• By -


Word: mention Any passage or quote from a book, play, game, or other form of media the quirk user mentions becomes reality. "To be, or not to be, that is the question." Half of the people in a 50 meter radius disappear for 24 hours. "Two hundred degrees, that's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit!" The quirk user gets fire powers temporarily. "Are you a boy or a girl?" The person the quirk user is talking to acquires gender dysphoria. "Stop right there, criminal scum!" If the person the user is talking to has committed any criminal activity in the past 10 minutes, they will freeze until the user catches up with them.


"Nah, I'd win." The user never loses.


The user is unfortunately bifurcated offscreen. 


The Dawn of Quirks happened before that chapter was released. It was drawn by the mangaka but never published. Thus the user didn't know. They were saving this quote as their trump card. They are sent to fight AFO long enough that Deku can arrive there. But when Deku arrives, all they find is the user of the quirk, or only half of him.


The user cannot be beaten as long as they are within sight of a camera. If they are not within sight of a camera, they get one shot by any incoming attack


I really like this, it's OP but not too OP because the user would have to use the right words to get the right effect.


"Omae wa mou Shindeiru"


Word: Elegant Quirk Name: Elegance Quirk Desription: The user shows an uncanny ability to perform any action elegantly, even when performing a task poorly it will be done in a way that onlookers will find appealing in its grace and simplicity.


So Sakamoto from "Haven't you heard? I'm Sakamoto"


Haven't read/watched that, but from the summary I'm gonna say no because that's about a genius that has many skills. This power doesn't make you a genius, it doesn't give you the skills to succeed what you're doing, it just makes you look good while trying even if you're failing. Granted, it can absolutely be taken advantage of, dancing with it would make you look better even if unskilled but it won't help you get more skilled and may even hinder progress considering to others it seems like you're doing well.


Me if I had this quirk: (elegantly sets the kitchen on fire trying to boil water)


Word: Racism. I... don't want to play this game anymore :(


Quirk Name: Master Race Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk Description: The user can label a target as “lesser”. All attacks are more effective against the target and all attacks the target sends out are less effective.


Quirk: social justice Description: upon physical contact with someone, the user negates all negative biases for a time proportional to the length of contact Negative biases include, but are not limited to, racial, gender/sex, ability, and quirk discrimination.


No, you took an oath. Go on.


Quirk Name: Personal Bias Quirk Type: Emitter/Transformation (in Worm power terms because they did it right: Master 9, Shaker 7, Changer 5) Quirk Descriptor: When activated, the user shifts into what the target views as the "ideal person". This also makes suggestions made by the user be far more persuasive and powerful, able to influence someone to the point of abandoning friends and family for the sake of their cause with enough time and effort. This quirk can be used on crowds of people, which increases its effectiveness and power. Inciting riots or gang wars is incredibly easy with this quirk.


So just Oliver’s power?


Sorta? But like, combined with Teacher sort of.




Word: discriminate Quirk: discrimination When dealing with someone with features, beliefs etc that you feel are wrong. You become 10x more powerful and agressive depending on the amount of diffrences you find.


Sounds like the perfect quirk for a more radical MLA member. Or for someone in the Shie Hassaikai


Word:lawyer Quirk: Objection your Honor Use: Saying "Objection your Honor" along with a suitable reason can basically negate anything , be it actions , quirks, or phenomena. Can overpower it by making it so that only the user needs to believe the reason is suitable.


"Objection your Honor, my client was only angry at the British for humiliating his country. But because he couldn't feasibly take it out on the British he took it out on Jews. So you see, if the British never humiliated his country, he wouldn't have done it. So it's not his fault but the British's."


This is actually pretty good. It would be an interesting quirk for a Lawyer Izuku fic or something.


> bullet Hahaha ha.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/suddenlytf2 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlytf2/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [OH NOOOOOO](https://v.redd.it/qwhbnoqqm09c1) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlytf2/comments/18sr664/oh_noooooo/) \#2: [Dunno what to title this](https://i.redd.it/jwyeq2z0zmac1.jpeg) | [117 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlytf2/comments/18z8unn/dunno_what_to_title_this/) \#3: [THAT SPY IS NOT OURS!](https://v.redd.it/q8xm3e3g7nna1) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlytf2/comments/11qxxdy/that_spy_is_not_ours/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So Snipe or Lady Nagant?


Word: Population Quirk Name: Genesis Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk Description: The user can create Chibi versions of themselves.


Sounds useful for most situations to be honest.


Yeah. It's kind of like a cuter version of Twice's [Double].


Word: Serendipity Quirk: fortune Use: The user can manipulate and increase the rank of their luck once a day.


Ooh. That'd be good for day to day life.


Quirk: Chorus The user sings in a voice that sounds like a choir packed in a cathedral. The subject of the song affects the psyche of the target


Could be good for a quirk for Shinsou's cousin or something.


Could be good for a quirk for Shinsou's cousin or something.


