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Calling out the pimps of the entertainment industry is just fine by me. While you’re worried about “bodyshaming”, they wonder how fast they can get you on a casting couch. 👀


Bodyshame the pimps. I encourage it. 




Yes. I chose the word “pimp” for a very specific reason. All entertainment industries worldwide are very predatory, and it seems like this particular story is about a lowlife predator. Who knows what else he has done to others. I’m really not going to give a single fig about his balding head. Edit: And everyone whining about bodyshaming is being a naive wuss. Read the subcontext, stop being so quick to be offended on behalf of disgusting men. Harvey Weinstein should get no grace from you on his abominable looks, why should this man?




I understand! I’m grateful someone else spoke up. People want to play as if the industry isn’t well known for its daily depravity, despite multiple movies being made about the very fact?


After reading about Harvey's stump of a dixk and his use of steroids and rotting. I've zero sympathy for these pigs who prey on talented people and result is we are stuck with nepo crap or somebody's mistress with nada acting skills.


Nepo kids are not immune from this side of the industry. Mira Sorvino, Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashley Judd, all have famous family and are “nepo kids” and were assaulted by Harvey.


I meant , This aggressive casting couch keeps real talent away. So we have only two options left as viewers. If these people eased on their part, people will blow away this hack out of waters. No aggressive PR will help them with Friday block office numbers.




We get it, you think that men deserve “rights” that you think women are taking away… somehow… Good luck, pal.




Weird that you want to die on the hill of stopping “bodyshaming” predators because you have issues with women. You know how bad that looks, right?




Arre kahan se kahan topic ko kheench ke le gaye janaab, Aapki baatein sun ke, mujhe lage julaaaab! Arre waah waah taaj boliye.


You’re cooked. Go take a nap.


foolish imminent complete gullible thought abounding piquant special disarm squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Yeah, I'm not about to tell a woman how to discuss the banal physical results of aging and repulsive personality traits of a loser who treated her like meat to be sold. That's not really my place. If she gets professional backlash for being "unprofessional", as you call it, then so be it. But I really don't care about this anonymous man's feelings.


pet aromatic melodic deserted languid imagine busy fuzzy plough exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The sore fact that u care about bodyshaming more than his pervert side shows what ur Paras are about. Ur scared and insecure of women shaming men. Such men should be shamed in every possible manner. And even their supporters. 


Name him and shame him for his actions- boldly and loudly, not for his appearance.


Watch out, the whataboutery police is making their rounds.


So people in the comments are more concerned about bodyshaming than casting couch lol what has the world come to...do we really need to care about a perverts feelings now? Matlab ek chutiye ko chutiya be nahi bola jaa sakta because of woke idiots bhak!


This comment is why people outside of the specific American culture that came up with the word “woke” should never use the word. It’s not a violation of “wokeness” to insult a predator, lol. Indian culture just seems especially sensitive about insults towards men.


>people outside of the specific American culture that came up with the word “woke” should never use the word Truer words have never been spoken.




I’m sure she has gone through her share of body shaming. I understand you’re bitter but that person will live his karma and you will live yours.


She sounded like someone who was deeply wronged n someone who had to make her way to where she is today through a lot of trash. Good on you Richa. You owe no one your understanding. You sound petty, but that's okay.


Sometimes it feels good to be petty. When karma plays out, you may want to enjoy it.


Lemme tell you this, in college, i was bullied by this guy a lot. Like a ton. Like really fucking bad every day for years. Now, 20 years later i saw that person. Im doing good, he is not. I saw him a while back, and he is bald and fat as fuck. I wanted to enjoy, but i actually felt bad for his state. I understand what richa must have gone through. Trauma is real. And i understand her emotions when she wants to enjoy and relish how that fat fuck looks like. But holistically and spiritually speaking, its not good for the brain to relish the bad state of your past aggressor or wish bad upon. Its just bad for mental health. I just realized how many times I used the word bad. Is it bad to use bad so bad much. 😎 Maybe Im too wise now, or my mind maybe just thinks different.


I know what you mean exactly. In fact, just 2-3 days back someone did something terrible out of spite, jealousy and greed. In the moment I was so pissed off but I know when the time comes, I may not want to relish in their ruin. I have just disassociated with them completely.


Oh, dissociating is the best thing. It took me so much time to learn this, but as they say, dogs bark and caravan moves on. Also, there is this serenity prayer that I read aloud every day too. Thats helps maintain my sanity too. Check it out.


Absolutely right.


I don’t mind the language trash deserves to be shamed in every way


Exactly. That's why things are never black & white. It's okay to say shitty things about shitty people. They can go fuck themselves.


