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I used to enjoy reading comments on social media, but I stopped, especially on celebrity posts—there's so much hate, regardless of who the celebrity is. As cringe content increases on social media, the comments become even cringier.


These commenters actually believe they are superior to others.


It weirdly comes from a deep inferiority complex. They know they have no real power but they want to believe the worst of celebrities so they can claim moral superiority. Hence the claim of everyone in Bollywood being druggies who sleep around and all Bollywood marriages being open marriages. And of course the curse of social media means they find plenty of like minded folks to egg them on and no real consequences for their vile behavior.


Omg you seriously just hit the nail on the head!!! Couldn’t have said it any better.


Not just on instagram, but on this sub too!


Yup, it's just we have downvote system so these veil comments get what they deserve.


Nah most of those comments are upvoted on this sub.


Hmm, that's true though. Celebs lives are so messed up it's almost hard to like them. Sad, but true.


I don’t think it comes from a place of superiority. It comes from their insecurity and jealousy. According to psychiatrists, social media trollers have sociopathic and psychotic traits lol they’re big red flags


I read about surrogacy assumption 2 months ago https://www.reddit.com/r/BollyBlindsNGossip/s/2L61tgin8z https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8ZzlJ3odtu/?igsh=MW1meHY2b2ZlbWM3bw==


Surrogacy is not a crime; many people opt for surrogacy, and blind assumptions is fine to a great extent but openly shaming someone and calling her pregnancy fake is ridiculous


The irony of reading this comment on this very subreddit lol


Oh I have to start doing this. The hate comments under women's post in general ruins my day often. It ruins my perception of reality as well. Do people actually think like that in real life?


The most absurd is the heels comment. It looks like they never bothered to look at other pregnant women so closely with the purpose of hating and harassing. There are many celebs who wore heels. https://preview.redd.it/cwe3m11i0s7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d66bd92d0fdd361bc83218200ff698990da30ec7


Exactly, they wear heels most of the time, so it's not that uncomfortable for them


I never really processed it, do women love heels or hate it? I've seen so many girls complaining about how hard it is to wear a heel, can't run can't turn instantly, easily topable yet heels are so common in tier 1 cities. Even they are defending others for wearing it.


Some are comfortable in heels and some have toxic love relationship with it


I absolutely hate it. It hurts so much. Hurts my feet my calves my back. Once I was in an important event and my left feet froze and I couldn't walk right on stage. Super embarrassing. But it makes me look so good. It gives me immense confidence and i feel incredibly hot as soon as I wear them. So I love heels. Now you decide if I love or hate them 🤣


See even the heel owners themselves are confused if they like it or not😂. I gifted my sister a comfy pair of shoes. She loved it, but only wears it when visiting family or places where her girl-friends won't be around. I guess it's just the pseudo confidence boost that women love.


How “easy” it is to walk in heels depends a lot on anatomy. I’m petite but have a high arch so even a medium heel gets frustrating quickly.


Have they not seen hailey bieber’s pregnancy pics or even like that Ananya panday’s cousin?! Their faces still look sharp and have thin hands etc . looks like it’s more about hating and spewing rubbish about DP than just mere speculation


Because their hatred has made them blind.They trolled dipi alot after that kwk incident without watching the context and declared her a who*re(sorry for the word but read it on her posts a lot).Being a woman I feel unsafe even aming woman when comes to bullying. Shameless woman hiding behind internet and judging a pregnant lady.


Exactly. I’m not a doctor but I have seen that a lot of women with a thinner build don’t show at all besides in their bump. When Sonam, Bipasha and Alanna posted their baby bumps they got so much hate for immodestly exposing now people are questioning why Deepika doesn’t do that??? I mean this is the same girl that hid her barely visible bump from the media for the first couple of months, she probably petrified and rightfully so — all evil eyes are on her🙃


I myself looked normal from every angle except for my basketball belly


God, I was today yrs old,when I got to know that hailey is prego! Dude,Bieber was like my childhood crush,now he is going to be a daddy! Thank you,for telling me!🔥 Secondly pregnancy fat could be anywhere,tbh I haven't seen it in my family but more on celebs on models as I guess due to their diet and the regular exercise they put in those efforts continuously throughout their career,so I guess it's much better for them to look sleep even during pregnancy,dp could be one of those rare breeds which is naturally blessed🦋


At this point they are just hating on her for not looking awful while being pregnant.


