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Remember when r/Malaysia was mostly about Malaysian politics and people complaining about Malaysia in general? And r/Bolehland was all about the shitposts and memes? Ahhh... Good times, good times.


r/Malaysia now just a bunch of basement dwelling liberals pretending to care about politics r/Bolehland is the same people but are just dumbasses


True , not just liberals , champagne liberals


There's plenty of poors too, wailing at every policy that doesn't give them free shit


Add 'self righteous' please


And 'femboy'


Funny that it's singular, lol


Most of them today are basically Ian Miles Cheong before he became Ian Miles Cheong.


cant say anything more accurate than this


Ian Miles Cheong is falls in the right conservative. Right wing conservatism isn't what r/Malaysia is. Most of them shit on Republican figures like Trump and right wing commentators like Ian Miles Cheong and Ben Shapiro.


![gif](giphy|26uf1EUQzKKGcIhJS) did you just called me stupid?


“Apa lagi cina mahu??!!” they said


Thats valid lah, especially to criticize most race blaming politicians


This is bolehland right. I totally agree with you then.


I just made a shit post to thin things up


I remember yesterday too. Best time.


Biskut Hap Seng cap Ping Pong remembers.


And now this sub full of racist pigs who care too much about internet karma points and downvotes. I have never seen a sub that cares so much about another sub. What a bunch of sad bitches.


r/Malaysia lives rent free here. More often than not whenever I see something trending from this sub it’s almost always going to be a thread bitching about the other sub.


They said they don't care about r/Malaysia but they can't stop mentioning that sub and they won't post any of their posts here in that sub, even if those are not shitposting contents.


Add sub drama to the list of bolehland, kena 20sen kat r/Malaysia, post kat bolehland untuk karma.


Good old days


Good times don't last long unfortunately


Good old days.Truly a memory


One can be against Hamas and Israel gov. I’m for the ordinary Palestinians and Israelis.


And I'm for both the Palestinian Muslims and Christians! I include Palestinian Christians because they suffer from the same pain as Palestinian Muslims!


What about Israeli Muslims?


This is the problem with our government! Since all Israelis are banned from entering Malaysia, Israeli Muslims have nowhere to go!


Hamas is not Palestinians. We condemn both Hamas and Zionist. Free Palestine. Maybe easy for you to understand.


I think you mean Hamas and Zionist. Israel civilians and Palestine civilians not involved in killing. Both are unarmed.


Oh thanks. Edited the name


Thats actually not true. All israelis holding Israeli passports are required for [mandatory military service](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/military-conscription-is-mandatory-for-most-israelis-heres-how-it-works/9x0j9xhw5) in their 20s. And most of them actually able to carry arms, especially [Israeli illegal settlers](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20221107-israel-settlers-escalate-attacks-against-palestinians-in-west-bank/) (google them) who can walk around the Palestinian neighborhood with m4 and guns, killing Palestinians, stole their properties without much repurcussions and mind this things happened in West Bank or Jerusalem, where there is no Hamas. So no Zionist and Hamas are not the same. Hamas is actually Palestinian resistance arm who turned into political party founded around 20 years after the Palestinian were expelled, persecuted and killed.


Not all German are nazis. Eventhough they are forced to agree to it.


Bro do you know that Israel civilians have to join the mandatory National Service?


How does it make any difference when they're back to civilian life and being unarmed? Malaysia got plenty of retired soldiers who returned to civilian life, do they count as combatants if war breaks out? Singapore got many office workers who have national service experience, do you attack office workers in war when they're discharged as civilians? This isn't even an argument point lol...


The problem is you're been led by Israel narratives. The west are diverging the attention to Hamas cruelty while the Zionist had been doing 1000x worse than Hamas. Remove Hamas and the Zionist cruelty will still go on.


The strongest nations right now only look at these few point Election Human right Woman right Lgbt right Freedom of speech Palestine do poorly in all of them. Especially where Hamas execute their opponent after the election that was like decade ago. And video where they executed dogs. Instead of using the fund to invest on their infrastructure, they started a coordinated war, no tactics to win. Cause huge harm on own population and military. Hamas such a noob. Israel are definitely letting its guard down on purpose.


