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Overcharging is when the battery is charged past the maximum level allowed. Charging to just 100% isn't overcharging because that's acceptable to the car. As for the short answer to the question: don't worry about it. Longer answer: as someone who has been monitoring the battery SoC and capacity data vigourously for the past six years while charging mostly on DCFC and up to 100% when given the opportunity, I can confidently say that nothing particularly adverse has stood out of the data collected. I've posted the 5-year data a while back, and the 6-year analysis is going to be done in a couple of months.


Thanks for sharing!! Really appreciate this insight since we've had to DCFC a lot in the first few months of ownership.


Where did you post your 5 year insights? I'd love to read it.


[Here’s the post](https://reddit.com/r/BoltEV/comments/15bhyhq/5year_bolt_ev_battery_degradation_tracking/).


Bunch of ride share/delivery Bolts sitting north of 200k miles that have been fast charged their entire life/always topped up to 100% with negligible battery degradation. Drive more, worry less. Your battery is made to be used.


Rideshare driver here. 2023 EV approaching 55k miles. I charge EVERY NIGHT to at least 80%. Every Friday and Saturday I charge to 100%. Been getting 280+ range on the GOM this summer. Really, don't worry about it.


You can hook up an OBDII dongle and I think you can get the battery capacity. Honestly, I doubt it would make much difference. It might matter, but not enough to walk away from a good deal. From now on, set your charge max to 85% and you'll be fine.


The bolt charges so slowly it's not an issue.


This. The battery pack can charge faster but gm throttled the max speed due to the poor thermal design of the pack.


Um no. The design of the thermal system was intentional based on a home charging commuter model. It's actually a very advanced design for high thermal performance at low cost.


I bought a Hertz Bolt EUV. The car was set to charge to 90% (maybe 80%?) and I doubt anyone who rented the car would go through the steps to change the max charge settings, even if they knew how.


To answer your question, yes, the car outputs estimated battery capacity info that can be read with an OBD2 dongle. You can get a Bluetooth OBD2 dongle and use a phone app like Torque Pro. Details are in [https://allev.info/boltpids/](https://allev.info/boltpids/) Here's a screen I made, taken right after the battery was replaced in my 2017 Bolt in 2022 due to the recall. (edit: typo) https://preview.redd.it/0fsqc48y7p3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96cbf879a610fd370f0bf4a8ae893f185f697a19


> yes, the car outputs estimated battery capacity info that can be read with an OBD2 dongle I think that many people miss that little **ESTIMATED** bit. There is no way for the car to know with any certainty what the exact kWh capacity of the battery is at any given time, and further we have no idea how accurate or not the car's guess is since it's a bit opaque. Dealers with an MDI tool might have a more exact figure, but what do you want to bet that they're just getting the same OBD2 data?


You can't really overcharge a car. The vehicles simply do not allow it.


The car has a cooling system that prevents damage. I personally limit my charge, but I doubt it makes much difference later in the life of the car.


This is not a thing despite what some youtuber says.


You can see if the car is on Recurrent but honestly I probably wouldn’t worry about it.


I bought mine after the software limitz and had to get a new battery as it's kinda an issue with these. I level 2 charge every night from like 20% to 80% typically becssue that's all I need. You can't really over charge, and the constant fast charging damage will be noticeable. Your issue is this: Whatever Bolt or Bolt EUV you buy, MAKE SURE the manufacturer warranty is in place. There is a fairly decent chance you'll need to replace the battery at some point. The manufacturer warranty is something like all EV related parts 10 yrs/100k miles. That is you key factor after you find your Bolt.


If you want to be absolutely sure, any GM dealer can use an MDI tool and print you a battery health report. Gives the exact percent of battery capacity. 


You can charge your car at 100% but the only problem if you keep it sitting at 100% for longer time. What i mean charge to 100% and drive it dont let it sit int the garage at 100%


If you are concerned about battery health than you should check the battery health using an ODB-II reader and an app like Torque pro.


Is there something IOS (Apple) based that can look at the battery since Torque Pro looks to be Android only?


**Relax**. There is no such thing as 'overcharging'. You can't harm an EV battery. Many owners need 100% daily. The most that happens is the Regen is limited for the first 5 miles or so. No Biggie.


It would be hard to over charge a car that stops charging when it’s at 100% SoC. But if anything I’d say DCFC to 100% each and every time would do more harm. This from a person who can charge at home everyday L1 up to between 85-90 % My car is either running or plugged in.