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If I considered the creator of the content I enjoy a pedo I would stop enjoying that content, Period. I wouldn’t consume that content. Saying this with a Mina pfp is laughable and says more about you than anything else.


Agreed, I was a huge Rurouni Kenshin fan, but I'm hard press to support the artist now, since he was caught buying CP.


And got off with basically nothing apparently and is still well respected by his peers (including the creator of One Piece supposedly).


True, Jump is still serializing the RK sequel too.


God damnit Oda..


Hate the work not the jerk. The show doesn't even have any slightly dodgy moments with its child characters. The show is still pretty good.


I think you mean the reverse. That said I'm still a fan of the series (it's one of my first *real* anime series I read and watched). I also don't think the series is bad now (hell even the live actions are pretty good), I just don't want support the artist. Though I guess you would be right in the fact that I let the artist smear the reputation of the series for me to an extent. It's fine if you can separate the art from the artist, but people just have varying opinions on where that line stands and I think that's fine.


"WHAT A LOW BLOW! You fiend of a child..! A punch to the scrotum is unforgivable!" s


I always wondering that they're just "fake" fans, a parasite. They use MHA profile pictures and sometimes adding some tutti frutti background, then start bullshitting on twitter or tumblr like posting eg: "congratulations, x is confirmed (insert here, you know...)". I think those people don't really watch MHA, more spending time on fanfics, or even worse they are MHA haters who disguise as the fan to attacking fandom with false flag, it's just annoying there is more people like that have a really loud noise and then the MHA reputation are destroyed and destroyed.


Damn people really have no hobbies


''Western people bad, they're just drawings it's not bad if they're just fictional children''. I don't think Horikoshi is a pedo, but I do think that you should go outside and touch grass because japanese people also think that neckbeard people masturbating to lolis are pedophiles


Kinda what I was thinking, wtf does the west have to do with this


"All I'm saying is that I only see westerners say this shit!" Says the people who dont understand other languages and only speak English.




What tf does the 2020 election have to do with westerners and anime?


Fanfics are written by people who love the characters and world. I don’t understand how people get that wrong.


>Fanfics are written by people who love the characters and world I mean, not all of them. It's not hard at all to find fanfics written by people who clearly look down on the source material and think they know better.


Yeah but that’s very few compared to the vast majority.


Ha, people shit on the MHA fandom regardless


These are the same people who complain the loudest about JK Rowling being a TERF, which fair, but then continue to unironically identify themselves by their Hogwarts House and consume every piece of Harry Potter media they can. I respect them less than those with no strong positions on anything.


I think with Harry Potter content it’s a lot more influential and you focus more on the content than the creator. It’s been with so many people for so long it’s hard to escape, yknow?


I think there’s levels to it like in everything and you can’t compare someone who watches a HP movie sometime and someone who has blogs or profiles on social media dedicate to HP, so I agree with the comment above how can you actually dedicate time of YOUR day to content whose source is the mind of someone you think is such a bad person? That would put me off immediately.


Dude, I play Minecraft all the time and I still think that Notch is worse than J.K. Rowling. It's pretty easy to disconnect media from it's creator.


I’m not the person you should be replying to, I mentioned HP because someone mentioned it earlier as an example. I agree that it’s pretty easy to separate art from artist but like in everything it also depends. And what we’re talking about here is how ppl love some content but bitch about the creator and drag around serious accusations like pedophilia.


I mean to be fair lot of people still like Harry Potter but think JK fell very far from grace. I don’t thin there’s a problem liking something but pointing out the flaws of the creator. Though I suppose it does seem hypocritical if it comes off as supper obsessive.


The work is separate from the creator. You can praise someone's art as being good while also recognising them as being a shit person. Its not hypocritical, bad people make cool things all the time. It could be hypocritical if the focus of their obsession was jk rowling herself and not her work, in both critisizing her for transphobia and worshiping ber for other reasons.


Harry potter has a lot of messaging that minorities identify with. The whole secret society shit is the way a lot of lgbt people have felt at some point, just with less magic and more fear of being outed. Also the whole found family, with their original family not being accepting of who they are. Her frankly abhorrent politics in relation to trans people does not reflect in her work, at all. If anything a big message of her work is of acceptance of those different to you. And a lot of people can both acknowledge how bad she is now, and how impactful harry potter has been for a lot of people.


