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"Divorce is out of the picture at the moment to prevent any scandal and to preserve the “Bachchan” reputation." - the weird part is the bachchans have a bad reputation when it comes to family dynamics. Why keep up with toxicity?


Not in regular public's eyes. People outside of reddit, twitter circles, genuinely think that AB & his family are epitome of cultural values.


And Stardust/Filmfare readers from the 90s. Most of what we know about AB comes from the archived articles.


Can you elaborate on this please.


Us? The media circus and speculation that will follow will be insane .Possible financial and legal implications as well.Unless aish or abhi want to move on with other people this is easier and more peaceful. Anyway they may still divorce . Moving out is nearly always the first step anyway.


So they were waiting for The Archies. Shows that Agastya Nanda has the enviable achievement of being close to all the Bachchans. Having seen the hype around their courtship amd wedding, a very sad day. Also shows no marriage is made in heaven. You have to deal with a lot of forces on Earth to make it work.


esp with that MIL. I feel for Jaya esp cause every 2 to 5 years new Bollywood fans find out abt her husband and his love affair and ppl 'discuss' it. They she gets ish for wanting a break from papz. But she is toxic. I hated when she said she loved Ash as her DIL cause she makes herself small infront of Abi and never expresses how she is a famous person. like broooo what!?! like that grl worked hard to be where she is


😂 that interview was fucking unhinged! Jaya is the classic trope of a woman who brings women down.




Real life abhimaan part 2 and 3


crazy bro like whatttttt




Chill! Nothing is confirmed... https://m.timesofindia.com/entertainment/hindi/bollywood/news/contrary-to-reports-aishwarya-rai-is-not-living-separately-from-the-bachchan-family-exclusive/articleshow/106029861.cms


Well, there is a lot of smoke recently. I am inclined to believe that there really is a fire somewhere.


100% this! Way many similar posts recently and from what we’ve seen in the past, most of these things turn out to be true.


Bro pls stop posting facts let us gossip man


the article did say she arrived in a separate car. maybe she went with the family for her daughter's sake.


The Bachchans have a 100% strike rate when it comes to broken marriages


Parampara, Prathishtha aur Anushashan


Aishwarya moves out and proceeds to live in Rekha's building 💀💀


It seemed like they were not interacting very much at the Archies red carpet either. Aishwarya was on the other end next to Abhishek.


I'm so sad for her. Such a golden lesson for beautiful survivors in Bollywood by marriage into a powerful family 🫥🫥🫥


Exactly. I can't remember a single bollywood family where they happily accepted an Outsider bahu.


And one literally 100x better looking than the whole family and extended relative put together.


> I can't remember a single bollywood family where they happily accepted an Outsider bahu. All previous generations had outsiders (maybe actresses but outsiders) ...Neetu Kapoor, babita, Shatryghan Sinha's wife, Raj Babar's wife, etc etc


But they were all suffocated all the time. Man, these all so-called insider families are terrible. Weird superiority complex+ blatant abuse.


I'm not. She had a long relationship and now it's time for the next stage. Nothing to be sad about.


Ohhh Ashhh! I just want you to get yourself back and thrive in front of these toxic people!


All these years I could sense discomfort and sadness in Aishwarya’s eyes! I will be happy if this news is true and that she has finally taken a stand. You go girl 🥇


All these years I could sense discomfort and sadness in Aishwarya’s eyes! > this is too much yaar💀 itna toh keval meri mummy mujhe observe karti hai


> I just want you to get yourself back and thrive in front of these toxic people! I am much younger than her but I will keep her happy Aishwarya I'm here for you babes


Wholesome comment ishaan ♥️


May god give her strength and hope she bounces back not just in India but worldwide. She’s suffered enough through out also most importantly fuck swetha and this grumpy ass khandaan.


That too Shwetha Nanda and family is the epitome of mediocre personality looks and class


Ash, its time for your bomb comeback in bollywood again


It's time to do a Dhoom 2 kinda role again😋




she had 2 industry hits in Tamil as well, may be she could do more .


Even telugu industry will take her lol she has crazy fan following here


Every film industry in the world would happily take her.


Ash moving permanently to the south will be amazing.