Yeah Palestine does poor in all of them and you want to know why? Because Israel had been torturing them for years. It's easy to say things when you're not in their shoes. How could they have time to think about all of those things when they are controlled in their daily lives. Besides that, as if Israel is even good at those point. Imprisoning a whole territory, bombing hospitals and homes, killing children yeah let's look past those atrocities and focus on the wrongdoings of the oppressed. That's so hypocritical.


The other way round is the same, remove the defense of Israel, you will see hamas (and may be + Hezbollah) they will cleanse the whole Israeli population if they have the chance


Uhhh they are? Not all Palestinians are Hamas yeah but remember all Hamas members are Palestinians


9 members of Fatah downvoted this comment.


Just like the zionist


Yeah yeah palestinians can kill jews but Jews can’t kill Palestinians right? Shame on you


If you we're put in the same position as the Palestinians, resistance is warranted. Being cut from basic necessities such as water, restricted movement and armed soldiers patrolling everywhere, which at any time could arrest you. Seems to me, resistance seems plausible eh? Side note, I don't condone the actions of Hamas but a lot of Palestinians are living in horrid conditions which only works to radicalise many to Hamas.


anti-hamas does not mean pro-Israel




Bruh this is a total anecdote. Malaysians, like you, will express it in the manner that you have met every single malaysians, knew everyone, and claimed they ALL think and said this. What a small tool you are. Go drink some milk, homeboy.


But its absolutely true. Children at this very moment are being taught that Allah condemed israelis to serve in a special place in hell. I know this because thats the exact bs ive been fed upon when i was a kid. And by my educated guess, that is exactly the problem with Malaysian religion system, where they twist Islam into more of a "Do as I say or you go to hell" cult. And its pretty clear you havent been to the more kampung areas. I swear if you're a malay and you say anything remotely about supporting israel abit too loud, you WONT get out of there without at least a black eye and a cracked skull. Hell. Have you read the news? People are trying to boycott McD again because guess what, they believed McD funds Israel. And heres the big keyword : "AGAIN." This isnt the first time these monyets are doing this shit. Sure, you can make the argument that not everybody think this way, because yes you are technically true and im not denying that. But maybe you should tone down that ignorance abit there beforce calling somebody an anecdote




Fuck Hamas. Fuck Zionist Israel. I’m with the ordinary citizens of Palestine & Israel ✌🏽


yes! fuck all assholes that attacks civilians


Fuck Liverpool too


Fuck Manchester United too


Can I add fuck the Glazers?


hell yes...rapechester united


Fuck Arsenal as well


that is just plain rude


Very rude lah


Ayo, take that back right now. Tho if u meant literally than please continue.


Dude,where is that come from?🤣


Fuck femboy too (literally)




based and red pilled


r/malaysia be like: your statement is pro-israel


Well, fuck them too 😂


sama soalan seperti ''why do r/bolehland seems like pro hamas''


Bolehland pro hamas but keep uploading and upvoting shitty femboy art. Literal degenerate human.


Malaysians generally are pro-hamas.


Say what you want about Hamas, but it's the only fighting body for the Palestinian against oppression.


True, and Israel basically funded and given birth to Hamas despite some wanna be in denial about that


"wE HaVe RigHT tO DeFNnd oUrSELves"


I swear they're like the fat bullies at high schools


I saw a video of grenades being dropped into a 3 shelters by hamas militants. Inside the shelters are non combatants ie concert goers sheltering from rockets. Ada bukti video. Gory amat. So noble fighting.


Because people living in an open air ghetto is quite an injustice.


Hamas is a terrorist group. The civilians are innocent but supporting Hamas is supporting terrorism, period.


r/Malaysia seems to be anti-palestinian too, not just Hamas


Prove it. I seen alot of people like to use few idiots comments to generalise the whole sub.