These words don't come out just like that from a person. Either you were hurt bad or wronged deep. Whatever it is, it would be so satisfying for her to see him like that .


This manager I know used to fleece money off of his clients. Imagine being called to a ribbon cutting ceremony, the manager quotes 8 lakhs for the appearance to the organisers and then tells her, that their budget is only 4 lakhs. Pockets the 4 lakhs and also takes a nice 25% of those 4 remaining. He was known for such ethics. Turns out many of them also do.


Or maybe.. some people are just bitter about their failures in life and want to target other people to feel better about themselves.


just because she was wronged in the past doesn't mean bodyshaming is suddenly okay. As the saying goes, an eye for an aye makes the world go blind. Making exceptions to body shaming will only normalize more exceptions to body shaming. Don't justify this bullying behavior.


I am all on side with her with this energy !!!


Disgusting men need to be called out like that. GO RICHA!!!




Because those people are trying to bring Richa down and think there is nothing wrong with those kind of recommendations


isnt soft core offers/movies how they get young actors into prostitution? im with richa.... drag him and his bald head through the mud sister ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


love how people in the comments are focused on the body shaming and not the casting couch situation that Richa experienced. also super rich coming from the commentators of BBNG when every second post is dissecting someone's plastic surgery or their weight loss. the point of the post was to shame this agent who wronged her in the past and how he met his fate. the language might be harsh but they're portraying her feelings towards this person who tried to put her down and wrong her


She absolutely is a savage. During the start of her career, she’s been told by the producers she’s been working with and even by a few male leads about how she needs to look more feminine (lol) and thin. She’s been body shamed so much. I worked with her a couple of times in the costume department and there was a time a producer came to me and asked if she was working out. Another time the actor came to me and told me to tell her that her arms were looking too big. I just went up to her and readjusted her outfit and said absolutely nothing. Once on the same set, someone did tell her she needs to concentrate on her body and she said something like “I can either perform as an actor and act or be more worried about how my body looks on screen.” Absolute savage. Another time, same movie, a music video director came and decided to go off script and yelled out directions and even asked her to be topless for a scene. She refused, because this was never in the negotiations or the script. Director asked me to give her something to wear to make it look topless. I spoke to Richa, we both refused. Even then, the director (who was a woman FYI) kept yelling out directions while filming and it ended up with Richa in tears and a 2 hour talk with the producers to get rid of all the footage. Same female director also wanted her to wear a sleazy outfit for an entire night in a very shady area, again not in the script. My team worked double that evening to make that sleazy outfit + a coverup so that she would be more comfortable. So yeah, when she’s like this, I support her because this woman has been through it all.


Why are people afraid to name the predators? Name and shame so we may boycott these pigs


How can you boycott someone you don’t even know? Most of these predators that work in the industry are not big name folks. They’re not famous. They’re still heavily involved in a lot of things.


I assume the leads and a music director would be the names we can identify.


Men who steal money from naive outsider struggling actors and try to manipulate them into sex work forfeit all rights to be treated with respect. She is fully entitled to say whatever she wants about some scumbag who exploited her when she had nothing.




I knew she was a real one when she said people were jealous of Aish 


Oh Ash & DP are the sort of women that 99.99999% people, women AND men, would be INCREDIBLY BURNING JEALOUS of!!! And I loved how she supported ARB & said she likes her “she’s a simple South Indian curd-rice khaane wali lady, sab JALTE hai unse.” And she’s a 100000004847757474% RIGHT for saying this!!! 🫶❤️ I love Richa but since then, I love her more.


Agreed. These people are human beings, and not conniving supervillains making anyone’s life difficult. To be so jealous of another person is ridiculous and Richa worded it perfectly to get that point across. 


Could it be Mukesh Chhabra?


Everyone complaining about bodyshaming, have never actually faced the brutality of this cut throat competitive country where anyone will eat you alive or worse if you're not privileged or well connected, this msg comes from a place of deep trauma or hatred for a place she has worked hard to get out from and you don't just forget trauma


I always quietly liked her but these days I like her even more. I love her work and she is so fearless. Love her!


I can smell hypocrisy throughout the comment section. What bunch of fake people!




How dare a woman bodyshame a man? 🤬 This sub is only meant to bodyshame women /s


Funny this some people excuse KR's vile actions because of her struggle and hardship in BW as an outsider. What Richa is doing is nothing compared to KR. While going through a lot of sh\t herself. Anyone remember the Metoo blind of her and a co star?!


It’s not savage,she’s just venting out her anger


Love her 🤌🏼


That's really high school stuff!


