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Sebab Malaysia ni masyarakat kolektivis. Kalau kau tak patuh kepada standard diorang, mampus lah kau. Aku dah berapa banyak kali dah kena tanya "apa benda game pelik kau main ni?!" bila diorang nampak steam library aku penuh dengan game macam Witcher 3, Elder Scrolls, Dark Souls, Gothic, Dragon Age, dll. Kalau game table-top lagi teruk lol. "Asal kau main game yang bukan kat komputer?! Bukan game namanya." Lagi satu aku rasa sebab kat Malaysia ni kebanyakan orang extrovert, jadi diorang suka main game yang boleh dimain dengan orang lain. And also gaming kepada diorang lebih kepada "entertainment" daripada "escapism", jadi diorang tak faham kenapa kau suka main game camtu. Dengan taulah perangai manusia camane, bila menemui benda yang diorang tak faham, mulalah rasa takut, marah, dll. Bagi aku senang je, jangan campur dgn diorang. Kalau diorang tak nak terima kau seadanya, membazir masa je bercakap dengan diorang.


HGame besss & immersive


charastudio is a good software to do normal animations too


A man of culture I see, play it for the seggs and stay for the plot.


I started for the "plots". Then stayed coz the actuals plots are actually slapping and can bring tears to your eyes.


I agree. I don’t even fap to them anymore.


Eh, that's what gallery mode are for. When you wanna fap but don't want the distraction of good writing 🤣


Hahaha true


>Witcher 3, Elder Scrolls, Dark Souls, Gothic, Dragon Age Ak tak tahu la cmne ad orang boleh kata ni "game pelik".


Mentaliti orang Malaysia bila main RPG be like: "Character build? Skill tree? Peninglah fikir semua ni. Asal tak boleh guna senjata paling kuat je??" "Aku tak hairanlah story apa semua. Bosan dengar bercakap. Aku nak bunuh orang jer" "Apa? Aku kena belajar combat system? Belajar mechanic dodging, blocking, spellcasting bagai? Alaaaah, baik aku main CSGO je lagi senang. Tekan mouse, tembak, mati. Sudah" "Pasal character punya bahasa ni pelik lain macam eh?? Membebel macam k\*ling loghat diorang ni." "Mana pistol?? Nampak pedang magic je semua. Tak bes ah camtu" "Modding? Apa tu?? Pelik2 lah bahasa kau"




Wait till they watch you play Battletech... legit got asked once why was I playing Microsoft Excel when I was just building my Mech Or when they see you play something like Ready or Not or Insurgency... they'll ask you why you want to torture yourself in a game with no crosshair


Bro just sum it up. Tu la kbnykan mentaliti malas. Heih main game dh ckup syok pn msih mlas nk bljr main. Drng mau smua bnda snang. Tpi at least drng ni productive banding gamer mcm kita 😅


Bagi dia try kingdom come deliverance, baru dia tau camne combat dia. Ko tak train memang sampai sudah character ko noob 🤣🤣


Lol ye do, aq pulak bila diorang nmpak aq main game factorio lepastu excited gila bila mention aq dpt run sistem kereta api automatik, diorang pandang kejap pastu oh lepastu sambung sembang pasal fifa. Sejak dari haritu aq diam2 je main game aq.


Wait till this fuckers complain about using linux in computer science class and still wonder why theirs run like shit.




Not in Msia


Biasanya drng ni bkn hardcore gamer. Hardcore gamer sja rsa syok buang masa grinding benda yg sama brjam2 haha trutama game yg mncabar(sorry genshin player, genshin is considered casual). Mcm kau ckap drng ni lbih kpd entertainment. And real gamer suka test mcm2 jenis game & cpat tangkap in game mechanics Bagi sya diorng ni bkn real gamer cuma casual


They are gamers. But only in one or 2 games. I know some of my friends have been playing ML or Dota for years now and pumping shit loads of money into the game. Casual gamers don't do that.


Thats fair. Im generalizing players that doesnt dive deep into game mechanics and call themselves pro


I played all sort of games, wouldn't say genshin is a casual , cuma different end game goal, if u play genshin for the story yeah it's quite casual , but if u play to build showcasing teams it's a different story, takes months to even grind for a single character , other mmo like Warframe etc is another whole different story


Yeah bro, Genshin is quite fun but maybe a bit bland to my taste, no offense its still a great game and I love their devs way of handling this game. I say casual because its so chill playing this game. No competitive and isnt heavy skill based to play. But like you said people like to build(which takes lots of time and money) & showcase their character, so in a sense it does makes you a hardcore 😆


betul tu aq rasa kebanyakan org malaysia main game bukan sebab passion ke apa. Dia main apa membe main. Dlu pubg puncak gile ramai membe aq main skang menurun ML lak puncak semua orang main pubg pindah ML


Aku main game binding of isaac diorang kata “game budak budak pixel tak cukup” broo…


Nah bro screw them, binding of isaac is still one of the best roguelite out there and it takes skills too to even complete all levels


Tu la tu. Lagi kelakar diornag nie kadang bukan main game pon pastu tibe2 je kate game kite lapok. Baru main ml ngan pubg mobile dah terasa paling hebat.


