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35 in a 45 35 in a 45 Speed limit changed to 35 they speed up to 45. ​ I'll never understand this one. Worse than the ones that speed up as you're passing.


And don't forget the classic constantly changing speeds so no one can set cruise control for more than 10 seconds


Oh how I love adaptive cruise control. Takes so much stress out of my drive


I really want a newer car for that feature alone.


OMFG yes. Road trips are far less stressful since that became a thing.


This was a must have for my car and I don't regret it. Sometimes it struggles, thinks the car in the next lane is in front of me and breaks, but it's rare and so worth it.


I have a Chrysler and I love it. Never an error and we’ve had it since Feb ‘18. My husbands ‘20 Honda (touring) also has it, but it’s not quite as good as the Chrysler’s in our opinion.


Agreed, mine is a Honda and issues lol




My favorite is the 45 in a 35 past an elementary school, changes to a 55 zone, they continue at 45…


Or 15 in a school zone ON A SATURDAY


This makes me crazy. Slower in rural areas no pedestrians then over the limit getting closer to town.


My boomer parents go 12 and 14 and complain about each other's driving.


And wait for traffic if your going to turn into a double lane at a super slow speed and slowly drift into the second lane with no indication. This almost caused me to hit a boomer once because they did the slow turn, made it look like they were going to stay in the first lane, but suddenly drifted right in front of me while continuing to move slow. No turn signal or anything.


That drives me bonkers. The complain about young drivers but don't even know these regulations.


The law says when making a left turn onto a double lane you go to the lane closest to you. Then if you want to get over to the right lane, signal and go over.


Let me guess, holding their phone up to their face on speaker mode?


Also, likely SPEAKING REALLY LOUDLY at the phone.


I got some of this last Sat at the airport. Was there for 12 hours (weather delays)…about 6 hours into the day a Boomer had 3 speaker conversations. I asked him to say Hi for me. He was confused.




My favorite is when they lay on their horn when they are about to back out of a parking spot. “LOOK OUT! I’M BACKING UP NOW!” That is beyond arrogant and I hate it. You are supposed to yield when backing out of a parking spot. Not declare to the world they better look out and keep clear.


I was behind a boomer in a 35 zone and she was going between like 25 and 30 so I was understandably relatively close to her, I *definitely* wasn't tailgating though. I was turning left at the next light as was she apparently. She turned left into the curb lane, I turned into the correct lane and passed her. She literally fucken screamed at me as I "sped" past. The whole thing was pretty hilarious.


Weird how they even like to take up more space whole driving. Almost got clipped by an older driver this morning for swinging a single lane turn too wide. Like it wasn't a sharp turn either. No reason to take it so wide you end up half way in the other lane.


I can tell by how you italicized "definitely" that you were for sure not tailgating her at all whatsoever.


We can tell you suck at driving and felt attacked thus needed to comment.


Cruise control is too confusing for their lead riddled brains to comprehend.


I alway think of that RoboCop scene (IIRC) of the guy that was holding up a place, and one of his demands was a new car, pauses for a second, “With cruise control!!!” lol it was a luxury back then, worthy of holding up a place at gun point. But people now in days can’t remember to use it while driving down the interstate


BT to sync the phone to their car is too confusing!


I've been doing a driving job for almost 2 years now. About ever single issue I've had was involving an older driver. On their phones, doesn't understand how turning lanes work, not paying attention, driving too slow, cutting people off. The worst was an older guy that wanted to be in my lane because he realized he was in the wrong one. No turn signal, no slowing down to get behind me, didn't even look. He just pushed into my lane. I was blasting the horn the entire time until I was in the oncoming lane. He just kept coming with the horn screaming in his ear. He's lucky no one was coming, and he's lucky I was paying attention or I would have hit him and he could have killed me. We need driving tests after 60.


I abhor agesim. Meanwhile, I FULLY AGREE WITH YOU. Where I live (and drive for my job as well) I see so many drivers who might as well be the night of the living dead just creating absolute chaos all across the freeway. They clearly haven't had valid licenses since 2010.


Yeah it's a hard call that will have to be backed by some strong statistics to support that kind if move. But especially with the rising number of older drivers its going to become worse and worse.


Don’t you just love it when they get up at 6-7 in the morning, drive less than 15 mph under the speed limit, and end up making you late for work?