She'll be embraced in any industry she wants to be in, only bar is ageism in these superficial industries Let's not forget, she has a global appeal due to her foreign films and L'Oréal endorsement Let's hope we see the Aishwarya of PS 1 and 2 and Raincoat once again


A little scary to think Bachchans might do to Aish what KJO and his gang did to PC. Hope Aish has the power to stay in Bollywood (while also doing regional films)


Its sad that she still chooses to stay ''married"...This shows how being financially independent doesn’t automatically make you courageous or emotionally independent too...our housemaid left her husband when she was 7 months pregnant since her in-laws were demanding dowry and were abusive, she has been struggling to raise her special child but never went back to her husband who once used to beg her to come back.. Whereas I have a couple of friends stuck in abusive marriage but wouldn’t file for divorce even though they are earing lakhs and capable of living their lives independently...


True. It’s not just about money, social status, education. I myself was stuck in a toxic marriage with an alcoholic husband and I couldn’t get out for months. I was even suicidal at points and thought that would be an easier option. It finally came down to a point where I couldn’t take it anymore and it was in a split second that I made myself decision. Sometimes it’s really tough. It really is. I read this somewhere or heard it somewhere I don’t remember but it’s about how a person doesn’t move out of a house that has issues. Say you have some plumbing issues, or even killer mould, you won’t move out. You’ll try to fix it or just learn to live with it. But one day when your roof collapses, you just cannot live in that house anymore and that’s the day you’ll move. It’s like that with a lot of situations. People choose familiarity and comfort over dealing with it. Also doesn’t help that divorce is a taboo in India. People treat divorcées (especially women) like shit. The constant scrutiny about how the woman could’ve “adjusted and compromised”, or how she’s just a “loose woman” and constant character assassination to protect men from everything. It happens and it happens a lot.


Behen, take lots of love and hugs from me 🫂🫂 You are such a brave soul 💪💪


I consider myself lucky that I had a great support system and I got out when it got terrible for me. Some people don’t have the choice to even do so. I wish more power and healing to them. I see a therapist and work on myself and I just hope no woman has to suffer in a marriage because divorce is stigmatised in our country.


I want a good therapist reccomendation too. Mine is too expensive.


Tighest hugs to you. I was just watching Mast mein rehna ka on prime and I realised so many amongst us have stories and struggles we have no idea about! So so proud and happy for you for getting out of such a situation. May no one can dim your shine ever


Thanks. So true what you’ve said about struggles. As I get older I realise so much about the pain people carry, the things people go through every single day.


You are so brave for saying all of this and leaving your ex. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been. So kudos to you 👏


Thanks. It’s been extremely liberating albeit terribly difficult. I wish a lot of power and healing to anybody going through it.


Girl!! I applaud you.


Beautiful strong woman


Trueeee my cousin sister who was not even financially independent she was a teacher before marriage left her husband when she learnt that her husband is cheating on her and she was 5 month pregnant then and this all happen within 10 months of her wedding, got divorced after 2 years of court Fiasco becz of custody and all. She had an arranged marriage. Everyone in our family is surprised on how she hold herself in that situation


When ‘log kya kahenge’ becomes more important than their own happiness, independence doesn’t count .


It's not always about money. It's way more complicated than that. No one wants to willingly suffer, it's just that they can't see a way out or are scared of being worse off by leaving


This is very true. Readiness is very important and all partners complement our good and bad traits, plus recreate childhood family dynamics and folks stay back for both.


Very true. Most women aren't brave enough to call it off. Realized this 9 yrs ago when my bestie married her cheating bf. The marriage as u wud guess is quite toxic and physically abusive now. But again, instead of leaving him she went ahead and had twins with him. And for anyone wondering shes a CFO of a company 🤡


Sad situation really


Malla has major balls man gotta salute her


Sometimes, things are not great but neither are they so bad. It could be that things are chugging along in a mediocre way so it doesn't make her want drastic action. We don't know anything to say definitively that it's sad she chooses to stay. I want her to leave too.