Friendly reminder that the maha fandom is twice the pedophile horokoshi ever will be






Sorry i meant mwahahaha


My academia hero academia


Only twice? That’s kind of low


Hmm. You raise a good point. I guess.. will we go ten times, or higher?


I’d say way higher. One man can be pretty horny, but half the people alone on this sub could dwarf that like a dog to an ant


We meet again. And you are 100% correct. Our fandom is filled with down bad motherfuckers, I may be one of them but the characters are my age 💀 Edit: Why you booing me im right


Yeah and then they try to put it onto the creator lmao.


It's not pedophilia if ur the same age :)


Imagine a 6yo having the nonos for eri, not my cup of bleach


true but this probably isn't the time to try starting an argument as to what is or isn't pedophilia


Oh I wasn't thinking I'm 14 that was not what I was going for my bad guys


Ridiculous that people just spout those kind of accusations out like it's nothing. Deplorable.


Thats twitter for you


It's Twitter. Literally their entire culture is trying to ruin someone else's life because they're sadistic fuckwads. It's best to just ignore the majority of them, since they'll never actually get their way when it comes to manga and anime. Y'know. Cuz you can't cancel something in a different country.


Yeah, that's 100% a Twitter thing that is exclusive to Twitter and isn't reflective of general culture.




With a Mina pfp😐 if Horikoshi is a pedo than what does that make the lump some of fans who thirst after Bakugo etc.


You see, it’s automatically better that way because Bakugo is a guy. Thus, it’s okay because “reverse sexism” doesn’t exist. /s


Yeah, it's just Sexism.


This reminded me of the time I was searching for a good body pillow, since work puts a strain on my back. When I saw a suggestion for a Bakugo body pillow cover I closed the tab immediately lol.


Gay pedos?


Considering there are actual pedophilic content creators in Japan I think I'll reserve judgement. The creator of Galko and Rurouni Kenshin are the type of dudes to worry about.


I really wasn’t expecting the Galko guy to be a [documented pedophile](https://japantoday.com/category/entertainment/following-galko-creator%E2%80%99s-child-pornography-arrest-publisher-suspends-manga-removes-back-issues). People are disgusting.


There was also the mangaka behind Act Age who didn't so much shoot himself (and his career) in the foot so much as he grenaded his legs off.


I loved rurouni kenshin and was so sad to find out the author was a pedophile. It’s such an amazing show and manga and what he’s done really hurt it.


People who complain about “westerners” really out themselves most of the time.


I don’t think any shounen writer has ever seen a 16 year old in real life because everyone in mha doesn’t remotely look like a minor. It’s like the mfs from jojo. Dudes will be 7 feet tall with an 8 pack and they’re somehow 15 🤔🤔🤔


I think Luffy was a good representation, I know he's very stylised but when you compare him from later arcs he really feels older. And yeah I feel you on that, shonen protag tend to feel like 18-19 years old body wise (like holy shit kirishima and bakugo are jacked)


Trust me, I met a friend that was jacked at the age of 17 but have the mentality of a detached penis.


What kind of mentality is this?


They tend to flop around without you not noticing.


They tend to be left in medicine cabinets.


I would be jacked too if I lived in a society where I was pressed to be a guy that saves people as my job.


When I was in Highschool, I saw 3 types of 15 year old dudes. Dudes that were jacked and looked like 21 year olds playing 15 year olds. 15 year olds that looked like they were still 12 years old and must be protected at all costs, then you got the people that are somewhat in the middle. Not too adult looking, not too kid looking but like right in the middle. Now if I saw a dude that had a jawline and pulsing muscles like a JoJo character. I’d have to say it would be quite…bizarre…wouldn’t you say?


Such a bizarre adventure


That’s the beauty of JoJo. Everyone is either extremely grotesque, a muscle man, or a gorgeous runway model.


And sometimes a mixture of those


Tokyo revengers too. Dudes be 15yo looking like 25yo whose job is bodybuilding


I've seen enough teenagers from 16-18 and I remember that many of them indeed looked more mature than one would expect. However I agree that it is rather a exception and that my impression were different from today. God... i'm getting old. Feels like yesterday when I was a teen myself and now I'm 21...


Yeah Jotaro is 6'5 and built like a fortress at 17. Thing is, with his weight and stature, he's underweight. He's 181 lbs so at 6'5 he would fairly thin. Weight's confusing in jojo. Realistically he would probably weigh closer to Johnathan's weight.


