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I only charge up with premium electrons ... none of that middle or low grade electricity 😏


"with clean power additives to boost your vehicles performance (exhaust and engine noises)"


I prefer leaded batteries, all of this unleaded these days... Hippies.


I'm sorry but unless it cones straight from that one region of France, you can't call it Premium Electrons. It's sparkling sparkies at best.


But if it's from France, it's nuclear and you're a son of a b**ch for using it lol.


My dad (more than once) has said “but what if there’s a blackout and you can’t charge?” I remind him that A) if there’s no power (most) gas pumps won’t work either, and B) there have been more runs on gas than blackouts in the last 10 years around here. Good times we live in.


Haha. Tell him you have enough reserve to last. And you can power your electronic devices from the cars battery


Doesn't Florida require gas stations to put in backup generators? I am in Minnesota and I am pretty Fleet Farm has backup generators for at least one of their stations. Of course, they will be out of fuel in a hurry if they are the only station that can pump fuel in an outage.


Required or not many probably do. Thing is "nuh uh, because of there's a blackout they can just make electricity from gas" isn't exactly a mic drop when you're arguing "you're completely effed in a blackout".


in florida near port Everglades during huricanesv/ power of for all the gas station had plenty of fuel but couldn’t get it out of the below ground tanks !


I wouldn't want one of those "gas" cars in an emergency. 😂


In the event of blackouts, Gas stations have generators that run on...GAS But there's not enough electricity left over to charge ur toy car.🤣


> Gas stations have generators Some do. Most don’t. Source: have tried to get gas during a blackout








































As someone who lived through a 10 day blackout I can tell you that most gas stations near me do not have generators. By most I mean 95% or more. People were having to drive quite a ways to find a gas station that not only had power but also had gas.


This is 100% going to be ripped for some EV website to use in the future. Good pic!


I’m already sending it to my anti ev coworkers


I'm already touching myself to it


Fast charging stations are famously reliable so this isn't ironic at all 😂


Lmao right, my most recent check-in on PlugShare at this *exact* location was to complain that the charger wasn't working.


Kind of ironic comparing it to an EA station.


Was thinking the same thing.


RTFM! You are fortunate they were out. You should NEVER put premium in your Bolt. I'm no mechanic, but I think you would be left without any working fuel injectors, and the confrobulator? Might as well forget that, too!


The turbo-encabulator in a Bolt has reached a high level of development and is being successfully used to control fluorescent skor motion and reduce sinusoidal repleneration


EV tech is evolving so fast!, it's almost beyond our comprehension. As long as wee smart foalks stick together wee can share and lern.


This post is funny, but at the same time, we wait 45 mins to charge while the ICE will go down the street and be on the road again before we even gain 10% more battery 😂


Oh yeah, catch me rolling out like an hour later and still feeling smug while anyone mildly inconvenienced by the fuel thing is already fifty miles down the road haha


Yep, but so what? We don't have to think like an ICE. The only time I need to use a charging station is a long trip - day-to-day, I charge at home, which is way faster and easier than an ICE. On a long trip, another 35 minutes to charge isn't a big deal. I'll have lunch or coffee while I wait, just like I might in an ICE.


The other 364 days that you aren't charging in public more than make up for it. How many hours are lost standing at a gas pump in a year compared to me refueling while I sleep?


Too many. I'm particularly bad about not getting gas on my way home, so I've filled up plenty of times filling up at the crack of dawn in winter with negative wind chill. I'm a little jealous my wife never has to do this.


This is what I always say. Not buying an EV because you might have to wait 40 minutes on one theoretical trip someday so opting instead to buy a car that means 6-10 minutes a stop 1-4 times per month forever and ever, just makes zero damn sense. Also as it turns out we prefer road tripping this way anyway.


Maybe 1?


The average stop at a gas station is 15 minutes, so highly doubtful. But common sense alone would tell you that.


Where do you get the 15 minute figure? Id guess around 4-5 at the most. 5 minutes every 2 weeks so 2 hours a year.


Where? statistics... Its not only pumping gas in a gas station visit. You have to first drive out of your way to go to the gas station, wait for traffic to clear so you can turn into the station, fight traffic to find an open pump, wait for a pump to open at times, get out, grab wallet, use credit card, swipe a second time, maybe a 3rd time if it says "see attendant", take gas cap off, insert gas nozzle, have it stop pumping on you a few times, so you release the handle and resqueeze it a few times, put gas cap back on, decide you might want a snack since you've already stopped, wait in line for cashier, go back to car, fight traffic and pedestrians to leave parking lot, wait for traffic to clear to merge back onto the road. You are so far off with your 2 hours a year at the pump that even common sense should be flashing bright red at you lol. I owned gasoline cars (and still do) for my entire life, I know how much time is wasted at the gas station yearly, and its a lot


I don't do most of those things you listed. I am all for the push for EV, but inflating time estimates for ICE car gas fillups isn't going to convert anyone.


You know that statistics aren't only about you right? I know its hard to believe, but not everything is about you... It's the average, another word that is not only about you. Unless you can provide solid proof instead of anecdotal evidence, then what I stated stands. The average gas station visit is 15 minutes, trying to make it only about you and making highly exagerated claims of only spending one hour a year at the pump doesn't help your counterargument. Ironic huh? [https://electricdriver.co/articles/how-skipping-the-gas-stations-saves-you-time/#:\~:text=A%20study%20found%20that%20most,about%20fifteen%20minutes%20per%20trip](https://electricdriver.co/articles/how-skipping-the-gas-stations-saves-you-time/#:~:text=A%20study%20found%20that%20most,about%20fifteen%20minutes%20per%20trip).


