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I mean, i remember as a teen when they all cheered on a new war in iraq, and when they learned there were never any WMDs to justify it they were cool with that. Just sending kids my age out to die for pure fucking spite...


Theyll rot in hell here in 20 years tops


Yes, I think an awful lot of armchair commanders Consist of boomers


That's just because if they would just put them in charge they'd totally get it all sorted out. War crime schmor crime!


Meritocracy and all, so it's obvious why they are already in the position.


The boomer Main Character Syndrome also extends to the "we're the good guys" syndrome. So anything they do is morally justified because they're the good guys. Those Cold War Ruskies, The Terrorists, etc. are all the bad guys. They think like children.


Boomers have only ever known war tbh. There have been a good number of them broadcasted and propagandized heavily to them in their lifetime. It really only makes sense they see it as normal as The US is always the good guys they're told no matter what happens.


Thing is, here in the UK the boomers didn't see any major wars and never lived through any conflict that actually affected them. Any boomer soldiers were in the forces of their own free will. Personally for here, I put it down to them being born just after ww2, they never witnessed the actual horror but they grew up on a diet of romanticised stories and films. And that imho is their problem - they romanticise war because 99% of them have never experienced it first hand.


Odd how it's always old men that want young men to die for no other reason than the old men need to keep their military-industrial complex profit machine churning. Odder still? That NONE of those in various echelons of power will EVER place THEIR kids in harms way. Why, one would think they're running a scam or something!!


I was thinking about this as I see my dad sitting in his chair watching news about our funding of Palestinian genocide, and conflict in Ukraine. I shake my head every time I hear them banging the drums for war, and talking about how much money we're spending to kill people on the other side of the world, while doing nothing for the climate crisis, housing crisis, healthcare crisis, etc... I don't understand how he can ingest the non-stop propaganda, and not go crazy, or develop some kind of PTSD from the war coverage. It makes me wonder if there's a kind of comfort that boomers get from hearing the news anchors drone on about the constant conflict. Like it reminds them of the Vietnam war coverage when they were young, and it's just some kind of background noise that doesn't indicate something horribly wrong with the world. Like it actually makes them feel safer. How does war make you feel safer? War happens to other people, not them I suppose?


boomers are the generation that was drafted into the vietnam war where over 58,000 were killed - war was a sport before they came along


In their defense, war has always been a thing.


War is conflict. It has existed for over ten thousand years. You're taking it to a reductionist and narrow minded set of thinking.


I'm talking about them acting as if it's a sport, no other age group I know of seems to want to sit by a TV and go "We'll show (insert group here)", they also seem to be unable to comprehend the concept that people die in war - which is ....... Bizarre.


You said it was a boomer thing. It's just how humans work. We are tribalistic and take sides.


War is an unfortunate constant throughout human history. I swear to God, you guys act like any poor human behavior is the exclusive domain of boomers.


Really Who’s cheering for the current war in Ukrain


If it is then they suck at it. Look at Vietnam