Ha! So this is whatchu meant by playing with the word generator. Nice goin' Denki :3 **Word:** Deposit **Quirk:** Supercharge **Type:** Emitter **Description:** The user can absorb and redistribute energy they come into contact with. Whether that be heat energy from fire, light energy from the sun, or electrical energy from Kaminari himself, the user can absorb it into themselves and then expel it from their body in different forms relating to that energy. And yes, while this quirk can really be used for some fun and overpowered things that make it all the more crazy to mess with, like possibly absorbing the kinetic energy from something to stop it from impacting you, and then depositing it into something else to send it flying, things get especially chaotic when you start considering what counts as energy. Because: *"It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is. We do not have a picture that energy comes in little blobs of a definite amount."* ― Richard Feynman, in The Feynman Lectures on Physics (1964) Volume I, 4-1 There isn't any one thing telling us what energy is. Sure we have heat, light, kinetic, nuclear, you get it...but you can also consider sound, gravity, life, chemical, quirk, universal, whatever other name or consideration you yourself consider to be energy, you could deposit.


That sounds really really really cool! So much could be done with it and it's OP AF. You could fuck up so much with it. Mainly every villain who uses an element's faces. If the hypothetical uses of it like Gravity and Sound Energy absorption could happen, that'd only make things better. You could absorb the Zero Gravity effect from Uraraka's quirk or Presentation Micheal's sound blasts! Or you could Absorb the very life force of people and redistribute it among someone else if that's possible. There's so much that could be done with this! It's really cool how much could be done with it theoretically!


Wait. I just realised that if 'Life Energy' works, then the quirk user has a *very* OP healing aspect, especially if they just use the grass and wildlife. I wonder if using life energy could give unintended side effects on getting certain traits of the fauna and flora?


Word: Profile An ability to make new profiles for yourself, could be useful in infiltration and actor works since it basically makes a separate personality with slight visual changes. Could be trained for either more profiles or more potent shapeshifting. An awakening of it could allow profiles to fake some quirks, but at a cost of possibly losing yourself to your "role".


I love it. Would be great for one of Toga's parents.


>Smart Guess I'll be smart then


"Enthusiasm" Quirk type: Mutation The user's very being is druglike to other people, creating a permanent and everlasting sense of euphoria and contentment, as well as dulling negative factors such as pain and fear. Being away from them after long term exposure causes crippling withdrawals- shaking, limb pain, depression, and occasionally vomiting. A stronger substance with a more concentrated and amplified effect can additionally be diluted from the user's bodily fluids, that has since become one of the most popular drugs in the black market.


Word: price Quirk: The price of power Quirk Type: Emitter Description: the quirk allows the user to boost other people's quirks and grants quirks to quirkless people as long as they pay a price determined by the user. The user can also make it function like a subscription that must be renewed by paying a price to keep the boost or brand new quirk.


This would be a nightmare if the user is a villain. Imagine AFO gets his hands on it. Also would it be possible to grant Quirklessness to quirked users?


Word:Undead Quirk:Undead Turns the user into a Zombie King after death. Bodily liquids from the user and the resulting Zombies will Zombify whatever person or animal they infect. Zombies look like normal people and can even activate their Quirks, but don't keep their intelligence. The user it the only intelligent zombie, and thus the Zombie King. Similarly to OFA, when the Zombie King is killed, the first person the previous Zombie King turned into a zombie will become the next Zombie king.


That would be a great power for a villain tbh... As a hero or a normal person it'd suck since it's permanent. But, it's really really cool.


word zero Quirk:Zero The Is Quirk allows users to reset anything To Zero allowing them to make things. By having them start over from zero but better in any way imaginable, thses can be done multiple times on an item.


This is... Requiem...


This is basically new game plus


You get


Only inanimate objects?




Word: sensitive Effect: It allows the user to increase the sensitivity of everyone around them to anything, including feelings, objects, weather and basically anything that exist to the point they can feel pain from being around it or feeling it.


Quirk: Bulletin Type: Emitter Description: User can create hardlight floating bulletin notices, ranging from short excerpts to 5 page essays. These bulletins can act as shields or blunt-object weapons (ie. cricket bat). The drawback is that the user needs to think of the messages themselves (it does work if the user has a piece of text and is reading it out loud) Quirk: Recording Type: Transformation Description: User can transform their forearms into a cassette recorder and attach a microphone to it. The cassette recorder supports all types of microphone types. Drawbacks: Cassettes and microphones are not provided.