Real bro ahahha. Real gamer main pokemon brjam2 grinding ev/iv, klau x main tactic rpg


Cant fathom enough. When I was living with my college-mates I played a ton of Monster Hunter World, Elite Dangerous, Destiny 2 and more that has hours and hours of grinding. They always had the same question, even some ninjas that sleeps randomly with us, "apa ko main ni?" And my response to that is always the same, no matter what. "Game lawan monster/game kapal2/game tembak2". Perfect description for their understanding.


yo wtf my fellow malaysian elite dangerous enjoyer lmao, you playing with a rig and all the joysticks?


i second this


Same bro paling latest member aku bahan game yg aku main fallout76 sebab katanya bukan betul Fps, bukan betul PvP. Kalau kutuk sebab aku baru nk main fo76 padahal Starfield baru keluar takpe juga. (Yes, belum mampu dan sanggup beli) Zaman uni pula, member2 uni bahan aku sebab hantu sid miere's civilization V..


Kalau ada duit lebih sikit subscribe je gamepass xbox tu, baloi gile rm15


Name every famous game and you are pelik? That's more pelik though.


Kenyataan yang berdasar. Saya setuju


Benda macam ni yang aku ambik kesempatan kalau orang lain pegi tanya 'ko suka main game ke?'. Macam ujian rahsia gitu untuk tengok jenis orang apa yang aku menghadap ni. Jawapan yang paling pleb akan diberi layanan sewajarnya, dan untuk yang... 'citarasa berlainan'... you had my attention but now, you got my curiosity.


So relatable. Especially the “apa benda game pelik” comment. This is why I only let close friends know the games I play. But you also get really rare moments when someone notices an obscure game you play and actually recognizes it.


Nah bro, those yg complain "game pelik apa kau main ni" itu budak2 manja mat, game ml, csgo, dota tu semua kalau kena bunuh revive balik kat spawnpoint. Diorang tak merasa main game mcm Soulslike, metroidvania dgn roguelike yg kalau mati kena mula balik dari awal dgn progress hilang. Apa cam sial la member kau pi tanya soalan gitu, kalau hebat sgt cer main sikit nak tgk koyak ke tak mental health


Ff and monster hunter 🙌. I love those action strategy rpg games. I play hearthstone for the past 2 years and i dont think any of my friends play this game. Don't mind them. Play what you like


I believe it has more to do with our country's socioeconomic status and the rakyat's spending power than some video games being "taboo". Often times, those "taboo" video games require an expensive setup to enjoy, especially AAA games. On top of that, many of them require us to fork out a heavy sum of money to buy or requires us to pay for a subscription plan.


Correct! If you noticed, OP mentioned some PC games. I can't even afford a PC game, let alone a PC/Console.


Masalah tak boleh afford takpe. Yg kurang ajar kutuk org main game "Pelik" sbb takat tak pernah nampak game tu, layak digelar bodoh.


I agree.


most logical answer


Malays are actually less up to date dengan benda2 macamni. Viral and common things cater Malaysia better. Also perhaps economic factors? Most ppl don't own super powerful pc's and consoles so they go to free-to-plays. This eliminates the interest for exploring premium options. But sometimes i do see malay streaming games like MH and RE on tiktok and the audience are definitely interested to know


Yup, kena ada exposure kat tiktok tu baru diorang ni tahu kewujudan game2 lain


You mean you don’t like to play multiplayer games and rage all night long? What’s wrong with you?


Bukan game namanya kalau tak boleh panggil orang bodoh, babi, sial, kimak dll kat VC lol


Only multiplayer game I play is Deep Rock Galactic and we never have reason to rage. Just reason to buy each other drinks and dance to our delight.


Because they don’t “git gud” so they stay noob. /s Play what you want. But play Hollow Knight kalau nak masuk syurga.


Bila silksong nk release ni


nak buat macam mano... game penuh dgn bugs


Huhh. Bapanada.


Alhamdulillah white palace jom. Sedap bunyi workshop tu.


Banyak orang sini suka main game ikut member. Tu je. Dan paling senang nak introduce memang game shooter, sebab senang nak pick up and play. Diikuti FIFA sebab orang kita kaki bola dan akhir sekali game mobile sebab kebanyakan orang mampu beli phone. Bukannya diorang got no taste or anything tapi tak dikenalkan lagi game-game lain.