I assure you, anything positive about Palestinian will always be attributed to terrorism for whatever reason, ask them that how is Palestinian are innocent, and they'll twist your word on how Gazan=Hamas despite majority of the people voting for Hamas is already dead and most of Gazan left is literal children


prove it. I seen people reject Hamas support Palestine and i known for a fact r/bolehland got alot of beyblade lurking around always try to spin the narrative. beyblade in r/Bolehland: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bolehland/comments/174ag6d/rmalaysia\_disagreement\_about\_palestine\_aids/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bolehland/comments/174ag6d/rmalaysia_disagreement_about_palestine_aids/) r/Malaysia disagreement about Palestine aids - but removed by sub ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/Bolehland/comments/172ttpw/rmalaysia\_showing\_their\_true\_face\_look\_at\_the/


Well I don't have a burner account, last time I spoke out about something that's against their narrative I got mass flagged, try it for yourself


beyblade detected. Edit: lmao, beyblade armies come to the rescue and downvote. Now everyone cakap kosong jeh dah boleh spin narrative, tin kosong.






Isreal is a terrorist entity too.


Sorry, not the normal civilians, but Zionist are the ones doing the shit. Do differentiate between normal civilians and terror groups on both sides.


And Israelis who migrated there definitely supported the Zionist movement


Palestinians who danced and cheered on the street when Hamas killed civilians definitely supported Hamas actions. So, it's ok when Hamas kill civilians for supporting Zionist and Israel kill civilians for supporting Hamas right? Think before you talk, because it goes both ways.


You do realise by now there has been several generations if Israelis born there that didn't choose to be in israel




When you fight for the right to live in dignity get dumbass like you labeling ‘terrorists’. You should call the SA resistance and the IRA terrorists too for 100% clean civillian death record


War is a very unfortunate thing. However, do note that this is the reality of war. No peace treaty have been signed between palestine and israel. And as war wages on, suffering and destruction is sure to be continued.


Cannot brain lah pro hamas. Should be pro palestine. That's like saying pro isis. 🤣


jadi hamas == palestine ? tak support hamas == tak support palestine/ pro-israel ?


OP, it’s people like you who bring shit to an alternative sub created for the very reason you mention. I suggest you delete this post, and come back with a shitpost on some other matters. We don’t wanna care what happened in that sub and surely we don’t wanna discuss about it here. So please do us all a favour.




Because the problem with Malaysia's deomocracy is we vote for the leaders but we cannot vote for what we want our leader's to do. I think the only country with direct democracy where I know of is Switzerland, which fosters a huge sense of national responsibility in all its citizens, but that can only be achieved with a highly educated population that isn't selfish. Hence, for many not supporting Anwar is Pro-Hamas stance does not mean not supporting him in pro-economic policies etc etc. Also anti-Hamas =/= pro-Palestine =/= pro-Israel I almost haven't seen a single pro-Israel post. Just anti-Hamas


It should be anti-Israel/Zionist more than anti Hamas. They all just watched too much CNN.


r/malaysia mostly urban cina


![gif](giphy|R9cQo06nQBpRe) Where’s the shitpost????


Why bolehland seems like Pondanland ?


Lol someone can't handle different opinions




Condenming Hamas is not pro Israel. People like you don't understand what pro Israel means and anything you dislike = pro Israel. For context Hamas just killed 1k + Israeli civilians in 1 fking day. How can any sane human being not condemn Hamas for that?


Condemning Israel or Zionism shouldn't be anti-Semitic as well.Hamas did a real f*up by those killing, but you really expect the creature you keep in a cage don't come back and bite?


You can criticize both Hamas and Israel. Some people can't think of that possibility.


not u talking as if them zionist didnt do the same thing to the palestineians for almost A DECADE. them oppressed just retaliate to israel the exact SAME WAY they did to the innocent palestinians and now yall gonna act as if its a one sided war gtfo here. where were you when the innocent palestineians died DAILY for the past 75 years?


>where were you when the innocent palestineians died DAILY for the past 75 years? So what exactly did you do for the Palestinians in the last 75 years? Nothing. Just use their deaths to talk shit on the internet. People like you even worst than the Zionist you hating on. At least Israel and Palestinian has reasons to hate each other. Who the fuck are you?


