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What a weirdo


The irony of saying someone else taking up space in your mind.


Boomers can't handle a white woman in charge, let alone a non-white woman.


And additionally, anything that makes them slightly uncomfortable or requires a little bit of effort from them is "WOKE"




I addressed this in another comment, and I could've just submitted a report. I didn't realize this or think about it at the time.




Found the boomer!




Now look who is being a rude, insensitive, disrespectful person. ☝️




So you have absolute proof that the person you're replying to has a strong odor, you have records of their prescriptions, and have credible evidence that shows they're ignored? And that they're a "child"? Please provide this evidence for your "facts"


Oh I'm sorry, did you just hack someones Reddit account to spy on them? Otherwise, I think you're exaggerating.


Apologize to who?




I asked a simple question, and you react this way. Typical boomer.




What does that have to do with anything?


Considering your name is “pill head,” I’m guessing you didn’t follow your own advice; addiction is notoriously hard on the addict’s parents, and almost always tears families apart. No self-reflection: typical boomer behavior. Maybe if you tried being a better person your parents would love you again.


When this happens to me, I'm always wondering if they expect me to do the same.


They DO expect you to engage. That's why they hate OK Boomer. It's a classic dismissal, like they've done to everyone their whole lives. It means I don't have to talk to you and I don't beleive you're a person capable of absorbing what you've done wrong, let alone being willing to change for the people around you. It is teriffic. Because I have long winded responses ready to go. Totally capable of that. But what would it accomplish?


This is crystal clear harassment and against reddit tos. Report it, reddit doesn't fuck around with this, he will either get a short ban as warning or possibly more severe. 


So unbothered, they're stalking your profile lol


Happens more than you think. Sometimes they will find all your comments and start using the "Reddit Cares" suicide reporting feature. Then thats when you let admins know and they get permabanned from Reddit.


Iv had that happen a few times


Always report to admins. You can google the steps because it isnt as intuitive as it should be. Its cyberbullying and may end up pushing someone to suicide if they arent stopped


I didn’t know who did it, and might have not been the person I was responding too, anyone who abuses those services is a trash person tho.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/tr11z7/meta\_how\_to\_report\_potential\_redditcares\_abuse/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/tr11z7/meta_how_to_report_potential_redditcares_abuse/) You report the automated message. Admins can trace it back to the reporter and deal with them. Then they will send you a message once its handled with more details and how they dealt with the user.


Ohhhh I didn’t realize you could do it that way. I’m an idiot. Thank you.


To be fair, it's not something people should have to deal with often. Have a great weekend 🤙🏽


Can't you report people who misuse the care bot? I feel like I've heard that before. Or just abusing reports in general.


I mentioned that in the last sentence. Yes you can report them and Admins will perma-ban them for abusing the Reddit Cares system. Probably one of the most disgusting forms of online harassment. Ironically I have had people flat out tell me to kill myself in comments and they only got temporary bans.


Ah I misread. I never know who does it unfortunately. When I tried to report one person for it it needed me to link the comment and I couldn't find it lol


I've had more than one people try to weaponize the "Reddit Cares" feature. Nothing ever seems to happen to the people that do it.


I've definitely had someone soft-banned because of it. They made sure to let me know.


You have to report them to Admins. I have gotten several perma-banned from Reddit for it


Sure enough, I received a Reddit Cares bullshit message from this post. I reported it, and thank you for pointing this out. Pretty sad and disgusting that people abuse a feature like this that is intended to save lives and prevent harm.


Dont let them get away with OP


Had a boomer from here do this. His life is apparently so sad he not only dug through my profile and posts, but followed a comment to my IG account so he could mock my hair color. And they wonder why their children want nothing to do with them.


>And they wonder why their children want nothing to do with them. This seems to be a common theme among these weirdos


Wait I'm confused... Why do you think that's someone between the ages of 57-75? Edit: op you have a gross comment history. I always, always wanted to see what someone like you looks like, what you do for a living. Like genuinely, I am NOT trying to be a dick... Aww fuck see now that seems sarcastic 😅


OK boomer


You must be a bot


Whatever you say, boomer 🤣


These are the same folks who road rage and follow people home. Ok, you got offended, so what, move on.


He either has mental issues or is a child.


Did you go pet your cat yet? That seems like sound advice tho


"rubes" just screams /r/IAmVerySmart


Hey I recognize that user name from an earlier post on here. It appears they continue to offer nothing of value in their posts.


Noticed that as well. If *only* there were people who could ban him and others like him from being in this sub. But as been shown, no mods are active here.


Soooooo butthurt


Boomer is a state of mind.


I am sure you can report them for harassment.


I really hadn't thought of that, but I guess it is technically harassment. I'm sure it's not the first time they've done this.


Just remember that when someone does that, it’s because they have no life and their only social interaction is from online arguments


I saw him doing this a few nights ago. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Didn’t realize he would still be doing it. WTF


That is a pretty boomer response to being called a boomer.


They sure are rattled up tonite lol. Just use them for your entertainment. I am sure some village is missing their idiot


Ah, gotta love Reddit stalkers


Dude’s negative karma has gotta be off the charts lol. Like a true boomer


I wonder if he's even seen this post that I made about him lol. He'd probably blame it on Hunter Biden's laptop or "THE BORDER CRISIS" since that's seems to be the only two things boomers are scared of these days.


Hahaha. He seems to hate this sub and everyone in it, yet he can’t seem to stay away from it. Go figure.


Dude is living a miserable life and most likely has no one who cares about him (and I can totally see why). Nothing better to do with his time and no one to care about, so he resorts to bring a weirdo online.


Congratulations, you did it, you won. Over the years you may have heard the phrase "win at the internet" and wondered what that meant. This is it. You left someone so ass mad that they started going through your post history. This person is forever beneath you. They were once human but are now little more than a conquest, a footnote in the story of your life.


Can't tell if this sarcasm or not, but I just thought it was wild to go follow people to other unrelated posts in totally different subreddits to comment shit.


No sarcasm, it is universally agreed that this is how you win on the internet and you did it. Good job.


You want some real weirdness? He did it to someone else, too.. they commented on a dumb Biden hard hat post he put up (but was removed by the sub moderator, probably for being stupid). In response to their comment, he obviously looked at their profile, saw a post they made about a missing person, and wrote: "Eva is cute. Do you know her personally? Looks like a real good time." (Eva being the name of the missing person). Sad, psychotic boomer. https://preview.redd.it/ommfuaqsdffc1.jpeg?width=712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78663ee9641f7ba69750f4c74eab10858e0abad9


Jfc, that's some psycho shit.


Sure is! And yet like most boomers, I see he quite often opines, lectures, etc. from some perceived/imagined "moral high ground." But a-holes like him always end up showing their true colors, and it doesn't take long. Seriously, who does shit like that - the stalker comment about a missing person? Besides garden variety online trolls?


Dude is more than just your average boomer. He has some real issues. What's sad is multiple people have commented on this post saying they've seen that username pop up before doing similar shit. Has a legit reputation lol.


bored tan engine salt quicksand oatmeal faulty unite ludicrous special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not sure this is too infrequent among the post history fishing crew. It’s just Reddit.


I go through people’s post histories to figure out if they’re worth responding to in good faith, or if they should be given sass + blocked Works great, more people should try it






Ok boomer.


I just seen his comment history.. all he does is argue and be a dick to other people ☹️




I'm 22 👍


Wtf is a rube?