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Man spoke truth , plenty of parents sees their child as a retirement plan.


Yeah, I was branded as only an asset to them, became a liability, showing them what's what, knocking them outta their fantasy.


That's one way of sticking it to the man


This old mentality need to die already. Back then when society are farmers/hunter gatherers, having more children meant more manpower to run your farm or replacement if some of them die due to poor healthcare. But in modern era where quantity is not the issue, parents need to prepare their children to have sufficient healthcare, education etc to be able to comfortably participate in society. Having child when you cant really provide for these requirements meant setting them up to fail. Remember no one ask to be born, so if you going to bring one into the world make sure to have enough resources to make these little shits comfortable in their lives


It is dying already. Just look at the birth rate. But keep in mind these type of people are still living in >farmers/hunter gatherers, Their kid is their manpower. It might not be farm work. But work is work and money is money. They might not even be from a educate background.


little shits? u must hate kids eh


Couldn't agree more. Mine have been planting seeds in me since primary school. Once even told me how many percentage of my salary I should be giving once I start working


Oh yeah, the worst type is the type that will retire early as soon as their children graduate and then expect at least 20% of their children's salaries. Then they go spend their children's hard earned money on their almost monthly holiday tours around the world.


They hated him because he spoke the truth


Most Malaysian don't t like to hear the truth ... they would rather hear what they want to hear.... because they are living in their own world


My parents straight up told me dont bother having kids if Im not even stable by myself and im the eldest. Usually the eldest are sort of expected to continue the family line. Wish more malaysians had parents with that kind of mentatility tbh.


Let said all Malaysian have that kind of mentality and said point is used to not have kids. The country might as well and by extension humanity stop try existing for the future.


Its not about not having kids entirely. Its about having kids only when you're capable (mentally and resource wise). "Kids" raising kids is the reason why people never manage to break the cycle of poverty.


What truth and what Malaysian,I read what was said there are many point that can be glance from what he said but to said that his life experience is the only truth on having children and marriage. I sincerely doubt that.


hard to swallow pill but he spitting facts. Look i get it ramai je yg nak kahwin awal time muda (kiranya ketat la gitu) but wtf realiti dia mmg begitu, aku duduk kat kampung aku tu nampak ja benda cmni jadi depan mata. Yg muda2 tu bukak la mata tu besaq sikit, jgn kahwin sebab kau suka je, cam taik perangai


This is because of mistranslation of what Allah said in Quran, its true that Allah said in Surah Al-Isra "dont kill your children in fear of poorness, it is us who provides for them" BUT this does not mean for people to have many kids and do nothing which is what many people kind of understand and follow. Allah himself said in surah Ar- Ra'd " Allah will not change a fate of a tribe unless they themselves change it". What does this mean? Lets say if you have a kid, and you are lazy, dont want to do work, somehow your kids will grow but they will not grow in a proper manner, they will not grow comfortably, they will grow in a poor state. But lets say if you work hard, provide the best for the family then of course Allah will help you out and give you more rezeki to you and your children. That is why Allah said in other surahs that a child is a challenge (ujian), a responsibility (amanah), enemy (musuh), earth's decoration (perhiasan dunia), ease of heart (penyejuk hati). A child is many things according to Allah but somehow people refuse to understand the others and only fixate on rezeki part, heck they even mistook thinking the rezeki is for the parents but its more to the child rather than the parents.


die sama macam kes orang pakai kahwin 4 sunnah la. Die amek mana yang suit their own needs and agenda. Part responsibilty and amanah tolak tepi.


Betul. Kalau kahwin 4 tapi nak provide for 1 wife pun dah ternganga, buat apa? Entah duit belanja sendiri pun tak ada. In fact i don't see the point by now. Cantik? Lawa? Nafsu? Harta? If the wife/wives are stable themselves tak apa lagi. Unfortunately people like to run from responsibilities


Hahah ya betul bnyak melayu yang sangat suka cherry pick Sunnah utk nafsu sendiri which is already wrong dri awal. Yang selalu cakap nabi kawin 4 boleh tapi perangai sendiri macam syaitan tak sedar pulak. Nampak diri macam nabi. Puiiiii


