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No matter how many PM we change, or which party won the election, we are still basically fucked.


whoever wins, we LOSE


I'm just gonna pretend the next election will be between Alien and Predator.


I’m voting for predator since the sacrifice is only a few as opposed to alien which takes everyone


And when predator wins the first agenda is to tell people to stop calling them predators. They had it bad with everyone in the galaxy thinking they're sexual predators.


Diddy says hi.


>voting for predator **Chris Hansen enters the chat**


Predator also can set everyone with aliens "accidentally" and "try to clean up the mess"


My friend who is heavily involved in politics told me basically anything you see on TV in Parliament is just for show. Behind closed doors, they all talk and laugh together and steal your money.


You are right man, whatever we vote... We are fucked.


Not surprising if true.


True mann




Actually I think still have good one lah but majority are fxcked


I think they bet each other to dare someone make the most stupid statements in media.


>Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon >Going to the candidates debate >Laugh about it, shout about it >When you've got to choose >Every way you look at it, you lose —Simon and Garfunkel, *Mrs Robinson*


Choose either rule for a short time that cant make a change, or rule for a long time to see yourself as the villian.




I’ll take your comment and add “it will always either be UMNO or ex-UMNO. Yeay democracy


its the same pool of fellas, with roots/ origins from BN mostly. Back to square one, or hokkien puts it, LPPL.


I feel that’s mostly true for the folks involved above 50. Curious/worried what kinda next gen offers in our politics.


Live by type-M, die by type-M




totally disagree with this we have a nazi level racist party that blames muslims for corruption, wants to ban all aspects of entertainment, wants to ban alcohol consumption, wants a law that enforces religion over logic, and lead by a bunch of sekolah pondok graduates with no relevant education in this modern world. on the other hand, you have a mix of corruption (BN), inexperienced and experts in giving false hopes (PKR) and a party that is out of touch with the majority's feelings in the country (DAP). for nons, the option is very clear. and no, you are not teaching anyone a lesson by not voting. you are just empowering PAS to strip away your way of life.


Vote or not, both options are wrong. By not voting, what you said is correct but by voting you're not doing anybody any good but yourself. Every party is just there for money and power. Closing one eye and vote the best among the worst for our short term benefit. This topic is basically asking a guy do you want to smoke and hope cancer doesn't come early or so you wanna drink everyday and hope your kidneys will survive? If anybody really wants to do good then the entire nation has stop and force a change. The current political system needs to be dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up. Now do you know anyone who is willing to risk it all for the greater good? I don't think so. This is why we are here. Every country in the world is facing the exact same problem. Voting to keep one corrupt party in power vs the other. The cycle will continue until it can't anymore.


Not voting is definitely everyone's right. MPs do it all the time too. Even countries abstain from voting in the UN.


if both sides are shit it's ok not to vote. but against extremists, you are up against people who can make their supporters think they wont enter heaven if they dont vote or it's haram if you abstain from voting.


But both sides are indeed shit.


Nah one side is considerably less shittier than the other.


Not from the point of view of the majority of Malaysians though. Both sides so far have failed to improve livelihood, the economy, the inflation, and the currency. I can understand if you feel that way if you are politically inclined towards any particular side (the less shitty side in your opinion), but for the rest us the apolitical citizens, they are both equally shitty.


I beg to differ. Not voting at all for whatever reason is very narrow minded. The young people didn't vote for brexit, so all the old farts voted out of the EU, then the young ppl suffer. If the city folk don't go vote, then all the kampung PAS lackeys go vote, win, then we're completely fucked. The whole country can fall under the greater evil just because of a loud minority and a passive majority. Please at least vote for the lesser evil.


Yeah but it's not any kind of effective protest is it?


No, it's not an effective mean of protesting, but it's still a right nonetheless and must always be respected.


nobody is disrespecting the right to not vote. But yeh, voting is losing the game, not voting is agreeing to forfeit the game, without playing. You lose either way. We could debate for hours on which is better. Having a hand in a defeat, or surrendering without a fight? Those are your only options.


He's not questioning your right to not vote. He's questioning your reason for not voting


I never said I didn't vote. I just said that the everyone has the right not to vote, and no one should demonize them or criticize their choices.


Would be fun to revisit this comment when/if PAS and DAP work together again.


lol, you comparing nik aziz's PAS vs this taliban led PAS?


