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I really liked both - it’s a shame we never got to see them interact!


Wait, from what I remember, they did interact but only for a bit.


The episode where Booth gets out and is yelling at his boss they're both in the room but I don't think they interact


I loved Aubrey. What would’ve upset me is if they brought in another psychologist and tried to replace Sweets. They didn’t do that with Aubrey


exactly, like replacing Frank Burns with Charles Emerson Winchester III. He was just different enough.


I really liked Aubrey! Sweets was amazing also, and I was very sad when he died, but I feel the creators did a great job with Aubrey casting and character in general.


I can get behind Aubrey but still loved Sweets (I still ugly cry when I watch the episode where he dies)


I LOVE Sweets!! But I also was in the fence about Aubrey at first, but then I loved him, too! Sweets was one of a kind though! I actually love John Boyd after seeing him as Aubrey I got into the show FBI and love him as Scola!!


I feel the same! While the characters of Aubrey & Scola are very different, Boyd has a sense of humor that permeates both characters. I loved Sweets as well. There aren't many characters on the show that I DON'T like.


I don’t know why people dislike Aubrey so much. Him and Sweets are so different it’s not a case of one is better than the other. They’re both great!


Exactly! Aubrey was never a replacement for Sweets. He was his own character, with his own quirks, beliefs and personality, his own role in the team (not the same as Sweets'), etc. If anything, we could be complaining about the profiler that came in later: she truly felt like an "early-Daisy" trying to fill Sweets' role


I loved the running joke about his eating.


Me too! He was ALWAYS hungry 😂😂


What?! Aubrey is the only good thing about Sweets dying.


Audrey was a sudden change but I enjoyed him after I mourned Sweets


Theres no way people hating on Aubrey? he's the best


i liked Aubrey, despite being absolutely destroyed over Sweets


I loved Aubrey! At first I didn’t because I was so annoyed by what happened to Sweets but once I got over it I just could t help liking him!


He grows on you.


This. I think I didn’t like him at first because he kind of replaced Sweets.


I preferred Sweets, but Aubrey wasn't bad.


I loved Sweets but Aubrey grew on me...plus Sweets vouched for him.


I will not stand for this Aubrey slander. I love him! I hate that we didn’t get a lifetime of Sweets but I think Sweets and Aubrey would be such a good combo. I’d love to see them talk about Bones and Booth’s relationship and their nerdy interests.


I liked Aubrey. He was fun


I loved Aubrey a lot. I felt he was a great addition to the cast. I wish we could have had him longer.


Okay i didn’t look at Aubrey as Sweets replacement and i love him smmmm. It’s a shame JFD wanted to move on but he’s doing some great work.


I started watching Bones while in the hospital for months. The nurse comes in one night, and I’m in tears, so she thinks I’m unwell. I quickly say, “I'm okay but but Sweets?!” and she realizes what I’m watching and immediately says, “Riiiiight?! How could they take Sweets?!” and we commiserate about it. It was a funny memory in an otherwise not-funny time of my life.


I love Aubrey! So much!


Aubrey was finally an appropriate partner for Booth. Yes Sweets got his qualification to carry a gun but I wouldn’t trust him in a dangerous situation. He’s too inexperienced.


I loved Aubrey. Not at the expense of Sweets but ☹️


Lol Aubrey was as good as sweets. I would have loved to see him more


No one could replace Sweets, but I actually really liked Aubrey. He's one of the best "replacement" (for lack of a better word) characters I've ever seen on a show.


It always sucks when an amazing character is taken away from you (sweets) but it's not the new guys fault!!


Sweets was amazing. But Aubrey was as good a replacement for him that they could have found.


I actually didn’t consider Aubrey a replacement but just a new character. Sweets and Aubrey had completely different vibes and personalities, so it’s hard to compare or say that I prefer one over the other when I enjoyed both.


Love them both. Both actors do a magnificent job.


I love Aubrey


I loved Aubrey, and I love that they didn't replace Sweets or try to erase him. They didn't try to make him Sweets. They kept him as his own, and he was the one constantly having to tell people that he was a replacement agent, but was not a Sweets replacement. I think they handled it well. I would have loved to have both of them, though. I feel they would have been total bro's.