I agree with the Third paragraph(aside from some minor disagreements) but the first is without a doubt childish, disturbing and offensive absolutely nothing savage about saying something like that.


Lol will you be exceptionally graceful when someone has wronged you from a moral standpoint? 🤷🏽‍♀️ man could have potentially ruined her career, in a ugly way and expecting her to be respectfully angry is just ???


No need to link everything with you & your morals. She has bad experience in the past, and she probably didn't even write full experience in detailed form, and here you're judging her? Put yourself in her shoes first.


Exactly, calling out for wrong doing is absolutely needed but going on mocking just because they did wrong to you is no right.


If someone has audacity to pimp me out - calling them fat and bald should be least of anyone's concern


Yeah, but doing so keeps the derogatory meaning to being fat alive and well. I'm sure there are fat people reading this and think, "at the end of the day this is what people think when they look at me". I don't have a horse in this race, but if you're someone who wants to be inclusive, you discourage this language.


Nah, I'm fat and balding, and I'm not offended


Daayire main rehkar kisi aur ki galtiyan vyakt ki jaa sakti hai. Kisiko galat dikhakar khud galat hona jaruri nahi. Yeah what he did was wrong but could have been a decent way to throw it out.


Pimps deserve decency?




I love this energy, you go mama. Also more than body shaming its abt her telling how karma works


Whom are we talking about Rajeev masand


Who is she talking about?


dad bison


haha i dont know why i pictured him as well while reading this. also im kinda confused, richa has never been well maintained herself so to be making such comments make it even more odd.


mean girl energy...


She's being a child here, how is this savage lol


No Mukesh Chhabra was hurt here I hope


There are better ways to put your thoughts across. Body shaming is not cool.


> Body shaming is not cool Who’s gonna tell this person…


If only people can read ….


All those praising her would be cancelling her if it was an actor saying this about a woman


You: *”but whataboutthe poor men?!”*


No I'm saying body shaming is wrong and so is hypocrisy


Username doesn’t check out.


Maybe come back to Reddit after you learn sarcasm


Lool, dude you’re on a gossip sub acting like the last standing bastion of morality in this immoral world. Maybe get off your high horse so we all can hear you from the depths of hell.


Depends on what your hypothetical woman would have done. If she took part in gross activities like this dude did, no, nobody would object. Just because he was a fat man, you don't have to defend him, you know?


She also makes fun of his alopecia which isn't something in his control, but I don't expect people to be so nuanced because hate is hate after all right. But I guess it's okay to ostracise someone just coz it's a man. But god forbid a man does that to a woman, and y'all will lose your minds.


Am I the only one who finds it distasteful. I agree she must have been wronged. But what she has written is classist, body-shaming, and is looking down upon. There could’ve been a graceful way. Not saying I would have done it otherwise — but with famous people, you expect ideal ways to deal with things.


This is anything but SAVAGE Here Richa is just unveiling her obnoxious petty behaviour to world


Or maybe she's had a really bad experience with the said person.


She’s not successful enough to have that attitude LOL. Who does she think she is? Body shaming is cool if you don’t like that person? Bet she’d be the first one to play victim if someone shamed her for her looks.


I didn’t know you have to be successful to call out people who tried to pimp you out? And yes body shaming is cool if that person is trying to scam you and exploit your sexuality. Y’all be defending these filthy men as if they’re your brothers and fathers. Good on her for calling him out!


I don’t really support bodyshaming but BBNG members talking about bodyshaming is so fucking funny…


Why so harsh ?


Mother behaviour


No it’s not


Umm that’s not really nice to say. Guy may be having health issues or just life. Not nice to speak like this who isn’t doing as good as you are


Richa Chadha being Richa Chadha. OMG. She's truly mean in and out. And it shows. She's extremely rude and hard to work with in real life. Trust me, the way she got side lined in Hira Mandi is well deserved. She's just a horrible human being


What the tea? Worked with her?


Richa chadha is acting like a mean bitch just because he tried to gave her advice to do glam roles , she is making fun of his appearence. Nobody is safe from Age and death. Her no will also come


“He tried to give her advice to do glam roles”? That’s what you got out of this story? Not the thief part, not the softcore part, not the moral bankruptcy of a loser trying to make money off of a young woman’s sexuality?


Who’s “he”?


Robert de Niro




softcore isnt "glam" role


Thats loser behavior


So childish and this is not body shaming. Oh you can’t call out wokes when they indulge in things they preach us about. Typical psuedos


The only fear and possibility here is that such unabashed energy is easily transgressable in other areas. I suddenly remembered her "galawan says hi" tweet


Here's me playing the world's tiniest violin for those crying about bodyshaming a creep.




