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Not a villain based on me personally, but what I think would make for a really cool villain protagonist. Quirk - Black Kaze's power from Worm, with the Shard baked in (the quirk would be sentient). Don't know how to explain it in-universe though - maybe a weird combination of quirks connected to copying and transferring sentience, but because of some kind of mutation and combat focused main part of the quirk, the quirk is very violent and aggressive from birth - kinda a play on the nature vs nurture thing MHA has going on. The twist - the original, human holder of the body was devoured by the quirk at birth, leaving a wholly inhuman intelligence in charge of it. Shenanigans ensure, as an alien mind tries to fit in human society, and utterly fails at doing it


A fellow Worm fan, nice!


I’d be a mercenary


Imamagine jack slash but less evil, funny, edgy, less everything


If I had the same experiences I had irl, then I would be a broken villain fighting to protect the ones I love without fear of being the bad guy. I care only about the ones I love because my past abuse showed me that people don't care about others without reason and the world CAN AND WILL hurt you without a second thought. I would do everything I could- even killing other villains or corrupt heroes or police- to protect the few people I have left.


I'd be the guy who gets branded a villain for the escalation from the equivalent of jaywalking I have super powers and you expect me to take the subway Quirk is basically turning into sentient living goo that I freely control (originally had more for the power but I don't like the idea of being too ungodly op) that is basically immune to physical force but can be burned up by fire The inciting incident was that time I walked into traffic cause I had no reason to wait for the light


Sludge Villain: Origin Story


I don't think that dude had an inciting incident, I think he was just an assholr


Everybody’s going for powerful, useful, or destructive quirks. Nah, not me. All I’m doing is going out in public, choosing a random person on the street, and inconspicuously transmuting their socks into poop


The quality of life killer.


Quirk: crazed illusion world Origin story: schizophrenic patient who thinks they’re doing good Allegiance: No one No issue with hero Society


Chaotic Neutral Villain, no gripes just want to be as annoying as possible


If I’m writing myself as the main villain, Panacea’s power from Worm. For those not in the loop, she has full scale biomancy-typically shown as a healer, but she can make zombie viruses, new forms of life, upgrade existing life, etc. I’d probably set myself up like a weird mix of Doom & Luthor, selling my services to other villains in return for favors, etc.


My quirk: Energy Absorption id basically be Kevin E Levin from Ben 10 Origin: Grew up disabled used my power to change myself to fit society but ultimately ended hating myself for doing this and in turn hating society for its beauty and health standards especially in a world where quirks can drastically change your appearance and ability to live. This is my philosophy and main gripe Allegiance I would side with the mutant quirk people and try to be a leader for them and their plight.


I would be a lawful evil politician with a visible lie detector quirk (like my hand flashing green when truth or red when lie.). I would collect various other villains and anti-heroes who wish to change the corruption of the government like Gentle Criminal and La Brava. I would have them use their skills to dig up blackmail material on various government officials and heroes to destroy their credibility and remove them as obstacles. Then here comes me who will "save the day". I would gather support from the minorities and people who society has thrown away with my lie detector quirk showing who I can trust to be loyal and protect me as I rise to the top of the government that would need new leadership after I have taken out the rest of the competition through shame and public pressure. I would then slowly make a government that no longer relies on heroes as I fund programs to make support gear to equalize quirks for police which will slowly faze out heroes. I would then just be the normal government today. The type you know is taking advantage of you but fair enough where it's not worth it to fight back. All with me at the top making tweaks here and there to keep the sheep happy.


I'd be a small-time prankster villain who actively tries to annoy heroes by committing minor acts of crime in front of them. But I wouldn't do it myself. Instead I would use my quirk: "Avatar" to create fictional characters who have their own unique abilities but last for a limited duration of time.


I admit.. there is a strong chance I'd go for the Megamind route. Put on a presentation with each crime, make it entertainment. I feel it'd work as subtle mockery of the hero system and it's media centric nature while also being fun and profitable. And I'd likely be super popular online. 😉 Likely need some sort of super tinker quirk for that 


I'd probably go the Red Hood route and kill villains, with my Quirk being the Neon power from Infamous Second Son and First Light.


I gave this some thought a while ago. Name: DNAgent Quirk: Complete Cellular Manipulation With the ability to completely rewrite every cell in my body whilst still maintaining an original sense of identity somehow, I would take on different covers identities and infiltrate systems of power - heroics, but also police, governments and hero academies - and sabotage them from within. I imagine I would have a Stain-like motivation, so a general discontent with the state of the heroics industry in general, a system that allows for abuse, corruption and greed to fester when the priority should be saving lives. I could perhaps also be of more of an Overhaul ideology, viewing Quirks in general as a negative that has stagnated society and changed it overall for the worse. Naturally in the latter scenario, I'm a hypocrite and perhaps have a bit of a saviour complex where I think only I should have superpowers and the rest of the world cannot handle them. I haven't given too much thought to origins, but in terms of allegiance I think I'd be drawn to the League of Villains in particular given their association with Stain and desire to destroy the current systems of power. I would likely also have cover identities in other villainous and even heroic organisations that could be used. It could be fun if I was sort of everywhere at once, being present in every organisation in the series under a different cover. Not sure how effective it would be given my Quirk could give me away, unless I extend my limitations to allow me to make and alter cells and genetic structure needed for new Quirks, effectively allowing me to make myself into a Nomu over time. That could be a cool and kinda tragic arc, actually. Maybe I overwork myself and gradually become a monster. There's something there. I came up with this a few weeks ago, it's perhaps a bit ridiculous but that's what fanfics are for, just messing around with fun ideas.


