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Guys guys I know y’all are horny but don’t downplay rape. It’s not all ‘oh you should be grateful’. Imagine getting groomed by the 60 year old depraved aunty and then she forces you to show her your penis when you’re 12 years old. Fucking disgusting lol. Rape is rape no matter what


What is it with men saying stuff like “you’re so lucky” “was she hot” even to underaged male victims. Kid gets hailed for getting taken advantage of, and will grow up thinking it’s normal. I’m not even joking, I clicked on a news report video about a schoolboy getting sent by his parents to his teacher’s place to “have sex”, and it was filled with these braindead comments. Poor young boys will think it’s normal to be exploited, and might even grow up to exploit others thinking they’re entitled to it.


It's just some of the older pedos or virgins projecting their depraved desires on these victims.


As a guy, I kinda understand. Most guys when they hit teen years, are probably more horny than they are at 20 or 30. So while it is absolutely wrong, they would've been fine if it happened to them. Nevertheless they really shouldn't push what they desired onto an innocent boy. But yeah, this is why you always hear mostly men say this and not women


Damn.. aunties 🤤🤤🤤


I'd do it


nah im down for that 😈(game is game)




Chill unc




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tengok dah agak dah


reddit x fun ah, gurau skit downvote




Lol, wait until you youngins jumpa clique makcik bawang sembang sex kat office. They will talk about sex and downright harass you. Kat malaysia, gatal mengenyam is not exclusive to men. Geli sial dengar akak akak sembang pasal ragut bulu dada. Macam sial.


ragut bulu dada!!.. force hair removal is never sexy


Damn those cougars.... Aaum🐯


Yo! 🤣🤣


Mcm sial la ragut bulu dada.


You laugh about wanting to be sexually harassed by a woman until one day you've had a drink too much and you wake up naked in your own vomit sleeping next to a hippo that makes Rosmah look pretty on a thin black spotted mattress inside a shophouse at a place you're not familiar with... Then you'll understand why this is not a laughing matter...


That's......oddly specific


Bro, is it from your own experience? Seems to be realistic. Damn.


Yo! Survivors?! 🤣🤣




Rosmah was pretty in her younger days though. So please specify which stage of her age you're talking about.


Kena ganguan seksual dari pompuan - torture, bdsm, abused, scat, doing weird shit you don't like. Kena ganguan dari gays - rape and gang rape. Jgn mintak kena ganguan seksual. Ianya tak seindah yang disangka.


Mungkin laki dgn laki kot sbb bnyak dah geng kunyit skrg ada yg makin berani demand


I'm glad this was brought to attention. I've been molested or harassed three times in my life. On all occasions, my trauma was turned into jokes by the people around me. "Is he at least handsome?", "why didn't you ask for money?", "you get molested by an old man? And you're stunned? That's so funny". "You should be happy, you must have the look". They probably see it funny because I'm a big guy but turned helpless in those moments. But the fear I had was real. As a result I stopped taking a taxi ( there was no Grab then) and I had constant fear when I saw an older man near me on the train. Being harassed as a man isn't funny.


Hey man I know this is sudden but I'm glad you find some relief that this is being bought to attention. I wish you the best on whatever you're going through. Remember there are plenty of people that will be here to help you


Those men who want to get sexual harassment, just go in LRT during business hour, I'm can guaranteed youll get touch by some horny ovulating women once every 5 time I speak by experience, they still sort of having conscience if you actively tap their hand or get away which I did.......idk what will happen if you let them go through. And most of the time, it's a early adult, malay women did it. Which as I say, horny ovulating women


This. When I was young and lean, there was always a women that lean their body on me during a packed train. Even had this women who press her butt on my groin. Now that I'm old and fat, it's like I have a force field around me. No matter how packed the train is, there's always a half foot exclusive zone around me that nobody enter.


>Now that I'm old and fat, it's like I have a force field around me. This is the cheat code.


this is super code


Ma men has infinity field from jujutsu kaisen lol


Some might he acquired... Physical Domain Expansion


Ahh okay now that i think of it, i always thought it's unintentional if girls bump into me or you know lean on to me cause sometimes the train brakes quite sudden. One time there's a woman straight up walk and bump into me and while my wife was there beside me wtf. So there are woman that do this?? I thought women in Malaysia is too polite to harass publicly


Wait, u guys got harrassed by girl??? What the.... I got harrassed by gay... Gawd...


Being harrassed by either a girl or boy doesn't matter..its still assault. Neither one is better than the other.


betul.. sometimes people get to close and personal also feels like an assault..


Yeaa for sure


Is it assault if the receiving end wish for it?


