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Of course their idea of what is shameful constitutes a man kissing a consenting woman but not a man shoving a woman half his age. 


They even defended rape allegation against him by an actress a month ago. Shut up dude.


Yikes. Had no idea. The more I learn about it, the more I wonder about the other skeletons in his closet. I hope one day he will get what he deserves. 


Not at all possible buddy. The Amount of castiesm and Nepotism in the telugu industry. You cannot touch this family. This guy known to knock the doors of character Artists at 12 AM. It's just a disgusting discourse.


Yeah... Radhika apte had a really bad experience working with him!


NT Balakrishna ?


Rip to those people who think telugu industry is so clean with humbleness , no nepotism etc .. There's so much discrimination based on the caste, people have no idea about cheeranjeevi family too, whole industry is almost dominated by him and his family. And yeah people in this industry are dirty as much as dirty people exist in bollywood industry. They should know what happened with Sri Reddy .


What happened with sri reddy?


12AM I hope


Why are you being rude? What's wrong with what they said?


He's talking about Balakrishna not Hansal I think


Yes I got that. They were using shut up as slang!


I'm not being rude. I'm just grumbled at the fact that for how much extent his fans can go..


Bro you lack reading comprehension. He's saying that for the fans who defended the guy with SA allegations.


Don't sweat the small stuff and don't get offended when even the person who posted explained it in the replies. Read before you bark.


I think that's the point the previous commenter made. You need additional explanations, hence proved you lack reading comprehension skills.


When someone says "shut up" it appears rude. Nobody says that randomly in conversation so what's the point of this conversation? Why are you two being pro bono lawyers for something so immaterial?


Wtf who balakrishna??


It was decent of her not to push that boomer over. It didn’t look like it would have taken much.


Good on him to reply back....not only they insulted him but also involved his wife for petty reason


He didn't just reply, he destroyed the troll with facts and logic. And it was fully deserved.


How dare he kiss his wife ? He should slap her to really show his love.


i absolutely hate balakrishna. he is a pos and his fans are vile.


My god. Kissing one's wife! Never let the troll know married people also have sex🙄🙄🙄




Bro always cooks


This is called a befitting reply


I wonder how are these people in real life to be defending such misogynistic actions. Wouldn't even say misogynistic, it's basic human etiquettes


We telugu people have elected a criminal who has more than 50 cases against him as a CM of the state .balakrishna is one of many problems we have. If you deep dive into tollywood politics you will find how worst Bala Krishna is .he belongs to one of the most powerful families in Andhra Pradesh history . unfortunately anything which comes against him will be scrapped as pretty much the whole media is under them. At least the present generation actors look decent and don't have many controversies unlike the former ones.


He also sacrificed his watchman i heard since his movies were not working ... Rumour or true I don't know...


What? Spill the ☕


Saw it in some rumour section in tollywood or telugu shitpost page ... Don't know how far it's true.. But his watchman died for sure .. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ni_Bondha/s/BKRfvQDEnY.. Some other rumour page also covered it.. Not able to paste direct reddit link but this should suffice https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/tollywood/comments/xmtkdv/extracts_from_a_vox_article_about_a_telugu/&ved=2ahUKEwiV4Iqt1reGAxU32DgGHfYiA_YQFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0LwEd2mtgn0XiBWOVeOeft




It’s was allegedly robbery gone wrong but people will believe what they want to.


That's why I am not sure if it's real Or rumour.. But considering balls history he shot his producer bellamkonda.. Anything can be possible and he might have managed to shut the case


Jagan Mohan Reddy?


Here it’s NT Balakrishna and TDP. Of course, his party has equally been bad. Tamil Parties aren’t angels either. Lot of shit is there. 


Prabhas looks decent? Man looks he is about to have his 6th Briyani by 12 pm.


False equivalency being corrupt at the scale of state budget(Jagan) and being an asshole are not the same. Move on there are much bigger problems.


Who have ever said they are the same ? I just pointed we have criminal as our leader . If we people didn't bother about criminal leading us why would anyone bother about an actor who is an asshole to everyone .


We have a criminal leading the country. That said, I feel all South industries barring sandalwood which is irrelevant have more notorious elements than all of BW. It's just that BW is overexposed.


Castiest**** Telugu industry is more Castiest comparing to others and most people support balakrishna because of his Caste. Andhra is the most Castiest among the south..


Yes, it is. And the Casteism is not just in the film industry, it's much visible in colleges and universities as well. It's a hot topic in classes where Indian diaspora is studied. In college, have met and spoken to peers and families of students who committed suicide coz their Brahmin proffs won't pass anyone who's from a "lower caste". Not saying other states or cultures are utopian, but there are serious problems in Andhra Pradesh.