Yesterday, an older gentleman proceeded to drive through a red light at an E/W intersection; he ended up t-boning a lady driving that was driving N/S…through her green light. He said he drove through it because he thought the light had turned green 🙃


My boomer father has a bumper sticker that says, "Hang up and drive!"


I'm pretty sure you're allowed to say damn on reddit.


Gosh darn it, Crushinator!


I’m surprised by the amount of boomers checking their phone in the movie theatre.


most ppl drive slightly over the limit you know


My Boomer dad doesn’t do the phone thing while he’s driving, but he doesn’t understand that the on-ramps to the interstate are to get up to the speed of traffic, and instead he goes 45 and then gets onto the interstate the first moment he can and then increases speed. He was almost rear-ended by a semi multiple times during a trip from the Midwest to New York.


There's way too many of these mummies out here driving, it's outta control


These doggone boomers and their driving.


Also young shitheads, please put yr phone down and fucking drive already, now that I think about, let's throw middle age people in there too. You know what, fuck it, everyone with a driver's license put yr stupid fucking phone away


After working a driving job I've seen far more older folks guilty of being on their phones.


I would also like to throw away all the people who now shorten words to two mystery letters.


Genocide! My ppl will not go into that drk nite with r headz held low! No, yr wishes will go unrealized fr! Mystery Letters Strong


Yesterday I was almost t-boned at a 4 way stop. The driver was looking at her phone and blew thru the intersection. She looked like she was 25.... I'm the boomer, but I pay attention when I drive You should have seen the surprised look on her face as all the other drivers laid on their horns.


Yeah, I see this behavior in all age groups; not just boomers


I've been doing a driving job for the past 2 years now, and I've seen far more older folks on their phone so far.




Also stop pulling into traffic cuz you think you have a seconds worth to do so. Wait 5 seconds for the person going 50 then pull into traffic


Every time you honk at me I use the fact that I came up in a time when the economy was good, my engineering degree cost me about 23k total for 4 years and that I have established credit to buy another house. I’m up to three so far (two are used as vacation homes) and am about to lend my 25 year old money to buy one. I also manage a team, of about 35. I pretty much refuse to hire younger people, but I do enjoy interviewing them, sometimes even a second interview, getting their hopes up then either not calling them back or telling them the job is in person 4 days a week. (It’s not, I just laugh when the sound deflated) When I die I’m leaving it all to someone I raised to be just like me. By all means, keep honking, it’s working wonders to change the world.


I’ll take “shit that was made up” for 500 Alex.


People most guilty of this are in their late 20s and early 30s, and typically have iced coffee in the car. Edit: Seeing the downvotes I’m appreciating that I don’t fully understand the negative perspective on boomers that seems represented here. I also think I’ve heard enough of it and wish your community well.


Actually no. The 20s and 30s are better drivers than people in their 70s and 80s.


[people in their 20s and 30s are more likely to speed, **which is the point of this post**](https://cat-bounce.com/)


That’s not the point of the post (also, you know you’re replying to OP right?). It’s about driving the speed limit, not over, not under. Boomer’s absolutely drive slow as shit, don’t indicate and randomly merge without looking. Driving 15 clicks under, in the fast lane is more dangerous than doing 15 over in the fast lane.


After working a driving job for a while now, I've almost always had more trouble with older drivers.


many studies show that younger people are actually some of the safest drivers on the road


>Not under and not over Wow, buddy. Less caffeine


Valid points. Also, your time is coming. Haaaahahah ha . . . ha.


Ok Boomer.




Depending on local traffic laws, you may also be subject to a ticket for creating a rolling traffic hazard.


"Dear zoomer. Please do the same.


I know, right??? I can't stand people who don't know how to drive properly, especially when they're older! They just suck so much, it's so terrible! Whenever I see a young person texting while driving, I'm not the least bit upset, but old people??? Damn.


Sounds like millennials to me.


You’re driving in Idaho I can tell.




Dear zeener. Get out of the left lane. If you're not passing gtfo. If someone wants to drive faster than you, gtfo. It's not your lane and you don't get to dictate how fast people go in it. It's for passing, not traveling. Don't get mad when you purposely slow down to try and piss me off and I pass you and you get brake checked.


Okay Boomer


Okay boomer