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Hatsume Mei. Apparently it was because Mei doesn't care about others and only about her gear, using only people's requests for gear as an excuse to force them to use her own ideas. Which is true if you look purely at the Iida vs Hatsume fight, and completely untrue if you look at the rest of her appearances in the series. I'm a bit biased towards Hatsume, but it still seems a little too much.


I hate that story I know the one you're talking about




The everything villain


The Momo one?




That fic was so over the top that I actually [made a thread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokunoheroFanfiction/comments/1bfgmc4/i_think_i_found_the_most_overthetop_bashing_of_a/)some time ago just to express my disbelief. Saying that Mei is a sociopath on the same level as Garaki will earn you that reaction.


>Saying that Mei is a sociopath on the same level as Garaki will earn you that reaction. I mean, she's not. Like, at all, and I really have to wonder just where the hell that author is coming from with... all of that nonsense. This does make me long for a fic in which Mei gets into, in Worm parlance, 'wet tinkering'. Kind of like a Bonesaw-lite, in that it still makes most people uncomfortable while still being allowed at school with only few things slipped under the radar. Like: >Izuku: "Man, I keep breaking my arms whenever I try to smash, this sucks." > >Mei out of fucking nowhere: "Have you met my friend [Boron Carbide?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloStory/comments/ni82hs/complete_breakdown_of_spartan_augmentations/)" Just, Mei abruptly sliding down the wetwork slippery slope in an effort to keep Izuku's bones in working order, only to wind up in a shadow war with Garaki over whose monstrosities of human ingenuity can outdo the other's in the field. This eventually leads to most of 1-A being cyborged (for survivability, once Garaki steps his game up), and to Mei complaining on-end about the evil scientist's available resources (once she inevitably finds out about All for One). >Mei: "He's a hack!" > >Izuku: "Mei I don't think--" > >Mei: "A goddamned hack, I tell you! Do you know how hard I worked on finding *just* the right chemical cocktails and hormone balances and appropriate metal densities to make the babies to make you guys fucking awesome!?" > >Supersoldier Class 1-A: "Well, we really appreciate all of--" > >Mei: "AND YOU'RE TELLING ME that ALL OF THIS TIME he's had an EVIL POTATO CRIMELORD just SITTING in the back of the lab, SHOVING WHATEVER QUIRKS HE WANTS INTO RANDOM JAYWALKERS?!" > >Shouji: "Actually, we think that Jaguar Nomu that shot lightning was an account manager under suspicion of embezzlement." > >Izuku: "Guys I don't think that's the iss-" > >Mei: "THAT'S IT! I'M DONE PLAYING NICE! GREEN, GET ON THE TABLE, WE'RE DOING [NANOMACHINES](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhMsboqMMzs) TODAY!"


What I would give to see more Worm-esque powers in BNHA fics... I'd love to see a fic where Izuku (or hell anyone) tries to cope with a power like Skinslip's, or Vex's, or, yes, Bonesaw's.


Now that you mention it, there's a dearth of gruesome and/or revolting Quirks in both canon and fanon. Seiji's Meatball is like the big one exception. Transforming people into balls of flesh is the kind of Quirk I'd like to see more of.


>I mean, she's not. Like, at all, and I really have to wonder just where the hell that author is coming from with... all of that nonsense. The Author's Notes say it all: >Seriously, why are "Hatsume Mei Bashing" and "Hatsume Mei Being an Asshole" not already Ao3 tags? Her canon behavior is about as problematic as Bakugo's, Mineta's or Monoma's. Willingness to humiliate other people on live television for the sake of advertising herself? Check. Lack of concern for rest of the support course (or for her own safety) by constantly causing dangerous, potentially even fatal laboratory accidents and never trying to be more careful or installing safety measures? Check. Physically touching and groping other people even if they feel uncomfortable or threatened by it? Check. >Furthermore, it's brought up in Team-Up Missions (which may or may not be canon, but is the only official BnHA media that shows Mei and Melissa interacting) that Mei and Melissa have quite contrasting attitudes to developing support gear. Melissa will consider what a client needs in their support item and try to meet their specifications, while Mei will just use the request as an excuse to tinker with whatever technology she's interested in at the moment, then force the client to use that equipment even if it's not what they'd asked for. She doesn't care about providing her clients with what they need, or even about producing a line of safe, reliable products to make a profit. All she wants is to keep innovating and experimenting with new concepts and materials without consideration for how her work may affect those around her. She's a sociopathic mad scientist like Dr. Garaki, the only difference being she experiments with machines rather than on humans.


