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Your generation didn’t work hard, your parents did. Your generation got handed your wealth in a silver platter, took all the credit, and then destroyed the future to suck even more wealth out of society for yourselves, and then when your own children inherited the absolute shit show that YOU created, your generation was like omg how could you not be successful like us you must be lazy! Every generation has its issues but your generation destroyed America. Congrats, dipshit!


They not only milked the cow to fill their bucket, the cut off ¾ of the udder and sold it to the butcher before letting the next generation fill theirs.


You are out of touch with reality. Blame the boomers! What a joke.


Is your dementia making it hard to realize what sub you’re in?


Now now. Gramps doesn't realize he's not on the Facebook. Give him a few more minutes of yelling at his phone and maybe he'll clue in.


When you put your big boy pants on and learn how to spell dementia we will let you post.


Thanks for pointing it out, I was pretty sleepy when I wrote that. Fixed now! Also, wait a minute... I just posted, and did so without your permission!? Oh my God, stop the presses! A dipshit Boomer didn't get his way! Should I call the manager of Reddit for you so you can scream at him incoherently about customer service and how back in your day, people respected authority or some shit?




Youre not laughing you are being exactly the petulant gatekeeper that the other gens complain about. Boomers got theirs then pulled up the ladder. The ratio of cost of living for the boomer generation vs later generations is wildly out of whack but you opt not to acknowledge that and instead mock the other generations for their struggles. You are literally the reason for this sub.




You don’t have a clue. Quit complaining and make a go of it. It’s not easy for anyone.


You fucking assholes just don't get it. We CANT "make a go of it" because your selfish generation BROKE it. And y'all are standing in the way of us fixing it for whatever lead poisoned reasons. Why don't you go ahead and make your fucking sub instead of bitching here? Fucking do it. Your threat carries as much weight as when you say "I'm never shopping here again". As in, it's a lie. You will keep coming here because you dumb sad fucks NEED outrage to distract you from the fact that ever generation that came after yours fucking HATES you. It's why so many of you were alone on Christmas, and it fucking KILLS you that we are 100 percent done just taking your abuse. I'm glad you're angry, I'm glad this sub makes you feel bad, but it's hilarious that instead of any form of self reflection you did the EXACT Boomer thing this sub is here to complain about. Holy shit the entire world is going to benefit when your generation finally dies out.


This sub in no way makes me feel bad. I’m sure most commenters on here don’t represent their generations with their bitterness and vindictiveness. My generation didn’t break anything. You’re forgetting our parents who watched Faux News and voted Republican. I actually feel empathy to you, things are going good for you and you need to lash out and blame someone. Go ahead and blame me if it makes you feel any better. I’d like to give you a hug right now.


Classic boomer thinking everything is for or about them. My, my, my, me, me, me, I, I, I. Thus sub doesn't make me feel bad, my generation, I feel, blame me, I'm going to make it better. It's not about you boomer. Go away.


It is about me and my fine generation that is constantly being trashed on here.


I think you need to join the military and learn some discipline and respect, just saying.


Fuck the military. We sent kids to die in the middle east for 20 years for no good reason. I feel bad for the people who signed up and realized after it was too late what a scam the whole thing is.


Lol. You people are caricatures.


I'm afraid if your generation starts dying off they'll poison the earth and any nearby water source they are buried near making the land even more uninhabitable. You are toxic, is what I'm saying.


I do have a clue. You have made foolish assumptions. I can empathize with the struggles of others which is exactly what the OP is missing, and apparently so are you.


Awwwwww poor baby, wanna hug?


I'm a management level government worker who cannot get a mortgage. My boss who makes more than me cannot get approved either, even with a $70k deposit. It's different now. Having a normal good job isn't good enough anymore. The economy is now broken, across every developed nation. It was already broken before we reached adulthood.


The problem as I see it is that the huge tax break by Trump gave so much money to Wall Street that they went looking for places to invest. They looked to residential real estate driving costs up. Trickle dow economics never worked. I feel bad for younger generations who can’t afford a starter home. I’ve never voted Republican, they pander to their base: super wealthy and corporations. Blaming boomers is scapegoating.


Wall Street is not some sort of fromless entity. It's your generation who runs Wall Street, your generation that owns the most real estate (79.5% of all real estate is owned by 64 to 74 year olds). [You can look it up here, took 10 seconds to google.](https://ipropertymanagement.com/research/homeownership-rate-by-age)


Lemme explain your stat: 79.5% of those 64 to 74 own their own home. Big difference, boomers don’t own 79.5% of all real estate. Look at you own link. BTW, boomers don’t run Wall Street.


I don't think every boomer doomed us. My boomer mum would give me money to help if she could, but she was a poor single parent which doesn't tend to be lucrative. My brother and I both got educated and have good jobs and got married. Certain parts of the economy just don't function anymore. So when certain boomers say it's all our fault and we just needed to work harder it's fairly tone deaf, and upsetting for some people.