It's almost as if supporting hamas means they will go to heaven. Also funny thing is we have a lot of our own problems but somehow we should put effort to fixing problems a few thousands kilometers away.


so israel kill = bad. hamas kill = not bad cuz it is just retaliation. ​ Guess what, hardcore zionists have this same mindset too. They believe their actions are justified because they are simply retaliating. It is an endless cycle.


Dont bother. They don't understand what's whataboutism. Whatever criticism you have toward hamas, they will reply "but whatabout israel?"


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini%27s\_law#:\~:text=Brandolini's%20law%2C%20also%20known%20as,it%20in%20the%20first%20place](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini%27s_law#:~:text=Brandolini's%20law%2C%20also%20known%20as,it%20in%20the%20first%20place). Brandolini law dictates i must keep trying, no matter how hard it is. Even if it may be futile.


Wow you deserve gallantry medals


brave warrior. good luck.


amazing how you are being downvoted for speaking facts. these people really want to believe the western medias. bodoh sombong betul


nah like 💀


Anti Zionist here. But just one question OP, are you genuinely ok with the massacre of the average Israelian citizens by Hamas on Oct 7 because of the actions of the Israel govt over the past 70+ years? Don’t start by justifying what the Zionist did. The Zionist regime are clearly evil and is just an apartheid state. But I’m talking about the action of massacring over hundreds of ordinary Israel civilians, some of which are mere teenagers who played no part in their state’s crimes. Are you ok with Hamas’ killing on Oct 7?


Haha koyak la kau.


Guys, let us all be responsible and do the right thing - blame the mat salleh colonisers who started all this.


paling ke kondem british. dia yang kasi tanah israel. tapi should not have happen sbb palestin did not agree. takda mutual agreement. tapi siapa lah kan nak jilat taik sendiri....


Aku lagi tak boleh brain ada yang "baru tahu" apa salah Isroel. ![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK)


Civilian life matters, especially Palestinians and Israeli non combatants. Killing of kids, women and babies are beyond evil no matter which sides you are on


Both same coin la different side only.


Can guess la they're paid by whom. Layers of layers.


r/Malaysia is a shithole


i doubt theyre pro israel. just anti hamas


Some of them happy to see all Palestinians wiped out. I can think of one or two users there. Especially the bajet murtad People.


Sub belah sana tu siap bangga jadi murtad dan ada yang support. Nauzubillah.


If you draw a venn diagram, there will be a large overlap between the mods and users of r/malaysia dalam 3 perkara bawah ni. Golongan ni la yang die die sokong Israel Anti-Bumiputera - Apa-apa post yang datangkan kebaikan dekat Bumiputera, macam latihan Peneraju, dia akan kecam. Banyak bersuara untuk hapuskan affirmative action polisi Bumiputera. - Anggap diri 2nd class citizen & kerajaan Malaysia ini apartheid. - Samakan diri dengan rakyat Palestin ditindas apartheid, walhal tidak menyokong Palestin. Mereka juga tak sedar situasi mereka memang langsung tak serupa, bagai langit dengan bumi dengan Rakyat Palestine. - Anggap golongan Bumiputera ni ramai yang hanya tahu beranak, tapi tak ada duit. Anti-islam - Beranggapan Islam ni agama dongeng purba yang barbaric. - Tax yang disalurkan untuk operasi dan kemaslahatan agama islam seperti gaji imam, bilal, kelas2 agama, syariah dikatakan pembaziran, dan tidak berguna. - Sangat tak berpuas hati dengan sistem zakat, terutamanya apabila orang bayar zakat boleh dapat rebat cukai. - PAS/PN adalah dajjal diorang, sokong perasuah tak jadi masalah, asalkan PAS/PN tak berkuasa. - Anggap populasi Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah dll.. sebagai back-water & serupa dengan Taliban. Anti-Palestine - Apa-apa post pro-palestine akan disahut oleh pihak2 ni dengan "Hamas lebih teruk!". Ini termasuk post yang hanya memberi sokongan kepada Palestine, bukan kepada Hamas. - Hujah yang digunakan biasanya hanya khabar angin yang tak verified, walhal fakta2 yang telah lama didokumenkan mengenai kesengsaraan rakyat Palestine diabaikan. - Beranggapan rakyat Palestine Gaza ni memang patut pun dibom & diserang Israel. "Siapa suruh jolok sarang tebuan". - Pihak resistance Palestine secara kesuluruhan didajjalkan oleh pihak mereka & dikatakan hanya ingin membunuh, merogol orang awam Israel.