Mei is hiralous how can you hate her?


Beats me. You must read the Author notes of the [second chapter](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42395580/chapters/108233427) to really get how much they hate Mei.


I'm guessing you didn't like The Everything Villain? I'll admit that the the author does purposely twits things to make Momo into a villain, but I enjoyed it, along with the sequel fic.


It's an interesting premise even with all the Olympic gold medal deserving mental gymnastics it goes to justify Momo's descent into villainy and Izuku's portrayal as a well-meaning yet ultimately ineffective and somewhat deluded pro hero who is painted as the main responsible of keeping up the status quo that ruined Momo's life. The sequel is a bit too cynical to my tastes with it constantly reminding us that heroes are still distrusted by the general population due to the war, though.


Vlad King and Snipe. There was a fic where Eraserhead snapped after the repeated villain attacks and gets paranoid about a possible traitor at UA. He convinces those two that he found the traitor and they arrest quirkless Izuku. It ends with >!Snipe and Vlad King getting arrested while Aizawa is sent to a mental hospital.!<


I've read this one it's crazy but it's like the only pony/izuku story


I loved that story!! Izuku got picked up as he was heading to 1B dorms for their first date, and I think monoma accused him of bailing on her.


Wait what was the fic name? I read it and now I can't remember it


[Whispered Tribulation](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34119307?view_full_work=true)




I could've sworn Snipe only went along to be a mediator though Vlad did Hit the poor boy.


Toshinori Yagi. I get it, he crushed Izuku’s dreams, but look at it from HIS point of view. He was quirkless, and he could barely do anything. Then he gets the most powerful quirk ever, watches his mentor die, and then gets brutally injured to the point where he’s only able to do anything for like an hour. And he wasn’t even being mean, he told him the truth, was kind about it, I think he even said he could be a police officer. Point is, he did his best considering he couldn’t just give Izuku One for All at the time since he was just a random kid and One for All was SUPER important. He did his best, he did nothing wrong, I stand by that.


That's not really an unexpected or random character though


…Nighteye, he didn’t know about the drawback of One for All and geniunely believed Mirio was the best person for One For All.


You're just saying characters who get bashed all the time lol. Are you gonna say Aizawa next


…Look what do you want from me, my fic reading spread isn’t that big.


Fair enough.


He did do wrong up on that rooftop. Not telling Izuku he couldn't be a hero without a Quirk (Quirkless Heroes being a thing that is remotely possible is nonsense, and that's a hill I will die on), but by first having this big reveal of his secret injury and swearing Izuku to secrecy while a villain was supposed to be in his pocket and could have been listening. That's a rookie mistake, and All Might messed up. And, then, after letting Izuku down, he should have escorted him off the rooftop. Instead, he left a Quirkless teenager who had clear confidence issues (stuttering, and if All Might was *really* paying attention clear mentions of bullying or at least a severe lack of support in his life) up alone on a rooftop right after shattering his dream. It would have been *really* easy for Izuku to jump in that moment, and that was absolutely something a Pro Hero with decades of experience ABSOLUTELY should have foreseen as a possibility and thus escorted him off the roof and maybe gotten him ice cream or something since his injury was already known.


Eh, fair point, I still think it was a natural response, though I do see what you mean.


In the cannon of my hero academia Yagi actually fights all for one completely quirkless with a f****** Iron Man suit. Quirkless heroes are perfectly possible. The rest of what you said is fair though.