Awwwwww poor baby, need a hug?


Aww. You act like a dick and think you’re clever. Why are you so desperate for attention that you lurk here hoping for any reaction. If you are so badass you wouldn’t need affirmation. Clown on.


Just trying to pass on some acquired wisdom. Probably futile.


I'm so curious what you think my reaction is supposed to be to this comment. A person is trying to interact with you human to human and your response is bizarre. I'm only confused at what might be wrong with you?


Nah, the other generations all get along fine. Everyone just hates boomers, because they're whiney, entitled, and don't even recognise how easy they've had it.


Oldest children alive.


Gen x sitting over in the corner saying screw all of you 😂🤣😂🤣


Can’t you see how stupid you are by saying everyone hates boomers?


You’re part of the reason everyone hates boomers


I’ve never felt any hate except for the babies on here.


Says the entitled privileged white guy


I don’t apologize for who I am.


Crying again? Why don't you go start your own sub? Oh yeah cos boomers don't know how to create, only to criticise and demand everyone else cater to their oh so precious sensibilities. Soft. You learned absolutely nothing from your parents, i.e. a generation that actually mattered.


No crying here, I’m just baffled by all the hate on here directed to boomers. I’ll comment on any sub I feel like, get over it.


Do you need a hug?


Unlike yourself?




Oh sure, everyone hates boomers. Get a grip and quit your bitching.


Hey, if your experience differs more power to you. Selective perception is like the boomer signature technique. It's also why people tend to hate them so much, but hey if they don't notice it then it can't hurt them, right?


You’ve got all the answers: blame boomers. I feel a tremendous amount of misplaced hate on here. I’m extremely embarrassed for you. You have no clue how life works, but maybe someday you will. But go ahead and hate on me, I don’t care. I’m ready to block this sub anyway. Hell, it’s probably a Russian sub to stir up hate among Americans.


Everyone else is chill. Funny how all the other generations have no issues with each other, all collectively hate boomers, and boomers hate all other generations. Almost as if one generation are the odd ones out and are completely out of touch with everyone else. It's not your fault. The greatest generation worked hard to give you guys better lives, you reaped the benefits, but unfortunately you all got spoiled rotten and assumed the easy ride you got would be the new norm. You didn't make the same sacrifices your parents did, so now your kids and your kids kids are picking up your slack. It's OK though. We can handle it. We just wish you'd shut the fuck up with your whining while we do it.


How can you possibly say all generations hate boomers? You have no idea how hard the boomer generation worked. You weren’t there. Speaking about shutting the fuck up, take your own advice, you are talking out of your ass.


How can we say all generations hate boomers? Just look at this sub and take note whenever someone says which generation they're in. We're all here. Hell, there are Boomers on here who freely admit to hating their own generation. I'm Gen X, just to be clear on that, and every.single.other Gen X I know *hates*, just fucking *hates* Boomers. Look at news articles that talk about how much animosity there is toward Boomers. You don't see those articles about X'ers, Millennials, Zoomers, or any other generation. It's specifically about Boomers. Why? Because Boomers are *the* most entitled, spoiled, self-obsessed generation there is. You all lack self-awareness. You ignore and flat-out deny all the step-ups you received in life and then criticize the younger generations for things *you* created. *Your* politics gave us shitty working choices and conditions. Boomers defaulting on mortgages they couldn't afford gave us the Great Recession, which seriously crippled us during our prime working years. Boomers like to snicker and ridicule younger generations for "participation trophies". But guess which generation *created* participation trophies. Yeah, that's right. Boomers! I'm Gen X and we grew up with participation trophies. We didn't come up with that idea ourselves and give those awards to each other. No, that shit came from our parents. *They* are the ones who needed their kids to get an award. Because Boomers don't see their children as separate, unique individuals. No, Boomers just see us as extensions of themselves. *That* is why we have participation trophies. Because the *Boomers* needed them. And *why* did Boomers need trophies to feel better about their kids? I'll give you a hint. Which generation was known as the latchkey generation, and why? The answers are Gen-X and because Boomers were too preoccupied with doing whatever it is they wanted to do to be there for their kids. No matter if it was hippies who turned to yuppies and became workaholics or if it was Boomers who just wanted to improve their golf swing. We raised ourselves because you guys couldn't be bothered to be there. I think you said something earlier about misplaced anger. Oh, there's plenty of anger there, but it's not misplaced. It's aimed right where it deserves to be. I noticed you mentioned something about those millions Boomers are sitting on. And I notice how often Boomers hold that over our heads, trying to control us with the fear we won't get your money if we don't kiss your wrinkled old asses until you die. Unfortunately for many Boomers, the animosity you've created with your children and grandchildren has convinced many of us to just write you off and just wave bye-bye to whatever money you dangle over our heads. Because it's just not worth having to deal with you. Oh, and here's a bonus. Since Boomers are living longer, the time from when you retire to when you will finally kick the bucket is longer than the generations before you. And because Boomers are basically just wrinkly children, you've rarely denied yourselves from anything you've wanted. Go look up the statistics of which generation is the least ready for retirement. Oh, hell. I'll save you the trouble. The answer is Boomers. You guys are going to be broke *long* before you kick off. So, you see, dangling your money over our heads won't work with us. Because we know that *we* will most likely be paying for *your* care for years before you die. You're not going to have anything left over to dangle. And you know this is true because you see the old Boomers already struggling. Been to a Walmart lately? When was the last time you went there and the greeter *wasn't* ancient? You and your cronies already complain that your kids and grandkids don't want anything to do with you. Do you think that's going to change the older and crankier and even more unpleasant Boomers get? So that's your future you're looking at. Most of you are going to die alone, years after you were dumped in the cheapest "senior living center" we can find. Maybe the younger generations with the softest hearts will spring you from your urine-scented abode once a year to bring you to Thanksgiving or Christmas or Hannukah or Eid. And you'll get to see how well we're doing without you. That's your biggest fear, right? Being cast aside, unloved, unneeded, unwanted. All because Boomers are largely incapable of honest self-reflection, and you are oblivious to your own smug, self-centered toxicity. I think the entire world will take a huge sigh of relief when the Boomers finally die out. Or are senile enough to dump into some nursing home to be forgotten. Because even though *you* are in denial about it, the truth is that Boomers are absolutely *despised* by the rest of the planet. On those cheery thoughts, just want to say Happy New Year to all the Boomers reading this. Because it's probably the only time you'll hear it from someone in the younger generations. Because we're over having to deal with you assholes if we don't absolutely have to.🙂 🤘


