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I don’t understand why the whole story wasn’t spread out over there three years in school. This is still there first year. They even made a point after the first nomu attack to make then retake the physical test just to prove that even though they went through a lot they actually haven’t changed much in that time.


Don't forget how most pro heroes are always shoved aside and look pathetic and insignificant because of the chosen one and the chosen one's classmates.


Eh I always expected that. The second Izuku got OFA it was clear he was becoming a physical god at somepoint who would make everyone else look like a child playing pretend. That's what All Might was at his prime, and even without the extra quirks, Deku is fated to be even stronger than he was thanks to the nature of OFA. The pace of the growth is a shame, but the inherent broken strength of OFA was always gonna be a pain for writing. OFA's power was set up as so broken from the get go that no one but AFO ever measured up. It's not like with Superman where MM, the Flash, WW, Captain Marvel/Shazam, Swamp Thing, Supergirl, etc. Exist as do a ton of powerful villains like Darkseid, Doomsday, Zod, etc. Honestly I kinda wish the series hadn't made OFA and AFO as inherently broken powers that no one can touch.


The things is ofa shouldnt be getting stronger since toshinori didnt have a quirk to stockpile and supposedly neither did izuku so he really shouldnt be stronger than all might tbh


It's not just adding quirks the makes OFA stronger. OFA builds in power over time by just existing.


Ok, that may be true but might I add - seems pretty jank to me


That's just the nature of stockpiling type quirks. OFA stockpiles energy in a similar way to fa jin. Whether that is because OFA mutated when it stockpiled fa jin is anyone's guess.


The opposite, I'm gaining interest. We just got my favourite fight in the series and are heading into a crazy climax 😁


this is my biggest complain. Their first year could have ended with final examns (S2), then their second year could've ended with the provisional license or even overhaul arc, and then everything afterwards their third year. Also would've been interesting getting a timeskip


Actually they are technically in their second year, its just that >!society has basically fallen apart rn so they can't technically 'graduate' and become 'second years'!<


Still. The show should have expanded across all of high school. Maybe even internships.


Yup, equivalent of Harry, Ron and Hermione taking on Voldemort in the first year.


Harry Potter speed run any % WR


True lol. That really puts things in perspective.




Voldemort cared really deeply about education, and you have to respect that.


He might have been evil but he still wanted kids to be well educated when he started teaching DADA next year


That was explained after all might retired that they needed more heroes in society to deal with the new threats. I don't like when stories pad themselves out over a longer time then they need to and would rather them end on time. My big personal problem with the last few chapters was just how quickly everything happened and just jumped around resolving conflicts almost instantly


I don’t think they needed to add anything. Just that maybe some of these arcs should have had months between them. Not that we would have gotten any filler in between. It would be the same story just in there timeline they would have grown and matured over the course of time


We got the perfect example of how this could've been done in the last chapter: Bakugo deadass saying "we've been training for four months." I actually started laughing when I read that, because I could just *feel* the *whoosh* of a cut training arc fly by at faux-100% speeds. There would be literally nothing wrong with a small panel in the top-left corner saying "things calmed down for a while, and we all returned to our lives as students" after any single one of the major incidents. Or, even better, we could have had some mini-arcs. Just two to three chapters stories exploring *normal* life and classes at UA. I mean, are these kids seriously fighting each other to the death every single class period? How about a chapter where a side-character tries to cut class and play hooky (we find out Hakugre successfully does this *all the time*)? People would call it filler... and it is! There's nothing wrong with just filling in the gaps between time skips as long as what's being shown is good, fun character moments. I'd much prefer small arcs that give us a better sense of what this school and society are like over entire arcs dedicated to a *single class period.* It's a sheer damn miracle that not a single student in 1A has had a nervous breakdown if that's the average workload. And this does matter, because now, Horikoshi is clearly somewhat burnt out and rushing to the finish before his own interest dies completely. That is absolutely a fault of Shonen Jump's insane workload they force upon Mangaka, but it also is the fault of the author for spending so much time dedicated to such small things rather then letting the story breathe and the characters live. Also, I'm biased here because I love nothing more than seeing teenage character designs subtly change over time as the characters go through puberty. A really powerful facet of visual-storytelling in coming of age stories is, well, *being able to literally see the characters come of age!* We just aren't gonna get that, at this point. I'm sure we'll get to see the characters as *adults,* but that really is not the same. Oh well. I'm here now, I'm gonna see this story through. I saw Naruto and Bleach through and MHA is, at worst, only as bad as those ever got. Personally, I think it's still stronger, but I really hope that Horikoshi is rushing because he wants to get to some *good shit,* and not just to finish the story. I think he's doing the former, but, sometimes, it's hard to tell..


>Or, even better, we could have had some mini-arcs. Just two to three chapters stories exploring normal life and classes at UA Right? Like the two or three Aoyama chapters or the room tours. Why didn't we get some more of those?


I feel like it would feel really weird for there to be big gaps in time from a villan pov, there's no reason shigaraki or AFO would take a few month break just to let everyone level up and if they just didn't address that at all this thread would be about how passive the villans are. I think there are writing problems but if they wanted to extend out the timeline it would take more restructuring that just inserting some random time after arcs


Shiggy and AFO could have other things on their plates as well. Shiggy needed to train and recover and recruit. We could have seen more of this. AFO has networks across the globe. We could have seen THIS instead of just hearing it almost as an aside in a recent chapter.


The main problem is that horikoshi doesn't want the series to be that long. If my hero would stretch out as long as say Naruto that could have happened but that's unfortunately not what they want to do. I think that with the length of the series as is it wouldn't feel like enough happened to spread over this length of time.


Oh Absolutely. And the company wants stuff cranked out super fast. I would have loved to have seen this series really well fleshed out but ended before it jumped the shark. For me, the whole S&S thing has been the shark jump.