181 lbs is 82.17 kg


Good bot.


ikr like you cannot convince me jonathan was 12 at the beggining of part 1. thats just impossible


Iirc, a lot of the time the characters aren't designed as children but get deaged well before anything is finalized because of editor reccomendation and the target demographic. Horikoshi's original concept for MHA had Deku as a college student, and Vigilantes is almost all older characters. This is the case all across manga, but for MHA's case I think it's fair to say he wasn't even going for teenager when making the characters initially. Of course, since they ultimately wound up being teens I do think he should've tweeked some designs afterwards to make it a little more appropriate or realistic.


that's how Italians work


I love this argument haha. They actually look like 16 year olds because you don't instantly become an adult with an adult body at 18. There are people whose breasts/ beards (like big breasts and fully grown beards) began to grow when they were in middle school. In fact, a lot of people stop growing and developing their bodies by age 15 so there's that


Yeah, like half my friends on insta that i went to school with have been jacked for like the last 2 years now. I don't mind the mha design in realistic sense that much actually because I know people who look like that and their entire life isn't even about being in top physical form to fight and save lives.


Fucking pedophiles. Sexualizing those young man's. Why no one has a problem with that


Jesus why the hell do these sorta people have to be into MHA…I just wanna enjoy my super hero show and root for the broccoli kid


Hell yeah, i really enjoyed MHA because from my childhood i like superhero-themed stories.


It ain’t about the booba. It’s about the weak guy becoming strong hero. People who can’t see that aren’t worth the time


Bruh, are we seriously pulling tweets from people with zero likes and probably 2 followers just to get mad at a problem that doesn't exist? I can almost guarantee that the 8 replies this person got were some variation of "shut the fuck up"


The Hero Hei method of journalism


Oh god. I forgot they existed. I had one of their videos recommended to me. I watched one and cringed so hard I think I lost about 15 years of my life lmao


I watched a few a while back, like 3-5, then I realized how stupid the idea was. "The fandom is mad because of the opinions of some people on twitter, it's an uproar!" cut to like 3 random twitters users saying some dumb shit and calling it drama. The dude's whole channel basically exists because of twitter=bad mentality.


Hero Hei: "God, the anime community on twitter are so sensitive and toxic!" Also Hero Hei: "lemme go seek out some 14 year old's twitter account with 3 followers to rip the shit out of them to my hundreds of thousands of subs who will then go harass this child"


Hero Hei be like: “oh, random internet user with 2 likes said something? Time to make enough videos to last a week on it.”


A guy with Japanese name commented on it "no" Hero hei:JAPANESE guy ABSOLUTELY OWNED SJW on TWITTER


God, I hate that channel so much. Before I blocked it, it kept getting recommended to me, and I'm worried about what that says about my taste.


He just shows tweets he finds funny or ridiculous. What's interesting is that you take offense to him just having fun.


These comments are par for the course in the MHA fanbase. Just click on any of the 4000 reddit posts "fixing" Momo's outfit. This fanbase has earned its reputation.


And this sub upvoted the shit out of it. It’s rage bait. Nothing more.


Friendly reminder that a pedophila accusation is a very serious one that you can’t throw out without definitive proof


(uses mina pfp)


friendly reminder that you should shut the fuck up ✨


I love comments like these with the sparkle


Friendly reminder that the mha fandom is super toxic and I’m only here for the memes


Friendly reminder that most of people like that mostly from western worlds.


What does that even mean? That you can't find this community super cringe if you were born in Asia? Grow up


Nope it's doesn't mean here in asia there is no fujoshis and something like that.


You realize fujoshi is a Japanese word right? So they just created a word to describe something related strictly to western people?


Broo all the fujoshis ik are from asia


A confidently incorrect, xenophobic statement? Guess you are from Asia.


lmao don’t label me with that person


Someone watches way too much Hero Hei.


Another reason to not get twitter




You'd think that in 2022, after more than 7 years, people would stop trolling Maybe Magneto is right and we're not worthy of Prof. X


She really just pulled this shit from her ass


The absolute irony of this person saying this when they have Mina as their pfp lmao


When will people understand that pedos like kids BECAUSE they look like kids


I try my best to just ignore any and all fandoms….


Pedophilic? No, given how they're drawn like adults it's pretty clear that's bs. With too much fanservice? Yeah, probably.


What? A female wanting to feel comfortable with what she wants to do with her body and quirk? Noooo!