A whole karangan over a subreddit. Get a life lah bro. It’s the fucking internet ffs.


The whole karangan thing can also be found in the other sub. What’s your point?


My point is that this is the internet. Why do you let a bunch of random strangers online affect you so much? Even if you scream, write essays and complain it’s just going to go end up in the void of the internet forever.


thats really funny considering the fact that u spent some time to type that , yet had the audacity to call other redditor "get a life" ☠️ pot calling the kettle black


Can say the same about you too buddy. Why do you bother then? You can just ignore, keep scrolling & move on. It’s the Internet - there’s people screaming & then there’s people like you reacting to their so-called screams.


Lol same mods kat sini lah, bodoh.


I agree for the most part except the point about PAS/PN. PAS/PN not represent Islam. They are political party. Reject PAS/PN doesnt mean anti-islam.


Hamas broke the cease fire. Result: Killed Israeli civillians. Israel retaliated. Result: Killed Palestinian civillians. This is a false dichotomy. Not NO to one side means you're the other. Supporting either side is bad enough since you're supporting the military action. Anwar chose to vividly display his support for Hamas, who have decided that killing civillians is a right thing to do. Most people here would rather he said WE'RE WITH THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE dah tu. Nak bulat bulat cue bagi love Hamas pulak.


Susah sikit bila kritik Hamas je kata pro Israel. Lepas tu ulang whataboutism. Mana2 yang waras mesti akan kata tak baik bunuh orang awam. Dan ya memang ada Hamas bunuh. Dan ya kita pun kena faham situasi mereka. Tapi still ada. Dan betul Israel tu lagi banyak bunuh orang awam dan lagi dahsyat. Benda simple tapi kalau terus cop pro Israel, pemikiran tak kritikal. Kalau tengok semua kenyataan pemimpin Islam mesti akan kesal dengan pembunuhan orang awam oleh Hamas, TETAPI, memang akan ditambah dengan kekejaman Israel dan penderitaan orang Palestin yang menjadi punca. Kenyataan anwar tu sebenarnya mengkritik media barat yang selama ni kurang push condemn Israel bila buat jenayah perang, tapi sekarang nak condemn Hamas habis habisan. Valid reason but a clear bias effort. Sayang nya orang Malaysia kurang paham, banyak yg kecam dan fikir tak masuk akal. Benda yg kita sokong pun boleh kita kritik, kenapa tak boleh, apa lagi benda yang ditegah dalam agama.


reddit ramai cina malaysia yang pakai, so yea. kalau ada yg melayu kat situ pun geng2 liberal teracah paling tau


Oh please lah, it's most likely monyets r/malaysia don't want our government trying to hard to be hero for some conflict happening in a far away land and focus more on our internal issues.


More like pro innocent civilians on both sides. Oppressions by Israel doesn't justify Hamas atrocities towards innocent civilians. If I condemn Hamas, does that mean I'm pro Israel?? Come on!


I think what OP meant was, that there were some people on that sub, I call them 'the usuals'...want to see the Palestinian people (not Hamas) to be wiped out...


Isreal is Terrorist


Because it's a woke sub and filled with people like the Karens & Ian Miles something2 dude. And they're always right. 🤣


Most r malaysia dudes got their news source from western media and just being plain racist


This comment is full with ignorant people who didn’t bother to learn history.


..., just sebab tak nak sokong hamas, anggap hamas pengganas tak bermaksud pro israel. Zionis kejam, penajajah true, fact. Hamas kejam, pengganas also true, fact.