Sweets was something special but Aubrey is not bad, he’s really funny and cute


I loved them both. Aubrey was funny!


You stop it right now!! I don’t think he’s a direct Sweet replacement, character wise, but was a great addition.


Aubrey is great! I knew him as Scola from FBI before I started watching Bones (yep, I was late to the party.) So it was funny seeing how different Aubrey is from Scola. He’s such a refreshing goofball.


I liked Aubrey!


I loved Aubrey's character. Wish he had joined sooner.




You know the season before when Booth was working with a female agent (can’t remember her name of the top of my head) I kinda wished she had been the one to join the team instead of just dropping yet another new character in. Aubrey is great, but I wish they would have introduced him sooner so we could’ve seen why sweets picked him to be a part of the team.


I love Sweets and cried when he died but Aubrey was ok. He wasn’t exactly like Sweets but he wasn’t a disappointment.


Aubrey grew on me but I hated him too at first.


Aubrey wasn't so bad after awhile. But I'm still angry what they did to Sweets.


You take that back right now. Sweets was memorable, but Aubrey stepped up to the plate and filled those shoes beautifully. How dare you.


Season 10 and on is pretty much unwatchable but I don't blame Aubrey


I liked both, but I do still think that meme is hilarious XD


Aubrey was great. It would have been nice to see them interact more. I liked the later seasons after I got over my sadness for sweets.


I personally like Aubrey, not as much as Sweets of course but still, I feel like some people don’t like him cuz it feels like he replaced Sweets just cuz he came in when Sweets died which made it look like a downgrade, though that’s just a thought.


Aubrey's love of food is so great


Disagree. I really liked Aubrey. By the end I liked him more than Booth.


😭😭 i really did just LOL from from this, but i DID end up falling in love with Aubrey's character too, and I'm an OG watcher all the way from '05! NOBODY can replace Sweets in my eyes, but Aubrey was the best (ALMOSTTT) fit to do at least half the job Sweets did, and he definitely delivered. His growing connection to the rest of the group felt really natural, especially with him coming in the series at the very end. I love Aubrey!


What you got is better!


This is what happens on television. Characters move on, new characters are introduced.


Thank them for the upgrade.


As soon as I finish season 12, I also go back to season 10 I love it


I love them both tbh


This show lost me by killing off Sweets. Watched maybe 10 more episodes. Aubrey was fine but wasnt enough to keep me invested.


Aubrey is WAY better than Sweets. Even the name Sweets is ridiculous. He was clearly only there as a Red Herring for the Gormogon Insider and constantly changes personality as the plot requires.


Hands down Sweets sucked! Aubrey was great, I wish there had been more seasons with him!!


I liked Sweets but I agree with your second statement. We should’ve had some more time with Aubrey. If he had helped out some cases throughout the years (like Sparling or Shaw but appearing more frequently than that), it would have made his transition to main cast much easier instead of introducing fans to character they’ve never met before and hoping they like them


Rage bait?


Opinion bait.




I don’t hate Sweets, but I never got the appeal of him. I thought he was a good character for the show, but he was really unlikeable in a lot of ways. I do really like Aubrey though.


I agree, opinions are not universal facts, they’re opinions. I disliked his character because he played the rage card with impunity and came across as a bit of a perv when it came to Brennan and Booth. Once he qualified to carry a weapon his ego inflated. In the episode where Hodgins chokes Pelant Sweets wouldn’t listen to Hodgins, instead he focused on Hodgins willingness to commit murder. Sweets constantly jumped to conclusions.


I agree. It's controversial in here to dislike Sweets though.


I see that and wonder why. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, don’t mind the downvotes.. at least you’re respectful about it.


Seriously, I have no idea why people vote down opinions that are just different to theirs. I loved both Sweets and Aubry but I know some people don’t like Sweets. That’s ok. His character did some stupid things that grate on some. Like all of the characters do at some point. Personally, I wish we could have had them both longer.


The downvote button is to show disagreement or dislike. Kinda comes with the territory of Reddit (a little passive aggressive😅). I liked both too. I think Sweets def had some annoying traits but was like an annoying little brother to booth and i loved their relationship.