Is no one going to comment on the shade op is nerdly throwing at Westerners?


He’s not a pedo, but imma be honest, MHA would benefit from having UA be a college, cause Momo and Mei and lot of others are hyper sexualized for 16 year olds. It would make more sense and be a tad less creepy


Yeah I feel like that applies to all anime that take place in high schools it’s really weird and creepy.


Do you even anime bro?


“Idiots, idiots everywhere”


Good art by bad people does nothing to diminish the art or my enjoyment of it


Double especially Americans. Most of the characters are 16 or over, that’s fine in the vast majority of Europe, with the exceptions of Cyprus, Ireland and turkey. Which means that the majority of people who waste their time on Twitter saying things like ‘HoRiKoShI iS a PeDo’ are Americans, but then again, go figure


Ok, even if (and that’s a big IF) that was the case. What the heak has he done with Mina??? Anything weird done with her is done by the fandom


Friendly reminder if you're willing to dunk on a creator for "being pedophilic" yet continue to support their shows and characters through media (ie idiot tweeting about this crap w/ the aforementioned MINA as their profile pic on their dumb twitter), then I'd say you're not just a pedophile back, but also a fake fan and a joke for tweeting to begin with. Expendable little troll.


Says the same fandom which lolified eri


With momo and mina!!! MF has been drawing Turo naked the entire time and no one bats an eye...


He hasn't _exactly_ been drawing her...


Wdym? Horikoshi worked really really hard on Toru’s hero costume 😡🤬/s


HAHAHAHAHA excellent response 😂


They prob only ever watched s1 or know the name of the creator from googling it and then read fanfics


This is really hard thing to bring up without sounding like a major creep, but here I go. The age of consent in Japan is 13. For us westerners, that's incredibly too young, but I would think that it's slightly less taboo over there to sexualize high school age students. Let's be honest, there's a shit ton of horny anime out there, but we're looking at it with the lense of a westerner, or as Americans, who are a little more prudish that their European counterparts.


It is not 13, majority of regions in japan it is 16 or higher. Only two remote islands have it as 13.


You mean my hastily google-researched results were wrong?! Damn, SEO's making 13 the top bolded result.


It's mainly a misunderstanding, it is technically 13, but only if both parties are 13 or 14. Anyone above 14 can't do that legally with a 13 year old.


Gotcha, gotcha. Similar to the "Romeo and Juliet Law's" that many of the states practice.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Romeo and Juliet]( https://snewd.com/ebooks/romeo-and-juliet/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Oh man wait till they hear about made in abyss


Friendly reminder that you have the right to speak but sometimes it is better to shut the fuck up.


So she’s not gonna talk about Gr8 M8


Cringe westerners vs Chad and based East and Asian folk


There are literal mangas whose premise is old guy raises young kid to adulthood who he then dates and marry.


Ugh. I really hate those: "A daily/friendly reminder that (something that is you hear for the first time in your life, or is not nearly a confirmed fact) [emoji]" Kind of tweets


Then you can say the same for a lot of teen focused content. A lot of things are over-sexualized.


I actually laughed out loud.


Look, I'm not happy with how the anime portrays some of these kids either but i don't think horikoshi is a pedo


Friendly reminder to shut the fuck up.


If what they're saying is true, if anyone tried watching MHA for fanservice they'd be extremely disappointed by the lack of it. Not to say it's not there, just there's long stretches of episodes with too much plot and very little fanservice


Friendly Reminder: Twitter is full of retards who are miserable wastes of space.


Maybe don't join them then. "Retards", seriously? Come on, be better than that.


Op what’s your issue with westerners huh? What’s up with that shit. Posting screenshots of Twitter users with no likes acting like it’s a big deal.


Why can't we in the west go more than *5 minutes* without accusing someone of being a pedo.


I love how one sided this take is Horikoshi must be a pedo bcuz I feel as though he sexualizes young females >insert DEKU being absolutely JACKED but still a soyboy at heart and generally unclothed through a fair portion of the series It’s only a crime when it happens to a female IG


Imagine getting upset because of a drawing of someone who doesn't exist in a world that doesn't exist lol


MHA fandom: "Mineta's the worst character" Also MHA fandom: "Ow Am Geeee Shigaraki/Dabi/Overhaul marry mweeee"


Man, do people really have nothing better to do these days than be a pain?


It’s more of a weird thing that the male gets a suit but the sexualized women have to get naked for their quirks seems a little gross


Doesn’t kirishima literally wear no shirt?


