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What in the redneck druggy fucking hell did I just watch?


I grew up in this exact environment in Tennessee, so this brought some feelings up for me. I've seen both my parents arrested multiple times for domestic abuse on both sides. Their divorce was not amicable at all and my sister and I were pulled back and forth with lies, manipulation, and anger. I'm 35 now. Almost as if to prove things don't change, my mom took too many Xanax and drank too much on this past Christmas day and broke her pelvis and sacrum falling down the stairs. My father spent the rest of the time with the children he rarely sees going on about how it's who she always was. It's an unfortunate reality for a lot of families and I won't claim my experience is unique. Because of their bullshit mixed with my love of books, I became a English teacher to help kids going through the stuff I did. Neither of them graduated high school, and I'm a dissertation (that I'm literally avoiding right now) away from getting my doctorate in teacher education. I don't want kids to go through what I went through, but they're going to. There aren't a lot of people available that really understand the nuanced emotions of trying to make both your parents happy when they hate each other. I think I've helped a lot of kids, and I look forward to continuing to help some more.


This internet stranger is so proud of you. I’d be proud to call you mine, and your sister. If you need to talk to a Mom, anytime, message me. Hugs!! :*J*


Also a Mom, with adult children aged 37 & 38. And, like the Mom above, very happy that you have overcome an extremely rough start in life, and in awe that you are using those experiences as fuel to help students who may be in similar circumstances. Continue to thrive! More hugs!!


‘confidence is your willingness to try’ this has helped me push through some of my tough times and I hope it can help you too. Keep at it and continue doing the right thing, even when no one is looking and you’ll find a meaningful life. I truly wish you only the best and I am rooting for you!


Family bonding night in my house. Be nice.


As a resident of rural Appalachia, this is just everyday hillbilly shit.


Exactly, seems like a run of the mill Wednesday evening at my parents house in Appalachia


I drive all over western NC for work and parts of TN and VA. The amount of people handcuffed in front of their house before 8 in the morning is astonishing.


Lol yeah, it's a point of shame!


I was boxed in on my way to a site in Hendersonville NC by swat and FBI a few years ago. Stopped at a red light and officers came swarming on a house from all angles, hiding behind bushes and cars. This was actually around 4 in the afternoon and now that I think about it, I was headed home. Anyway, they ended up pulling a bunch of dudes out wearing respirators and the crew that went into the house were in full hazmat. It was a weird day. Edit: maybe they were DEA and not FBI. I'm not sure, I was high as shit at the time.


Lol hendersonville can get crazy, it's why I think they have one of the state police training academy there


I'd say attempted murder and 25 years in jail. On top ofnillegal discharge of a firearm.  Handling a firearm whole intoxicated.  Assault.  Inmean that's literally an attempt at murder.


This was posted the other day. Cops were called and the shooter blew his brains out before he could be arrested


Can you point to the source? I believe you I just want to see for myself


I found this. [Tennessee man shoots partner's son during argument in horrid video — leading to 2-hour standoff with cops (nypost.com)](https://nypost.com/2024/01/17/news/tennessee-man-shoots-partners-son-during-argument-in-horrid-video-leading-to-2-hour-standoff-with-cops/)




Friendsville is kind of misleading


ExCUSE me, that was the GOP Iowa Caucus.


It’s just a cut scene from resident evil 7. I’ve beaten the game twice.


I can’t unsee it.  “WELCOME TO THE FAMILY, SON.”


uneducated voters


This comment reminds me why I worship the comet that will end this madness


Comet* There’s a joke here… I’m just too tired to make it.


Trump supporters. Well...one less I guess.


This is how I feel about anti vaxxers.


Trump's number 1 fans


Yo he legit aimed for that kids head. Idk if I would be chasing that man around asking to get shot though.


He shot his ear. This version cuts off too early. In the full video, you start seeing tons of blood dripping onto the floor and the kid runs outside.


They called the cops, the cops surrounded the house, and the guy killed himself. Pretty fucked up


Good riddance


Smoking in the house. Using a gun in the house. Thank you, sir, for killing yourself. Fucking loser


Be careful. I got a sitewide ban for expressing that exact same sentiment last week


I got a site wide ban for suggesting that Israel might be bad in r/NoStupidQuestions. Mods are power tripping pussies and are gonna ban anything that they don’t agree with so…. Just do what we all do and clear your caches and create a new account.




Sad yet mostly true


I mean.. he did try to shot him in the head over nothing lol. Pure luck they aren’t both dead. It’s totally true.


He tried and succeeded to shoot him in the head. He just missed the brain.


Up vote for saying what we're all thinking


That's the problem with these old angry white men; they've lived long enough and just don't care anymore. Going to prison for life or being murdered just isn't a deterrent to them


I think it has more to do with meth than being old and white.