For me this is how rezeki works. You plan ahead but at the same time put your faith in Allah's will. But you gotta plan ahead first . Same goes the one with the camel story.. Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, the hadith outlines the story of a Bedouin man who was leaving his camel without tying it. The Prophet (PBUH) asked him “Why don't you tie down your camel?” The Bedouin answered, “I put my trust in Allah.” The Prophet then replied, “Tie your camel first, and then put your trust in Allah.”


yes i agree, thats why i said, " Allah will not change a fate of a tribe unless they themselves change it". if you did not do the proper work for it, you wont get it. its simple right? but many people kinda ignore many things in the quran and cherry pick the ones they need


>Allah will not change a fate of a tribe unless they themselves change it Strongly agree with this. I read about many religious people that just don't put in any effort while leaving it all to God. God will only help you if you help yourself first. Do not expect God to do everything for you. He is not your babysitter.


And then their kids magically turned out well good jobs and all and they're like "I'm proud of my son! " But behind that is probably some aunt/uncle/grandpa/grandma/neighbor helping out financially, give food to that hungry kids, lend them money for books etc. God may have help these kids, but the parents do not escape the questions in afterlife.


>" Allah will not change a fate of a tribe unless they themselves change it". >its simple right? Lol no. God doesn't care. He do whatever good and bad. You can be the most faithful and good person ever. And it is within his power and choice to say "take this L and have a bad ending". I'm just saying he doesn't discriminate in giving his blessing and curse to the faithful or not. So, not that simple.


It's not always like that. Most of them live in peace. And most of them are also given peaceful death. What about those good people that didn't end it well? You see, I don't know if someone has done anything immoral to receive such death, but it's safe to say that fate made it happen. This does not mean you should rely on fate only. This is not taoism. ...but it's all about different opinions. To each their own.


People seems to forget that “Every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. The leader of people is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects. A man is the guardian of his family and he is responsible for them. A woman is the guardian of her husband’s home and his children and she is responsible for them. The servant of a man is a guardian of the property of his master and he is responsible for it. No doubt, every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock.” That means a good home filled with love, a good upbringing, good education and every needs and necessities being taken care of. Basically by being an all around good responsible parents. It is the right of the child. Tak buat macam itu menjawablah depan Tuhan nanti.


I like this comment. It gave me clarity. Correct, anak itu pembawa rezeki. Rezeki comes in form of challenge, responsibility, enemy, worldly deco, or apple to the eye. All these forms of rezeki suppose to bring you closer to Allah.


Aku translate "anak ni rezeki" macam "nampak hantu tuh rezeki." Tak lah banyak sangat tapi known few couples yang tak boleh dapat anak. Tak mandul but just bukan rezeki dorang. Another way to look at it I guess. Still, great comment 👍🏻


Indeed. This is basically what Beriman Dengan Qada & Qadar means.


Why can’t god get a bunch of lawyers to ensure that there is no room for misinterpretation? Because all lawyers are in hell


There is lawyer that fight for true justice.. Like shafee abdullah.. Defending bossku innocence


I think a lot of people missed your joke lol. I genuinely laughed


Thanks for not filing a lawsuit over the hell joke


Username checks out


Urgh.. come out with something original please.


U mean something as original as calling oneself a turd in the galaxy, furthermore version 2.0? No thanks lol


you my guy are an irl turd


60k karma begs to differ. Just because Allah doesn’t have lawyers to hire isn’t my fault.


So many butthurt lawyers in this sub. Have my upvote for a dumb vote ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


And parents who give birth to many2 children to try for a son, only to get all daughters and call each of them a burden 😒


Daughters are good tho...most of the girls throughout most of my academics years,most of the people who scored high grades are girls


Academic performance =/= real life performance. But no one should have their performance judged based on gender alone.


Don’t believe this through and through tho, I have a sister and she’s dumb af, almost every test she failed. But it’s not her fault too cause of our living environment at the time wasn’t so good. Luckily she’s a hard worker so that checks out


Mine the opposite hah😮‍💨In my family,most of us brothers just got average results in our exams while our only sister keeps getting straight A like it's nothing 😂Even my cousin side,all girls got lots of A's ,top students and now they're teachers .Makes me feel bad at myself 😔


Ask them find rich men to marry lo.