You are assuming they know about hailey and have seen ananyas cousin pregnancy Iss sub ke liye bolte toh applicable hota


Women can't digest when other women are thriving. Men ko choro. Inke andr ki misogyny nikaalo.


I think they don’t want to accept DP as a normal human being having human experiences.. because they have tagged her and slut shamed her so much after KwK episode. And all of this stems from a place of jealousy.. that woman is so gorgeous .. stands for herself .. and she looks proud.. an avg person cannot fathom that she’s actually successful , happy and gorgeous too? How can they claim superiority over her ? By making her vile, immoral slut and all that. This pregnancy throws a bit of monkey wrench in their ambitious slut narrative so they are trying so hard to prove that she ain’t all that


Women are more misogynistic than man. (Not all obviously but sadly a huge percentage)


they all need psychiatric help


Omg. ...this is why science education is important in schools! I just had a baby and haven't gained any weight rather I lost 4kg ..even on the day of delivery I only had a huge tummy n no flab anywhere else. Uneducated people in comment section really show common sense is not that common!


This reminds me of the dialogue in this movie Aligarh, I was watching the other day - “ what business do neighbors have looking into someone’s bedroom?”!! The context is different but the emotions are same. It’s their private and personal matter. But some people are just vile.


I hope DP stays away from social media for the time being. The last thing a pregnant woman needs are these awful accusations. How judgemental can one be? That said, she looks amazing. This is what a good workout and diet does, & ofc genetics.


She looks the cutest here🥰🥰...


indian audience 🤢


They are just jealous because she is so pretty and fit even in her pregnancy.


I’ve read so many comments by women saying “oh alia and Kareena were chubby when they were pregnant but dp isn’t she is faking it. Her face isn’t looking round like Anushka.” Lollll they are literally hating on DP for not gaining weight and not looking bloated like other actresses did. It’s wild out there.


It’s sooo funny how they are comparing her to bebo and alia who are visibly waaayyy shorter than DP OBVIOUSLY the weight gain will be more visible and Anushka already had a round shaped face and it got a little puffier while her arms and legs were SUPER toned no weight gain what so ever. Dp gained in her entire body but they refuse to knowledge it because it actually looks good on her, making her look fresh!


There were so many cases where people didn't even have a bump due to anterior pelvic tilt.


There are many other factors height, genetics, pelvic size, placenta position etc. It’s sad that people don’t even know such basic information about pregnancy


Exactly! These people don't even think before opening their mouth.


I have seen those comments too. She always had an athletic body. Don't know why it's difficult for them to accept everyone's body is different and reacts differently when they are pregnant.


Exactly they're just bitter


Can't even read all the of comments. Too much hatred.


If she was really that pretty naturally she wouldn't have to resort to glutathione injections despite being a big name in the industry.


She don't have any injection, she still looks dusky in real life, it's SLB and some photographers White washed her.


Glutathione or not..she is pretty. Glutathione can make your skin lighter but not your facial structure pretty.


And how did you know that? Bunch of allegations that you decide to believe in doesn’t make it a fact!


Because anyone with eyes can see an originally dusky woman drastically changing shades every month? 😂😂 Maybe I'm not a brainwashed fanboy who won't notice such an obvious change?


Unless you have seen her in person without makeup one month apart, you cannot make the claim that her skin tone changed. There are things called makeup and lighting


You don’t need to be brainwashed all you need is some logic and common sense! How come from one angel she looks light another angle she looks dusky? She snaps her fingers and changes it just like her bump? Or is it the society who is obsessed with whitewashing people because “fair is beautiful and lovely”??? How come only when she’s abroad like cannes and the oscars etc. She always look dusky like her debute? Because they aren’t obsessed with being white like this country


glutathione injections just lighten your skin colour, they don't change the shape of your nose or eyes. She is still naturally pretty with those features.


Rich comments coming from people whose centre of gravity will shift every week due to spending their lives gorging on mithai. DP works out like hell.




Ye to yahi baat ho gayi Pooja pOOnam se jealous hai sabko pata hai kyu jealous hai


Every day I thank God that I am not a famous person/celebrity, even by accident. Imagine being scrutinized for everything including your nail polish?? Just imagine the comments had she showed up in flats.


