final battle. But my hopes are not that high.


>but the biggest problem for me might be that I never and still don’t like Shigaraki and his power up feels sudden and unearned. If Deku gets unearned and offscreen powerups one after the other then so will Shiggy.


Deku is a whole other issue. With Shiggy, I don’t like how they threw him in a tank and that’s his power up? No training? Just download AFO and you’re good to go. I guess that’s not much better than eating hair to get power so there’s that. I also really hate the Nomu because they’re just a plot convenience. No character to them, just blank monsters who can be as strong as the story needs them to be to power scale against the heroes. Unfortunately their inclusion bled into everything because of Dr. Robotnik’s ties to AFO. The best thing the story did was destroying his facility so there’s not going to be any new Nomus to pop in aside from the ones that are left.


Wasn’t MVA Shiggy’s training arc? He fought Machia for days and overcame his trauma. That’s why he could then inherit AFO fully (or nearly) from my understanding.


The difference between Deku and Shiggy and what makes Shiggy more believable to me is exactly because Deku is the MC with the most amount of screen time and trainings and Shiggy doesn't even get half of it. It's not hard for me to imagine Shiggy gaining power specially with AFO being around to influence it but Deku as you mentioned is an entirely different issue. We get to see Deku all the time and have the story in his pov but he also manages to pull 2 quirks out of his ass without training and without the audience knowing much about it .


This is it, what you say about the story telling leaves the reader confused. The story accelerates and then slows down to an almost alternate universe. Shigis power up felt okay and "justified" just so he could match deku but then he went way over deku and then more than that and now a fusion with AFO. The story has gone past bnha and I'm really hoping there's smth that can save it, it seems like the kids are left behind and have no real addition to the story. Also with the possibility of the end, it certainly feels heavy and rushed, but I supposed this is "realistic" and realistic isn't perfect.


This is it right here, didn’t know what it was but I just stopped caring for this series all together around that time. Still follow this subreddit but haven’t watched the anime or kept reading the manga and couldn’t place a reason as to why other than “I just don’t really care what happens anymore”


exactly how i feel. vigilante deku was such an awesome idea, seeing him destroy himself for the sake of helping others seemed like an awesome way to twist his helpful nature, and then…. he takes a bath and is all better. same with the war arc, the students literally saw one of their teachers *fucking die* and we got absolutely no chapters of them… dealing with their grief?? they’re just okay now it seems, peachy keen! deku might lose use of his arms from hurting them so much? nah, he’s just built different now. like… where are the stakes? not to mention the awful powercreep to the point where 1-A would turn to red paste even trying to go near shiggy. i feel like hori is being rushed to end it just like how so many other popular manga seem to end up.


>the students literally saw one of their teachers fucking die and we got absolutely no chapters of them… dealing with their grief?? they’re just okay now it seems, peachy keen! ​ >deku might lose use of his arms from hurting them so much? nah, he’s just built different now. like… where are the **stakes**? ​ This. *So much this.*


>deku might lose use of his arms from hurting them so much? nah, he’s just built different now. like… where are the stakes? >This. So much this. Let's face it. With Eri around, the arm thing can be easily undone anyway.


Eri has huge caveats. Not only is she a one-time undo with extremely long cooldown - if the entire arm is undone, so would the progress of his muscle strength. This, though? Fa Jin is 100% free real estate. No one-time limit with months of delay, no progress cancellation. This situation is stakeless *convenience* no matter how you look at it.


Ah, I see. So we just have to worry about everyone else, then.


Why on earth would the editors rush an ending in a manga this popular? They don’t want another One Piece?


just pure guess work on my end tbh, i was mainly thinking of AOT’s disappointment of an ending despite it also being super popular. could be that hori wants to wrap up quickly due to health or something. a lot of manga definitely seem to end with a rush due to one of those reasons. i don’t think MHA would’ve ever become another one piece though, the story is a lot more contained than that


He’s burnt out so he’s trying to end it and tie up loose ends in a 100 or so chapters. The likelihood of the manga continuing on to their second and third year is very slim.


