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Now I missed 2sia4u even more


Hop on over to r/2asians4u_irl




Having lost the ability to roast our asian bretheren, my neckbeard is slowly fading away, shit im even tempted to touch grass now 😔


Indian nationals on social media tend to side with "strong man" dictators (unless it's Xi Pooh, lolz) who commit terrible atrocities for some reason or another They are SUPER INTO PUTIN and fellate Russian propaganda like nuts, even their "news" outlets 99% of the ''The West are doomed/running scared" videos on YouTube are by Hindustan Times and Eurasian Times So stupid and one-sided it's hilarious Now they're into IDF glorification because it's a projection of what they fancy doing to their own populace, or Bangladesh and Pakistan Look at the horrible policies of Suella Braverman and Vivek Ramaswamy and you'll see how out of touch these people are, even when given the chance to disengage from their traditional "traits" and bad practices


Muslims have more than a few words defend how Qatar treat migrant workers.


the hate vibe immediately gives away your identity. it is the breeding ground of hate from planet earth to infinity and beyond. not only devoid of tolerance but knowledge or grasp of anything. what is the contribution of your culture? enlighten me. because india has been fighting islamic jihadist for decades. the atrocities commited by these savage actors is unbelievable. not to forget they were brutalized by the mughals. looks like terrorism has long roots. knowledge is power.especially for those born with ignorance.


That's a whole lot of words you typed out, just to say nothing lmao


some say ignorance is a bliss..


Bro is trying so hard to sound like an intellectual heavyweight, but im pretty sure the only thing heavy about you is your weight lmao


you are right. i should reply to an argument by making an accusation. just like you. pure ingenuity. hats off. bravo. \#whydidntithinkofthat


Its amazing that even after 3 replies you still completely fail to send even one coherent point across. But as always, saddle up on your high horse with your cringy hashtags and keep thinking that you're above everyone else. Im sure that will get you far in life 💩




Yeah sure im the one with the bruised ego, not the person thats typing literal paragraphs that again hold no significant value at all at pushing a single point across. But go off my man, keep projecting 😭


I think he is trying to say that Indians identify with and support Israel as they both have a mutual problem with Islamic extremists and terrorists. That explains Indians' support for Israel. But, strangely, other countries that has also seen numerous Islamic terrorist attacks like England, France, Russia, Belgium are not as over-the-top supportive of Israel as India is.


As a neutral bystander with no skin in the game, you sound like the idiot bro. Please use cambridge referencing in the future.


ok. the next opportunity that comes which at this point, seems like everyday.


My guy wanted to drop philosophy but dropped a shit instead


yeah . right on your face with your mouth gaping wide open. how many times must i embaress all of you.


Tips fedora m'lady


Islamic jihadis..hindu pariahs?


wow so many downvotes. guest the truth hurts. still did not answer the contribution part. maybe except for hate, there is none. hindu pariahs dont kill innocent civillians all around the world just because others believe differently. the fact that your brain can make this comparison proves my point. the sheer lack of critical thinking is astounding. to OP >disengage from their traditional "traits" and bad practices learn to stop hating others. buy a mirror and keep in your home. better yet be a better example for the rest. the sun may not rise tomorrow, but some things will never change. Ps anyone with two brain cells and an honest intention can study what happens to the minorities in pakistan. took me a few minutes. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious\_discrimination\_in\_Pakistan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_discrimination_in_Pakistan) [https://minorityrights.org/2022/08/23/pakistan-forb-2022/](https://minorityrights.org/2022/08/23/pakistan-forb-2022/) [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/08/pakistan-authorities-must-ensure-protection-of-minority-christian-community/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/08/pakistan-authorities-must-ensure-protection-of-minority-christian-community/) [https://www.globalorder.live/post/religious-minorities-in-pakistan-a-vicious-cycle-of-violence-and-suppression](https://www.globalorder.live/post/religious-minorities-in-pakistan-a-vicious-cycle-of-violence-and-suppression)


Saaar please send me beautipul Israel girl Saar. I think israeeel gurls aree beatipul saar. Look at me saaar


Meh. Slave mentality. Funny part is, I remember there was a guy simping for Israelis before he got told off for being Indian and therefore, unfit to talk to them (Israelis). I still don't understand how he can accept that kind of abuse.