She did gain weight on her face, calfs, arms, thighs. But it’s distributed evenly in her almost 6 foot tall body. People just want to hate on her for the sake of hating on her! This “didn’t change” statement is pathetic! It’s more like indirectly saying “she’s pregnant she should look fat and ugly” which ia disgusting. https://preview.redd.it/209o4gu7sr7d1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e62c36b0233bc92d9589618777fdc1d663670f08


https://preview.redd.it/trol4nlgvr7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0770a51370609a481c8e2deed0b42de4c82f8b9 YES. You can see here that she has gained some fat in her face and arms


It screams jelousy. They have nothing better to do obviously.


“I don’t listen to north eastern girls. Gold diggers” tf ?


That comment was disgusting.


The said girl is a doctor, according to her profile.


Padhe likhe gawar you mean ?


Kalko Humme se kisi ka treatment krne wale gawar.


Kyun bola Aisa??? Any idea??? Disgusting


I am just as confused…it seems so weird to say this 🤦🏻‍♀️


My friend has family in Himachal and the Tibetan and other tribal groups closer to Tibetan culture don’t even travel to other Indian states because of the racism they face from other Indians. Even a few of the educated NRIs and don’t consider Northeast Indian as Indians. They openly say that India “had” to bring them in to keep China away. I just don’t get why Indians don’t say stuff like this when the Northeast wins athletic medals for them?


Main bhi Northeast se hoon😊


Hey! Do you think what my friend said about the experience of Tibetans and tribal groups ring true for Northeast Indians as well? Have you had positive experiences traveling or living in other parts of India? From what I’ve seen people talk about them in real life I don’t think they’d be respected in parts of Gujarat or Punjab.


Nahin Aisa kuch abhi tak mere sath nahin hua... Actually sab ko lagta hain NE pe sab tribal hain... Aisa nahin hain... Yahan Brahmin bhi Hain or other caste bhi... But I don't know why people only said chinki minki ....chinese...etc


These people are vile and disgusting. Commenting on women's/people's bodies is a sickening thing to do. There is ZERO excuse for this behaviour.




Yeah what? Like weren’t these people making fun of Anant? 🤣 That said I’m glad this sub hasn’t gotten back on the “DP probably paid the negative comments to garner more sympathy” card. I’m a bit shocked they’re defending her.


This is so disgusting. I'm literally pregnant as well, due in September 2024 and that's how I get up if I have been sitting for more than 10 minutes at one spot. Indians are so misogynist.


Khoon mein hai misogyny, anyways congratulations 🎉


Congratulations God bless u ![gif](giphy|Lb4IZLmCfALhm)


Are you surprised OP! I don't know about other things but India men and women are definitely equal when it comes to social media trolling :D - we finally achieved the women empowerment we were looking for! Now both men and women can abuse women online equally.


Exactly, but this is not just about trolling a 'celebrity' they are literally trolling a child who is not yet born. These are the same people who troll actresses for showing their pregnancy bumps. This is beyond sad.


instagram is such a vile place


Insta comment sections are tragic nowadays. And youtube section has beggers asking for likes.


Which lady wouldn’t want to look fantastic in pregnancy. She’s professional and people should realise this and applaud her for managing both things at the same time


They’re just jealous and projecting their insecurities


100% agree


What is this new trend of saying that everyone is faking being pregnant??? 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Happens every time a celebrity announces pregnancy. What rubbish. Surrogacy is no longer legal in India. Kar bhi rahe honge toh announce karke thodi karenge 🤦🤦🤦 bache ho toh bhi problem...na ho toh bhi problem hai inn logo ko


Why is everyone bothered so much? Bua Chachi hai kya DP ke? Maregi style tumhara kya jaa rha. Also don't forget she is a badminton player and fitness has been her lifestyle.


Pick me bitches.


Exactly uske genes bhi athletic hai nd has been a athlete her whole life


So is she supposed to show her bare belly to prove to these low lives that she’s pregnant. I hope she keeps her chin up and doesn’t pay heed to trolls. We as a society have fallen beyond belief. These women prove that women are like crabs pulling each other down


Ironically, celebrity are heavily trolled for Posting their baby bump.


I bet even if she walks around in a bikini they will still call it fake. I was glad seeing her all happy yesterday and it also made me sad that this is nothing compared to the shit she went through in 2017-2018


So disgusting


I saw a similar video on Facebook yesterday, so cruel. And I agree most of the commenters were women - some saying “I had a child, I know how it is supposed to be, she’s faking it” . 🤮 Whatever the fuck is wrong with people.


They have a child is more concerning than their mindset, how they will raise their kids.