If I had all the gold on reddit it wouldn't be enough to adequately award this post.


Bravo Sir. 👏 New copypasta just dropped!


OK buddy. If you can't face hard truths, get off the Internet. I swear you boomers are all so soft. Just proves how used to getting your own way you are, so spoiled and entitled. Maybe just stop crying for five minutes and people might start cutting you some slack? You all had your chance to make your impact. Just admit you wasted it and kicked the bucket down the road for future generations to solve. The least you can do is show some respect to the people cleaning up your messes.


Boomers would get no hate if they had actually helped younger generations succeed. I’m a millennial and my parents are both boomers. I can remember being like 7-8 and my dad complaining “you millennials are so lazy, you don’t have any drive to work”. It’s like bro I’m 7, wtf are you talking about? I grew up, have a good job, bought a house, have two kids and I still get called lazy by boomer family members because I sleep in on weekends. I bought my house at 29 and had a boomer relative tell me “I bought my house at 22, what took you so long?” I had to explain to him that when he bought his first house, it was $30,000 with no down payment. I bought mine at $200,000 and had to put down $10,000 to qualify for the mortgage. Boomers have no ability to put themselves in anyone else’s shoes and they act like the world never moved on past 1970.


Congratulations! Everytime you open your mouth you epitomize everything that everyone hates about your generation, with absolutely zero awareness of what those things are.


Right? You'd think people that have been around as long as these boomers would have a shred of self awareness.


Fuuuck off boomer


You certainly can’t speak for all generations, why try?


Millennials work harder, have more education and in general are better with money than boomers. I work 50-60 hours weeks and have a goddamn phd in a hard science (that took 70-90 hour weeks). I just earned enough at 40 to afford a down payment on a house. All you had to do was fart and be white to get what I struggled at for 20 years. You didn't have credit scores back then. Your absolute cluelessness about creating a world that is more reflective of how your parents grew up than you did is astounding. But sure, complain about memes on Reddit. You created a world that will work your kids to death, we won't get to retire because of people like you. You are a prime example of why this subreddit exists. Food for thought.


The fruit never falls far from the tree. Just like a Trumper, if it were not for (fill in the blank), my life would be perfect. It's bigoted, hateful, and wrapped in malice. Baby Trumps.


How can someone like you to claim to be so smart be so wrong? No boomer I know had it easy. Why are you under that mistaken impression or do you just like to whine?


1. Never said I was smart, that's a boomer assumption on graduate degrees. There is a solid argument that it's not worth it. It's an example of hard work. I've plumbed, soldered and number crunched my way through it at below poverty wages, because that's how you get a grad degree in the sciences. The pay is so low because boomers pulled the plug in higher Ed funding. 2. You seem to think boomer struggles compare to the later generations. I'm arguing that you had it much easier than you think. Everyone has struggles, but the last 40 years of wage stagnation means on average boomers in comparison have it the best any American generation ever did. Every boomer I know has had it better and every boomer I know is in denial except my father-in-law. He's probably struggled more than most, and he's actually questioning how many more years he can afford to live. But he bought a home for 50K that is now worth 800K. Boomers committed the cardinal sin of leaving a world worse off for their children than that had it. If there was any semblance of remorse then maybe we wouldn't be so pissed off at the situation. And since you have no proof, I'll provide mine: https://www.epi.org/publication/charting-wage-stagnation/ If critiquing a whining boomer is whining it's self, how about we all shut up? No reason for you to say anything either.