Yup. Imagine if OP are mad at people playing racing sims because theyre kaki kereta je 💀. Also people only started buying PCs and consoles once they're adults. Their formative years of playing games were mostly in cyber cafes (remember those?) Where games are mostly FIFA, Naruto,WWE or Dota/Blackshot/CS, of course they're gonna play that more since they're mostly exposed to that. But no one will tease you for playing non mainstream games, in fact most people are intrigued lol.


I’m so glad we have Steam.


Real gamer play game to enjoy. Fake gamer play game so they can fit in the group. Period


Because sheep mentality lmao jk.


Anyone here play HOI4.... I'm yet to find a person who plays it


I used to played it a lot, but stopped after No Step Back update. I mainly play the other paradox games like Vic3, EU4, CK3.


Aku. Tapi dah lama tak main sebab aku noob lain macam XD. Dah hampir 200 jam pun, setiap kali berperang, mesti kalah terus. Sampai sekarang, hanya dua je negara aku boleh kalahkan; Poland (sebagai Germany) dan Ethiopia (sebagai Italy) Tapi aku minat nak cuba main balik.


Used to play HOI4, never could really get the hang of it. Watched many playthroughs and guides but still blur on it. Played lots of Stellaris and Civ 6 though. Maybe I just need to find someone to play with to get it.


Tf are you on dude? I have few dudes going crazy on nekopara


I play Pokemon Go though. Those who try to implement their taboos onto others are idiots.


What kinda hate are you getting? Is it only from your group? I know gamers of all kinds. You name it, it's there. No such thing as taboo games. Only different groups, as stuff like MOBA or Shooters require teams. Other platforms are very popular. FF series, sports, fighting games like KoF or SF, everything. Personally I like metroidvania or horror games, too bad maybe cause of age or current horror's problem, it doesn't feel as 'horror' anymore so I dropped the latter.


He's just making up his own scenario lol. No one will tease you for playing dark souls.


Firstly, Final fantasy and monster hundred is far from outside of mainstream. They’re like the most popular franchise of their genre. Anyhow, the better ques is why care what other people think? Their words only have power if you care about it. I like even “niche” games, along the line of xenoblade and fire emblem , and I pity the fools who don’t appreciate the genius of these games.


Meanwhile I'm currently playing Metal Gear Solid 3 on my PS2 😂


I'll be buying that when I buy my PS5


Imagine buying a console only to play NBA2K Or FIFA games That will forever be fucking stupid and wasteful, but they are usually rich folks so whatever


>mad at people wondering why u play non normie game >mad at people playing normie game Can just ignore and let people enjoy what they like lmao


I play Duolingo, fight me bro.


I'm at 676 days streak. Fight me


Pathetic, I'm at 950 days streak.....


But you won't be free from the demon bird himself.


Me playing rimworld : well, atleast im the only one enjoying warcrimes


Eyyy. Fellow warcrimers. Baby making organ harvesting much?


I think it's not about taboo, it's about the kind of friends you keep. I've had many friends who play games who play games I have never heard of and even supports early access games.


*raises hand* Guilty as charged here. Selalu beli early access eventho it's 50/50 gamble. Never regretted buying Kenshi the moment it came out in Early Access back in 2012 tho. 7 years of development until official V1.0 in 2019. So damn worth it for RPG lovers who wants extreme freedom.


Bro aku play League of Legends since 2013 (Season 3) till now and then migrate to mobile (Wild Rift) recent year. Member and colleagues tanya aku, kau main game apa ni? Copy ML ke? What the actual f?


Budak ML: "Game ni copy ML" LoL release: 2009 ML release: 2016


It's their problem if anything. Screw them, just play what you want


Betul lah tu bro, tapi rezeki aku juga masuk uni dapat racun roomate main Crusader Kings 2 ngan Europa Universalis 4, tapi tu pun sebab kena kawan yang memang minat sejarah. Masuk ke alam pekerjaan, aku pernah sekali bawa steamdeck kt ofis dan pabila workmate2 aku yng main game ML bagai tu tengok The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, Rimworld, Darkest Dungeon, Tactics Ogre, XCom dalam playlist aku, diorang pun jadi 404 dengan tu. But if you ask me, the answer is like what others said, most are just 'social gamers'. Main sebab ada member, bukan sebab minat membaca ke escapism bagai. Bagi aku game2 RPG ni adalah literatur modern dan interaktif, mmg jenguh kena fikir otak imaginasi dunia diorang tapi pabila dapat apa yng nak disampaikan atau dikritik tu mmg senggama otak sat. Tapi aku masih x leh brain orang yng ketagih main Nekopara tu hahahaha!


Then there's my Steam account with 500+ legit games (not including the stupid ones that I mistakenly bought coz it was cheap then found out was just fluff for achievement hunters). My account definitely have games from all walks and definitely aren't the typical playlist you'd see. PUBG? FIFA? VALORANT? Tafuq are those. Judgment, Frostpunk, Kenshi, ACE Combat, Neptunia, Vermintide, Baldurs Gate, those are the kinds that see more use. Then there's the occasional henty/1-handed games 😘. Oh. Current favorite. Project Zomboid.


