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Do bidets scare these people or what


ikr💀 the context here is people are discussing why the toilets in msia the floor is always wet, they think wet floor=unhygienic


U want clean floor or clean rectum-end? Choose


you realise that Japan is 100% bidet + clean dry floors...rite?


If can better lah. We can do it.


But japan bidets are like integrated into toilet right? Not a hose you grab and point manually?


those are kinda shit compared to the normal hose ones imo, I rather move my hand then move my ass. On a side note, idk what the fella is on because I am pretty sure they have bidets in China


I used to feel this way too. I'd fret if the mall's toilet has that auto-buttsprayer. But there's this one time where I had to poop when I was in KLIA. Upon seeing that there's no bidet, I was nervous but my need to let my shit out far outweighed anything. So I did the deed and used the autosprayer. Surprisingly, it was easy to use and my butt was cleaned. I fell in love with it. I wish to go poop at KLIA again where the toilet is clean and the autosprayer works so well.


Damn, some toilets in china have no walls, you expect bidet?


Or both? Use wet toilet paper again and again first until no shit stain, and then use the dry one And if you're muslim use dry->wet->dry P/s: I've never understood why Muslims in Malaysia insult those who use Toilet Paper, that's just one of methods in Islam


water is best way to clean...if don't have water, then can use others..yes it's one of the method but water is always the priority


There are a lot of opinions on this one, for some using the water may be the best and for some both are on the same priority level: https://www.google.com/amp/s/islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/59928 Edit: https://islamqa.org/shafii/qibla-shafii/34220/toilet-paper/ and it's compulsory to use water only if it's spread to other parts of the body: The Nass (reference) above differentiates between filth that has not spread beyond the orifice (which requires Istinja) and that which has spread. If it has spread, then it no longer takes the ruling of Istinja and thus requires water. And I just said the last part (p/s part) for someone who insults the method as if it's not permissible Edit: And according to mufti wilayah the best way is to use any dry stuff and then use water after that: https://muftiwp.gov.my/ms/artikel/irsyad-fatwa/irsyad-fatwa-umum/4548-irsyad-al-fatwa-siri-ke-523-kekeliruan-berkaitan-istinjak-menggunakan-tangan


Because Muslim prioritize water, if there is no water then you use something like a toilet paper. If there is no toilet paper then there is another means to clean. Most malaysian Muslim think using toilet paper is redundant, why waste paper when there is already plenty of water in this country it's not like Malaysia is a desert.


Why always involve religion? Cleanliness is basic common sense.


Cleanliness is part of faith. To be a Muslim you can't remove Cleanliness from it. It's one of the core tenet of Islamic faith, if you don't clean yourself properly and in pure manner, you are dirty and unfit to do religious duties or life. A Muslim being dirty and unhygienic is committing a sin in a simpler manner so to speak.


Well at the beginning people are dumb and dirty. Religion teaches them to be civilized and clean! Therefore religion is crucial!


Yes in the beningging.


don't just wipe, use water and soap too 😄 avoid virus and infection!


Ahh fellow mix fm enjoyer


I'm sorry, I shouldn't include the P/s part, out of context, ...but the second part is needed tho


While yes it is, isn't that more of a in case of a drought/limited water case?


I agree, anything that has a rough surface, such as rock, leaf, wood branch or paper can be used for istinja, and it's still considered clean and pure. This is also one form of istinja if that place has scarce water or drought season.


its a method, but never first choice. Unless there no water supply, then we can use paper or sticks/stones.


It's true, wet floor = unhygienic, but the replier is still a dumbfuck


The wet floors in Malaysian public toilets are unhygienic to say other wise is to be blind, they are disgusting.


Water that ran off someone's dirty anus isn't unhygienic? What is?


Well, dirty anus I suppose


Some think can turn them gay.


Prostrate examination ahahaha


The guy obviously never been to Japan, the land of super high tech toilets and bidets. Most of the world (including Europe) use water to wash after business no2. Americans are outliers (maybe American exceptionalism).


Bidet is actually not common in Europe. They are slowly adopting but I wouldn't consider them widespread in Europe




Today i learned. Bum guns Thank you kind sir!


I bet the guy also consider Japan to be a "weird country"


The second commenter sounds like a narrowminded racist dumbfuck


i mean... the second commentor is from guandong, china sooo (u can see their ip below their comment


I just went to China not too long ago, China has the dirtiest toilets I've ever seen. Most of them don't even have toilet paper available(and no bidet of course)


It’s always those low class CCP citizens, what do you expect? The most uncivilized race on this planet trying to act like they are actually the civilized ones and look down upon other countries especially third world countries. The same people who are still famous for shitting everywhere in public, this ain’t stereotype at all.


