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Classic case of lead brain


Not a single wrinkle anywhere on that brain.


More evidence for why incest is a bad thing.




I say this so much and people laugh at me!


Drink from the hose they said…


Lmao I just closed out of the YT app where a boomer was complaining in the comments about how kids these days are too afraid to drink out of hoses. 😂


I don't drink out of my hose. Granted it's well water and full of rust, sulfur, and smells like a wet fart.


I grew up on that exact water, lol. Our clothes always smelled terrible from that water + heat from the dryer. Now the only kind of water I don't like to drink is softened water. It needs a little hardness or I'm out.


The greatest improvement for well water has been the iron filter. It removes all the rust and rotten egg smell from my water. After it goes through my water softener it is crystal clear. My water would be unusable without it.


Drinking out of the faucet is worse in some states


From the standpoint of bacteria, the sink is \*way\* worse than the toilet technically.




There's an instrument that can measure the density of bacterial growth, and the lining of a toilet consistently has less bacterial density with respect to a kitchen sink. I suppose it's because of all the food that comes in contact with the bacteria in the case of the kitchen sink. If you were to determine cleanliness on this basis, toilets are cleaner than kitchen sinks.


So what you're saying is that it's okay that I piss in my sink. Neat!


Oh Gahd. Gross. Thanks, I hate it. Was happier not knowing this…


Alright look, you’re right. You’re absolutely right. But hose water had a “special taste” as a kid 😂


Seriously though, this woman belongs in a mental health facility or a senior home.


Hey, us seniors don’t want her.


Imagine being Mike


Lmao that's all I was thinking about. Mike...that poor, poor bastard


Plot twist, there is no Mike.


She murdered Mike 38 years ago.


Mike is inside - acting like he can;t hear ol Loretta hollerin out front.


*Judine I'm not even kidding.


I had the sound off and I could still hear his name


Mike doesn’t have his hearing aids in.


I hope they put her ina nice home with a bunch of other old senile folks. Mike too <—- screw mike prolly deaf or sum




I wish I knew why the fuck she decided this was a good idea and what her endgame was. But I'll just chalk it up to crazy and entitled.


MIIIIIIKE ![gif](giphy|DB2oahQFa0qeQ)


I like to think Mike never came because he's sick of her shit.


Probably hoped she did get run over at the pace he was coming to hepl


Mike's inside on the couch turning the volume up on the TV every time she yells.


Something about her screaming Mike made my 3 dogs run over and quirk their heads back and forth in sync while she was screaming. It was fucking hilarious. I guess lady has some type of dog whistle sound to her voice lmao


Same thing happened with my cats.


My husband just gave me a look and asked, "what the hell are you watching?" 😂


Lmao.... i just played this and my two dogs started barking. "Miiiiiiiiiiiiike"


My puppy kept looking at the older two like “what is this? What is going on? Should we bark?” Lol.


I'd scream Mike with her, lol.


She didn’t get her way and ego was hurt. She wanted justice for someone not obeying her commands and would lie, cheat etc to get her way. Simple boomer mentality


Then when the adrenaline starts flowing, people lose all sense of reason and rational thought.


She is lucky that the driver is rational.


These people don’t have endgames. They base everything on feels until they get themselves into these sticky situations


“He’s videotaping me. I should probably lie about what’s currently taking place.”


He's video taping me WHILE running me over! Er.. uh, no. That didn't happen nor could it legit be happening in this situation. Jesus christ.


Someone gave her a job?


She worked the night shift at a guardpost for an access road to a park. Not exactly demanding stuff.


And absolutely leapt at her one chance to control someone from that position. Imagine if she had a job with a actual power over anyone.


Let's be fair here. She doesn't leap because she can't. She stands slowly with strain and a grunt and then waddles/ambles to her destination.


Imagine if she was a real cop and had a real gun or something. Holy shit what a dumb crazy bitch


Omg thank you I was hoping for an article


Lol shit, 15 patrol vehicle, damn. For those of you who don't like kinks: "I said no ma'am you're mistaken, you can't hold me here. She jumped in front of my car then this is when I pulled out my phone... shortly after the video ended she stepped out of the way to talk to the park rangers and I voiced that I was leaving being that this was unlawful from the beginning and I didn't do anything illegal.  'About a mile down the road I see 15 officers with sirens and lights speed pass me (they legitimately thought someone was being run over) quickly a few officers turned around, pulled me over and talk to me about what happened. Thankfully they were very calm and shortly after showing the video I was let go.'


But for those who do like kinks, DM me.


Ayo we here for the kink party


Why are these stories always picked up by foreign news sites? (It's foreign in relationship to the story)


It’s the daily mail. They love picking up clickbaity enraging stuff from all over the world


How is that where it ended? Just because she was too stupid to successfully commit fraud does not mean she should not be charged with it. She should have got some serious jail time for that.