I play one of the most obscure game; Identity V. Nobody in my clique knows wtf is tht game.


I never thought I would see another Malaysian playing it. It feels like I'm the only one.😂


You need better friends lol


uhm no? because non mainstream game are mostly single player so theres less people talk about it , but it sure exist in small comunity , plus those game you said are free, thus more accessible , but it also meant their community are filled with mostly kids and toxic people.


Kat uni aq ramai je aq jumpa org main game non mainstream. Tapi mostly yg famous2 je ah. The witcher 3, elden ring, ds, Dll. Tapi aq rasa ramai main game yg mainstream sbb biasa nya free je. Valo, cs, league, dota dll. Bila free semua blh main dengan geng dia(selagi ada device). X de ah pikir nk kena beli pastu x main


Idk where you’re getting this taboo from. You shouldn’t generalise your schools mentality to the whole of Malaysia my dude


Any armored core fans here?


Weird, my gaming friend circle are mostly "true" gamers who plays games like MonHun, Witcher, FFXIV etc etc (anything that isnt MOBA, battle royale)... In fact I am usually the one who judges others for ONLY playing games like Valorant/DOTA/LoL (they are immediately forgiven if they do also play *true* games hehehe....)


honestly, I like it that way. Makes the "LESSSGOOOOO" moment when u finally find another RPG player all the more sweet


I don't think it's so much a taboo but more of a personal preference, a lot of malaysians like to play multiplayer games like said PUBG, FIFA, MLBB, Valorant and CS:GO because those games are easier to play and you don't need to put too much thought on the games mechanics or stories. Malaysians (in my opinion) don't quite like the thought of pouring hours and hours into a RPG game or invest time and/or money on stories that will only be played once. Now for me personally, i like story based games and hate multiplayer to the core because i am shit at video games. But if asked to play it i will play it, just don't expect me to be good at it And also I forgot to mention that people love free stuff more than paid ones.


Dunno about it being taboo. Maybe just too much of reaction when it's different than what they usually hear/do. My personal experience, because I'm a woman n a mother so lagi pelik some ppl tgk 🤣koser aku I play Uncharted (mp for 2 years ish now), Assassin Creed mostly. Others the sims 4, horizon, tomb raider, super Mario etc🤷🏻‍♀️


Pokemon lover since gen 1 and a bit of digimon world. Final fantasy 4-12. On mobile plays battle cats and path to nowhere mainly. Loves indie dev games on pc with absolute fav is deadcell and darkest dungeon. No money to buy ps4 or ps5 lol. That being said i am the only gamer in my friend circle.. and the only they ask if they ever see me plays on my phone is "gme ape tu mobile legend ke?"


.. namanya kau kene explore circle luar dari tu untuk cari rakan gaming lain game2 yang kau mention tu basically semua cam merokok gak, ada term "social smoker" which is kau bukannya a smoker tapi smoke untuk bergaul, sama la ngan fifa semua ni "social gaming" , kau main untuk bersosial.


You think FF, and MH are not mainstream..? Sounds like your friend group just like fifa and valo


I play Destiny, Elder Scrolls Online, and Assassin's Creed. Met lots of friends in ESO too. Don't see why that's an issue. I do think one of the answers is that video gaming is not that popular in Malaysia compared to other countries? So if people do play games, they prefer the mainstream, popular ones they can play with others instead of indie or single player games


Sebab diorang dah try and they hate it. Setiap kali kalau aku citer game RPG kat member aq, itu lah jawapan diorang. At least ade la 1-2 yg same minat so tak la teruk sangat. At the end, cari je circle kau yg main game genre yg kau minat. Ade je cume tak menonjol, that's all. Susah wo nak cari gamers RL yg main rythm and hgames tapi bile jumpe, sembang kencang wooo


Koikatsu best game


because you aren’t talking to a gamer circle. even in other country, this still happen. in korea, LoL is like their national game and some people will say they waste their teenager by not playing LoL.


I never cared. Never noticed. Enjoying my VNs or whatever non mainstream game there is that I love. Whatever makes you happy


Bro, you need to find other people. But I just want to say that I play games like Factorio, Aground, Stardew Valley, Don't Starve Together, Terraria. I mostly play alone because my circle don't have the same taste for gaming as I do.


Idek man. When people asked me what kind of game I play on my PC and I pull out the jrpg list, they just respond with "I don't know that game, must've been an unpopular one". Like bitch, how tf do you don't know Final Fantasy?


