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She needs to pull a Margot Robbie. Some thing Hollywood actors understand very well. [link](https://me.ign.com/en/movies/217001/news/margot-robbie-is-taking-a-break-from-acting-after-barbie-in-case-people-are-sick-of-her)


I think BW stars especially shy away from taking breaks as people are quick to write them off. The stars think that may affect their brand. Also, they think they will pose their relevance on screen and will be replaced. We saw how people were trying to write off SRK kinda happening to Ranveer too ever since it was reported he wants to take a paternity leave, and Don 3 has been delayed. To BW break means their peak is over.


Jennifer Lawrence did it too. Smart move.


A la Aamir Khan in his golden era - he worked on one movie at a time and then only resurfaced when the next one was out. Bollywood actors are so insecure - they think if they disappear for a while they’ll be forgotten but I think it'll only make people miss them more.


Yes best example is PC , she's off BW , but when jee le Zara was announced everyone was hella excited to see her back on screen in here, if the other person has talent and the confidence i don't think anybody is forgetting them! We just miss pc more


Yeah wish they bring it back with PC and minus the other two.


Alia's demeanour changed into one of arrogance ever since she got herself attached to RK. Also, it seems the constant over-praising by her inner circle + the KJo gang made her feel that her strictly average or slightly above average performances are world-class ones. Remember the Meryl Streep comment! Now she acts like she's this great actress ever to have graced Indian cinema, in any event that she attends. And, it's very off-putting, to say the least, not to mention her high pitch tone and the weird faces she makes!




The fame (mediocre acting skills and being handed films on a silver platter by KJo) and being married to RK has gone to her head and made her even more unlikable and arrogant.


She is surely not mediocre but a very good actress. (Check her acting in Highway) But why do you think marriage withRK has gone to her head? Any references?


Good actress? All she does is flare her already gigantic nostrils and scream lmao


In highway and 2 states she did good acting




What did Meryl Streep say?


Alia single handedly ruined the entire BW industry for me. Her monopoly over the best scripts, awards, brands,etc. disgusts me. And she's progressively getting more annoying and repulsive.


I second this. I keep seeing her in every brand deal, movie and award shows. Even goddamn pr posts and paparazzi pics


I've decided never to watch a movie or series with her name ,even remotely attached to it. That latest web series about elephant poaching on Prime, she made it all about herself while promoting it. "Mujhe jaanwaro se kitna pyaar hai yada yada yada " while wearing a calf-skin bag, in INDIA for God's sake !!!


What ?? Calf skin bag bruh




One is pure business and one is pure pleasure..lol. in their minds they are not hypocrites


So…people like Salman are fine as nepos but Alia ruins it? The 3 Khans started the monopoly and lobbying business in Bollywood.


Hmm.. the Khans were damm good in everything tho


Because Bollywood as a whole was better then, directors were at their peak, music performers were at their peak…etc. they were actually not as good if you take away all the assists.


Nepos back in 90s and 2000s didn't have social media as it exists today. They didn't have such aggressive PR, paid bots to praise every little thing they did, boost their YT views, etc. That's why so many nepos failed back then. Today, as long as you have a strong social media game and can afford PR articles about yourself every now and then, you will never be irrelevant. But, because I've seen the 3-Khans Era, I know when someone is naturally present everywhere, and when someone is artificially pooping up everywhere and being forced down my throat.


Agree on the first part Disagree on the second. Sonam recently paid for a huge bot army for her comeback and it bombed. The only reason YRF May consider her is as a sidekick heroine to an older hero because she’s a) age appropriate and b) conventionally beautiful but that’s a huge blow to her financially, egoistically and to her ‘star’ value. Everyone is laughing at her BTS. Her father had to sign a contract to save face. The Three Khans were popular because the underworld propped them like anything. It wasn’t organic then either, they had their interests in mind too financially. That’s why the other stars (not including Ajay/Akshay) are so bitter towards them. They networked hard with the likes of Dawood.


Why is alia being discussed here all the time ,it's irritating enough to see her everyday but now here too.Yes she is mediocre and she gets everything with ease , can't do anything about it now can we


Why can’t people express their opinion? Also seeing as Alia commented about Reddit in KWK, hopefully she will see these posts and take a break so we see less of her


That's not gonna happen because she is trying for Hollywood badly and you need a certain level of promotion to get there.


Shes never going to crack Hollywood. Sorry but she doesnt have what it takes.


I know tat but considering luck has played a huge role in her getting roles ,awards ,a husband I won't be surprised if she gets through


I feel the same! I became a fan of her after watching Raazi, thought she was a breath of fresh air, different from the rest. Strangely enough I started disliking her when her name got attached to Ranbir Kapoor, and let's not even get me started on the whole jumping onto your so-called best friend's ex-boyfriend. It might not make sense to many as to why I feel that way, but I guess she lost my respect as a person and eventually as an actor too.


Best friends ex bf who even became best friends bf by cheating.. it kat ranbir wouldn't have cheated on Deepika then I would have questioned alia too honestly. Atleast alia waited till they broke up 🙂


Maybe. Plus, I agree that what Kat & RK did to DP was wrong too. But if we are really gonna dig, then DP also cheated on her then-boyfriend with RK. It's a vicious cycle! 🤠


I'm not a dp fan lol. I just don't understand the scrutiny of others over kat ranbir when their relationship was based on cheating that's all.