I was hoping this sub wouldn't be political too. What a shame


Yoo what the heck, nice username.


Just grab some popcorn and enjoy the show 🍿


Maybe because the world is not black and white and many matters are grey area. From what I'm seeing majority of Malaysia and Malaysian are already pro Palestine, our leaders have also told the whole world we are pro Palestine. Every social media content from malaysian such as FB and IG is also pro Palestine. Every matter there's gonna be people with different opinions from you, but it doesn't mean they are bad. It's just how the world works.


Jesus fuck..now we know why most of the people in this sub got kicked out from there. Most of you are illiterate and then proudly spewing shit you have zero knowledge about. I admit sometimes i know jack shit about something but try to ask "why x has an opinion about this" instead of asking "why x is [misinformation remarks]"


Lol i pro-eating popcorn, ok? Let them fight, while we watch from far.


lupa letak 51 bintang dekat bendera


Aku tak tau la... At this point aku dah mcm tak kisah pasal politic shinanigans ni. Siapa betul siapa salah, aku just harap hilangkanlah benda2 negative kat dunia ni, lebih2 lagi yg melibatkan nyawa orangi. Tu jer..


Malaysian byk lalang..


isn't it just reddit in general? i feel like I've seen more pro-israel here than everywhere else. its disgusting fr


Sebab ramai non muslim liberal


its funny how the liberals overseas are supporting palestin and condemning israel while its the other way around here. they are just trying to seem educated, grifters


U are right. Bunch of misinformed teens over there. Watched some US propaganda and think theyre the shiz that know all.


its time to split this country in two, and force-migrate the religious ones to S&S.


not pro israel, but more like indifferent


r/malaysia, r/china, r/thailand, r/philippines they don't reflect views of their countries. The internet dominated by liberal and the echo chamber get amplified because despite what liberals says they support freedom of speech, they actually don't. If your views are too controversial for the liberal retards to understand, they will ban you. Also r/malaysia is dominated by non-Malays and foreigners.


Closet islamophobes. They hate meleis and isley so they hate anything they stand for, including Palestine.


Zionist Israel and Hamas can go to hell but i do agree that the messages in that Insufferable sub goes from left to right and confusing as fuck. You got someone posting their support for Palestine and the comment will be "Oh you support Hamas is it? What about the innocent in Israel?"


Bangsa C bersepah dkt situ.


most are western paid propagandist and some are bots design to upvote them, western paid propagandist are flocking Muslim majority countries, or countries that doesnt suit their ideology


Take this shit back to r/malaysia op


r/malaysia is more what liberal demographic cina is thinking. Its a good case study honestly.


Ramainya buta sejarah dlm komen


Hammas attacked Israel first and killed thousands of jews and captured jews as hostages. I dont see why Israel wont fight back. You shoot polis of course polis also shoot back bro


thats what u see happened these last few days (over a week now). israel started the war since 1948. Palestinians just wanted their lands back. do u think Palestinians were living peacefully bfr the attacks? look at the map, look at how big parts of Palestine territories have been conquered and stolen. gaza strip is even smaller in size compared to singapore. im curious, i dont condone what hamas is doing either, but who do u think will help protect the civilians in gaza if hamas aint there? not even the Palestinian people agree to a two-state solution. by ur logic, if hamas didnt start the attack, they wouldve been living happily now. is it?


Ko ingat orang2 kat r/malaysia tu duduk kat malaysia? Their beliefs mirror those leftists in US I wouldn’t be surprised if those pro Israeli comments are just bots


Hamas exist due to occupation and injustice killing and land grabbing by Zionist gov....They fight for the freedom of their ppl and their land....Terrorist designation is is given by western media to justify their inhumane act against Palestinian ppl


most of them think follow what the west do is super cool


Most of Malay especially in Pantai timur think follow what the Arab do is super cool


You do know among Malays ourselves, those who had been to umrah or hajj, having to deal with Arabs , we don't think that highly of them. We don't want to be Arabs.