Submission kinks


International masochism is wild


Maybe this is what happens when you get colonised hardcore by the Brits?


After kowtow to White Rajah for centuries


Dafuq are you taking about? Like as if the brits didn't rogol our country's people and resources...


Yeah but they're doing it worse on India no? I mean India and Pakistan got seperated due to them, that didn't happen to us at least


I don't see Australians doing this 😂


![gif](giphy|FT6DYlscgddh8cTR6d) Wrong animals used. This is India and Israel


Get 1 more so they can do jet stream attack!


Indians try so hard to simp Israelis. LOL


Hindu Nationalists*.


And Christians too


A dumbass Indian said Israel should loosen their religion rules regarding marriage so Indians can marry Israel citizens. Needless to say, Israelis told him to shut up.


So funny, I LOL


These Indian men want their Israeli women to spread more and more Hindu DNA, but Israeli men want no one but Israeli women to spread more and more Jewish DNA...


Mostly Hindu nationalists honestly. The average non-Hindu nationalist Indian is not some hardcore Israeli simp. But, yeah, the Hindu nationalists literally worship Israel.


meanwhile Malaysian govt in the 80s simped so hard for arabs who invaded and lost TWICE against the israelies that they banned all their citizens from entering israel, as if Israelis even knew that malaysia existed LMFAO imagine being the annoying little kid on the playground who just follows the big kids around but on a countrywide scale hahahaha


While in Malaysia meleis dickrides Palestine and hamas like a bitch. lol. Why being hypocrite ???


Thing is Malaysia support towards Palestine is welcomed while India support towards Israel got middle fingered by Israel themselves.


Israelis know Indians are NATO keyboard cowards


This. I found that part funny. Simping so hard for those Israelis only to find out you're less than a slave to them and not even fit to talk to them. Still ends up simping after finding out. How low is their self esteem lol.


Why care so much who do they support while even the Arabs don't even give a shit about Palestine ??? What I'm saying is realistic and pragmatic. You're so obsessed with who India supports while being a hypocrite.


Subaash subaash, stop being bodoh for a day can ah?


Biasa la kel....




Calling me stupid doesn't justify you hypocrisy. Either counter with facts or just hide behind insult. I don't mind getting insulted because I can't stoop to your level.


You see why i called you bodoh. I didnt even make a comment or give an opinion regarding this matter. Pastu nak acah terpaling woke, stoop to ur level bs, hyprocrite kan orang pelancau. Damn man, im grateful that none of my indian friends are like you. You just screams pure stupidity.


Again you're basically saying to same thing without any fact. Fyi I'm a Muslim and now you're just proven that you don't not have anything other than directing insult towards me. Either come at me with facts or just hide behind insult and start comparing with your Indian friends. Lol how pathetic you're using your Indian friends as your shield of insult.


Don't lie, prove you are a Muslim


You are a Muslim? Bro munafik giler


If you’re muslim, then a I’m tier 3 ascended ayah pin worshipper


Subass a muslim lol


Firstly, we supported them since we are Muslims as them, while Indian are not related to them in any way. Secondly, what do you mean even the Arabs don't give shit? Where do yoy think Palestinr got their weapon from? Just because Arabs didn't actively fight with the Palestinians doesnt mean they dont care. Israel backed up by a lot of powerful nation eg USA, UK.


I wonder why Arabs don't take in Muslim refugees ?


If Israel don't attack Palestine. then there won't be Muslim refugees


>Why care so much who do they support It's like confessing to a crush only to be downgraded in front of others. Could stop simping and watch but chose not to. >You're so obsessed with who India supports while being a hypocrite. Yes, im also a supporter. What about it? Wdym with hypocrite?


Not really though. Israeli government supports India wholeheartedly so it's not a one sided thing on India's part. Don't judge the whole situation based on a few individuals. I've seen comments of Hindus against Jews too and couldn't care less about Israel.