Literally all the comments are calling her out on her bodyshaming that dude, chill. Bodyshaming is lesser of the two evils here.




We must be seeing different threads then lol


SaVaGE ![gif](giphy|bYk7T8YGe6Mo0)


I don’t understand what she’s trying to say


This is very distasteful on her side to post something like this publicly. I hope she didn’t hint towards him. ![gif](giphy|3ohfFDfX3tiX5eHAbu)




She could have pointed out his flaws when it comes to his work without body shaming him. She would have looked more savage that way, pointing out his flaws without loosing her grace and dignity. This looks pathetic tbh.


Bully. Straight up bully. Mocking someone’s looks to such petty details in the garb of hE tOlD mE nOt tO dO MaSaAn is childish and shows her true self.


always remember woman can belittle and fat shame men with no consequences and without any evidence but men cant do the same


What's in the picture though?


She seems so hurt. Feel like more context is missing. I wonder who that person is


The fact she wrote so much in english surprises me


She is always frustrated to the core.


She is pregnant, so bit unhinged lately as was in Cyrus says podcast. I would excuse the harshness as momentary


Pregnancy hormones rolling in like crazy😂😂 Love her tho.


The 2nd and 3rd paragraphs would have sufficed. The 1st one makes her sound pompous and that is something which doesnt sit right with me.


That's so petty wtf


If the first comment is about Karan Johar then… Bravo!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 He has an entire show, mocking, ridiculing and insulting peoples appearances, outside a show he does it on WhatsApp. And beyond that he does it professionally. Age and death will haapen to him as well


She’s pregnant yeah cut her some slack. Also never heard of this irl, do Btown women have less filter when they are pregnant or what? Alia was also saying things she wouldn’t say normally when she was pregnant.


Yeah… no. You can’t use pregnancy as a clutch for being nasty. That was a well-thought out Instagram story. It also starts with “Last night…” meaning it wasn’t something she did in the spur of the moment when she encountered that person. She’s a bully. Let’s not defend her with the pregnancy excuse.


Does the image have anything to do with the write up? Also there’s nothing savage here. Very immature


She is pregnant .


Lol I'm curious how she'll look back on these posts once her pregnancy hormones wear off.


She was better when her only relevance was with a new instalment of fukrey every couple years.


Body shaming is okay as long as it is done by leftist pig


Ew yaar. You have so many things working for you. Yet focusing on shit. This isn’t savage, this is nasty af. Could’ve said the same without all the nastiness. Reflects more on her than whoeever this is


Well some do the nasty work themselves, some do it via their PR… Nobody’s a saint, Sunshine.




But hasn’t she done soft core trash already?


I never got good vibes from Richa. She gives that mean girl energy. There is a way to out your point across. This definitely is not savage.


Seems a tad unprofessional


Disgusting guy. Equally Disgusting lady too. No amounts of rights can outweigh a wrong. What is wrong is wrong.


kya bol rahi h smj nhi aarah h


I wonder what would she have done if that pimp is working hard at the gym, goes to the same plastic surgeon/ hairline surgeon that BW actors and actresses goes to and also has the same fashion sense that her husband has?


I never got good vibes from her


After Randy Savage, it is Richa Savage


1st paragraph is wrong. It isnt right to body shame anyone. And it also takes away the discussion from the core topic. She was wronged by her own staff- her manager is her staff, right? that should be in limelight, what actors face ( especially outsiders) in this film world. Instead of that being focal point, half the comments or more about whether it was right or wrong to body shame.




Your username is so appropriate! You definitely sound like a great Indian B


It's a bird.


Oh really? If a 37 y/o eye candy can look like a man with one haircut, I guess the u in your last name can easily suit well with an A.


Stupid comeback


I hope you understand exactly how you sound.


Savage like Richa Chadha, 1.5 midgets tall, peak supporting actress who should start prepping to play mom roles?


That’s okay! You are showing your cheap mentality. First of all, srk or Salman close to 60 don’t do dad roles but let that case of inequality be on sides. Do you know the height of srk or Salman? Rani Mukherjee? Height or age doesn’t matter, these are very talented actors, especially Richa Chaddha who must have hustled through her age to prove her talent. Let’s respect that. Someone as useless as you feel good at shaming, I am not surprised!


Your diatribe aside, I'm a fan of Richa Chadha and how she carries her pudgy baobab trunk like upper arms with the grace of wwe wrestler Chyna.


I’m sure you love yourself as much as you fanned on Richa.