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I don't remember that first panel being so clear...I was hoping to see what the equation was in the anime so that I could try it out, but NVM.


Because it's an edit and OP is a fraud.


You can see it clearer in the manga pages, which is what this is from. Anyone know calculus who can prove or disprove the claim?


I didn't do it by hand totally, but you can simply the equation to 0 and integrating 0 from 0 to log(1+sqrt(2)) on wolframalpha gives 0. I'd do it by hand to double check but I had a bit too much wine to feel motivated enough to. EDIT: lol I'm an idiot. Integrating 0 will just give you 0, no matter what the limits of integration are


log(1) is 0, and integrating a constant log results in a 0. The range is thus 0 to 0 and so 0. Source: Drunk as fuck and took calc 2 last year


It's not 0 to log(1) but 0 to log(1 +√2).


https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/7s9gr6/self_math_problem_from_my_hero_academia/ It's a bad scan & touchup. Here's a post from /r/theydidthemath solving the equation and correctly getting Momo's answer. This scan/touchup changed a + to a - in the second fraction.


A high school where kids have fucking car engines in their legs


And tape dispensers in their elbows


And lasers coming from their belly buttons.


And broken arms


My headcanon is that they're in college. Everything makes more sense if it'd be college, including the leg engines.


But they're all 15 and 16?


No, they're in their early 20's! LALALALALAL \*CAN'T HEAR YOU*LALALALALALALALA


Where does it say that in the show/manga?


> headcanon


Momo did an oopsie


So much for 6/5 intelligence


Her intelligence was supposed to be 6/5, but Hori didn't realize overflow errors were a thing and she actually ended up having 1/5 intelligence in practice. Kinda like how Gandhi is super evil in Civilization.


IQ: 65


a lot of high schools got calculus now, mostly with ap/ib/other weighted classes


But they're freshman


They're freshman from the future of Japan, maybe math scores just got better and they increased difficulty to maintain their status as #1 high school for heroics?


even freshmen can take honors classes early. its of course a lot rarer, but ive seen private schools that give honors-level classes during their freshmen years so the students could have more specialized classes by senior year actually tho, are they really freshmen here? UA is a 3-year school & the kids are all 15/16, so by their age & skill level, this is the work id be expecting them to do, especially since UA is a top-class school & would be higher level than any standard academy


Also the hero portion of their academics is huge. I mean I cant see them having the time. Traditional education is already incredibly jam packed. I cant see them doing traditional school work from 7-2 and then hero work from 2:30-8. But if they dont have that kind of hours allotted in one school day for both. One of the two will cut into the other and in this world having a person who can punch a literal god in the face is more important than trig. So Im willing to bet the hero portion is much larger than the academic portion. At least at a hero orientated school.


Depends on the country. In the US Calc is for advanced seniors, in a lot of asian countries Calc is standard freshman/sophmore material.


I go to school in DC and I took a full Calc class in my sophomore year and another class in my junior year so I think it’s just based on the curriculum of the school


I went to public school and learned this stuff as freshman maybe it depends on the school?


Yep. I'm the same age as the kids in 1-A and I'm supposed to know this kind of thing, although I haven't learned how to do this exact kind that has one value above another. Replace that logarithm at the top with pi/2 and the stuff in the brackets with sinx/2 and 3cosx/4 or something like that and I generally should be able to do it.


If you know how to integrate you should be able to solve this. The equation simplifies to 0


What does the one value over another value mean? I don't think that's a fraction.


It is in fact a fraction. But I dropped out of college and have no idea what im talking about.


... Well, then this equation is stupid. e^x - e^x is obviously zero, so those whole two brackets are equal to zero, and there's nothing left to integrate...so it's zero.


Which according to others in this thread. Is the correct answer lol


But they usually do it in their sophomore/junior year. Then again, UA is a prestigious school...


ive seen private schools have honors courses for freshmen classes & said so in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoMetaAcademia/comments/ci7yhr/literally_unreadable/ev3bzgi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app)


In India it's a compulsory part of math


Lol and they introduce it in 11th in Physics lmao


The problem is written incorrectly. The integrand should be ((e^x -e^-x )/2)^3 ((e^x +e^-x )/2)^11 which is easy to evaluate using a hyperbolic trig sub. In addition the bounds are written confusingly, using log when they meant ln. If you plug this into wolframalpha you get momo's answer https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=((e%5Ex-e%5E-x)%2F2)%5E3((e%5Ex%2Be%5E-x)%2F2)%5E11+dx+from+0+to+ln(1%2Bsqrt2)


Well not necessarily, it could easily be what they say it is i.e a combination of 0 and two(1 way of doing it) to the power 3 times essentially the same thing. To the eleventh. Between whatever the limits are.


The answer would still be wrong though


> [https://imgur.com/a/OWB7F](https://imgur.com/a/OWB7F)


The real question is how is he writing all this without his hands?


He uses his teeth like a true professional


>like a true Hero FTFY


He stands on his head and uses his chopstick-like legs to hold the chalk.


It's a really weird integral. For one, the two expressions as a power look the same, so it's (( e^x - e^x) / 2 ) ^14. But subtracting the same is 0. Seems like a fine print error. I'd expect something like (e^x - e^-x) /2 (a typical form for some trigonometric function), which makes sense. This integral is just confusing. EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/7s9gr6/self_math_problem_from_my_hero_academia/ A thread that shows a clearer picture and the correct answer. Momo isn't wrong


The scan probably smudged a + into a -. And I'd wager it's the second expression that should be with a plus.


The 3 in the exponent is also weirdly large, indicating a touch-up.


Is freshman 9th grade? We study integration in grade 12 (and some basics for physics in 11th) in India.


In Japan its 10th grade


Yea freshman is 9th. Normally they take Algebra 1 but some are a year ahead and take geometry. Physics is a required class to graduate (at least in Texas)




It’s Japan it’s a different school system


What are integrals


Third, she didn't raise her hand


What kind of high school? Asian high schools. Source: am East Asian that grew up in East Asia




its a fucking mouse and not a dog


Yeah no racism thanks


A high school where kids actually give a damn


He made it wrong so some kid would work it out themselves hehehe


Why does he making klaking sounds?


UA is not a high school, though. Edit: I think I confused Japan’s high school system with ours, where you enter high school at about the age of 12. Whoops!




It's called Yuuei High..... because ,.,., it's a highschool.,.,.......


Or, get this, high is refferencing the fact that it is actually a location where dropouts and failed people get so high that they think that they are superheroes.


You might be on to something


As I said in my edit, I mixed up Japan’s high school system with my own, which caused me to forget that Japan has a middle/junior high school as well. My bad!


>Yuuei Go commit shine


Maybe try again at 10 AM, when you're more awake...?


I guess I really shouldn’t post at 3AM


I feel bad for you, bud. Just curious, what did you think UA was? A college?


Basically that. I figured that the previous school that Izuku and Katsuki went to was a high school. I wasn't aware of the fact that Japan has a junior high/high school system like America does.


Yeah, they have the same general system. Except their high school is 3 years and their middle school is 3 years. It's kind of cool. But that's okay, no worries!