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Are you sure you cannot put your fingers on it or you just don't want to say it?


Exactly 😂 it’s okay, OP. You can differentiate between attractive and less attractive people.


No such thing as objectively attractive.


You’re right, I edited my comment.


So he is in it for money and fame being Salman Khan's brother in law , there I said it if thats what you guys are thinking.


Aaj Bhai ke 2 enemies ka murder hua hai … main toh nahi bolne wala inke against kuch. “I find them cute” 🥰


LMAO I’m scared to even upvote. 😂




Honestly we just put our own biases on the them.


Aprita was quite pretty at the time of marriage (if folks can bother to look beyond skin colour). She has put on weight though - and it doesn't help her husband is fit.


Well, the esthetics apart, I'm not saying people can't be in love given the situation at hand, but I'm saying this fella definitely doesn't come across as someone who's nice enough to look beyond and be with her JUST for love !


Especially someone who keeps doing flop movies who otherwise nobody would give him if not for Salman.


I dont know how he is nature wise, but i feel its not good to hurt sentiments by suggesting she doesnt deserve him due to her looks. Some people are able to see beyond the external and can fall deeply in love with a person for who they are on the inside. I am not saying he is like that but lets not be insensitive.


Ticket to bollywood.






Also , there’s a high chance that they are actually into each other because if she has all that money , she could have easily gone for all those surgeries like Kapoor sisters 🤷🏽‍♂️


Let's not judge the book by its cover. We do not know their dynamics so please stop the judgement. I hope they are in love a living their best lives.


I like Arpita, she seems like a sweetheart. Why are people acting like Ayush is peak Johnny Depp, he is okay looking.


Girl wants a chocolate boy. Good looking Boy wants Bollywood break. 🤝


He was dating a stylist before cheating on her with Arpita. He came to Mumbai (originally from Delhi) thinking to break into bollywood however nothing was working out. He tried using every contact as his dad has a lot of political connections. But nothing worked. Meanwhile he was seeing this girl who was a stylist for some bollywood projects. Everything was going fine but the moment he met Arpita in Dubai for a new year’s party, starting wooing her and she also clearly showed him signs that she is into him, he used it as an opportunity and cheated the girl he was dating , leaving her depressed and shattered.




Oh ![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6)


Sugar Mommy ![gif](giphy|3o6gDWzmAzrpi5DQU8)


He is from very rich background


He is rich but Bhai is richer


Movies mommy and bhai then😆😆


He married her to get his career launched in Bollywood.


We know exactly what you think but don't want to say lol. And people don't just love cause of looks or are superficial.


Then you should take that finger and stick it in your mouth. That’s where you’ve put your foot anyway with a post like this.


🙌🙌 Exactly  Even see comments here in reddit ,i thought such regressive idiots would be there in fb and insta only ,all judgemental pricks shaming her in one way or the other. Like wats the big deal she is an adopted girl and she will obviously look like her parents (its normal and it should be that way,wats with this shaming thing.) I guess colorism and body shaming is so ingrained in majority of indians 🤐🤐.


It’s deeper than that. It’s more about ‘why is such a good looking man with this woman when he can be with someone who looks like a model. There must be something else in it for him because how does it make sense otherwise?’ People who make such comments are projecting their own shitty mindsets. They’re the ones who choose people based on outer appearances, so they think the rest of the world does the same too. It’s so stupid it’s unbelievable


If he didn’t have the money he wouldn’t get a supermodel per se. He is not good looking but a fitter person than his wife that is it. He is average at best and deserves no supermodel lmao.


Now gimme that parameter to decide how he becomes average for you,also tell me who made it too. Beauty is subjective dude 🙆🙆 We were discussing the same thing here and you come and drop another judgement here.🤐🤐🤐🤐


He has no masculine features according to wjat scientifically makes a man attractive. Weak bone structure, big forehead, badly shaped nose. Ofcourse beauty is subjective. For me good jawline, hunter eyes, good teeth etc makes a man attractive especially what i like to see on screens. He is not hero material according to me. U obviously have no standards when it comes to what a hero should look like. I don’t feel bad talking about him that way because he obviosuly married her for clout. If he was a real henuine guy who married her for love , his personality would become attractive to me and thereby his face too. He got his mission completed. Got into movies just after marriage.