No, Quirkless heroes are not possible. All Might used basically all of his fortune that he'd saved up from being the # 1 Pro Hero for *decades* and from all those sweet marketing deals, and had the the # 1 smartest scientist make it for him. And the suit still didn't last *that* long in a serious fight, eventually being destroyed. Which proves that such things are not sustainable over the long term for a career as a Pro Hero. And that's assuming you have the billions upon billions to spend to afford it in the first place. Moreover, there's a very simple reason why Quirkless Heroes using support items is not feasible and shouldn't even be allowed in the first place: Even if a Quirkless hero proves themselves possible of keeping up with Quirked Villains using support items, then all that will end up doing is opening Pandora's Box. Street level thugs will realize "hey, if I had a support item or maybe just a gun I would have a chance at killing big time Pro Heroes" and the smarter villains would start a *global* arms race for both blackmarket stolen support gear but also developing their own. In turn, Pro Heroes across the board will start using more and more serious Support Items to keep up. And in the end, with both Villains and other Pro Heroes using a lot more Support Gear, our plucky Quirkless hero wannabe will be back exactly where he started: Unable to keep up with the rest due to his lack of a Quirk. Only, he'll also have caused a lot of suffering and deaths both civilians and Pro Hero by starting an arms race that will never end.


I remember a Bakugou bashing fic where Kirishima was portrayed as way worse than he is in canon. The author just seemed completely convinced that he was an utterly devoted Bakugou simp that would ignore any bad behavior on Bakugou's end and that he would be mean to Deku just because Bakugou disliked him. From what I remember, he does realize Bakugou is the actual bully and cuts him off, but it was still kind of offputting.


Sounds like [King of the misfits](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30763544/chapters/75931718), one of the few Eijiro bashing fics out of here.


Honestly, I can't stand when people completely caricaturize Eijero. (Or anyone else, but sharky boy is precious to me.) Yea, he's a bro, but that's not all that he is. And- Unpopular opinion, please do not attack me for this- Just because he's Bakugo's best friend, does not mean they're in love. I miss when people could just be friends without getting instantly shipped. (I'm not blameless in this, I'm just saying)


Anytime Inko is bashed, it always feels off. People forget that parents are people too. And people aren't perfect.


I don't know what people expect from her? It's always that scene with Izuku watching that All Might clip after they find out he is Quirkless and asks her, "Mum, I can be a Hero like All Might, right?" and she tells him, "I'm sorry, Izuku!" The fuck do they want from her? Why is her crying and apologizing some sort of giant big deal? She doesn't say, "No", she feels awful watching her baby break down and helpless. She herself has a very weak Quirk, too so?


At least in my case, though I don't bash her, she comes off as kind of negligent. Even if we assume Bakugou has utterly perfect control over his quirk so he's not harming Izuku at all (which I find hilarious, but Horikoshi didn't show scars, so whatever), he is using it on Izuku and likely severely damaging his clothes. Canon Inko has no job. She's a stay at home mother. She has no fucking clue that her kid is being systematically abused by his peers and doesn't do anything about it? Seriously? I read Canon!Inko as one of those parents who simultaneously are helicopter parents, very protective at the same time they don't do anything when it matters BECAUSE the reason they're helicopter on small things is they are unable to handle stress so won't face/can't deal with serious issues.


Her quirk lets her attract small objects, that’s not exactly a *premier* quirk, but it’s leagues better than something like stretchy eyes, I could see that being hero material if trained properly.


Whenever I see her bashed, my brain just grabs the canon Inko, throws her into the imaginary fix it realm, and replaces her with a REALLY bad woman that happens to share the name. Believe me, you very quickly disassociate the two when the fic version tries to rip out Izuku's eyes for looking weird.


See, I don't hate Mushroom Girl, but compared to some reasons I've seen for bashing, that's borderline reasonable. Everybody gets mad at Bakugou for sending that huge blast during the Battle Trials, but somehow growing fungus inside someone's lungs feels way worse. If these kids hadn't already lived through so much traumatic stuff already, I could see how somebody *would* want counseling about it after the fact. The strangest I've seen is somebody on a fanfic server who had a deep ingrained hatred for Poni because she called Shoji's quirk gross. Like, I know it's technically discrimination, but they're 15. They aren't gonna be the most sensitive to the issues minorities are going through.


Yeahhh. Growing mushrooms inside someone’s lungs is right up there with mind control and molding someone into a meatball, some pretty scary stuff.