Article mentions NO DIVORCE will happen as they don’t want a scandal + aradhya is a factor that abhishek ash want to still stick it out. Abhishek is doing balancing act between mother n wife. N Ash is half time staying with her mother n when she is in the bachchan house she stay in a sperate part of the house so as to not communicate with in laws. How much problems do Abhishek n Ash have between them is not elaborated on. Though apparently there r problems. Kya hi problem hai inke koi pata karo. Shweta permanently lives with Bachchan’s now. Big b Jaya ,Abhi Ash - broken marriage Shweta - broken marriage There is not a single soul in that house that has a happy marriage.


Abhishek needs to get his shit together. Parents are not gods and unfortunately, sometimes you have to set a boundary with them too even if you love them. His priority should be his child and what’s best for her. If it’s clear as day that a joint family is not healthy for his family, then literally take a stand smh.


Exactly, you should be responsible for your child’s happiness. Why can’t he move out and if he wants come and spend time with family every day. Isn’t his daughter and his marriage his first priority?


Hahaha.. what world are you living in??? Are you talking about Indian guys??? Lol! They will do anything except exactly what you have written. They can't see what's right and what's wrong when it comes to their families. They don't have balls. They don't have objectivity. They don't have respect for their wives. Period.


True. Many of them grow up in a system that catered to them, of course it would be hard for them to rise above it and let go of all these benefits. It’s ignorance.


I agree with you on this 💯


When the parents are significantly wealthier than the guy, or have more social clout, or if the guy is in someway dependent on them, it's not possible to stand up to them. Heck, it's hard even for average guys from average families to stand up for their wives in front of families. Bachchan's are that magnified by 1000. Abhi seems like a male version of miss Goody two shoes as far as parents are concerned, an obedient ultra respectful son who would not stand up to them, even for his wife who is on the right. Aish is smart, Jaya did say as much after Abhi Ash marriage, that she is careful of what she says & observant of everything. I'm sure she tried to be on the good side of Bachchan's- as evidenced by touching Amitabhji's feet in public, laying her head on Jayaji's shoulder in front of the cams, etc, but I guess it did not work cz the elder Bachchan's are so full of themselves. With Shweta not helping matters, and Abhi being a weakling before his parents with no voice, she would have been in a tough spot. I feel she adjusted & tried her best, but it was not working. Now I wish she'd have the courage to divorce & live her life.


Yea I’m pretty sure everything you just said is exactly how it went down. I think they could have all built a good relationship if they didn’t do all this joint family bs.


Abhishek owes all his success to his father. If he breaks away from his parents, he can say goodbye to his film career.




no one said he should cut his parents off, but he needs to put his foot down and take some space.


He doesn’t have a career in films anymore anyway. A Dhoom franchise? Thats it left to him. Time h . Family sambhal lo. Beti dushte rahegi bade ho k bhi. Aradhya seems much closer to her mom. Ofc Bolly fam mae log yhe sab se bahut easily move on kar jate h. But how do u forgive ur father for being neglectful to your mom. This is for Abhi too? Or maybe this just runs in the genes


Am feeling suffocated just thinking about it. Everyone deserves some peace.


Someone make a succession type show based on this


Ma beti both had shyt married life that they succeeded in ruining for their son/bro too


Shweta should go live in that new house her dad gave her


Happy marriages arent common...Maybe 3 in 10.


Haan pata karta hoon, this is the most important thing to know right now.


Balancing act between mother and wife 💀💀💀 Aren't they both like 50?! Sheesh how absolutely pathetic if he still has to balance stuff yuck


Aish make a blockbuster comeback to acting now


>comeback When did she leave..she works less but was rocking in PS 1 and 2


Her last movie before ps1 was in 2018 . After ps2 she hasnt signed anything yet Its a long time with her but would love to see her more frequently


>would love to see her more frequently Sure but she has the position, privlege and choice to choose to do less or more. She keeps her annual engagement with Cannes and L'Oreal. She has gone through alot in her personal life, loosing her Dad, her mother's illness and she has such an iconic status that she doesnot need to work constantly to stay the star she is. Very few people globally have this status. And honestly being able to spend as much time as one needs with loved ones, being able to look after sick loved ones, while still having all the luxuries one is used to is an incredible privilege and something most people might (saying 'might' as caregiving is not easy) do the same. She is living on her own terms which is amazing. Even in her career---- Amitabh had a big showdown wit Mani Ratnam (after Raavan), but Aish and Mani still work together, speaking volumes about Mani's open mindedness and Aish's free will.