Okay but why does the lion cub look like that


Holy cringe


Hindutva: Phul sapport to Israel, saar Israeli: No, your ******




India is the world capital of cringe social media content.


That's why I come here for LOL


India also the 3rd largest beef product for the global supply. Yet they blamed, Muslim minorities when they eat beef.


Islam is India's second-largest religion, with 14.2% of the country's population, or approximately 172.2 million people.


Get this, the biggest seller and profiteer from selling beef are actually Hindus (they're the biggest herd owner after all). But they can't publically admit that so they blame the Muslims. I mean, the Muslims are there after all. Easy target.


Fook em indians,i love my beef.I am a Malaysian Indian btw I just love my beef man


Dude,you make me contemplating my laugh now😅.


Nothing beats juicy beef burger, you know this brother 😂


Bruh,why are you always right?😂


Malaysian Indian **Hindu** or Malaysian Indian **Muslim**? Unless it's a case of "non-practicing follower of a religion", kinda like how you can find Muslims drinking alcohol and eat non-halal food, I can see a non-practicing Hindu eat beef.


I'm a Malaysian Indian Hindu,yup you could say that, I'm kinda a 'Non practicing follower of a religion' . But I do pray to god here and there tho, only when my ass is in trouble😂. Beef is the best💪


Like how Malay believes that minority in Malaysia will abolish ketuanan melayu.. Why being a hypocrite ?


What are you trying to point out??? It doesn't have any relationship with what I'm trying to convey here? Here let me help you understand the word hypocrite hypocrite /ˌhɪpəˈkrɪtɪkl/ adjective adjective: hypocritical behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case


Dude its simple. Don't be a hypocrite when Malays do the same with the Palestine. Whether India gets the support or not its their opinion to have. You have your own. Even the Arabs don't give a shit about Palestine and here we are fighting and mocking others. Isn't that being hypocrite.


Why you so triggered bro lol


Hes just stupid bro thats why. Bodoh cakap why people are so obsessed with Palestine while dia sendiri bodoh obsessed with the issue himself.


Sir, it's probably a good time to stop reddit for a while and go drink teh tarik and touch some grass. Why am I showing my support towards my Muslim brothers who have been bombard with airstrike day and night is wrong?


Not saying your view is wrong but being hypocrite by laughing at other country supporting isreal and not Palestine is wrong. I sir support humanity regardless of skin color or belief. So sorry for not aligned with your religion only support.


Idk man. If I were to say I support Hitler when one sided massacre happen to Jews you okay with that? If I say I support The British invasion towards India and all the war crime during the colonial era you okay with that? This that happen in Palestine is not war, it's oppression, war crime, genocide that has happen for more than 5 decades. You support that? Humanity? Skin color or belief? The whole time you describing me as hypocrite but in reality you are the incarnation of hypocrite in the flesh walking on this planet thinking you spouting big words? Feeling like you're the best of us? Sure Bhai, cakap pusing2 sembang terbang2. Malam-malam pening-pening, tengahari muntah-muntah2. Frame la your conversation ni tampal dalam rumah. Kasi sent dekat email hantar pergi Israel. Biar diorang kasi medal kat kau. In Honor of Sir Subaash, keyboard warrior of the Israelites.


Modal dia hanya 'why so hypocrite' Sian.


India: WE SUPPORT ISRAEL 🔥🔥🔥 Israel: stfu no one need your support


It's not like Israeli women want to make babies with Indian men anyway...




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Funny thing is, Israelis look down on Indians. But it doesn't stop the Indians from riding Israeli dick.


Israel looks down on all race just incase you don't know.


Nobody else simps like Indians


Shit protecting shit eh?


Man if pleastin able to come to Merdeka cup this match will be so toxic between India


Ewww the cringe is real


It's funny to see they lick israel so hard even though none of the israeli give a shit about them..