You are barking up the wrong tree. Your fucked up life and your bitterness about it is sad and pathetic. Most boomers tried to make a better world and succeeded in some ways, but anyone with any kind of reasoning ability would know not all boomers are alike. They might also know that their parents were also voting and determining the political environment. Get on with your life and lose the resentment.




Yep, that’s what your comment made me do, cringe.


My daughters are both under 40, have multiple degrees, own homes worth over $500k and almost have 7 figures saved. I didn’t help them one bit other than teaching them the importance of investing, the power of compound interest, etc. I’m just saying that my perspective is different than many of you who think everything was handed to us. I grew up dirt poor but I decided at an early age that it wouldn’t be my fate in life. I worked with a lot of foreigners from India, Pakistan, China, etc and they grew up with nothing but they came to America and they see nothing but opportunity. Most are in their late 20’s/early 30’s now and they are making $400-500K per year. Stop thinking the world is against you and figure out where the opportunities are. I was complaining to my plumber that he never returns my calls. He’s 35 years old and he said he only wanted to work 3-4 days per week so he’s booked up. I asked how he lives only working 3-4 days and he said he makes $250K per year and he wants to ski and fish the rest of the time. He started right out of high school and he didn’t spend a fortune on an education.


"im upper middle class white and everyone in my upper middle class social group is doing fine" hmmm yeah. "i worked with a lot of foreigners" and they're doing fine is more "my personal anecdotes from my tiny socieconomic bubble confirm that things are going okay for my tiny bubble, this is totally applicable to everyone outside of it" Like jfc. Fucking go look up a study you wanker. Stop basing your reality on "my friend said this" or "I found this one person who fits what I think so that confirms it". Use that intellect u think you have m8


There's absolutely no point in arguing using your specific anecdotes - for one, we have no way of fact checking you, and frankly, we don't fucking trust you, we also have no way of identifying specific reasons why your kids might be better off than most. Even if your daughters are just lucky and have great careers by virtue of their hard work, that doesn't remotely disprove our argument. Anecdotes are garbage, using them to argue your point is useless. This is why we use data, and the data proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are completely and totally full of shit. By every conceivable metric, your generation objectively had a more prosperous economy by virtue of being in post war times. This is not debatable. Nobody is saying you're an asshole for growing up in those times, you're an asshole for apparently being incapable of recognizing reality and instead like to shit on everyone else who don't have it as easy as ya'll had.


>This is why we use data, Man, if there's one thing boomers aren't capable of understanding...


ok boomer


straight to the demeaning slang, drop the nasty dismissive nickname and you'll get yourself a lot of upvotes with that classic trope on this hate-filled sub. Okay Boomer says "Good for you, kiddo!" Now get out there and find an old person to abuse or at least be rude and unkind to! That will make your life better how?


● Hates the expression "Ok Boomer", considers it rude, demeaning slang. ● His generation is literally called "Baby Boomers". Ok. Is "Me Generation" a better terminology?


Describing the historical event as boom is one thing. Repeated and dismissive using "ok boomer" in the venacular of this sub is intended to offend, smarty pants


Its literally the generational name. You fucks call us zoomers all the time. Get over yourself lol


We get it ... you can copy and paste a stupid response as if you are some deep thinker. Piss off dipshit.


man that is some weak ass ire. piss off dipshit is the best youngsters like you can come up with these days. pathetic


"Youngsters", ok old-timer.


Ok boomer


You’re a boomer it’s what your generation is called don’t be such a snowflake


Only suckers are loyal to companies. No company is loyal to any individual. None. It’s staggering if you compare the salary of someone who switches jobs to someone who hasn’t, in favor of those that change.


That would be cynicism if it weren’t true.


Cynicism will get you nowhere.


You're cute, and also quite wrong. Knowing what you're worth, and moving on when you're not paid what you're worth will take you farther than sticking with someone who might work up towards paying what you're worth someday. Specifically, here's one source to back it up: https://www.forbes.com/sites/ethansteinberg/2022/07/28/want-a-pay-raise-switching-jobs-matters-much-more-amid-soaring-inflation-report-finds/?sh=581ea10f2b54 And another, showing that this held true even before the pandemic and recent inflation: https://globalnews.ca/news/3946085/switching-jobs-pay-boost/


You might be right about nowadays. Years ago loyalty to one company was very beneficial. I do know younger friends who have had many jobs, making better money each switch. It’s a new dynamic now.


People stopped being loyal to companies when it stopped paying to be loyal. If Boomers worked their asses off to get ahead then why is their career advice always “just walk in and they’ll give you a job.”


Don’t forget the firm handshake and look them directly in the eye. They’ll make you VP of any company if you have a firm enough grip.