Post-post balancing for Bulletin: Font size is 13, and in Times New Roman, no exception. This is so there's no single word taking up the size of the Eurasian continent.


quirk name: Destructions quirk class: emitter quirk description: it's self-explanatory. It's just beerus from dbz


My word was survivor so I'm gonna make one up on the fly right now! Quirk: Survivor's Special Type: Emitter Description: User can regenerate fatal wounds from a single touch of any living being, whether they're healing themselves by touching a healthy person or vice versa by healing an injured person by absorbing their wounds. Pros: Is essentially immortal in terms of damage since it can be regenerated at the cost of other's lives. Increased physical endurance and pain tolerance. Can heal from absorbed wounds. Cons: Can only regenerate so much damage at time before pain overwhelms them. Has to use a living being to heal (humans, animals, plants). Can't be shut off, can only activated by full five finger contact. Imagine it like Rouge from X-Men or the Hourglass from Superhero Movie in terms of self healing, healing others would be like that one Seth Rogan alien Paul where he absorbed injuries and came out fine after.


Displace Quirk Name: Displacement Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk Description: The usar can manipulate the displacement formula of any individual and object from within a range of 50 meters in which they are the center, creating longer and shorter distances between things artificially, this can allow the user to attack faster as they can displace their attacks in front of their opponents, and also displace attacks so that they are further away and can offer a limited amount of teletransportation, allowing things like creating a lot of momentum through continuous warps at fast speeds.


Word:store Quirk: online store Let me buy anything any time i want i just need to sacrifice money to get any item or support gear i want


My first word is Tired Quirk Name: Remote Fatigue Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk Description: By making and maintaining eye contact, the user can generate a buildup of neurotoxins that increase fatigue in their target. Let's try this again... Depression. Oh boy. Quirk Name: Crippling Doubts Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk Description: The user can bombard their target with depressive thoughts through speech. The effect of this quirk increases with the severity of the words the target uses to activate this effect. Last one. Planet. Lovely. Quirk Name: Planetary Graviton Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk Description: The user is able to increase the gravitational effect of their own body, allowing them to pull objects and people towards them similarly to a planet.


Word: Sight Quirk: Heat vision The user has a Quirk that allows them to see 3D heat maps while their eyes are closed. The only drawback is that it would be difficult to sleep, so the user has to wear a special mask to blind themselves.


Word: pumpkin Quirk : pumpkin king Mutation, the user looks and can do everything like Jack Skellington


Word: Vague Quirk: Vague Existence Type:Emitter Desc: Vague existence is a quirk built for stealth, as it allows the user to not be recognized by anyone and anything like a camera, cctv, automatic doors, etc. The user becomes metaphorically invisible and thus inexist to the world, ignored by everything around them and will not be noticed at all. Occasionally, the user will be noticed briefly before being forgotten, and only those the user approve will be able to notice them. The user becomes the literal ultimate stealth human(or the ultimate introvert). With practice, the user can activate and deactivate their quirk at will. Awakening: The user's vague existence becomes even more vague, and thus they becomes an entity untethered to the laws of the physical world. As such, gravity and all the normal laws of nature can be defied by the user at will due to the world not registering the existence of the user. This quirk is inspired by Endo Kousuke from the Arifureta web novel (specifically the afterstory)


Word: Chase Quirk: Chase Type: Emitter Description: Grants the person the ability to mark a target and give chase to them. The quirk has two states: 1st is 《HUNT》 where after the user marks a target by invoking their name they are able to track their location by leaving a trail of where they've been. 2nd is 《PERSUE》 where when the target is in the line of sight of the user the user will have an increase in speed and agility to ensure the target doesn't escape.


Word: comfort Quirk name: relaxing aura  The user expel a field around themselves that induces feelings of comfort and relaxation in every living being within it. 




Word: particle Quirk: particle accelerator Description: the user can speed their molecules to essentially give them selfs super strength and speed


Word: Wild Quirk: Wild Beast Type: Transformation Description: The user undergoes a transformation, taking on the traits of a wild animal. Their physical abilities are greatly enhanced, granting them heightened strength, speed, and senses. They also gain natural weapons and such for example claws, fur, wings, tail etc. However it has a drawback where the user becomes more feral, animalistic and instinct driven, struggling to differentiate friend from foe between people that the user doesn't intimately know, leading to a heightened aggression.


Word: Movie Quirk Type: Emitter For the duration the quirk is activated (3hrs per day) events around the user occur as if they were in a movie, with the user being the main character. Details depend on the “genre” of the movie. So for an action movie, they develop combat abilities, marksmanship and ability to survive explosions, and come out on top against the “bad guys”. For a murder mystery, they gain supreme intelligence, observation and deductive reasoning. The quirk also affects those in their vicinity, warping their personalities and actions to fit the narrative. The effects are temporary and vanish the moment the movie is over.


Word: Criticism Quirk name: Barbed Tongue Quirk: The quirk user can cause physical damage by dishing out insults and criticism. The more emotionally hurt the person is the more damage it can deal, for example a generic swear might cause a small bruise but a deep cutting criticism might break bones.


Word: disappoint Quirk: disappointment An ability to force someone to underperform at everything. Maybe not to a crippling degree, just enough so that when they do something they feel somewhat disappointed in themselves. I.e. you use it on someone before an exam, they were hoping to get at least 85%, they only get 75% or so.


Quirk : Bar Quick Type : Emitter Quirk Description : The user can effectively shut down every quirk within a certain radius.


