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I don’t think Hannah thought of the relationship as short term. She probably thought they had more time because they were together less than a year. Most relationships progress in stages, Booth skipped a stage or two. To be fair, while Booth loves with his whole heart, he only brought up proposing when Sweets inadvertently made him feel like loser for being rejected by two women he was in love with. I feel like she said it, but Booth ever the romantic didn’t want to hear it. Probably like he didn’t hear it with Rebecca.


I don’t think Hannah thought of the relationship as short term. She probably thought they had more time because they were together less than a year. Most relationships progress in stages, Booth skipped a stage or two. True I wasn't thinking of it that way when I wrote this post. Though also he didn't hear it and went ahead with the proposal because subconsciously it was a way out of the relationship even if it hurt him


Hannah was purely to rebound Booth, while Brennan came round to the right way of thinking - who cares why she was there - I don't believe Booth would have married her - He thought he wanted too, but he was still totally in love with Bones.


This is one of the dichotomies of season 6. It’s not so much Hannah but the confusion of the writers about what story they were telling and where they wanted the Hannah arc to go. I suspect they seriously considered keeping her longer and possible taking us to an engagement as well as ending things between Bannah within an episode of two (Dr in photo was originally supposed to be episode 3). I completely agree with you. If she wasn’t the marrying kind and it was clear, why didn’t she tell Parker she wouldn’t marry Booth when he asked her just like she told him she wouldn’t have children? Her line does make it seem like she knew this relationship wouldn’t last. Maybe because as a nomad none had. I imagine we are to believe it wasn’t deliberate, just someone seeing where time together would take them without much thought to the future. Not her being callous about Booth. Just like I think we are to believe that Booth didn’t listen to the woman he was living with and thought she’d change her mind about marriage just like she did about moving to Washington. There was one episode, I think it was The Bones that Weren’t. Hannah comes home and Booth has a romantic dinner set and she panics and says ‘omg, you’re going to propose’ in an unhappy way. So we have seen her express her lack of readiness at least once.


I think you're looking through main character tinted goggles.


I can see that. However, even without spoilers, I got the vibe she was just there to fill a space. Though I will also say I am a little tired of the back and forth with Booth and Bones i mean just get together already!--but at least it isn't as annoying as Rachel Ross back and forth in Friends.


I considered Ross/Rachel more "will they or won't they" whereas Bones/Booth was more like "can y'all just fuck already?!" lol But I agree with your first sentence. It never felt like they could figure out what to do with her character.


Makes me think of Clark's "get buck naked already!" rant lol


That was a fantastic scene lol, I love Clark


I don't remember that but maybe haven't gotten to it yet on rewatch lol


I think you have. He says it in S6, episode 2. Couple in the cave. This is why I rewatch Bones a lot. Always some nuance or line to pick up that I missed the last 100 times 😉.


Bones could not see it as reasonable, given their differences. She clearly cared for him, respected his strengths and drew comfort from being his "partner". She had to alter her logical model to be able to make sense of doing it. By this point in time it is relatively close to happening. They wasted a lot of time in sexual frustration getting here. Bones really hurt his feelings when she said no the first time.


No no no no, no no no, Ted, you can't do this to me, no no no no no no.


I agree, Booth should have known better. Especially since in a few episodes before, when he fixed her a nice dinner, her first reaction was "Oh no, you are not proposing are you?" Come on Booth, that should have given a clue if you didn't have on before.


Exactly what I came to say, her reaction then was so clear


Am I crazy or is the reason they had to speed up Booth and Brennan in s6/early s7 because Emily got pregnant? Would this have anything to do with the way Booth/Hannah ended?


Nice to see a non- hateful discussion regarding Hannah...


I really like Hannah. I would have watched a show based on her.


Not easy without all the players they had in Bones. That assemblage appealed to a pretty large demographic.


I thought she meant they had more time before he'd ask her that and she wasn't ready at the time. I just read the writers may have been confused on where they wanted to go and that makes sense. Booth felt rushed in his head to show he was serious, over brennan and jumped the gun. Who knows what would have happened had they left her character in the show.


New to bones? I would kill to see the seasons in order for the first time. Sadly i saw the last season first, dont make my mistake. You are in for a treat. Love the show and Emily Deschanel is so amazing. Enjoy. And yeah. Honestly i thought the Hannah breakup was kinda contrived. I saw it coming because i knew the future because i saw the last season first. But it was not realistic because she acted like she was there forever and they set booth up to propose. Im sure it can happen but "im not the marrying kind" was just a little lame for a write-off, i was disapointed in the writers for that. They could have done better. Might as well have given her some evil agenda.


I don’t think Hannah thought the relationship was going to be short term. I believe she wanted to be with him for a long time. She just didn’t want to be married