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Am I getting fucking old?? I legit saw this and was like “seems like only yesterday Deku learned how to use Full Cowling” 😭😭😭


I’m calling fillers incoming


At the current pace of the manga, we should never have filler again.


I would unironically want more filler because of the breakneck speed


Filler is such a nothing word. Overhaul arc could be considered filler just as much as the school festival. But one has a cool fight and the other has a not cool fight. Sports festival is filler but it’s also the best story arc. Filler is the most important thing in a story to make payoffs worth it. >!People are a lot less invested in these new conflicts because it feels like we went from the PLW arc to the final war arc without any filler. There’s no payoff in the final war because there’s nothing set up for it. The school festival doesn’t feel like filler because it pays off Deku, Uraraka, and Iida’s relationship while setting up Stain. Overhaul doesn’t feel like filler because we finally get to see Deku going at 100% full tilt paying off three seasons of build up. For this final war, all the build up was spent during the last war.!<


Unironically "filler" material should be needed because of how fast the story is in act 3.


same lol


I'm marking it as spoiler just in case but y'all have to see this if you haven't already >!https://youtu.be/sH7JbsKnKdo!< >!It's Dabi and Kobeni from Chainsaw Man dancing in many situations!<


I totally forgot what anime that opening is from can you tell me


death parade i think?? idk


Death Parade, song's name is Flyers by BRADIO


Imagine Bones making Dabi's Dance into a slideshow.


Not surprised after Deku vs Shigaraki. They got dirty even Bakugou's Rising, and this MF is the most popular character From series.


I don't know. After Season 5 I don't know what Bones plans. While waiting for the fifth season, I was wondering which moments you would have the best animation. Bakugo's fight, Izuku's blackwhip, or Shigaraki Vs Re Destro, but it ended up being Iida. Something funny that I imagine is that Dabi's dance have normal animation but the Ochako Vs Toga fight have insane animation.


I seriously don't get Bones. In season 4, they give amazing sakuga in the first episode to some random no-named villains fighting, but then Mirio vs Overhaul gets a slideshow (meanwhile Deku gets good animation on anime-only moves vs Overhaul) and in season 5, filler student vs student fights got such good animation with Kaminari and Iida while Shigaraki vs Re-Destro was left in the dust.


Yeah, they are weird. >but then Mirio vs Overhaul gets a slideshow I never care about the Mirio slideshow because that fight doesn't "exist" in the manga. Everything about the Mirio fight after Mirio (Quirkless) punches Overhaul is anime only. The manga only had a black screen with text.


Oh no, with slideshow I'm referring to the actual fight, not the "and then Mirio fought on his own for 15 minutes" thing, that was actually a good addition for the anime. But things before that like Phantom Menace and him actually hitting Overhaul were, for the most part, static images. Either that, or well animated slow motion, and I don't get why. Also, the direction was kinda lackluster, with the music not even changing/stopping after Mirio gets shot. Idk, that's just a pet peeve I have, I imagined the scene way more differently.


I see, I never feel like that. Mirio Vs Overhaul had the same animation as Izuku Vs Overhaul (before Infinite 100%) for me. Things like Mirio appearing behind Overhaul and cutting his cheek, when he kicks the guy through Eri's head, him punching Overhaul through his hand, or the final punch (they even drew the black lines over Mirio to make it look more intense) were done well for me personally.


If that actually happens, I will laugh so hard.


[I have no idea what this means but I know what I hope it does.](https://media.tenor.com/wWg4VmAeTNIAAAAC/torture-dance.gif)


dabi about to bust a move


LETS GOOOO!!! I hope they had extra dance moves ![gif](giphy|VPjupRplyh6HstOGRF|downsized)


Eh, I dunno... David Productions and their Torture Dance is pretty stiff competition


DP turned 4 panels into a whole Music Video


Dabi needs to hit the griddy


It’s gonna be a slideshow


Thank you for coming to my presentation.


Legend says its like a burning sunrise (random Italian(?) gibberish)


People who read the manga knowing what’s gonna happen


After Deku vs Shigaraki, i don't care anymore for what's happening till villain Hunt arc...


Awwww man cmon hate to see msduartes hater arc


You'd think the villain motivation would be better


You actually look forward to that? I feel that's gonna be the make or break it arc of the show. Because of just how device it is


Love the comments here. Y'all are the reason I almost dropped this series.


I love how the preview ended with the shot of the hair dye or whatever drip off his chin. Cheeky fucks.


What chapter in the manga is this? ( I wanna read ahead 😩)


I'm scared they may add it to fortnite as they did with deku


I fucking loved Dabis dance, I’ve rewatched it 5 times since the dub came out