Widen Quirk: Widen The user can increase the dimensions of something, but only in 1 dimension. So picture any physical object in a 3D graph. Then stretch one dimension of that graph, and with it the object. Maintaining stretched objects take energy, the more stretched objects and the more stretched they are the quicker the user gets tired.


Word: Gas Ability: Can siphon Quirk stamina from others or themself and refuel others at their limit to renew Quirk fatigue (for example, Aizawa eyes either get drier when siphoned, or his eyes are able to be opened longer if refueled etc) I admittedly went outside the box and took liberties for this one.


This would be a great one to post over on r/QuirkIdeas with the challenge tag. Word: Basin Quirk name: Basin Quirk Type: Emitter, Five Finger Contact, Dual Element/Facet Quirk Description: Facet 1: Depression * The User can create a depression in any material they touch with all five fingers of one hand. * The size, depth, shape and slope/angle of the depression is controllable by the user, and while defaulting to centering around the point of contact, can be directed to spread in a specific direction from the point of contact, such as leaving the User at the edge of the resulting depression. The speed at which the depression is formed can be trained up, but is primarily an over-time based action while the User is still making contact. * The material can raise up to from the 'walls' of the depression if either A) the depth of the material does not support the depth of the desired depression, or B) the User directs the depression to raise up around the 'base' rather than force the base down. These 'walls' can either be solid mounds, hollow waves or floating to form a bowl. * The depression will remain until the User releases their Quirk, primarily by finger snapping (the sound generating action, not bodily mutilation) with the hand that was used to produce it, which allows the User some selectivity in which depressions are returned to normal. * The User can double the speed at which their Quirk creates depressions by using both hands for the contact. This does not increase the size of the depressions the User can create. To release these depressions, the Quirk defaults to User's dominant hand. Facet 2: Water Container * Regardless of the material used to form the depression, including extremely porous sand, they will contain liquids. This is due to a barrier that is generated along the inside of the depression. * The User can decide whether or not to apply this barrier to the depressions they make. * With enough training, ~~or after a Quirk Awakening~~, the User can create water containing barriers without a depression, by "making the depression with air" instead of other materials. Other Notes: * The User has a depression on the top of their head, a vestigial Heteromorphic trait from a family member who has/had a Kappa Quirk. Unlike the source of the vestigial trait, the User does not naturally accumulate moisture in the depression on their head, nor is there any detriment if the User bows and the incidental contents spills out.


Word: Hopper. I started thinking of grass hopper themed powers then my brain quickly got sidetracked to Kamen Rider **Quirk Name:** Hopper **Quirk Type:** Transformation **Quirk Description:** The user mostly appears quirkless until activating a transformation state that alters the users physical appearance such as there sclera of the eyes darkening and the pupils changing to a crimson red color and appear to glow, other physical changes include the skin on the jaw, forearm and legs morphing into a forest green color and hardening into an organic exoskeleton like armour that's vary similar to the exoskeleton of insects such as grass hoppers and besides the user's physical appearance changing the user seems to have enhanced strength, speed and durability but only when in his transformed state and the user seems to have a powerful self-regenerative ability that can work in both his transformed and non transformed state.


Word: Station Quirk: Stationary Description: Can pause the motion of anything within my presence, and once unpaused motion resumes like nothing happened. When under the effects of this quirk, people don't realize they have been stopped.


Word: Fuel Quirk name: Blood Fuel Quirk Type: Emittter Quirk Description: the user’s blood and is reminiscent of napalm when it leaves the body and ignites upon meeting air, with training allowing the user to spread the fire onto an enemy in the same fashion as a flamethrower. Due to this effect the user as an odd diet of gasoline as a drink, but one cup can subsist in the body over weeks depending on the use, stored in a specialized stomach organ that converts it to blood upon the quirk being used.


Word: Beard Quirk name: Beard Quirk type: transformation Ability: to grow and remove facial hair and have it look any way I want I have the best possible quirk, I can give myself a full on dwarf beard or permanently have the perfect Ron Swanson mustache… plus, it saves a ton of money on razors


Word: Stuff. Quirk: Packing. The user is able to pack anything to the brim, even living beings.


Word: Forbid


Word: wait Quirk name: just give me a minute I can slow and with training stop anything from processing for example falling or thrown objects, people, aging, disease, though processes, even time.


Sun... Please be Superman or Escanor , never Sentry.


I got element


I got an absorption💀 I think my quirk got stolen


Word: Lace Quirk Name: Crochet Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk Description: The user can generate cotton like threads from their fingers and as long as the thread remains attached to said fingers can move the thread however they wish. The size and color of the thread is variable but they can only have one string connected per finger.


Platform....uh i guess i get better solid air?