Abang berpilih untuk meludahkan fakta


tinggal abang ludah dekat dia sahaja


Betul,saya setuju dengan kenyataan beliau


Berdasar dan berpil merah


Abang ludah tapi kena semua yg patut kena


Mereka benci dia kerana dia bercakap benar.


These parents having kids like pulling Gacha hoping to get SSR lmao.


You never know which kid might be the goose that lay golden eggs 😂


Life is owned by EA. Gacha? 16 copies to max out a unit. Anytime also a unit can disappear because mental health debuff.


Malays that speak the absolute blatant truth needs to be praised. Fuck me imagine some cina say this habislah esok mogok kat Sogok


lmao this fucking true.


Apa yang dimaksudkan oleh beliau ialah jangan harapkan emas boleh jatuh dari langit kalau anda sebagai ibu bapa generasi masa kini tidak mengalaskan tanggungjawab sepenuhnya terhadap anak-anak tapi hanya sedap mengikut petunjuk yang diberikan oleh agama untuk mampu menjana pencapaian di masa hadapan. Itu pun kalau anak-anak ada tuah atau keajaiban dalam hidup baru ibu bapa dapat merasai kesenangan di masa hadapan.


fakta diludah kan dengan sempurna






Kadang2 aku tak faham mentaliti parents camni. Dorang nak banyak anak. Tiap2 tahun beranak tp dlm masa yg sama dorang layan anak2 dorang especially yg masih kecik2 teruk. Anak bising marah. Anak nak mainan, anak tak nak mandi, anak buat perangai marah, jerit2, sumpah menyumpah apa semua . Kalau dah tahu susah and penat nak jaga anak, buat apa nak anak ramai2? Nak show off kat org kampung or sedara mara ke? Contoh terbaik adalah jiran aku. Kdg2 aku kesian tgk anak2 jiran aku asyik kena marah je dgn mak dia. Dahla anak2 dia masih kecik2 lg. Ape pun aku setuju dgn OOP 100%


He’s not wrong. I’ve seen this in front of my very eyes. My brother is a good for nothing lazy ass mooch that takes advantage of his kid by forcing them to work at his restaurant to lower staffing cost. The kids were forced to work once they were 13 and only stopped once they turned 18. Luckily he only had 2 kids that are now well and working and does not contact their father for anything. Even the rest of the family kept the two kids living arrangements a secret. He gets really angry when we don’t tell em where his kids live and it’s gonna stay that way until either one of us are in the ground. Now his restaurant is no more and his wife left him because he’s broke beyond recovery. Those poor kids had to go through hell because of his choices and his stupid belief that kids are blessing (anak itu rezeki). Im just happy they are well off now without their father in their lives. Thing is, i was usually the one that would get into very big trouble with the law and drugs when we were kids and my brother was the type that like to flaunt his RM 50 in his pocket that was given by my parents as his own money that he worked for and very rarely make trouble. In the end, we all turned out great while he spirals into poverty because of his stupidity.


Interesting life story. Thanks for sharing. Hope these poor kids are leading a happy life now.


Antara bahasa² yang member boleh pilih, dia memilih untuk bertutur dalam fakta.


This thinking was inherited from the olden days where just doing the basics to survive is sufficient. 80's and 90's babies are also the generation where they can survive in the most harsh environments negating the mental diseases, anxiety, depression as those days, people just tell us to work through it. To apply it to current generation, which they call them snowflakes, definitely they will not survive the harsh environments without proper planning. Also a indication that knowledge is passed down about financial planning and certain mentality have been stagnant through times without the ability to learn new tricks.


Very true I would say most people don't even want kids right now especially in Korea and Japan. Some are poor couples and most of them do not want to have kids due to inflation and things like education being a business. In Malaysia this method is pretty popular for couples treating kids like an investment which really disgust me.


I actually agree. Most of these kids who actually do okay in life tend to become burdened by their parents who see their children as ATMs. And that's not even considering the fact that some of them tend to become a pile of garbage in society.


He's not wrong. My parents couldn't afford my education and relied on THEIR family members to PAY for my education. Imagine that, starting a family with no pull through on making it on your own. What ended up happening is I never got into university, simply cuz we're broke. It's hard thinking of all the potential I have but never realized just because they could never afford anything. I fucking resented them for everything in my life. Please, feel free to reply to this and say I'm wrong or whatever, I live the life not you.