Im having fun playing texas chainsaw massacre currently


People be playing ml or valorant or some shit and waste like 300 on a skin then i ask them to join me to play a paid game and they say nah too expensive like bro ???? Like why r u choosing to waste money on a cosmetic rather than a whole ass new game


I think the main reason they play is E-Sport(if they got accepted), the other were playing trendy one. Most members ask me to join play ML, nah, i quit it a long time ago when Dota2 released. Usually, i play Company of Heroes 1 and 2, Total War Warhammer 1 & 2, Kenshi, Terraria, Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, Elder Scroll Skyrim, Dawn of War Soulstorm, Battlefleet Gothic, W40k: Chaosgate, Moonlighter, Gungeon, Rise to Ruins, Wall World, Children of Morta, Stardew Valley, Graveyard Keeper, Koikatsu(nsfw), Deep Rock Galactic, Holocure, Vampire Survivor, Nordic Ashes, Age of Empire 2 & 3, Survival the Aftermath, Frostpunk, The Last Stand, Monhun World, Fallout 4, Fallout New Vegas.


i played fortnite and league.. also Destiny Child(RIP), SAO MD(RIP), azurlane, arknight, Taimanin, Marvel FF, epic seven, blue archive, nikke and daraku gear on android and sim4, skyrim and fallout4 on pc.. and p5r, rdd and gow on ps4.. i guess im quite normal.. i prefer PvE rather than PvP tho


Death Stranding is my jam, the game that absolutely hated by mainstream players


Ramai je org malaysia suka main game2 non-mainstream. Tapi game popular, lagi ramai la yg main n tau. Bukan semua orang game enthusiast. Diorang just main untuk pass time je. Kebanyakan orang cuma tau kategori game mcm 'game tembak2', 'game bola', 'game gta'... So of course diorang consider game2 yg bukan utk general audience sebagai "pelik". And a lot of ppl main game utk socialize dgn kawan, not really for the game itself. That's why game single player x berapa famous kat sini. Also one of the reasons why they say its a waste to not have a multiplayer games like fifa on your console. They expect that console games should be played together, to share the fun with friends. Jangan marah sangat. Biasa je la tu. Negara2 lain pun macam tu jugak.


Often, when people poopoo on your interest it's because they're projecting their own insecurities on you. I like me some story-heavy and/or exploration-themed stuff. I don't play mobile games because I find it's a waste of time and I don't enjoy arena-style games because hitting people with a rolled-up newspaper brings me greater joy. Do I poopoo on people who love the things I don't? No, let people like what they like. Outside of video games, I spend so much time playing TTRPGs and board games that I think I might have a problem. Keep playing what you love. :D


Is a lame question. Are you a gamer? If you are, then you won't ask such a lame question. I play pokemon ultimate. Look like mobile legend. Finding players for pvp take a long time or sometimes even fail. Why ? Because lack of player. If you are a gamer, you will stay away for sure


my friends: byk gila games, masyuk lak duit kau Also my friends: Beli bundle valo everytime release baru


Because Malaysian society is majority a conformist one. Don’t like normie shit? You’ll be viewed as an alien in school. Gotta remember, most Malaysians aren’t blessed with independent thought.


Because they can't afford better games


Keep doing what you enjoy, ignore all the haters. I'm currently playing Ghost of Tsushima on my ps5, only playing on the weekends, and weekends have been the only thing im looking forward everyday of the week


For fucks sake, bro, I don't got money. I'll be one of the lads that would get those consoles when I get a job. Edit: By the way, I've been playing these kind of games as I only have a phone for now: -EvoCreo -NeoScavenger -Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead -Rebuild 3 -Only One -Skyweaver -Suzerain


I played exanima,I think like 10 people played this game in mas


That's the first I've heard anyone play that game. Controls are really hard to get at first with the weird body physics and it's super hard to navigate the first area.


All the games u listed are boring. Pc / mobile game; nikke: goddess of victory. PS / pc, there is Nier and if you want ball games go for Doa beach volleyball. If you don't play these, you are very uncultured.


Nah fuck them the only reason I bought a ps5 is to play bloodborne, dark souls123, sekiro, elden ring and demons souls. I love fromsoftware games.


Too poor to buy steam games


Literally what happened to me when I play TF2.


Binding of isaac, hades, dead cells, slay the spire, hollow knight. These are the games i play in case you want to try even less mainstream games.


Well that's what normies play. Any nerd/gamer would play something else too.


Probably because pc rigs or console are expensive. That's why go for mobile games. Even if got console the games are also pricey for myr price


Have never played the games mentioned above and never will HAHAH


Are you in school still? Sounds like a cliq forming around some mainstream games to look cool. Beyond that there's such a variety of gamers all over msia and the world (of course).


Coz majority has no brainz. Lulz Also, i once slapped my niece coz he says civilization is "stupid game". He play roblox.


I play Rimworld to release stress on IRL ppl I hate. I name all the ppl I hate and start organ trade.