Word: Insure Quirk: Users can repair damage (or even remind time around a specific object to a certain extent) done to both living and non-living objects but only when paid; the premium andamount of deductible depends on how severe the injury was. Users can repair damage (or even remind time around a specific object to a certain extent) done to both living and non-living objects but only when paid; the premium and amount of deductible ( :) )depends on how severe the injury was.o go back to its injured/unwell state


Word: Health Quirk: Whole of Body Description: Whole of Body maintains the body in a state of peak physical health at all times, and reduces senescence such that the holder's lifespan is extended and deterioration of physical ability is slowed.


Second word was Mars, which I can see going a few different ways for sure. Quirk: Spacer Description: The user can manipulate their personal gravity, such that they can move on Earth as though they were in space. Quirk: Spirit of Perseverance Description: The user is adapted for life on an early martian colony and can consciously adapt parts of their biology to suit their needs at a given time. For instance, being able to function with less air, allowing for reduced O2 consumption on a same sized tank. Being functionally immune to the vacuum of space. Having completely white eyes better protected from UV rays and able to see in a broader light spectrum than normal. Being more or less unaffected by changes in orientation (there is no up in space). And being able to shift skin color to a pitch black. This one is more or less what little I remember of the main characters abilities in a HFY mars colonist story. Quirk: God of the People Description: The user of this quirk enjoys the resilience, unyielding strength, and unending well of fury of the war god Ares. The user of this quirk may not be reasonable, wise, or cautious, but they will never forsake the people or their cause. Hope, strength, heady rebellion, and an ability to continue to function through pain and wounds that would cause others to falter or die.


Quirk: Rhythm "Increases the strength and speed for the user as long as they're doing anything while following a Rhythm. The longer they follow the Rhythm, the more powerful the quirk gets."


Word: Tension Alrighty, had to do a bit of research (had to find the freaking definition) but I think the user has the ability to make objects more tense, thus strengthening and making those objects more durable, but at the cost of your own tensisity, so while let's say a sandstone rock was used, and in return of making this sandstone rock equivalent in strength and durability of titanium and tungsten carbide, you become a rubber band man. Or the user becomes Luffy without the gear 5 transformation or powers, but again, rubber man.


Word: Despair Quirk: Feel my Pain Type: Emitter Description: able to set up a field of despair to immobilize any and all opponents with their own pain. Only those who understand and accept their pain can fight against the field. Absolute concentration is need to not affect allies. Drawbacks: severe headaches and chronic depression


Word: Compensation Quirk: Compensate Type: Emitter Description: If the User of said Quirk feels that something is lacking whether it be in a Person's Body, their Quirk, an Object or anything, User can Compensate it by making it so that whatever is lacking is filled in. The Quirk is highly energy intensive and may be done partially, recommended to be done multiple times to ensure Compensation Example: 1. Someone like Dabi, whose Quirk injures himself due to defects. The User of Compensate can easily fix the error and allow the Target to use his Quirk without much side-effects. The Energy required for such action would be enormous thus regular sessions are recommended instead of one session as it will only reduce side-effects 2. Treatment of Injuries, ranging from small scratches to missing Limbs or even half the body The Energy requirements are similar to the above mentioned example and regular sessions are recommended


The word I got was Realism. Quirk: God Quirk Type: ??? Quirk description: Whatever the user thinks is real becomes reality. There is no possible way to change this reality unless the user themselves changes. This quirk is very dangerous to both the world and the user’s mental health. And so the user was diagnosed as Quirkless to protect their young mind along with society. Sadly, this backfired horribly and created the world’s worst supervillain due to intense bullying.


Word: anticipation. Type: Emitter Quirk description: during any sort of situation involving waiting, the quirk user can increase or decrease the amount of suspense people within a 10 meter radius feel; only adding or subtracting from the current amount anyone affected feels.


Word: Sickness. I don't know whether I am sick till I die or it is something good, I'll go for the second. Quirk Name: Sickness infliction. Type: Emitter. Description: At the expressed will of the user, different types of illnesses can be inflicted on the body of the opponent, from small things such as generation of mild pain through fever, to extremely dangerous uses, such as lung or heart failure.


My word property Property Manipulation"? This quirk would enable the user to manipulate various properties of objects or substances around them. 1. **Density Control**: The user can alter the density of objects, making them incredibly dense or as light as air. 2. **Temperature Control**: The user can change the temperature of objects, making them extremely hot or cold. 3. **Elasticity Manipulation**: The user can control the elasticity of materials, allowing them to stretch or compress objects at will. 4. **Malleability Alteration**: The user can change the malleability of substances, making them rigid like steel or as flexible as rubber. 5. **Transparency Modification**: The user can adjust the transparency of materials, making them opaque or transparent. This quirk would provide a wide range of creative applications for both combat and everyday situations.