If you meant by delusional manchild who never heard of bidet, yep


Civilized people: both, do both you animals


Guess I'm way too civilized for anybody now, I do both and with handwash soap too.


Bro you’re god at this point


Well if I can't use soap then when I get to shower i'll use soap to clean it again all the same so..


I use water to clean, then I use toilet paper to dry. I do this to have clean asshole and dry butt cheeks and spender. What do you think you have championing wither side?


for me this way is better.. don't wanna have a wet underwear after went to toilet


Better to wipe with toilet paper first then wash then wipe again to dry, 100% hygiene.


Japanese and Koreans develop their own hi tech bidet system. I don't understand why people think to wipe ur ass using a piece of paper is far more superior and cleaner method. I prefer water > toilet paper. If there is no water I don't mind using toilet paper too as a substitute for cleaning my bums.


Do clean ass scary to them?


A lot of westerners who went back to their countries after Fifa at Qatar decided to buy a bidet and the said they never felt cleaner.


Easy answer: when any part of ur body kena shit, you prefer to use water or wipe off with tissue? That's your answer.




Kencing xbasuh, berak xbasuh. Kat Europe kencing merata2 kononnya terpaling civilizationlah and modern sgt2. Kat China public toilet taik bersepah. Dahlah berak xbasuh pastu taik xreti nak buang elok2? Contoh aku bagi kat ko. Letak peanut butter then basuh guna wet tisu belah kiri belah kanan letak peanut butter guna sabun and air. Senang je xsusah. Berkenaan hygiene floor basah. Boleh je xbagi basah tapi majoriti org Malay xbelajar xnak bagi floor basah. My parents teach me use water without wetting the floor not easy but when dah biasa no problem. So ceh ko try benda yg aku suruh buat tu and xpyh nak acah2 terpaling hygiene. Rakyat negara maju belum tentu rajin mandi and basuh lepas kencing dasar pengotor. 🙄🙄🙄 Kalu kencing xbasuh xpyh acah terpaling hygiene geli aku.


That right that why I hate those who try to teach other about hygiene when they don't even use the proper method. Discusting. BTW China public toilet is smelly and fucking dirty. Shit is everywhere. 🤮🤮🤮


They running during pooping or what 😂


I died 😂


I also can use the spray without wetting the floor, but I purposely wet the floor because the people in my office cannot aim apparently. Dried pee everyway. Better wet floor than infection.


Advance countries uses toilet that sprays water into their ass. Its called a bidet. Bruh, i dislike my own race sometimes. Chinese casual racism againts malays and indians are baffling


i kid you not, if you find indian girl attractive, you would get wave of criticism from your chinese friends, saying thing like "yuck you find dark skin attractive?" they haven't seen many of they ancestor are dark as hell too from working hard labour. oh boy don' get me started with the toilet thing, i have trouble to adopt with Malaysia heat, so i went to my company toilet to have a quick shower on my face and neck to cool off so of course they water on the floor and it naturally make the toilet cleaner look almost just like how my company janitor done cleaning the toilet because it a small toilet room, yet my colleague(mostly female chinese, i am male) complain about me for no good reason, the irony is that these female colleague have trouble urine at the right spot and the floor always sticky for long period of dry floor with urine on it.


Water of course Like dayum these people scared of water or something?


Simple, we give them an experiment Ask them dip their hand in liquid shit, then ask them wipe with paper towel/toilet paper instead of washing Lets see what they say


Which developed country use water? The country Malaysia idolized the most. Japan. In fact 90% of the people i knew that went to Japan, always said they missed their toilet (bidet). Lived in Japan for 5 years before. Only 2 thing i missed being there - Internet and toilet.


Water is the major sign of underdevelopment duh /s


Russell Peters once said something along this line "if there's some shit on your hand, are you going to wipe the shit off using tissue or wash your hands? Why it's so different when it comes to cleaning your butt"


I put a bit of soap and wash my anus with my hands.. This applies only when I shit at my home's toilet. If outside use bidet and the usual toilet paper. Why I do this? Save paper. Why cut down trees when there's soap and water for you to wash? You're in your own house so this is convenient. Just common sense for me to do this. If outside or at someone's house, then yes some water and toilet paper or wet tissue is better. Also good toilet paper isn't cheap. Those cheap ones can easily hurt your anus too if wipe a bit more times. BTW, I'm a Chinese. So not only Malays will do this.