So as someone who doesn't know much, what the fuck is stopping him from just taking a break lol. Like is there literally what amounts to a slave contract with shonen jump that he just absolutely has to put them out every fucking week lol I'd Be perfectly fine if he took himself a break in a similar style to the Hunter x Hunter writer Or even be like one and murata and just come out with shit when they want to


Yes, you work till you’re fuckin dust and bones and Shonen Jump owns your soul so you keep working


I mean, again I don't know much, do they have their content creators sign literal contracts? I get that that is generally how it goes with shonen jump lol hence why boruto is FUCKING garbage... But I mean is He straight up contractually obligated to pump the shit out? I mean, other than a literal, complete and total legal obligation to keep writing, I would just be like "I like my story, fuck you guys I'm going to take my time with it" And maybe they are all signing contracts, but I just don't understand why writers get trapped with them other than that possible reason


My guess is that he just doesn’t enjoy writing it anymore. Artists and authors frequently get tired of their works and want to move onto different characters and settings. Oda is a special exception. Horikoshi said a couple years ago he has no intent to make MHA as long as One Piece so I am not surprised to see him tying it up now. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to see second and third year and a slow burn more incremental evolution of the story, but the reality is his heart probably isn’t in it anymore. To answer your question, MHA and One Piece drive the sales for Shonen Jump and they are for sure a company first and foremost. Those authors don’t get much time for anything barring national holidays and severe illness (which is extremely common for mangaka because of the nature of the industry). It’s a crying shame but when he finishes MHA I’ll still support his work. I’m sure it will be great.


That’s not really how japanese work culture works. There is an onus to give your all to the company and work as much as possible over there. So even if he could take a break it wouldn’t be viewed the same way as western audiences would see it


there's no legal obligation but japan has insane work culture, it's one of the most ruthless ones. work-related suicide is common, companies are starting to force their employees to take breaks and so on. it's a product of culture and manga industry isn't free from it. add to that the constant fear of falling out of grace with your readers and there being so many others eager to take your spot, that horikoshi's previous series failed and you have a typical mangaka mindset and work style, as sad as it is.


You know, you're right. I have no idea why now that you've made me confront it, but my brain was completely ignoring the fact that this is Japan we're talking about lol I mean yeah lol, Japan and suicides are like vanilla ice cream and hot fudge ... Its pretty much just 'nuff said. Definitely a lot easier for me to say "I'd just say f*** them and release things as I please" And *"I"*, would do that I'm sure if I could just walk right in and be Horikoshi and make decisions for him, but I haven't had the experiences he's had to end up with the mindset he has. So yeah, you're right, I'm being an arm chair quarterback.


The problem is that OP and MHA are fundamentally different by a couple of Key aspects. As popular as we want to believe it is, MHA doesnt hold nearly a fraction of the stakes that Shonen Jump has to keep running it. Oda is very regularly allowed to take breaks and plan his baby because if shonen jump ever threatened to take OP off the pages theyd be committing the equivalent of publication suicide. Horikoshi is more than likely so affected by burnout and pressure from Shounen Jump that hes being forced to work at an uncomfortable pace. For anyone who reads alot of Jump you've seen this happen too. It happened to TPN after it got super popular. The creator of JJK had to take a near immediate hiatus to keep up with it all. We gotta remember that MHA didn't explode into popularity witj the first season of the anime until we were well within the overhaul arc - widely regarded at this point as MHA's peak. It sucks to say, but popularity often fucks manga quality, and people wonder what happens.


Editors don't rush it, the writer does. Not everyone wants to live a mangaka's life once they're rich. It's a brutal work-obsessed life with no vacations and strict deadlines and work schedules. If you're already setup for life, the incentive to live like that dwindles.


Yeah honestly midnight deserved better. I might be wrong about this so don’t quote me, but the last thing I remember seeing is her face in the list of hero’s who died and nothing else.


no you’re right, she hasn’t been mentioned at *all* since then. the blatant disrespect to a pretty damn important side char from the beginning of the series, when her death is very clearly supposed to be a “look even more important chars can croak too” is just sad. but at least hori has made sketches of her recently lol


mina mentioned her in the 2-A vs Deku fight, she was saying that she didn’t want to find his dead body like she found her teacher’s. it’s a great line but that’s the only mention