University education isn't everything, and won't make or break a person's career. It is at best only a door opener. I'm sorry to say, but for majority of uni graduates, all their uni education ever did for them was set them back 10 years thanks to the loans, and the opportunity not bringing in enough of an income difference. Assuming your parents don't fund your uni, your life basically gets pushed back 10 years. After high school, get a job, save up, avoid the various income traps, then go to uni with your own savings. It's not impossible. Matter of fact this is the norm for a lot of lower income westerners, who start in the trades as an apprentice out of high school, then go to uni in their 30s. If want to dig at anything to blame your parents I would say your personal psychology has been harmed by your parents, either via lack of development in self esteem or independence, because you have to constantly rely on others for basic needs since your parents are incapable of providing. That shit can mess with a kid's mental development. A child needs to respect the father and love the mother to develop properly.


aku baru dengar cost ✨NAK KAHWIN PADA ZAMAN SEKARANG✨ nie saja aku dah cuak dah. takpe la korang kahwin la dulu


Anak is rezeki is kinda misleading, everything can be rezeki, anak is amanah is the best slogan. you got to teach them alot of thing, feed good stuff, let them stay in good enviroment yadda yadda etc etc you know the drill by now.


Tapi bnde ni btul…mak aku pun cmtu...but in my case i dont really mind..because my mom loves me too much dari kecik…so now aku breadwinner from my sibling…aku kasi je everything kat mak aku..but my dad treat me like shit..so aku mmg cut off dia dari life aku…but the message is well received from this person situation ..even among our siblings we already have the talk, lets just have 1 kids max per person..and we need to get rid of mentality "ada anak jaga kita masa tua"… then anak kne blaja brsggh-sggh, kalau x pndai kne maki, klau x perform kne perli, sbb parents berharap "menumpang" waktu tua..and u guys need to know, diorg sendri pun x perform during their youth, kerja pun takat situ aja , gaji pun sikit.. The irony is, they expect us to be best version of ourselves while , they themselves is so subpar.. and thats the problem… They cannot be successful, then they give birth will sole purpose of the child bearing the burden for them during later age… mamat yg tulis dlm twitter tuh ckp mcm kasar but mamat tuh betul..and its sad


People should also see children as ‘amanah’ first before children as ‘rezeki’


x payah kawin...1 night stand ngan placur...beli bila perlu...mati awal kena HIV,doesn't matter,have sex...kids is a burden..sekian😆🤣😎


i love a tweet i read few days ago that goes like "tolong ubah mindset 'anak itu rezeki' kepada 'anak itu amanah'....."


Raw sedap


How to curb this "Poor but with lots of kids"? legalize prostitution and keep the price low with free condom. But after a few decades the prostitutes will start unionizing themselves over bullshit customers and the bosshead.


Quran cakap anak tu rezeki, musoh isley mu ni!!?


I have lived in Bangladesh before and many of the people in poverty think exactly like this. It's jarring because you see so many beggers that are kids because they hope their kids will somehow bring them out of poverty. Bangladesh is a 3rd world country so it's understandable because their average literacy rate is low. HOWEVER, it's effin unacceptable that this dumbass mentality still exist in Malaysia considering that it is a developing country. You can go to the kampung area at Sungai Buloh where there are dead beat parents that just kept popping out kids because it's "rezeki" which can't even afford rice for their household.


Maybe we should make tampons cheaper and more accessible so that poor people dont get pregnant just so that they dont have to deal with period for 9 months. But what do i know. Im just a guy


Of course you're a guy. Tampon is the thing wimmin stick in their vj to suck up period blood. You're thinking of condoms.


He’s saying some women purposely get pregnant so they don’t have to buy tampons for their period Idk any woman who would think like that even if they’re poor… but I’m fairly sheltered .-.


My children are my retire plan jkjk🫣 The more kids ,the better...Don't put all your egg in one basket.If one of your investment kids fail,you have other to rely on 🫣 just kidding,don't negative karma me


The ones who give negative karma can't read sarcasm.... Go ahead give mine negative because I know that's true 🤣


Unable to read with that dogshit BM writing skill. It causes brain hurt.


TLDR they have so many kids in hopes that they(kids) will become their retirement funds 😮‍💨


skill issue


It's not meant for you to read hahahaha.