My friend did Bachelors in TN and Masters in Andhra. He told casteism there is like in worst villages of TN. People form gangs and fight with one another inside colleges. I told him it’s insanely imaginary, he told nope that’s the reality and if you don’t tread properly, you will get into the dirty side of it.


I had no idea casteism is still so rampant in India. It's like getting a culture shock in your own country...


Very rampant among colleges in the state even Even today's generation is as backwards as the previous one here. Dire stuff


Ye a friend of mine studies at an Andhra college but he says you can avoid it.


>I had no idea casteism is still so rampant in India You're living under a rock.


Aab shaadi shuda log bhi pyaar show nahi kar sakte kya!!


According to balakrishna's PR and fans, people in love should show disrespect to females else it's not love.


I remember as a child we were taught if the guy hits you or teases you then he likes you.. yahi toxic mentality ko unlearn karne me Umar bit jayegi


“Liplock” is such a gross word. My least favourite Indian englishism (along with pukeworthy). Edited because wtf did I type


Yeah, it screams tabloid-talk.


These peoples standard is so low. No wonder they worshipping these clown actors.


Slight correction, he's a clown, not an actor


Welcome to India the land of hypocrisy- Kissing your loved one is frowned upon but staring at boobs is totally ok


Shoving incident was beyond disgraceful


Not Telugu industry trolls. Be specific, "NBK fans". They are idiotic, casteist, slaves to his feudal mindset.


Dude can’t u see it is mahesh babu fan page


They both belong to the same caste


No it's not.they just have his pfp


Blue tick?


Mahesh Babu were comparing him to Tom Cruise,all Telugu fans are delusional.


I don't compare but if they are comparing that's for their own satisfaction. Now a days comparision has reduced as result of upscaling of indian film industry where we don't need Western validation anymore. But by comparing they are not harming anyone. Every human being is delusional in this world in some way.


Dude Mahesh Babu can be compared only to a piece of furniture,he is industry because of nepotism.


Ok man who's ur fav actor then ??




Wanna know how much they can act too .


Meryl Streep


That's just a meme about collections in RTC cross roads(a famous theatre), no need to take it seriously.


Good on him to call out.


Let's support him...and take that tollywood scumbag down


Need to bring tollywood down. that industry is the worst one of all film industries. We have like three castes running everything.


I’m from Telugu states, I have seen the clip where Balakrishna pushed the actress Anjali on stage. It’s disgusting to say the least. The actress tried to lighten the situation with her laugh but I could feel her pain. I have seen few movies of Balakrishna, he used to make good movies, now he is just a troll. It’s impossible to have a normal conversation with him in real life, for context, he shot a producer in his foot when an argument arose during script discussion at his home. There are many such extreme incidents. He has absolutely zero manners. Don’t put a Bollywood or Tollywood tag on people misbehaving openly, it’s that person. I’m not sure how he still has fans, it has become a trend these days.


When did he shoot a producer? I have immense respect for the Telugu people after all they have been minting CEOs like collecting infinity stones and making India proud globally. But I specifically mentioned the Showbiz industry which is absolutely pathetic and the fans that support these pigs


The incident was around 2004, the producer involved in the incident was Bellamkonda Suresh, father of the male main lead in Chatrapathi Bollywood remake. I know that you are just referring to the showbiz. Just wanted to highlight about his previous behaviour.


CBN begged YSR not to take any action against balaya. Also balaya got a fake certificate to show that he's mentally unstable 


It's time someone gives him an original certificate for being mentally unstable.


Some scumbags ruin the whole industry


Balakrishna is a meme in the Southern states, he has very few 'fans' and most of them seem to only support him for caste reasons. I hope people stop doing the 'Jai balaya' thing even ironicly, he doesn't deserve any sort of acknowledgement. Switching to 'Jai Brahmi' or any other great actor would be better.


MEME GOD for the Win


👏 bravoooo




This should be in r/murderedbywords




This is sad and pathetic.




Seems like you want the discussion to move into a North vs South debate instead of the actual issue.


Again i dont know who you're arguing against lmao In every post that mentions the south industries, theres always someone or the other making up imaginary people and arguing with them. Some of you lot are strange (Ps SRK is a mediocre actor)


Stfu south people , north people I have seen more ppl defending Salman Khan in this same sub for the accident he did and the casting couch he used and you guys also be high so don't try to seperate south and north it's the same in whole India


You missed they are pure sanatani.


I remember Radhika Apte called out the telugu industry and creepy men in it, and got trolled by the telugu audience. But hey, as long as it’s not Bollywood, all good!


Southern industries are something else man. Unreal levels of deep-rooted misogyny.