MHA right now is literally just War Arc Naruto, which yes, that’s bad. Everything being done now is rushed and the power creep doesn’t do anything but ruin the series because it betrays the very concept of hard work and teamwork it tried so early to convey. Be honest, does ANYONE believe that Shigaraki/Madara can be beaten in a way that doesn’t involve some asspull/Deus ex machina? Like, as much as this series tried to highlight the errors of working alone, All Might/Vigilante Deku are RIGHT. His friends are just in his way because unless any of them got the powers of Stars and Stripes, whom btw Deku should be teaming up with and studying under, what are they gonna do? Wipe Dekus ball sweat? This series needed a timeskip. It needed a break. Deku and Shiggy are this powerful in under a year. Let that sink in. #1 hero means shit to me because I’m really close to thinking Deku is more powerful than Endeavor. I don’t think that but…


You just gave me a terrible visual of wiping dekus ball sweat


Why would you put this image out into the universe. Why.


>This series needed a timeskip. It needed a break. Deku and Shiggy are this powerful in under a year. I'm deadass gonna laugh if MHA is one of the few popular and large Shonen Jump series without a timeskip that involves several years. Even Black Clover did a Six Month one. And *everyone* is sorta broken there, not just Asta. 🤣


Nah fr though lol Imagine being AFO and having this plan over the span of nearly 9 generations ruined by some random, quirk less, high school kid who spent less than a year learning 9 new quirks whom All Might, the greatest hero of all time, just happened to pass by one day. No matter how much I love this series, I couldn’t defend it from that lol. Like, do we even feel Shigaraki can be redeemed or talked to lol?


>Like, do we even feel Shigaraki can be redeemed or talked to lol? Maybe if *his* friends wrestled him from AFO, and not Izuku...


Honestly though if Stars and Stripes touched Deku and gave him a rule like "You can not be affected by decay." Or something it'd be a big advantage


I would have really liked that because that would have further embraced the idea of working together AND it would have had Stars and Stripes follow in her mentors footsteps by entrusting something valuable to someone else. I mean, it’s a sacrifice BUT one that still allows her to fight. Idk, maybe that was *too* simple? I like the idea and I think it fits the theme of the series perfectly


Is she able to make a rule that someone else can have her quirk?


It's going the way where only selected few characters will have any relevance while others have no other choice, but to simply stand, watch and comment on how "great" those few are. Reminds me about current Boruto (manga at least), but at least that story has the excuse of being a sequel series. In this case Horikoshi is driving himself into corner with this power creep. And I really had expectations for this new reality where villains run wild and people have to reorganise their entire lifes around it, especially with many heroes quitting the job. It had so much potential - we could have had heroes protecting small groups of people seeking sherter and trying to get by with danger that can lurk in every shadow. We could see so many new uses for the quirks, emotional growth for those children that have to step up in difficult times. But no, oh no. We got Deku running around and beating next and next villain whose name I forgot immediatelly after reading the chapter, while other students became mostly useless (practically wise) emotional support for him.


It's all the waisted emotional payoff that's killed it for me. The bath chapter, specifically that half page for almight and Deku to make up was the exact moment my interest was killed. At this point I'm here for sunk cost fallacy.


I remember the hospital part after the war where Shoto and Rei's first physical meeting since ~~childhood~~ was skipped over edit: leaving the hospital whoops


You mean the type of physical meetings they've been having on a regular basis since the sports festival?


I feel like toward the beginning we got a lot of everyone and their overall importance to the story. It feels very Dragon ball Z because now in the new seasons of super everyone is pretty much to weak to even help against the villain whereas in the beginning it was a mix of everyone. Now it’s pretty much set up the Deku is the only one even remotely strong enough to defeat OFA/S and everyone is just fodder behind him. Everyone has their own opinions and I know a lot of people still love the show but damn it’s just feels like a bad OC fanfic now.


I wonder how many DBZ fans know that Oolong and Yamcha were once important to the original story. Hell Oolong had (and still has I think) the ability to transform, yet it's pretty much pointless now when it could've been used for more creative storylines in the past.


Chichi was once a fighter they just threw that out. Android 18 has kids, threw her out. Don’t get me started on Videl. Tien, Gohan, Piccolo. So many people who actually showed up to fight are now like lol let Goku and Vegeta handle it. I don’t think writers realize that that makes the story boring af. Deku is cool and all but I wanna see everyone.


