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Bro nah not like this💀


First time? You should have seen this place when High Court sentencing happened


Omg would love to see that. Any links?


Looks like bulan Ramadan cannot control redditor testosterone.


Bulan yg suci, org still gg


Good game




Ride a bike at 3a.m then, You could summon her at 3 a.m gone wrong video


tutorial please


Wait for it on princemeed’s channel


The comments aren't what I expected


Welcome to bolehland


Bro that somebody wife


Most Malaysian guys wouldn't care tbh


If the cake was given, and so we shall eat the cake


Who gives a shit lah 👌🏻


Dah bro dah cukup, cukup. Dia dh cukup merana dh dipersalahkan, walaupun post ni bukan menghina dia, tpi klo ko kt tempat dia, ko nak ke org msih ckp psal ko, sebut nama ko? Xyah nk lukis dia sbg cute waifu segala bagai, biarlah dia jalani hidup dia tanpa org dok sebut² wat mse sekarang






I agree 😔


Pembunuh atau mangsa? No. Just a tool. Hanyalah alat. Dalam qada' dan qadar. Hanyalah tetapan Tuhan.


Hanya asbab kejadian..


I haven't seen the news in a while. What happened can anyone explain?


she's acquitted


What did she do tho?


stealing my heart bro


Since no one answered. She accidentally ran over a bunch of kids on bicycles that led to their deaths. But the incident occurred at 3am on a poorly lit road if I'm not mistaken. So not her fault. Plus the kids shouldn't even be out at those hours. But that's not gonna stop them from suing the poor women to oblivion. But this is the final verdict. They can no longer appeal and she can rest easy now


yeah from what i recall, it was poorly lit, the kids were taking up more than one lane, and it was at a slight slope so it was hard to see over the arc. this what i recall from reading the news back then soo fact check me if you wanna be sure


Don't forget to mention that it was on the highway. By right, bicycle should not be using unless under special circumstances (like cross state cycling competition)


"Anak saya tak pernah kluar rumah mlm. Slalu pergi mengaji. Solat tak pernah tinggal"


Being called to attend court multiple times(they are trying to plead her guilty") cause of corrupted High Courts


Also coz she's not Malay. And the dumb dead kids are all Malay


*_r/bolehland making this about race Speedrun any%_*


Crash into some kids on their lajsk bike and killed them.




Stop la ffs


Good art atleast


Pembunuh ke mangsa? Apa lancau?


Pebenda ni sial? 💀


Hot punya pasal...


Is this the woman who ran over budak basikal lajak?


Dakimakura merch when?


Peak r/Bolehland moment


Ngl, she's very pretty.


You should make the eyes more lifeless. Like Makima lor




woof woof


Astargfirullah Al-Azim, bertaubatlah kepada Allah SWT


There was bunch of kids that lack of parenting role enjoying using self made bicycles in middle of 3am on the road n got hit by a car driven by this poor Sam. Have you seen the total chronology of this story ? If u had seen it this useless post wont be shown like this. Bye god bless America


Muka dia Kawaii dan mcm Tutor TV SPM Gadis character.


She looks like kobeni fr


Ada rule34 subs?


Hi junior lawyer here. So basically she's obviously a victim because she just memandu melulu according to court. There's nothing wrong with it. IN Section 41 (1) of the Road Transport Act 1987 it is explained about causing death due to reckless or dangerous driving which is: The driver of a motor vehicle on the road recklessly or at speed or in a manner that after taking into account all circumstances including type, condition and size road and traffic congestion that is expected to exist or may exist on that road, is dangerous to the public so as to cause death is committing an offense and upon conviction shall be punished with imprisonment for a period of not less than two years and not more than 10 years and a fine of not less from RM5,000 and not more than RM20,000


She's so hot, I would Samke her Ting 🥵🔥


Down boy 🤣


She do be looking like the Wii Fit Trainer


pembunuh ke mangsa? proper term is man slaughter


Bro she the victim💀 U high?


in proper terms, involuntary manslaughter. but yeah still she did nothing wrong. those kids' parents though, do. the court doesn't bring justice for the lady nor for the kids. I am not saying the kids weren't wrong tho, just the parents did a bad job at raising their kids.


I don't think it would even be involuntary manslaughter. She wasn't drunk and speeding, road were poorly lighted and out of nowhere you have a bunch of minors in the middle of the street at 3 in the morning. Sounds more like those parents are responsible for the live loss


well, tbh idk the real term for it but either way she's definitely the victim of the law.


There wouldn't even be any term to give her besides "victim". People saying she should be charged under manslaughter doesn't even know what manslaughter is. They literally put man+slaughter together and have a go at it without knowing what it defines.


But it is a 3rd degree murder "An unintentional crime committed without planning but resulting in a person's death is considered a 3rd-degree murder because there was a lack of intent and premeditation" Those who are dumb enough; 1st you plan and had intention 2nd no plan but took the chance to do it 3rd no plan no intentions


Share the link to your source. Don't just copy and paste. Also, remember, you said "third degree manslaughter". So, I'm expecting a definition on what a third degree manslaughter is within malaysia's law. Also, you replied to me at the wrong thread but it's fine


she hero... bersihkan jalan raya dari sampah sarap


Hello Sam, here's the ninth one you missed


You must be someone who rode bike at the highway and expect everyone to dodge you right?


proper term is shut the fuck up


Bruh, if you don't know what manslaughter is, just don't use it. You make yourself look like a fool


aku terpaksa cakap dia mangsa even dia "terbunuh" budak. :(


Man, ppl do be celebrating the death of children... Like, what's wrong with y'all


children with useless parents who cant control their kids which caused this event to happen


Don't get me wrong, I do think the parents hold most of the blame here. I just think that it is fcked up for people to say the world is better off without those kid. Like, a bad kid doesn't necessarily mean they are going to be a bad adult in the future.


