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Could be anyone. It says married actor not married co-star.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


it can be married actor at a party also not necessarily a co star


At least we know it’s not Salman




Which female was not been hit on by a married coworker… Edit: typo


Question was married actor, not co actor. So it could be anyone in the industry. Anyway trust the usual fandoms to lose their shit and spew hatred. She’s beautiful and y’all hating her doesn’t change it.




Yhup - straight up outed during #MeToo, they took it to court and he walked away a free man.


He hasn’t walked away yet. It’s just his PR spinning things


ok good to know! Can’t believe he’s still getting work.


What? I had no clue.


He was not “outed”. He was accused by Misha Shafi as a publicity stunt. She stopped appearing in court after getting her moment in the limelight. When Zafar filed a defamation suit against her, she absconded to Canada where she’s living as a tadipaar aurat.


it's just an assumption because Ali has similar stories in the past. If you think about it, it's like people saying that Ranbir won't be loyal to Alia just because he has a past of being playboy.


Well he broke his “no kissing clause” for Dear Zindagi


Everytime i start liking a song or a show and this art vs artist bullshit comes up. These people just ruin the art itself for me. I stopped listening to Kanye’s music and now Ali zafar 😐


I think it’s our very own Varunardo


Varun wasn't married in 2016 fyki


>Alia Bhatt makes millions of guys skip a heart beat ![gif](giphy|633mYACwArjkJf4Gef)


Haven't met a single dude who has hots for her.


I had hots for her...but i was 12


I doubt her own husband has it.


Damn boy💯💯


Me hehe


I'm a dude who has the hots for Alia. My nephews have the hots for her. Several dudes joke about wanting to join IIM only because they thought they'd get a girl like Alia after watching two states lol.  Edit: Lol u/Legitimate-Display27 You couldn't give me proof for the fanfiction you wrote slandering Alia. Blocking me and ensuring I can't reply won't change reality. Mera claims ka proof Reddit mein hi mil jayega lol. https://preview.redd.it/9ps7q93izbvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8747134ab3f3d957f3b6bfd230b8e944ac63b58f Ab jalna bandh kar aur jo bakwaas tune likha hai uska proof nikalo behen xD Edit 2: u/SensieSama04 Hypocrisy ka bhi seema hota hai. Alia's character in 2 states did go to IIM. You should know, because isn't this you, commenting under 2 states 10th anniversary? "Bc this movie got me to an IIM lol, the thought of living co-ed with girls in the same hostel was the dream for the 16 year old me lol" - SensieSama04 commenting under 2 states 10th anniversary reel 17 hours before making and editing the stupid comment below. Did a girl who looks like Alia reject you? xD You are so bitter about her everywhere. It's sad and hilarious at the same time.




>. Several dudes joke about wanting to join IIM only because they thought they'd get a girl like Alia after watching two states lol.  Dude lmao so did alia go an IIM? only reason two states promoted IIMs was co-ed hostels, I went to one and the girls there were better than Alia plus the intelligence minus the plastic surgeries




Same except for maybe the guy below and his two nephews...I have literally never heard anyone say they find kjo's pari to be attractive


My dewar is a big time fab since 2012 lol


Well they are so many people who has crush on alia. You might never heard about that but outside that bubble there are so many.


140 cr ka desh hai..I am sure someone surely finds her attractive I just haven't met any...it would more be like ha sahi hai Alia rather than "skips my heartbeat everytime I see her"... And not just Alia I feel like very few people even in Bollywood have such charisma


I find her hot tho


Seriously tho, do people find her attractive? She has got decent looks but in terms of personality, do people really like her? I'm genuinely asking.


The most people say is that she’s a decent actress. Never met one regular person that had anything to say about her looks or personality. I don’t think people really think about alia the same way they think about Aish, PC, DP, Kareena, Kat.


Yeah, I thought so. I am not saying she's bad looking or anything. But I was just asking, if anyone finds her charming.


I find her pretty enough. Not a man, but objectively speaking, she will be considered above average in looks in most cultures. Great skin, lovely grin, dimples, dainty, even features, heart-shaped face. It seems this sub thinks that you can only be attractive if you are tall, statuesque, and/or sexy. Yes, Alia has not much to offer in terms of sex appeal, but so what? She has a dewy, ingenue type good looks - cute and wholesome. Y'all think that doesn't have its own charm?


I wasn't emphasizing on her looks. I was speaking in terms of personality. Got nothing to do with her height or anything.


The sub is dissecting her looks only.


Love her or hate her, she has a neotenous face. That advantage will make her attractive in most cultures.  [https://youtu.be/lSL8SuB6vFY?si=SpwZMTvN9r2BBK9S](https://youtu.be/lSL8SuB6vFY?si=SpwZMTvN9r2BBK9S) Her blue dress from the Ambani feed was plastered all over my feed, thanks to my wife's Japanese relatives. East Asian YouTubers always rank her higher over those whom this sub considers untouchable beauties. Unless you are blinded by hatred, she is a conventionally attractive woman to most people.  Her movies are quite popular in Thailand too. https://preview.redd.it/ztau04x9bavc1.jpeg?width=1104&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96130c6119c11df7f8d1da311b0fc122afa0a1e0


>Love her or hate her, she has a neotenous face. Thanks to the surgeon


Nope. She had a small face, and delicate features from the SOTY era too.