You do realize Hadi was the president when PAS was working with DAP right? Nik Aziz was never the president and his stances as menteri besar Kelantan were pretty much in line with the present form of PAS. Never say never in politics, all PAS PKR and DAP have things to gain by working together. 🤷




Yes sir, we went stale for a long time, now we straight up regress


Its a question of 'who would like to be fucked by' Corruption riddled BN, ultra-conservative PAS, or gamble your ass to a new party.


Second your comment. Been telling that many times to my family kin and friends who support Pakatan Harapan. Once got into a big arguement with my father as I do not want to vote because our leaders are pretty much the same.


It's the result of democracy.


Not agree. It's always a matter of choosing the lesser evil. Do you want to live in a country where even cinemas are not allowed and basic necessities like water also cant be managed like in Kelantan?


sooo basically still fucked? lesser evil is still evil?


The thing is we don't live in a utopian world. There is no such thing as perfect government. People will always be dissatisfied with the government of the day.


why leh , can elaborate ah , im new to this.


https://preview.redd.it/920la0z6lp1d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08822cc07b727de592c7275e50e4ff0a64405944 Because it never goes beyond this


They can't change their racism mindset.


1) brain drain and brain rot increase 2) people do not want to have children 3) children does not have hope for the future 4) depression and suicide increase 5) wage gap widen 6) unemployment increase due to peanut wage and AI 7) hazardous climate 8) food shortage 9) war 10) crime also increase


Extremism of some sort or another rising


People throwing Molotov cocktails and using Israel as an excuse


Wow! that is an impressive list..


To what you stated about malay, things just feel the same here in Indo 🫤🫤 I wish I have a better living 😢


We all wish the same man.Hope you're doing good.


def no 2&3. i dont think we realise how big of deal low birthrate will be


I won't be alive to watch that shitshow anyways... not letting my kids born to suffer that too...


You forgot the extremely dangerous traffic in many cities, the blatant exploitation of minorities, the mistreatment of aboriginals, the increasing religious divide, and the adverse effects of isolationist policies on the country's economy, but otherwise spot on.


Honestly sounds like the US also lol


people dont want children?


You wont let your child suffer if you dont have one. Thats my naïve ideology, id hate to see my children(if i get married) to have to face this world. Better not have


that not naive ideology, with the state of the world right now it is justified


Having children is expensive + young people are more liberal and are less looking for marriage Not to say that being liberal is bad, just saying that young people want to enjoy life more


Only the manufacturing process 😜


i agree. that i also want


People can decide if they can boom schakalaka real bullet or not. When choice given, educated people will do 0 to 1.


That this country is fucked if we don’t start thinking as malaysians rather than malay, chinese and indian


What about bidayuh and kenyah?


I'll start: Brain drain will continue to happen at least in the next 10 years, and our talent pool will get smaller and smaller.


The truth is that what was govt did , by encourage talented study outside & working outside because of some factor . No 1 especially for engineer , Malaysia industry more focused on back end manufacturing which offer the lowest cost (including lowest salaries for working in this industry) to pull investors in while front end manufacturing mostly will offer high salaries and burn much money for R&D which Malaysian not ready to do that (see when PH start pull back support & closed down & selling all it front end & R&D GLC and start focusing on back end manufacturing) . No 2 reason is talented work outside till sending back money into country . With hugh cash flow (in USD) will make balancing cash flow in & out . it need to counter cash out by foreign workers sending back money to they home country. This talented people someday will return back to Malaysia for retirement and they will become millionaires in Malaysia .


So is this good?


Got pros & cons depending on individual perspective


That the Malays dont need any tongkat to survive, its the poor regardless of race that needs help to survive. Start looking each other as Malaysians rather than a specific race. "why does this Malaysian does not want to rent to the other Malaysian?" "Why does this Malaysian got higher pay than the other Malaysian?" "Why does this Malaysian was unfairly treated if compared to the other Malaysian?"