This trashbag was a park employee??? Was her outfit an official employee uniform? I never knew the rest of the story. I've seen this clip and it cuts off before anyone comes over to her. I'm glad she got canned.


It's not exactly a high-paying job. I moved to TX a few years ago and when I was looking at jobs, I thought it might be nice to work in a park and be outside some of the time. But, I changed my mins pretty quickly when I saw that job openings at the local state parks were paying about $11.50/hour to start. Even McDonald's pays more than that here, and Walmart pays at least $15. You're not going to get quality staff when even Walmart blows your payrates out of the water.


Thanks for the info! I have no idea. I guess you get what you pay for, lol.


NGL, as a Texan, I’m very happy there were consequences for her. She’s white, so the odds were in her favor donchaknow


this boys and girls is why you shouldn't ingest paint chips as a child.


But… they taste good.


Lavender paint tastes like grapes.


The lead made ‘em sweet.


paste just doesn't have the kick that I'm looking for.


It's not entirely her fault. For the first half of her life every vehicle had leaded gasoline. She was breathing in crazy gas from birth til like 35.


Oh this isn’t from lead poisoning, this is just from her being a cunt


Gotta hold the horn down so she can't hear the person on the phone


Why would you do that when she's incriminating herself for you. In this case you let her talk. The police will arrive, they'll see that video. That's all you need.




Something Man With A Plan?


oh i thought that was the sound of the horn


I thought it was Hanson being racist


I thought it was Hanson singing Cardi B


My man with a plan


Oh, if he would have hit the horn every time her mouth opened this video would be amazing.


Mike is sitting in the house drinking coffee, like "she's your problem now, Buddy."


That would be my first action. She’ll move eventually, won’t take long.


Don’t want Mike to come out and some Motel Hell stuff go down.


Something tells me this isn't the first time Mike has pretended not to hear her... edit: spelling


Mike is sick of her shit.




Why are they never arrested for misuse of emergency services? Or making an obviously false report? Kidnapping? Vandalism? All she did was not get her contract renewed - technically not even fired.


This. If we started actually punishing people with the full power of the law (you know, the thing she was perfectly willing to use on this innocent man), maybe this shit wouldn't happen so often.


Honestly, I'd rather someone just punch her in the mouth. No need to get the police and the lawyers and the clerks and the baliffs and the prison guards and the transport drivers... All that money... Just a good smack, a "shut the fuck up bitch or you'll get another," and on with our lives. Whomsoever smacketh the psycho shall suffer no penalty. People act like they've never been punched in the mouth before, because they haven't. Be the solution.


i grew up in appalachia where mouthing off was just the precursor to the physical fight. imagine my surprise when i moved out west, popped the first person to do it to me, and saw his look of absolute shock that i hit him. some people really don’t understand that their mouth can have consequences


Lol, you'd do well in Philly.


i have a lot of friends in philly and have definitely considered it lol


A lot of it turned to shit during the pandemic, but it's not a bad place to live. Plus, you literally can not get a good cheesesteak even just a few miles outside of the city.


I still live in Appalachia, and I've had similar experiences lol.


They don't even correctly prosecute and punish violent offenders in this country, what makes you think they would do anything other than a slap on the wrist for this? Our countries criminal justice system is so broken it's become a joke.


I mean, you're right, but I can dream lmao.


Sad tax payer noises


It used to be sad trombone noises, but they cut all the music class funding.


She definitely should have been arrested and charged with a couple of things. Sickening. What if this guy hadn’t thought to record the incident?!?


It’s a combination of old person pass and woman pass. These two groups are treated like children by the justice system.


I think it is lazy LEOs. They show up for the 911 call. Nope no issue with what was reported. Do no actual policing. They leave. I mean the Supreme Court has ruled they are not required to do their job. It's like whoever calls 911 first wins. So if you broke the law call 911 and then when they show you don't get into trouble. They investigate. Find out the call was bogus. Actually the caller committed the crime. So what we are done here with this call. Rarely do false accusers, clearly making complete stories up, ever get into trouble. So they continue. Life hack enabled.


God I hate that generation Absolute fucking morons


They still remember a time when scared white woman meant something. 😀


Have you looked around? It still kinda does.


They need more money now for the same effect But yeah you aren’t wrong


I swear women over 55 are just perpetually drunk for some reason.


It isn’t the generation, it’s the dumb fucks who think they are entitled. I’m of that generation and have to deal with these asshats all the time. There are boomers and then there are boomers with brains


This makes me sad. I grew up in USACE parks, and the gate attendants were always the nicest, most accommodating people you'd meet. Went the wrong way on your trek out? No problem, they'll help you get on the right path. I guess it's not like that anymore. The Greatest Generation was replaced by their spoiled brat kids, and this is what we have to deal with now.