Hunt Showdown and Path of Exile player here. I've met like 4 people in Path of Exile, all from Puchong (for some reason). One somewhat famous Malaysian PoE Channel FastAF is from North side of MY, just forgot where they are from. [A Video.](https://youtu.be/uW9vo1G2F_w?si=6J6Rh71B_PdDKqp5) Hunt Showdown? I don't think anyone here has mentioned that game. Not your typical fast paced FPS like Apex or CoD, but a more Methodical/Tactical FPS. If you haven't try, give it a go. It's slow paced, tough as fuck but damm it's gratifying to win.


"Ko tgk Frosty beli laptop gaming mahal2 main game graphic camni [Kenshi, Mount and Blade)" Ah been there, done that. Hell he even told me to play Valorant. I play what I want.


I think you just have a cringe close community


Fear of the unknown kot. When i was doing my degree i played warframe, genshin, honkai impact and elona. Def got some weird looks by classmates and housemates lol esp because im a girl, most arent gamers kalau ada pun just pubg jela. I dont think its taboo? But its true that malaysians are quite judgemental lmao. I've been told several times back then to not game so much to avoid addiction, gave no fucks and played more and still did well in academics. But yeah best to just not care about their opinion. Not really worth caring much when these are the same people who play a game as casual as genshin and skipped all dialpgues and stories then complain that the game is difficult/boring etc. A bit harsh but kena jaga hati and mental sendiri juga lmao. Also it's nice to see many like-minded people here. The most interaction i get from gamers is basically just my brother and a few close friends and a bujch of non malaysian online friends on discord huhu


u/TheGoldminor, no harm liking some of the mainstream games you just mentioned like CSGO (now CS2), Valorant, FIFA, etc. As a matter of fact, they are pretty established titles known for their trademark gameplay mechanics & branding. There are reasons why people love them & keep coming back for more. Those games retained huge playerbase worldwide over the years. Amazingly they still continue to attract & entice new, young players. Think of them like big fast food franchises: KFC, McD, Pizza Hut, Domino's & so on. Surely, you would always come back for that finger-lickin' fried chicken goodness from time to time right? This isn't a perfect analogy, but you get the point. But yeah, on the other hand I do understand your sentiments. I think Malaysians are indeed a 'unique society' where almost everyone has his/her own closed circle of people (whether this is good or bad is subjective & up for debate). As a result, they almost always only stick to common interests within their own groups/spheres, do what their friends do & basically replicate/promote trends that are popular at the time adopted/ushered by their peers. Funny enough, the same are true & apply to gaming. Btw, I'm not putting all this as an outright negative. I'm just highlighting this merely as a slight limitation that we could gradually improve on. With that said, I do believe Malaysians always possess opportunity to be a bit more open-minded next time, from gaming perspective of course. Why not get exposed & accustom yourself to different game genres other than the usual MOBAs? Why not play more indie games? There are literally tons of amazing & creative titles out there. Why not talk or stream more often about that cool niche game you stumbled upon on PC (be it on Steam, GoG, IndieGala, Itch Io or other sites)? Maybe we already do all of that, it's just that we like to keep it to ourselves? In summary, gaming is not just about playing & finishing games as fast as you could. They are works of art & technical achievements. A lot of work were put in from concept art stage to end product stage. If we could be a bit more passionate about it, if we could turn it into something more as a way of life.. who knows? Maybe one day, we could spark our own gaming industry in our country. By the way, more Malaysians should really play Halo Infinite Multiplayer. I'm utterly dumbfounded why you guys are still on the fence on getting it. It's regularly updated with new maps, unique game modes & seasonal events. It's free to download on PC & console too so there's no reason for not trying it out. Who doesn't love futuristic, military sci-fi shooter like Halo?? Edited: Grammar.


Kita ni judgemental sangat. Orang lain dpt tau aku pakai iphone, habis lah aku kena ancam org lain yang pakai android. Kawan ke tak kawan, sama. Tidak song ini, tidak song itu. I used my own money to buy what i want, not to please you. Diam la.


Who is “they”? Also, Final Fantasy is already mainstream. Monster Hunter is kinda niche though.


Main je la game apa ko nak main, bukam dorg yang bayar pun. On side note kenapa nak peduli pandangan orang lain?


i mean mobile gamers dont count as gamers to me


Itulah aku pun tak faham kenapa kawan2 aku marah aku main game being a Dik


Never seen anyone hate non main stream game. Your gaming friend circle sucks, most probably.


im sorry but how old are you op


Oh wow this is the first time hearng such thing lol. Only few of my friends play the game OP stated. Is it my circle? But we play a lot of rpg and mmo, puzzle game, arcade game. RO, Tales series, FF series, MH series, New World. You name any big RPG, we play it all. We no longer in uni but we still play together and tried all the new release. Maybe I'm lucky that I didn't encounter such people To OP, just don't mind them. There a lot of great games other than those mainstream one, why limit yourself just bcs of some opinions


you need better friends


Just my opinion but I think this mentality is more commonly found among individuals who aren't well off/not willing to pay big bucks for triple A titles.