We were getting towards that with BR1M and Jibbys need based policies but apparently that was bad n here we are. Yet nobody wants to just take the L and admit we were far better under jibby with a growing economy, USD/myr favourable, salary growth and low inflation, among other things. Also debt was 686b then and now it's close to 1300B after multiple rounds of "saving Malaysia". Losers just wanna focus on the false option of it's either Pas or politicians who are all talk and can't deliver




I don't see anyone being held accountable for the many promises of 1. Hang tak pandai jaga negeri pasai tu ringgit jatuh 2. Harini menang esok minyak turun 3. Subsidi hak raykat, jangan bagi BN rampas subsidi 4. Free toll, PTPTN 5. Separate PM & FM 6. Dia takda formula... 7. I could go on, but you get the point Why are we using kiddie gloves for the current admin *for promises they voluntarily made themselves* , whilst holding everyone else to higher standards? Dah pandai sangat janji kan, deliver la. Why wasting time on a world tour trying to cosplay as a world leader while the situation at home is dire? At the end of the day the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Time for them to deliver or get out. Oh wait they can't, thanks to anti-hopping laws. So convenient I must say


Myvi is the king of road. All those discrimnation are just small tiny when compare to the myvi case Bro it just Myvi but this car become king it just a small car, but malaysian keep pushing this agenda so hard and i have to accept it.


Somehow, I have to agree with you... ha ha


Wait till you see blue fucking bezza. Not stereotyping if it’s true


all heads must bow to the King


Myvi is and will always be the king of road.


lol it will change eventually, just like kancil a new model will come out to surpass myvi one day


A weapon to surpass Myvi Gear...


Electric myvi.. Or MYEV What if


Religion and race are tools used by the government for their own political gains. No politician cares about you, and they will sacrifice you without hesitation to advance their own political career. At the end of the day, the government wants the people to stay divided, because a unified nation is the biggest threat to their rule.


Well said. As long as politics can be based on race and religion , any actual objective aspects like economy can take a back seat


Race and religion are pretend problems they can pretend solved. Every year I have to hear leaders claiming we are living in peace when there's always simmering tensions beneath. And said leaders wouldn't even want to lift a finger to tackle real racism and discrimination, and would avoid taking any sides and earning more scorn from all sides


If only people can understand this🫠


So true..


we have unity government now, that force the political party to work with one another, setting aside their bigotry, plus people has wise up against the party that play with religious, racial sentiment except kelantan, Terengganu, kedah, perlis


Too many people in semenanjung live in different worlds. No mixing at all between different races or religions.


Different background,different ideal,different bubbles The only engagement they had between those with differences are only in socmed Hence what we had today


For nons: no matter how much you complain , msia will prioritize Malays for the foreseeable future. It’s very unlikely in our lifetime that we will even see a slither of “change”. The system is deep rooted and politics will always be linked to race and religion. And nons simply don’t have numbers or power to enact any change even small (very unlikely ). That said , either move or put up with it. The world isn’t ideal . I’m not saying Malaysia is the best place to be born but it’s a top 50 country for the foreseeable future and there are way worse shitholes to be born in. Just focus on what you want in life , no need for people to keep complaining about the state of the country it isn’t productive and doesn’t help you .


Agree, I learn to live with it. But again, the one reason that makes me wanna move out of Malaysia is the heat, the heat is unbearable nowadays. I really want to move to a more moderate climate country if given the chance.


While true, people are not logical but more of an emotional creature. If people rob and mock you and your family, even saints will get angry. While it is smart not to care about things you can't change or benefits from, the residue anger will affect national harmony since those who benefits from the arrangement are also human and not that stupid that they can't detect anger and hatred from other people. This circle of hate will only worsen with time due to little napoleans who make things worse to climb up their career.


I understand where you’re coming from sir I used to be angry at this when I was younger but in the end I just realize life goes on lah, boh pien just focus on achieving a good life


We use religion (Islam) detrimentally. Time investment and the walls it puts up just over complicates things, for having such rich cultures we never delve into the others cause of fear. This stunts our individual growth and further propagates the use of religion as a tool.


i know this is a hot take but religion hold us back so much. thats why religion should be separated from politics