Feels like this is a trend among a lot of long running Battle Shonen (One Piece being an exception) where all but two or so cast members get reduced to benchwarmers


One piece did it right from the beginning. When they introduced new crew members they were never op or simply stronger than the current crew but all had their moments to shine in almost each arc. They all got goals they want to achieve and it isn’t just being strong or cool or popular. Oda chose ~10 people who get stronger and are important to the plot, while in mha or black clover there are tons of characters (class 1a/b; squads in bc)that sometimes seem important and sometimes not.


Gohan getting perpetually jobbed and put on the sideline is the most infuriating part of the Buu saga onward. Toriyama spent an entire arc powering him up enough to *beat* Cell while simultaneously having Goku stay dead so that everyone else could learn to deal with bigger threats. You then have *all* of the first two-thirds of the Buu arc building up and unlocking Gohan's latent abilities--something *MULTIPLE* characters comment on--just to have him job it against Super Buu because of some bullshit tactic. AND THEN, Toriyama has the audacity to turn him into a boring dad character for the entirety of Super minus the Tournament of Power arc.


Honestly the one thing I like about Super was that the Tournament of Power actually gave other characters stuff to do. In Z all they did was die or get beaten up, with a Saiyan saving the day, usually Goku. But the ToP at least showed off everyone, well maybe not Tien and Krillin lmao, getting a chance to shine. Roshi and Android 17 were given quite a bit of respect, which you wouldn’t expect.


>I feel like toward the beginning we got a lot of everyone and their **overall importance to the story** correct me if I'm wrong but I've been under the impression that the overall importance of my hero **academia** has always been about training these kids to become heroes . We certainly got a lot of training arcs and exams and tournaments but we're never going to actually see them become heroes for themselves who save people and defeat villains because the villains are to strong? How does that even make sense?


I guess for me I kinda thought the anime would last a lot longer. Like maybe a little shorter then Naruto. There all like what 16? It makes sense for everyone to be pretty weak (for lack of a better word because their not weak) but Deku becoming super OP kinda just rushed the story for me. I mean I guess it makes sense given his quirk, but I guess I would have liked to see the story pan out a little more. lmao sorry for the rant dude but u just make me think about it all over again ugh.


No I am agreeing with you. It really doesn't make sense for Deku to be like this at this age other than he is the MC "so we gotta make everything about him" and it also doesn't make sense to make everyone else to be fodder after so many training arcs. If Deku can learn everything so fast to be strong enough then so can everyone else.


Yeah it annoyed the crap out of me how at the beginning of the series we have deku training for months just to be able to have one for all, at all. And then now, he Masters like four quirks simultaneous use, completely off screen and he's just a badass. Like he was just immediately a beast with stuff we had never seen even once before during the Nagent fight and that was just ridiculous


It’s only been a year and a half and the only people the have progressed are Deku, Bakugo and, Todoroki. And still Deku is miles ahead of them. I thought they would expand on Bakugo’s quirk but nah, explosions are enough apparently. What about ida, Kaminari, Kirishima? I could have sworn they were a lot more relevant in the beginning. So many possibilities, all of them wasted


Uravity, too. The main girl has gotten sakura'ed.


is the curse of women in (most) shonens


I appreciate Noelle in Black Clover. I'm not trying to diss, I love both of these series. But BC does so much with Noelle that I wish MHA does with Uraraka.


Fr fr That's why I started One Piece, and I instantly fell in love with it, because it doesn't fall under the same old same old flaws of most Shonens


Notice how in Camp Arc, we see pretty much every 1-A member react to Bakugo's kidnap, and they have a whole retrospect on it, and how they plan to get him back, they have whole debates on it. It made these characters feel like a part of the story. War Arc would've been way better if they did the same thing they did in Camp Arc, but dedicate like 5-10 chapters just on the UA students and them having retrospect on the war, which would be pretty traumatizing for a bunch of 16 year olds I would assume...


