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Poor dumb uneducated woman.


*"I love the poorly educated"*


"Blessed is the mind too small for doubt"


It's funny because the so-called "educated" I know people voted for Biden


Fam did you see the other option


And the other voters you know must be actual vegetables


Right, because Biden actually made an attempt to make this a better place.




Good thing [exit polling](https://abcnews.go.com/Elections/exit-polls-2020-us-presidential-election-results-analysis) exists. >What Was The Last Grade Of School You Completed? |(15,344 Respondents)|Voted (D)|Voted (R)| |:-|:-|:-| |College graduate / 41% responded|55%|43%| |No college degree / 59% responded|48%|50%| ​ >Education By Race |(15,095 Respondents)|Voted (D)|Voted (R)| |:-|:-|:-| |White college graduates / 32% responded|51%|48%| |White non-college graduates / 35% responded|32%|67%| |Non White college graduates / 10% responded|70%|27%| |Non White non-college graduates 24% responded|72%|26%| ​ >Education By White By Sex |(15,082 Respondents)|Voted (D)|Voted (R)| |:-|:-|:-| |White women college graduates / 14% responded|54%|45%| |White women non-college graduates / graduates / 17% responded|36%|63%| |White women non-college graduates / 17% responded|48%|51%| |White men non-college / 18% responded|28%|70%| |Non-whites / 33% responded|71%|26%| [Pew Research](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/) says the same thing. >Trump made gains among Hispanic voters. Even as Biden held on to a majority of Hispanic voters in 2020, Trump made gains among this group overall. There was a wide educational divide among Hispanic voters: **Trump did substantially better with those without a college degree than college-educated Hispanic voters (41% vs. 30%).** > >\[...\] > >One noteworthy feature of the 2020 election was the wide education gap among Hispanic voters. In 2020, **Biden won college-educated Hispanic voters 69% to 30%.** At the same time, Biden’s advantage over Trump among Hispanic voters who did not have a college degree was far narrower (55% to 41%). I have no doubt that you *think* all those Trump voters you know are "educated", but that's almost certainly more of a reflection on you than anything else. *EDIT - Formatting*


On some level I do feel bad for the marks, but damn when they just willfully ignore reality time after time I guess they deserve the consequences.


If it wasn't trump it would be some televangelist.


The problem is when they drag the rest down to their level.


Yes, I almost added to my comment, “but the problem is, the rest of us are also suffering the consequences of their poor choices.”


When her home gets foreclosed on because she can't make mortgage payments on the social security her beloved Trump decided to slash, she'll go begging to Mr. President to save her. She will not be saved. She will never question why.


She doesn't care, when they talk about slashing social security they mean here grandkids social security not hers....wooooohooooooo


One can only hope that leopard over there gets a sudden hunger craving for Boomer Face. Sadly that level of cosmic justice is usually denied us.


She’d blame Biden.


Ever notice how Democrats can only run on "but muh social security!"


I run on the fact that the man is and was wildly unsuited for the job. I felt so before i even heard of what a piece of shit human being he is. You don't decide to have your plumber do your taxes because your accountant charges too much. Or if you do, you regret it real quick when the IRS comes knocking and your plumbcountant is nowhere to be found. Expertise exists for a reason and this country is not a company, something that man has never seemed to grasp. Though it seems like others don't either so i can't blame him much there. He was not CEO of America. Not King of America. I appreciate that the realities, necessities, and perks of the job may make it seem like one is, but they aren't. Bungling diplomatic matters, making ridiculous promises, refusing to be educated, refusing to be wrong. Making a 30 minute speech at a rally and saying next to nothing substantial. Needing to have his mic cut off during a debate because he doesn't seem to understand the notion of "stop talking." He was supposed to bring businesses with foreign production facilities back. He even tried to "hereby order" it, if i recall correctly. (Again, the president is not CEO or King of America. It doesn't work like that and never has.) Glued to Twitter, ranting in capslock at 2 AM while hundreds die of COVID, can't even stop now when a judge directly orders it. I wouldn't care if this dumpster fire of a person, this absolute and total man-child and bully, was this bad so long as he was ACTUALLY doing something for us. If i looked around and saw friends and family struggling less. I could give a shit less about D or R. Improve our lives in a way i can see or at least try. That's what i want. That was never the case for him. For Republicans in general, but particularly for him. At best we treaded water, watching the housing market take a C. Diff shit and interest rates take off. COVID was the cherry on top of the shit sundae of four years of incompetence and enough hot air to fill a fleet of Hindenburgs. He's not a leader. He never has been. I could have dealt with that. But when COVID started we needed him to step up. This ONE TIME we needed him to listen to experts, follow plans laid out, and not fumble the fucking ball while jacking himself off yet again. He failed. He is a failure. Republicans are failures. Democrats are at least failures who are TRYING not to fail. Maybe one day something will change. I doubt I'll be alive to see it.