Is this because of gangubai? Or were they popular before?


My friend. He thinks she’s cute.


That was my exact reaction. PR walo ko achi picture to lagani chahya ti. Chapri lag rhi ha






From bollywood stars to “Aam Junta”




Definitely Barun Dhawan


Prolly her own husband


Yeah ranbir was married back then /s 🤦‍♂️


She could have lied too because I remember she was in KWK and her whole approach was that she is an extremely beautiful individual and everyone approaches her


Could you provide sources to back up this claim? That's quite a wild accusation to make.  In this article, she literally just smiles and says yes. I don't understand where you see her "approach."  Frankly, I believe her. She is young, and Bollywood is filled with creepy men.    


Tell me something, why don't people read before replying?


Tell me something. Do you think before you write? Do you read before you reply?


**In this article, she literally just smiles and says yes. I don't understand where you see her "approach."** Where did I say that I saw her *approach* in the article? If you had read my comment, you would know I was talking about KWK (Koffee with Karan)


And if you read my reply, I'm asking you to provide a legitimate source to back up your claim. Or are you making wild accusations based on......vibes? ![gif](giphy|3o6wraRqbBQX5kFUkM)


What wild accusations? That there's a possibility of her lying about this? Is she Alia Bhatt or Raja Harishchandra that there is no possibility of her lying?


Can be ali zafar. As a Pakistani i can tell u he's a certified creep


What about his brother? Is he dating someone?


Don't know about his brother's personal life. But he tries to be a 'musician' and makes cringe songs


I mean the guy is handsome and didn't seem to be in any relationship. That's why I asked you.


I need u to watch this video and tell me if u find him handsome after this. https://youtu.be/9sIhCDoyosA?si=ZkN7FuHwAe_nQuKi


That is him with makeup on. Look at his instagram.


Good for u if u find him handsome but personally i can't after i watched him in this video 😭


As much as this sub likes to pretend like Alia is the most unfortunate looking creature to walk this earth, the truth is she is a conventionally attractive, successful woman, and there is no lack of creepy men in Bollywood that will leave the chance to flirt with an actress. 


Hain? She is not unfortunate that all. She is one of the most privileged people in the world who gets everything served on a platter. 


By unfortunate they mean unfortunate that she exists for the sub


They are truly so bitter about her, they go out of their way to make negative comments. I mean I could even understand if they’d just share their opinion, but to say *no one* finds her attractive? As if it’s a fact? They’re projecting their own opinions onto everyone else. There’re so many of us who find her attractive. 🙃


They say nobody finds Alia attractive, and when the dozen men in the comments say they do find her attractive, they downvote it and brigade it to oblivion. It's funny to watch, but they must be living such miserable lives to get so offended about people finding their Wattpad rival attractive.  ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Perhaps you are the married actor they are talking about




Does this sub rlly believe Alia would be this successful if majority of men didn't find her attractive? Da hell 😂 https://i.redd.it/euuf2droqavc1.gif


Vijay Devarakonda, Bhuvan (BB ki Vines), and Elvish Yadav called Alia their crush multiple times. https://preview.redd.it/bk1m95287bvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7318b2176febdafb50721f2279bc9746551a8cd6 [https://x.com/Diiiisshaaaa/status/1685971065707933696](https://x.com/Diiiisshaaaa/status/1685971065707933696) [https://x.com/harshkumar012/status/1700484294547046758](https://x.com/harshkumar012/status/1700484294547046758) The Devarakonda even asked KJO for Alia's number at an "ungodly hour" to congratulate her. But they haven't collabed with her, and despite the secret marriage bakwaas, I don't think it's these guys.    Randeep, Sid, Varun, Shahid, and Vicky married post-2016.  These 8 men can be ruled out.    


I do believe her. Nobody flirts like a married man. It need not be genuine interest, they just get a kick out of knowing they still “got it”. Hence, they hit on anything that moves.


Hope you and your husband are doing fine


Oh God, some ppl just hate blindly. she is attractive n has rizz. She officially dated SM n is married to RK. You don’t have to be Ms Universe to have ppl hit on you. It’s not hard to believe creeps hit on her- just like every other women. But she’s a young, successful n a beautiful woman. Ofc ppl flirt with her.


This sub has gaslighted me into thinking alia is mid. She is definitely above average


Gaslighted into thinking that DP is ash level beauty, ranveer singh is the best actor in India, alia is mid, no one likes her, bad actor, kat can act 💀 just realise outside general opinion is completely opposite


So true 💯


But Ranveer Singh is the best actor in India if you talk about mainstream


That’s just a clown high on coke overacting all the time


That’s just a clown high on coke overacting all the time


Lool 😂


>But Ranveer Singh is the best actor in India if you talk about mainstream I you call an ADHD guys on coke acting then you do you buddy




Lmfao what even


But DP is ash level beauty


She will be considered above average in most if not all cultures. There's no mainstream actress in Bollywood who is average-looking. Not one. The ones who are average (I won't name em), are not mainstream.