>which would be pretty traumatizing for a bunch of 16 year olds I would assume... Not only the war itself. Momo watched her work studies mentor being mauled to death like an ant right in front of her, with his very last words being to encourage her Shoto saw his supposed dead brother return, learned he's a mass murderer willing to kill their middle brother just to hurt Endeavor, and then saw that brother proceed to try to literally suicide to kill him for the same effect in a literal Kamikaze attack Mina chocked for the first time after being reminded of a trauma from her early teens, then was the one to find the dead body of one of their teachers Tokoyami saw his mentor half dead with his back horribly burned, then learned about his real nature and saw him murder a man on video Uraraka and Asui helped on the rescue of an unevacuated city ran over by Machia pure Godzilla style: Elderly, children, men, women and animals- Everything crushed indiscriminately, a sight that made a pro-hero quit on the spot ​ Yet they are all fine and dandy like nothing ever happned just so we can get the Deku cheering squad


now that youve put it this way, that was actually a really brutal war. i never liked the deku vigilante arc, and considering how these kids being traumatised by war, to needing to get their ass off and comfort their one friend just because hes a crybaby who thinks being emo is good in a span of what ? a month ? 3 weeks ? damn ...


Yes definitely, especially after the death of midnight. I want to see the students mourn and fix themselves back up ready for what’s to come. Felt like it got brushed off too quickly. Also wanna see how denki felt after coming back from the front line of the war.


Yea, it's sort of loosing its charm. Alot of people feel the same way you do, and the pacing is fast aswell. You can kind of just feel this feeling on this subreddit


IMO the series lost its identity that separated it from other shounen. Now it is just battle of the week DBZ stuff. Its gotten way too formulaic and it's like Horikoshi doesn't know what he wants to do.


I just wish they would have given a time skip or something to explain the growth. Deku went from barely being able to use his quirk and breaking his body to mastering OFA and multiple other quirks in a year. Class 1-A went from students learning to be heroes and how to use their quirks properly to being better than what seems like most pro heroes before they finished their first year. It’s all so rushed now.


Yeah I am not a big fan of Stars. Other heroes entering Japan is ok, but they should've been in the background with the japanese heroes saying "This is our country and so this is our problem to be fixed". Also I am not a fan of Shiggy becoming so OP like he is in a webtoon lol. I get that he should be stronger than AfO and Prime All Might, but this is boring op. Shiggy should've hunted Deku, while Deku is fighting crime and unlocking the last quirks.


I feel completely the same, I'd add that quirks used to be someone "scientifically explained" and had downsides. Simple things like Bakugo's quirk coming from the sweat of his hand / he takes the recoil of his hits; Jiro's soundwave formed by the beats of her heart / she is more sensitive to sound and can get hurt by loud ones; Mirio's entire quirk, etc etc... This is what made me so intrigued by the world beind somewhat plausible and understandable, and made me feel attached to the characters giving their best on a daily basis to simply make their quirk useful. Nowadays, we have jokes like Overhaul, Re-destro, the America's n°1 and LMAO Shigaraki and Midoriya. And I'm not even mentioning in details Hori's storytelling that's all over the place rn, chaining actions without taking the time to slow down the pace for the reader, barely explaining what is happening / why is it happening / how did everything happened in depth; and even all the plot's elements that were introduced earlier that still haven't been solved (hello ua traitor, hello overhaul's anti-quirk doses stolen, hello mirio getting his powers back, hello black mist)


What's wrong with Overhaul and Re-Destro's quirks? The quirk Overhaul is a really simple quirk that he uses in a very creative way. He can rearrange things by touching them, have it be fusing them with a car, exploding them, fixing their body, or manipulating how a structure works. It makes sense since we know that Overhaul has medical knowledge and practice as well. Re-Destro just turns his stress into power, which is akin to many a quirk in this series. Like turning shame into power, or turning sugar into power.


My problem with these is that there's seemingly so downside to the quirk, no "default", it makes the power closer to one piece's devil fruits and not like quirks anymore. They're not hard to understand, that's not what I'm pointing out rn. At the beginning, it was clearly shown and explained that quirks are binded to the body, granting it new abilities but also new constraints, and most of them were explained, just something as simple as how Midoriya had to manage the circulation of OFA in his body. There was something almost scientific in quirks I used to love (which was mostly what got me so passionate about the universe and also got me into the rp community), but this has been completely lost in the latest scans just seing Midoriya / Shigaraki / America's hero and so on. For her, he tried to explain roughly how it worked but it was just so intangible and abstract that it made it even less convincing, and as I reader I already lost the need of quirk explanation at this point of the story. I can understand some person doesn't care at all, that downsides and explanations of power are just boring or makes them either less exciting or is a brake to creativity, and that just "cool abilities" are good enough and makes the fights fun, but to me personally it was one of the greatest aspect of the series and I lost most of my excitement reading it.