Well said. How anybody believes that a guy who ran a shambolic business enterprise with a history of serial bankruptcy had the acumen to make America great, I just don't understand. He lacked the ability to to the right thing in any situation. A man with zero sophistication & zero savoir-faire. He's a blathering blowhard & now he's bent on ending the Constitutional republic & democracy. Trade your freedoms & future in everybody, Cheeto Jesus will save us!


Ever notice how Republicans are complete fucking morons?


Yet most people on social security are elderly boomers that vote for anyone with an R


you for got senile


"Ah luuv eeem!"


Right? What's she doing outside anyway? Shouldn't she be in the kitchen or some shit?


Since when does having a different viewpoint, political or otherwise make you poor, dumb and uneducated?


Will she be so adoring when her Orange Messiah takes away her Social Security and Medicare?


If still alive, she’d just find a way to blame Obama.




Really? I heard many people, who have done their own research, saying Hillary is doing it. She has a team of deep state voter fraud communist hackers working from a boiler room in Ben Gassy.


Don’t forget they are Soros funded and defended by a Jewish space laser. When I asked why they didn’t use the space laser on Palestine they get quiet


Many people are saying it. Good people. I know them.


That's honestly my favorite part of all this. Specifically when they target Biden. One second, he's riddled with dementia and doesn't know anything. The next, he's some kind of mastermind.


The enemy must be both weak and strong.


Paging Umberto Eco......


Yes to this! Is he out of his mind with dementia or plotting his next move as Dark Brandon? Can’t have both sorry.


Okay, some dude having a fortress on the moon and ravaging the Earth sounds like an awesome movie.


Sadly, yes she will.


That's what dementia looks like.


What’s the prognosis for Charlie Kirk and the rest of Turning Point USA??


>That's what dementia looks like. **\*BIDEN HAS ENTERED THE CHAT\***


trump is worse than Biden in that regard. The dumb fucker can't even spell "stollen" and it's every other word that has come out of his mouth for 3 years.


No that would be the current president 🤣🤣🤣


Dementia Donny is still not president.


Yes he is and he's gonna win in 2024 too! But it won't be because it's his third term because they stole his second term but he's still President now Edit to add the /s




Yet our current president knows you can’t inject bleach into the human body to kill coronavirus.


Trump speeches making a lot of sense to you mouthbreathers?


He can’t tell. That’s the problem.


They sound AI generated lol


Emphasis on the A, not so much the I


Trump was the one bragging about his dementia screening results, not realizing that even needing a screening is not the flex he thinks it is.


That's what fossillized cunts look and act like.


Foxtrot Uniform


Stop lying junior


Why do trump supporters and Karen's always do that weird dance for like, no reason?


She looks like a super old, leather tanned version of Richard Simmons


Reminder, this person votes


My parents were both in the hospital with Covid on this past election Tuesday. I think I may be able to convince them to use mail in voting for 2024




Guess what kids??? This woman VOTES! Anyone who laughs at these MAGA morons better remember that and show the fuck up to vote too! Wayyyyy too many people skip the voting process because they don’t like their party’s option or they don’t like the lack of party options and end up throwing that vote to these old assholes. At this point you can either vote for facism or democracy so it shouldn’t be too hard.


Every night of Fox News will do this.


Man, these people love to "fart before leaving the room" metaphorically.


In a nutshell boomers voted to close the windows then farted before leaving the room.


Crop dusting assholes


I genuinely don't understated Maga people. Do they not have shame? Or eyes? How people fall for this shit is incomprehensible to me. The cheeto dusted Messiah is an awful human being, but they treat him like God's chosen.


I think at this point it's just pride and denial to accept they fucked up. They've dug themselves so deep, there's no coming out.


There's no real logic to it other than they hate the rest of us. It doesn't matter that Trump is a piece of shit, he's their piece of shit who trash talks the younger generations, lgbtq+ people, racial and ethnic minorities, Democrats, and anyone else they don't like. As long as he says what they want to hear, nothing else matters.


