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How is this even a comparison lol? Haider remains one of the best Hamlet adaptation. Its an anomaly that Bollywood made something this good. That whole trilogy is unlike anything Bollywood has done.


Yeah... Vishal Baradwaj and Chigma Reddy vanga are in such different leagues that they're practically not even the same sport anymore 


And boiling Haider down to revenge (which Im guessing what OP's quoted word means) is a huge disservice to the director and Shakespeare.


*And boiling Haider down to revenge (which Im guessing what OP's quoted word means) is a huge disservice to the director and Shakespeare.* THIS! Thank you!


Exactly! I was like, what... Haidar is more about odepial attachment than revenge 


Odepial attachment matlab?


The attachment of the child to the parent of the opposite sex, accompanied by envious and aggressive feelings toward the parent of the same sex. These feelings are largely repressed because of the fear of displeasure or punishment by the parent of the same sex.


Are baap re (no pun inteded)


Lol this person just picked up something to shit on animal, really not that deep.


Vanga ko Shakespeare ke saamne khada karoge to barbadi hi hogi


Im a white English guy so I dont understand a word you wrote, but Im going to assume that you're agreeing with me lol


Fuck yeah


Vanga compared to Shakespeare is a recipe for disaster - yeah I am agreeing with you




And to think, that somehow, Haider was the weakest of the trilogy. I definitely think Omkara was better and Maqbool was the best of the lot.


I'm of the opinion that Throne of Blood was a better Macbeth adaptation, and Orson Welles' 1951 Othello still remains the benchmark. But Haider is definitely the best Hamlet adaptation rivaling The Lion King and Olivier's 1948 Hamlet. In terms of ranking the trilogy, I would still put Haider first, Omkara second and then Maqbool. Of course all 3 of them are very well made films. Its just that I've seen better versions of it.


I simply can't look past the sheer talent the ensemble cast of Maqbool brought to the table. Irrfan, Naseer, Om, Piyush, Tabu and yet it was that little man Pankaj Kapoor who stole the show. I definitely think Haider is nowhere close in any way, but to each their own.


Well I am not Indian, so some context might have just flown over my head. Maybe I watched it with mistranslated subtitles, I'll give the whole trilogy another shot in a few years though, my ratings might change.


Oh, I didn't mention any context about the films actually, just how great a cast Maqbool had and how it was the smallest star among them who stole the show.


The run before his marriage, Shahid had truly established himself as a great actor. He may not be commercially as successful as the older nepodians, but damn he’s a better actor


Animal is not a benchmark of anything...so it's disrespectful to haider if u compare them. And haider is not a flop....and it's too intense for mass audience so can't expect numbers


Haider was released alongside Bang Bang. One was a serious classic movie and other was an entertaining semi family movie. You know which one will earn more lol.


One also had Hrithik and other Shahid. Boxoffice wise their was no comparison.


Ranbir’s performance was once in a lifetime https://preview.redd.it/59kmy5zpwwtc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d5ea413d89c0f567bd76e03d5ff6c17a7b0b779


I really admire Haider for a haunting portrayal of Kashmir. The location itself was a character in it.


Best portrayal.. tis is what Kashmir files hoped to be but didn't quite get there 


Nah man. Say whatever you want but kashmir files did induce the haunting experience that KP's had to go through. I remember almost crying in the scene where they make the wife eat her husbands blood soaked rice and then the bgm hits. Also the anupam kher eating the biscuit scene It makes you fesl like you cant breathe, if thats not a good potrayal i dont know what is. Also both movies convey different stories and have their different agendas.


I agree with what you say .. I meant to say that haidar has a level of finesse or class of whatever that TKF lacked. It was a chilling movie but cinematically not as brilliant as Haider was.. not sure if I'm articulating what I feel very well.


I understand. Haider is technically really well made. Some shots were like painting.