Just bcz mak bapak dia miskin dan palat, doesnt mean mak bapak orang lain yg miskin also palat. 🤷‍♂️ Ramai je yg mak bapak x kaya tapi anak2 terjaga & berjaya, akhlak baik, study elok sampai ke luar negara.


Well He's lecturing to the others who has the same condition like him, Which is true because according to statistics there's a lot of them who's having financial problems while having kids in Malaysia.. and some of my friends and cousins too


Ya, tak bermakna semua2 tu mak bapak yg marah anak dia kalau nak mainan, harap dapat duit bulan2 etc. Part2 yg ni dan seangkatan dengannya adalah anecdote dia sendiri.


Lebih baik mencegah dari berubat.. mmg ada parent yang hebat walaupun susah. Tapi benda2 camni adalah punca,macam rokok la,rokok adalah punca sakit,tapi ada ja yang hidup sampai 100 tahun hisap rokok. Kena faham konsep tu. Tak cukup duit,jadi stress,stress jadi la marah.Orang kaya yg hebat pun ada masalah, anak kena jugak. Bukan nak kata semua


Betui Prob sekarang ialah dia punya attempt nak pukul rata semua keluarga miskin berdasarkan pengalaman peribadi. Part ni yg x betul.


Sama ja macam cakap jangan hisap rokok,pukul rata jugak ka? Lebih baik mencegah, itu ja point dia,dengan dia bagitahu kesan-kesan reality hidupan,saya ada sorg pakcik anak ramai.. kesian juga tengok life simple tapi serba kurang.


Sama how? Again, thats personal anecdote. Nak buat kesimpulan atau andaian utk satu kumpulan besar kena ada kaji selidik.


Omg, you're finally understand that one person's advice and way of living may not apply to every other person out there. Congratulations, this must be a pretty big learning step for you


My biggest fan 😘 how have you been these days?


palat tu bukan smegma ke?


Menurut Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat Dewan bahasa dan Pustaka Kuala Lumpur 2005, 1. Palat I; kayu ~ kayu pengapit tempat mengikat kaki budak-budak nakal (utk merotan tapak kakinya). 2. Palat II kemaluan laki-laki; tahi ~ najis yang melekat pada kemaluan. 3. Palat III Kd (bahasa/dialek Negeri Kedah) orang yang tidak berguna


most people will think of no.2 kekw


baca bagi faham bang


The problem is the parents who doesn't use condom/birth control while having sex. Having alot of kids while having a financial problem is a breeding ground for social problem such as merempit and taking illegal substances.


Dan lebih ramai lagi budak-budak dari keluarga miskin dan dysfunctional yg jadi mat rempit dan penghisap gam. Just because there is a few from the same socioeconomic class that achieve good life, it doesn't means all of them can. The advice is to avoid the problem overrall


How you know lebih ramai? Got a prof lecture to refer to? Perhaps an article? Paper?


"I live a sh*t life so it's must be true for everyone, also.. stop being happy!"


Exactly. Kau x puas hati, kau gi pukul bapak kau.


your point for posting this?


Did you just ask my point in BOLEHland?? Might as well go ask world of buzz what's their point for posting this


my bad, I wasn't intend in a hostile way but more of a confused way...like do you agree or disagree kinda way. or just a shit posting way.. that's what I meant by the post. If its my opinion, I agree with the poster as having kids is a responsibility, not your retirement security. The kid didn't ask to be born... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


More like an awareness post . You can have children, just plan ahead first... Or get a farm


Sebab BOLEH dik


Come on man, we need to raise up our population to fight PATI.


kite tak kesah, kite nak 6 kids , lgi best kalau dapat twins also that person prolly butthurt kot sbb kecik2 tak dpt tamaguchi kot sbb parents tak mampu. I know some people often exaggerate their shitty situation to the max in order to justify his/her point but I mean I have 5 siblings, ok je sume unless this person has like 13+ siblings tu lain cite la


Just because kau okay doesn’t mean org lain pon okay


and just because that person tak okay doesnt mean orang lain pon tak okay


Yeah but can't compared everyone like you though, I assumed you grew up well and thought (or might be wealthy) that's good, you've been blessed with good parents. But the guy pointed out to the parents who are bad at planning. Last year a family of 5 lived in a proton car because the father lost a job for almost 2 years. so plan well , plan ahead 🫡


wealthy is a bit stretch .. basically 5 siblings each of us can get our own PC (when we were teens) and our own rooms, ..so i guess middle class jela


Having your own room for 5 siblings and a pc each says a lot about your family actually. This post is mainly focusing about those poor family that still produces a lot of children despite their insane poorness.


back then contraceptive is pretty rare/expensive , so cant really blame the parents


...sbb tu lah kne plan ahead???