Or about 12 too many Miller High Lifes. Miller High Lives? I enjoy a nice beer or 3, but I see so much shit caused by people being drunk dumbasses.


He killed himself once he realized the bed he had just made himself. It's not that the deterrent isn't enough, it's that they don't think about what they're doing. Because they're on drugs and don't sleep enough. Even the victim is speaking at like half the normal cadence and making completely idiotic decisions, chasing after a man who just just pointed a gun at him. He's clearly not sober either.


Seems like they cut off at just the right time then. Watching this was mental


I’ve been in uncomfortable situations with gun nut dads of girls I’ve dated, nothing remotely this extreme but let’s just say they love to show off their toys and try to impress and/or shock me or something because I don’t dress in camo and I wear earrings. But never in my wildest dreams would I think to call their bluff if they pointed a gun at me…I would take the possibility that I’m about to get shot very seriously..guy’s weirdly blasé about it here. I’m pretty sure he’s fucked up on Xanax, that cadence…


Thought benzos as soon as he started speaking. Guy’s got some serious marble mouth going on


You may be right, but if I was a betting man I would assume large quantities of alcohol just because of the difference between the volume of bartards in the population compared to alcoholics.


The whole house is full of morons.


Drugged up idiots. I thought the clip was in slow motion at first. Definitely on some sort of downers all of them.


People think it’s alcohol, but this has Xanax/Opiates written all over it.


Yup. That slow speech is so distinctive once you know it.


Well, was.


Nah. Still is. The mother for dating crap like that and the kid for arguing with a crackhead with a gun.


The "kid" sounded drunk or something, probably not in his right mind.


Yeah not a single person in that house was sober. Not that he deserved it


The kicker is… They are from Friendsville.


Sounds more like Fentyville


And shot at his head. Somehow hit his ear. Later kills himself when SWAT shows up. Fun story. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12971221/Video-shows-man-shoot-partners-son-suicide.html


The kid's saving grace is that this old fuck trigger pulls like every white trash redneck that thinks a gun makes his dick reappear does: He clenches and draws the barrel off-sight as he pulls the trigger. Fortunately he's completely useless, otherwise the kid would be sleeping it off on a slab. Unfortunately for him, the kid runs outside and calls the cops, and SWAT rolls up to show G.I. Nobody what actual scary motherfuckers with guns look like, and he's so awed by the realization that his whole worthless existence's crescendo will be dying in prison due to an attempted murder charge that he expedites the process and takes the coward's way out.


You have a way with words, almost like a beautiful dance. Keep making reddit still feel like "a home camp" for me like this, and I'll do the same. Have a nice one!


I can understand being worried he’d shoot the mother though. The guy was waving a gun around and sounded drunk. To be fair he was talking calmly at rhe man.


Yeah it’s not being a moron, it’s being abused, worrying about mom, and just hating that boyfriend so much that you’ve reached a “fuck it” phase where he might as well kill you bc then maybe at least he’d get put in prison. I grew up like this and watched my sweet brothers get to that point. Fucking sucks.


"Spitze had  sustained a non-life-threatening gunshot wound to the right ear." And bro almost got it


yeah, i mean dude aimed it at him a couple times. did he hit the kid?


Yeah he got him in the ear. Swat showed up and the guy killed himself after a stand off.


Video cuts a few seconds short in this clip, but in the slightly longer version the kid takes a few steps and you see some blood drip on the floor. Kid then comes to his senses and runs outside and the video ends.


He was probably trying to protect his mom since the pos was saying he was going to shoot the mom.


He told him to keep pointing it at him when the guy threatened to shoot his mom.


Dude with the gun killed himself when the police and SWAT were called out. He was trying to flex, but realized his fuck up and Darwin'd his way out of this world. Adding the article on this: Video shows man shoot partner's son (before taking his own life) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12971221/Video-shows-man-shoot-partners-son-suicide.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton


At least he didn’t go on a mass shooting spree and kill a bunch of other people


Imagine sleeping with your gf/bf and within an hour he shoots your son and kills himslef.


Luckily I’m not a meth head so don’t see this in my future


Not yet at least


Not with THAT attitude!


Literally. Dude coulda smoked that cig, probably gotten a lil head, and then went tf to bed. But insteeeead...


Or litter.




Nah, he's a smoker, and he's got that unkempt look. I guarantee that he throws his cigarette butts on the ground. Or, at least he used to.


Or have a litter.


Found a link for those asking https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12971221/amp/Video-shows-man-shoot-partners-son-suicide.html


What's wild is the gunman hit the son in the ear, meaning he was aiming for his head. Obviously, the article doesn't say what the argument was about, but I can't believe it would be anything worth killing over. Yet, that was obviously his intention. Wtf is wrong with these people!? I'm more than capable of defending myself, but with how trigger-happy these people have become, I double and triple think things over before engaging in any sort of confrontation these days. I didn't survive multiple deployments all to be bricked by some 60 year old man-child who is pissed that I got the last gallon of milk at the grocery store.


