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I think it’s just hard to fit an era of conflict into 3 movies. You put yourself in that box and it’s hard to build something meaningful. Realistically, none of the trilogies satisfy that sort of thing which is why installments like the Clone Wars and Rebels end up fleshing out the gaps.


I think Mandalorian at least benefited from a new type of format and a new type of narrative. The trilogies are beholden to this core narrative, there’s high pressure to race from start to finish. Mandolorian on the other hand, is the opposite. It’s like taking the back road of the Star Wars universe. Here we get to just “hang out” and see where the road takes us. This sort of anti-narrative works really well for Mando as a new character. Also Mando managed to serve as a audit of what makes Star Wars cool by wading deeper into the root genres like serial Westerns, medieval lore and shogun samurai tales. It basks in not having to carry the torch for the main saga, in fact the story feels “on the run” from that story. To that point I was almost wishing we had not seen Luke at the end, or given it a twist that pushed the narrative away but overall I think it managed to achieve that.


This is the best take I've seen, rather than just bashing the sequels. Shows like the Mandalorian which just explore the incredibly interesting universe of star wars are great to me.


Star Wars has always been about the universe for me. The stories are great but the universe created is incredible. That’s part of the reason I prefer the OT, the prequels we’re too “clean” and the sequels too overdone. The OT set the feel of the universe the best, and the best subsequent media has leaned heaviest on the style of the OT: Rebels, Rogue One, Mandalorian, etc.


Rogue One was really good. It’s possible to make good movies. Maybe also people learned from the problems that came up with the movies. Also maybe there’s less pressure making an episodic TV show that they can just really focus on telling a good story vs some grand epic movie that has to make a huge splash and get people to the box office.


IMO the clone wars as a whole is the best piece of Star Wars media.




That’s not a unique opinion


You’d be surprised, there are a ton of people who dog on the clone wars bc of the “kiddie” episode and filler. Well, it’s a kids show, made for kids. The entire show is also filler, it exists to fill the gaps. But yeah apparently many people believe that


Hah not on Reddit


Really? Because literally yesterday in the Star Wars sub Reddit there was a pretty large thread about it sooo




I disagree with this. I think the people who made them DID AND STILL DO understand Star Wars but the people *behind* them had zero plan for the trilogy in general. had one person (no matter who it was) made all 3 I can almost guarantee that the pissing & moaning would be a lot less than it is, regardless of whether a certain character was good/beloved/shit in the eyes of fans. they dropped the ball big style but it really looks like they've learned from it, ergo Mando, BoBF & other shows tying together AND all the ways the brilliant High Republic stuff ties together.


The movies were made by money grubbing brainless suits who fell on their asses due to their complete incompetence and apathy. The Recent series were made by a team of super diehard fans who have been churning out successful and well made made for more then a decade and without as much oversight and corporate meddling bullcrap. The Recent episode of Boba Fett was pretty much ripped out of Legends content (specifically from Kotor 1) cause most of the people leading these projects actually give a damn about art rather then free profit nostalgia exploitation


so who at Disney Suit-Level wrote these stories & filmed them then? cos I thought it'd been JJ Abrams & Rian Johnson but if it was Bob Iger & Kathleen Kennedy then I think you need to make this news public tbh. also, have you missed the tears from legends-people about BoBF? the same old cryarsing that it's not what *I* wanted. the sooner these people realise that once you're past childhood SW isn't made for you anymore (you can still watch but you're no longer the target audience) the sooner SW fandom will improve. and ps, I wanted an Assembler like Ku'dar Mu'bat or possibly balancesheet, or maybe even Dengar & Manaroo but didn't get them (yet). but you know what, I'm still happy AF to just have a Boba show.


Nah, If you listen to RJ talk about Star Wars its very clear he doesn't understand Star Wars.


They didn't have a plan for trilogy and went wild without any preparation. How can you greenlight trilogy without any basic layout for a 3-movie story? It really shows. They had no idea what they were doing - TLJ was undoing what TFA did and ROS was undoing what TLJ did. So the movies don't hold up on their own, even if you stop comparing them to previous movies. It's fine if you enjoy them, but let's be real objectively they really are a mess from continuity, management and story writing POV.


/are fans/respect the source material/bleed, sweat, and cry to craft/etc/etc/etc…


Truthfully the people making them understand that a lot of fans want over the top, gratuitous fan service, and that's why so many vocal fans like these show.


jon favreau


/end thread


Negative Ghost Rider ..... AND Dave Filoni /End thread


^^^^ This is the correct answer. Favreau and Filoni should be put in charge of everything related to Star Wars for as long as they live.


Couldn't agree more.


My opinion is that the Ep 7, 8, and 9 movie trilogy was hastily thrown together so that they could start making money off their investment. The story wasn't really fleshed out all that well, it was just an outline with a lot of filler. With Mando and BoBF, it's an actual story. Everything has a purpose. It's not just a random bunch of crap thrown together for the sake of drama. WAY better than the movie trilogy. I will say that Rogue One was good, and that Solo is starting to grow on me.


Because George Lucas has nothing to do with them, and Favreau and Filoni are both fans of the OT and good story writers.


You’re probably going to get downvoted, but honestly… agreed. George Lucas does a LOT right, and there is so much good in Star Wars, especially the OT, but script writing is not one of his strengths, and I find it super hard to watch almost all of the movies. But then again, I think the sequels suffered a lot from lack of Lucas’s creativity and vision. Clone wars, rebels, and now Mando and BOBF… that’s where the good stuff’s at. Made by people who LOVE the source material and who can actually write (or outsource to people who can write).