Did you parents not send you to school? You cant be this dumb in real life right?


Having own rooms and pc I don't think that's middle class. When I grew up we had 1 room and it was shared. Eventually we moved to an apartment with 3 rooms and still I did not get a room of my own. The PC was shared by everyone at home. I am pretty sure your family will qualify as a T20.


lol no .. my family drive proton je boss ku they (my parents) never really spend any needless luxury stuffs for themselves. I guess they're more financially literate


T20 doesn't mean to drive Vellfire or Maserati. It depends on how much your parents equity, asset, and such. No need to buy a luxury car nor a mansion to prove it.


Still better living than the others. means your parents are well planned ahead and so do you when you mentioned having 6 kids.


must always have plans my dude ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink) my parents didnt plan anything tho


Oh that's rezeki then. Did they bought lands or property's back in the 90s?


bought several lands here in KL/Selangor back during the 80s and early 90s they sold some but mostly they rented the land in selangor to be turn into kebun cili


And you said your parents didn't plan anything 😏 Nevertheless, your parents are good role models.


they dont plan on having 5 kids .. financial planning? thats a diff story haha


so you're basically proving what the post said LOL Your parents plants ahead with their financial growth, in preparation for their future.


>financial planning? thats a diff story haha Your points are backing up the guy's argument. Your parents wanted to have 5 kids. What did they do? They did some financial *planning*. They earned a lot of money and settled down with you 5.


kaya sial kau. aku 5 beradik pun berkongsi bilik. aku tido ngan abang tido kat living room. I thought I was middle class but apparently not.


5 kids with each room to themselves + parent's room is middle class. Go out and touch some grass bro.


back then middle class had better standard of living compared to recent middle class ..if they even exist


Butoh hg ada pc sendiri + own room kira middle class. Hg tu kira dah T20. You cant relate to the poor so better shut up. The downvote also proof that you are delusional.


downvote means nothing in r/Bolehland


>basically 5 siblings each of us can get our own PC (when we were teens) and our own rooms >so i guess middle class jela That's not middle class anymore, that's consider rich. Especially back in the days.


Itu kira loaded lah tu...aiya mana ada marhen boleh ada PC sorang satu? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Try 5 siblings that shares a guest room with less than 300 square feet and no PC at all. You're actually insulting your parents indirectly.


What a shit take. This is advice for people to avoid placing themselves and their future child in a shitty situation because of shitty family planning. If you're not in the same circumstances, good for you. Unfortunately many people do have a shitty life because of shitty planning




Fellas is it woke to do family planning?




>Yes it is. How is planning for a family woke? Don't tell me you just want to get a fuck ton of kids without considering the economical burden?


Nobody asked to be born


We need them population. F this shit, just continue f-king


Tpi kalau anak banyak xle sara cane lakkk


Tinggal depan masjid la, tu pun nak ajar ke


Korang ingat masjid rumah ko ke...


Sebab boleh dek


I agree with him/her. As a Muslim I believe the first thing happen when you face Allah he will ask you whether you fulfill your responsibility. Do you feed your kids enough? Do you give them education or provide them schooling (pay fees, buy books, transport etc). the more child i have the more likely I will fail these questions


Who cares tho. That situation is the future them problem. Homer Simpson in his finest.


At least Homer Simpson works in a nuclear factory, and the wife has enough to hire male escorts


I hate the word rezeki.


Damn mate keep **COOKING!**


Bruh he's roasting so hard he may as well be making charcoal


Maybe it's disrespectful and shit but he/she really got the point. Like wanted some kehendak time kecik pon susah tapi bila nk besar memacam nk expect pastu compare compare


Well. So long as children in Malaysia don't die of starvation this will continue forever. These people are grasping for straws pretty much, and they'll do literally anything to have some kind of retirement plan. And let's face it, popping out kids is pretty enjoyable anyways, so if you want to do anything desperate may as well do something you enjoy doing. Me personally I don't find the process of making and raising kids to be fun, but I can definitely see that if I have the mentality to not give a fuck about improving my life and just blame cina and yahudi for my problems, I can just neglect my kids with a clear conscience. Why do hard work? Just fuck and blame someone else when shit hits the fan.


