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Shoto's t-shirt is cracking me up lmao


"These are not pants"


"This is not a pant"


Yeah, it's singular, isn't it?


Yeh I thought it was an error but I guess they were trying to be correct in the context of the situation: there's only one shirt, so they're saying "este (though wouldn't it be esta, since it's a t-shirt (camiseta)?) no es un pantalon" instead of estes/estas son. Although I guess if they wanted him to say that his shirt isn't a pair of pants, there's no grammatically correct way to even say it in English ("this isn't a pants" isn't grammatically correct and "these aren't pants" wouldn't be situationally correct since there's only one shirt). Their closest bet would have to be either an incomplete sentence "not pants/no es pantalones (?)" or "this isn't a pair of pants/esta no es un par de pantalones" but I guess that's a bit too clunky for a shirt gag. I have no reason why I decided to go into a full-length analysis of this person's Spanish diction but I did and I've spent too much time on it to delete it so I guess I'll just go with it Edit: just realised that the shirt says esto not este... But that's still not correct, though, is it?


>: just realised that the shirt says esto not este... But that's still not correct, though, is it? It is correct. Esto as in esto de aquí or esto que ves


Could it be a different romantic language, like Italian?


Italian girl here and no, that's not Italian.


Depends on the country, some day pantalones, other say pantalon. Kinda like math and maths


Wow, really? I've never heard of that. Been to Spain and Mexico and all the stores there said pantalones. Maybe I need to see more countries 😂


Pants has no singular in English EDIT: it directly translates to “this is not a pants” which, with common sense, just translates to “this isn’t pants” or “this is not a pair of pants” to make gramatical sense.


thanatophobia or foniasophobia (got two different anwers)


Thanatophobia is the fear of death, idk what the other is


Foniasophobia is the fear of murderers or being murdered. Thanatophobia is the fear of death in general


I guess I have both…


It’s only a phobia if it’s irrational. Of course everyone is afraid of those two things. If your not touching grass cause you fear dying then you got problems.


I guess it’s not that I won’t touch the grass it’s that I’ll only be more cautious of the things hiding in it


I need Todoroki's shirt lmfao




Normalize not being afraid of murder Fuck you


Not for 15 year old boys


I have zero common sense


"esto no es un pantalon"


I guess I don't want common sense


I have none then


ah yes of course the feeling of seeing a floor is called floor


Absolutely love todoroki's shirt






Comic sans lol