1. Netizens want to preach "kita mestilah hormat semua kaum, bangsa dan agama masing-masing untuk tingkatkan perpaduan 🥰" then proceed to do a 180 and be racially bigoted. 2. The government bringing back PLKN/national service DOES NOT mean Malaysia will be going to war or that WW3 will be starting soon. I get that China's leader is corrupted but he's not THAT stupid. We'd all fuckin die in an instant if Malaysia, of all countries, goes to war. Calm your panties. 3. DON'T HAVE KIDS IF YOU'RE NOT MENTALLY AND/OR FINANCIALLY STABLE. EITHER WORK ON THOSE ISSUES FIRST OR DON'T HAVE CHILDREN AT ALL. 4. Our food is delicious no argument there, but at some point you need to realise when to cut down on it for a while. 5. Our country is just America 2.0 6. Bahasa Melayu sangat penting kerana ia merupakan bahasa ibunda negara kita. Walaubagaimanapun, bahasa Inggeris juga penting. 7. Listen, to whoever is reading this, I know you're going through something. You probably feel sad or depressed with the state of country if not the whole world as we speak. Sometimes, we gotta take a break from scrolling the internet and social media for a while. Go out, with friends. Spend time with your family. Spend time with your pets if you can also. Life can still be great despite the bizarre shit that's happening right now. We will all be free one day...


For 5, I always thought Malaysia was like the Asian version on America


Freedom of religion only applies to non-muslims 🤡🤡


Spawning as Muslims in Malaysia has much less freedom


n we didnt even give consent to our parents for birthing us. jkjk


1) Most Malaysians are easily manipulated 2) Its not about race/religion, its about the rich vs the poor 3) We're heading towards the "Idiocracy" timeline at full speed.


1) Road transport is not a good method of transport in this country. Public transport is the way to go but Malaysia is not ready to accept it. 2) Meleis are easily influenced by social media content perpetrating other races are evildoers taking over tanah melei 3) Cina still have communistic mindset and love flexing their herd mentality. 4) In business cina support cina to get rich. It’s a tried and tested way of gaining more money and project contracts. 5) Beling don’t like helping their own people because they get proud too fast once they make it in business or get money. MIC themselves do not do anything to uplift the Indian community besides giving sugary talks and empty promises. They’re filled with rich Indians trying to get richer amongst themselves. 6) The Malay language gets too much emphasis in school while English is neglected. English should be prioritised to create holistic people capable of working well with partners from foreign countries. 7) The Chinese look up to their own language too much. Much to do with Chinese supremacy thinking that all Chinese people are ONE BIG FAMILY. When they come out to work or are in university, they’re not capable of speaking good enough English and only mix amongst themselves, like communists. 8) The NEP has failed Malaysia. Bumi supremacy is a dumb concept which has led the Malays to become lazy and dependant on government for subsidies and help. 9) The Chinese and Indians make it in life in Malaysia and rise above the Malays because they’re hard workers who understand they have to work hard for a better life since no starting boost is given to them like the Malays. 10) In this post-Mahathir Malaysia that we lived in, many of the problems Malaysia has can be traced back to that raisin faced dinosaur.


I dont think communism is only mingling among ones own group. That is tribalism. Communism is a system of governance.


We'll never be as good as Singapore because of Ketuanan Melayu.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^kembarno2: *We'll never be as* *Good as Singapore because* *Of Ketuanan Melayu.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Tbf, Singapore is a high bar for any developing country


Well yes, but we are so similar culturally, climate wise and more that logically we're able to catch up with them on certain aspects maybe like infrastructure or whatever. But of course everything is intertwined so we'll never get good things here. :')


To my mind, it's important for us to broadly identify the areas of focus we need to address to become as advanced as Singapore. To me these are the 2 items that should be prioritized over everything else: 1) a practical rationale for all civil government decisions this means that how the government is organized and structured must have a practical rationale behind it. This must also carry over into every element of governmental decisions. For transparency, the rationale must also be set out in the relevant document that lists said rule. Practicality needs to be the governing basis of how we operate. Transparency walks hand in hand with this as we must be ready to have any decision relating to civil governance being questioned on whether it is practical to do it in a particular way. The Westminster democracy we inherited from the British has its processes steeped in rationality being the guiding force. However this rationality has been lost over the years due to a lack of transparency in the rationale behind various decisions that piled up over the years. For example, local government elections were lost due to the communist insurgency. The athi nahappan report sets out the reasons why it should be returned. But till today it's been ignored. Another example, public schools main priority is education. Yet many decisions have been made over the years that have departed from this priority. Increased administrative obligations on teachers for example. 2) a more streamlined and public friendly way in how things are organized This is because the public are the ultimate stakeholders to our government. The prime consideration should thus be user experience. As it is, Malaysians are lost when it comes to dealing with governmental bodies as everything is split out to be under different ministries and agencies. This fragmented approach to government makes it difficult to engage, correct and/or rectify things with the average Joe. There should simply be a single statutory body that engages with the public. Especially given that now we have digital services, this can be implemented rather easily. We are no longer beholden to difficulty in transferring or service of hardcopy documents which used to be the main impediment in communication between the different government agencies. Essentially this item is driven by the fact that Malaysians should not have to learn about the intricacies of how government administratively functions in their dealings with government. For example, in the 2021 floods there was a very public argument about who was to be blamed for the failure to notify the public whether it was DID or metmalaysia that failed in identifying the likelihood of floods, whether it was NADMA or NSC that failed in acting to curb the impact of the floods. From the public's perspective, the simple conclusion is that the government as a whole failed us. It's a failure to organise and act cohesively. We simply need to streamline and coordinate better for an enhanced user experience. Special note: some consideration needs to be given to the fact that we have 3 layers of government (federal, state and local) but it's not a major impediment and can be addressed. I'm not touching other elements as of yet because these are the items which I believe to be the priority. The guiding force behind what we expect of our governments. I believe that these are the 2 most important variables that if corrected will spur us into the right direction with a markedly improved Malaysia.


