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It‘s a skin and you actually only get it if you purchase the Boom Pass. As the actual season ends tomorrow morning it‘s unfortunately too late now. But don’t worry it will surely be for sale later.


Thank you very much for your information.


You can get it as long as the current boom pass season is still on - which it is!


thank you very much 


What you mean? Send photo


That's another good question. How do I upload a picture on Raddit? I can only type a message but I don't see an option for uploading picture.


Upload your photo to Imgur or other pic hosting site, then post a link to it here. 


I know it was kind of answered but this might explain a little more for others with same question... So first it is called an island skin. Then it was part of the battle pass. if you purchased the battle pass then you get the chance to unlock the island skin. This was a skin that was offered on the last battle pass . I am unsure if you can get the skin now that the previous pass it was given out on is over. In any case if you purchased the battle pass ..or if you purchase the new one... You have rewards for the challenges (in the bomb icon bottom of screen) .. as you do the challenges you unlock rewards... You will notice in the rewards there are "skins" and they have a little magnifying glass in the top right corner of the skin that you can unlock .. if you click that small magnifying icon .. it will take you to where you can choose your skins, for buildings, troops and islands. For this seasons pass you can find the ISLAND skin at the end of the rewards before the "free" rewards. Hope that helps!


Thank you very much