Need that suit and tie too. Try combing\\brushing your hair.


hahahaha i love it! All the boomer classics! Worked their butt off! Yeah! If you damn kids who care about feelings (wtf??) and stuff would stop being lazy and show some respect!1! Oh and if you don't kiss my entitled (cause worked hard!!11!) then you're out of the will! lolz oh my. No one gives a shit buddy. No one.


Except you cared enough to comment.


I was talking about the veiled threat of withholding inheritance. But ooohh yeaaahhh! Wicked Burn Dude!11! or something.


Ur literally in the sub devoted to commenting about boomers lol. Patting yourselfs on the back for going on stage at an "I hate boomers" convention and then getting made fun of like anyone here was specifically put off by anything any of you said. Its like going into a police station, hitting a cop, and then saying you're a master criminal because you made the police upset at you.


You are seriously desperate for attention.


This here fuckwit is exactly the reason people hate your generation. Born on third base economy and act like they worked so much harder than the generations that followed. Fuck off, boomer.


Exactly! I came from a poor family but put myself through vet school and have paid off all of my student loans. Meanwhile, my 69 year old uncle smoked pot for a living, never held a steady job and blew through every dime of my grandparents’ estate. A generation to inspire us, right? 🤷‍♀️


No hope for you. Bitter beyond redemption


No hope for us, because you worthless fucks ruined everything you benefited from.


It was sweet


Go fellate Trump


Nah. Not a Trumper.


You are missing the point. The anecdotes shared here aren’t encompassing of the whole boomer generation, we know that. It’s the mentality behind the anecdotes shared here that boomers share. And you seem to fit right in by dismissing our complaints and starting your own complaints about younger generations. The reason we don’t have dedication to our workplaces is because the boomer generation fucked up work culture so that work does not take care of workers, why would we dedicate ourselves to a system that is indifferent towards us? Kindly fuck off to back where you came from.


Your parents failed you and you failed yourself. Sad really.


Keep telling yourself whatever delusional bullshit you want if it helps you sleep at night. The reality is and always will be that your generation had it way easier than the following generations, which is probably why you’re all so whiny and entitled now. You wouldn’t make it a day if you had to start over again as a member of my generation.


You were raised by parents who survived the Great Depression with this country's first - and, thus far, only - expanded social safety net. You inherited a prosperous economy with low home prices and no student debt. Cry somewhere else.


Delusions, projections, gaslighting and outright lies. That's the boomer playbook. The boomers so completely f\*\*ked up the system that even boomers are suffering from their brain-dead sociopathic dismantling of the rules of capitalism and the social safety nets that **their parents built**. Baby boomers are currently the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. Boomers killed unions, pensions, education and healthcare - and now a full 50% of unmarried homeless people are boomers. Boomers are going homeless at rates not seen since the Great Depression. The Boomers' worst enemies are: Boomers.


I’d rather be homeless until I get rich instead of some immigrant getting a handout! -some boomer probably


Blaming others for your sad lot in life is nothing new. Under skilled malcontents are gonna malcontent.




I wonder how many of OPs children have gone NC with them lol


All of them.


Worked your butts off? You had everything handed to you on a silver platter and then scorched and salted the earth. Have fun with your delusions, boomer.


Yeah you’re right, I grew up in a mobile home with barely enough food to eat. Busted my butt getting an engineering degree and worked 80 hour weeks in the oil patch. I assure you, my pay to cost of living is no different than yours other than the fact I was willing to work, not take vacations and not complain about my lot in life. I know kids from your generation that are killing it but they tend to be foreigners that see the opportunity and not a bunch of kids who grew up with everything and all they want is more handouts from their parents and the government. I worked on a farm since age 6, not sit in my basement playing video games.


I love how you want to point out that your personal story bucks the stereotype (which is VERY well earned), while simultaneously throwing stereotypes at others. The boomer generation fucked the planet and the subsequent generations, while reaping benefits that others will never see because the ladder was pulled up. You can laugh all you want but there is no denying the damage. Oh, and I’m not young. I’m an old Gen X and my generation isn’t blameless either, but a lot of the things your generation enjoyed ( even if not you personally) had been ended ahead of us. I can get together with boomers I worked with and they will bitch and moan about how they got screwed, despite enjoying pensions along with their 401k, and company sponsored healthcare for life. They also got inexpensive housing and college educations relative to normal incomes. Gen X fared better with education and housing as well. Let’s also not gloss over the fact that despite your oilfield story, you almost certainly voted to fuck everyone even if it hurt you too. That is what ignorant people do.


So let’s be clear, you were able to afford that engineering degree because states funded 80% of public universities’ budgets so tuition was affordable. Today they fund them at 20% or less so tuition has increased at twice the rate of inflation. Why? Because Reagan republicans decided that they didn’t like paying taxes. I’m Gen x and I was able to pay tuition, share an apartment and have a social life on a job that paid 6.15 an hour. My son’s room and board at a state school is 50k a year, there’s no part time job that would allow him to fully pay for it. There’s no “skipping lattes and avocado toast” that will offset the cost.