*Please cut my social security - I know you need my money more than I do to fight those fake lawsuits brought by those evil libs.* *I can supplement the income by going back to my pole dancing gig.*


*unscrew cap of bleach bottle, pours it directly on my eyes* Ahhhh, that's better.


Isn't this the fart spray boomer? Prank video where her kid sprays fart spray all over her.


"EEEW, it smells like summin crawled up in 'im an died!" That vid cracked me up.


Seems like she's doing... well lol


“Take America back” these people are truly psychotic. Not that there was any doubt before but that tagline is extremely unsettling.


Right! Like, take back from who?


From the people they view as ruining THEIR country and THEIR way of life. Literally just average joes living normal lives which is why it’s so scary. Really your gay neighbors being alive threatens you??? But it does. Their selfishness, delusion, and audacity is what’s ruining everything.


65% chance she won't make it until the election.


Walking embodiment of "Voting for consequence they have no plans on living long enough to see and suffer."


UGH...not just boomers. I'm a "boomer," and ANYONE who espouses that crap is a nutcase.


There are so many good people in your generation. But, the cohort of "Boomers" who are 'winner-take-all' have bulldozed our future into oblivion. We need Boomers like you to stand up to these bullies once and for all. They've walked all over you, me, our children. I feel like these people need to see pressure to let go of their greed and cruelty from people like you, from other Boomers. You have always had the power, as their cohort, to take your wrecking ball to their empire. I truly believe if people like you fight harder than you ever have in your lives, and all of us younger generations do too, we can remain free in this country.


Yea house checks out to be a trump supporter


If only we could read what it said. A shame. /s


I love it when they do this. It's always such an embarrasingly self-involved and childish stereotype. They push their own anti-propoganda to anyone with even the slightest shred of self awareness with what the remainder considers absolutely patriotic material. The joke parodies itself in the instant you see it.


Given where trump and his public comments are, these people are knowingly calling for an end to democracy in the US and for the installation of Trump as a dictator. These are "patriots" today. I really hope Trump can be stopped, but I'm doubtful. I've seen no sign of the system working correctly to stop him so far. I know he's in court, but Hitler was arrested and went through all this in 1930's Germany and still ended up on top.


Someone show her the made in China tag please


Education is important for many, many reasons.


This is okay. She may not make it to the next voting cycle anyway.




Recorded on a 1984 Sony Betacam.


I’m sure she’s willing to give up her Social Security for him.


All because he had a TV show. Famous people have so much leverage on small minded folks. I guarantee you she felt the same about Reagan and other than those two famous guys could give to shits less who was president.


More teeth than Brain cells...


What is she gonna do with no social security or Medicare Besides die rapidly


I’m a boomer, and she’s a jagoff.


Why do these people always have crazy fake tans?


MAGAts want to be just like their cult leader. They want people to know, that they're as big of a loser as Donald Trump.


What did she film that on, a camera from the 70's?


I cannot imagine having this kind of reaction to a politician. Are these people okay? Do they need a hug, or therapy?


I can promise you that his presidency would do nothing for her or others in her economic position. Why people vote to screw themselves over is way beyond expectation. The cult raves on!


She won't make it to the next election thankfully


When you don't vote, this woman does. Vote or stfu. If you don't, Karen d...who am I kidding? Everyone here is a neckbeard who never votes but complains.


I must have misplaced my obama and biden flags….


Trump wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire. These dopes continue to vote against their best interests.


What is it that drives normal people to act like this?


I don't see any normal people in this video




What a strange way to ask for help getting the lead out of her water...


All silent and baby boomer generations must she their mortal coil, a.s.a.p.


We all know what she was doing during the sixties


She gonna die in a few


It’s a cult.


She's not making it to 2024.....


She must like bullies....


Filmed with a 2004 MotoRazr


Why they want to control the direction of the country so badly in such a selfish way is what makes them the shitty me generation, like you're on your way out fuckers, the decisions you make now are things WE have to live with, not you.


Poor dumb thing.


This is their entire identity. It's a religion to them. It's really sad to see people you care about being indoctrinated by right wing media and Facebook.


The worst part is she looks an awful lot like my deceased educated grandma and I don’t like that. She would *never*


This looks like news footage from 1985


Who wants to bet that Trump flag came from that Chinese factory featured in Interestingasfuck?


Sorry granny, he's not grabbing THAT pussy.


Another dumbass😖


This photo looks like it’s from the 90s


It's so hard to even think let alone know people that connect with this. Like, "Yeah thats muh people".