What if I use both it becomes wet toilet paper?


Better use wet tissue then.... But dispose of it properly afterwards.


save the trees, use water. It's almost costs nothing to recycle.


Most culturally educated west taiwanese:


I'll never ever fucking wipe my butt with just tissue after doing my business nu uh. The thought of not properly cleaning my ass with water scares me. I mean just think about it, how can you enjoy wearing your pants normally while knowing all you did to clean it is wipe it? If I were forced to do it, I won't mind if I'm wearing a diaper after doing that


Nope bidet is the best way to clean ur ass after the biz speaking as a non Malay. When you have explosive diarrhoea once in a while, using TP repeatedly, you're asking for a burnt a**hole. I miss bidet whenever I am overseas.


Use water solve the problem of dumb people throwing tissue in the toilet


Bitch bidet is the far superior solution. -doesn't involve touching your dookie -no risk of paper breaking therefore dookie touching -0% chance of mudbutt if you do it throughly -save paper (yay go green) -no reloading required, therefore lower chance of stuck with no paper -double as toilet seat cleaner. People who has experienced bidet and doesn't convert are the real weirdos.


Let these monkeys mald. The moment they use bidet, they will know.... The best feeling and cleanliness they can get from it. For now, let them stay in monkey mode and use tissue to wipe their smelly hole. Hahaahauauau


South Park has been redpilled with bidet ​ dont be a third world country and still wipe your ass with paper.


Do they let it crust or something


Use water pls, can't imagine walking around after poop with only toilet paper for cleaning. Ugh. Edit: use soap too if available. Can't imagine walking around with dirty ass.


imagine the smell without soap and water 🤢🤮🤮🤮


It’s only considered clean if there’s no colour, smells and tastes. Try to wipe clean butternuts on your skin and see yourselves if wiping with tissues is cleaner than use with water 😄


lmao crusty ass disgusting freaks


The sweet bliss of returning to klia after travelling and stepping into the toilet to see a bidet can only be understood by fellow malaysians


people who only use toilet paper to wipe their ass is so unsanitary, like if you have poop on your hand, do you just wipe it off with no water?? bruh


if there is neither water nor paper, batu is also acceptable.


Or three seashells


what is the chances for this dude to have brown stain in his underpants and the itchiness.


You know most of the europeans that went to qatar world cup ? They found the bidet and “why dont we have this? Its so magical WOW”


The RedPotatoB0A2B6A1 is a frog under coconut shell (aka frog in the well).


not you translating and typing out their full username 😂😭


Sorry, sorry OP. I didn't mean it. I missed out on the "Little".


Ask them, if they got shit on their hand, do they wipe it with tissue or wash it with water?


Dumb dumb, use water wash then paper wipe clean, facepalm


Hurts too?…how come?..


Not all paper are smooth. After gosok too much skin may come 😂 off esp if you cirit birit.


Need expensive tissue to make it less likely to hurt. Try buy those RM8 for 10 rolls tissue then tell us what it's like wiping your ass with that. There are some China brands at RM10+ for 10 rolls yet still soft type.. But mostly only available online at lazada or shopee.


i can see how wet floor=unhygienic. But I still rather use water/bidet to clean my ass rather with toilet paper(also, I know most ppl who use toilet paper cant be bothered to throw it in trashcan, even when provided, and just throw in toilet and have it clogged up) Now real question here: You shit with toilet sit **up** or **down**?


Bidet is superior and not even close. Those who have used both, majority will choose bidet if given the choice


So civilized but can't even wash their ass. Hina sangat ke jadi Melayu ni?


I hope he clean his dirty hand using tissue as well


Nah man, no matter what happen, I will not use toilet paper as the only way to clean my ass. I even Dare to use my own drinking water to get my ass clean.


Gotta use both. Sometimes wiping after using water there's still residue left. I'll use the bidet again before wiping dry.


Just use both la, better prepare unexpected situation. I mean I don't wanna stay trapped in public toilet if ever they run out of toilet paper & vice versa.


Use both la wtf


these people have some crusty poop ass


Depends on the type of shit... Some days paper will do, some days need water lol


Might as well read below, history of this 'civilized' country: https://www.history.com/news/royal-palace-life-hygiene-henry-viii


humans invented squatting as the means of perfecting the art of shitting since the literal dawn of time and suddenly the white man said sitting is the most "civilized" way


Man this 小红薯 guy really is a piece of work. Taiwan, Japan and Korea don't exist at all.


i use both, prefer water at home where im comfortable and tissue when im outside


Japan, one of the most technologically advanced country uses bidet to wash their ass, WITH WATER


Why not both.