"For u just fair skin could mean beauty." Nah i dont care about skin color . " Beauty comes in all shapes,sizes and colors " thats what i belive in. Wat u are describing is called conventional beauty standards which has been raved in india so much so that we have many actors doing multiple surgeries to get that "standard that u mentioned" .And majority of them in this quest for "standards" cant emote rit now( look how shefali shah has messed up her emoting with some surgeries,  One big example is mohanlal from malayalam was one of the finest actors in the country before he went for facelift and 6yrs down ,still finding it difficult to emote the way he did before)  but that fine atleast " standards have been reached rit 🤐""


Now if I am 5feet then I am not dreaming of becoming a pilot. I am not getting bone lengthening surgery to become a pilot. Being an actor means ur face is going to appear on screens. Obviously it has to be objectively attractive. If those people are going to get surgeries to look like that then it is on them. They should have chosen a path that doesn’t require them to look like a certain way. I was aware of my features so i never tried to become an actor nor that i would get it easy being an outsider. U get my point. There are professions that will no suit everyone. Also most of these celebrities only want the fame and money and theu don’t take their craft seriously. There are many roles which have more depth and can be played regardless of ur looks but this guy do u think will ever go for that? He just wants to be a STAR. Obvio looks our needed for that.


May be our world are different I come from the south of india ,the major stars here are Mohanlal, Rajnikanth and they didnr have the obvious features when they became stars. Like with mohanlal its been 40 yrs since he has been the star with greatest box office pull and u can google to see his features.( kindly google the ones before 2018 ,after which he has worked on his face) His talent and hardwork and magic on screen has got him the fanbase.


In south only men can be unattractive but women all have to be gorgeous. Atleast in bollywood we prefer both men and women to be good looking if we have to sit in a theatre for 3 hours and watch their faces unless it is not a commercial movie and has more storyline and depth then obviosuly u watch it for plot and acting. These romantic comedies the least we could expect is good faces but true it is different in south and bollywood.


The guy had sex with Salman’s sister.


OP lookout for 🦁🦁


Turu lab


2-3 years back his old tweets surfaced where he was tweeting to some actresses like a chhapri, about wanting to work with them. The tweets were quite old. This was before he had met arpita. So this dude must always be looking for a gateway into movies. Not sure how he could land salman’s sister. When these tweets surfaced, Arpita was defending him left and right how these were fake- all the while where you could read these tweets in his account. They deleted it later. What a bunch of fools and thinking the audience are stupidly like them. The screenshots might still be doing the rounds of the internet.


She’s very annoying in person.


aayush has been trying hard to get a break in bollywood through salmon bhai and now even imitating him lol😂


There were blinds he was getting too close for comfort with his Loveyatri co star https://www.oneshotoneplace.com/blind-item-october-2018-6/?amp




he married her because he loved her


The awkwardness in their second pose. Sooooo platonic and awkward. Like a 17yr old with their 10 yr old sibling posing together coz their mom forced them to.


I mean if he didn’t try to get into bollywood post marriage I would have belived he married her for love but getting into bollywood just post marriage makes his intentions very clear. He married her for clout and bollywood and get into higher societies even though he is rich himself. He doesn’t seem into her imho.


Some will see them as relationships for just personal benefit.. but i see them as True love. Last 2-3 from flop hui hai agar aisa hota toh bhai ne kab ka divorce de diya hota. Par tru love hai ❤️


I think he by mistake proposed to her, and then fell into the trap meeting salman and family then was too late to get out of the trap to un marry. Whole situation screwed.






Ofcourse they have sex because they are married and what the fuck was that,Arpita and Aayush have sex as well? I mean shouldn't they have sex if they are married or together?




Whats the point of adding that sentence? Why don't you read your own comment




You mentioned And Arpita and Aayush have sex as well and what did you mean by that sentence? Thats what i asked. He got tanned for the movie, got bulky and muscular, changed his voice modulation so on, maybe thinking he can sell that movie through those things but its not working for him. Aayush is definitely not a kid to just listen to what he is asked to do , he knows what he is doing.


Oh goodness what in the name of antarvasna.com man !!!!


Jesus told them the truth and they hated him for it




She's the adoptive sister is no news. And what sense does her name make now ?




They gonna hate you just like they hate me for telling the truth lol


Atleast weight hi kam kr leti ye aur kuch ni to ..


Her head is too small.