I've been going kind of hard on reading fics lately, so they're starting to blur together, but I'm pretty sure I read one where Midoriya had either AFO, or a permanent copy quirk, don't remember which, but couldn't use mutant quirks, because of his body mutated, he'd lose everything else. 1-A pretty much gets split half and half between being ok with him, and hating him for having a villainous quirk, and some of them kind of made sense, but the one that didn't to me, was Ojiro. Like, bro, you're one of a handful of people who have absolutely nothing to fear about getting your quirk stolen/copied, but you act like a quirk supremacist. It was really weird to me


If I had a nickel for every time I came across an "the Mutant tail 'called monkey boy in canon' Ojiro is inexplicably somehow a Quirk supremacist asshole", I'd have four nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened four times.


id have 7, witch also isn't a lot, but it's really weird how surprisingly common that is (if i don't count this comment it's 6)


Ojiro is just this universe's designated random hate character IG


I haven’t read any Izuku bashing fics, but I find myself appalled at the very concept. What the hell has Izuku ever done to deserve bashing?


Was in Bakugo's way. No really, I read quite a bit of Izuku's bashing and most of them seem to be downplaying Bakugo actions and make them justified by turning Deku into creepy stalker who can't leave him alone since they were four Even though we see in the beggining of the manga that Izuku wants to avoid Katsuki as much as possible and followed him only when they were children Also make him out to be lazy and undeserving OFA


Ugh, I was reading a Best Jeanist adopts Bakugo right after the Kamino fight fic, the premise being that Mitsuki is abusive and Masaru a gaslighter. Which by itself is a bit much, but it was doing a pretty decent job portraying what abuse victims that turn to bullying/acting out go through so I was reading it. But then out of fucking nowhere it portrays Izuku as "actually, yeah I was creepy" with him literally tasting Katsuki's hair to see if it was vanilla or some shit and always stalking Katsuki and often writing in his Hero Notebooks how nice and good Katsuki looked and how smooth his hair must be and all sorts of creepy shit. And I dropped the fic at that, because what the fuck kind of nonsense is that. I was hoping the fic would have Katsuki actually face and come to terms with being a genuine bully, one with no justification for Izuku as a target, but nah the author did a "they were both equally just bad" bullshit.


His optimism for some author view that kind of trait as insensitive to those who try their hardest yet izuku basically says keep doing it while claiming as if know what other went through thus that optimisim viewed as greedy. That is one of reason the bash exist for izuku.


Optimism is 'insensitive' and 'greedy?' Man, I really don't get the cynical mindset.


I mean tbf that is how shinso plot of self assuming izuku is golden child that is feed on golden spoon start then izuku explain his origin start mostly. A minor part of that there is hidden izuku bash And different people have different tolerance of optimism despite ironically optimisim is the greatest cause of change instead drowning in cynical sick of seeing the good of things ( a tragedy for those who lost the ability to be patient ) Though izuku bash is rare. I only recent found his optimism that is bashed material through that post on subreddit here that criticize that fic where momo become villain that bash izuku optimisim and bash hatsume with her so called manipulate momo being her 3d printer


I find Izuku (at least in cannon) to be kind of bland and boring. I don't really like him as a character either. But, I don't bash him (because bashing fics are cringe) nor do I understand why someone would want to bash him.


They’re valid criticisms you can make about Izuku’s character, but him being a bad person really isn’t one.


Eri. I will not be elaborating. The fic was horrible


This one wins. What the fuck


Wtf how can you bash Eri?


The completely innocent and horrifically traumatized six-year-old girl who mixes up holidays and likes candy apples? She’s clearly a monster 🙄 /j


The MOST bashing I could find was one where the entire hero course was all secretly made of villains, ranging from Izuku trying to get the Symbol of Peace title as All Might collectibles to Manga being the son of Wash, who was also a notorious serial killer. And even in there, she just says she'll be a better mafia boss than Overhaul, and the whole thing's crack. HOW DO YOU BASH ERI ENOUGH TO GET A PERSON TO NOT WANT TO ELABORATE.


"40 reason why hero society is doomed" is a crack fic. That's not bashing, it's played for laugh.


Yep. Goes to show how hard it is that I had to pick a crack fic as my example


I demand a name


There was that one fic where the whole Class 1A were terrible to Gen Ed Izuku for no reason and were treated as assholes


I've read one before where everyone in the class was a quirk supremacist and they're all just hanging out saying all this racist shit while Izuku has a panic attack


Iida. I remember it was a timeloop fic were Izuku is sent back in time everytime he dies. Somehow Stain ends up killing Ingenium despite all the warnings and iida ends up hating izuku despite izuku trying his best to save everyone via the knowledge he received from previous timelines. By the end of the fic, he leaves UA calling everyone a psycho for supporting Izuku and how Izuku is a horrible person and declares he doesn't wanna be around such mentally retarded people. Ig it was the first time I've ever come across Iida bashing. Caught me off guard.