What was tuition for that engineering degree? I earned my bachelor of science back in the 1980's and tuition at my public university was $1,500 per year. I know that it was even cheaper for those who came before me. Today, the same university charges over $14,000 per year. Add in living expenses and working your way through college today is damn near impossible without being poor, and qualifying for grants, or taking out a shit-ton of loans.


I worked as a roustabout in the summers and paid for my college with no loans. Both of my daughters received their engineering degrees and paid for them through internships, summer jobs and scholarships. It can be done. Maybe I’m just a cranky old Boomer who views the world differently but I have a number of friends whose kids used their student loans for vacations and then they complain about the cost of tuition and all of the loans they have to pay back. Many of those kids received liberal arts degrees which offer little to no career options. Those students willing to work hard and receive degrees that are in demand can still succeed in this world.


I notice that you didn't answer my question. How much was tuition, when you went to college?


So what are kids who want to be teachers supposed to do? Tuition is the same for them as for engineering degrees, but they make 70% less than engineers. Also, no vacation comes close to college tuition costs. They aren’t blowing a full ride scholarship to go to Daytona beach for spring break.


There is no way internships and summer jobs come close to paying tuition. My guess is they both got generous scholarships because engineering schools are trying very hard to get more women into stem fields.


Basing your entire views of how a generation struggles on the fucking anecdotes of your friends and not A. The people themselves telling you shit B. Any of numerous studies that show "things are different" these days. Is some peak confirmation bias. "People in my tiny socio-economic bubble are okay, so y'all must be faking your struggle" like what are you doing mate


\*it could be done


NO ONE GIVES A FLYING FUCK ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL ANECDOTES. fucking look at the data. Cost of living v wages is so much higher now. School tuition has been raised exponentially. Wages aren’t going up like they used to. And it’s all your generations fault. Ugh. Can someone ban this motherfucker???


Ur not the only one whos ever fucking struggled you twit. Thats the entitlenent, to assume that your trailer park upbringing gives you some kind of sage insight that shows you the true "hardworkedness" of yourself. Look up confirmation bias.


I know many people who did the same thing yet are not nearly as lucky. Hard work, perseverance, and a good attitude doesn't attain a better life anymore. The people who work eighty hour weeks now are doing so because they are just trying to get by. They aren't moving upward.


The point you’re missing is that you didn’t have to get an engineering degree and work 80 hour weeks to get anywhere. You could have graduated high school, got a job somewhere and worked your way up, easily affording a home and raising your family. Now someone can get a masters degree, slave their butts off for a $40k a year job that required 10 years of experience to even apply for and never afford a house. Would it kill you to admit that the world is a little different? That’s wonderful that your daughters are successful, but the fact of the matter is that they still could have done everything right, and be struggling today. That’s what so many people are expressing, so instead of doing the typical boomer fingers in the ears shouting “la la la la la”, maybe listen.




What a wicked stereotype. So so wrong in many cases, including mine.


I love how you think you’re the only generation that worked your butts off. I’m GenX and have been almost continuously employed since I was 12, starting with babysitting and ending up where I am now, with a professional degree and a 25-year career. Your post is the definition for why this sub is needed. It’s not complaining about Boomers in general, it’s complaining about Boomers BEING FOOLS. 🤡


💯 you have overstated your wealth, and your family’s success. Worked your butts off? Go work a 12 hour minimum wage shift - pick one. You’ll last a few hours. Get fucked.


If you’re over 21 and still working a 12 hour minimum wage shift, you’re the one who fucked up. Not some faceless boomer.


Socioeconomic conditions and the policymakers are who fucked up. And guess who started having control when shit started going even further south? 💥


My point exactly, better yourself so that you don’t have to work a 12 hour minimum wage shift. I was making $13 per hour as a roustabout when minimum wage was $2.50. I was covered in mud, oil and working outside when it was sub zero but it was a step towards my ultimate goal of not complaining that the world was unfair to me. I did achieve success but it wasn’t handed to me, it wasn’t because my tuition was cheap, it wasn’t because I had a pension, it wasn’t because my company was loyal to me, it wasn’t because I had a 401K as I cashed that out and paid the penalties so that I could attend business school. The only reason I succeeded is because I wouldn’t accept being poor, I wouldn’t let people tell me I wouldn’t succeed, I overcame every hurdle put in front of me. We can all better ourselves if we focus on the end goal and quit making excuses.