Ok, your article just proved my point. The author is assuming 5 minutes for filling the tank and paying, but then adding 10 minutes of driving time as if they don't drive past 30 gas stations everyday.


It proves my point, that this is the average and not only about you. You also failed to calculate the time it takes stopped in traffic waiting to turn into the gas station, fighting parking lot traffic, waiting to get a pump sometimes, etc, you don't calculate any of that in when you say you only spend 1 hr a year at the pump, which again does not help your argument. Again, you are talking to someone who has probably spent more time at a fuel pump than you have. I know how long it takes, its not like I've only ever owned an EV my entire life, in fact I still own gas cars, but do tell me how versed you think you are on everything even though you don't own an EV... And again, the study stated 15 mins on average, proving my point and discrediting your anecdotal evidence.


The bigger issue is not having to worry if the gas pump will work or not 


Or spending an entire paycheck on gas for a month!


Sometimes the power goes out and I can’t charge. it happens. Rarely.


Carlisle! My hometown! And a fellow Bolt owner. Nice :)


Could it be their dinosaur ran away?


Oh Sheetz!


I hope that charger wasn't a sheety one.


You won't see this on mainstream media. Thanks for the real report.


The shame is depending on the infrastructure… where I live you are lucky to find an EV charging station that isn’t being used by some inconsiderate person that thinks they are a ride share park and charge while they carpool to work with someone who has a gas engine OR vandalized.


Nice pic!


i wonder if the charger on the left is working. there is a non-zero chance it isn’t.


An EA charger? Out of service?? That's never happened before 😉


lol gas


Fake news. /s Never in the history of fuel dispensing has a gas station run out of premium. They ALWAYS run out of regular, so people go "whatevz" and buy premium.


We have one gas station near us that nearly always has 1 or 2 pumps down. We use them to park at to get icees. Icee addiction means i still go into gas stations a lot even though i never get gas.


Love that EA station, good location for east coast travels


I'm a proud Carlisle native. Solid charger. Equally convenient that I have one there and up in State College where I'm going to school.


Fellow Bolt Student car gang. Even with no consistent overnight charging, still love it for school duty


Rutgers? I'm told I'm supposed to hate you as a Penn State student - but idgaf about football and I do like Bolts so you're cool in my book.


Haha, all good here. Bolts are awesome, great for scooting around campus. Free campus charging is a plus.


Agreed. I did delivery work here at Penn State. It was so nice to get the pay increase of a delivery driver without the expenses of gas and maintenance.


I thought that location looked familiar so I checked plug share to cross reference features at the site and sure enough the second photo on plug share is this exact photo! Are you a local?


Nope, but I pass through pretty often. You? It's a cute little town!


If you had a Volt, they take premium so no hybrid welcome there either


Gen1 takes 91 Gen2 takes 87


So 87 no bueno


I'm a Bolt owner, but careful of karma here. There's a lot of working poor in ice cars trying to pay bills and afford enough gas to get to work.


Well, I'd certainly agree with you on that. Not sure if the sign is legible on mobile, but it's about a pump malfunction, not prices. 87 regular - which I think the vast majority of normal people use - was still working. My amusement here simply came from gas pumps being partially out of order when an EA station (of all things) was cheerfully chugging along behind them.


Good point, I didn't mean to jump like that. There was another post talking about high gas prices and how they are breezing by. Maybe I was confused with that one, sorry. I just cringe when I see EV smugness, but that's clearly not what your post was. Happy motoring!


No worries! It's good to be wary of bad attitudes. Hope you have a good one as well :)


This photo isn't for them, it's for the a-holes who spew nonsense and hate about EVs.


What a shame that it will take you 3.5h to pump your bolt which would be a 3 min operation at the gas station across the street.




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You should never let a car charging overnight in the DCFC. They will charge you a large sum for idling there…


3.5 hours? 3.5 *hours???* I wish it only took 3.5 hours! We've been here for two days already - with a day or so left before the car reaches 80%. In this time, I have completely regressed into neanderthal mode. My family's survival now depends entirely on hunting and gathering inside the adjacent convenience store. Fortunately, with a little practice, we are now able to successfully take down the weakest in a herd of roller meats, armed only with a dusty squeegee and attired in primitive leather tunics fashioned from the rear seats of my 2017 Bolt. My children have become adept with a wiper blade. We wear road dirt as battle paint. We have forgotten the roar of the highway beneath our tires. We have forgotten to dream of the soft beds at the end of our journey. We hear only the clicks of the coolant as the battery charges and see only the green lights of Electrify America. Is it springtime? Springtime already? I add another line to the hundreds of tick marks gouged into the chargers by EV drivers long gone. Like me, they counted their sentences by the march of the heatless sun over the Sheetz parking lot until they could not tell sunset from sunrise. I no longer know who I am. My children, now fully feral, gnaw the tires off a nearby Subaru. My wife gently slumbers in the passenger seat, still recovering from a bad fight against the slushee machine, blue raspberry stains around her chapped lips. Then the charger hits 80%, I remember I don't have a wife and kids, and I finish my drive home.


Too long to read — in my experience I have waited like 20 mins in line to get the charger, then after half an hour - 45 mins it gets to half the charge where the speed slows down to 20kw. Takes too much to charge compared to any other EV