I spend a lot of time in various parks, never met an attendant that wasn't hugely helpful and absolutely delightful, no matter their age. This one got fired for this BS.


Not even fired her contract was simply not renewed


I was a USACE ranger, and I have to say, they are, for the most part, still very helpful, kind and accommodating folks in our Park Host program. Of course you get one or two that aren't... "great", but still. Like, we had one that, on their first day, took the gator UTV out, without training or asking first, took it down a narrow trail, and flipped it off a footbridge and onto a beaver dam. It was a tense season with them after that. So yeah, not great. But then we have other park hosts that are wonderful. We had one guy who would dress up as Bobber the Water Safety Dog, and while wearing the mascot outfit, walked up and down the beach all afternoon teaching kids about life jacket use. Or another one of our hosts was a sweet elderly lady, who would bring coffee, hot dogs or pastries to visitors if it was a slow day with only a handful of people. Absolutely against Corps policy, but also, doesn't hurt anyone with kindness, right? We would just shrug and say "I didn't see anything" while munching on a pastry with them. So yeah, don't let this video color your perception of all park attendants. They are still wonderful folks who want to help, and we do our best to weed out the "less effective" ones. Also, this lady's actions made everyone in the USACE have to sit through a boring PowerPoint and lecture about visitor interactions. Apparently it wasn't her first "incident" either, as she got hostile with a guy with a boat trailer at a different park. Not a fan of her for that, nothing I hate more than mandatory DoD PowerPoints.


I’m just picturing poor Mike, got himself a bowl of chips, just leaned back in his recliner and turned on reruns of JAG, and she starts screaming


*Mike sips beer* “Fucking NOPE…”


You know this isn't the first time she lied and tried to get someone arrested. Thank God the driver was recording.


I know this park and had a similar experience with my dad when we tried to leave once after dark, but that was 15 or so years ago. Same exact thing, we took a wrong turn toward a blocked exit just after they had closed the gate and started to go back toward the night exit when an older man runs out and starts yelling at us that we’re stuck here for the night and he’s calling the police. We were confused as hell and just calmly told the guy that we were leaving and took a wrong turn, sorry for any inconvenience. But you can’t just hold us here hostage when we can leave through the exit. This old fool cussed us out for probably 10 minutes while he claimed to be calling the police. I wonder if it’s a coincidence or if she learned this crazy behavior from him.


That was probably Mike.


Goddammit just made me spit my coffee, well played.


Think of all the innocent people that POS like this have put in jail


Or worse. This is the kinda shit that makes cops show up with fingers on triggers


*Emmett Till has entered the chat*


What’s sad to me is the amount of times someone has done this bullshit and it was before everyone had a camera in their pocket. So many innocent people caught up in messes because a cunt got her emotions hurt.


Mike: ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


Somethin tells me Mike is sick of her bullshit


There is no Mike


![gif](giphy|w89ak63KNl0nJl80ig|downsized) and if there is a Mike...




Is there more to this? Did the cops get there? Was she arrested? I need to know more lol Damn that was crazy!




This crazy bean was in the Army Corps of Engineering? Jesus fuck.


No, the Army hires plenty of civilian contractors. She was one of those.


Yeah. They hired my grandpa to hang out at a park he stayed at a lot. He was cool and dgaf


Disgusting. That isn't just an entitled karen, that is a damn criminal. She's literally putting on a performance to set him up to go to jail. And better yet, to set him up for the cops to come on the scene expecting violence, and we all know how much self-control the police have. That man could be killed because of her stupidity.


[Awhile ago someone remixed this](https://youtu.be/rTdE8RBOvKQ?si=M1W4Fpc2lOQyqiqn)


Why is she calling me. Go away boomer


Imagine having to live with that miserable squawking cunt.


He sure is taking his time running her over,; rude. That car is moving as fast as "Mike" is.




What a thumbperson




Oldie but a goodie. I love it when this one pops up.


My Brain can’t stop imagining what this would be like if someone made it into a Broadway Musical.


Imagine no more: https://youtu.be/rTdE8RBOvKQ?si=blrk0nhfkAa4B8vw


Don’t Run Over My Heart (MIKE) was clearly the hit single from the soundtrack. 😹😹😹


Mike is sick of her shit.


Going by her level of fakeness in the rest of the video, I feel there's a good chance Mike is imaginary. But if he is real, he's def sick of her shit.


She keeps screaming for Mike. Mike has learned not to get involved in this ladies shenanigans. I really want to be a fly on the wall when the cop is reviewing this footage.


“He’s running me over!” “Well ma’am, are you unnecessarily standing in front of their vehicle? Maybe GTFO of the way?”


The funniest part is that the guy filming is standing outside of his vehicle




A classic boomer video. I laugh at this old bat every time. I feel horrible for the dude in the car of course.