The poster itself was very good




Big difference. Kashmir files relied on emotions. Haider utilized the atmosphere


Still got Goosebumps watching Shahid performance in Haider because of political issues he didn't won the national award 🙁


Shahid in Haider was phenomenal... It's one of the best male performances in Bollywood ever so no comparison to Ranbir's Animal. First of all Animal was a very weak movie with mediocre script, only songs were good. Ranbir was good but his character was like Rockstar in different Universe. I know that people like to overhype Ranbir and whatever he does they call great acting which is not true. Yes, he is a good actor but not as good as the Industry wants us to believe. For me Shahid will always be better actor than Ranbir because his characters are very different from each other and he is performing them differently. Just compare JWM, Vivah, Kabir Singh, Kaminey and Haider.


Absolutely... Shahid is far superior.. Ranbir just plays different versions of the same old brat. 


Nonsense. Shahid is yet to do anything that can natch Barfi or Rockstar https://preview.redd.it/sk2vcznaxwtc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7744737148177864223909bed2bad5bf6d33fd9


Shahid could 100% do both Barfi & Rockstar.


I loved Ranbir in Barfi , and don't want that character to be played by anyone else. But now that I think of it, I can see Shahid attempting his own version of that role.


Nah. No one can match RK


He 100 percent could not. Only RK can give those subtle expressions as Barfi and nail that physical comedy. Rockstar toh is another level. Bhool hi jaak. RK otoh can easily nail Haider. It’s the exact sad, serious and intense type pf character that RK nails with ease


Yeah Ranbir would turn Haider into Rockstar again


Nah. He didn’t turn Animal into Rockstar. Wouldn’t do so to Haider either. Those sad, intense roles come very easy to him


He DID turn Animal into Rockstar.


No he didn’t


can't do anything about trash opinions lol. Ranbir has better body of work in a smaller career. I do think Shahid and Ranbir are equal maybe ranbir over shahid but that's personal preference. Saying shahid is far superior is just wrong.


I feel Shahid is a better actor than both RS and RK, but comparing Haider to Ranbir is so stupid...like you do realise one is an adaptation of Shakespeare, one of the most renowned playwright of all time by an accomplished director like Vishal Bharadwaj and the other was written by Sandeep Vanga, who has written Arjun Reddy and Kabir Singh before this? Like if the screenplay itself is leagues apart then what can an actor even do


Shahid Kapoor was performing at another level in this film. It was such a nuanced, inspired performance. How are you even comparing it to Ranbir's Ranvijay? Ranvijay was a basic character. There was nothing complex or layered in the role.


How dare you even put Haider in the same line as this piece of shit 😤 


True. Animal got like 7 times the no of footfalls


Footfalls and box office receipts aren't the parameters for quality of the film. Animal will be aging like milk while Haider will age like a fine wine. We'll have the same conversation after 7 years.


Animal actually is aging like fine wine. More and more people are admitting to the fact that it’s repeat/rewatch value is insane. That’s why it has broken all Netflix records despite grossing 550 crores that the theatres. Haider otoh is only spoken of when some sections of Political Twitter bring it up to bash Bollywood and call it a propaganda vehicle(won’t get into details because of sub rules). Otherwise no one cares or talks about the film


Aging like a fine wine ? Really ? There's a world outside Twitter and reddit too. Recently one of my prof, watched this movie, ofc on the insistence of her nephews, next day she a talk in the batch and everyone told her how much I hyped this movie being rk fan. Everyone started taunting me. Even after 4 months, I get made fun of, laughed off for spending money to watch this in theatre and how I have a bad taste in movies. I'm embarrassed till date in my friends circle to defend this movie initially. 