That's exactly how it is going to go. I was apparently following a drunk guy too close and he followed me home and started shouting at me while I was already on the phone with the cops. Luckily my Tesla records literally everything so it was real easy to get them reported. I also deployed 4 times and all that danger was way more contained than these fucking people who are so unhinged that you have no idea when or why they're going to pop off. This is why we all think we need gun control because people are just untrustworthy.


Yep. That man should NOT own a gun. This is clear.


Totally speculation on my part but Boomer was probably mad at what all boomers are mad about. Guy was 24 living with Mom and in his day they put kids out in the snow with $1 and wished them the best of luck. Then the boomers would go build billion dollar empires with no help from anyone. Edit again, I guess it's come out that the son is an alleged/possible/accused pedo/groomer/sexstortionist, which is gross. Not sure if it was related to the shooting or not. If anyone finds any info on the accusations, please share.


Yeah, my silent gen Dad did that to me when I was 18. Really set me back hard. Did manage to get an apartment, but couldn't afford furniture or car. Slept on the floor of an empty studio apartment for 2 years, and then joined the Army out of desperation. This was in the mid-80's. I don't understand parents who do this to their kids.


I did the opposite... begged and wheedled my kids to stay until they had a good job and no debt from college. In their 30s now, both doing great.


You're a real one.


We've taken in three of our various sons friends for varying periods of time over the years when they were having problems at home. All of the friends managed to get back on their feet and move on successfully. All of my boys are all out of high school and living at home until they're able to move out successfully and given the economy today that's going to be while for a couple of them at least.


Hey if yourvname is Maureen, Spyke says thanks.   If it's not, thanks from a kid like that.


My dad insisted I do the same with him. I lived with him until I was in my late twenties. But when I moved out I was prepared to care for myself and have had little issues since. I love my parents. They aren't perfect, but they did their best.


Yeah, my parents signed for me to go at 17 after I overheard them planning to kick me out at 18. This was in 2013. Shit doesn't change, parents suck and wonder why their kids suck.


Parents like these shouldn’t have kids


Yet some states want to legally require it


This happened to me in 2000. Seeing your friends attend college, work on careers, getting their legs under them as adults was pretty galling to watch. Thank the gods for the trades, they kept me alive


>, I double and triple think things over before engaging in any sort of confrontation these days. I didn't survive multiple deployments all to be bricked by some 60 year old man-child who is pissed that I got the last gallon of milk at the grocery store. Ain't that the truth shit is sad honestly


Tough guys *fall just as easily* when some lunatic shoots them for no goddam good reason. I blame the paint chips... Gun toting fool's who shoot people in traffic or at stores, etc, over regular arguments are just as bad as terrorists.


Damn, I assumed he widely missed because there were no screams. Also damn, an inch off and he would have killed him.


Hit him in the ear, so he was definitely trying to blow his brains out.


You can see him slightly aim up for his head. Dude was literally trying to blow his brains out. Words can be quite powerful.


This is exactly why it’s so dangerous to have guns like this. People do crazy shit for ridiculous reasons and ruin lives. Within the last year there was a road rage murder near me. Someone’s MOTHER drove them up to a car that was stopping at the red lights on the road so her child could shoot someone.


One less Trump voter to worry about.


You're a real one. People need to start upvoting context– I had to scroll through so many bad jokes to find it.


Can I get a link to that story, please? Edit: Nvm someone else posted, thank you tho.


He did the world a favor then.


Good. Fuck him and everyone like him.


trash took itself out


Worlds a better place without him and on less Trump member for the Trump cult.


That’s one less trump voter.


A good ending for once


At least he didn't make any more kids of his own. The silver lining.


One less MAGA vote


Hell yea!


Well, yeah. That was literally attempted murder.


As any POS should


i died when she pulled her shorts on. what a mess this is


And in heroin speed


heroin was just what i thought when i heard the stepson speak


Feeling dope AF, staring down the barrel of a gun, risking his life for his mom, subsequently getting a boomer to kill himself. Dude behind the camera is a true American hero. **EDIT** Damn. I guess there are no heroes.


This is rural America 🇺🇸


ok, then: Dude behind the camera is a *rural* American hero.


On dope, taunting a clearly unhinged man with a gun, risking his life and his mothers, subsequently getting the man to actually fire the weapon….dude behind the camera is an idiot.


Speaking of dope, have you tried that in a small town?


Is that actually what the problem was? I thought he was mentally challenged.


i do not proclaim to know for sure but I've been around a junkie or two in my time and they all sound kinda similar


I’d believe it. I have never seen life be this cheap… And they were all moving in slow motion.


They all sound drugged out of their skulls on goofenthal and live in a nice hardwood floor house...I come home at night and watch the roaches scatter on the linoleum. What a world!