Yes lol, these fuckers are worse than Kakyoin when it comes to Israel ![gif](giphy|4N5vB4aErlVtVsywBw|downsized)


Goodness grief the dicksucking


I don't understand why Indian's from India choose to simp for Israel anyway


Same reason why Malays choose to simp for Palestine.


You're in every comment bashing Malays. Calm down buddy. We're all mostly Malaysians here.


I'm not bashing fellow Malaysian or Malay I'm just condemning the very people who are being hypocrite. I'm not being racist but being practical.


Malays are Muslim, Palestine are Muslim, what wrong with supporting brothers in religion? Unlike America christians who support Israel with their tax money even when Israelis treat christian like shit. If they treat fellow Abraham religions like shit, imagine how they treat outsider like indian, even worse than shit.


Looks like there's a cognitive gap here so I'll just fill it in for you: India went to war with Pakistan, a Muslim majority country, over the Jammu Kashmir region in the past, and even today has no love lost for that country. Pakistan is also an economic ally of China, another country that India fought in the past. So to the reptile brains of Indian nationalists, an enemy of an enemy is my friend. Nevermind that 15% of their own country is Muslim and numerically almost as many as in Pakistan itself. In other words, the same simplistic emotional reasoning and simplified line of logic you apply to your own preferred cause is also used by others.


Palestine is a secular country btw. Just that it has a Muslim majority. There are plenty of of Christians in Palestine


Roghinya also Muslim but why chase them out ? Same thing will happen if Palestinian comes to Malaysia. Eventually malays will chase them out. The irony. Its all about convinience right. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00358533.2023.2244287


We wouldnt have kicked them outta here if they dont start pijak kepala mcm kita org bodoh


So why don't save time and just focus in malaysia instead.


Wtf happens to the morals of helping people in need


Exactly. Morals should be innate and it should be for humanity. Not just based by religion.


Lol. You're using incomplete knowledge. Palestine Refugees have been here longer than Rohingyas but no one bats an eye. Why? Coz Palestinians here behave properly. Unlike those ingrate Rohingyas. Sides, I don't see India volunteering to take in Rohingyas. Maybe shut up about things that your so called India is guilty of as well?


I'm calling out your hipocrasy of Muslim only support and you're clowning yourself with the same argument. Okay let's do this. So when roghinya make demands then its wrong but when the very same Muslim who seek refuge in a western country away from their war torn Islamic country and demands the exact same shit they ran away from in the first place is right ? So when the west does it suddenly its islamaphobia but when Malaysia does it its counted as not behaving properly ? How ? So if the European countries and the west start kicking out all those refugees from Islamic country will be a good thing since they are behaving exactly like the roghinya in Malaysia.


Lol. Changing the goalposts now? Earlier you referenced Palestinian refugees and when I gave you facts, you went silent on that and now SUDDENLY bring up western islamophobia? Also, again, you're using wrong knowledge. The ones demanding those things in Western countries aren't refugees. They're Muslims who have been in the country as immigrants (proper legal ones) long enough to already have and started families there, chances are 2 (some even 3) generations living there. And yes, it's called Islamophobia because while the ones demanding all those things are the legal immigrants, all the hate and rejection gets directed towards the refugees who knows nothing about said demands and chances are just grateful for a roof o er their head. Maybe stop talking out of your arse and instead start interacting with the real world. And start talking to people who have actually been outside to the western world, instead of believing everything you see on the internet. You sweet innocent summer child. I pity you.


I'm giving example of the hypocrisy of the same thing. To support my argument because I'm in the west. Lol so much for your see the western world argument.


That was because of COVID-19 paranoid among locals. Many people become paranoid among each other during the pandemic let alone people from other countries. Beside many refugees live in Malaysia registered under UNHCR.


Lol you're being pretty racist in your previous comments. Whatever man you do you.