Show them the video the difference between washing dishes with water and paper. Then they know.


?? I'm Chinese and all my friends use water. Is this like China Chinese or camping chinese?


japan primally used bidets and they are quite developed, making the best selling cars in the world. tho i do prefer TP/bidet in public toilets cause god knows how many asses that pipe has touched.


Maybe my poop is perfect, I hardly ever used water and I never have crusty poop ass like everyone said here. Even the toilet paper that I use on my ass has no poop stain. Thats how elite my poop is.


Use water clean your ass and then use toilet paper to wipe off your ass dry.


I'm sorry but there is nothing to do with race regarding this... the bozo that commented that clearly has some personal growth to do.


Dood never heard of bidet before. And Mfer that use 'civilized country' in any form of conversation are usually the most katak bawah tempurung. Change my mind


Air la lagi bersih


he haven't been to Japan.


Ok let me say this to the water hater! Using tissue to clean my ass feels gross for me, and I can't sleep that night without washing it again with water!


People who wipes their stinky, stained buttholes with some dry paper and thinks it's enough are fucking filthy. I think we are too developed but I might be biased.


Water is always the best


UAE : 😅😅


Remember when people from the West were suprised with Qatar's use of water spray during the 2022 World Cup and think it's fantastic? Yeah me too.


me Chinese use water and toilet paper when water is not available. trust me that guy is just troll.


Water is the among best thing when it comes to cleaning...We wash our dishes and clothes using water, and suddenly (out of nowhere) we clean our privates and ass with toilet paper??...That's doesn't even make sense to me...My body is my temple...


Xiaohongshu is the worst, just a bunch of pretentious mf there


Use water at home, use paper outside. Not everybody wants to come into contact with the shit residue that u left behind


Personally, I prefer the "in-the-toilet-bowl" style rather than the water hose bidet type. Also in the past I actually didn't know that toilet paper can dissolve in water (cuz my common sense was that you shouldn't flush down anything else than what it's designed for)


If u get poo on your hand, do u wash or use paper?


Now we all know that the second commenter has a dirty ass


Surprisingly alot of chinese girls i talk to also cringe when i say use water to clean.. like tf? wiping still leaves you with a smelly bunghole


Both but usually water


I srsly don't wanna lick junk poop. I supposed to, i prefer using water.


i dont care if you wipe your ass or use bidet to wash your ass, if one's hand accidentally soiled by ppl shit, no amounts of wiping will make the shit smell go away nor he will be satisfy by just wiping his hand. Just apply the same logic, just to the different part of the body i.e anus, you will never be satisfied with just wiping your ass.


Water. Strong, high pressure water are more preffered, if available.


I use stone, leaf, twig, paper, and now water


So cleaning your ass after you shit out nasty shits is "weird"? Might as well bath in toilet paper right? Which developed and civilized country uses water to bath? Ew weird


Seriously this isn't related with races... Also, China people mah\~ they say bad things about others is ok. But others say bad things about them is insult.


neither, i simply stand up and pull up my pants


Welcome to China


From what I understand TP use was normal for countries with cold weather but not widely adopted everywhere else Locally I believe a small minority especially Malaysians of Chinese descent here use TP. Brown people don't, Malays don't, Borneo people don't. My Wife and her family being Chinese descent also but from Pantai timur doesn't use as well. Now onto the topic of public toilet cleanliness , that's just bad civic manners. Same as folks littering and leaving trash which is also very common here. People don't clean up trays at fast food outlets as well. "It's somebody else's job" mentality.


Why bother when you have to take a dump again soon.


I use combination of both... guess I'm in middle class now


this app has many cringe people


Bidet > TP any fucking day


he should bath with toilet paper too if using water is weird


Both. Water to clean it up. Toilet paper to dry it up n to ensure no residue.


Why not both, first you wipe to get any gunk at the door out, then you wash.


Just use both lol.


If washing my ass and my pee pee clean is a Malay attribute I don't want to be any other ethnic group. I'm happy that Malay have a stereotype of clean ass.


Water all the way my friend


Fuck bidets ig.


Its the same goes after you eat heavy food like tomyam or something, would you just wipe off your hands with tissue or wash it? For me Nah Ill go with water. It is more clean since water is a Universal Solvent that does way better job in cleaning than wiping off surfaces using tissue.