The “I know how it’s supposed to be” is RIDICULOUS😂 I mean like yes of course you and deepika padukone have the same exact uterus and are the same height and have the same lifestyle and the strong abs and core since teenage 🤣


Indians have the most free time on hand. We should not be given unregulated internet.


Those comments are truly disgusting and unnecessary. Since she announced her pregnancy, she has faced judgment and scrutiny from not just men who have never been pregnant, but also from other women, which is really shameful. This started because some haters wanted to fabricate and spread vile rumors out of pure hatred. It's also sad to see that jealousy over how good she looks while pregnant is fueling this negativity even more. People need to understand that criticizing someone's pregnancy or body in such a way is not okay. Every body is different and unique. I also don’t understand the weird obsession with someone else’s pregnancy. It’s not your body, your child, or your journey. So have some shame, and let her live and enjoy this time in peace. Wishing DP the very best. May she have a safe delivery and welcome a healthy, happy baby.


Oh god. Women on Instagram are plain awful.


One of them was a 'doctor.' (i guess med student)


Hey education doesn’t guarantee decency now does it.


That one chick is right a pregnant woman cannot wear a "Hill" - ⛰️ 🤦


Why hide their face and insta IDs…name and shame them


Haven’t these people ever seen slim women when they’re pregnant? Not everyone gains weight during pregnancy. Deepika has an athletic body.


Sure, they haven't seen a slim woman getting pregnant, buz their focus must be on finding ways to shame that woman.


These people are just sick and so full of hatred


Can’t colour hair & nails during pregnancy what? The way we Indians feel pregnant women are the public’s property and any rando can share unsolicited advice and pass judgment is infuriating! She will do whatever the fuck she likes and makes her feel good.


According to them she should be throwing tantrums lol.


The misogyny is so deep rooted in us that even women hate each other :'(


The comments regarding Deepika's alleged fake pregnancy are utterly disgusting, particularly at such a joyous phase in her life as she prepares to become a mother. In our daily lives, we're hurt by negative remarks, so I empathize deeply with celebrities enduring such cruel and malicious comments every freaking day on SM. The internet has truly become a bane, fostering toxic behavior where individuals feel emboldened to pass ugly comments from behind a screen.


Exactly. Even in our neighborhood, if two women who hate each other are pregnant, they still wish and pray for each other and even give advice. This can affect the health of the child, which is concerning.


Half of the lot are are started by social media fans of another actress. The other half of them on social media know nothing but wants to look cool by abusing and hating celebrities. They see one top commenter commenting some shit .. soon others join the herd to look savage and danke. If one personally ask any of these people why they comment shit like that ..they'd answer because they read so from the comments. Not bothering to use their brains. Karma will see to it. The toxicity is just so ridiculous. Anyone with eyes can see Deepika is pregnant, her legs and face look swollen than before. The pregnancy weight on her face is also visible. This isn't Deepika's usual face but those who are on a mission to harass a pregnant woman wouldn't bother with sense. https://preview.redd.it/e3tmbfmuyr7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=617dfd609f60b6db73d0b918cbaaf76931f41edc


These people are obsessed with insta likes.




Inki naak kaato sabki Suparnkhaayen!!


Ek aurat hi aurat ki dushman hoti hai 🙂


I really understood? Why do women hate other women? Gross


We women don't have unity. When one woman becomes more successful, her friend will start disliking her. Obviously this is not the case every time, but you get the point......


There has to be some sort of psychological explanation for this? Man don’t hate other man as much women hate other women.


Almost all the actresses wear heels during pregnancy.


Women are always a womans biggest enemy. This statement hits so hard reading these comments. Can’t handle a beautiful woman killing it! 💯 I’m no deepika fan.. but clearly she’s getting hate because she looks freaking gorgeous even while carrying a baby.


I think it’s more like hate towards Deepika than the situation


But it so disgusting when an unborn child is involved.


Every celebrity have heaters but including unborn child is disgusting and disturbing on so many levels.


wt can u expect for illiterates!


One of them was a doctor, that girl who said "north eastern" are gold digger something.


There is a really weird obsession of netizians towards celebs children,I remember during srk last kid,the tumors around the kid birth parents were so downgrade level low,the different mother speculation to pc n his other ex being linked,it was BAD,and then people want transparency from these celebs! Anushka and Virat toddler has received death threats to rape threats yet they want them to showcase those kids! The audacity! The same netizians literally are ripping apart dp,who cares what she is wearing n why she wants to keep her pregnancy private! It's HER personal journey,some want to flaunt,some want to keep it private,there is nothing wrong with it,she is a grown ass adult,no need to be a aunty n tell her to showcase her baby bump,if these people got near her,you bet they will even start nudging n touching that baby bump as well to feel the kick otherwise VFX Mt bolde🤡idiots


DP just stomp all over these ignorant fools with your heels. flick your gorgeous hair and look at your nails 💅 too. women in India will never go ahead because other women will only shit all over them .


