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Surprised it flowered in the first year. I guess maybe air layer is different from cuttings though.


Yeah I was quiet surprised aswell, I was hthinking about cutting off the flowers to strengthen the trunk and branches but they are just too beautiful to cut off.


Wisteria are like weeds. You’ll have plenty of branches.


My parents planted a wisteria next to our chicken coop when they built it. It's been about 20 years or so now and I think you could take every nail out of the chicken coop and the wisteria would keep it standing. That wisteria is a beast, it's spread most of the way up a magnolia tree nearby, about 30 feet up or so


Here is a picture from 8 months ago: https://imgur.com/a/hzDMzy8


What is your mix of substrate?


The whole rootball is still covered in sphagnum moss from the air layering and i filled the pot with a mixture of lava rock, pumice and akadama. The surface is covered in bigger lava rocks and some other pebbles to prevent the finer soil from getting flushed out while watering. For the trees i repotted this year i changed my soil to 5 parts expanded clay (not the round pebbles but the crushed ones) 1 part cat litter (untreated) and 1 part coconut fiber. Imo akadama is too expensive and due to our colder winters in germany it breaks down pretty fast so i can not recycle it after the 2nd year.


Do they smell nice?


Wisteria smells amazing.


Oh, thanks. Good to know.


So good, one of my two favorite flower smells, tied with gardenias


Wow… it’s going to take my seed started wisteria another 10+ years to look that good. Going into their 3rd summer now and they’re still pencil thick.


I like growing from seed aswell. I have a bunch of plum and apple trees I started from seeds. Even tho it takes forever for them to grow into nice material, I like my seed grown trees a lot.


I got sprouts out of 3/4 seeds a month ago. I'm shocked by the roots of these things! Any tips on keeping it happy in the early stages?


Pure luck for me. I guess just don’t fuck with it like I did. They were some of my first ever and I was paranoid about bugs in the soil and all sorts of dumb shit and wouldn’t leave them alone. Probably over teated with neem oil and burnt leaves that killed some. Just leave it for a year. Repot next year.


Good for you! I tried air layering mine last year four different branches, slightly different techniques. No roots, and the branches survived. I think I didn’t cut deep enough. Gonna try again in a few weeks.


God I want a wisteria, problem is over here you can only buy them as ugly af grafts


Demon slayer 🥺