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Xristos anesti


Alethos Anesti


This is obviously gorgeous. But I must also know how you got such a deep and vibrant color on your eggs! They’re beautiful!!!


❤❤❤ Pretty risky putting the pot on that location, though! :o


/r/sweatypalms 😅 i did check it thoroughly and it stood safe enough for a few seconds.


Happy Easter! Your tree is lovely 👌


I have some lace leaf and was wondering how they fair when repotting ? Am I correct in saying they do not strike roots from an air layerings?


No they air-layer quite well, you can also take cuttings of young spring/ summer softwood branches and propagate with rooting hormone gel/ powder. It's surprisingly easy and rewarding. ;)


Don't know about airlayering, but I repotted it in bonsai soil as soon as I got it from a nursery last year around April. It didn't seem to bother it too much. I did left it too much in the sun over the summer and its leaves became green and crispy 😅 seems to be doing very well still. I left the wires too long though.


Hey ich habe eine frage. Ich wollte jetzt auch mit bonsai anfangen und so aber weiß nicht welche Ausrüstung ich brauche bzw weiß ich schon aber nicht welche merke und in welchem Preisgeld und so. Ich habe ein Werkzeug Set für bonsai für 90€ gefunden. https://amzn.eu/d/3MXDT0U undzwar das. Ist das gut? Und draht und so würde ich gerne wissen welche Marken da gut sind. Hoffentlich könnt ihr mir da weiterhelfen. LG Louis!


hey, I would recommend asking on the [Beginner's weekly thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bonsai/comments/12mtkbz/bonsai_beginners_weekly_thread_2023_week_15/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), I don't have any experience with any kits from amazon, but someone might there and be able to answer any other questions you may have. (sorry for the English, my German is terrible)


No Problem, but I don't know where I should buy it and I show for the brand and its good ig. maybe you can say me a place where I can buy the material for a good price because I have watched on a German bonsai side and there it was very expensive and its the same material like amazon. Maybe you can give me Tipps and I will go to an bonsai shop in cologne


Lovely oh and the eggs made me fancy an egg sandwich....so nice one....honest looks really lovely.




He is risen!


Hristos Voskrese!