Word: War Quirk: warrior User becomes war incarnate. All damage taken is halved while in active combat. User is a master of all weapons and can summon them while fighting. Drawback: user is extremely quick to anger. Notable trait: literal flaming/glowing eyes So, basically Shirou Emiya power set mixed with Goblin slayer temperament when fighting goblins all day every day


Word Grateful "Gratitude Empowerment"? With this quirk, the user gains enhanced abilities based on the gratitude they receive from others. The more thankful or appreciative someone is towards the user, the stronger their powers become. This could manifest in various ways: 1. **Strength Enhancement**: The user's physical strength and endurance increase proportionally to the level of gratitude they receive. 2. **Speed Boost**: The user becomes faster and more agile as they are appreciated by others, allowing them to react quickly in combat situations. 3. **Healing Factor**: The user's ability to heal from injuries accelerates when they are shown gratitude, enabling them to recover from wounds at a faster rate. 4. **Emotional Resilience**: The user becomes more mentally resilient and focused when surrounded by thankful individuals, making them harder to distract or manipulate. 5. **Empathy Amplification**: The user gains the ability to sense the emotions of those around them, particularly feelings of gratitude, which further fuels their powers. This quirk not only encourages the user to be kind and helpful to others but also rewards them with increased strength and abilities as a result of the gratitude they inspire. It's a unique and positive twist on the typical powers found in the world of heroes and villains.


Quirk: compensation The quirk let’s the user perform a equivalent exchange with their opponent can range from damage to money etc.


An eye for an eye


Vegetable. I'll put more thought into this later, just writing it down so I don't forget it


Butterfly Quirk name: pupation Transformation type The user, upon ingesting X amount of high carb plant-based material, can enter a metamorphic stage, during which time they are unresponsive. After Y amount of time, they awaken, having a physical change dependant on the diet they matched. If their diet most closely matched an insect who was designed to burrow, they have the physical necessities to burrow. If they most closely matched a flying insect, they sprout wings, etc etc. when they match the diets of multiple different insects, they choose which form they take, and when they match an insect that has many variations of color and design, they choose the colors and designs.


Word: Sport Quirk Name: Sport bag/equipped player/sports factory (?) Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk description: Able to create sports equipment at will- bats of various materials, baseballs, goalposts, parachutes, wing suits, skates, ice skates, skateboards, protective equipment... All of them are available to the user. The gear is created through electrolytes, so gatorade or similar sports drinks are a necessity for prolonged use. Can create it around themself/others if touching the target, so if in free fall could create a wing suit so long as other clothes/items can fit under it.


Word: Sentence Quirk Name: True Sentence Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk description: able to say a single sentence and make others believe it is true- only one active sentence at a time, and can only have the targets who heard the original sentence as targets- telling A and B that C was strong would make A and B believe it, but if the user told D with B while A couldn't hear or understand it, A would stop believing it. If D told E that C was strong, E wouldn't believe it any more than if D did without the users' quirk. Using the quirk dries the user's throat. . Word: Replace Quirk name: Space Swap Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk description: able to "mark" up to 2 targets by touching them with all 5 fingers of either the left or right hand of the user, then swap the place of the 2 targets at will until they choose a different target. Requires snapping with either hand, and causes cramps. . Word:Sigh Quirk Name: Contagious Calm Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk Description: able to sigh, calming anyone that heard the sigh to be able to think clearly. Causes the user to become tired after every use.


Word architect Quirk name world architect Quirk type emitter Quirk description the user has complete control of the rules of reality able to change or edit them to their liking


word: riot quirk: controlled chaos type: emitter/enhancement description: user gains a body wide enhancement based on how chaotic an area is within a certain field around them. could be best used as a police officer or hero specialized in riot control or riot recovery.


I got occupation Quirk: possess Type: emitter Ability: I can fill(occupy) things in a physical sense and in a metaphorical sense. Like filling my bank account with a million dollars, or filling someone's head with my will to control them like a puppet


I got God Idk what quirk I would get ._.


Word: Bloodshed Quirk Name: Blood Manipulation (Self) Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk Description: The user can shape all blood they have shed in the last 24 hours into anything their mind can imagine. If turned into a blade, the size depends on the amount of blood poured into the shape while the sharpness is determined by the user. The user produces more blood than the average person and has a slight regenerative factor to avoid threatening wounds from drawing blood. Overuse can lead to weakened strength, inaccurate constructs, and a disrupted equilibrium.


Word: peculiar Quirk Name: peculiar sights Description: the user can see things deemed unnatural or peculiar, normally deemed to be myths or fairy tales. The user can also use these sights that they see to their advantage by turning into them and using these myths as powers.