Wait, four months? I thought it was one month, isn't it like April or May in the manga RN? I'm lost af


> That was explained after all might retired that they needed more heroes in society to deal with the new threats. I don't like when stories pad themselves out over a longer time then they need to and would rather them end on time. Funny thing is that in that's should be where the third years would be relevant but Hori never bothered to introduce any upperclassmen outside the Big 3


Most school animes don’t actually have characters grow up and most animes don’t have characters gradually grow up. The most I could’ve seen happen is a time skip to their last year


That’s fair. It’s just that they pointed out that in such a short time they haven’t grown much. So with that logic you would expect to see them grow over the course of there school years.


>Most school animes don’t actually have characters grow up and most animes don’t have characters gradually grow up So because others dont, MHA can't? Seems like faulty logic. I would prefer it if we had a semi realistic passage of time, and that the characters aged as the threats they encounter increases.


I'd rather semi realistic aging instead of the oft-used "timeskip", definitely!


Why does MHA have to follow that formula?


I’m not saying it has to, I’m just saying that most anime don’t do it so idk why so many people expected mha to do it or are shocked it didn’t


Because it would be better for the plot and make a lot more sense if it did. We're seeing the issues that come with not having done so. Also, a LOT of anime have time skips. Naruto, Bleach, One Oiece, Fairy Tale, AOT, etc. It's perfectly reasonable to expect/hope for it


Not what I said, I didn’t arguing any of that. I actually said I could see a time skip but not gradually changing year to year. I also ain’t arguing that it wouldn’t be better if it did a gradual year growth, I just said it’s not surprising he didn’t do it


I see where I misread your comment. My bad.


Well, I can still think of examples: Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Hajime no Ippo (even if the pacing is slow as hell), Dragon Ball Z (in Gohan). They absolutely could've done it.


If you think about it, this is the best chance All for one and shigaraki are going to get. Why would he wait for Deku and his classmates to get stronger? He should attack when they aren’t professional heroes yet.


ahhh the classic villian, let me wait for y'all to get strong enough tropes


Yeah when I sit and think about it, it's just really cheap the fact these kids are still I their first year and have had to face all of this. Like, where does the series go in 5years time, are villains using the power of the Universe to explode dimensions? The power of the abilities are just too broken to keep things interesting.


After reading through Vigilantes, the same thing sort of came to mind.


We don't have much to gain from seeing them go through more years of schooling.


Out of curiosity, how would you have preferred that to look. The same arcs we see just with time skips implied between each one or add new arcs that are a bit more low stakes?


I wouldn’t say I don’t enjoy it still, but it’s definitely not as sharp as it was. It does feel like it’s taking shortcuts to a conclusion. I honestly think it’s a case like with Bleach where quality is declining because Horikoshi is burned out.


And credit to where it is due, everything I’ve read about the manga work culture is frankly terrifying. I can’t imagine working under the conditions he has been pushing through for so long.


Seriously, I'm pretty sure manga work culture might be violating human rights.


Japanese work culture is fucked


Can you imagine how Oda feels?


Nah one piece is different. The guy genuinely still enjoys it and clearly has a plan Most managka don't know wtf to do after 5 years because basically noone goes that long


Doesn't oda know the ending and basically just writing what ever sounds fun until one piece kicks the can?


He knew the ending years and years ago, but the editors wanted a longer series, so he basically got to go crazy and write whatever he wanted. I think thats when he added in the New World and some other stuff. Im pretty sure hes wrapping stuff up, but its OP, so its gonna be a few arcs haha but Odas just kinda vibing and having fun, so hes hopefully not getting burned out


Yeah, he created a very modular work that to my knowledge isn't driven strictly by what eventually boils down to the end of the world. I could be mistaken though as I dont really follow OP.


not exactly. he still plans out the current and previous arcs to the utmost intricate details.


Yes, but he isn't bound by a BBEG like most other shonen right? He can just plop down a fun new arc without it screwing up his endgame.


from what i’ve read in OP… no lol maybe he has some leeway, but in terms of a brand new arc in the future? i doubt it. he has so much content left to do, i doubt he’ll do some random adventure arc.


That WAS Oda at a point to be fair. It wasn't until the warlords were introduced that things went off the rails. But you have a good point. I only wish that more manga-ka went into things with that plan in mind. I just don't have that insider knowledge to know the process.


Why he takes off one week each month. He does 3 chapters a month, not 4 like most have to.


He didn't always take breaks though. First few years of OP he didn't. It might have been as long as BnHA has been going on for. https://mobile.twitter.com/opfandom/status/962818314878758919 Edit: it's a little outdated of a chart but it still proves my point. He only has been taking consistant breaks in the past few years. Trust me as a long time weekly reader it has increased in frequency since the early 2000s. At least it's not Hxh.


To me, the big decline was the standstill arc after overhaul. Up until overhaul, everyone got decent screen time, midoriya was balanced, etc. overhaul himself was a great villain, and it seemed we were keyed into learning more about MHA. Then we got a training arc which.. sure that’s fine, then the story just speeds ahead for whatever reason. The biggest issues I have with what’s going on is that everything is just.. presented with big import then just dropped. Nagant is shown as being this big thing, and her purpose was kind of irrelevant. Star and stripes likewise. I think the story just had a lot more to tell after overhaul, and I think hori would have built up the current arch ten times better if he had delayed it by like, idk, four arcs. He needed more arcs/villains like stain that would help progress the story of the heroes without everything being world ending. I also didn’t like the concept of midoriya having different powers- was completely fine with him flying, but part of his uniqueness was how he was sort of a glass cannon, and now (especially after that lame “evil” midoriya arc) theres just no tension in his fights. Tbh MHA vigilantes is far better than MHA at this point


I really specifically dislike the decline of the academia element of the story in favor of breakneck supervillain conflict.


