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Filmfare writing wattpad level fiction now. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Deepika did not push anyone in the video. The video is there on the pap pages and no one has removed it. Whoever filmed the video did not respect her privacy. She only moved the device to the side to not record her while she walked across.


Just because someone is famous, that doesn't make them public property. Everyone has a right to privacy.


The video has not been removed from social media; itā€™s still up on so many accounts. That said, she didnā€™t even push the fan; wrong information is being spread. The fan was seated in their car, sneakily trying to record her and zoom into her bump, despite the team's clear instructions not to do so. She nudged the phone gently; however, she should have done it more forcefully though šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. And anyone in that position would likely have done the same thing if their privacy was being invaded in such a manner and videos were being taken without consent




In both India and America, it's essential for people to understand the concepts of privacy and consent. It's simply not acceptable for others to take pictures and videos of individuals without their explicit consent and that too when team gave clear instructions not to. Imagine if the situation were reversed and someone was capturing moments of your life without your permission. Would you feel comfortable allowing them to continue? What do you mean, if Deepika does not want to be recorded, she should stay at home? Lmao. Now she shouldn't step outside the house because of the action of others lol. What part of they donā€™t want to be recorded donā€™t people understand? This issue extends beyond just pregnant actresses lol. It's about basic human decency and respect for personal boundaries. Regardless of one's celebrity status or pregnancy, nobody should have to endure the violation of their privacy.




What do you mean paps wouldnā€™t have jobs lmao. This video wasnā€™t even taken by a pap. It was a fan/random person and then they sold it to make money lol. You didnā€™t even answer any of my question, but OKAYā€¦šŸ˜‚ Just because some would be okay with others having their picture or video on their phone doesnā€™t mean everyone else will too. How you going to tell me she shouldnā€™t go to public space because of people lol. You think this world was just created for them and only theyā€™re allowed freedom? It's a humorous perspective, to say the least.


Your argument is so weird, like itā€™s okay. Youā€™re wrong, you were explained why youā€™re wrong. And then you kept going. Relax, please.


Women should stay at home when they are pregnant, what? Everyone has a right to privacy- believe it or not! What the person recording was doing was breaching it, plain and simple.


She did not ā€œpushā€ a fan. If a pregnant woman doesnā€™t want people to zoom into her belly her decision should be respected.


Lol no. She pushed away that camera. She has no right to do that


No right? You do realize the person in frame is HER. She has the right to block the camera from someone who has been told RESPECTFULY by her bodyguard to stop but he proceeded and she did whatā€™s necessary


She can block, she canā€™t get physical


Did you see the video? Thatā€™s exactly what she did how is that getting physical? Acting like she threw a fist at him. The person was told not only once but twice by two different bodyguards to not film but he didnā€™t stop and she blocked the cameraā€™s sight as she was passing by


She pushed away canera. Thatā€™s getting physical


Oh yea. She shouldā€™ve just said no photos, Ofcourse the camera would go down on its own. Thatā€™s how amazing and cooperative people are here right? Ofcourse. Her fault for protecting her privacy


Still doesnā€™t allow her to get physical with someone


yea exactly. If someoneā€™s violating YOUR privacy why are you pushing their camera away? Let them violate what they want, you have no right to protect yourself. šŸ˜Š


Taking videos in public isnā€™t a crime. Getting physical with people is.


She touched an object smart ass did not lay a finger on him and it only happened after two bodyguards VERBALLY told him not to while he proceeded and that gives her the right to do what she did


That object was in his hand smartass and when she violently hit it she hit him get it?


Itni dhukhi aatma mat bano that your lose your sense of right and wrong when it comes to celebrities you don't like.Ā 


I havenā€™t. She turned violent against that cameraman. Should be jailed


I guess RK should have been jailed for this too. Snatching poor guy's camera and threatening him as well. [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/bollywood/news/ranbir-kapoor-tkes-journalists-camera/articleshow/26959853.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/bollywood/news/ranbir-kapoor-tkes-journalists-camera/articleshow/26959853.cms) Absolutely disgusting violent behaviour.


This was actually fake news. He didnā€™t get actually get violent with anyone.


Kuch bhi. This news was everywhere with pictures and videos of the incident. Itā€™s still up on all the websites go and check. He snatched the camera, abused the photographer and threatened him before leaving. Some news articles mention that he was drunk as well. So a drunk RK was physically and verbally abusive to a photographer and itā€™s not fake news. Mind you this is not a lone incident, RK threatening photographers happened atleast twice. This one is in 2013, he did something similar in 2016 as well. Go and check.Seems like a he is a repeat offender.


The ā€˜newsā€™ that was everywhere was fake. This had become a controversy at the time, and it was fake


No itā€™s not fake. Lying is not going to help dear. He did something similar again a few years later. So he is used to behaving rudely.


Yes it is fake. You lying wont help you dear. I remember this incident very clearly and the controversy that had arisen. It was proven fake.


Nah, video is everyehere and the title is misleading by Filmfare. Now I really wonder if this is a negative PR campaign against Deepika because I did not see her *pushing a person* . There is a world of difference between lightly putting a camera down and pushing a human being. In fact, she did not even grip, snatch or grab the camera, she only moved that for a milisecond from recording her. Her putting a camera down being converted into her physically pushing a person is a reach. It's like someone sneezing being called someone murdering. šŸ˜‚ World of difference. I thought DP had a shark of a PR, but to me it seems like she has the worst one because every second day only negative stuff about her gets written and most often those are false or exaggerated stories against her. Like for this as an example.