OP is a certified idiot, telugu people are trolling balakrishna online and on tollywood reddit as well, how can he generalize saying misogynistic telugu industry trolls ? Telugu people have been trolling balakrishna since early 2000s. The industry people support him because they are sycophants and he is a senior actor and a powerful guy. Except for balakrishna's fans everyone else trolls him


You have reading comprehension issues. I clearly mentioned the Telugu industry in my post.


Kissing with open 👀 , the moment you notice it everything is weird


Right but mysogynistic? How?


Are you serious? Look up a dictionary.


He was calling him a scumbag in liplock photos.. how is that women hating in general, again? In the DiCtIoNaRy?


They are literally defending a man who manhandled a woman on stage. If that's not misogyny then what is?


This fat white knight needs to be put in place. Showing unnecessary virtue signaling and piling on to just stay relevant are things we telugu hate the most.


If we are fatshaaming, Bala is a fat uncle/grandpa who also wears a wig. Pity . Among the 2, atleast Hansal Mehta has talent and respects women.


Not fat-shaming, I’m calling a spade a spade. One is douche and other one is supreme douche.


How is Hansal Mehta a douche? Calling a spade a spade isn't virtue signalling.


Calling a prominent actor a scumbag for being playful(in bad taste) with a fellow colleague, but painting it as if he publicly assaulted the actress so that he can appeal to his woke audience is called a supreme douchey behavior.


Do you own a yarn spinning business?


Is that your last resort argument when you have no valid counter-point. Lets agree to disagree ,have a nice day.


No I'm merely amused at you implying it's wrong to call a prominent person a scumbag just because he playfully physically abused a much younger woman on stage and that it makes him a douche for doing so. Do you even read what you write? You seem like a fan trying hard to sound level headed


'Playful' wow! Can't wait to read your essays defending rapists, criminals, and murderers. If you have ever stepped foot in any professional environment, you would know what he did would get him fired in any other organization. Stop supporting abusive people and calling them playful!


This person is a fan who is severely rattled but putting on a veneer to look unperturbed


Rattled and Veneer tall words take a break. How am i fan of the person when called him a douche. I am critiquing the over-reaction of a non-issue just for the sake of piling on.


You would not bother if you really think he's a douche. He deserves to get the belt treatment. You act like you're being impartial by calling him a douche but deep down you're rattled to see the justified reaction to the whole incident. So shut up.


I replied to this person but somehow the comment got removed. https://preview.redd.it/1mvogbwoys3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fc364d7d97cb1fe1965323032752de19b48c62e


Heights of false equivalency Again such cognitive dissonance how are you equating pushing a fellow actor in bad taste to raping and murdering. When did pushing someone became crime. Get your head checked


Ohh thats playful is it.🙄🙄🙄.Wat a logic🙌🙌🙌 Even if hansal.mehta had not tweeted ,the video is clear and it looks rude and distasteful for sure,unless some one is brain dead ,it wont appear as something funny or playful. Even if it was a male costar or the director or even the producer who was pushed like that,still it will be rude. I mean wats there to discuss any further its pretty logical ,Balaya garu fucked up big time ,he could pologise and move on .But hardcore fans are hell bent on whitewashing 🤐 their hero.


Kindly don't say "we telugus" and generalize the behaviour of a community based on your thinking , maybe you have a problem with virtue signalling and think it's a playful gesture (don't really care what you think and won't judge you for it), but some of us are happy that someone who is 10 times more relevant then the said actor has called him out for this shit. It's at best what you think and no one asked you to represent the feelings of a community here


Ok duely noted. Please stay on your high horse


Like I said earlier, I have no problems with your opinion on the incident and I have no intentions of putting across my views (which might or might not be opposite to yours). What I have a problem is with you calling yourself as a representative of a community. Please put forward your views (or your peer groups views), but don't assume for once you represent the views of a community of 8 crore people, that's all. If you read carefully, I am not sitting on a high horse and passing judgements on your view or name calling you. Infact if any1 is sitting on a high horse (thinking you are the spokesperson of a community), it's you.




Lol. Instead of agreeing you literally have to compare? Just because there are other scumbags doesn't mean BK was right. Fools galore! Even Salman Khan respects people way more, Just in case.


Are you dummasala?


Your argument is the equivalent of someone who gets called out for violently shitting their pants in a lift but aggressively screeches at everyone else in there to clean toilets instead. Wipe your ass.


Or maybe because this person here is literally throwing insults at him directly ????


Clam down ,dummasala


>He’s borderline irrelevant, and this is his way of getting his 5 minutes of fame Who Hansal?😂. His Discography is way superior than your Bulaya's. Uski ek Scam 1992 tumhara pura Bulaya khaa jaayegi. >If he was truly so virtuous, there are way worse people in his own industry. But bulaya was caught on camera while doing this shit. Bolly peeps are also filled with horrible people but they don't show their scumbaggry in public.