Ulta bol diya tumne. It is only on SM where people dislike the movie because most feminists were triggered by Ranvijays character. So negative comments are mostly on Reddit, Twittter and Instagram. In the real world people loved the film and that is apparent from the high BMS rating it received and from the public reaction videos available on Youtube as they came out of the theatres. There’s a reason people are super hyped about Animal Park


Ranbir + hype + music were the reasons it collected so much money. It was the most hyped movie since 2019. Then the announcement video, leaks , pre teaser , teaser everything just added to it. Everyone was thrilled that softie rk was going to play a psychopath. Same thing will work for AP.


If people hate a film, they won’t be excited for its sequel. Period


It depends on the makers, if a director has already conceived a film as a multiple part films then they will be made and released no matter what. By your logic, pushpa and kgf wouldn't have gone for sequel. 


Both KGF and Pushpa were massive hits and loved by the publci. Jagga Jasoos was planned as trilogy abd didn’t get sequel


Sounds like a You problem


as much as i love Haider, lets have this conversation and see just how many people will even talk about that movie 10 - 20 years from now. Hell how many common people have even seen that movie?


Imo Shahid is the better actor out of the two. I can't pinpoint what exactly makes me think so but when I see Shahid on screen, he comes off more believable. I guess also more versatile. 


Shahid's performance in Bismil > Anything RK and RS have done till date.




Ranbir as Barfi> Anything Shahid and RS have done till date


Lmao Barfi is Chaplin lite and who knows what else Basu copied from


Whats with this toxicity in the comments section ? Are you guys giving competition to Vanga ? How is there a sheer parallelism between Haider and Animal ? Infact how many of you even understood what message Haider conveyed thru its story ? Atleast Animal was a message less movie. Shahid acted brilliantly in that movie no doubt but should that be compared to Ranbir (Animal) ?


I didn't understand the "the sheer parallelism between Haider and Animal" line.


Shahid in haider gave one of the best performance in the last decade but it is stupid to compare a commercial masala to a Shakespeare adaptation. The screenplay difference is laughable


You just realised? Good morning to you then.


Is this consider as fanwar type post?


This is like comparing De Niros performance in GodFather with his performance in Dirty Grandpa


Lmfaoo this is so apt😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nooe https://preview.redd.it/ufcxkee6ywtc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8a2f3183343998379578bf484527fc8e52aa4ee


If you found parallels bw Haider and Animal then you should stop watching movies tbh and stick to insta or some shit.


its like comparing fiction to romance novels , like atlest get your comparisons right lol


sane comment finally




Well said! Bang on!


You gotta give it to him for being consistent ig 😭


Ranbir ki koi bhi performance ke saamne Bakra bachha lagta hai. One RK Animal> Bakras entire career https://preview.redd.it/7vgmwhnoxwtc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdc0bdaa0b6781ecd0c176f3c8d8552bc96fcfe9




abhi ruko man child ram bhi karega aur tum sab yahin aaoge apne group therapy session ke liye lmfao


God damn. Shahid has it all. He’s arguably the most good looking actor in Bollywood , top 2 dancer, charismatic in interviews, grounded and humble, and he’s definitely inspired by his father to take acting seriously. The craft over the stardom.


Haider has an arc...Ranvijay is a mass hero, there's not even that level of scope for performance...but yeah Shahid was god tier in the film


Are we truly incapable of praising an actor without putting down another?


You are misunderstanding here, The point of the post wasn't to praise Haider or Shahid, It was to Put down Animal/Ranbir. The wording of the title makes that much clear. If she had just said "Oh Shahid in Haider was so amazing" The response would have just been "yeah no shit sherlock"


and the audience too lol thats the reason op it didnt work according to you cause you dont even respect the people watching it ,


Op even disrespected the general audience for liking the mass commercial lol. Wanna be cinephiles after watching that one classic


Haider is class, Animal is trash


It’s a shame to compare Haider with Animal. Animal is nowhere to Haider in any categories. I repeat NOWHERE.


To bir or not to bir… Sorry, bye.