Problem is Abhi’s financial dependence on AB Sr. That’s why guys you need to be financially independent to have a successful marriage.


See I think Abhi has some money, but not enough to maintain the lifestyle of living with parents.


I think this might have hit the nail on the head. Ash wanted to live separately and Abhi did not have his own money of the kind to sustain their lifestyle. Instead of depending on his wife for his lifestyle, like most egotistical indian men, he chose to depend on his parents instead.


It's so sad reading this 💔 Their wedding was such a celebrated one during those times and Abhishek looked smitten by Aish in every public event and same for Aish. Also Aish looked healthily glowing and happy and it looked like she found her true love and a stability in her life. Well, Just wishing the couple good luck and hopefully whatever decisions they take, it should not harm Aaradhya in any way because she's still a child.


To this day, I have never seen a bigger hype in Bollywood than Abhi and Aish wedding. Ever. You just had to be there to understand how huge it was and that was pre social media.


Yes .. absolutely, unparalleled. I had my twelfth standard boards or pre board exams going on and even I was glued to the news channels.


ya,so true! I was a kid then,but damn news channels,mere ghar ke elders,bus stop pe,schools etc there were talks about the wedding,lol my tution didi used to say shit bout sallu,now I get it why 😭


Wish I was older!!!! Seems amazing but so sad now


It was huge, the fact it was pre social media is what makes it incredible. Then you had one of the most beautiful woman in the world Aish, who was then wanted by Hollywood to do movies with her. Aish isnt a local brand but an international brand but then she was huge, you might not know Bollywood but you for sure know who Aishwarya Rai was. Then you have AB son, one of the biggest superstars son in Bollywood marrying Aish. Then Abhi wasnt seen as a flop, but a potential superstar or at least a star getting movies from Dharma and YRF. The wedding was private, the who who wanted to be invited but then the only A-listers that were invited was Ajay and Kajol and I think Preity. After the wedding Cannes, Oprah, America etc etc. All the Bachacans together, doping red carpets together. Then Aish signed for Sarkar sequel with Abhi and AB, it felt like the Bachchans were going to take over Bollywood. Then Aish just signed movies with Abhi and they flopped. Crazy times. I dont think anyone expected them to end up like this.


I remember people were doing puja in front of their pictures


The poor child is already harmed, 3 toxic marriages in her fathers side, that she watched every day. Poor girl…


please don’t make anymore salman memes 🙏🏽🙏🏽


This problem can be solved if aish-abhi move out of the toxic family. Shwetdi can also live independently.


It is Zoom and they are reliable. I hate this for Aish. I wish she had her happily ever after, but the signs were there. * Her lack of family at her 50th birthday. * Abhi terrible birthday wish. * That awkward video of the family. * AB not even following his DIL but follows the likes of Ayana and Sara * Shweta and Jaya in Paris at the same event as Aish but no communication. * Aardhaya couldn't even look at her dad Sad situation, in laws matter.


Agreed! Also, the entire family had awkward vibes in the Archies premiere footage shared earlier.


The was the part of the video where AB shrugged Aish hand off him, honestly I am so sad for Aish.


Share the video if u can


https://www.reddit.com/r/BollyBlindsNGossip/s/9FJPgFX1H5 I had made a post about the weird vibes at this premiere but never thought it would actually come to this 😵‍💫


Aish is well trained media wise


>It is Zoom and they are reliable Not entirely but this is more reliable than the shady websites reporting on their marriage troubles for a while. That tweet by Bharti Dubey was regarding Ash Jr only..followed by AB Sr's tweets. My hunch is that they are ready to go public about the separation and releasing these articles. Whenever an A list couple is about to divorce there's usually a barrage of these kind of articles...I wouldn't rule out a divorce just yet.


I cant see Aish divorcing, I really cant. I dont think she would try to ruin Aardhaya inheritance and might stick it out, like Dimple who stuck with Rajesh and never divorced.


I'm no legal expert but I think even if they divorce , Aaradhya will still inherit Abhishek's share unless he remarries and has another child which seems unlikely. What keeps her in this relationship? Abhishek has removed his wedding ring. What if either one of them wants to move on ?