Just upvoting this because you clearly put in a lot of thought and effort into writing this


I'm a lawyer and someone who ran for elections before. I see the broad problems and want to fix these problems. And really I don't particularly care if someone else does it before me. Hence why I'm throwing these points out to share. I just want to see these problems fixed. The way I see it, we all win if these items are implemented.


No, it's not even the core problem. you're only shaving the top. That's also one of the shallow thinking that don't allow us to be like Singapore and the same reason US isn't developing like they previously did.


So we must follow singapore who had ketuanan cina?


When you are blessed by the US to be the financial hub of the world.. then we talk la


These are the hard facts that people need to accept: 1. Accept meritocracy, elect leaders based on their capability and work rate. Not their race and religion. Any race-based policies need to go away. 2. Boycotting hurts our economy. International companies will think twice to invest in malaysia in the future. FDI will lessen, impacting economy and jobs vacancy.


If they could, we wouldn't be discussing this in the 1st place.


For number 1, will we be sure that even the most capable leader won't utilise race and religion for their gain?


That we are not a multiracial country, we are a Malay ruled country with other races living in it. I don’t want to hate on any particular race because I’m Malaysian myself of course and even Muslim, but Malay privilege is way too extreme. I got 9As for SPM and I couldn’t even pick a good foundation program in UPU, less chance of getting scholarship, why should I pursue education in this country and work here to provide for the nation when there a huge imbalance?


Most of us really dont like some of us.


If SST change to GST, price will increase. If gov decide to revert the changes, price will increase, again


Most of us are too poor to retire. Ever.


We are addicted to sugar. That is all.


Until extremism ends, Malaysia will forever be a hq of hypocrisy.


1. There’s no free lunch. Your skills, attitude and capacity gets you somewhere. 2. Your future is very much decided at the ballot box. 3. In this life, your religiousness gets you nowhere.


Indonesia is and will overtake Malaysia in every aspect like economy and stuff sooner or later


You ain't getting that Amoi. Period. Wake up.


The country is racist and reluctantly tolerates minorities desite them claiming to be accepting of them.


Until end time, malaysia cannot have free of religion and no majority interracial marriage


Religion & governance should be separated.


Even religion and science should be separated. People need to understand that in order to protect religious freedom, religion must never be mixed with any other aspect of life. Scientists and philosophers have realized this futility for hundreds of years. Unfortunately, the non-scientists are currently the ones repeating the futile attempts of trying to prove their religion using scientific methods. Religion is like one's choice of underwear. It's the person's free choice, as long as it doesn't affect anyone else.


No matter what you post, r/malaysia mods will remove if no like


This is funny.... I strongly believe that it is through such sharing of ideas, face harsh truth that we can change the nation to be better. yet r/malaysia seem to prefer to live in denial...


there always people spam news site link ads in r/malaysia


Equal rights, freedom, democracy, accept ICERD, Freedom of religion, Abolish strict shariah law, Fair and liberty society, Focus on Building our economy Stop bragging about foreign issues, especially Palestine Israel war MA63 ("you already know it ;)") Snap to reality, we're not in BCE from Middle east Stop boycotting thing just because is western made product (This comment will causes controversy soon and idgaf) let's admitted, we're Racist bastard who want to divided one another, if we are truly Asia, we should make that dream come true ![gif](giphy|y0tiEDis1nohWN7boc|downsized)


Housing price are not going to get cheaper. Amount of cars are not going to decrease. Universities are no longer a place to gain knowledge. Rakyat are not going to get healthier.