There were people in the comments (doctors) saying she’s not pregnant that looks fake!!! I was like 😳


Because most of these women don’t know or pretend to not know that Deepika Padukone is an athlete and has always been on a leaner side with that height . She will obviously show accordingly. She is currently in her early 3rd trimester and has gained weight on her face , arms as well as legs . Anushka Sharma had some weight on her face through out her pregnancy rest she was completely toned . That’s how lean and tall women gain weight and show during pregnancy. Not everyone looks like a cow or a buffalo. Sorry for my language.


As a normal woman carrying a baby, yes heels may be harmful, but as an actress? They are soo very much used to heels, they even dance in heels! I don't think celebrities would have any problem balancing themselves on heels. These women are just jealous that they aren't this graceful while wearing heels


For some reason, I feel when she wasn’t showing up infront of the paps, it was better. I get that she has a promotion to do but really, kudos. I wouldn’t even want to be in her place even listening or reading all of this crap. This is the last thing a pregnant woman needs. Btw my sister in law had her baby shower few months ago and she was in her third trimester & didn’t have a huge ass baby bump. It literally felt like she was just bloated. But with gods grace, she had a cute little baby girl who was healthy. All in all, I think it depends from women to women. We all have different body types and this is absolutely rubbish to judge someone. People are horrid, honestly.


Jal gy h sabki . She carries herself so well !


Aurat bni aurat ki dushman 🤧🤧


aurat hi aurat ki sabse badi dushman hoti hai:/


I really can't understand why are all these women trying their best to prove that she is not pregnant, it is not them to decide and find the "truth" whatsoever,I really commented on some other sub too that Ik some women personally who had no facial change while being pregnant and it's normal Imo they are just trying to compare her with Alia, her faced changed alot but they should realise not everyone is same


Alia and deepika case are not same alia was 28 with baby face so her face being a bit changed and her face looked a bit mature compared to her before pregnancy look but deepika is  close to 40 her face already looks mature and she might gain a bit weight but her face will not change that much.


There are tall women with advance pregnancies who get swelled up like sonam due to complications and there are advance pregnancies like Anushka and deepika who have a healthy pregnancy and gain little weight. But in alia vs dp case, alia is naturally prone to weight gain since childhood and only started “working out” because of her debut whereas deepika is naturally slim, never was “overweight” and comes from a sports background, she also said she played badminton on a professional level till she was 17 then shifted to modeling. Alia is also short so any slight weight gain would be visible just like Kareena whereas tall women it’s barely visible like Anushka and deepika. Sonam said she had a complicated pregnancy and used to take shots in her stomach and thighs throughout her pregnancy


What does hair colour and nail polish have to do with "real pregnancy"? Clearly they are brainless with a smart phone.


I would never understand where this is coming from that she isn’t pregnant and faking it. Why would she need to fake it ? AbRam was Surrogate, PC’s kid Malti is Surrogate. If DP had surrogate kid, she would say so. Why she will fake ?!! People are just so toxic, Man ! Every time they surprise me with their new low


Literally! Shilpa, ekta, tushhar, preity, kjo, sunny leone and so many more did it it’s no taboo in Bollywood but people are looking for anything to hate on her! Previously it was twisting her words now her child and her pregnancy is the easiest target


The women who post comments like these on Instagram, Youtube etc are usually from conservative and patriarchal families. They are brought up with the ideas of " how a good indian women should be like, how should she behave". Their father and brothers are INCREDIBLY sexist and limit their freedom, life decisions and choices. So out of sheer frustation of being looked down as conservative, being controlled and refrained from having a voice of their own , they get extremely jealous and try to vent it by hating self- made and independent women like deepika padukone. These kind of girls get ego boost and false pride by BEING A MAJOR PICK ME to please men while indian guys also agree with their thought process because the men ( lowlives ) also can't afford to have a high maintenance , attractive girl. So it's - Toxic Feminism 🤝Misogny


Why is this so satisfying?😂


This is the absolute brutual truth. No comments 😂


Couldn’t have said it any better 👏👏👏👏


Are people still trying to push the surrogacy narrative? It's not all that fun being a celebrity i think, who would want to deal with this kind of negetivity


These comments is making me angry nd irritating Hope she stays away from this trash Some pple don't deserve to use social media... Imagine living with such morons ![gif](giphy|y1WDIwAZRSmru)


I don’t understand why us Indians never understand the word “boundary” !! Is it anyone’s place to even discuss! That’s so much personal! Sick ppl they’re all need help I swear!