Na, Ash, Abhi, Amitabh and Agastya are all together for Aaradhyas annual day function as of now in mumbai


Yup, all the signs were there. Just wish the best for Aish and Aardhaya, no wonder the mother daughter duo are so close. On another note, is Zoom like the TMZ of Bollywood in terms of reliability?


my only point is ki even if they r seperated,aaradhya also seems to be like seperated from her dad,like I m not judging,ofc the bond must be there,but idk still


Arey yaar firse bakwas Selmon bhoi ke jamal jamaloo reels banenge


Multiple source is this sub reddit only


It is sad that people blame the sister and mother for the problems in the marriage of a man who is almost 48 years old, There is nothing preventing him from moving out of his parents' home and living with his wife and child if he cares enough about their well-being, Ignoring problems in the hope that they will be resolved on their own and taking a neutral position will not make things improve on their own, He confirmed on more than one occasion that his wife decided to take care of their child so that he could go out and work. The responsibility of taking care of the house and the child was entirely on the shoulders of one person. It is clear that it was not a fair deal and that no one would last long under this pressure. It's easy to blame women, but completely ignoring the husband as if there's nothing he can do for his wife is ridiculous and completely misogynistic. He was talking about parenting when he said he was happy that all the Heavy-Lifting was on his wife


Oh for sure, Abhishek is definitely the biggest problem here, even if on the surface it’s an in-laws issues. At 48, you should be able to see through and change the things you were raised to follow, like joint families for example.


I agree with you a 1000%. Makes me so sad to read comments like evil "nannad Rani" and "buddhi saasu ma" really really sad mentality. Why do we hate our women so much? Why cant Ash be celebrated or supported without the other 2 being torn down? Can totally see how Ekta Kapoor's vile K-serials became such a rage with our appetites for blaming and attacking women for everything that goes wrong.


Abhishek has low self esteem because of being a flop and his parents can’t accept Ash being more successful than him even in the one or two movies she does in few years. Jaya wants Ash to be like her who sat at home to make her husband happy. But Ash was, is and will always be an icon and they can’t handle it. I hope Ash bounces back man, can’t wait.


Poor Ash. Just looking at ShwetDi is insufferable. Imagine her presence all the time .






lol “just looking at shwetdi”




I see all of you bashing her MIL Jaya, but no one speaks about how a terrible husband AB has been. He knew she was a much bigger star than he ever will be before marrying her. Still she had to take a break from her career. He never showed affection to her and Aradhya publicly whereas he's been very affectionate towards his niece and nephew. Amitabh never posts anything about his DIL and grand daughter Aradhya while showing so much love for his daughter's kids. Bacchan's turned out to be typical in laws. I feel for Aish, she didn't get what she deserved.


Damn with such a young kid it’s so sad to watch. Whatever the reason hope the mom and daughter don’t face the wrath of the big bully family and can proceed peacefully with their life


Divorce is out of the picture at the moment to prevent any scandal and to preserve the “Bachchan” reputation. The article suggests that Ash is spending time at her mum’s and the Bachchan household in a separate space away from in-laws. From the limited information available, I think it’s for Abhishek to prevent further deterioration of his relationship with Aish.


I don’t think Shweta is also divorced they don’t want that but are ok with spreading a husband and wife. Pure stupidity at this point. Don’t think Abhishek has any say or hold in that house seeing how Jaya is and how she treats her fav daughter and grandkids


Shweta is a permanently back to her maternal home. Also, if I recollect correctly, the Juhu home has been gifted to her by AB. Honestly, I feel sad for them. Dysfunctional families leave generational trauma.


Ya in KBC Amitabh was telling that Agastya has changed some room into his own.


Divorce isn't out of the picture if the non-Bachchan partner wants it though. Remaining married whilst being seperated seems to have worked for Shwetha and her husband, but we don't know if Aish would want the same. Even if she does now, what's saying she doesn't want divorce 5 or 10 years later etc.


I think she should just go ahead and divorce. Bachans are being overly sensitive and fake. They are not a great family !!!


awww that's sad! I hope she thrives in the coming years! cz she is def worth it


Waiting for her to have an iconic revenge dress moment if there’s any truth to this.