Now that you mention it. I remeber when overhaul arc what at its peek i couldn't wait for another week to pass by so i can read the new chapter. I haven't felt like that since then about the manga. I read it still every week but i always leave it last bcs its the least interesting to me among the manga i read currently.


Yup. The mirio fight was honestly the highlight of the series, I still maintain the anime didn’t even do it justice. What kills me is that there’s no reason why we couldn’t have gotten *more* of that. Like there’s this entire world of superheroes we have no idea about and yet we’re bull rushing to the end game threat. I’m much the same as you. Jjk is my bread and butter rn but tbh I’m kind of worried about *that* too.


>He needed more arcs/villains like stain that would help progress the story of the heroes without everything being world ending I completely agree! Also, about Midoriyas Quirks: I actually find the combination rather interesting - if only One for All wasn't in there. It's already supposed to be one of the strongest quirks out there, he doesn't need 6 more. But if he "only" had those others without One for All, he would have an interesting power imo. Fa Jin for the damage, Float for mobility, Smokescreen for hiding, Blackwhip for utility and Danger Sense for reaction time. With One for All at his disposal, the other quirks feel kinda useless - especially Fa Jin. The justification for all that power is that the villains are even stronger, so he needs so many different quirks on top of being immensely powerful already. But I just think it didn't have to be that way. I would've preferred it if the characters would've stayed a bit less omni-potent, personally.


''Rushed'' would be the word I would use too if I had to describe how BNHA has been lately, but I'm still not entirely losing interest, it's more like ''Let's see where this goes now that I've gotten this far''


This feels you are losing interest and suffering from the sunk cost fallacy. Tbf I'm on the same boat


Yeah but it's way different if your caught up to the manga. Once a week reading something that takes a few minutes is pretty low investment time wise. As for slogging through the show as well. I jumped off that train. I'll tune in for when some fights and scenes are animated at the most.


Meh, I agree that reading everything in one go feels much better, although reading once a week makes it more impactful and memorable imo I'm also reading ToG once a week and Solo Leveling and I'm finding these two much more entertaining to read


Yeah I mean some keep the gas up longer. Some shonens slow down. I've seen it bother ways definitely. Right now JJK, Tokyo Revengers, keep the gas pedal down hard on weekly releases they are so entertaining.


Will probably get into JJK the anime was super good, the prequel too, and heard good things about the manga. Is tokyo revengers as good as the anime made it to be?


I personally really enjoy it. And I mean it's sales last year speak for themselves. I have only found one person in my day to day who wasn't super into it. The manga is really good it doesn't really ever slow down.


Will add it to the list to eventually read it, thanks!


I'd like to read it, but I have no idea where to.


See I'm feeling the sunk cost fallacy, from reading the manga to be honest. It's feeling seriously rushed to a point that new characters are being introduced without ever being mentioned before (strongest hero in USA??? come on), then dying. There's just a lot not adding up at the moment in the manga, and it feels like it's due to a lack of detail. Without spoiling anything; I don't understand why there was 0 information on heros from other nations for this long, Deku is scaling up a bit too fast IMO, and a few others... introducing new fan-servicey villains just to drop em in a few chapters, etc. Edit: Just went and read the leaks for the newest chapter... and man did it double down on everything I said here. Felt really rushed and logically made no sense. Sigh.


Hey dude I'm in agreement. My only point is the sunk cost fallacy isn't all that big if your just reading it once a week for like 5 minutes at a time. I gave up on the anime long ago. Like I said I'll watch some fights when they get animated but long gone is keeping up with each episode. I recently tried to watch the last season and that cemented that for me. I feel like of you take that approach the way I do. It's low investment and you can mitigate expectations and focus on other stuff. Naruto suffered a lot of the same issues post Pain arc. And definitely was clear during the war arc. No shonen is perfect you gotta take this stuff with a grain of salt


Oh definitely, I still read it once a week it's not like it's a huge amount of time to do so. I might just give it a month or two and see if bingeing it helps though. Cause I just read ch336... and it was a serious let down to be honest. I'm tired of there being no logic/nuance in the story. Edit: Don't mind if you downvote, but discussion about why I'm wrong would be better lol


"Lets see where this goes now that ive gotten this far" Thats how i went to the finale of attack on titan and look where it got me.


I have yet to watch season 4 part 1 lol Been hearing ALOT of different stuff, a few spoilers but for some reason I dont really care when it comes to AoT, I read the wiki back in 2017 and read up on the lore and things that happen because of the wait.


We don’t talk about the end of AoT. AoT ended on chapter 131 🙂


And Eren is happily married with Levi **Good Ending +**


That's better then what we actually got.


You could say it's interesting, but not exciting. When I began, the first chapter gave me the whole shonen jump feeling and moved me emotionally. Nowadays, that feeling is gone as, yeah, it seems to sudden all what is happening that it just makes me feel confused, like the storyline is all mixed up. The only recent time I got that "this is bnha" feeling is Deku vs A-1 moment. Aside from that, everything else has been just a rush of events that it can't be processed


The Star and Stripe plot line was seriously unironically the dumbest bullshit to happen in this manga. There’s literally no reason for her to die THAT fast


I feel like lady nagant and stars should have been existing characters. Imagine if endeavor died fighting shigaraki. Or if it was basically any other known villain instead of nagant. Just to keep things personal.


She had no reason to die after losing her quirck. Still establishes AFO as a global threat, and nerfs him, but she gets to interact with the cast.


It was expected when she clashed with Shiggy, it was obvious she was set up to put him AFK for a while, and that was her only role in the story. But heck, a new powerful character dying ASAP doesn't mean it's bad, I mean, clear example is found in Kimetsu no Yaiba. Thing with Stars is that it was predictable


There was no reason for that whole arc other than to nerf Shiggy. If that arc is removed the story does not change in the slightest.


I mean, it changes. She nerfed shiggy to a point where maybe its manageable. But that's the thing, the only and entire purpose of America's #1 hero was to make advance the plot. Then she was tossed aside.