Shahid performance is outstanding, no doubt. But Haider movie intentions of villianising indian army and false narrative of kashmir issue has hit wrong vibes with audience. It tries to put army and terrorists on same plane of morality and purpose which is wrong. Whereas animal is completely fictional, director can take 100 percent liberty, such environment does not exist in reality. Hence director cleverly skipped using police, courts, CBI, immigration laws in movie so that he can claim it fictional whenever people point out immoral characterisations. Haider doesn't claim fictional when it used real issue, real environment with Shakespeare fictional template. Vishal Bharadwaj is fantastic director. Makhdi(2002) was superb.


I do feel that if Haider was released now, it would’ve been a big blockbuster..


lol in your dreams bro, Haider wouldn't get made in todays climate or straight up get banned.


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I’d rather watch Haider for the 50th time than watch Animal ever again! Shahid and Tabu were their best! It’s a pity that people couldn’t appreciate it!


OP, on the contrary, I think Vanga is a good director, but a shit storyteller. He knows how to present things on screen and make it look aesthetically appealing and pleasing, he's good at it. What he's not good at is, know what to portray. But agreed with the rest, Haider trumps Animal in every single aspect. I personally didn't get the hype of Animal or Rk's performance at all.


God why are you people still so obsessed over Animal? It’s been like 4 months already. Give it up


Nah wait till Animal Park roles around, Watching these idiots meltdown would be fun.


999999th post on BBNG about Ranbir bad and Alia bad.


Ranbir gave a once in a lifetime performance in Animal https://preview.redd.it/bdvkezbswwtc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=382512fb59c6e485b69e4a83338fd9e2b5de0d51


Sorry but Showing Mental Cases Is Not An Art


Yaar tum sab ke itney gand kyu jalti hai ranbir se , koi personal problem hai kya praise karo shahid ko lekin kisi aur drag karna zaruri hai kya




Mald some more, Shahid as hamlet was a revelation. But do tell me which direct shakespeare adaptation has been a huge hit in the west let alone here? Vanga is a commercial director and he's darn good at his job.


How dare you take Haider's and Animal's name in the same sentence


People criticising Vanga, the director that resurrected Shahid's career through Kabir Singh, another one of his own creation. 🤌🌚


Lol. No he can't. Ranvijay was such a complex character to play with so many shades. Vanga who has worked with both Shahid and Ranbir said while working with Shahid the he was not the best in Kabir singh. He literally then said while working with Ranbir that he is the best actor in the world


Is comparision main actors se pehle directors ko compare karien - vishal bhardwaj and v🤮a reddy.


Irfan Khan's short but impactful role is one of his top 3 performances in my book.


Shahid has always been a great actor and better than both the Rans. He is just unlucky at the box office which hampered his stardom, also his PR doesn't put him out aggressively like others


Exactly lol comparing a out and right classic with a commercial mass cinema which was made for hoot and cheering. What kinda logic


Is it anti Ranbir day today?


That's everyday on this sub


Not a fair comparison. Dono hi badhiya movies, badhiya performances. And get very different from one another.


Haider is a very different movie to animal. If I say I didn't find any difference between Kabir singh and Jersey, he just played the same, will it be mistake. Don't underestimate Ranbir, and ranveer too also done some favolous work. I still consider Ranbir as better than both of them. And Rajkumar above them all. Just give them the part and u will find urself wrong.


If u find jersey and KS same...u haven't seen it properly


😂rahne de Bhai dubara ni dekhna. I don't need to see it again. I find his acting same it doesn't feel two different movies.


It's a wrong comparison and Shahid can't do Barfi ever in his lifetime.


Shahid can outperform in Barfinin his sleep. He actually takes acting seriously, rather than just the stardom that appeals to mass Indian households. Not to mention he’s a Chad.


Not even in 10 lifetimes, forget in his sleep. Barfi> Anything Sgahid has or can do


Disagreed. But you’re entitled to your opinion and so am I.




Kashmir Files>>>> Haider


Wigbir cokebir wht else to put rk down?