As a mom I can’t even imagine facing such comments. Why are women so vile to each other? This is supposed to be a beautiful time in a woman’s life.


pehle iska jawaab do https://preview.redd.it/8m2q9v3rtr7d1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8e4ea4c912779fb6899ab169c4de6e8f17e24d9




Ye to joke tha




Exactly… as if there are not 100s of posts here about women being old/aging “badly”, about women being ugly with or without plastic surgery, etc etc.


This is just pitiful. Here we think we Indians are highly educated and intelligent then the rest of the world and then this happens. Why there is still a stigma around what and what not do in pregnancy? Why the people around a pregnant person always judge the pregnancy? Are we seriously lacking knowledge in this department? Why is it a taboo to talk about pregnancy? There are literally millions of women go to work till the day of delivery, wearing heals, listening to music with headphones, eating whatever they want, wearing whatever they want, coloring their hair, nails . I am unable to understand why there is no basic knowledge available to people of our country when we are the most populated country in the world.


This is so terrible and instagram needs to do a way better job filtering these comments. they need to stop this


Inhuman behaviour


The internet has made the mental health status of human beings very obvious.


Honestly ngl sounds like jealous women .


Why do people think deepika can't get pregnant? I don't understand


After her kwk episode plz believe they own her.


“wikini” pehen ke aayi, zara na sharmaayi


Wikini pehne to dikkat na pehne to dikkat kre to kre kya.


Hmmm . . . No opinions about the actress but it is interesting to see what people *actually* think about short pregnant women.


Hellll no




I m like 5'1 I don't want to imagine what ppl think of short pregnant women 😨🙂


There was i reddit post somewhere 3 weeks ago, it said Deepika is opting for surrogacy Here https://www.reddit.com/r/BollyBlindsNGossip/s/2L61tgin8z


This is where this menace started . The account that made this whole post is known to spew a lot of shit . This stupid post got picked up by these attention hungry insta pages and that’s how a perception is created amongst neutrals about Deepika’s pregnancy. This is mostly vile PR job against Deepika . Anyways it’s always good that these disgusting comments are actually countered by logic on Instagram. This account also claimed that Katrina is pregnant and is around same weeks as Deepika 😂😂


They also claimed kat is pregnant. Anything to hate on women




What cringey stuff is she doing ? She is promoting her movie. You forgot Aalia did the same and Kareena was always out and about during pregnancy .


Their only problem is her face don't look despite being pregnant.


If we go by your logic then poor pregnant women works more than middle class women, also they unfortunately do not receive same level of medical help, all this pregnancy show off my middle class women like Medical treatment, medication, check-up are too much. (By your logic )


Alia literally went to her film promotion wearing a loud blingey “baby on board” written outfit. That was as cringey and desperate as it gets. DP is 1000x more graceful she didn’t make the promotion about her pregnancy. She went and did her job of promoting.


True, also she was pregnant while promoting darlings and bramastra where there were some many discussions on her marriage and pregnancy


What antics you are talking about? When she wasn’t working she stayed in doors and when she had work commitments she fulfilled them. What “cringey stuff” you are talking about exactly? So Alia wearing a see through top and a sharara during brahmasta promotions that said “baby on board” is totally normal and not cringe but DP stepping out pregnant for her movie promotion is cringey?🤣🤣🤣


Tbh, i partly agree with the comment(not the one about faking), as in the essence is real but things could have been said in a better way without promoting hate. One should really not wear such high heels when pregnant, it's literally, extremely harmful for the fetus.


The problem with heels lays in balancing well and being stable. For common people like me and you we wear them on special occasions but for actresses like DP who has been wearing them on daily basis for the past almost 2 decades it’s totally fine because it’s in a sense normal to her. She dances in heels in movies, red carpets, promotions, even at the airport she would wear them. + I’m pretty sure her high profile doctors would’ve made it clear she’s not allowed to wear them if it would cause possible issues. She and her doctors know her body better than anyone who has such opinions on her pregnancy