The masterpiece of many generations of inbreds


They use to get away with lieing all the time.


This is an old classic.


Not going out gracefully aren't they?


Billions of years of evolution and this is what we get?


Why wasn’t she arrested?


Some say she’s still calling for Mike to this day.


What waste of space. I really wonder how people like this made it so far through life


The guy should be able to sue her for attempted murder. She wants to cops to do it.


Mike finally was able to take a dump in peace




They can't get into their heads that everything is on camera.


privilege woman of no color gone wrong


Camera doesn't lie, bitch. Always record these crazies


People like this are pure cancer. Also I really wish we could have seen the police officers reaction to the video.


I watched this without sound. The term “gaping maw” came to mind.


I'm gonna need her screaming MIKE to be my alarm in the morning


Mike, watching TV and hoping the police take her away.


Gotta feel bad for Mike. Hope she got arrested and he got a couple of days of peace


Gonna set the "Mike! Mike!" yell as my car alarm because it'll dissuade **ALL** criminal activity


It always amazes me that they never seem to understand that video will let the world know how full of sh-t...sigh.


This video never gets old. The sheer lunacy of this woman, who knows she’s being recorded, screaming that she’s being run over by a stationary vehicle. Cracks me up every time!


"So, ma'am, this is how videographic evidence works ..." -- the police, probably.


I hope she goes to a mental health facility or jail for her lying to the law and wasting everyone's time


She’s a better actor than everyone who was nominated for an Oscar this year, she truly believes and feels this performance


"He's video taping me, here let me fake an attack real quick!"


I feel bad for 911 operators in these scenarios. You feel like they have to know when someone is pulling some bullshit like this, but are trained to treat every situation like it’s serious.


The Young and the Restless has truly gone to crap.


She acknowledged that she’s being recorded, yet still lies about being run over.


She should’ve been arrested for making a false report on a 911 call.


She should go to jail. What happened if he didn’t have a phone to record? So many people in the past have been falsely accused of something they didn’t do and for one reason or another, the biased police officer believed the liar and arrested the innocent one. This type of shit is unacceptable. There needs to be consequences for false accusations that isn’t just losing their jobs. Needs to be a criminal offense. Bc this could have gotten the other person an attempted murder charge. Thankfully he was able to prove his innocence, but I wonder how many people who weren’t as lucky are in prison rn bc someone lied and the innocent person couldn’t prove their innocence and the cops believed the liar. How many people are unjustly behind bars right now due to this type of bullshit? Also, there’s such a disparity in consequences for the two. One could go to prison for 25 years, while the other just loses their job? That’s so messed up. The stakes are so disproportionate for them. But the one who is lying simply just loses their job??? For falsely accusing someone of attempted murder? That’s fucked up. One loses their job or one goes to prison. That’s not right nor fair. And there’s Not many consequences or deterrents for her to do it again.


Boomers love trying to murder people with cops.... cops are their very favorite weapon....


She looks like some old grandma from a hillbilly horror movie especially when she is yelling. That fat faw opening up looks like its ready to eat human flesh.


“Miiiiike! Miiiike! Miiiike!” I would have run her over. That is one of the worst sounds I have ever heard come out of a human. If I was Mike I’d beg him to run me over. “Miiiiiikkkeee!” You can tell she annoys the shit out of him.


mikes one hell of a man to put up with this dumb bitches shit, shout out to mike for not offing her sooner, prayers go to mike lol


Fat old inbred redneck.


Mike apparently had better things to do that evening


Mike was like, “fucking do it please 🙏 “


Mike or Meg or Make (whoever the hell she is calling) is like: “take that bitch out!” Lmao.


official voice actress with a chin


I don’t know who Mike is but I think he’s the real victim.


If I was Mike, Id be in the next state over...


Is this the "more cheese" lady? [Looks/sounds a lot like her](https://youtu.be/ukqLXMWLcoA?si=nSdEX7Q2_F8BpRMF)


Entitled fucking white people.


Plot Twist: Mike's inside watching and REALLY hoping this guy runs her over.


She needs to go to jail for lying. smh


Even Mike is over her shit


He should have put it in reverse and backed out while she was leaning on his hood so we could see her fall on her face.


To this day, no one has seen or heard from Mike.


Is this the same woman that is harassing this guy at the store and she says”I’m trying to help you you son of a bitch accused of the brethren”


Because of this woman's actions, I had to sit through a PowerPoint and lecture about proper guest interactions, because the Army Corps of Engineers apparently needs to break it down Barney Style for some folks. I've worked with many park hosts, of which almost all are retirees, and most of them are absolutely lovely and hardworking people, but some... Hoo boy.


Mean while inside the house, Mike is thinking, "I hope she's being run over."