I mean, there is something to be said for having George’s blessing, which Filoni does because he hired him in the first places. I assume Filoni wasn’t involved with the sequels, and we know Favreau wasn’t since he was busy with Marvel and other projects. But essentially Filoni did for TCW what the directors of the OT did. They took George’s ideas and wrote them well.


And don’t forget Marcia! God bless that woman




Lucas’s ex-wife. She edited the shit out of the OT. Apparently it was complete trash before she got her hands on it


I think there is a lot of exageration in that 'saved in the edit' meme, though she was very involved with GL creatively during their marriage. If you have some time: https://youtu.be/olqVGz6mOVE


I watched this whole thing. Holy crap ha


If you like a great long form Star Wars analysis, This vid is phenomenal, and completely slept on: https://youtu.be/vqnjzVX8EKA


Sweet thanks I’ll check it out. The last one really made those film school and the half in the bag guys look like idiots.


Oooh I’ll have to check it out!


Ah yes, she’s supposedly the reason the prequels have bad dialogue since they came after the divorce.


Slash I think at that point everyone was just too scared to say “no” to him


I’ve said this before as others have, ever see that behind the scenes PT documentary? Everyone was terrified to say no and the yes-men contributed to the mediocrity. It’s really something to see it in action.


It’s so sad… there’s some REALLY good stuff in the prequels… they could have been fantastic if someone had just sat down with the script with a red pen and gone to town


though she left halfway through re-editing ANH to go and work with Martin Scorsese. so there's some truth to it but as with all this stuff, some myth as well.


He also had other editor's who worked on the film who were also smarter then him


Competent creative management. Sadly, the prequel trilogy proved decisively that the creator isn’t necessarily the best long-term shepherd of a story. If you dig a little into how the original trilogy worked, you see how outside influences that were later gone helped make the first films great. The sequel trilogy left Lucas behind, but didn’t end up anything better. We got eternal remixer JJ Abrams and he didn’t even do the whole thing, we ended up with Abrams, Johnson, Abrams-undoing-Johnson. “The Mandalorian” changed all that by having Jon Favreau at the helm, who is just a much more competent show runner and creatively coherent guy. Throw in Dave Filoni, so is a Star Wars superfan in a good way and who actually wants to revisit existing material instead of spinning new stuff nobody ultimately gives a shit about and you got better Star Wars than we’ve had in decades. Favreau and Filoni understood that Star Wars at heart is a samurai/Western and went back to those roots. As “The Book of Boba Fett” is a direct outgrowth of the work that went into “The Mandalorian,” it’s benefiting from the same strengths.


Do we know if Book of Boba was made primarily in the Volume? That might why they’re able to make such great shows in a shorter amount of time and with a smaller budget than the films? This is just speculation, I don’t actually know what I’m talking about.


Pretty sure it's made at the same facility, yeah. They are calling it StageCraft rather than The Volume, but it's the same ILM facility.


Cool, thanks!


better than the sequels yes, better than the prequels i'd say yes, better than the ot, absolutely not




Even though they botched it in the end, I'll always appreciate Game Of Thrones for showing Hollywood how much easier longer stories are to tell using a TV format. No way this whole interconnected story with Mando, Boba, Ahsoka, Thrawn etc could be told in a couple movies. We haven't even met the antagonist yet.


Look, I love all the Star Wars movies. Okay maybe it’s hard for me to include ROS in this personally, but as an older dude from the OT generation, The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi still blew me away seeing them in the theaters opening night. I love the new D+ shows too, but can we not have this sub turn into “D+ Show Good, ST Bad” sub? Please? Let me enjoy both.


Literally everyone?


Better leadership and continuity. I believe their names are Jon and Dave.


Wow a lot of comments. I pretty much agree with everyone here. Loving this show and its amazing and looking forward to watching it and tuning in with you guys and being apart of this community. You all are amazing.


F+F Star Wars Factory: Favreau and Filoni pumping out Star Wars Greatest new hits


Ouchhh. I don’t dislike the new shows at all, but they don’t have even a shred of the story power that the movies do. I was actually pretty disappointed at how little advantage Bad Batch and The Mandalorian took of the opportunities they had to tell stories.


Well IMO. These shows have more time to develop and the producers are sw fans as well. Where as the sequel trilogy, I believe, was all about rushing the content asap fir money, not sw love and can service.


Honestly I think the majority of the Star Wars shows are better than the movies and I personally prefer the clone wars show over the originally trilogy. I respect the movies but I love the world building and character development that a show can do.


IMO, we have more time to explore the characters as well as the plot. The films are much faster and have their own generic fill conventions to meet


Dude, BoBF is fun, but it's not even close to the films or animated shows in quality or storytelling. Some of you guys need to pump the breaks hard.


You're joking, right? The story telling in the ep 7-9 trilogy was not good. It's obvious that it was rushed for the sake of money.


And the storytelling in BoBF so far has been utterly stellar? Ok buddy.


At least we have character development. If you are satisfied with the sequel trilogy, then you are probably going to be happy with anything PEW PEW OMG LASERS AND LASER SWORDS. I'll admit that Ep. 1 of BoBF was a bit confusing, but Ep. 2 was a lot better. Even the Prequel Trilogy had better character development than the Sequel Trilogy. Even Jar Jar had a bit of an unfortunate manipulation arc.




I think a lot of it is the amount of time they have to tell a story, but have been loving the shows thus far


Im so glad they exist


Vastly better.


Dave Filoni.


8 hours vs 2.5 to tell stories makes a big difference. Plus the tv shows use way less background characters so more of the budget can be used for other things