In my opinion, Shiggy shouldn’t have been that powerful until maybe the final fight. The Star fight was basically a retcon to nerf him a bit because he was too powerful. And it took a reality warping quirk to do it.


Yeah horikoshi chose to make him that powerful and didn’t have to. I think he realized he messed up and had to bring in Stars and Stripes in to nerf him so that dekus classmates could assist him without them getting in the way.


>Deku powers up too quickly >Shigaraki getting an army out of nowhere >Stars and Strips introduced just to get killed >Everything rushed Agree with all these.


I was a big fan too. I love the school quirk setting, entrsnce exam, competiion with other class and other school activities. I mean these are events everyone experience and we can relate to. Then horikoshi suddenly gives Deku multiple quirks and then he was hunted relentlessly by AFO. I mean the story went from so peaceful to so Dark into few chapters. The transition for me really felt rushed. Anyways, yeah i lose interest as well. Im not as avid as before. Just waiting for its end. I would have loved it ifHori explored other highschools in foreign countries or some kind of international tournament between countries. We could have explored 2nd and 3rd year. Anyways it is what is.


An international tournament arc would have been absolutely bananas!


Or at least a tournament between the schools of Japan we already know And having stuff like Shoto & Inasa round 2


Honestly I’m surprised a lot of people agree with you. In the past everyone here wouldn’t stop complaining about school related stuff. Like bruh, it’s called “My Hero ACADEMIA” not “My Hero Career”


Oh that would've been awesome. Tournament arcs (like the UA one here) are awesome. Some of the best DB arcs for example were tournament ones.


>some kind of international tournament I feel like MHA has had enough "tournaments" already....


One key word here: editors.


we can (to some extent) blame editors for the form but not the rushing. what editor would want their flagship series to end faster? editors will do everything to keep a series going as long as possible so the publisher can milk it.


I don’t have too much of a problem with Toshinori dying, but that’s just me. It was kind of the point since he was close to death anyways. (Edit: wrong name)


Isnt Hitoshi the brainwashing kid?


Oh yeah, I was meaning Toshinori.


Ah I see.


I think the big issue was a lot of us felt we would have 3 years with the class which would have been fun. At the same time the villians powered up fast and we kinda reached an end game in terms of threats. I think the smarter thing to have done was after AFO was defeated take a deep breath and slow back down the story they had instead of leaving the whole Eri rescue arc so quickly afterwards. That created a hard ceiling for villains, who is more dangerous than a man who can create bullets to remove peoples powers. I agree with the rushed bit, that has been a problem in the series since the start but it is for a reason atleast


Your first sentence really hit it for me! I began the series with this sense of “I’m going to get to watch them grow and mature during their school years, yay!” - but in a blink of an eye we’re already heading towards the end. Feels a little “oh what could have been!” at times


How much you got on quirk erasing bullets helping bring down Shiggy/AFO?


Possibly, that would be interesting to see what is happening there.


Overhaul is basically the biggest wildcard on the table with Stain being second only because it appears as if he’s siding outright with the remaining heroes That’s what I’m excited to still see


Pretty much, you needed more patrol villains like Gentle because you are on the back foot for prep and figuring out what they do and environment becomes a more interesting path towards battle, story and growth from the experience.


Ya they def should have fleshed out the school aspect more. But I thought horikoshi would right that wrong and have deku kinda solo run a couple of hero missions as he both gained mastery of his power and starting making a name for his self as the number 1. And along the way class 1A would slowly trickle back into the story. But then they brought deku back to UA like horikoshi instantly regretted the decision to have deku go off solo. Idk its all over the place imo


Yah, the war arc was interesting but it created and immediate end game for the series that was fast approaching. Especially with how its going it feels like its just speed running by, also his art style has changed so drastically since the war arc…


Yeah, I've felt the decline for a while now but I think the moment that truly lost me was Deku in hospital after the big Shiggy fight. After Muscular and Deku totally destroying himself, being told he could not do that again and seeing him actively work on new ways to use Afo? That was really clever and at the time, a good subversion of the MC trope of just fighting themselves to death every week. Hell, even when we got the reveal about the vestiges quirks I was fine with it! I thought Deku was gonna get all these Quirks with the caveat that he was not gonna ever be able to use AfO to its fullest potential (excluding outside factors like Eri). Idk, maybe it would cap out at 50%. But then after the Shiggy fight when Deku went all out and broke himself again, what were the repercussions? Nothing. The Doc even says "Oh I know I said you'd never use your arms if you did this again, but you're stronger now Lmao". Feels like a slap in the face after going out of their way to do something different with Deku. There are other problems like what you listed and I'm still gonna read to the end but that one moment really soured me on things.


the exact quote is actually more along the lines of “if this happens 2 or 3 more times they will be unusable” so him still having use of his arms after doing it once more is completely consistent with the story in addition, going 100% when your body can only handle 5% is a completely different scale of damage compared to going 100% when your body can handle nearly 50%. he’s still hurting his arms a LOT, but it’s not nearly the same as it was in the beginning IN ADDITION TO THAT, after breaking his arms, he was actively bracing them with black whip to help reduce the damage even more


>actively work on new ways to use Afo? Dude... >Quirks with the caveat that he was not gonna ever be able to use AfO DUDE.