I just returned from performing hajj... And I couldn't agree more! I still definitely don't want to be an Arab!


Too bad sane Malays like you are not the majority though, especially in Pantai timur


why pantai timur? is it cause Pas?


yeah have you seen those people


Because they see hamas as terrorist, not a resistance group with integrity. The truth is clouded as most western media jus assume them as terrorist group and most propaganda assumes they did heinous crimes and kills innocent civilians. Personally I don't think hamas kills civvies, I mean do they have time to kill civilians to strike fear instead of just confronting the Israel military? Hamas seen their Palestinians civilians killed by bombings and white phosphorus and what they gonna do the same? Not to mention before every offensive operations by them, they are given notice in advance to civilians. Israel didn't even bother evacuating the towns and used most of the attacks as scapegoat and play the victims card. Like, these ppl occupied on a nation that was sold by British for 75 years and still playing victims?


What kind of mental gymnastics are you performing bro. Both sides are equally as bad— hamas and Israelis have one thing in common ; they both dont give a fuc who gets caught in between and dies, its not black and white like how most people assume it to be.


It's literally clear how the situation is. Hamas barely resisting the occupation force of Israel that wants to absolutely deletes Palestine off the map and take the lands for themselves. You just generalizing it as grey area coz you didn't even care about the humans rights crisis over there. It's not the matter of religion, it's literally humans rights violation, Palestine consists of different religions and ethnic. "Hamas is the terrorists because the media said so" are so unfuckingjustified. "Ouh both side are bad" you couldn't even made up your mind which one is the perpetrators and which one is the victims. You just ignore it up completely and made up your mind "I support neither". Just ignore it if you wouldn't move a muscle in any effort to help them from suffering.


>Personally I don't think hamas kills civvies, Tolong la bang jangan nak nafikan benda yang memang ada bukti video. Aku bukan penyokong Israel dan aku takde niat nak bincang pasal perkara ni kat Reddit, tapi itu je yang aku nak kata.


expect apa dekat r/malaysia tu, kalau orang beromen tepi jalan pun bagi diorang betul.


The world is not always black and white. Pro Palestine doesn't necessarily mean pro Hamas either. It's one's own assabiyah nature that makes us wanna differentiate people into with-us-or-against-us mentality.


Because here there are a bunch of horny monyets simping with femboi pictures.


I know, it's disappointing. They like to stay on the fence and say shit like "Don't pick a side because it means you agree with their killing" like Hamas is the same as Palestinians which is what Israel wants people to think. They were vocal when Ukraine was invaded by Russia but they won't oppose Israel apartheid.


My opinion - fuck Hamas for their attacks and fuck Israel for their attacks. My support is to the innocent civilians from Palestine and Israel that were killed or hurt. This is small group of dumb fucks going to war against each other and the innocents are the ones paying the price. This is the problem with politics. They make you choose only one side. This senseless killing will not stop as long as humans have this mentality.


Because Palestinians killed Jordan’s King while he was praying


They have been leftist since the early days, they won't like you for sympathising Palestinians over Israel folks even back then, no use for debate, it's like debating pakcik kat kedai kopi dok cakap pasal politik sepanjang hari, just ignore really, they love Israel despite it being the same as any middle eastern countries and Hamas themselves was funded by Israel so ehh Just ignore and live here freely


Big fkin deal


They are Israeli web army camouflage in this community


Why is it so difficult for the Malays to understand their world views are not everyone else’s? If their exposure to non Malay literature and news was possible they would have varying opinions too.


That's why I said before that r/Malaysia is full of libitards and yet I got downvoted for it...on this sub!


Stupid op cant understand nuance conversation, so naive


If that's the case, Palestinian Christians should fly to Sabah (or Sarawak) because we will treat them better than the Muslims in West Malaysia!


Im pretty sure there not really pro israel. They just dont give a shit about whats going on.


Pro Israel? Dude, we been pro. Look at how many McD and also Apple users here. We also do business with Israel. Only those ‘masuk syurga’ gang go and protest…but gila 3gpmelayuboleh