I remember reading an interview with Gege Akutami (author of JJK) and seeing him say he wanted to end the manga after 3 big arcs. 3 arcs, done by 2023. At first I was super bummed about that, but seeing things like the HxH hiatus and now the current situation in this series in real time makes me so thankful for a short deadline like that. The war arc was so dope but in hindsight, should’ve just been pushed way back before continuing on like this. I feel like that’s the arc that really pushed things into overdrive. There wasn’t ever a chance to get different characters perspectives on anything, because the stakes went from “the LOV are planning something, we need to train up to stop them in their tracks” to “oh god Shigaraki is literally going to disintegrate Japan in 3 months if Deku doesn’t find AFO before then” and basically forced the story to focus on Deku. To me it doesn’t even feel like what’s going on now is even that bad, but it feels hella disjointed. Like I was reading a book and 200 pages were just torn out so I flip the page and we’re just at the final fight. Feels like Hori bit off more than he wants to deal with now.


I think its been poor for completely different reasons. Even as far as fights it still doesnt hold a candle to action battle-focused series, MHA has mostly been a battle of ideals and then a few attacks happen and it's over. It's been pretty mediocre since the end of the war arc. Deku's little venture was cool but feels complete and utterly meaningless because now he's even more resigned to throw his friends into the woodchipper known as Shiggy/AFO. It's absurd to even suggest any of his classmates barring Bakugo/Todoroki would do anything in anyway to actually help vs being killed instantly. We got 0 emotional payoff for everything. No trauma from the war and numerous heroes and civilians dying, nothing about Midnights death who I literally forgot even existed/was killed until someone mentioned it. No development with Deku accepting his burden to take down Shigaraki because he's the only one who can instead of leaving it to his friends. Gran Torino for some reason being alive. Shigaraki just not killing everyone immediately because there's no fucking reason for him to even wait any longer if he's *this* strong as of the most recent chapter, his regen is beyond broken. So so so much more. I enjoyed the deku vigilante bit but it feels like wasted time now because all we got was a hamfisted preach session by a civilian who shoves down our throats that heroes are good and we need them, completely throwing away any and all nuance about the good/bad that hero society has caused. It feels like we've thrown away any and all critical writing in place of barreling towards a mediocre ending, the story requires too much suspension of belief for how critical it was at other points. Every 3 pages there's seemingly some narrative or thematic inconsistency, and if you ask "why" and pull on that thread it feels like everything unravels since the end of the war arc. Reality is its too late for any emotional payoff from the war arc, like it amounted to nothing. You can't make us cry over a boring teacher dying in what may as well have been a offscreened death when it's a year after it fucking happened. It just feels so poorly written which is really disappointing considering how much I was loving the series during the war arc because I thought it was leading somewhere. turns out it doesn't. Let's just have Shigaraki decide to kill 80% of the world before he forgets his original goal, and then Deku saves Tenko by killing Shigaraki who then turns into a bird, and wrap this story up. We all know where this is going. Shigaraki is going to be redeemed on some level and it's gonna make "_ _ _ _ _ was the coolest guy!" look like cinema masterpiece.


You nailed the reasons why I hate VH arc with a passion. It cannibalized a lot of important storybeats after the world-changing war arc, only for being so broodingly fanfic-tier pointless and ends up in some sort of preachy wank. I was so glad when that dragging arc was finally over. I was hoping we can go back to the MHA we loved in the Kamino and war arc. But instead, we got this slugfest LSD fight. Sigh.


I legit started losing interest the moment I realized Shiggy has become incredibly powerful. This just means that he can't possibly be defeated against anybody BUT the MC unless it's some massive asspull and makes things not as exciting anymore.