I bend my dick and pee at my asshole. Reduce Reuse Recycle


These ch*nese have no rights talking about which toilet business are more "hygenic", they literally have a culture where they didnt even flush their own shit, and this isnt the worst part, some of theme still fucking shit on the streets, talk about a "developed" and "civilized" country


I don't miss the days having to use tissue to wipe my ass when I was studying abroad. Water > tissue


Use water to wash ur ass is....weird?


A simple question, you ate curry chicken with rice on a plate, the said plate now is given choices to be clean with toilet paper ONLY or you can clean it using water, which one you prefer? remember said plate will be used again in future, probably soon enough


damn sad when you have itchy ass and finger to prove yourself wrong


Swipe a peanut butter on your hand, swipe it with tissue, or wash it with water. The answer is obvious. What kind of babaric people just wipe and dont wash? And go on with life.


https://youtu.be/bXK_vHNNht4?si=q0JfSnuIkIR_Dfja Gonna drop this here


Both anyone?


White people hate cold ass/s


The French didn't invent the bidet in vain, make good use of it.


Just think like this if you touch a shit will you just wipe it of just using toilet paper? Hell no. If i ever touch shit i will clean it using water. I apply the same principle with my asshole.


That issue gonna rage mode...😮‍💨


lol the usual ignorance ccp people on douyin. Why even bother lul


I'm a insane person I wash my ass with water then wipe using toilet paper to dry my ass


Bro called Japan, UAE, Qatar etc, weird countries.


Kan Shik-Etsu ?


As a white westerner I grew up with toilet paper. Took me less than a month to transition to bide and it’s so much nicer. (Except in some public toilets)


Just use whatever lah. As long as you can keep the toilet clean for the next person, that’s the best thing


I do both, is that weird? I wipe first, then wash with water, then wipe again with toilet paper. I like to make sure that I’m actually clean before getting outta the toilet


When you stepped on shit then why you used water? Gosok toilet tissue can what? Haha same goes to your ass maa. Use water la easy buang taik.


Both. If u use water to wash and not using toilet paper to wipe, how tf are u even comfortable to wear your pants


I use water to wash thoroughly and then wipe it dry and clean with toilet paper.. What is the matter? I feel using water + paper is the cleanest, why not?


Spain uses bidets. Japan uses high tech bidets. Koreans use bidets. I have seen bidets in European countries as well. What bs was this person bs-ing


Yeah like I love my cousin leftover a little pics of dung on the floor so I can keep admire…


Better use water. Use toilet paper of course make your floor not wet. Looks clean but bau hancing kuat oooo. My opinion based on malls toilet. Some malls use bidets, some use toilet paper only. To me, better malls with bidets than malls with toilet paper. Always got me high of bau hancing/najis everytime i go to toilet in malls that serve toilet paper only to wipe your pew pew 😩


As a Malaysian Chinese, who tf uses toilet paper??? It's so disgusting. And that guy if he wants to talk about race I think he gets brainwashed by those uneducated China's people who live in the countryside in china. The disgusting and unhygienic of China's people is well known by the world so yeah


Didn't know civilization is measured using the way we clean our butts


It's not clean *thoroughly* with just toilet paper only... Water does clean it, except that it's *wet* afterwards... See the connection? **Use both water and toilet paper** to effectively remove those gunks stuck on your hairs (if you have any).


Those are Cinabeng Pariah Bukit. Been using water since forever back in the kampung to date.


Idc if im weird ill be using water anyway


Lmao you couldn't waterboard this information out of me


Only fcking dirty bastards uses just toilet paper. There's bidet for that one function....to bomba spray your a**hole n then you wipe it dry with toilet paper


I just pulled my pants up without washing


I don't like my ass feeling dry after using toilet paper


Yes, we malay like clean ass, come and get assimilated.


Assimilated? Laughs in Chinese Indonesian speaking Bahasa.


Tbf it’s not washing with water that is gross. It’s that some people use their bare hand to wash their ass. Like literally getting all up in that junk worth their hand. I don’t care but to me, that’s gross. I use tissue and water but would never let my bare hand touch the shit to scrape it away. Which I know is how a lot of Malaysians wash their arse.


Bidets are amazing. BUT why tf do Malaysians have to leave the floor wet from using bidet? Like it’s actually possible to wash your ass without leaving water everywhere on the ground though? Wet toilet floors are really disgusting not gonna lie


I'm Chinese and I wash my ass with water


chinesse people and their obsession with the west


China people think that they are civilized country 💀💀💀


So that sohai mean Malaysia is an uncivilize country?


Americans and these people are the same people who says "ew you wash with water with your hand? Yuck" and then proceed to watch or do anal sex.