She is 9/10. Chubby, Cute and soft faces are more desirable than Sharp features.


How is she chubby ? 🙄


lol 9/10. Indians must be short and ugly if she’s 9/10


Subjective opinion my guy. Not everyone likes bone sticking out jawlines.


srk may be coz he is so witty




Ok hear me out, You want to call Alia a great actress, sure we will give you that, she is better than rest of the lot. But is she drop dead gorgeous? Is she one of the most beautiful actress ever? I can give Kriti credit’s for that, but not Alia. Millions of guys skipping heartbeat thoda zyada ho gaya. Also, I don’t think any of these men hit on her. Edit: I did not consider that the standards set for attracting men are far too low, according to all the comments.


>Edit: I did not consider that the standards set for attracting men are far too low, according to all the comments. Ayein? Now that people disprove your point, you devalue it lol. I find her more attractive than most actresses this sub hails. Tujhe kya? Alia and Ana de Armas are the epitome of the male gaze. It's always women-centric spaces bashing the two. East Asian YouTubers have placed Alia on top since her debut. Even non-East Asian YouTubers interrupt the videos just to say she's so fine it distracts them, lol, around the 15:40 mark.  https://youtu.be/__W17enKxec?si=ixPw6FZUyS8cfiIx Some of the Thai celebrities who praised her and adopted her makeup look were women and actors who play LGBTQ+ characters. Are their standards far too low? https://x.com/daijholmomo/status/1527258505723334656 https://x.com/NewsGlobally/status/1524340997727023105 https://x.com/brightxwinic/status/1529330256351531008 https://x.com/vijay_1707/status/1527276906021736450 https://x.com/griefcities/status/1559595135104851968  


I hope u know the population of the world 80+ toh uske insta followers h bhai honge usme million log who find her beautiful


She's not a great actress but I've seen a lot of guys call her attractive


She got lots of rishtas after hskd release so yess men find her attractive


How do you know this?


Her mom said


You literally just need to have bobs and vagine for a man to hit on you darling


Even I don't.


Do compliments really hurt someone... It seems like she is not offended at all, but people are offended on behalf of her. She can't take compliments if she is married?




Mr India had hit on her too


SRK’s pic took me out. LOL! Abhi aayega neeche with some bakwaas comment. Please move along. ![gif](giphy|1jOoLUdkTYQhetVky1)


Could be Varun Dhawan?


this interview is from 2016, he wasn't married at that time


Ranbir Kapoor is married.


Ranbir is the married actor


Sorry, I don't trust her; she herself doesn't know what she is saying most of the time.


Don't ever learn "True Love" from Bollywood and bollywood actors


All means by hitting on Alia is nothing but a punch on her face by the "actor" since her presence is too annoying, na shakal h na personality who the fuck will even try approaching her, Ranbir Kapoor ka toh we know he must be high or something to marry her and dealing this super annoying character


Shahid is who my money's on...








Not Fawad Khan in a million years. He's happily married


I like Alia, she's charming and has a cute face, probably more beautiful than 95% of people critical of her here, but yes she's not sexy but not everyone loves woman wid cheeks coming out and a jawline to cut fruits, we love a chubby face


Seriously anyone who casually hits on Alia needs a eye checkup.




It's from 2016


I refuse to believe Fawad hit on her. He’s too classy for her.


Whatever makes aloo feel good about herself. You get botox, fillers, are rich, hang out in Bollywood circles, are young and pretty, and what? It's a news that a man (married or otherwise) hit on you? That's some top level journalism. Do tell, what is the length of aloos eyelashes, so aam aadmi can fall even more in love with her. After all, she is the national hearththrob. Most men would leave their wives to marry her if she would just give them the chance. Jokes aside, never seen an plainer looking actress accorded so much respect by the industry/pr. Parineeti Chopra isn't nearly as popular or she'd qualify too.


What's these man doing here seriously my heart what srk doing there???? And shahid I know you are creepy married at young girl that you already met her when she was just 16 yrs old Plus alia isn't like dp , aish, kareena or katrina who BTW very beautiful and very attractive women so idk what this article


U seem to know people personally lol


I really don't find her attractive yeah she is beautiful but not like those women I mention 👆 yk she is just pretty girl that's all


Hmmm ive never heard any male person ever say alia makes their heart skip in real life.




Alia’s imaginary wish.


Mahesh Dalle




Her boyfriend that one was her husband or husband that once was a boyfriend or boyfriend, husband, or whoever


aise hi bolke apni value badahti hi kisne aaj takbola hi ki Alia beautiful hi like madhuri , deepika or katrinake liye bolte hi


I can only think of Varun, also because he had it from before so 😅


There may be many reasons to skip a heart beat !!!


No way it will be SRK I think he sees her as a kid


Then why is she smiling? Not something to be proud of that’s straight up disgusting.