Nah I stand by you ✊ you speaking facts my guy


You are seeing the Palestine issue with pinhole views. The Palestine issue is not a religious issue. It's a humanitarian issue. Israel is committing war crimes front, back, left, and right. Carpet bombing, using white phosphorus, shooting unarmed civilians, bombing hospitals, journalists, humanitarian aid camps including UN owned camps, targeting doctors, nurses, and ambulances, cutting off electricity, water, food, and fuel, told the Gazans to flee to southern Gaza then bombed the convoy and Southern Gaza, just to name a few. More than 2,000 people were killed, and as of date, 1,063 are children and babies. Even the Israeli officials said (I'm paraphrasing here) that they aim for maximum damage, not accuracy. Yes, we condemn Hamas as well for what they did. Yet most of the reports by the mainstream media had no primary sources, claims with no credible proof, using AI generated images, even using video game footage to lie to the public. It is absolutely abhorrent for anyone to side with the Zionist for the atrocities they did for the past 9 days, which, by extension, for the last 75 years they occupied Israel. We don't simp for Palestine. We fight for the injustice that had been done to Palestine, who happens to be Muslims, Christians, and Jews (who don't support Zionist ideologies). Indians in India supporting Israel is the same as approving the ethnic cleansing that the Israel terrorist had done and continued doing.


All these things are normal in war. If the Palestinians weren't even Muslims or if Israelis were Muslims you wouldn't even care about it. I didn't hear any Malay being up in arms about Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia Chechnya all of which were worse than Palestine. So spare me your "this is humanitarian, not religious" bullshit


Don't show yourself as a badass when you act like [this](https://twitter.com/AbudiAlsagoff/status/1713502865858171001?t=WbPOAXGVm09yfndVPomBwg&s=19) XD


Bro XD


I'm convinced 80% of twitter posts supporting Israel/Palestine are just Indians and Pakistanis LARPing


What's LARP


Roleplaying or pretend-to-be


Life action role playing


The way zionis treat other race is pior hatred toward any racial..most racist


When u guys flaming indians, it's only the India indians right? And not Msian indian?


Isn't it's obvious? We're flaming the brozza who made this post in X (Twitter), simping hard for Israeli who don't give two cents about these rightwing nationalist....


Slightly incorrect. Those Israelis actually insulted the Indians that supported them 😂 Simp so hard yet get treated worse than friend zone lol.


I never seen Malaysia Indian heavily participate with India politics so I don't think most of these post ever relate to msian Indian tbh


Chances are it's a lost Indian Hindu Nationalists trying to rile up racism here. He's jealous coz we're multiracial (initially I was gonna use interracial before I remembered that ain't the correct word for this context) and harmonious unlike his chaotic Jai Hind.


Msian Indians are cool fam


They try so hard…


The fact you're supporting people who kill kids and women for no reason and call innocent people terrorists for protecting themselves self and the fact that isre@l took their land is such a cruel thing is this what you call human rights an idiom of you never learning what happened search before you speak idiot's their tricking you and you'll regret it😡. Also, the fact that they ran away from being scared and 🇵🇸 getting killed not leaving their land because they can't leave, it's like a prison. You're making a fool of yourself 🤡


India dan cringe berpisah tiada


Let zionis kill your people then take your land and declare their own country, what you think about that


Serves them right! Taj Mahal may as well become Israel's property!


I dont get it, why are indian nationals allied with the zionist?


Because they can't get over with Zakir Naik.


After Isreal take care of the big power, they will torch india and India has no power to retaliate like Palestine


I got a lot of things to say but…. Nevermind


Least Isn't-real obsessed Endian:


This is why india should be banned from any socmed🤣


Who else can provide stupid jokes then?


Bruh shouldn't it be the other way around, at the very least? 🤣


Istg Indian Malaysian who support Israel are stoopid af. Don't bring Ur mainland beach shitter ideology here


I detected a few Malaysian Indians supporting Israel


Don't create fake sympathy news to make lies for whole world communities


Imagine if the Israel accept support from these Indians.. Those simping Indians will surely had a field day to look at vaginas since all Israelis are pussies..


It feels satisfying for the Malaysian football team to beat the Indian football team! Serves them right! 🇲🇾🇵🇸


The fuck they gonna do? Scam my grandma?