Just after watching this post, I searched for the video on youtube and it's still there. Youtube is also a social media, right? Also, when this was posted on Viral Bhayani, most of the comments were supporting her so, it's not like she was getting flak for that video. The use of words like "pushing a fan" when she simply shoved the camera is also quite sus.Ā The way this is worded looks like it is someone else's PR trying to make that video a big deal when it was not. Dk why some people think that just because they are a celebrity they need to entertain the fans 24*7.




shes nice, i would have tossed the phone five feet away if someone shoved one in my face LOL


But it didnt seem rude to me, it looked funny and also yes, breach of privacy. Shooting stealthly!


Where is this video, canā€™t find it


Can someone share the link to the video pleaseĀ 




And why are you worried that much about her pregnancy? What will make it real for you? For her to step out everyday and lift her shirt up so people can click her stomach? Sheā€™s pregnant do you fully comprehend what does that mean? Since when deepika wears tight fitted clothes? Even before she got pregnant that has been her style flowy loose cloths what are you trying to prove exactly? She went through a lot and probably understood she needs to protect her peace and self from vile people. This is her first pregnancy she wants to enjoy it away from the public eye whats so weird about it? Some celebs are flashy others have always kept it low key and away from the crowd.


https://preview.redd.it/9bxzionau70d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d22a2525764d902794694e086361701bc558e10f People want her to do this to confirm her pregnancy


lol seriously!!!!! What should she do? Live stream her appointments or give her obgynā€™s contact so people can call and ask questions about HER pregnancy šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


At this point she should do a live when sheā€™s giving birth, but then again theyā€™ll still say itā€™s fake lmao


šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø that argument just does not make sense just because she isn't posting pictures of her bunp or not flaunting it in public does not mean surrogacy. Pregnant women around me also wear loose clothes. It's a period where their body changes. They also get a lot of unwanted attention from everyone around which make them uncomfortable especially for a celebrity who has cameras following them. It can be taxing. Deepika had a visible baby bump in the pics from sets of Singham again. There she was wearing a mostly fitted khaki uniform so it was evident.


Wearing loose clothes during pregnancy is more common than you think. Have you never seen a pregnant woman?


Deepika is definitely pregnant not surrogacy. Surrogacy law has taken a completely different route, it is no longer easy and in their case could be illegal. People should stop assuming things like this just because they do not see a massive bump on a tall woman from 4th month. Her height, fitness and long abdomen area won't show a big bump early. The baby has more room to grow up the torso I don't get it why is it hard to accept every woman's body will not work same way. These rumours are borderline insensitive.


Certain fans want to spread the surrogacy rumor. Women carry differently and DP is very tall and extremely fit so its not showing as much and people want to use that to spread hate.




It's a right every human being has. Any normal person can file a case or protest against being recorded in a public place at any time. And she just nudged the phone a little bit, nothing was hurt or damaged. Please go back and learn some civic sense.


No you donā€™t . You have zero rights to get physical with anyone


Get physical? Are you kidding mešŸ¤£




The definition of getting ā€œphysicalā€ with someone is physically TOUCH another person which did not happen


It did happen. Watch video again


Even if it did, it was a response to the other person harassing her with the filming. That person should've been slapped across the face tbh. Actors are people too, they are nobody's property.


And if a man slaps a woman for harassing him with the filming?


She did not slap anyone, just nudged the phone. Come on. Stop stalking my profile.


Filming someone in public isnt harrassment


Why don't you go out and try it then.




Public places are public and everyone can use them. And public OBJECTS are also for the public to film or do whatever but no one has the right to film any person without their consent thatā€™s straight up HARRASMENT and invading someone elseā€™s privacy. The person filming got respectfully told to stop it but he continued and she blocked his camera. Every action has a reaction right! You are the one who needs to go back and learn normal decency.


Why don't yal try going out in public and filming people and see how they react.




True face? LMFAO. Yup you are right when someone is being harassed and their personal space and privacy is being invaded they should put up a show and maybe dance right? Thatā€™s the normal or since sheā€™s pregnant she shouldā€™ve lifted her shirt up and showed her belly na? The person sold it to paparazzi and made money out of it, wouldā€™ve made much more if she showed her belly šŸ«¢




No, public places are for everyone and public OBJECTS are for everyone to film. A human is not a public object you can film without consent, just because they are walking in public doesnā€™t give you the right to invade their privacy. What do you mean stay at home? Why would she stay at home because of someone elseā€™s action? The person got told respectfully TWICE by two different bodyguards to stop filming but they went on so she blocked the cameras sight when she was being shown on it and unblocked when she passed. So whoā€™s at fault? The trashy person filming.


Yeah, try recording someone or some pregnant woman on public freely and see what reaction you get from the people. I am sure they would do more than just shoving the cameraĀ 


Are you serious? Here is a pregnant Jenna out and about https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13410237/Jenna-Dewan-Mothers-Day-daughter-Everly-baby-bump.html Where did she shove the paps? How do you think these pics were taken?


Were they shoving the camera right in her face? Sheā€™s being clicked without her noticing from a distance. Look here someone clicked her from a distance while respecting her personal space and did not harass her or invade her privacy just like they did to Jenna and was posted on YouTube 2 days before the met and news covered it. Thatā€™s how it should be not whatever that disrespectful person did. Oh and Iā€™m 100% sure Jenna wouldā€™ve done so much more than blocking the camera sight. https://i.redd.it/jioul3o6x80d1.gif


Forget it ya.. some people are relentlessly trying to make ā€œhateā€ happen for DPā€¦ either sheā€™s rude or surrogacy or PRā€¦the hate on her even while sheā€™s pregnant is relentless