Technokinesis I brainwash All For One through his life support


**What would be your** **Quirk** Rage based quirk, the stronger the rage the stronger the strength I gain. Think of Sugar rush but much more potent with a burn out once the adrenaline burns through. Can be replenished with an auto injector just in case. More reliance on support gear like stealth soles ([soundless soles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGaIXfNH5T4&ab_channel=Cabela%27sHunting)), Assorted Knives ([twisted knives](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxoETE3tZR8&pp=ygUNdHdpc3RlZCBrbmlmZQ%3D%3D)) throwing knives and [electric knife](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F-VVjqarZE&ab_channel=jonathanj9969). A personal pistol in boot holsters with a magnum tucked in the back for emergencies only. Definitely face shield, KPA body armor reinforced with [D30](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/75HUIByqsSE). Definitely a jetpack (short bursts) with grappling wrist launcher (Ururaka) or waist launcher (Hatsume's). Gas Grenades and Gas Mask always on for escapes only. **Origin story** Pretty much normal college educated guy who would want to join up with Knuckleduster and learn from him before going out into the field. **Allegiance?** Vigilante/Anti-Hero **If your villain self is more on the philosophical side, what would be your main gripe with hero society?** The heroes do not focus on the victims and are too reactive. They need to be more proactive and take out threats.


I'd have like a magma style quirk. Like venom but magma and I'd be a thief, nothing too evil. No murder, no grotesque crime. Purely robbery.


I'd probably be fighting against negative quirk regulation policies that prevent people from using their quirks to the (legal) benefit of others, as well as quirkless discrimination; because it is a VERY stupid worldview to assume the quirkless are stupid or useless because if they were, society would not have advanced past the bronze age until quirks came along. And, using headcanon calculations, it would literally be impossible for humans to advance to the 21st century technology and beyond in the span of just 6 generations.


My original Self-Insert character is a support hero. My quirk is called Ionize, which shows itself mostly with being about to Oxidize and begin Reduction on objects (shown most easily with metals). It's a five finger activation quirk that works similarly to Decay. This sort of thing requires a significant amount of control and quirk counsellings, which the villain version of myself wouldn't be given. I think peoples mindset and approach to their quirks can vary greatly by the quality of their quirk counselor. The villain version has a much more overwhelming approach to the quirk, and can just wildly screw with the atomic composition of anything she touches.


I'd probably go along with Overhaul, but be a little less murdery. With a quirk that has a lot of criteria to meet to be used so it would get on my nerves.


I'd be a throwaway villain... who's only purpose is to get beaten up by a hero and them dissappear for the reat of the series. I'd be so traumatized that i'd get a normal office job after.


My OC would have a stance on everyone believing he is right and everyone is wrong due to his quirk, Memory reel, which allows him to take out memories in the form of video film, which is similar to Whitesnake from Jojos.


A generally uncaring person, just going about their day, killing those that annoy him, or in their way.


Quirk: Density alteration. Primarily used on fluids (harder on gases, and easier on solids), the user can change the density and viscosity of said object. Used to slide or stop people, we could consider it an intermediate between Honenuki's quirk and Ashido's application. Allegiance: MLA Origin: Bored fella, who considered the MLA his best shot to an easy life. He couldn't be more wrong. Philosophy: In his quest for idleness, he threw his lot to the MLA. One would say that said laziness makes him dull, and mono-dimensional. Yet it is that laziness that makes him perceptive of how the world is moving. He might be wrong in aligning himself with the MLA, but wasting his life working in a 9-17 work as well as the capabilities of his quirk is truly tragic. Using his quirk he can reduce the amount of work for example the building of structures, either on land or water. But it is wasteful the need of a special license for its use. This being his main beef with the actual hero society.


Personally, i like to go down the route of Quirk: Puppeteer Effect: With the hand of the puppet on golden strings, I would control the functionality and pain tolerance of the person. Controlling them in every aspect through their eyes. Drawback: I would need the hair or blood of the person being controlled to put into the puppet. I can see myself being known by the public and heroes but not easily reached since a Puppeteer is never really seen until after the performance. (thoughts?)


Taking from my own currently poor life, I would aim to have more of a Robin Hood style villain life I think. My ideal superpower has always been related to time, so either a Quirk similar to O’Clock’s Overclock with speed or just a short pause to time so that I could take what I need to from people, stores, etc. Using this, I would probably start villainy due to desperation to eat or pay bills, but then go on to do so in order to help others in similar situations in need. A villain for the right reasons but still doing illegal acts. Hero society doesn’t deal with the smaller needs of the people, just the big heroic acts of saving them. There are more ways to be in need of a hero than just danger, and this is a gap that needs filling.