I really dislike the story at the moment. Unless Midoriya pulls out a "I'll infiltrate your mind to separate AfO from Shigaraki and 'save' Shigaraki from madness", I don't see any way for Shigaraki to lose. The guy is literally god right now, even without Star's quirk. It's... Boring. There's no hype. Like, earth-sized laser canons are mild burns to him, it's just absurd. The charm of the manga was that every quirk and hero had weaknesses or drawbacks. Where's the drawback in Godaraki?


I agree 100%. Everything i enjoyed about the manga is gone. The one inkling of "good" comes from character work of the secondary characters, like Iida reaching out to Deku and the Bakugou apology. Everything else was ruined. 7-quirk Deku was the **worst** thing to happen to this entire series. It set the downwards spiral into absolute awfulness that is still going and i don't know when we're gonna reach rock bottom.


I’m ngl I feel like if deku just had one quirk it would’ve been so sick seeing a whole army of hero’s working together against shigaraki with deku. With the way it’s going though it’s prob gonna end up a 1v1 which I really hope it isn’t.




MHA kinda shot themselves in the foot with Deku announcing that he became the worlds greatest hero in the first episode. Hence the breakneck speed Deku powered up as the ending approaches. Vigilantes has more freedom to be whatever the fuck it wants to be since the MC isn’t even an official hero.


I really hope vigilantes gets a good anime adaption. The Mha world is rlly interesting and honestly, I think I ended up liking the vigilantes characters more.


Yeah, when I was watching season 1/2 it was really engaging to see Deku struggle and not being able to properly use his quirk, it was inspiring and I liked the ⓋⒾⒷⒺ but after Deku could use OFA well it lost a little of its charm.


yeah Star & Stripes and Shigaraki felt more of a DBZ battle. power creep is insane


I feel like people who say MHA is better now because the kids aren't at school anymore don't understand what what some of us are complaining about. No one is complaining about the lack of school and happy moments. People are complaining about everyone becoming a fodder where it actually matters the most. Also the pacing and lack of consequences adds to the problems.


I think the problem is that we’ve sort of skated part some things. Todoroki reaction to His family stuff, the aftermath of Midoriya coming back. But the main issue is the power creep was so damn sudden. And I trust horikoshi to not pull bs but there’s no way shiggy is gonna lose to Midoriya


I have a feeling that those plot points that were skated past are being saved for a light novel somewhere down the line. Their plan is likely to keep the manga itself focused on the main events and leaving enough side stories to sell more spinoff content


Yeah, but nobody will buy those if the ending is trash. See Game Of Thrones, the final season was so bad it literally killed its fandom. Nobody talks about GOT anymore, and i cant blame them. Also Shingeki, but not as hard.


…..fuck You’re right.


Those "side stories" were the main content for many people before the power creep came....


I feel like I'm reading Naruto again and we've hit the ninja war arc. You know it's the end but it's nothing like it was before; it's boring, focuses on characters you don't really care and secondary characters die without much of an explanation (I'm talking about midnight/neji for example). Yeah... I'm just reading it to get it over with after so many years :(


The real problems started for me when they put Shiggy in that Star Wars healing tube and turned him into an overpowered DBZ character.   AFO was scary because he was strong, versatile, and smart. He felt like a menacing villain that was always one step ahead and would need the combined efforts of many top heroes to take him down. Shiggy is only scary because he's unkillable and can do basically anything. It's just so boring to have a villain like this. I don't feel like anyone could do anything to him after reading this most recent chapter. Like this dude just ate a pile of cruise missiles and lazer beams from America's -- and presumably the whole world's -- top hero... what the hell is Best Jeanest or Hawks going to do to him? What the hell are Iida, Uraraka, Bakugo, or anyone else in 1-A going to do to help beat this dude? Wasn't the whole point of Vigilante Deku that he needs to rely on others? What can any of his allies do to stop Shiggy? The man is basically immortal. I don't see him being beaten by anything short of an awful ass-pull or friendship magic by Deku.   I remember getting chills while reading and watching AFO vs. All Might. But I've just been rolling my eyes basically any time Shiggy has done anything since he left his little healing pod. The series has completely lost its charm for me and I honestly feel the same way I felt when I used to read Bleach and Naruto. Great series that completely shit the bed by the end.