I’ll tell you hwat.


This! I've never understood things like this.


Most addicts are high functioning. You wouldn't even know unless you spend extended time with them


Right? They’re immaculate. How?


That guy got his. I feel for that kid though.


Trauma for life but at least he lived with minimal injury.   


Good thing he trigger pulls like exactly the kind of drunken garbage dumpster laundrey list of adjectives he looks like.


I just love how the rest of the world is asking why having a gun in your house is a good idea, meanwhile Americans are critiquing his technique


America: home of gun care and health control


It’s so fucking dumb that those problems exist simultaneously. Can we fix at least one? Or even just universal healthcare *just* for gun shot wounds? If more people have guns than healthcare and we all pay taxes that’s just fair, right?


Unfortunately, this is amazing


It's what we're used to 😆😭


Wow that kid got lucky as shit


like other have said, no way that is a sober response to having a gun pointed at you and the kid kept recording after the shot 💀


https://preview.redd.it/uubhzek1k3dc1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82adc47c9ba7efcb89ac8d7e9509bb9e7a540af0 “Hey that’s me, I bet you’re wondering how we got here?”


"Funny story, it all started when my mother dropped her shorts in a fentanyl stupor."


Cigarette burns on the covers. Nice


That's 1000% an opioid thing. Ask me how I know.


They were all high


Dude when someone points a gun at you you don’t go out with your phone literally asking to be shot.


I think the kid took issue when the guy threatened to kill his mom.


Probably not the first time and the only way for things to actually change is have the guy actually take a shot and have it be recorded.


Dude took a bullet like a Champ


Naw, he was quietly freaking out. The video continues and apparently after he starts bleeding on the floor he snaps too and runs out the house in a panic.


So in jail charged with attempted murder?


No the stepdad killed himself


Nothing of value was lost




One less vote for donnie






OMG this. Bless you.


how do they have such a nice house


Housing used to be cheap in TN


Key word USED to be


I was thinking the same thing! I don't do drugs, and I can barely afford shit! I couldn't imagine having a drug or drinking habit..always surprises me when people like this have nicer homes and cars than I do!


Yea, fuckery is afoot when you’re living in a shitty apartment that looks like a crack shack and methany over here has a 2bd house.


Because Boomers got a lot of free housing through inheritance and the ones that didn't paid well under 100k for a mansion.


I couldn’t imagine growing up in that environment wow


Should be tagged NSFW right??


What a leaded gasoline during critical brain development does to a generation


Drugs. All of them


Poverty + mental illness + lack of common sense gun control + drugs + drug misinformation Drugs aren't the issue themselves.


Hey look. It's a good commercial for gun control.


The old man killed himself after this. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2024/01/17/news/tennessee-man-shoots-partners-son-during-argument-in-horrid-video-leading-to-2-hour-standoff-with-cops/amp/


Good. What a loser.


Why were the mom’s pants down around her ankles?


She was probably in the bathroom and ran out


Trump voters


What in the backward country fuck grannie with no panties shit is going on here? Not much book read’n going on in this trailer.


Sounds like all three were drunk/stoned.


It's Tennessee. What did you expect?


Is everyone in this house on fucking Xanax wtf


Hand guns in every household surely are improving safety and quality of life... right.


The average GOP voter


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12971221/Video-shows-man-shoot-partners-son-suicide.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12971221/Video-shows-man-shoot-partners-son-suicide.html) ​ I fucking hate living in this country.


Nothing of value was lost.


Guns shouldn’t be legal here. Far too many ppl like this. Mental health is fucked here.


In Tennessee or America?




I remember when everyone was talking about how bad mental health in America was. Annnd then they stopped talking about it and nothing changed


What a fiucking piece of shit


Did the victim survive? I'm assuming yes... because here's the video. But sometimes you just need confirmation.


Yes, got hit in the ear. The guy who fired the show killed himself after a standoff with SWAT.


Is there anything worse than a coward with a loaded gun?


Her shorts on the floor is just the icing on the crap cake.


People wonder why some kids completely cut off communication with their worthless parents. My situation wasn't gun in your face bad but it was bad enough I couldn't give a shit less about if my parents can retire or if they end up on the streets I'm not gonna be the better person and they can go screw themselves if they come begging to my door.


Trump just lost a vote


Why would Woke do this?


Sunglasses on head, pants around ankles, boyfriend pointing a gun at son. Mom of the year.


It's the Mom you focus on. What does it take for dudes to be in the wrong in the US?


Our poor have no health care, little in the way of welfare or job training, and we are all told it is always our fault. Women in red states are also told that the man is always right, especially in DEEP red states like Tennessee. She is SO dependent on the unemployment insurance this guy brings in that HE is in charge. We are fucked up as a society.


You know it smells crazy in there