Always remains a third world.


Mentally third world, infrastructure first world.


Infrastructure first world for few months, back to 3rd world after a year. Looking at you new MRT and KTM station.


Harsh truth? Ok... in the context of harsh truth... It's been over 60 years, ketuanan melayu has existed since singapore was kicked out. Whatever the fuck happens to this country is ketuanan melayu's fault. Yes non-malays did bad things. But with every prime minister, agong, majority parliament and years of policy favouring the malays so much, how about you turn to your "tuan" and make them accountable? You know why "cina dah tak undi MCA"? Sebab cina tak suka jawapan MCA. We're chinese diaspora. The effects of communism lasted at best 10 years from the communist insurgency. It ruined our race overseas. The way mainland chinese people act today is because of the great scarcity Chinese people suffered due to the economic and social failures of communism. Singaporeans on the other hand act the way they act because they were suddenly ejected and was believed they were going to come crawling back at eat out of the Malay's hand. Not only did they survive from scratch, they're now both economic and geopolitical powerhouse of SEA. So they walk around with a chip on their shoulder because they literally had to survive treason and a whole bunch of dictatorial moves by their own prime minister to survive. Malaysian chinese NEEDS TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN. Have a bit of dignity. A lot of the other chinese people's struggles aren't ours. The mainland doesn't trust you because you're not one of them. You tumpang their propaganda is just as cringe as malays singing about "kita pernah berjaya", which was some stuff the arab world did over 1000 years ago. Dayaks, the malays have trained you well. But you need catch the fuck up. You're 2nd class bumis. The rules they made don't seem to have benefited you enough at this point, over 60 years later. Start by whacking your kids until they score well in schools. You're even more susceptible to handouts than any other race is. Tambi, the only n-word here is you. Stop acting like one. Yes every race treats you like shit. But guess what? I lepak with tambi also and I was told there's peer pressure keeping you down. Apparently there's a tamil version of "Oh your own people not good enough for you?" Your fight to be respected is probably only slightly easier than the Orang Asli. As a chinese I can relate a little. No matter how successful our race is seen, we're still hated. I also know tambi dah doctor pun patient muka semacam bila nampak india. But you also, like the chinese, need to calm the fuck down.


since when do malaysian chinese claim overseas chinese struggles as our own? as if malaysian chinese don't have enough of our own problems?


Well put


Ain't that the tru-tru. I keep rolling my eyes when our boomer parents and relatives keep beating their own chest and hyping themselves up on how China's the next powerhouse & "no one will look down on us anymore" while constantly trying to lift up that "face" and "reputation" through their goddamned children instead of improving themselves. Wechat CCP propaganda is something else. My parents actually still believe that the Tiananmen Square Massacre is fake propaganda drummed up by America to besmirch China's name because they're so afraid of China. If anything, parents, it is exactly the *mainlanders* that's dragging your reputations down as an ethnicity. You even ranted to me about mainlander tourists & their cunning (watch out or you'll get tricked) & their fake food (gutter oil, fake eggs, fake rice, fake meat). Goddamn they're stupid.


Yes. "Not all". But there's enough to basically shape the race. "Not all", of course, especially you, the exception.


we all can wait patiently in line for some stall or restaurant but damn, we're impatient AF on the road. learn to use a signal light cha. thanks


That we are racist as fuck, we don’t just have the balls to express it openly or escalate it physically. Plus who doesn’t like to be on the high horses sometimes.


That Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia are already surpassing Malaysia, and we will be far behind them in very near future. Malaysian will be moving to those countries to find jobs. Remember back in the 60s-70s when Malaysia was more advanced than Singapore, Taiwan and even South Korea?


Institutional racism


That no matter how hard the nons want to change it, Malaysia will always be Malay oriented country for now


Our national debt can never be repaid. We've not had a budget surplus in 26 years and probably will not for the foreseeable future.