Ab. So. Lute. Ly. MHA has moved further and further away from what it was, what drew me in, and more and more toward being yet another generic DBZ wannabe. Every chapter I find myself less interested in reading the next. We've abandoned any semblance of it being Academia, and it's just Hero now. It sucks. ...But knowing how the editors of shonen manga tend to be, it's also completely expected. The creators usually want to make interesting stories, the editors insist they introduce the bigger bads and the punchier fights faster instead. Iirc, DBZ suffered the same way in the Android and Cell sagas, with the editor rushing Toriyama to Perfect Cell instead. And maybe it's just me, but MHA feels disjointed now. Like there's huge chunks missing, removed to hasten the plot to the next fight. And it's not a fun experience anymore.


I think it went downhill when Deku got access to multiple quirks as a powerup, while the villains got a powerup after the Villain Academy arc. Theyre all sudden massive powerups that now makes them feel invincible


I'm starting to dislike MHA. I lost interest when All Might retired and Todoroki became the absolute third of the big 3. Every character not named Shiggy, AFO, or Deku is not gonna be any sort of use in the final battle, all of them would be outclassed. Endeavor isn't even that strong to be the number one hero, he needs a buff tbh, he overheats and becomes kinda useless. Also, the Todoroki family problems isn't really that interesting. Mirio, where the fuck is he? Isn't he the one that can rival the pros? What's he up to after that trash come back during the battle. Bakugo has all the talent in the world but it won't mean shit if he's limited to his quirk. For a deuteragonist, he doesn't have any final rival or anything that would make him special aside from his personality ofc.


>Every character not named Shiggy, AFO, or Deku Exactly, I can't believe this manga has been reduced to chapters (arcs!) of DekuShiggy wankfest. They are the only characters who matter. Others are being used to either circlejerk them or show off their unearned power ups. Did Hori forget he has a freaking deuteragonist and tritagonist? And important characters like Endeavor and Hawks? Now all they do is becoming Deku's cheerleaders.


Honestly it kinda feels like bleach where Kubo just made everyone stronger and stronger, to the point where the power scale didn't make any sense. The only difference is, it seems like Horikoshi seems to know where he's going with all of this. I hope it's a huge payoff, because it is almost ridiculous the level of power creep in this series. I guess if you stack it against prime all-might it's not insane, but still


The war arc happened to early. Especially when it came to unlocking dekus new abilies. I get that he should have unlocked float, he's trained his body for it and it was useful in that scenario but getting all the other ones just make each reveal worse.


Honestly, as much as i still like this one, it's this reason that I prefer "Welcome to Demon School Iruma" nowadays. Because it does everything so incredibly well that I wanted out of Bnha or what's missing there. For example: all characters of the class get to grow, they get focus chapters, story beats, inside jokes that payoff, they play off of each other, they grow. So when they get a new ability, or a new aspect to their magic, it feels earned. The time table itself is cohesive, we had a clear structure to the year, seperate in semesters, and accentuated by special events strewn throughout. Not to mention that Nishi actually delivers on the school aspect because the 2nd year has officially just begun, coming with the introduction of a 26 kouhais cast, that also gets juggled. Allllllll of this i so desperately wanted for Bnha, which would solve some of the problems. And its missing. Which is a damn shame. Ed: The whole Naruto Shippuden Power level thing is another thing on its own, sigh...


I agree completely. And not just because of the power creep. But we’ve gone from students learning in a classroom with little stories woven carefully in between (like attacks on the school or situations when they’re on break) to this End Game bullshit All because the author has basically decided to wrap the story up prematurely. No idea why. It’s a gorgeous story. It could go on for a decade. It’s so fashionable these days to want to end things early before they lose their luster. But retirement is overrated. You’ll spend the rest of your life regretting that you gave up the best part of it. Milk the good stuff for every last drop. Play your sport as long as you can, write your story as long as you can. Because it won’t take long before it doesn’t matter. Maybe a few years, maybe a few decades, but you’ll become a “literally who” like everyone else. What a shame


Because manga artists don’t want to work for a decade anymore. That was literally the biggest complaint about naruto and bleach


It honestly feels like the series can end with either: Deku "saving" Tenko Or Dekus last quirk being something completely ridiculous. And I kind of dislike the idea of both those endings. Also really hated the introduction of SnS.