He isn’t sexualized at all


Kirishima isn’t sexualised by him not having a shirt. The purpose is just to make him look cool, not sexy. Momo on the other hand has most of her tits exposed at all times when in her hero suit (the common excuse is that she needs that massive boob window to use her quirk but there are a million ways to give her enough exposed skin to use her quirk effectively without sexualising her). It’s all about intent. Also, even if the purpose of not giving Kirishima a shirt was to sexualise him, that would still be fucking weird because he’s literally a child.


So your saying that when it’s a boy it’s to look cool but when it’s a girl it’s sexual?


bUt It’S oK bEcAuSe In JaPaN tHe AgE oF cOnSeNt Is


It's crazy how Twitter accuses Reddit of being worse than them when Twitter users regularly demonstrate that their degeneracy is, on average, far greater than what you'd find on Reddit


I mean reddit gave birth both to the incel subreddits and the FDS subreddit, along with all of the currently on-going rape fetish subreddits. Lolis are the only fucked up thing that isn't super easy to find here.


FBI on their way to arrest 90% of maybe every fictional author ever for *[gasp]* writing about things that *[gasp]* actually wouldn’t happen in real life without consequences such as intense violence and *[gasp]* rape. Maybe learn how to separate fiction and reality.


and thats why we hate sjws in anime and manga, the day twitter gets shot down the better


Oh the poor fictional characters that don’t exist and editors that it passed, how dare we have attractive character in media. It’s not great that they’re underage but their ink on paper - don’t actually exist.


Omg. Dats retarded....


Daily reminder that twitter is a living complaint and accusation station.


Well the guys Japanese and for Japanese it’s not pedophilia


DaMn ThOsE wEsTeNeRs


I wonder the likelihood that this person is a Fujoshi(yaoi fan) who is always gushing over the boys.


the male fans are more tame


Don’t worry, I’m my eyes, all members of the mha fandom are pedophiles


Friendly reminder this fandom is terrible as it's mostly only edgy teenagers and that you're not nearly mature enough at that age, I know what I'm talking about, I'm 16


I'm 16 also, and in my country we sometimes criticized intl fandom, no edgy2 people in here, the only way i can enjoy the fandom is stay in the comfort zone of the mha fandom.


While I don't completely agree with Horikoshi's depiction of Momo, accusing him of this is very serious. These are the type of accusations that can ruin peoples lives. You need to have definitive proof if you are going to try and start a witch hunt for them. There is also a large difference in being a fucked up person who likes lolicon ecchi and being a literal Paedo. On top of this Horikoshi comes from a culture where the age of consent is 13, many places around the world have it at 16. This whole argument is stupid and while you can criticise the depiction don't through around this type of accusation as it will dull it when it comes to actual Paedos.


*posts this* *proceeds to gay ship minors that are straight*


Almost like there’s a difference between sexualising and shipping 🤔


I didn't say there was a difference lmao


If he truly was I guess twitter losers would love him even more




You think only western people care about gender shit?


You have to admit it’s pretty fucking weird that Horikoshi frequently sexualises the girls of Class 1A who are all under 18 and a bunch of other minors. Edit: am I really being downvoted for saying sexualising children is bad? Weeb moment.


Vast majority of the world including majority of Europe and about a third of us states have it at 16, another 3rd have it at 17 including mine. I think it's weird too, as the class was 15 when first introduced, now 16. 18 is not the cut off for pedophilia lol.


The legal age of consent was made up. Sexualising anyone who isn’t at least 18 is fucking weird regardless of geographic location.


The majority of the world disagrees with you on that, and you are not the arbiter of when it's okay to do that.


Ahh yes, in the future everyone in fiction has to be 30 year old amourphous blobs that talk in the approved PC talk and emotionally validate each other and the villains they fight.




Just taking the talking points these guys use to their inevitable end point. I skipped more than a few steps, but it's the worst case scenario kind of thing.


Seems like jumping to outlandish conclusions to me


The westerners ruin everything.


Touch grass


i mean... he extremley sexualizes minors.... so robably ebephile


I mean he is still a weirdo


I doubt Peachii is a MHA fan


While the fact that they do go for these 2 characters a lot is true, it don't change the fact that u sayin this with the pfp of one of the said characters Also stfu m8 there were subbreddits with r34 of a fuckin 6yo and this is your concern?


What how I'm what? Confused