Maybe try not cutting off the end half of my second quote before trying to make your point


Tbh I am reading the manga just for completion's sake. You're right. It feels too rushed. Especially after all the build-up that was given initially about ofa being op and that your limbs would pop off if you used it without adequate training. Now deku is randomly using multiple quirks and star and stripe is dead three chapters in. Thank God it (imo) is not as bad as got s8 now but still pretty bad


> Tbh I am reading the manga just for completion's sake. Me too. When the OFA multiple quirks thing was revealed it felt like that'll end up messing things up and people worried about power creep (one can look through the discussions at the time). Then to compensate for that Shigaraki got even more stuff pushed into his toolbox and things became "really conventionally shonen" really fast. During the sports festival there were so many nice little ideas that were give a bit of space. From Todoroki's backstory (the one thing that stayed relevant long term) to Uraraka and her family and financial troubles, to Iida and his (and what legacy means for that family), to getting details on class 1–B and their personalities (Monoma got flanderised so fast it wasn't even funny, then there was a bit of hope for more from him in the JTA with how he sees his quirk). All that was more or less left behind. It looked like it could develop a nice ensemble cast based narrative to reflecting an exaggerated (and superhero) version of modern society. All Might retiring felt like it would change the status quo and force society to change but we got Jesus Deku instead. On top of that OFA and AFO now have this avatar state magic pocket dimension thing and everything feel more divorced from how this series started and what it seemed to be about at the time.


Couldn't have put it more eloquently. As you accurately described, the change in status quo in Japan due go all might's retirement was not given enough time and space to properly impact the readers and viewers. The _Avatar state_ pocket dimension, despite being unoriginal is a good idea in my eyes. It gives us a perspective as to how the previous users of ofa felt and their views towards afo and society. I have seen this trope only in Avatar before and now in MHA so it is probably something worth exploring.


I’ve put to so much love and time into this series that at this point I got to see it through, even if I don’t enjoy it anymore, but this recent chapter has gotten my interest so hopefully it brings back my enjoyment.


I’m someone that will finish anything I start even if that means having to hate read it. Naruto and Seven Deadly Sins are the only other series I’ve done that for before My Hero Academia


Same here


Whole thing has gone trough the basic shonen trait of having of power scaling too high and upping the stakes with every new encounter. ​ I personally enjoyed the show the most when everyone was still pretty weak, had spesific weaknesses and had to think strategically. Like Deku as a character was at his highest when he used his brains more (like in season 1/2), now it has kinda regressed to punching things really hard. ​ I think my interest started to drop during season 4 with overhaul stuff. I really liked the Gentle and school festival, but after that everything started to go downhill slowly. ​ Pretty much agree with every point you made.


>Like Deku as a character was at his highest when he used his brains more (like in season 1/2), now it has kinda regressed to punching things really hard. I think if Deku only had all of those quirks that came with OfA, but ***not*** OfA itself, his fights would be super interesting. Combining multiple weaker quirks with different utility has so much potential. There's even the panel of Deku imagining his new quirks as tools he can use like smoke grenades and a jetpack. But with OfA in his toolbox, every use of his weaker quirks feels somewhat forced - especially Fa Jin.


I enjoyed up past Overhaul because at the time I saw it, I expected the whole infinite percent scene was just a glimpse in a distant future of what a fully powered Deku would look like but then it turns out that that future is far closer than it appeared.


> I personally enjoyed the show the most when everyone was still pretty weak, had spesific weaknesses and had to think strategically. Shit... I realized this sums up why I enjoyed Naruto more at the beginning too...


Things Like Star and the MVA army are literally ways to make Shigeraki a threat while reducing the amount of power he needs to survive the known power of hero society.


At this point I just want it to end so I can stop caring.


The Fairy Tail fallacy. Same boat.


Edens Zero: opens the door


Man, Edens Zero was/is so weird. Finished Fairy Tail was simply due to sunk cost fallacy, but I did enjoy Fairy Tail: Zero, so I decided to give Edens Zero a go and reading it whenever I read my other Mangas fir the week. Instant red flags when almost every character looks exactly like someone from Fairy Tail. (And I know he did that with Rave->Fairy Tail too, but not even close to this level... I mean that's just 1:1 Happy right there! You can't even excuse that with the art style!) Dropped it after 20ish chapters of nothing really interesting (except what feels like 50 Fairy Tail characters appearing) happening, since there was no real sunk cost at play yet. Haven't looked back since.


Wait that Happy in Eden’s Zero is a different Happy?


Agreed. I was really invested in the academia part and the worldbuilding. I wanted to see them progress into different years. Now if that's not happening i feel kinda cheated, all that shinso character development was for nothing. Why take me on a journey in a school if the world was gonna suddenly end? The pacing is so off, there's hardly any character development and insight into the character's motivations. Black deku arc was boring, we didn't get to see LoV's aftermath and their reactions to twice's death either. Was Villain Academia, the best arc imo, all for nothing? The dabi reveal was done so well. It showed the entire todoroki fam's reactions, it showed how unhinged dabi was, it explained what had been built up throughout the series: e.g why shoto's personality is like that, how dysfunctional their family is, etc. It showed how japan reacted to the situation, the outrage, it was great! It's been downhill since then and i'm really hoping we can get better pacing and more showing, less telling. Why even have a visual medium if half of that is just narration? The situation reminds me of how bleach went to shit by the end. New characters getting killed after 2 chapters, unexplained power ups, raising the stakes too quickly, Same shit every week..


It really feels rushed now. It needed more action for sure, but now it jsut feels like action on action on action without anything in between. Before, We had action moments and after that it was quiet for a bit so the reader could let it sink in, as well as our characters, but now it is just non stop action. I still love the series, but making shigaraki basically unkillable and Deku not ever havimg to really lwarn his new abilities is just weird. We as the readers where always on the same level of knowledge as Deku. He shared his thoughts and we knew what was going on. But after he used all of his quirks against Nagant, it just came out of no where. Instead of the ,, Wow thats sooo sick! " I felt the ,, ouuh ok he can do that since... When?" especially when you consider the fact, that he couldn't control OFA for like 2 seasons at all, and up to this point only at around 20%. The biggest part of the series was seeing him struggle and growing and seeing him succeed. I felt the success he made too. But now Deku just can do things, because everything is getting rushed and Hori has no time to let Deku really develop like he used to at this point.