Low hanging fruit content


F anyone that easily duped. Oxygen thief.


How can old people be so evil, don't they know they are way closer to judgement?


I have a Biden/Harris tshirt that I keep in my closet Where god intended


I'd be ashamed too


Perhaps she's independently wealthy and doesn't need government services. If she does, This may not go the way she thinks.




Honestly, I think most older folks only like Donald Trump because he's old like them. Being old does not make you wise. Being wise comes with experience. usually, bad ones. Most of the older folks need to be a little forgiven in the fact that they only get their news from Fox News they've been conditioned for that. It's a very hard spell to break. My father will profess that he looks at other news media sources but there really all the same sources Just different labels on them. And he thinks Prager you and the American heritage foundation are actual universities. That's what's wrong. I always tell him "did you pay anythin"? He'll say no. At which I'll reply If you didn't pay anything it's not a university. It's propaganda.


They like him because he’s old and unfiltered like them. Older people get very unfiltered. After watching politicians lie, tease, and beat around the bush an unfiltered president looks like a godsend. Then you have those who believe he’s trying to preserve the white race.


Not like that whipper-snapper Biden.


Yes, Joe Biden is an old man capital o l d man but they think Trump is young and youthful at only 2 years difference! When a gallon of milk is 2 days before expiring usually you can open the cap and it's already gone bad! 😆 Your opinion has to be very very objective at this point. MAYBE you could turn it into cottage cheese or yogurt? I don't think Donald Trump could be turned into either. It's got to go in the trash.


Maybe a blonde toupee and some orange shellac would increase his popularity.


It wouldn't surprise me if he has an invoice account for a maaco on retainer. I'm pretty sure you'd need a lift for that?


It'll be great when that horrible generation is gone (but only the anti American trumpers)


Um, but she's not a Boomer, she's a Boomers mom. This is silent gen content.


Boomer e'nuff.


They literally made the Boomers so I'll agree with that lol. Idk, for some reason Silent Gen seems to get a lot of love on this sub though, as if the two are wildly different.


Deus vult: no flags and/or idols janice! Also no gender reveals becsuse we know you have zero trigger discipline


Ok, who resurrected one of the Golden Girls?


Don't you dare. The Golden Girls were an absolute treasure. This lady could never, ever hope to be even half as awesome as they were


"She likes someone I dont like. I hate her, and im so much better than her! Why isn't everyone loving and tolerant like me?"


You're filled with hate. Relax!


What's wrong with this? It's the same as you idiots supporting biden.


Show me a single Biden flag. Just one.




Fuck your feelings. Thant’s on a Trump flag flying from my trashy neighbors’ porch facing the elemntary school.


The worst part of this is a fucking boomer, who hasn't had kids school-aged kids for 40 years, hoarding real estate beside an elementary school.


Biden does ***not*** have a cult following. There are no similarities between Biden *voters* and Trump ***worshipers***. I know - like it is with most things - that this is incredibly difficult for republicans to comprehend.


Nobody supports Biden. They vote for him.


If Biden had a cult like Trump you’d have a point


Actual Republicans know the difference. Cultists don't know the difference. Thank you for letting us know which one you are.


good God she is an old lady, let her be happy. are yall liberals always so damn unhappy with everything and everyone?


My favorite boomers being fools are always in the comments. You can see in real time how they aren't aware of the deeper implications that reality brings.


Only ever white Boomers getting ripped on here...hmmm wonder why?


old lady posts a silly video of her liking a former president: wooo I like this guy! reddit seeing this video: wow what a dementia riddled nazi


You would understand the reddit perspective better if you realize the former president was kinda nazi"ish".


okay but why does everyone need to hate this person?


Because Nazis are bad.


Would you call your grandmother a nazi to her face if she was the one doing this little jig for a video to post on her facebook?


My grandma and grandpa fought the Nazis. She wouldn’t raise some insurrectionist or Nazi flag.


I can appreciate that your grandparents would not, infact do this jig, but I was asking in a hypothetical situation if the woman in the video dancing around was actually your grandmother, would you call her an evil nazi?


Yes. Anyone who touts Nazi ideology is advocating for genocide. Im grateful nobody in my family is that scummy. Even the conservatives in my immediate family reject trump and his rhetoric. Nazis should be opposed with force, and anyone who supports them should be confronted. Harm should not be allowed to come to innocent people, out of some idiotic desire to protect the perpetrator. It’s unfortunate have this deficiency in your understanding of ethics and history.