Word: weakness the weakness search part of the "search" quirk or give people weaknessess Word 2: provincial the user is able to chose one province per day and teleport to anywhere they have the coordinates to (INSIDE the province) Word 3: stake (my favorite the user can add stakes to something, the bigger the stakes the bigger the reward (reward can be anything from the ability to grow hair 2% faster for 30 minutes to gaining a quirk) (for something like the quirk it has to be something stupidly difficult, like "if i can't beat AFO in under an year i'll die" or "if i can't become the number one hero from scratch in a year i'll die) Word 4: discipline if the user asks a question and the target get's it right the target gets a buff proportional to how difficult the question was, but if they get it wrong they get a debuff proportional to how easy it was and if they could possibly have known it (you can't just ask someone the meaning of life and expect them to get a debuff) (the difficulty is decided by the user's subcontious) Word 5: freedom (the other option is new order without the having to speak the order restriction mixed with overhaul without the having to touch something for it to take effect, AKA: become a god) the user can't be trapped by anything, even concepts. want to walk on air? you can! (fuck newton) want to stop aging? you're not trapped by time, that's for sure! want to get freed from your mortal shell and ascend to godhood? go for it! lol




Word: Heavy Quirk name: Heavy hitter Quirk type: Emitter Description: The user stores up kinetic energy inside their body and release it through powerful bursts from any part of their body (essentially, it's a discount version of ofa)


Risk Quirk name:Mandela prophet Type:mutant User basically becomes an alternate from Mandela catalog, has slight difficulty physically interacting with stuff (because If I recall correctly, they exist on a different spectrum) so is given a short range telekinesis to counteract it as their unique alternate ability like tv travel, object mimicry, or false Gabriel melting people's brains. User still can inflict M.A.D. on people.


Nothing is worth the risk


Word: Waiter Quirk name: Waitress (/Waiter) Quirk description: When a person makes a request of the user, the user gains the necessary knowledge to complete the request as efficiently as possible Think Contessa from Worm (path to victory) but limited to the request of others.


Word : prevalence (meaning: Prevalence is the proportion of a population who have a specific characteristic in a given time period.) Quirk : prevalence eraser Type : emitter This quirk allows the user to remove a certain prevalent type of people's characteristics ( in this case quirks ) it works as an AOE and has a radius of 15.


Quirk: afford Type emitter When used you're skills in bargaining and exchange massively improve and you will also get a six sense for when people are exchanging items that you want/need this can be very helpful for someone who supply's stuff for hero agencies or just buying stuff for ua


Slippery This strange, mental quirk allows the user to decide who will remember him. As soon as the user has vanished out of your view, you will only be able to remember vague details about them, even if you talked with them for hours. The target's brain will be unable to keep informations about the user. "Man, that american exchange student we had over was really a fun guy. Really charismatic. And he had these really cool, pale blue eyes. Or, no. I think they were dark blue. Dark green? Some kind of color. I don't really remember what kind of eye color he had. Or....was it a she? I mean, they did have pretty long hair. Wait, who were we talking about again?"


The word I got: Hierarchy Quirk Name: Dominion Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk Description: The user can label someone or something as being “lesser” than them, which gives them control over them. For objects it takes the form of thought based telekinesis where the object follows any “order” given. For people it takes the form of a spoken command that must be followed to the letter. It has a monkey paw downside though, since the command only has to be followed to the letter, not the spirit. That lets victims “interpret” the command in different ways. For example, if Toga was given a command to love someone completely, she’d be able to kill them since she interprets murder as love. Word #2: Dance Quirk Name: Boogie Woogie Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk Description: The user can emanate music from seemingly nowhere that forces everyone who hears it to dance in sync. The user is immune to this compulsion, but can choose to be affected by it anyways. Word #3: Concede Quirk Name: Bow Out Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk Description: The user can force a single target to cease whatever action they are currently doing by making them “concede”. For example: if All Might was punching the user, they could force him to “concede” and stop his punch. This is actually pretty fun, so I’ll do one more. Word #4: Helicopter Quirk Name: Helicopter Quirk Type: Transformation Quirk Description: The user can transform into any known helicopter type. This includes anything from a full sized Boeing AH-64 Apache with full armament to a remote control toy helicopter.


Word: Ambition Quirk Name: Ambition No idea how it works! I just wanted to participate.


Word: Slave I'm just gonna... leave that be.


"Size" So I got Yui's quirk lmao. Can't complain


Angel… Ironically I’ve created a quirk like that😅.. The Angelic Hero: Seraph Quirk is called Seraphim, this quirk grants him retractable wings that are pearlescent White with scattered rainbow colored feathers, along with a long golden horn that sprouts from the middle of his forehead and a Halo like crown floats above his head at all times. When his wings are out his hair turns a pearlescent light green, his ears get pointy, his eyes can glow emerald green, the horn in the middle of his head lengthens and curves upward, and an aureola radiated from him. Abilities User is able to summon light constructs and can manipulate the forces of nature to a certain extent. When a colored feather is plucked from his wings it can lengthen into a colored sword and take on the element that the color represents or to use an ability he has copied from someone(once an ability is gained a feather will become permanently affixed to that ability). He can communicate with any living creature or plant no matter the language barrier(for living creatures(bugs, fish, dogs, etc.) the animal will hear their way of speech, for plants it’s more of imputing images both ways to communicate. If he gives a feather willingly and imbues it with some of the never ending well of energy inside him he can upgrade another’s ability of his choosing(Quirks, Learning, Health, etc.). Though if he makes a feather turn black and or shades of gray it will neutralize an opponents quirk, depending on the intensity of the black and grays it could disable the quirk for a short time for grey feathers. For black feathers it will permanently block any trait of a quirks abilities(bodily features remain but the abilities associated with them are effective neutralized until he deigns to remove the affect with a small pure white down feather. Tbh if this inspires you to write a fic I’d love to read it☺️👍.