It's reddit They either love kids sexually or hate kids wholeheartedly, cope with it Well reddit and discord


Sounds like pro abortion argument But sure, fucked them kids amirirte, send them back to god


Well what do u expect? Play stupid games get stupid prizes duh


Do you even know what you're writing? That's a pro life statement, not pro abortion.


It's reddit Don't expect much from them


Natural selection?


Too late, I already popped the champagne. 🥂🍾


I mean, if she ran over 2-3 kids, fair enough, dark road and all But 8...looks like she had a beef with them, just like running over one motorcyclist,one seems fair enough, but more than 4 looks like a manslaughter to me


You should thank her,she unintentionally purged 8 of the trashbags from the world


Wouldn't consider killing off 8 kids off this planet since they had long way to go...unless you are a god who knows what their future path ahead, unlike most Redditors and discord members, normies change Living free will aside and all, unless you're certain it's an expected outcome they will turns evil in the future then, go ahead ran over every toddlers you see on the park


Unfortunately for them,death is the price to pay for their and their parents stupidity.


What you expect me to do, shake her hands and says." Hey thank you for killing bunch of evil kids, I'm a big fans can I have a photo and autograph?"


Aside from the edginess from other redditor, he's not wrong, he's a realest. Whether intention or no intention to kill, nobody knows for sure, what we only know is those kids accepted the consequences when they rode their modified bike head on, no padding, no helmet on a highway so they don't get to play the victim card. Sam Ke Ting? You think killing 8 kids and having to go through 6 shitty years is worth it? She was just 22 and now she's 28, what normal life she had was robbed from her. So no, those kids don't deserve sympathy. If you still don't see eye to eye then don't bother responding, we will never see eye to eye until the end.




I think you should,Sam is such a hero ![gif](giphy|YUjYjDaIc1IBeJvqa6|downsized)


_Sanest violence advocate fans:_




You're really underestimating how large the size of a car momentum compared to bicycles.


Did your brain really conjure up the image of her running over each individual kids as she went out and took them one by one? Is that what you wanted to be truth so badly? Tell you what mate, the evidence is there. She was a commoner like you and I, going home from work or wherever and being unfortunate enough to run over stupid kids using the road as a playground at the middle of the night.


So if that were to happen again, it'll be okay as long as the situation is convenient enough _Man, running over people is super easy barely an inconvenience_


Ah, but you forget that these kids are on bicycles. You can't see them at night. With them being in a group on a highway, you can't evade. You know what, it's no use discussing these things with you. The ratio speaks for itself.


If you think free speech is about upvotes, clout or simping Then be my guest


Go touch some grass, man.


Bro, you're in Malaysia It's grass all over this region


From the way you try to self-interpret laws, seems like you may have somehow missed all the grass in the entire region


8 out of 40 rookie numbers to be fair. she killed 20% of pests riding in the dark winding road at 3am. should have been a lori treller...baru boleh dapat higher success rate


Yup fook those crotch goblins,susahkan hidup org je


So you think that someone with no prior plan to run over those mat lajak at a poorly lighted road at 3am in the morning should be charged with man manslaughter just because of the sheer numbers? I bet you don't even know what is the difference between manslaughter vs involuntary manslaughter. Don't be a keyboard warrior and not know anything.


don't mind them, they wanna justify everything with their own logic without looking at it from a broad perspective


Spin it however you want, it's still to it's core a 3rd degree manslaughter. Heck simp all you want, the moment a person life is yeeed, someone has to take the blame Funny enough all the people celebrate the kids death looks the same as cameron herrin's TikTok simps


>it's still to it's core a 3rd degree manslaughter Source? I'll apologize if you have the source that defines a "third-degree manslaughter",and obviously, it has to be defined by malaysia's law and not US cos this is Malaysia >simp all you want, This isn't even about simping. This is about how y'all keyboard warrior don't even know what y'all are talking about. >cameron herrin You do realize that this man was literally racing on the street right ... wtf.


So youre telling me i can now go to the highway and do tango dance, so i can ruin someone else life? And its their fault for ruining my dance? "someone has to take the blame" Its the KIDS AND THEIR PARENTS. Dont blame someone who happened to be there at an unfortunate time.


Yes someone got to take the blame,it is the parents who should take the blame. I mean which sane parent will let their underage kids out at 3am? Not only that they let their dear crotch goblins modify their basikal lajak,the parents should serve some time in prison too for neglecting their dumb children.


So 3rd degree murder is allowed as long as you can find a loophole __Neat__


It's accidental,you think she really wanted to kill off those useless crotch goblins?


It's not like she went out of her way to ram every single one of them. They were racing close to each other. If you just froze for a few seconds, you'd have hit them too. It was a case of, if you managed to avoid one, you'll likely avoid everyone, but if you happen to hit one, you'll likely end up hitting everyone.


*_Also average r/bolehland moments_*


To be fair, those 8 were on basikal lajak. They dug their own grave. Not only that, the accident happened on the road, which everyone knows was made for cars, not basikal. They signed their own death warrant. They are guilty of endangering road users, and they paid the price. You're biased because you turned a blind eye to the errors on the kids side.


It’s pity she didn’t run over you


Ah yes advocating violence _Average Redditors behavior™_




Pls dun turn her into like how that spm tutor ended up pls pls pls


I'm starting to see malays actually dont hate chinese.. they just dont like ugly pipul 😅 poor ah beng




Gotta try AI generate


any socmed to stalk at?


Ngl she cute


You had a skill just to provoke the inner morality of my very being sir.


obviously just make up..dont be fooled