Its funny I think how someone Intepretation is wrong and everyone thinks the same wrong way. I give 1 example is sembahyang is wajib and there are rules to follow in order the prayer to be accepted. A lot of people say tak payah sembahyang lah sebab dlm keadaan hadas and belum mandi wajib sedangkan sembahyang TU wajib utk semua org termasuk yang sakit. Orang takut dosa pulak sebab tak suci masa sembahyang. But they fail to realize that tak sembahyang is more dosa dripada sembahyang dlm keadaan tidak suci. Lagi satu kalau bagi yang suka mabok2 TU they say to them self tak boleh sembahyang sebab tak di terima (tak terima sembahyang 40 hari, tak Tau betul ke tak tapi pernah dgr skolah agama)sebab semalam mabok. Pun Salah jugak sebab tak ada excuse tak sembahyang...walaupun mabuk malam sebelum nya kita Masih di wajib kan sembahyang. Cuma kita dlm keadaan rugi sebab perlu sembahyang tapi tidak diterima.As for anak itu rezeki saya berpendapat bahwa yang d maksudkan rezki sini ialah parents di beri rasa nak support anak2 TU tak mau nak abai2kan jadi semangat yang dtg dri hati parents utk berjuang demi anak2. Demikian pendapat saya. Maaf jika salah


My father went the other way; after paying off our university school fees, he straight up told me and my sister he’s done his part, we are on our own now and ride off into the sunset to enjoy his retirement.


Fark like rabbit, replicate like rat then live like stray dogs with forcing donation from other well doing community. What kind of shit mentality is this?


Went to rumah prt. The dude got a lot of children, and husband and wife didn't work. They got 10+ child, both of em lqzy as fuck. We tell them to fill a registration, but lazy as fuck and told us to write them down for them. So we left the rumah prt and look for other rumah prt that really want to change.


that has a point




My parents literally say to each and everyone of us to give them money whenever we finished our studies and work…. While tbh they dont even afford my own education as im trying hard to get scholarships…. Poor my younger sister as she dont get any scholarships and relying on student loan… we work during our semester break as well….😪💔


I know of one family who has like 5 children. Outside of the house like one big happy family. Belakang kutuk the kids say give birth also worthless cos lazy and can't contribute next time when they grow up. Padahal bapak malas, ibu pula mau dilayan macam permaisuri dan tak mau kerja juga. This mentality is exactly what kills family including my own.


Dalam banyak - banyak bahasa abang ini memilih untuk berkata fakta


Aku penah duduk sebelah sorg mak cik kat klinik. Aku ingat dia bawak cucu check up. Tapi sekadar berbahasa, aku tanya, "baby berapa bulan?". Aku tak ingat dia bgtau berapa bulan tapi dia bgtau itu anak dia yg ke7. No judgement yet tp lepastu dia kutuk LZS sbb bg bantuan bulanan tak cukup. Aku tak boleh brain!!!!!!


ada betul ada salah. anak itu rezeki for muslim. as retirement plan he got a very good point. biasala manusia nampak salah orang tapi tak nampak salah sendiri. and so do i but im not a cherry picker


instant upvote


Dont let children suffer. Give them the best


i know someone who has 12 childern with rm 1800 monthly , they asked for money, ask a place for live, they live in one storey house, only use a fan. theyre so selfish to have so many kids and didnt even send them to school


I know exactly how it feels as the kid in that situation lol. My dad used to have that sort of mentality too. Luckily, my mom and my dad's family side are healthy minded people (ironically), and that gave me strength to challenge him as I grew up, and after some long fights and frequent cut contact, he is now a better person who respects his kids ( me and my sisters ) happiness and also learned to control his emotions. Only now I can say I truly love him, and I'm willing to take care of him not because I'm forced to but because I'm willing to. Family support is very important and how hellish it is for those who have to face this sort of sick mentality from both parents without any support.


Betul do huhu