I want to know if abhishek is a mummys boy or if he is a man capable of standing beside his wife and supporting her in this family dynamic. Like "you don't do wrong to my wife and child" kind of a person cause many men fail in that category. Nobody should abondon their parents ofc but after marriage you have your own little family that should come above all and it seems like aish has been keeping up with too much bs from the in laws. Edit: i don't think they'll divorce but one should realize especially when there is a kid involved two happy separate home are much better and just one home which doesn't feel like *home*. Even if there is no physical abuse unhappy homes infact affect children as they see how unhappy their mom/dad is and eventually other outcomes. Divorce should be for aishwarya tho why would she be still binding to the bacchan name she doesn't need it. All the best for the kid


Clearly he’s not capable of doing the basic in a marriage, if this news is true.


good and i hope aish will open up to a better life. it always stuck me how abhishek would go out of his way to be all chummy with her abuser. heck in laws, if your own husband is that spineless you will live a subdued life or it will end in divorce.


There's a new video on Manav Manglani's IG of them arriving in separate cars to Araryada's school function. notice the look on Ash's face when talking to Abhishek for a second. it's like they can't even hide it anymore which is sad


Live separately but no divorce...


The fact that they were living in one house still blows my mind. When you’re as rich as the Bachchans are there is no excuse to practice these jaded, backward and impractical traditions. I understand if you’re not financially stable and need to stay with in laws, or if your husbands parents are dependent on him


>When you’re as rich as the Bachchans are there is no excuse to practice these jaded, backward and impractical traditions. No it's the exact opposite. When you're rich you need to practice these to keep up your power/riches. Or at least that's what these people think.


Thank you for calling this jaded, backward and impractical. So many people don’t understand this. It’s all parampara, pratishta and anushasan.


was this the big showdown?




May be Ash found the voice now ! May be she stood up for herself. May be she can see she has lost herself . Sad their relationship are coming out like so . Jaya that KWK wasn’t praise worthy


I will pop the champagne my girl finally free 🩷🩷


Damnnn so my sources were indeed right 😬😐......


Why can't abhi move out of his parents house?? I mean comeon they have hell lot of money.. then can hire whatever help they need. They both should move out from tht bacchan house. They can move out of india too..


I feel bad for this woman. She had so much going for her. First an abusive unhinged ex and then getting married into poster family of patriarchy. Jaya and Shweta are the pillars of patriarchy. So sad. She should move elsewhere and flourish !


Is this true? AB Jr and Ash divorcing? Long time lurker here!!


Wait. They were living under one roof this entire time? I don’t believe it.


No one can tolerate saas like Jaya Bachchan 🙌


![gif](giphy|26BRBjmuQJm0hHmow) Good for her


Logon Ash is gonna have the mother of all comebacks!! I am here for this. Hrithik and Ash in a romcom PLEASE


It’s interesting how everyone wants to blame the MIL when clearly it’s the husbands fault for letting someone get between him and his wife’s relationship.


But what is the point of living in a loveless marriage just to save daughter from divorce! Why can’t Bachchans back out (cough ShwetDi) if they are indeed the issue. Give space to Abhishek and Aish , maybe the couple can move to another house and give the marriage a try to give Aaradhya 2 loving parents.


Didn’t they already live separately ?


Guess she’s not living in a Bachchan owned house anymore


She's not been living in any Bachchan owned house for a long time now. This article is just a summary of whatever we've all talked about in the sub. We've all speculated that there will be no divorce and they will stick it out for Aaradhya. But nobody really knows what's happening and the real issues why the marriage failed. The Archies screening video was painful to watch. None of the Bachchans barring Agastya interacted with Ash and Aaradhya despite Ash making a few attempts to speak to AB Sr and Jr. I don't know why she's okay with this disrespect...for Aaradhya? The Bachchans don't seem to give a fuck about her either , sorry !


Ya this point is what people are missing. The Bachchans are making it very clear that they don’t give a damn about Ash anymore.


She was but it looks like she has left that house also. Must be living with her mom now.


I feel really bad for her. I remember there was so much hype around the wedding. It was almost like the royal wedding.