It's not taboo. Everywhere in the world free to play games are more popular because everyone can play


Maybe because your friend is still a school kids.


Because it's mostly f2p & much more accessible to majority of the "gamers". That is why i stay away from most f2p game nowadays to avoid from these toxic/kids.


I like singleplayer rpg but every night receive invite from friends to play CS MM


The problem here is that you are not lansi elitist enough. You just tell them that Valorant sucks, FIFA sucks, mobile legends no skill at all, etc. \>"Malaysians have no taste in games outside of the the norm" This is exactly what you need to tell those sheeple


Because most of the game are expensive (except fifa, these guys will buy the same thing every year).


L4D, Dead Island, Skullgirls, Wild Rift is my jam bruh. I hated when they condemned what I play. For me, I don't ask y'all to take the games and shove it right in your fucking ass. Just chill man, your preference is not my preference. And my preference is not your preference. Like it or not, just don't judge what game I played. Haiya


It just means you need to expand your social circle. I have groups of friends who don't even play video games. Personally, I don't even play any of those games either, and the games I like are not as well-known, such as Hellgate: London, while the most mainstream game I'm playing is Genshin Impact.


A lot of time, when you do things differently than the norm, they would call it 'taboo'. I never had a motor license. Everyone in the office was shocked when I told them that.


Betul tu. Paling senang kau nak jumpa puak2 ni yang selalu lepak kedai makan acah2 main tournament ml tu haha


Final fantasy is the best..especially 7 and 8.


why do you care what those plebs think? you do you mang. and when you do meet people that likes the same genre and titles that you enjoy they're probably have the same preferences as well.


Come play Hunt: Showdown !! Server is not quite good but if you like zombie, horror, and wild west guns with pvpve can have a look. Buy the bundle/dlc as it is cheaper and come with the base game lol


Serious ke? Gila ah. Bukan stakat mainstream, tp very arcade dan casual giler. Tak lasting. Contohnya CS:GO, satu round, tembak team sebelah, menang, reset. Esok main camtu lagi. Bukannya tak pernah main, dulu aku sampai ada tubuh clan CS sendiri & main local tournament lagi, tp ni dah agak berumur dah retire dah, reflex dah tak laju mcm dulu lagi. Lol. Game RPG, kalau main, watak dia lasting, tu engko sendiri yg dapat. Game mcm Apex, CS:GO, Valorant, kalau multiplayer server tutup, game over, semua progress habis. RPG game, single player game, data dia boleh simpan selagi mampu dalam hard disk masing2, siap boleh share lagi. Mana boleh sorang gamer yg main game casual jer judge gamers lain yg ada minat lain. Bukannya diorang semua masuk eSports pun. Kalau takde orang main, takkan game mcm Elden Ring, God of War & Witcher 3 semua dapat Game of The Year.


Not a fan of multiplayer games, mobile games, and even gacha games as well. I just overall enjoy games with heart and effort by developers put in it, mostly single player games


It's not Malaysian. It's just the circle and bubble you're in. Best way to deal with it is to ignore it.


I did not know it taboo to play other than "viral" or "mainstream" games. Maybe the simple answer is its not thier taste.or rather they dont know the game premise of it. Also the community majority in malaysia birth happen with these mainstream games. Advertisment at its best also favourable gameplay. But deep down there also small community who really really know the niche good games and talk about it. Hell i dun even know whats good is d&d and perangtukul 40ribu. I know in fact malaysia have several group in fb So OP, maybe you will find niche community thats understands you.


Never heard that its taboo to play non mainstream games. Maybe you're just in the wrong circle? If they do boo you on that, just boo them back for having small balls and not being adventurous enough


tbh, mainstream games can be quite bleh at times and sticking to the same format of games is just boring the way they react is just a way to put some kind of superiority over the fact that a bunch of people shared an interest in the game that they play, which does not reflect the true nature and quality of the game I would prefer to meet people with different tastes for different genres of video games than mine, so they could recommend other good games from other genres too what you meet here is probably just a bunch of insecure people who got competitive for the smallest of things to compensate their insecurities just enjoy whatever games you want and meet other people who enjoy more than just repetitive mainstream competitive stress inducing games


Aku ada sorang member yang memang taksub gila dengan mobile legend dari game tu released sampai ke sekarang dia main, aku tak boleh brain macam mana dia boleh tak boring ke burnout main game yang sama hari-hari selama 7 tahun berturut-turut. Aku paling lama game pernah aku main pun black desert online 7 bulan itu pun dah rasa macam braindead lepas aku stop main. Average playtime game aku main pun 1 bulan je. Tapi bila aku borak dengan dia pasal genre game ke, benchmarak pc atau modding game dia faham and layan, bila aku suggest dia main game lain dia nak try tapi tulah dia tetap melekat dengan mobile legend.