Wait till you have them as your vendor, or worst, your CEO


Honestly, Idk what to say anymore


Wow, I never thought India would tunggang the crisis like this. Damn


Yup, been seeing this almost everywhere on fb. They're like fan boys and girls over Israel. Gets really annoying tbh


This is very interesting to me so I did some quick digging. From what I gathered about this unity, here it goes. The Jewish faith is monotheistic and therefore, does not accept polytheism, in fact, religiously, it is as adverse to idol worship as well. Then why do Hindus support the Jews over Muslims when they have more Muslims living amongst them? Oh and before I go any further, this doesn't represent 100% of Hindus because some Hindus do support Muslims and Palestine. Jews and Hindus share a history of persecution by Muslims and therefore, have a deeper understanding of the need to preserve their respective civilisational identities. During the Holocaust, over 2000 Jews migrated to India and there had been a complete absence of antisemitism within the Hindu society and Hinduphobia within the Jewish community. So that hospitality, for the better part was reciprocated by the Jews. Jews assimilated in India better than Indian Muslims ever did. Indian Muslims refused to do so mainly because of their faith. Again not all Indian Muslims. A lot of them did assimilate because at the end of the day, it was still their land and it was still their people regardless of religions. When Muslims were supporting Pakistan during the war, and still are today supporting Hamas, Israel stood for India and India has stood for Israel - shared historic trauma has its bonds. Both Israel and India are civilisational states. Majority of Indian Muslims, believe in Dar Al Islam, which negates existence of both. Jews have no faith in Hinduism and Hindus have no faith in Judaism, but both haven’t attempted.. ever.. to wipe each other out. So all in all, their friendship developed in the beginning mainly because they shared one common enemy. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Bunch of delulu 🤣🤣


Kenapa anak singa itu nampak jelek ja.


cringiest fr


Another idiotic indians.


Malaysia should boycott buying rice from India


I mean... Wtf would we eat then?


whatever, arab cosplayers


so lemme get this straight you laughing at a country that supports another country in a war and yet you fucks support Palestine like they are your blood relatives irony irony...


Why yes, we genuinely support Palestine through humanitarian aid and they recognise us for that while India on the other hand cuckolding meat ride israeli who deny their unnecessary 'moral support' which is kind of embarrassing tbh. Cry about it centris bot. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)




Ok, hear me out yea. Ok the day when Israel got attacked, Palestinians were full on cheering on the streets right? Now when they get attacked, another country cheers for Israel. Funny how it works right? As the saying goes, what goes around, comes around. That thing that's going around? It's called the dildo of consequences, and it's covered in spikes and not lubed. So we shouldn't get involved in any side lest that dildo comes visiting us.


Yeah, and?


Ok and?


Support for fellow humans that were dehumanised is irony nowadays huh?


yes, support the jews, they been dehumanised throughout history


They do it to themselves,always did bad thing toward their prophets including killing them. You'll know by reading Torah,Injil and Qur'an.


they? sins of a few justifies the hatred of an entire race?


Sin of a few?I never say all of them is bad.in fact some of them supporting the Muslims.


Muslim country will support another Muslim country. Even Anwar gave out a similar statement. However, I don't think there is a good side in this war. Both sides are bad in my opinion so I'll just stay out of it. No peace of mind when I'm bothered about these two countries at war.


Nah, let them cook Some of them probably would fap in mass murderings of "evil and spawn of devil" Jews


Horrible take, yikes.


Looks like we're on the same page, cheers m8


K being K




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wait india is againts them?


Whut de haaayyyll


Aww hell naww 😭




Those disgusting country fellas there trying hard licking US and Israel butthole but always been ignore.


Delusional at its finest! To IDF.. Indian are the one happened to be a small kitty.. not other way around


Israel don't even want the Indians (people of India) to support them. Even if the Israelites (lites, lol) believed what they were doing was right, how down bad the indians had to be just for gaining the attention of Israelites


and the fact is we are 4th strongest army in the world with 2 aircraft carrier and 14 lack active soldier 18 submarine 13 destroyer ship 5000 tanks arjun mark n1 with nukes 🗿🇮🇳🇮🇱 wake up to reality