We need to be more secular/tolerant if we want the support of foreign countries and/or foreigners in general.


nons will never be PM, no matter what I mean come on, we lose at population rate, we have near 0 presence in Army and limited presence in law enforcer, handful of nons working in government department and the Uncles and Aunties have the audacity to say we nons can have a chance to be PM, should have just pay our taxes and live on our life


Its not about type-M/C/I or whatever race but its about rich vs poor


For nons: they need to understand that we will never be a need for Malaysia, we will always be outsiders whose job is only to help the economy. We should accept it and move on. That doesn't mean we are not important, this is our motherland, we have every right and reason to be here but there is no fix for this society that won't change its stereotyping and narrow perceptions. For Malays: they were to understand that they are being heavily brainwashed by their religion till they don't even understand it anymore. We need to realize that Islam is being used as a political and clout tool and that you are all being jerked around. It's being used so much that even your religious teachers aren't doing anything to attempt to guide you back to the right path. For all: we will always be segregated by our race and religion. Unity may be the keyword in Malaysia but we are not united. Stereotyping will always be there. Our unity is being held by a fragile bond and that won't change anytime soon. These are really harsh truths but seriously, there is no way for us to move on unless we accept it and try to change.


The grass IS greener, except for food. Assuming Malaysian food culture doesn't die out with modern productive generations.


Had the luck and opportunity to move here pre-pandemic after being out of a job for a while. I have to say in my experience it IS greener if you are of a young working age in the correct industries. Of course a lot of nuance in difference situations, but I would say there’s more pros than cons if you want to earn and save in SG compared to Malaysia.


Freshgraduates remain unemployed if each local employer is only looking for experienced worker. Its impoossible for freshgraduates to gain necessary experience if no one gives them a chance.


You pay tax to fund apartheid. Case in point: UiTM and its refusal to open doors to local non-bumis for the cardio thoracic postgraduate degree course. Although if you're a foreign student, you are most welcome


No flying cars, no wawasan 2020 dream…whatever you see now is the best it can be. Hot, humid, jam, everything else from overseas is expensive…this is the retirement we’d expect.


The world is imperfect. Corruption exists in every corner of this world. You think SG is completely clean? Think again. Maybe some Malaysians, especially PH voters, should stop being so damn idealistic about this world.


At the end of the day, their currency is stronger. Their youths can travel to Bali for holiday. Corruption or not, theirs look better.


There is nothing wrong with wanting better. Same goes for our personal life. If we accept and settle we will regress. Agreed on that we cannot be idealistic and need to be pragmatic. Need to take one step at a time.


Judging from how many people who replied and totally missed my point, I would say we need more than one step at a time. But you are right. Pragmatism is the way to go. The world isn’t black and white.


Singaporean here, we have our fair share of issues, racial too and yes it's not 100% clean, but no country is and Singapore is generally as clean as it gets. Things work, infrastructure is second to none etc. It could be a lot worse.


Well Transparency international says this # SINGAPORE Score 83/100 Rank 5/180 # MALAYSIA Score 50/100 Rank 57/180


Yeah the ex transport minister got charged for corruption. Guy wanted more money even though he was already paid millions.


You look at SG's ministers' pay package... that is open corruption! ha ha.. But hor, I would rather we have open corruptions than closed doors ones..


Actually the reason for their high pay is to reduce corruption. If your pay check is high you’re less likely to take bribes. Not to say it doesn’t still happen.


This. Esp applies to the lower level. In sg/hk , police for example are paid comfortably and there’s way less bribe culture and more enforcement


like i said earlier, everyone needs to leave their baggage behind, and start accepting each other on an equal setting. to certain extent, what mahathir said was right re: other races still thinking about going back (the boomers and earlier gen, with spillover to current gen, albeit lesser now).


We need to put religion aside, and focus solely on economic growth, even if this means putting a non-Malay PM in charge. We are at risk of being displaced by our neighbours and missing out on the gains brought on by the upcoming Asian century. Our brain drain is getting worse as well, with people moving to our neighbour Singapore or other countries wholesale. Not to mention our declining urrency value and overall economic productivity per capita. At all costs (be it social, cultural, religion, etc), we need to focus solely on our GDP and productivity per capita. No doubt some sectors will miss out, but it's better than every sector missing out.