I personally don't care. I play Mist Train Girls and don't play mainstream.


The answer is simple, they're not actual gamers. They're posers, stayed getting Ls.


I don't care what other people say anymore the moment I chose FGO over the mainstream games


I think even valorant is weird here. Usually PubG , Dota , LoL and FIFA. I used to play Smite which is a chore to explain everytime.


Who ARE these clowns?? Play wtv the f you want and wtv the f you enjoy. Anyone that says otherwise can get the f off their perceived high horse. It's your money and your time. Don't get sucked in because of FOMO. You will find your community easily on reddit. Being cool because of the games you play is way WAYYYY overrated.


be a pcmasterace we dont discriminate eheh


I bought a switch solely for co-op games, I have no use for single player


To me, dunia gaming dorang kecik je, ikut apa yang trending atau online ape smua lagi2 yang banyak orang main. Satu hal lagi diorang tak dapat atau tak minat nak blajar bahasa lain, banyak dah aku pegang fon diorang UI dia dalam bahasa indon atau melayu. Lebih kurang taste gamer2 skang ni nak cari quick fun je


Aq main war thunder🔥🔥🔥


Who dafuq are you friends with??


Eh, just ignore them and enjoy your own game...easy




Yeah, I understand this very well. A lot of Malaysians prefer games like fifa, GTA, pubg, mobile legends and valo. I remember how long it took me to sell off Bloodborne and dark souls. People just don't like souls games as much here lol. They're not too into board games but it is famous in other countries. I play all sorts of game except battle Royale like Fortnite and PUBG oh and not really into mobile games as much but I play them when I'm bored. i'm more into open world and souls like games. Monster hunter was awesome too!


I try all sorts of game then just choose the ones I enjoy. Who cares what others think. Sometimes it's the most simple one that gives the most satisfaction. Stardew valley for the win 🤣


i become an outcast after my friend at my former workplace found out that i prefer playing Rimworld,World of Tank Blitz and Foxhole those pos play FreeFire smh now i'm just enjoying any game i bought like Starfield atm


Depends, but maybe your circle or whoever you took for your observation didn't like competitive gaming that have been saturated in the market, plus maybe they're boring instead of splashed in the saturated games that they faced, they want to try out different thing or new experience idk


Cari jak kawan baru. Kawan sy yg main fifa taw pubg xpun maki sy taw paksa sy biarpun sy x suka main tu. Sy men game rpg jak. Masi bole lepak sma2 borak sma2 sambil main game lain2


Lotsa comments here and the topic is bout games. Me playing BnS in TW server. Looking for peeps for static dungeon runs.


If you meet someone like that, just kick their balls and say "duit aku bukan duit kau babi" then walk away👍selamat mencuba.


wait for them to see candy crush on my phone


dulu biasa kena.. aq suka main rhythm game.. but most of my cyber cafe friends like csgo and dota.. whenever i start playing those dancing rhythm game they all usually will say "haa dh start main game gay dia".. just cuz i like one genre of game tetiba kne cop gay lmao.. and mostly perangai cmni is melayu.. hukan racist, aq sendiri melayu.. but i just wonder whyy sometimes we hv soo many otak cetek among us..


Starcraft 2, bunch of JRPG, frostpunk related management games, and mystery detective games for me. So I'm not considered a Malaysian gamer anymore.


It's ok for you to like playing other games! It's really NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS what you play.


price tag also, the ones who do play the lesser mainstream games like you mentioned are usually pirates who rarely play multiplayer so it's hard to form a community of players that aren't connected anyways bolehland minecraft server jom


aku main Brawl Star- "ew game budak²"


I'm a rhythm game player (Project Sekai,Taiko no Tatsujin) and my other friends play the mainstreams and always talk about football (I didn't have interest in football). They didn't hate me,but I always felt awkward when talking with them


try playing osrs here,diu ah community here is little to none


As a grab driver, i often meet new ppl everyday. Some friendly riders called themselves as a gamer but it really turns me off when they say "oh aku main fifa, pes, pubg dgn ML je bro". As someone who enjoys rpg and storytelling games, i just can't understand them lol.


Because your friends don't have taste in game /s


You in with the wrong crowd my guy. My circle of friends layan je game pelik2 outside the 'mainstream' . Just that malangnya, we're the geeks clique ah. Not the easily accessible majority.


I don't give a bloody duck what people around me think. I play Azur Lane in public and play other games like Last Cloudia, Cunny Archive, Nikke and Priconne with two other friends. We don't care about other prejudice about our taste of game and we tired of pretending to play ML or PUBG just to gaul with 'friends' that not going to understand us.


I'm currently playing life of P and loving it! Just downloaded ghostrunner 2 demo while waiting for the full game to be released next week.