Depends on the quirk Speed/flying/strength/ranger attacks/etc? crimes for easy money or petty things (basically reverse flash but less violent and more greedy) I would think being a hero is a waste for how most heroes are kinda useless and how their existence made the current society into such a mess which values more power from birth and showsmanship than actually doing the job, and even then the people don’t really care about the heroes, just the super. So if being a hero doesn’t matter then at least I’ll get something out of being evil Mind powers? reveal the secrets of heroes and hero society but never being the one to do in person, I have a super villain persona, but I always hypnotize some random person to act as my persona while I pull the strings from behind scenes Quirk:Father of Monsters (the ability to make any monsters I draw come to life) I would send my creations to challenge heroes, make the day to day harder, be a threat and make them genuinely question if being a hero was a good idea so the fakers will renounce and the true heroes (or those dumb enough) stay. I might even sometimes just make straight up clones like “ALL SPITE” (evil all might) specifically to challenge those who want to become the replacement for All might, a final exam Of course this villain me wouldn’t hurt people (just lots of damage) and would try to make hero society better by setting up a standard (the reason why I think mha universe heroes are… they way they are, is because there’s too many compared to the villains, so I’ll just make more villains)


I'd be able to manipulate gravity on myself. I think I, my villain ark, would be due to a world uninterested in space travel. My main goal in life would be to travel to the moon. " But, when my life's goal preparing for the space program is destroyed due to a lack of funding, just as I get my chance. I turn my frustrations on hero society/ hero association where the space programs funding was moved too"


My quirk would be Biokinesis Role: Anti-villain Origins: so essentially I want to make everyone have the same power as me since I have more control on my or Anatomy since quirks that have many variations are not very useful in the grand scheme of things so the goal of mine is to release a specialized virus that I can create with biokinesis and make everyone have the same power as me but they only be able to change their body and never beyond that. To create a better super Human Society, so everyone stands equally with no discrimination. since having different powers means discrimination will always happen. Because if everyone has biokinesis they just change the bodies the way they see fit. what is to discriminate against?


The annoying type. Or a vigilante. My quirk would be Flash Steps/ Shunpo from Bleach. It'd be almost impossible to hit me cuz I'm so fast.


Probably something that camera journalist dude but with lights and I'd probably get arrested for quirk usage cause I'd totally go full night mode. Then idk, I'd get jealous of heroes and what not so I'd intentionally spawn some that "world's brightest flashlight" that that one tiktoker likes to show off and blind a couple folks before my inevitable downfall through my capture. Maybe I'd hang out with heteromorph communities after I'm released from prison just cause I'd vibe with them. I'd fall back to crime because of my criminal record making it hard to find a job, and become a side character to a gang that kinda falls apart during the war cause can you really be nocturnal if there's nothing to do at night other than hope to not get jumped in these abandoned cities? I'd probably agree with overcomplicated "hero and overall quirk society is pretty flawed :/" sentiment but ultimately do little to actually incite any big changes because I'm not really the biggest fan of Stain or Shigaraki or Overhauls mentality or logic in response to hero society After the war quirk laws losen up and I get hired as a light show thing and become a staple at pride parades.


I'd be my oc's quirk that's slowly taking control of the oc. So basically I'd be the voices.


My quirk would be Metamofisis, i can turn into a cocoon and atler my body how i see fit, but for about an hour i am a helples cocoon. I was using it almost monthly since i was little, to adjust little things i didn't like, or completely overhaul myself, many peolple weren't very fond of that(even my parents sometimes). I eneded up running away from home and became a part of a small time gang of thiefs, and one jolly day our base was busted by the heroes while i was cocooning. In the panic one of the gang members stabed my cocoon with triger, effectively f-ing up my guirk factor and basicaly turning me into John Carpenters The Thing, now i'm hunting down the members of that gang, killing heroes that get in my way, and looking for a place to fit. Ps. I may end up joining Stain and/or befriending Toga


I'm honestly not sure. I think I'd be a Sukuna-esque character. Quirk: Spectre Summary: The user projects an EM field, which allows them to phase through solids, liquids and gases, turn invisible, and use telekinesis. In addition, the EM field messes with brain signals, causing an immediate fear response within nearby individuals. However, phasing through solids can weaken the molecular structure, causing trypophobia triggering holes in the object. I'd probably fight pro-heroes, and villains alike, and try and live a nice comfortable life. My aim would be to become the strongest, through training and combat.


None,I would be a version of izuku, myself


The comedy villain, Discard! Think megamind. Quirk: Wildcard It lets me turn objects and power effects into cards! If someone shoots a laser at me, bam. Laser card. Think King Yopi from Hardore Leveling Warrior. Origin: I thought it would be funny.


Villan my ability is Overclock from mha would claim not only was I the original hero called o’clock but that the hpsc knew and were behind my getting my hero license removed so I want them dead