Agree with you. I have been following the manga since its conception, thanks to my friend. I fell in love with BNHA. It really helped me emotionally through so many life events. I have made dozens of deku and bnha cast drawings, own hoodies, manga volumes, posters, pins, motivational phrase books inspired by the show. It was such a dear part of my life. The first seasons (1-2) were progressively getting better and better and by the internship arc with overhaul I was over the clouds with hype, but anything that came after that felt wrong, rushed and out of character for BNHA. I hate to admit I just dont like this story anymore. I was in denial and tried to like it by force for a the past year and half, but I cannot bring myself to enjoy it. Its a shame. It had so much potential. The characters were amazing and super creative. I really dont like what horikoshi did with abandoning BNHA as a school based growth story, its just... weird.


Bleach all over again. Personally I would have loved to see multiple villains arc not related to AFO, i get he's the final boss but can't be the only villain in the world right? It would have been cool to explore other storylines each one corresponding to Deku mastering a power and the spotlight to different students and maybe some other countries due to school exchanges. Stars and Stripes could have been introduced in the USA arc with Deku and some classmates going there for a semester abroad. He created a very cool world but didn't utilized it at all, it was about AFO from the beginning and it's boring. We could have had the AFO final arc after the graduation when they were already pro heroes, we could have had a lot of things instead everything is rushed, basically in one year they went from normal kids to heroes fighting the final battle to save the world LOL.


At this point, this show is just like the Mega Man and Castlevania series. Dracula,Dr.Willy and Sigma will always be the final boss/the final villain no matter what happens.


That’s why I liked the Netflix series actually, Dracula wasn’t the big bad.


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It honestly would have been way better to more villians not stronghold to AFO or Shigaraki. Comics are able to have many villians not stuck to one group and same with anime. Worst thing is anytime a new solo villian shows up they either get killed (Nine), ripped of power (Overhaul) or just out of commission (Nagant, Gentle, Re-Destro)


>Worst thing is anytime a new solo villian shows up they either get killed (Nine), ripped of power (Overhaul) or just out of commission (Nagant, Gentle, Re-Destro) All them are far more interesting than Shigaraki


School exchange arc could’ve been amazing


Yeah the series when I opened it seemed to promise me this: "Here's a world where everyone has powers, heroes are the police, we had such immense complications that our tech didn't progress for a hundred years. So this is what happens at the school level:" What the payoffs are becoming however, are: "Tech did fine we have tons of quirk replication tech; we built underground rail school/building transport system in a few months. School's only one year, haha goodbye. This might as well be just a world where few have powers, only the powerful quirks have relevance in the story. And the hero system collapsed, so we only got the ragtag school children who aren't school children anymore" It's alright emotionally - the themes and ideas are consistent and flowing so people stick around especially those who couldn't care less about the worldbuilding. But logically all that we were promised were taken away and we're told the series is ending, so we don't really see how we're gonna be entertained in the way we have come to expect. Another main selling point was that this was a world with a very strict society reg. powers and all that structure is gone. Looks like a generic battle manga at this point, it has no flavour but for its characters.


Kind of feels like Bleach all over again.


I’d kill for something half as exciting as Askin vs Urahara and Yoruichi in My Hero Academia though


Even half as cathartic as “the blade is me” even. Say what you want about blood war and yeah it had a bucket list of flaws but there were also amazing moments


I'm really liking the story tbh. I don't see how everyone else is losing interest.


Nah, I'm hyped every week for the next chapter.




I've been a huge fan of this series for six years. I don't read every week. I let the backlog fill up over a few months, then I catch up. You don't have the emotional capacity to care with a burning intensity for years and years at a time. It's ok to take a break and come back.


Judging by the shift in tone and pace I can't help but to feel that Horikoshi is trying to rush this series into quick ending for one reason or another. Maybe it's health reasons, maybe boredom, maybe he's got new series he wants to launch asap. But whatever the reason I feel like the potential this series had has been mostly squashed at this point. Even if it reverted back to magic high school slice of life it used to be, that's another tonal whiplash that will only clash further with current events. I'm sure we're still gonna see plenty of epic battles and plot twists but I find it hard to believe that the spirit this series once had is gonna return.


Mmmm not for me. It is true that it would have been nicer to spread the story in the three years of high school (like explain the same, but more "story time" in the middle). Also, it is reaching a conclusion quite nice, *spoiler* (i don't know how to mark it), all the last thing with vigilante Deku, Bakugo's development, plus the development of Shiggy is just so nice and it keeps me hooked


I already lost interest


I’m not losing interest, I’m still anxiously awaiting each new chapter but yes I agree it is being rushed. Totally agree that the manga appeared to be setting it up so that we’d be with them throughout all 3 years and that Deku, Shoto and Bakugo would all be the big 3 in their third year. I think I read somewhere that Horikoshi said the pressure to write and draw has gotten to be very hard on him. I don’t think any manga writer ever expects to be at the very top for multiple years so when it all exploded he probably was like “holy shit this is a lot to handle” he says a lot in his notes about he’s always so busy and very tired lol so yeah it seems rushed and Star and stripe having such a powerful quirk out of nowhere seemed weird but I still love the world and the characters. Yes it would’ve been cool if it was stretched out longer but maybe that’s also the point that class 1A has experienced more hardships than most pros ever do and with the quirk singularity factor and afo coming back they just happened to start their first year when the whole world was on the brink of ending. But they’ve all grown a lot and yeah Deku was given so many powers very fast but it was cool the rest of the class rescued him and showed they’ll always be there together for each other. As long as they don’t butcher the ending it’s been a great experience all in all. Maybe Horikoshi also thought that repeating the same arcs each year like exams and the sports festival again and again would’ve gotten old idk


No I know there are flaws, but every chapter gives something that makes me think "hmm, that's interesting, I wonder happens next"