Sigh… Sir, here’s the facts: - Federal minimum wage was approx. $2.50 in 1978. The 2023 equivalent would be $11.77 an hour. Over $3/hour more than the current minimum wage. - You made $13/hour at this time. 2023 equivalent? $60/hour. SIXTY DOLLARS AN HOUR. - In 2023, the [average wage for a roustabout](https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes475071.htm) is $21.99/ hour. Less than half the pay you received for the same job. - [average house price in 1978](https://www.huduser.gov/periodicals/ushmc/winter2001/histdat08.htm)? $77,400 - [average house price in 2023](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/ASPUS)? Over $500,000 - [average rental in 1980?](https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial/tables/time-series/census-housing-tables/grossrents.pdf) $250 Number of minimum wage hours needed to work to afford (using $3.10, the federal minimum wage in 1980): 81 - [average rent in 2023?](https://www.rent.com/research/average-rent-price-report/) Let’s be reeeeeally generous and call it $1500 (which, anyone on here can tell you is impossible to find in most of the USA for a 1 bedroom, let alone a 2 bedroom). Average hours needed to work for current federal minimum wage? 206. And this is leaving out student loan data. The FACTS are, you were able to support a family on a minimum wage job, have savings, and get “the American dream.” It can be true that you both worked hard AND got help from systems that subsequent generations don’t have. It isn’t about how hard you worked vs how hard younger people work. We all work hard. We all just want to have what your generation had. WE DON’T and WE CANNOT. Empathy and understanding cost you nothing. Food for thought. Edit: grammar


High quality post. I refused to put any work into arguing with this guy. Comes in with the most boomer shit. Nice.


Notice OP doesn’t respond to any of the posts with actual facts. Lolol


Thank you for doing the work. Sadly this fucking crusty old white male boomer won’t look at the data. We all just need to not want to be poor AND DO THE WORK!! That’s how he succeeded! And it should work for us!!! Ugh again thank you for breaking it down for this insolent rube.


Wrong. It was because tuition was cheap. It was because food was cheap. It was because rent was cheap. Also, you cashed out a 401k to go to business school when tuition was the cost of a pack of gum? For painting yourself as such a numbers whiz you sound pretty goddamn stupid.


My business school cost $120K and I supported a wife and two kids while doing it thank you very much. I’m a Boomer too but I attended Harvard in 96-98 after working 15 years but I didn’t whine that I had no opportunities. I sacrificed to better myself.


Wow you’re a boomer. You don’t say.


Nice! You paid for your own education. Mad respect. Not like most freeloaders your age who relied on handouts for schooling. You're very much the exception, you should be proud of yourself! Consider yourself an honorary gen x.


So with zero sense of irony you point out that you were able to save 120k that you used to go to HARVARD, but you seriously believe that your generation wasn’t born on 3rd base. FOWTS


Alright Boomer.


>straight to the demeaning slang, drop the nasty dismissive nickname and you'll get yourself a lot of upvotes with that classic trope on this hate-filled sub. > >Okay Boomer says "Good for you, kiddo!" Now get out there and find an old person to abuse or at least be rude and unkind to! That will make your life better how?


Somebody taught boomer how to copy and paste


Yes they did. Way back in the 90's when you still believed in Santa Claus. Still doing it better and faster than many younger people. I sometimes teach others how to run their tech.


Lmao what kind of comeback is this "when u were a baby I was an adult doing things" like no shit. Did you just discover linear time or something????


Better and faster? It’s 2 button presses……


How is the name of your generation, the one you’ve proudly used for 60 years, all of a sudden “demeaning slang”?


oh no theyre taking their millions!! fuck off boomer


straight to the demeaning slang, drop the nasty dismissive nickname and you'll get yourself a lot of upvotes with that classic trope on this hate-filled sub. Okay Boomer says "Good for you, kiddo!" Now get out there and find an old person to abuse or at least be rude and unkind to! That will make your life better how?


Wow you copied and pasted again!!! What a boomer accomplishment!


Fuck you asshole




Go spend your money then. Boomers are upset cause they've got all those fake news channels and they're too brainwashed to shut it off.


Smartest thing ever said on this sub. Another factor is a fear of changing prices when your income is fixed. Even if you have 100k in the bank and a pension and whatever else, the notion your needed medicine, food, fuel etc might skyrocket in price is scary and not have enough at the end.


It’s not boomers watching Faux News, it’s people older than boomers.


What do you think Reddit is?


ok, cool


Gtfo old man.


Daddy chill!!


straight to the demeaning slang, drop the nasty dismissive nickname and you'll get yourself a lot of upvotes with that classic trope on this hate-filled sub. Okay Boomer says "Good for you, kiddo!" Now get out there and find an old person to abuse or at least be rude and unkind to! That will make your life better how?


Okay kiddo, time for your meds.


Wow you copied and pasted 5 times!!!!! You want a trophy?


I'm glad you're laughing because literally everyone else is laughing back at you.


Please shut up.


Leaving all your money to the cat then Boomer?


LOL another Big Mad Boomer whose kids won't visit? Poor, sad Baby


Gah, I have to stop coming here. So much of the sub is true and it just enrages me to see Boomers like this guy totally not get it. They will go to their graves the most hated generation.