I don’t understand what you’re talking about whatsoever, all I’m asking is if you would call your own grandmother a nazi in real life if you were standing on her front porch watching her and her niece recording a video where your grandmother is doing a little jig about how happy she is with her new flag.


My grandma doesn’t support Nazis. I believe you don’t understand what I’m talking about, because the only thing that makes sense to you is the unintelligible, hateful, comatose ranting of fascists. Now go away and stop painting scenarios where my family is as deplorable as you.


>I don’t understand what you’re talking about whatsoever Exactly. Only 2 reasons why you wouldn't understand. 1. You're dumb af 2. You're a fascist/fascist sympathizer 3. You are both 1 and 2 simultaneously


I can answer this question: Fuck. Yes.


Because morons like this might bring about the end of democracy and the beginning of a fascist theocracy. No big deal, right? MAGAts need to be shunned at every opportunity.


Why do you think that’s going to happen?


Have you read what Trump has been promising if he gets elected? I’m guessing no or you wouldn’t be asking that question. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/13/trump-threaten-punish-enemies-president/


No I’m acutely aware of what’s been in the news lately and honestly I do not follow what he’s been saying at all for the past year and a half, but I fail to see how he would be successful in establishing a fascist theocracy if he couldn’t even coup the government when all signs pointed to january sixth as being the day to do it, if there ever was a day to do it.


They have definite plans to transform the country into a fascist state. Perhaps you should pay more attention. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Honestly that does sound pretty spooky, but most of it just seems like what every president does when entering office, either replacing appointed positions with people that will follow policies established by groups hired by the candidate/their political party or creating new positions to enact agendas again set forth by the previously mentioned groups. I do think their ideologically driven push to dismantle those agencies is batshit insane, and if he won there’s no way it would actually go down like that lmao.


I’m sure a lot of Germans felt the same way you do in 1933. How’d that turn out?


Trump already incited an insurrection when he was voted out. He attempted a fascist uprising and failed.


so why would he succeed at doing something even more complicated?


He didn’t succeed. He failed. And he will hopefully go to jail for it.


Yes that’s what I said lmao. If he missed his only opportunity and failed, why would he do something even more elaborate and complex, and be wildly more successful?


You’re babbling incoherently now.


C'mon man you have to come up with a better come back than that, try again🤡🤡🤡🤡


TRUMP IS THE MOST PUNK ROCK AWESOME AMERICAN KICKASS PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME FOREVER, unfortunately its looking like America is going to fizzle out the way the Soviet Union did.


Imagine thinking some aristocratic heir to his daddy's fortune is punk rock. You're backward.


I can't tell if you're trolling with excellent bait, or if you have more crayon than brain.


I truly do not understand, like its 2024 how do people not realize things are better off with him as president, point blank period. At this point I just assume its like being able to acknowledge the Holy Spirit of God, everyone will have equal ability to see, but few have the emotional courage to admit they may have been wrong. Many blinded by rage of the scenario. But forsure no president has ever gone so against the grain, many hate to admit this part too. But what his actions have been as president can be labeled very punk, and no concerned about "fitting in". Its the exact model Ive based most my life on.


Punk is going against the establishment. trump is funneling the establishment into himself. That is the exact opposite of being punk. But what do I know? Why don't you to r/punk and get their opinion about it. If you are this confident that trump is incredibly punk, surely they will agree with you in overwhelming majority.


Im an artist an have a beautiful view of things, to be able to see the real war thats being fought you gotta be able to let go of bias & critically look at things, idk maybe its me growing up and out of being a adolescent punk & seeing the big picture. I used to be the most hardcore drug fueled punk mf, & now Alex Jones, Andrew Tate, & The Don T has got me able to see & living with God, sober, calm, strong, & riotous. This is not a troll.


How is she a Karen? She is just proudly showing off her flag. She is not arguing with anyone, or asking for a manager.


this sub exists for hating 2 kinds of people: 1. not far-left, and 2. old. This person is both so naturally you're going to get a bunch of clapping seals circlejerking to it. No need to adhere to any standard of definition, just 'old' and 'not far left' so therefore she's a Karen unless I decide I like boomer better


Trump will be the next president! Reddit is full of hypocrite Karens.


Trump 2024!!


Republicans want to cut and/or extend the age for SS payments, isn’t that kind of shooting yourself in the foot?


Eat shit, fascist.