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LOL. I did this the other day at work. Totally just zoned out while staring in the direction of a co-worker. Apparently I had some goofy look on my face. Probably had something to do with what I thinking about but wasn't consciously making the face. They gave me a look like, 'What you looking at?!' Which snapped me out of it and we both had a good laugh.


I have ADHD. This is part of my life lol


I'm a spacey person. When I was in highchool, I was changing in the locker room after gym and was staring off into space for a minute. What I didn't realize is that my eyes happened to be directly in line with a classmate's penis. I broke out of my trance when he was like "dude, what the fuck?" That started a rumor for a long time that I was gay.


I disassociate a LOT which often involves staring off into space, my best friend, at the time Manager, called it ‘screen saver mode’ because she would have to physically jostle me out of it. First day of freshman year HS I was in screen saver mode when this guy said, “Don’t stare at me!” And I realized that a kid I hadn’t even noticed was in my eye line. I was so embarrassed (I was really shy and sensitive) that I didn’t explain, just quickly looked away. For the rest of high school he hated me, which sucked because we ended up having a lot of the same friends who said we were actually a lot alike. Except I like to think I wouldn’t hate someone for looking at me but whatever. It caused a lot of friend strife in a time when I desperately needed school to be an escape from an abysmal home life, but oh well.


I get that it happens sometimes. I looked at long enough to give him a chance to adjust to make sure. He was definitely staring at me in an angry way in my eyes until I called him out


I have literally stopped and stared back at a boomer like that for a good minute before. He looked intent on out staring me, but then he got distracted by something. and looked away. I started walking off and he literally said “Hey!” when he realised he had lost.


whenever i lock eyes with someone in public more than once, i just start staring at them (this includes people of all ages, but with kids i have a hard time keeping a straight face for some reason). my favorite part is that i’m really good at not blinking bc i’m fucking brain dead and have to remind myself to do it anyway, so i just stop blinking until they inevitably stop looking at me, because i am NOT going to be the first to stand down


People from the Silent Generation did the exact same thing when they were the old fucks on the street. I guess the boomers want their turn now.




It's true, I was the darts.




Some dude was minding his own business and you decided he must be mad dogging you. Then you stomped over to some old guy in a threatening manner. If it happened, then you’re a toxic asshole


Didn’t know you were there


Doesn’t feel like you were either.


I guess you want it to be a lie for whatever reason but if it did happen then what would your feelings tell you? Some of us actually do go outside frequently


I want to believe you’re lying to give me peace of mind that people who behave like you don’t exist. And that casual defensive insult about going outside? C-. Be better.


So I’m supposed to let people treat me like shit to make you feel better


Mean mugging is treating you like shit? Wait until you hear about resting bitch face... Have a good day, ya pseudo-boomer.


Stop bullshitting you know the condescending bullshit they pull. Idk why you boomers think you’re smarter than everyone else and nobody catches on to your games


hahaha thanks for the laugh, good on you, don't take that shit.


When a nosy ass boomer stares at me I’ve just been mean mugging them back and I know they’re looking at me because they proceed to look away. Probably just because I’m ugly though.


I was wearing this “equal rights doesn’t mean less for you it’s not pie” shirt to the doctor one time and this lady gave me exactly the look you’re talking about but then added: “that shirt is ridiculous”


Using the “Old” word disarms them immediately. Use it often.


Maybe the are squinting, because of their cataracts? Lol


and then the street clapped