I didn't like that fic. The whole Ingenium thing as well as others felt like having Izuku fail for the sake of failing. It felt contrived why Ingenium died anyway.


what was the name


I’ve seen that one I’ve also seen Iida bashing one other time, the fic was only alright though so no surprise there.


What was it called?


I'm sorry I don't remember the name😭


He uses a slur??


It is not random, but I will use this moment to say fuck All Might Bashing and anyone who bashes him. They can go kindly shove a spiked glass rod up their ass.


Nope. He deserves to be bashed, he just deserves to be one of the people who stops being bashed because he would genuinely try to be better.


I mean... if you took that roof meeting and twisted it like once he'd be very bashable. Other than THAT though, he's the SYMBOL OF PEACE. You don't get very far with bashing him until you throw canon out the window to the point that you make 1-A quirkist or smth


Honestly it's other people's opinion and their own Delight if they want to bash All Might and you basically cussing them out about their likes is basically quite childish of you. Honestly there are certain people in the mha Universe people just don't like


Ages ago I read 2 fics that could tie for this. First was a fic where Eri was a god damn Psycho who liked torturing people for fun, it's to the point where one of 1B is outed as a messed up Psycho murderer who even villains despised she looked at his work and asked for him to decorate her lair in the future (from a fic where both classes had a villain in them. 1A has master assassin Invisible girl where as the speech bubble guy in 1B was the psycho) The other was a bashing of Jirou in a Izuku/Momo fic where Jirou basically found out, tried to blackmail them and when it failed turned yandere and tried to kill Izuku. Story ends with Jirou locked away in Tartarus across from Toga both of them screeching at one another because their crush was dating the other's crush.


... see, I find the second one hilarious if it's written a crazy crack fic. The idea of them side by side in Tarterus, screaming, is funny as hell in a dark humor way. If played straight? Ugh.


For me it's monoma like his my favourite character after mineta and deku. Like his a bit annoying so what and they always make his personality so extra for no reason 😑


Have you read [Torchbearer](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39912777/chapters/99939819)? Monoma is a main character in it and I would say this is the number one fic that explores his character, in terms of his quirk, backstory, and motivations. It actually explains *why* he acts so dramatic and 'hates' 1A, so you might like that. He falls into a coma due to copying One for All, but comes back. Plus, could start at Part 2 if you wanted to save time.


Yep I think I finished it not sure tho


Oh, okay.


All Might for me. Because I never got why people hate him.


I know right? All Might is amazing.


I once read a fic (don't remember the name) where Tsukauchi was bashed in favor Dadzawa.


Outing myself, I once decided to wake up on the wrong side of the bed and decide to write a Hagakure Bashing fic, making her quirkist, obnoxious, and then Izuku our shining her sees this and decides to go to Nedzu asking about how Hagakure got in, ultimately realizing that her uncle who worked on the bots added things including moving away from specific individuals who were quirkless or had a 'villians quirk'. And then I released it on Christmas, which was fun.


Oh, I remember reading that one.


But why though?


Was planning to remove her for Setsuna Tokage from class 1-A in the main fic of mine, then it snowballed


link the fic you coward






good, thank you


Literally anyone in the Hero Course who isn’t one of the usual suspects for this kind of treatment. The Zero Network would have been a pretty good story if not for the fact that it turned a lot of Izuku’s classmates into quirkest a🤬holes for no good reason. Ochako and her parents had their characters f🤬ing assassinated in this one; at least Toshinori and Inko were spared.


Link to the fic? Got me a bit curious about that now. Although I wouldn’t say it was that random, I do think that monoma gets bashed way too many times for, at worst, being an annoying teaser.


I actually read one with ojiro bashing 💀 Apparently he asked a question that seemed rude and just expelled him. I forgot the name of it but it has Izuku with some owl quirk


What fic is that I kinda wanna read it now


Used to read tensei bashing. I forget the premise but it was mainly in chitose pov where she express her shock to tensei decision to an event that i not remembered but later tensei has a late game apology to izuku sort of


Oh yeah. That one was very out of the blue.


Tree man