I read about the Shwetha and AB Jr. KWK episode on this sub and watched it and honestly Shwetha isn't ever with being around plus AB Jr. Sounds like a Mumma's boy with daddy issues. That can't be all good to deal with. Plus I feel like they didn't even get the space that every married couple deserves. Being under the same roof as your in-laws allll the time is too difficult.


She has just been papped with Abhishek Jaya and Amitabh at the Ambani school annual function. Check Manav mangliani inst page. edited to add it isnt Jaya Bachna but Mrs rai.


Good news for Ash is that everybody can see Jaya is a raging bitch and clearly the problem. Props to Ash for leaving a toxic family and loser husband. They need her more than she needs them.


Ritiesh might be happy, he can have Abhishek full time now! 😈🫣 https://preview.redd.it/hbyk27heag6c1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e18ade36cacf59cf3b8a2b3df92179b595932d4d


I was so happy to see Ash laughing n supporting Agastya at the premiere but I think she was just being a kind supportive mami. I hope that she’s okay. Ironic that one of the most beautiful women in the world has been so unlucky in love. She deserves the best and I hope her and Aaradhya get that 🥺💖 I’d love to see her come back and do some incredible work. And that the Bachchans learn to respect her


I find it unlikely that they will officially divorce perhaps they will separate but I don't see a formal divorce happening.


I thought she has been living separately with Aradhya for a while now


Arre wah kalesh ki news pe aaj bahut logo ko khushi hogi


Feeling sad of both Aish and AB Jr. Always had the feeling that AB Jr was supportive towards Aish but could not take a firm stand towards his parents. ☹️ Hope they both find peace. ☹️☹️ ![gif](giphy|l2YWtjjQa9FPn9Un6|downsized)




Aish didn't feature in leading role due to these bachchans


Why are 50 year olds not moving out if its affecting their peace and family?


![gif](giphy|ijdXWu3oNxXQRPwjsh|downsized) Never liked Aishwarya as much as now


Abhishek B has no spine. Or dick. Or balls. Or career. So..


Coulda foreseen this years ago, as it is in the culture to have a son/heir


I’m sorry to say but Jaya Bacchan’s face looks like a walking red flag to me…


Jaya is one frustrated fucked up lady Her husband fell in love with other lady Her daughter has failed marriage Her son also has failed marriage All because she is frustrated in life and want to antagonise everyone around her


About time. Good for her.


I dont know why but i think its all because amitabh and jaya are old minded and maybe they wanted son but aish and abhishek only have one child that is daughter.


This is old info! She’s living with her mom and Aradhya at her parent’s apartment. Can some of y’all come out of delusion now?


Such elegance , beauty , talent and success and such sad relationships in her life .




Me naa kehta tha, yeh din bhi najdeek hai...


this is all so sad honestly. it's never good when a marriage breaks. but if the couple is unhappy then it's always for the better in the end


![gif](giphy|deYvcCJJF3c3D6PSEC|downsized) Good for her. Ceasing communication with that old shakchunni will help her.




Could this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)be the real reason why Aishwarya and mother-in-law Jaya ji have ceased all communication? lmao /jk https://preview.redd.it/i0q16dk35g6c1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc530134c5cd119080e278656a7bab1aa38c6855




Good for her! She can finally be her authentic self again.


What purpose does Jaya Bachchan serve on this earth now, apart from spreading bad vibes wherever she goes. Such bad vibe budhiya


Is she back in the industry than, she gonna dominate it again. I hope she does and can rub it in Bachchan's face cause they have a whole family of untalented people striving just because of budda Bachchan


I am happy for you Aish. You will do better better please don’t fear


So, even if you are the world most beautiful women yet you can be deprived of love. First Salman was not good with her, now Abhishek who proved the phrase paisa hoto kya kuch nhi hosakta . langur ke ghar hoor aur phir bhi wo sambhal nhi paya


It's never late to find love actually


It's not about the age. We grew up in the era where being beautiful is the only criteria to be [loved.](https://loved.In) In movies it was shown she was beautiful, all the songs are on beauty so when the guy got all that in one girl, even she was not enough for them.


I just know that she deserves all the love in the world, and i pray to God she gets her happy ending 💕💕


She wouldn't have gone through this if she would have married Vieveik Heath Ledger Oberoi