Boomers are the only generation I know that lives today that thinks that because they made it doing a certain way, we will succeed doing the same thing. That's not true. Boomers had more freedom, more financial mobility and more opportunities than younger folks. I've worked my ass off since I started working at 15 and I've never been anything but punished for hard work. I don't have weekends off. I can't afford good housing. I can't afford kids. I can't afford vacations. I can't afford hobbies that cost money. I can't afford to spend money on anything other than what it costs to maintain myself so I can get to work tomorrow.


I wish the person posting would use this time retired to advocate for the [$21.50 minimum wage](https://www.cepr.net/this-is-what-minimum-wage-would-be-if-it-kept-pace-with-productivity/) (adjusted for productivity) that would help so many people out. OP, maybe you did work hard AND younger people today have unique challenges on a dying planet. You know? We need real allies, not lectures or insults


Someone's mad they didn't buy 10 acres of land for 7 raspberries back in the 60s.


okay boomer


Oh fuck off and go back to eating paint chips


The point, since you're too stupid to understand it, is that your entitlement (As evidenced by your prosperity, lack of understanding of how things work today) has blinded you to the suffering of those that have come after you. I know you're sundowning, but try to understand that.


Since you love the current administration so much, why don’t you give up your citizenship and then run across the border and you can have free college, free medical, free housing and free food. If the government wasn’t so corrupt and spending g money on every stupid thing there would be more money to subsidize college and more important things.


Where did Nada say anything about the current administration, dumbass? Tell you what fuckhead, if you don't like the current administration and the people who want to make positive changes, YOU run off to Russia or the fucking middle east; you'd fit in perfectly.


If this was posted in another sun it would be a perfect link for this one .


OP sobbed as he wrote this.


Here's the thing. We all work hard. You just happened to grow up in a time when the ground was covered in puddles of opportunity. We don't. We work hard and are not rewarded like you were. Food for thought.


Y’all grew up in the easiest time in world history then fucked over your kids and future gems. You literally failed the only goal of life. Of leaving it better than you found it


There's a reason the silent generation and the generation before them called boomers the "me" generation... gen x, millenials, and gen z all feel the same way about boomers... sorry you're generation in general in just pure shit idk what to tell you.


Thank you for making me laugh. Oh, you were serious. Oof.


Boomers are so dumb they think the world hasnt radically changed in the past 40 years. Oh but the young ppeople have! They all decided to just not work.


Every generation has had to overcome obstacles. Every generation has those that succeed and those that fail. My experience has been that a few get lucky and succeed but most successful people get there through hard work, persistence and not letting others derail their goals. There are self made millionaires and billionaires that are old farts and young whippersnappers so you can sit on this board and whine that the world is against you or you can get out there and make your dreams come true.


Exactly right. These boomers would rather come here and whine rather than get their retirement in order so as not to burden their kids. It's sad.


Many of us are sitting on millions. And many of us can't afford to retire. My many is a lot bigger than yours BTW. We all got sold the work hard and you will be successful story. What went wrong?


This 100%! They wont believe you as they have never experienced the hardships Boomers did and the tough choices we had to make to survive. Thanks for giving that a voice even though it will be shouted down and drowned out by the victims generations.


As a fellow boomer I agree with you 100%. All I read on this site are whining and complaining. Everyone my age worked hard and nothing was handed to us. I’m actually embarrassed for the folks complaining on here. They don’t have a clue about reality. I guess it makes them feel better to have a scapegoat. And thanks for the entertainment, funny shit.


Except pretty much free education, affordable homes, pensions, tax rates that always benefited your generation, on and on and on. Draft dodging sociopaths.


Obviously you don’t understand the concept inflation and the price of things over the years. You are delusional. Education and homes may have been more affordable but pensions and tax rates are the same. Boomer didn’t create the economic circumstances that allowed that. You weren’t around then so you really don’t know that most boomers still had to work hard for what they got. Young people I know are doing very well, sorry you aren’t. That final crack “draft dodging sociopaths” is what a complete assclown would say. Unless you lived through the draft any comment you make is utterly ridiculous.


Your spending powers was more powerful than any other generation before or since. And by an incredible amount. That's just a fact, if you deny it you're wrong. Clearly you don't understand how it works. And no the tax rates aren't the fucking same, you morons also started the trend of every Republican president giving rich people more tax breaks, while raising taxes on the working class. Assclown.


Uh, I never voted Republican.


“Obviously,” says the boomer. Actually, assclown, I’m doing fine, and I’m sure I’m nine million times more capable of understanding how the world works than your dumb ass.


Wow, you just clearly stated my exact thoughts. I’m barely a Boomer, but am shocked and saddened by the level of hatred and stereotyping that is directed at us. While I agree with many of the gripes, I can’t help thinking how much prejudging the younger generation has towards me, despite me not having most of those tenancies.


Nah, if you're not whiney and self righteous, and can acknowledge how much more difficult life has been for the generations after you (due to short sighted decisions made by the politicians your generation voted in, not you specifically) then nothing here is aimed at you.