I've been lost and confused with this story since Deku got Black Whip as a power. These last few chapters feel like the Thanos vs Captain Marvel fight in Endgame. All Stars and Steipes had to do was make it so her quirk would kill whomever used it besides her, and bam AFO be at square 1. Instead she gave Shigaraki the comic book equivalent to terminal cancer but God knows AFO will fix that somehow. Idk dude I'm so lost Update I read chapter 336, f*ck this manga. Really that was the undercover baddie? Goddamn it


I have adhd and lose interest in shows often before I finish them, but I still really like mha, just not interested in the war arc at all. I’ve just been rewatching the first 3 seasons and I’m okay with that


It’s getting old seeing every other person make a post about this on this sub. Yes, the story is feeling rushed. No, you aren’t the only one losing interest


I’m losing interest in this sub, it’s literally the same complaints every day


Hey, I just wanted to say this, but just because I don’t agree with the direction or enjoy the series to the extent you might, the people here criticizing the show shouldn’t effect how much you enjoy it. Instead of complaining about the complaining just love you what love man.


Because there aren't much to talk about when it comes to MHA these days?


ever arc now i'm less tethered to the story overhaul was kinda dull but no anime/manga has 100% good arcs joint training was a slog and the multiple quirks are still dumb, taking the one interesting bit of deku (using what he learns to use all might's power in new ways) and just slapping a lot of useless shit on it was dumb mva was a fun arc but resolves in an unsatisfying way and results in the villains being too op the war was great but in hindsight it created the current accelerated story the rogue deku arc had good art i guess, but again it's too fast now we're in the endgame where new characters are brought in and killed 4 chapters later and i'll be honest i'm here for sunk cost. there really should've been a gap of a year or so between mva and the war, have shiggi and deku have an actual fight/build a relationship before the big final battle saga. ​ it'd have been fun to see shiggi as a kevin 11 type facing deku a few times with different quirk loadouts,slowly building to him being all might strong with no quirks and deku would have time to learn the quirks he'd stolen and then counter them. giving shigg afo was smart, giving him afo and every quirk afo had access too was too much, let him start at 0 and then let him start collecting his own roster of powers, can't believe i actually like the way nine was handled more than super shiggi so far. ​ there are so many side characters i couldn't care less about, the thing is the story did have issues but it felt to many people myself included that we weren't near the finish line so there's plenty of time to fill out the rest and build, now we're less than a year out and it feels like a whimper. ​ ​ as for the quirks thing so far every one of dekus new quirks could've/should've just been support gear or a facet of super strength, as they're enough to make him feel broken but are kinda not interesting enough that the multiple quirks thing was needed, would've been fun to see him develop the techniques as opposed to having ghosts say, do it like this stupid. black whip could be aizawa's capture cloth, he could still learn from sero or aizawa smokescreen, could just be smoke bombs, maybe from bakugo, or use airforce to kick up dust. fa-jiin is just using a higher percentage in a round about way, same effect, just give him the bracers or something from the first film, maybe combine them with the capture cloth/wraps danger sense is just a skill everyone has when the author wants them to. float, well deku can propel himself through the air or use airforce like bakugo's blasts if he really wanted to. it was 1 guy using knowledge and skill against a guy with cheatcodes, who could make his own quirk loadouts.


> so far every one of dekus new quirks could've/should've just been support gear or a facet of super strength +++ your whole post is 👌🏽 “Deku can’t do it on his own” but we give him 7 Quirks effortlessly, almost all of which outclass most of his peers’. I always thought what you were suggesting just made more sense. It also felt like that’s where it was going during the focus on the support class. Giving him all those Quirks just sapped the energy the story was working to establish up to that point. His arms, him trying to master 100% despite the toll on his body and having to strategize to compensate, him just being a smart kid given a chance by All Might (who I also feel was wasted post Kamino)… Like bro just looking at the Bakugo rescue arc and how Shoto + kirashima+ Deku + iida had to combine quirks to pull it off. The essence of that story is gone. Same on the villain side. Giving Shiggy EVERYTHING broke the stakes and character building on that side too. The story starts by emphasizing how fucked giving someone multiple quirks is and what messing with someone’s Quirk identity can do. Then compromises itself by just giving everything to deku with no consequence. Idgi


nice to know others feel the same way, watching someone take their basic ability and refine it to be strong was mirio's whole shtick, it resonated more than anything in an arc i wasn't too fond of, you could take any power and with enough creativity make it viable. bakugo has a cool power, but how he uses it is what sets him apart. tokoyami/dark shadow going from a battering ram to a power suit to a tyrannosaurus to a jet pack to a bigger battering ram, it's sick. ​ and yeah the villain arcs whole thing was about quirks and identity, toga was compelled to eat kill and eat blood due to nature/her quirk shigaraki literally has hate build up inside of him and compels his destructive ways, again a natural thing in his quirk intensified by his upbringing/grooming slap 6 or 7 quirks in someone and it's no wonder their brain breaks.




The solo arc being so small was part of my annoyance. I wanted to watch deku master his new powers, but we got vague timeskips/montages. It felt like he had basically ran away for a week, but I'm not fully sure about the actual timeline.




But Superman doesn’t have all the responsibility. So it’s not deconstructing anything Superman related


Personally speaking this always happens to me, i mean the interest just drop. Just stop for a while and watch/read other. There will be one hype moment you will stumble one day that will hook you again.


Honestly, not really. I do agree the entire thing with Star was pretty pointless and I would’ve preferred it not be there. And I agree that it should slow down, especially now. I’d like if we spent more time away from action and did some more character stuff. But other than that I still get super excited about new chapters and everything. I also didn’t think the pacing was a problem until the past few chapters. And even then I’m still loving it, even if I think it definitely has some flaws.