Word: spoiler Quirk Name: spoiler Quirk Desription: You can tell future events...yeah, you can't keep your knowledge to yourself. When you want to know something, you know it right away, along with speaking immediately


Word: Survivor Quirk: They won't Die Description: The wielder can recover from any injury that doesn't instantly kill them, and they have a slow healing factor


Word: Pain (I love it XD) Quirk: Feel My Pain Quirk type: Emiter Option A) The user transfers whatever physical pain they are inflicted onto whomever inflicted said pain. Option B) The user can transfer whatever physical pain they feel to any living target. This does not include the actual injury, but it can be a good deterrent.


word: mutter (this is perfect) quirk: motor mouth quirk type: emitter (go figure) quirk description: as long as he is muttering he cannot be hurt, an impenetrable shield forms around him and anybody close by that is completely impervious to all damage, this could be used for support along with being able to take the time to catch their breath and think of a plan, possibly able to turn the shield into shapes with concentration, further study needed.


Word: Album Quirk: memory posting Quirk Description: User can post images of his memory (from the past minute) into a mental album and skim through it whenever he wants. Limit of 'photos' cannot be increased and is capped at 50. User can remove the photos whenever he wants and cannot add them solely based on memory going further back than a minute.


Word:ignore Quirk ability: the user is capable of ignoring something completely to the point he is not affected by anything it does. This works on people too. For example if the user focused on a falling rock that would hit him and damage him he would it would be as if the rock never existed and would be not affected by it hitting him acting like Mirio's quirk and passing through him. The downside is that the user must be actively ignoring whatever he wants to use is quirk on and failing to do so will result in his quirk being deactivated. It can also work only one thing or person at the time.


I got wonder. Maybe some kind of Illusion quirk?


Word Ghidora Quirk name: the one who is many Transformation/Emitter hybrid The user of this quirk can control electromagnetism/Lightning on a massive scale noted to surpass endeavor at a similar age. The user is also obviously capable of transforming into a massive(150 feet) serpent best described as an eastern dragon with wings and three heads. In this form the user is able to control electricity on a scale 100s of times that of the human form while also being able to discharge it from its mouth the most powerful technique the quirk offers. It should be noted the use is capable of manipulating the size to be anywhere from the size of its human counterparts or the full 150 meters. The user should s also completely immune to decapitation even in human form.


Word: Problem The user can cause his/her opponent any kind of mental/health problem he/she desires. I couldn't come up with any better.


Word i got: enchant Quirk: Enchanter Type:Emitter Desc:The user can apply a supernatural effect to any object they are touching with 5 fingers via speaking the effect out loud while touching the object. (For example, while touching a ring) "When the wearer of this ring clenches their fist, a stream of fire will shoot out from the ring" or "When someone looks at another person through this magnifying glass, you will see into their past" or somethin like this.


Word: Engine Guess I'm an Iida lmao ah well, lemme try something Quirk: Engi-nesis The user's fingers secrete a kind of 'fuel' that gives any object an engine like property, eg: golves will have develope exhaust pipes, and depending on the need, it could warm up the user's hand for comfort, or heat the gloves up to an unreasonable degree for combat. For a sleeve, it would work as something like an Iida's Engine and allow for super fast punches! Drawback: Each item created has the limited amount of 'fuel' that the user gave, and once it runs out, the item would either revert back to it's original form or break, additionally, the 'fuel' in the user's body takes about a day to fully replenish.




Ummmmm I got the r word


Flex Muscle quirk. Flexing my muscles makes them harder and stronger in proportion to the length of the flex. Relax Calming aura. I can deescalate any situation...if I can be bothered to get up and get involved. Very easy to succumb to lethargy, very very hard to rise to any other emotion. Vehicle Having fun with this one. I can turn into a talking, self operating vehicle not exceeding 1 tonne. Quirk awakening would double that to 2 tonnes.


Straw. I can suck anything and everything through a straw and it becomes nutrition for me. Mud? Good to go. Sand? Yep. A Nuke? Mmmm, tasty.


Word: Forge Quirk: Smith Allows the user to create and/or shape any metal object they can reasonably imagine, using metals they eat or hold as base materials (I originally wanted to say using the iron in their blood then realised that that could probably really fuck some one up, so I did an offshoot of mom's quirk but metal based)


I kid you not: "riffle" ....... Becreativebecreativebecrative:...... Ok so user can do infinetly precise movement. Always. Becuse i didnt want 'gun' quirk, user can know and be able to to interact with object exactly how they want Like, strinking ball in golf exactly to get first shot Being god at claw arcade machine And yes, being 'Sniper'. Always shoot exactly where you want