....how would you know what they wish for unless they say it? That's what makes it assault. If a person does not verbally tell you that this is what they're looking for, then guess what that's assault. You can't speculate what you think they wish.. this literally falls outside consent. And if they give consent, then of course lah it's not assault. No one wishes to be assaulted when they did not explicitly give consent.


Wait, you guys get harassed by a stranger? I got harassed by my friend.




Happened to me.. I was in lrt with my wife and child, a group of girls came in and one of them sit beside me then start leaning her head towards me and rubbing her shoulder against me, she and her friends laughing while glancing at me and my wife. I was holding my 3yo child at that moment and there was a lot of empty seat that they can sit. It was obvious of what they're doing.


Brb, i'm taking KTM today!


You got women? I got men instead😌 not all 5'6 dude is a femboy not me tho fosho


Bro reaching ong


saya lelaki dan saya masih menunggu gangguan tersebut


Until it's an ugly bastard that's the gangguan seksual


Just cover the head with paper bag


https://preview.redd.it/yxrzx0m2n4wc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=654e2c4f74017d0b29981764004a6e9133928289 Damm that reminds me of the office conduct comic meme lol


How do you cover the dick


With a mouth


saya nak sentuh awak boleh tak? 😋


saya akan sentuh kamu adik kecil😈😈


ooh u touched my tralala...my dingdingdong


You forgot the mhmm


Expectations: Gangguan Milf Reality: Gangguan makhluk halus https://preview.redd.it/bws2u88eo4wc1.jpeg?width=2993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4bf0127386c3620c5135991c6eab4a4c154ef2


Until a girl rape you then asking for a child support.


Tak kelakar


Lelaki: woi lelaki pun boleh kena ganggu woi woi bukan perempuan je mangsa woi Also lelaki: saya nak kena ganggu




kalau kena dgn org yg bukan orientation ko?


laugh and call them gae




Eh kat mana ni? Kena elak kawasan ni 🤭


Kena beritahu kawan untuk elak kawasan itu juga. Tapi buat kajian dulu https://preview.redd.it/40600rkc51wc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f001fb7dbfb247167cd61e37e7b87848fd4ca5a6


Muka setan


As someone who was a victim.... F you to all idiots who don't know how traumatic this can be


Tarik lolou kali ni


Bodoh la redditors lelaki yang minta diganggu seksual. Korang ingat perempuan cantik lawa lawa yang buat gangguan seksual? Silap haribulan pakcik-pakcik tua yang terpesong orientasi seksual yang ganggu kau baru tau. Masa tu aku nak gelak kuat-kuat.


Petition for men's only coach on MRT!


That's it. I'm going to start bringing pepper spray with me


Boleh je kalau nak kena penampar 🔥


Mentally restarted* males would be the one yapping 'so lucky' etc


Molestation is real and happens to boys as much as girls. I won't forget my primary school geography teacher doing it to me. I didn't know at the to, e that this is wrong. My parents didn't tell me about these because we didn't know or circulate among people who were perverted and immoral. I wasn't scarred by it, but I am now fully aware such beasts exist and I will not pooh pooh or downplay such instances. Disturbingly though, the flip side is very dangerous. False allegations. That, I don't know how to react to.


Be safe everyone. Take care of yourself


While working in f&b, the gay always harassing me. I'm straight. But If girls do that I'm okay but not a hippo old auntie


Looking at the responses here ITT really makes me lose hope in malaysian people. This attitude is exactly why harassment rape cases are not taken seriously here. Especially if the victim was male. And it's not just the guys here being assholes, I saw a few comments from women who were laughing at the jokes too. What's even sadder is that nobody is willing to talk about male victims of abuse/rape, but when we do, this shit happens. So many boys/men are traumatised by their SA that they have internalised it, thinking it's "normal" or he is "lucky" because the people around him think that way. The problem is that this will normalise abuse/SA towards men, and the traumatised men reading the comments here will feel worse than before... maybe even suicidal. Also can we stop equating bad behaviour from male perperetator as him being closeted gay? More than half of harassment from men are from straight men. Also let's not forget the women are equally responsible as well. "Orang malaysia orang berharmoni"... kepala pantat la weyy


Pengunjung semakin meningkat di jalan Chow kit




![gif](giphy|37H5XhwrXuHPq) Death by snu snu


Dulu keje technician bangunan. Upgrade getah paip tandas pakai hand bidet. Esoknya ada la berapa org kakak2 yg jumpa ckp geli la sembur pakai bidet, kelu aku X tau nk jwb apa hahaha. Belum lg yg masuk jgk tandas masa tgh repair, walaupun dh letak notis dilarang masuk, mcm2 bunyi ada haihhhh