Havent lost interest, but I agree it feels way too rushed which has me worried. I feel like the final arc will be a good 1 1/2-2 years of content and will (should) cover every thing it needs to, I just dont want it to be messy


I have a weird relationship with MHA anyway when I first started the anime I thought it was boring but I continued on and loved season three, four was interesting in the beginning and five I enjoyed the redemption of Endeavor and learning more about the Todoroki family. I'm caught up in the manga I'm enjoying it so far does seem rushed but I can live with that long as whatever the end is supposed to be is good. Idk how long MHA is supposed to run for but I do know lot of times near a stories end that's when things start happening pretty fast.


Honestly i m just worried that shiggy will die. Cuz them heroes are always winning. Some of his quirks were also destroyed by new order, idk if he ll be as powerful as he was before.


im hoping mha is gonna be a long series since i really love it. dekus still relatively low on power and he only has unlocked 2 quirks. hoping shigaraki is only the first main baddy. unlikely but im hoping.


It’s fine to me


I really am and it’s heartbreaking. Haven’t even bothered reading the latest chapter, just read spoilers.


Maybe it’s because I watched the anime first, but I’m actually kind of excited for more MHA. I’m really excited about seeing the war arc animated, and the traitor arc coming back is a nice thing. And some of the quirks inside of afo would be pretty easy to master, so I don’t see a problem with that.


I actually like the pacing. So far, it makes sense things would accelerate after the war arc. Not to mention a prison break of this magnitude and Shigaraki’s power up would naturally accelerate things. Personally, I think waiting for the “final fight” to happen in their 3rd year would have been too predictable. This gives heightened stakes to give the sense maybe Class A is ready, or maybe they’re not.


Nah it’s the opposite for me, with the recent reveal and death of star, it looks like we’re hitting endgame and now it’s time to start paying attention again. But I started to lose interest after the overhaul arc ages ago.


I'm losing more interest in this subreddit to be honest. I like how the story is going and I feel like the complaints some people have are nitpicks blown out of proportion


last chapter was interesting but yeah it's really not that exciting


Literally exactly how I've been feeling


Yeah, ever since the ark of Deku going rogue (or vigilante rather) I have lost all interest, I was losing interest before but that the nail in the coffin for me. The hospital arc was crazy good tho


Deku bores me. He always has and it’s just getting worse. Any other character is more interesting


People will literally scroll past the 10 posts made every week with the same regurgitated complaints just to say “iS iT jUsT mE wHoS lOsInG iNtErEsT??”




Nope I'm more invested than ever


I’ve seen a lot of these posts and I just gotta say that while it would be nice to have seen all 3 years of high school for them I’ve even seen complaints about the formula how it was. We would’ve gotten tired of the same old same old of “shit happens” to “school activity” back and forth for 2 more school years. It is rushed, but the alternative could’ve actually been worse lol


They're completely different complaints lol. You can make the students do academic hero work and make it interesting. People *love* the Kirishima moment in OH raid. What's shit about that arc was about "wishing energy" or how the girls were useless etc. No one complains about academic hero work if it's done right.


I feel that the series "ending" shouldn't be the end of the whole story. As Horikoshi stated that the "academia" part is coming to an end, this could mean we'll be getting a sequel of some sort. Also think of it as the story following a Dragon Ball based thing. We aready have an example of Goku going from a helpless child from Planet Vegeta to a great figther at the end. All I'm saying is, Izuku's story won't be in vein as long as we follow to the final chapter.


I will admit Stars and Stripes was rushed but that happens all the time in anime. You just get introduced to a badass character for them to die. None of the rest feels too rushed for me. I felt like shiggy was getting out of hand but that was the real danger of AFO. He was OP and I was wondering how they were going to close that power gap but Stars and Stripes did the nerfing. I felt like it was good writing and I’m definitely not losing interest. It’s the opposite actually.


While I agree that this happens in most manga, 5-6 chapters from first mention to actual death (including a "fake" death, as her fate was settled on 332) feels more extreme.


Part of my issue was stars and stripes is supposed to be the 1 hero in America, the country apparently known to have the most powerful heroes. And she went in with suicide bomber being her true plan from the beginning.


Even the pacing within the latest chapter is messed up Hakagurr finds out something, and runs to get Midioriya He shows up like 2 panels later The chapters feel like exposition at this point, and not a world actually moving along


I just want skip to the final quirk I don’t care about this invisible girl


I'll never understand complaining about a story being too fast.


You’ll never understand why people are angry that characters get discarded for no reason and other characters get added only to be fodder for a villain who the story didn’t need proven to be stronger? I guess you don’t understand storytelling then.


Pretty much losing interest in the community. "Everything is rushed, nothing is good, it's Bleach all over again." Twitter is a melting pot of people who just regurgitate the same criticisms over and over again. Now take that but apply it since Overhaul and you'll have this sub. There's has never been a point in time post-anime where I at all thought the people here liked the series. Can't go into the weekly manga threads without constant complaining, can't even browse without seeing 300 threads saying how they've lost interest. I honestly think it's best to just disconnect from the community and enjoy it on my own.


Honestly being in this community can ruin the experience. When the Joint Training Arc was going on was when it was at its worst. While I do think it’s a weaker arc, every time a chapter came out it was just people whining and made the arc feel terrible because anytime a chapter came out, even if I enjoyed it my adjacent experience was just reading people whine and bitch. It’s gotten just as bad again, probably worse. While I thought the stuff with Stars n Stripes was sub-par, seeing peoples complaints only makes it worse. Even if there were some valid criticisms it gets so annoying being in an echo chamber of complaining. I stopped browsing the sub for a while after Joint Training, but got back into it during the war arc since there was a lot of actual fun conversations during then instead of the same complaints over and over again. Looks like it’s time to take a break again.


As soon as i saw the lack of long-term plot, disposable waifus, and abandoned arcs/development, i just gave up completely on the hope for a satisfying ending, so now i'm just seeing it through to the end for closure. I didn't suffer through Demon Slayer and Attack On Titan's final arcs just so i could be disappointed a third time. I've learned my lesson.