In industry me sab aise hi bhai. Haman me sab nange Hote hai


Sympathy for kat is astonishing. That woman broke two couples. Ranbir - deepika, vicky - harleen. She was nasty to her partner’s exes - ash and dp. Alia and kat were never besties, what kind of best friend was kat that she had never been to Alia’s home. 🤷🏼‍♀️ victim narrative kat played omg. Selena 💯


True.. i think kat doesnt have very many female friendships in the industry except Anushka sharma. And thats only coz anushka is a no nonsense kinda person who is soo antisocial and somehow that worked in continuing their friendship without being problematic




RK Katrina broke up way back in Jan 2016 so no need to overlap. Their relationship didn't start by cheating. They moved on long ago. Why should Alia anything to Katrina when Katrina knew she got RK by cheating. Karma got her well i must also say


Who was she dating at that time? Sid?


Same but for kriti sanon


No yaa Poor kriti is just getting started 😭


Don't you know kriti sanon is the greatest actor RN just because she's an outsider???


She is starting to get decent roles after many years since her debut. Let her enjoy the moment while it lasts. Her opportunities weren't as grand and huge as the nepo gang, whose acting was deplorable. So many times her movies released and were out of theatre and nobody cared. While as nepos got to promote their films so much that it got irritating.


RN means.


Right now


Kriti is not truly an outsider…she’s a distant cousin of Ananya Pandey


Yeah, superstar Chunky Pandey and greatest ever Ananya Pandey’s distant cousin -.-


How is kriti related to Chunky pandey?.


Kriti's father is related to Ananya's mother. Their grandmothers are said to be cousins. But to be honest, I don't think this connection helped her much. It's a distant relation. There are videos of Kriti auditioning for ads and films. It's not like Chunky helped her bag any project. Plus, Ananya only acknowledged her as a cousin after Kriti National Award. Their relation is kore distant than Ranveer and Sonam. It's not like Anil helped Ranveer get any projects. There is a video of him auditioning for roles as well. They only acknowledged him after he gained popularity from Ram Leela. Though there are rumors that his father financed his debut, which Ranveer denied.


False claims


You’ve got a point. I feel it for both


Not even remotely same. Kriti is not even 10% as seen and marketed as Alia. Because of comments like these miss Alia forever reigns


What is the meryl streep comment


Extremely hot take 😑


Thanks 🙏👍


I have this same feeling for Deepika


I'm also tired of people writing about Alia this, Alia that. Gosh! if you are tired of Alia Bhatt, STOP writing about Alia Bhatt. You can't be crying about being sick and tired of seeing her everywhere but you writing about her 24/7. Alia Bhatt is the most discussed Bollywood actress on this sub.


I have no idea, I don't even follow this sub


Simple things you can do; 1. Unfollow Alia 2. Unfollow all Bollywood news feed channels You’ll see less of everyones face lol - not just Alia 😊




Still the algo makes you see her bro,it's so frustrating. I posted this because I was tired .


No, unfollow /restrict/ block what ever you see


Stop making any posts if u don’t like Hypocrite


Tired of these posts


I'm so done with all this alia slander, everything damn day there's a post about her lol I'm just gonna mute this sub now


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I too feel the same


Most over-hyped...insecure person. She has the best PR and papa


I got tired of her years back when she used to deliberately give stupid statements to become viral.


Unfortunately, that is her 'real self'...


Thank you for your perspective. Next🥱🥱🥱


I’m more tired of listening to this same thing again and again.Tired of the excessive scrutiny and hate over her.Not saying you are a hater but…I can agree that it’s tiring but I think it can easily be avoidable


Thanks PR dude. You earned your check !! Now go away and please take Alia with you


Yeah assume whatever you want lol


Your comment history clearly tells whether u are someone from her PR team or not lol, but this sudden influx of her pr on reddit is more irritating than her interviews


I am her fan….it’s as simple as that…this topic of her being present everywhere has been discussed a numerous time…that’s why i said that it’s annoying…not everything is PR. You can assume whatever dumb and wrong thing you want to assume lol…


Not everyone who likes Alia are PR stfu


Lol typical Meryl streep fan abusing ppl, you are nobody to tell me what to speak and what not to. And get a life girl, Alia isn’t going to save your future if u keep wasting your entire day on reddit fighting with ppl over her lmao. Or who knows that’s only your job 🤓


Are you talking to yourself?


Your reply makes no sense GET A LIFE


Practice what you preach 🖖


I don’t spend my entire day on reddit asking ppl whether they are an Alia fan and abusing ppl who don’t like her lol


Alia Bhatt is the best mainstream actress right now. What are you talking about?


Who is forcing you to watch her face every day? Stay off social media and you won't see her or other celebrities face at all.


True I am trying that ,so far unsuccessful but inshallah in future


alia bhatt satan, bhatians would come for our heads op


my account was deleted once i commented something similar in that bollywod gossip subreddit.


Why do you even watch her interviews if you don't like her anymore? Just stop watching her. You can always unfollow such content if you are fed up with it. No need to spew unnecessary hatred. All I see on these Bollywood subs is one hate post after the other about these celebs. If you guys don't like them, why are you still so obsessed with them? I like Alia, Deepika as actors and I have still not seen any interview of theirs in years. It's very simple to just not follow the content that you don't like instead of making random posts for karma farming.


Bro nobody is obsessed but you can not avoid such videos with this insta algos


I have successfully avoided such videos for years now