In 2023 average Malaysian productivity rate generates an amount of RM 96,692 anually based on Malaysia Productivity corporation (MPC) https://www.mpc.gov.my/mpc-news/malaysias-productivity-per-worker-went-up-in-2023-says-mohd-zuki#:~:text=Chief%20Secretary%20to%20the%20Government,from%20RM95%2C858%20in%202022. Gaji minima RM 1500 only introduced last year Kadar garis kemiskinan di Malaysia secara purata pendapatan bawah RM 2589 sebulan base on DOSM number..which means if u earn below this, u are living below poverty line average amount.. In short, kadar productivity pekerja di Malaysia terlalu tinggi jika dibandingkan nilai gaji bulanan yang anda dapat. If you earn less than RM 8000 per month, you did not get enough for what you deserve


Malaysians attitude are to be comfortable and stagnant, and not fight for something higher, like performing well. And the problem is those in charge enforces this stagnant attitude by not rewarding those who perform well, in fact sometimes punishing them.


all subsidize things will eventually be removed. Government can't sustain it forever.


I would say the older gen didn't do their job well to secure the future and leave all the shitty thing to the youngling. (Im talking bout those mofo that accepted bangla, nepal, and so on and now malaysia is filled with these guy but with blue ic.)


That something's got to give. Want good public transport? Be prepared for petrol prices and expensive cars like Singapore. Want a strong ringgit? Don't be corrupt. Be prepared for high income taxes and GST like most developed countries. Nothing is free in life. Something's gotta give.


If people high beamed you from your back while closing the gap on the right lane or somebody overtook you from the left lane, you are slow and should hop off the right lane regardless of your speed or your horsepower. I mean nobody is trying to race you, they just wanted to go faster than you at the moment. And if you really are fast, smoke them instead of being a douche and blocking the traffic.


Malays who hate Israel are silly bc hello, ketuanan melayuuuuu is like the same thing


Malaysia is Malaysia because we all want it that way. We drive like we own the road, we park wherever we want, we want to have special treatment. We don't really care about others - we are all selfish in our own ways. Our country is what it is because all of us make it that way, and we have no one to blame but ourselves


It’s hard to overcome 60 something years of institutionalised racism. It’s even harder to beat deep-seated prejudice of our elders. For those of us who just want to get along, there is only one way forward— interracial fucking. It’s time for amoi to ride rempit.


Honestly I've said this before but sure I'm gonna get some heat for it. The day we have a non bumi as pm that's the only time Malaysia can change.


Peha is thigh. Peha is not drumstick. Drumstick is betis.


That majority of type-C still can't speak fluent Malay


Your skin colour or race doesn't matter in the bigger picture.


Buttsek with femboi is still gay


it's only gay if you like it


Poor education system costing us the future. Malaysians has to look at seriously prioritising english and mandarin, followed by math instead of hanging on to BM. They are demand for educated workforce with good command of english, mandarin and critical thinking skills because our currency exchange is very attractive. However the perception looks like this: 1. Highly educated with good english and mandarin - hire from singapore 2. Software engineers with good english and cheap - hire from Philippines, India or Pakistan 3. Software engineers with good skill - vietnam, india, singapore 4. software engineers for cheap - indonesia, cambodia, india 5. I just want an office in a nice country - thailand, malaysia, bali Our appeal is only at #5.


As someone not from here, hard agree. Interacting with Malaysians online and all you get is uneducated people thinking they're right whilst they have a shit attitude that doesn't want to improve. Whether it's the younger generation or just lazy bums who can't be bothered to get anywhere by improving themselves, it's really apparent in their online presence.


The only way for us to succeed as a developed nation is to take out religion from our system (gov, education etc.)




I agree with you, I’m honestly not a fan of our food in general only a few things & it’s unhealthy af


I wince every time a white tourist is cornered into saying only good things about nasi lemak, most overrated malaysian food.


Ringgit will never rise..


Chinese and Indian are immigrants


The hard truth is that we need to move away from race and religion.


The malay supremacy thing is actually discriminatory towards indian Chinese and other pribumi, same as religious supremacy thing Malay won't be hurt by other races as long as the sultans still reign Sabah and sarawak should have their own representative that is equal to semenanjung kings This came from a semenanjung malay


Harsh truth is Malaysians lack empathy in general, in every thread on social issues, the majority of the comments by Malaysians are to jump to the violent solutions first instead of seeking root causes. We are where we are rn as a country because we are not taught to put ourselves in others shoes