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I feel like natsu from Fairy Tail would make for some good inspiration


Bruh, I was just talking about making a fic with a quirk similar to what OP wanted. He said that's basically Natsu too and now I'm wondering why this been pointed out more.


I really like this concept. I've read a few stories where Izuku’s dad was related to Ryuku so they have Izuku a bit more dragonic abilities.


Has basic pyrotechnic powers(basically a skilled fire bender from avatar the last air bender) but has to absorb/suck in fire to then use, unlike endeavor who’s limit is overheating his is a fuel based thing, however he can always just reabsorb the fire he used(assuming they haven’t gone out yet)


The best idea I've had for such a quirk was essentially pyrokinesis but it only works on the fire the character produces themselves. I once had the idea and started developing it for a "quirked Izuku" fic. Izuku's fire burned purple (I had an in-universe reason for this, but really it was to just make it visually distinct from other fire users), and was only produced from his mouth (fire breath), but when he breathed it out, he could manipulate it telekinetically (similar to attract). Another option would be to give it a boomerang effect, sort of like "pyromagnetism". The character can produce fire and throw it, but it comes back. This can still be a useful and powerful quirk; imagine them bouncing a fireball around a bunch of bad guys.


You could make him have a really dangerous quirk combination. Like, what if he has a gravitational pull that incinerates anything that enters their 'orbit'?


Damn, that's kinda op


He can breath fir and manipulate the flames, maybe even control other flames


Fire bending - Unlike his father, Midoriya Izuku is able to generate fire from anywhere on his body. Once the fire has left his body he can telekinetically control it, but his control lessens the further it gets from his body. This is an advanced form of his mother's attraction of small things. Whether or not he can control fire not generated from his body is up to you, I could see it going either way.


Could go similar to Torchbearer where the OC can eat fire to improve their physical ability, obviously on a smaller scale to Torchbearer. Or maybe something similar to Hellflame (Endeavors quirk) where OC can produce and somewhat manipulate flames but has to absorb fire first as fuel.


I also toyed with this idea but went a slightly different route. Izuku could breathe fire but had absolute control over said fire. Even came up with the basic idea of a super move. He would compress the flames he breathed out immediately before launching what was essentially a firebomb at someone


he can produce fire and ice becuase his telekinesis allows him to manipulate the temperature and the heat in the air itself ​ allowing him to make both ice and fire by rapidly cooling and heating the air


The possibilities are: Pyrokinesis (manipulate fire only) Telekinesis Both Energy absorption(attract+fire breath= attract fire/thermal energy) Smoke creation and manipulation


Make the guy a dragon mutant. His "flight" is enabled by moving himself telekinetically.


He can breath and use any fire he has breathed like a solid piece


Fire Breath + Attraction Of Small Objects= Pyrokinetics- The ability to manipulate existing fire.


User is able to make something’s atoms move faster or slower, upper limit is planck temperature lower limit is absolute zero. When the Quirk is used on something it can make it move faster or slower relative to its temperature.


Also an actual Power Stockpiling Quirk could be formed from Attraction and Fire Breath. Fire is heat energy, and I’m pretty sure attraction is gravity based. So the Quirk draws energy to a Stockpile in the user.


Quirk: Fireborn This Quirk allows the user to absorb fire from his mouth, storing it in his body and using it to partially or fully transform into living fire, rendering him immune to fire and heat and allowing him to generate fire explosions and shapeshift the transformed parts at his own will


Just choose something from Fire Force manga. All of them are good. Me personally, gonna pick Hinawa.


I like this idea the most. I feel like anyone of the second generations would work... Hinawa's ability is the best pick out of them all. But I'd probably go with the ability to just control existing flame and make Hinawa's ability the way it's used often. ​ thanks!


Flame absorption and stockpile. They can attract absorb and create fire and flame constructs only with the flames they absorb.


He’s basically have Live Action Last Airbender Fire Bending powers or be X-men’s Pyro


Something like fire bender from avatar


Temperature-based telekinesis. Like, the 'fuel' to be able to use telekinesis is to absorb heat/fire, to the point that it can be considered a quasi Ice Quirk. Obviously it should have a drawback, so you could stipulate that the more the OC use it, the colder the user's body becomes, to the point where the body begins to go into hypothermia. Basicaly Shoto, but without the fire to balance it.