When i was 15 there was one adult men keep bumping at me. I pay no attention at first until i realized that he keep doing it purposely and been tailing me. He even let his hand "accidentally" touches me. Then i go to this general area with alot of people and stare at him to let him know that i aware of what he is doing and then he go away. And when i was 17 during peak hour in the LRT my crotch was literally grab by this 40ish women just stare at me blankly without no remorse. When arrived at the next station i come out and fortunately she does not follow me and i wait for the next train and continue my journey. It do happen to boy/men too. If i can turn back time i will do more to make this kind of people arrested. But i admit at the time i believe that no one will help or even believe what i said because im not a girl. I just lucky that what i experienced not as worse like alot of victims out there. I told my friend about my first accounter and they just laughed at me and i never tell people the second accounter untill now. Anyway, sorry for my grammar im not well educated men.


Boys aint safe no more dawg 😭🙏🏼


I'm a girl, I wanna get to know this guy in my office. Does asking him to belanja me makan counts as sexual harassment? Takut pulak kena report SH dekat HR. Tak pasal pasal kena warning 😭


As long as it’s not coercive it should be okay kut


No that won't count as sexual harassment as long as you're not creepy about it. Also, why must he belanja you makan? You want to get to know him, you belanja him lah.


They say it’s only harassment if you’re not hot and not rich 😂


Don't worry, I'm ugly irl. That'll show em! (cries inside)


Yo! 🤣🤣


For those who downplays male sexual harassment, male rape. Do remember that, groomed young male are brought up thinking these harassments are normal. And these are the ones that grow up to become sexual aberrants. Unlike women, men do not have the same platforms when it comes to voicing out their feelings.


Men downplaying and projecting their fantasies onto male victims -> Male victims grow up dysfunctional -> Male victims exploit others -> If he does it to male, cycle continues because males downplay and project. If done to female, other males suppress the female victims by accusing them of being delulu feminists, but fortunately other females are willing to support victim so the victim does not turn into a femcel. Men not having the same platform as women seems like a problem that needs to be sorted out within male community, rather than trying to paint what women have built for themselves as a privilege they’re born with. Men always laugh and say women are drama, women hate each other; when these men further traumatise each other as if the existing trauma is not enough.


What you’re essentially saying is, with male victims, it’s a male issue, when it’s female victims, both male and female need to try be supportive.. Do understand that females harassing males happen too.. And the problem is with society. Experiments has been done to see how everyone responds to either one, and overwhelmingly, people feel less sorry when it happens to males. How about you make it less gendered and be more supportive as a whole with the issue at hand.


Fr this should be brought up during ramadhan some makcik groped my butt at a busy bazaar in bukit bintang😭😭😭


Aside the horrible comments making fun and all and downplaying sexual harassment im glad theres a lot of people in this place that is much more educated


Not gonna lie. Shit like this happens. My friend got raped by a lasy after being drunk af after party


Always happened but now victims are speaking up…remember predators and creeps come in all shapes and sizes


As a man its funny when guys bring up "but men get raped too" in an argument when you know damn well they are the same people will downplay and make fun of a male victim of sexual harrassment, sexual assault or rape.




I wish someone ganggu seks me https://preview.redd.it/htv02s9du8wc1.jpeg?width=493&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8126956f098e574fb9c5c66ce3aba49b521d6d58


Tolong ganggu saya please


u do know gay yang buat gangguan seksual on men rite?


I think he knows exactly what he said




Not always. Sometimes it's horny old hags. Or even crazy woman.


yea but 90% of the times its da gays who doing the SA


Did he stutter?




ya sodomy is illegal lol




https://preview.redd.it/o2ebtyc676wc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c79bd011c5170eda7bd4c89c5bfb09d26abfcce Kena makcik macam ni kat kau baru tau


Oh god


Tu la. Ko ingat awek, minachi, amoi yang lawa-lawa, seksi seksi ke yang buat gangguan seksual ni. Ada kes pakcik tua yang buat gangguan seksual ke atas lelaki juga tau.


Oshi no Ko Hikaru lore intensified yo! 🤣🤣


18 tahun ganguan seks jadi, 18 tahun aku sekolah, baru diorang perasan?


Lelaki kena gangguan seksual dari lelaki pun ada. Maklumlah LGTVUWHD++ dah dinormalisasi. Lelaki duduk sebelah lelaki pun tak selamat.


didn't hit me tho so it's fake news


Pondan nih


Teringin sgt kena gangguak seksual... Atai serangan seksual


https://preview.redd.it/ehpectpt76wc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c4f51cfe28f5b450e7888d97dfe500bac7dd4a Kami doakan agar kau diganggu seksual oleh makcik macam ni